Hong Kong, RAE da China – Novos podcasts
Sleepytime Pups is a bedtime podcast for kids, using breathwork and calm storytelling to help young minds drift off to sleep.
www.instagram.com/sleepytime.pups -
Join two real food mamas ... so passionate we actually became lunch ladies. Let's reclaim your kitchens, and your health, one hilarious moment and delicious bite at a time.
Real estate questions and answers from two full-time real estate agents. Every week we answer your questions with an interesting real-world perspective. If you are an agent, investor, buyer or seller, ask us a question and we'll give you an answer.
Trailer ofmy podocast
Welcome to the Red Sauce Podcast with Papa Joe, where we talk about anything and everything Italian and Italian American. I’m your host, Papa Joe, head winemaker, ”il capo vinaio,” at Piazza Talarico and Papa Joe’s Wine Cellar. Joining me are my daughters, Katie (Piazza Talarico’s front of house manager and former student of Italian language and culture), and Beth (our head cook and gangster movie aficionado). New episodes drop biweekly.
Bill Kennedy of San Franciscan Roaster Co. Interviews different legends who have shaped the coffee roasting industry and influenced the range of specialty coffees enjoyed by millions of people across the United States.
Get informed. Quickly. First Thing with Kevin Manno is a brand new, daily podcast.
Every morning, Kevin will distill all of the important headlines and trends into an easily digestible, 10 minute show. -
This podcast is about YOU as a teenage girl. It’s a space to be open and honest about what’s happening for you and the subjects you want to know about, you know the ones no one else is talking about like your psychological development, behaviour, brain changes, female brain, anxiety, overwhelm, self harming etc… This is YOUR space so if there is something you want me to talk about, connect with me on insta at teen.whisperer.nature or email at [email protected]
大家好,歡迎嚟到HealingTalk嘅Podcast節目,喺呢度,你會聽到一啲輕鬆但深刻嘅分享,針對你每日生活中面對嘅情緒挑戰,無論係壓力、感情煩惱、或者一啲無法同身邊人傾訴嘅心事,我哋都會陪伴你,俾你一個可以安心傾訴嘅空間。我哋每集都會用心同你分享一啲處理情緒嘅小貼士,幫你從唔同角度睇事情,希望可以為你嘅心靈帶嚟少少安慰同支持。如果你都有興趣了解我哋嘅情緒支援服務,歡迎點擊連結了解更多: https://www.healingtalk.me/meetourteam--Hosting provided by SoundOn
Dive into the beloved world of Green Gables with "Anne of Green Gables - Dramatic Reading." Experience Anne Shirley's journey from a misunderstood orphan to a cherished member of the community. This podcast captures the magic of L.M. Montgomery's classic tale, offering listeners an enchanting escape into the picturesque world of Avonlea. Ideal for fans of classic literature and heartwarming narratives.
【IATC(HK)首個廣播劇!《劇本的回音》】念念不忘,必有回響。本地原創劇本在舞台上蕩氣迴腸,十年過去,言猶在耳。現在我們回到編劇的文字,一起收聽劇本的回音。🔊~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~國際演藝評論家協會(香港分會)獲香港藝術發展局資助進行「劇本的回音:2013-2017年香港劇本選輯與讀劇網上廣播計劃」,為本會首個廣播劇製作。本計劃旨於整理並活化香港劇場原創作品的成果,更凝聚不同界別的創作人和表演者,透過聲音演繹重探香港原創文本的活力,讓觀眾重溫香港具代表性的劇本,打開對文本的想像。本計劃經由編選委員會選出劇本,並為其撰寫短評。廣播劇呈現每個劇本約十分鐘的精彩選段,由新進導演、劇場構作、演員與聲音設計師重新演繹。廣播劇和短評將會同步推出。編選委員會由九位資深劇場工作者、劇評人及劇場研究者組成,成員包括(按筆畫序):丁羽先生、朱琼愛女士、張秉權博士、陳國慧女士、陳嘉恩博士、潘璧雲女士、鄧正健博士、鄭威鵬博士、盧偉力博士。入選劇本合共十四個,類型由傳統戲劇、獨腳戲、紀錄劇場以至新文本。評審的考慮要素包括:劇本的題材、藝術風格、語言特色、劇情推進、成熟度、完整度、代表性、可演性、多樣性,能否反映當下社會和地區的特色等。《劇本的回音》將分階段在本會的Spotify、Apple Podcast以及YouTube channel推出。🔊~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~參與計劃人員名單(按筆畫序):導演:張凱婷°、盧宜敬^戲劇構作:賴閃芳演員:申偉強、杜艷珊、林浩迪、林嘉婷、周漢寧、高翰文*、張俊文、張凱婷°、張焱*、陳琳欣、黃衍仁、楊寶霖、蔡運華、鄭綺釵、 黎啟勁、 黎逸正、盧宜敬^、謝君豪 、謝慧思、蘇巧珊錄音與聲音剪接:Lok Chan聲音剪接:陳衍昊原創音樂及音響設計:黃衍仁、簡僖進、Allison Fong錄音場地:Wave Room Studio平面設計:江田雀統籌及製作:國際演藝評論家協會(香港分會)° 承蒙一島劇場允許參與是次製作^ 承蒙劇場方程式允許參與是次製作* 承蒙香港話劇團允許參與是次製作本計劃由香港藝術發展局資助。香港藝術發展局支持藝術表達自由,本計劃內容並不反映本局意見。--Hosting provided by SoundOn
This is a podcast about all things Christianity and Anime
Podcast about a nerdy couple discussing anime and videogames.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Join us on the Geeks Word podcast as we warp through wormholes, wield lightsabers, and decipher ancient prophecies. Whether it’s exploring distant galaxies or unravelling magical mysteries, our crew of passionate geeks dives deep into the heart of science fiction and fantasy shows. Expect lively debates, quirky character analyses, and unabashed fandom enthusiasm.
🌟 What We Do:
Episode Breakdowns: We dissect the latest episodes, from Star Trek to The Expanse, unravelling plot twists and speculating on alternate timelines.Nostalgia Trips: Rewind with us to classic sci-fi gems like The Twilight Zone and Battlestar Galactica.Fantasy Quests: From dragons to wizards, we explore the realms of Game of Thrones, The Witcher, and beyond.Geeky Rants: We’ll cheer for the epic moments and call out the plot holes.So grab your sonic screwdriver, adjust your tricorder, and join us on Geeks Word—where warp speed meets whimsy! 🌌✨
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Let’s get paid with Xtra is a podcast focused on making a way for the #bts team to get Compensation for their participation in fashion shows
[email protected]
https://la-couleur-coco.com/ -
為退休生活做最好準備,做最好的自己保誠保險|退休財務會計師🪪香港註冊會計師HKICPA🪪註冊財務策劃師CFP⭐️前上市公司授權代表與董秘⭐️前四大會計師事務所審計經理⭐️退休規劃與財務策劃⭐️資深營業經理🏆保險業COT x 3年 (業界業績前0.1%)🏆保險業MDRT x 3年 (業界業績前1%)🔥力爭與日俱進的三孩之父--Hosting provided by SoundOn
Hey 我是心喻,IG郭子慢慢的創作者,所以大家也都叫我郭子,從台灣到加拿大生活已經8年了,2025年我要搬回台灣了,所以才會叫漫聊海歸,想透過Podcast跟你們一起聊聊海外生活、自我成長、與設計職涯的大小事,讓我們一起在這個節奏飛快的世界中,找到真誠與踏實的步調。在這裡我會訪問兩大類的人:1. 服務設計真心話活動的來賓,讓他們職涯大小事可以從活動中獨立出來,我們可以有更多時間在活動裡交流2. 我在加拿大相遇的貴人、導師、主管、同事與朋友們,紀錄我們之間的對話,這些人還是多少會與設計相關,但我會聊聊更廣的海外生活面向,也會有一些英文內容。不想錯過我的圖文創作,記得追蹤IG郭子慢慢 https://www.instagram.com/kuosdesign/合作邀約:[email protected] --Hosting provided by SoundOn
Welcome to Embodied Hearts, your weekly deep dive into the world of the nervous system and relationships, hosted by Rachel Staley, LCSW. This podcast is all about understanding how your body influences the way you attract and relate to others. Join Rachel and special guests for eye-opening conversations on attachment, self-love, boundaries, the nervous system, and everything in between.
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