Crianças e família – Marrocos – Novos podcasts
The crux of these stroy was all about prince and his greedyness,stay turned and enjoy the full gist
Disfruta de cuentos suaves e imaginativos diseñados para calmar y captar la atención de los más pequeños. Cada historia utiliza un lenguaje sencillo y cautivador, con temas reconfortantes, ofreciendo una experiencia de escucha sin anuncios ni interrupciones.
Se publica un nuevo episodio cada día, trayendo nuevas aventuras para hacer de cada historia antes de dormir algo especial. -
Jay Hanna "Dizzy" Dean (1910-1974) wasn't just a pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals' "Gas House Gang" in the 1930s, he was a larger-than-life character who swaggered onto the national stage and never left. Even after hanging up his cleats, Dean's booming voice and colorful personality filled the airwaves, weaving tales of baseball's golden age with folksy charm and a generous sprinkle of malapropisms.His 15-minute radio broadcasts were less about play-by-play and more about storytelling. Anecdotes flowed like a lazy Mississippi river, peppered with fan mail responses and jokes delivered with a twinkle in his eye. This was baseball through Dizzy's kaleidoscope, where "he slud into third" and "the Giants is down, two to nothin', like a cow in a cactus patch."Not everyone enjoyed Dean's unpolished brilliance. During the Depression, a group of school teachers, clutching their pearls and dictionaries, deemed him a scourge to young minds. But Dizzy, ever the charmer, simply retorted, "Let the teachers teach English, and I will teach baseball. There is a lot of people in the United States who say 'isn't,' and they ain't eating."While his star burned brightest for barely a decade, Dizzy Dean's legacy stretched far beyond his playing days. His boastfulness, his insatiable need for the spotlight, and his unfiltered joy for the game made him a legend in the golden age of baseball. Even today, his radio tales hold a nostalgic charm, a window into a time when baseball was played under a sunlit sky and stories, like fastballs, soared high and true.
Wir sind Christopher Goer und Silas Wiemann, Vater und Sohn und das ist 68/99 – eine Welt, zwei Seiten. Wir wollen voneinander wissen was in unser gemeinsame Vergangenheit gut gelaufen ist und was wir eher kritisch sehen, welche Themen uns heute bewegen und wagen einen Blick in die pädagogische Zukunft.
Viel Spaß im Generationenpodcast 68/99. -
الألبوم الثالث لمجموعة خالد بن الوليد الكشفية - صدر في عام 2018
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
هيا لنجعل ابنائنا يحبون سماع القصص باللغة العربية ليمنحهم شغف القراءة.. ونشجعهم على حبِ الكتاب.. لا حب الأجهزةِ والشاشات.. فلنستمعُ سوياً :)
Esse podcast é sobre histórias infantis
All things feminine energy, masculine energy, healthy polarity relationships and family legacy
I'm Amanda Ahorn and I'm about to tell you a story. Having had a farm and horse farm for a few decades, I have a lot to share.
For my friends, the animals and the people it is often not so easy to do everything right, but they always learn something for their lives.
And every time they have learned something they feel happier.
I wish the same for you! -
Der Barbie-Podcast ist eine Show für Kinder mit großen Träumen, Herausforderungen, die es zu meistern gilt und einem neugierigen Geist. In jeder Folge bringen euch die Moderatorinnen Barbie (aka Malibu) und Barbie (aka Brooklyn) mit bemerkenswerten Expertinnen aus der ganzen Welt zusammen. Dieser Podcast steckt voller Tips, inspirierender Geschichten und lustiger Sachen, die ihr zu Hause machen könnt. Entdeckt grenzenlose Möglichkeiten, im Barbie-Podcast, überall wo es Podcasts gibt!
Die junge tibetische Parfümeurin Punja und ihr Bruder Tashi, Instrumentenbauer und Musiker, leben seit 65 Jahren in der Auländer Stadt Laxna. 65 Jahre? Denn eigentlich stammen die Geschwister aus dem weit entfernten Land Tibet und als Hauselfen sind sie gerade einmal im Teenageralter. Wie kamen sie ins Auland? Und was hat es mit dieser Verzauberung auf sich, die ja nicht nur sie betrifft?
Im ersten Band erleben sie heftige Kämpfe in Norskot. Und welchem dunklen Geheimnis sind sie dann in Tibet auf der Spur? -
In this podcast, Brooke and Deb drink wine and chat about some of the important (and not so important) things from the week. So sit back, relax, and get your corkscrew ready!
Each episode, Alba, Elodie and their dad watch an episode of Bluey! Join the girls as they laugh and enjoy a new episode each time!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Aesop's Fables - new translation by Aesop
Aesop's Tales is an assortment of short upright stories credited to Aesop, a narrator from old Greece. Every tale highlights creatures, lifeless things, or legendary animals as the principal characters, all of which represent human qualities and ways of behaving. Through basic, drawing in stories, the tales convey moral examples that feature ideals like genuineness, graciousness, persistence, and shrewdness, while advance notice against indecencies like covetousness, pomposity, and double dealing. Striking tales incorporate "The Turtle and the Rabbit," accentuating the worth of constancy over egotism, and "The Kid Who Falsely sounded the alarm," cautioning against deceitfulness. The getting through allure of these tales lies in their immortal insight and capacity to convey significant life examples in a reasonable, open way appropriate for the two youngsters and grown-ups. -
Le Barbie Podcast est une émission destinée aux enfants qui rêvent en grand, qui ont des défis à relever ou un esprit curieux. Dans chaque épisode, nos animatrices Barbie (alias Malibu) et Barbie (alias Brooklyn) vont vous présenter des gens extraordinaires qui viennent du monde entier, et qui sont experts dans leur domaine. Ce podcast est rempli de conseils, d'histoires inspirantes et d'activités amusantes que vous pourrez faire en famille à la maison. Exploitez votre infini potentiel en suivant et en écoutant le Barbie Podcast, où que vous soyez !
حكايات رينا للأطفال هو برنامج بودكاست قصصي موجه للأطفال لزرع قيم الدين الحميدة
أول سلسلة هي سلسلة قصص الأنبياء للأطفال
الواجب علينا نشر هذا العلم والقصص لأطفال المسلمين ليخرج جيل مثق وواعي لأمور دينه ودنياه
المصدر: كتاب أنبياء الله وكتب الشيخ محمود المصري جزاه الله عنا خير الجزاء لما علمنا من قصص ديننا
فكرة وتقديم الصحافية: صابرين الجبرتي
يعود الشكر بعد الله إلى مروة وليد التي دعمتني ووجهتني للبحث عن ما يسعدني وهو كوني صحافية مقدمة لبرنامج قصصي جميل ومفيد وسليل ومسلي ومفهوم من كل الأعمار للأطفال والكبار رحمها الله وأسكنها الفردوس وإيانا. -
If you’re a kid who LOVES pretend play, then and GoKidGo’s newest podcast is your dream come true. Based on the hit YouTube channel Love, Diana, the podcast Love, Diana: Musical Mysteries will take you on a clapping, stomping, bubble beat finding adventure to The Land of Play! From musical sound safaris to dinosaur mayhem in Blocktropolis City, you’ll never want to miss a mystery!
As salem ahleykum, bienvenue sur "Encore une histoire Oumi" 🎙️✨ , le podcast qui enchante les jeune oreilles avec les histoires des prophètes et des héros de l'islam. Chaque épisode dure de 5 à 10 minutes, idéal pour le coucher ou un temps calme raconte une nouvelle histoire captivante et éducative autour des figure de l'islam. Rejoignez-nous chaque semaine pour découvrir ces récit intemporel.
Bonne écoute !
+ Rejoins moi sur Instagram : Encoreunehistoireoumi pour plus de contenu
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Aqui você vai ouvir sobre: esporte, saúde e lazer!
These weekly messages from New River Church will encourage you in your relationship with Jesus. We believe that Jesus is enjoyable and our lives are meant to overflow with His joy and hope to the world around us. We pray that you are encouraged.
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