Ciência – Novos podcasts

  • It has a life of its own, our propensity to talk: always evolving, pivoting in unexpected directions. The sentence that rolled off your tongue or departed your fingertips just a second ago — along with its tone, word choice, its construction — has something especially interesting to say about our world today and years from now. Join Aaron as he tries to better understand the marvel that is language!

  • 公共八卦是一档专门八卦低碳,环境,城市,可持续发展等公共发展议题的访谈节目。在这里,我们一起联结身边在公共领域工作学习的朋友,在轻松的氛围里八卦一下这个星球和人类社会共同要面临的大小事儿。 Work for the public. Voice for the people. 工作联系lizzyzhao19@wx

  • The Opioid Matrix is a podcast for anyone looking for the latest information in the illegal drug supply chain — Beginning to end. Each episode will feature a discussion with industry experts about the current opioid crisis, including drug trafficking, drug manufacturing, drug identification, drug addiction, as well as the role of government, law enforcement, new health and social programs, and more.
    Welcome to The Opioid Matrix-A Journey into the Rabbit Hole.

  • OCA educates and advocates on behalf of organic consumers, engages consumers in marketplace pressure campaigns, and works to advance sound food and farming policy through grassroots lobbying. We address crucial issues around food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, children’s health, corporate accountability, Fair Trade, environmental sustainability, including pesticide use, and other food- and agriculture-related topics.In the U.S., OCA education campaigns reach more than two million consumers and organic businesses either through our newsletter, our social media networks or mainstream and progressive news outlets. Our U.S. and international policy board is broadly representative of the organic, family farm, environmental, and public interest community.

  • Dans ce podcast, je pars à la rencontre d'expert badass du vivant. Ils nous aideront à comprendre les grands enjeux actuels, nous donnerons des clés d'actions citoyennes et surtout l'envie d'avoir envie -euh non- enfin si un peu - et surtout l'envie de nous engager nous aussi en faveur de cette transition de société ambitieuse et passionnante ! Bonne écoute ! 
    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • Die datenSPRECHstunde ist ein Podcast für alle, die Statistik und Statistiken besser verstehen und sich nicht vom Datenwirrwarr hinters Licht führen lassen wollen. Im Zwiegespräch hierzu: die Ärztin, Anne Röhle, und der Mathematiker und Professor für medizinische Biometrie und Statistik, Ingo Röder. Beide arbeiten an der Medizinischen Fakultät der TU Dresden.

    Das Anliegen dieses Podcasts ist es, Studierenden (der Medizin, aber auch anderer Fächer) zu helfen, ihr Wissen zu festigen und zu ergänzen. Zudem möchten wir Ärztinnen und Ärzte, aber auch andere Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen dabei unterstützen, möglicherweise verlorengegangenes Wissen zu reaktivieren bzw. Neues zu erfahren. Darüber hinaus bietet der Podcast auch allen anderen, die vielleicht einfach Lust darauf haben, die Möglichkeit, einmal in das Thema Daten-Analytik hineinzuschnuppern.

    Auch wenn die einzelnen Folgen prinzipiell für sich verständlich sich, so ist es dennoch empfehlenswert, sie der Reihenfolge nach zu hören.

    Idee/Konzeption: Ingo Röder
    Redaktion/Umsetzung: Anne Röhle & Ingo Röder
    Produktion: Stephan Wiegand & Johannes Gerstengarbe
    Musik: Johannes Gerstengarbe
    Fotos: Stephan Wiegand / André Wirsig
    produziert in den BALLROOMSTUDIOS Dresden (

    Wenn Sie / ihr den Podcast insgesamt (oder auch nur einzelne Folgen) angehört haben / habt, würden uns über ein Feedback sehr freuen!
    Rückmeldungen und Anregungen können gern unter folgendem Link gegeben werden:

  • Forschungsergebnisse müssen die Öffentlichkeit erreichen, damit sie lebendig werden, und zwar nicht nur die Öffentlichkeit eines spezialisierten Fachpublikums. Dieser Aufgabe stellt sich die Forschungspublikation "Einsichten". Vierteljährlich informiert ein Forschungsnewsletter über wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse an einer der forschungsstärksten Universitäten Deutschlands – in ansprechender und verständlicher Form von Wissenschaftsredakteuren geschrieben. Eine Auswahl der Einsichten-Themen werden als Video- und Audio-Podcasts präsentiert.

  • Learn about all things nature! The crew at The Nature of Wildworks will talk about the animals ambassadors that live there and about the species they represent out in the wild.

  • River of Ideas is a podcast about greener cities and cleaner water through science and urban planning. We cover topics like green infrastructure, water quality, landscape design, ecology, environmental policy, and environmental justice. 

    You can find the video version of our podcast on our YouTube channel: 

    River of Ideas is produced by the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization, a Minneapolis-based joint-powers local government unit and one of approximately three dozen watershed organizations in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Learn more at

  • Do you worry about our world in crisis? Social inequity, polarization, shifting climates, and disappearing nature can feel like too much for any one person to take on. We’ve been there, and we found hope. On Small-Planet Heroes, we invite change-makers to share their stories of trial and triumph in trailblazing positive social change. By unpacking the lessons learned and tying them together across episodes, we hope to find the keys to a future we all wish to see. You’re a part of the solution. Tune in to find out how!

  • Episodio dedicado al planeta Tierra en conmemoración del día de la Tierra

  • Through engaging, cross-disciplinary discussions, the series delves into the scientific, social, cultural, psychological, emotional, and educational aspects of climate change and its impacts on Black children, while also highlighting the work of Black visionaries and problem-solvers who are devising innovative, effective responses to climate-related threats.

    Join us and our expert guests as we explore the intersection of climate science, informal learning theories, developmental psychology, early childhood education, and children’s media.

  • Welcome to the Georgia Forestry Forum! This is a podcast that explores trees and forests - the rich and renewable resources - and the innumerable benefits we humans get from them! Expect this podcast to cover topics that will affect YOU! We want to share how trees impact every part of your life - from the air you breathe, the water you drink, to the cost of our energy bills, and the products we use daily - and we'll tell you how our folks here at the Georgia Forestry Commission support it all.

  • "Exploring Jane Goodall's Legacy" dives into the extraordinary life and pioneering research of Dr. Jane Goodall, the world-renowned primatologist, conservationist, and humanitarian. Each episode unpacks different facets of Goodall's groundbreaking work with chimpanzees, her innovative conservation efforts, and her global impact on environmental advocacy. Through interviews with experts, colleagues, and Goodall herself, this podcast paints a vivid picture of her journey from a young girl fascinated by animals to a global icon of scientific research and environmental activism. Join us as we explore the enduring legacy of Jane Goodall's work and its ongoing influence on conservation and our understanding of the natural world.

  • This is Carbon Market Conversations: A Podcast by ICAP, giving insight into all things emissions trading and carbon pricing. Join our host Trevor Laroche-Theune as he meets with climate experts and practitioners in each episode to discuss their views on the latest emissions trading and carbon pricing developments and their impacts. Whether you are new to the conversation or a seasoned carbon pricing practitioner, ICAP's Carbon Market Conversations provides engaging discussions in an easily digestible format. Tune in to be part of the conversation driving positive change for our climate.

  • The Katie C Sawyer podcast is a reflection of the outdoors and our changing seasons. Curious about lifestyles within the outdoor industry? Katie is bringing guests to cover ranging topics from the offshore billfishing industry to bow hunting on our nation’s public lands. Looking for stimulating conversations revolved around the outdoors? We have specialized guests including, but not limited to: fishery scientist, professional freedivers, Lure aficionados, professional offshore photographers, global tournament directors, big game hunters, and so many more.

    If you have a passion for the wild, are always striving to expand your knowledge, and value the concepts behind sustainable meat harvesting, this podcast is for you.

  • Energy and climate are intertwined, two of the most important topics in the world today. Yet listeners know very little about them. This podcast aims to change that. Energy Switch brings together two renowned experts from government, NGOs, academia, and industry, with differing perspectives on important energy and climate topics.

    These lively discussions are moderated by renowned energy scientist and communicator Dr. Scott Tinker. The podcast is produced, written, and directed by Emmy-winning documentary filmmaker Harry Lynch.

  • The audio version of our weekly show on The Launch Pad Youtube channel called The Launch Pod