Suécia – Novos podcasts

  • Internetpionjärerna är en podcastserie av Tele2 om när Sverige kopplades upp. I podden berättar programledaren Lina Thomsgård om händelserna och fenomenen som ledde fram till det internet vi idag tar för givet.

  • En podd om rock
    Trummisen Palle Arvidson och gitarristen Ulf Österlind samtalar om rock. Allt ifrån ungdomsupplevelser till dagens band.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • We take popular songs and separate them track by track! Hear just the Vocals, Guitar, Drums, Bass , and everything in between! You will hear popular songs like you have never heard them before!

  • Discussing Ontario Architecture, Interiors and Construction.

  • WISDOM RADIO. Featuring the WISDOM PODCAST. A conversation amongst artists, creators and owners from around the world, giving Wisdom on how they do it.

  • Spring Cleaning: A Comprehensive Guide
    As the winter frost begins to thaw and the first tender shoots of new life emerge from the soil, we humans, too, feel the irresistible urge to refresh and revitalize our living spaces. This annual ritual, known as spring cleaning, is a fascinating phenomenon that spans cultures and generations. Just as nature sheds its winter coat and embraces the fresh start of spring, we, too, seek to cast off the dust and clutter that have accumulated over the long, dark months.
    The benefits of spring cleaning are manifold, extending far beyond the mere physical transformation of our homes. As we deep clean and organize our living spaces, we also improve the very air we breathe, reducing allergens and dust that can trigger respiratory issues. But spring cleaning is not just about the tangible; it is also a powerful psychological tool. The act of decluttering and creating order in our surroundings has been shown to increase productivity, enhance focus, and promote a general sense of mental well-being.
    To embark on this transformative journey, one must first plan and prepare. Just as any successful expedition requires careful planning and the right tools, so too does the mission of spring cleaning. It is wise to set a schedule, breaking down tasks by room or area and setting realistic goals and deadlines. Gather your supplies – your all-purpose cleaners, glass cleaners, and disinfectants – and arm yourself with the proper equipment, from vacuum cleaners to mops and buckets.
    Before diving into the actual cleaning, however, there is an essential step that must not be overlooked: decluttering. Much like the way animals shed their winter coats, we must shed the unnecessary items that have accumulated in our homes. Sort through your belongings, deciding what to keep, what to donate, and what to discard. This process can be daunting, but it is crucial for creating a clean and organized living space.
    With the clutter cleared away, the true cleaning can begin. Let us start in the heart of the home, the kitchen. Here, we clean and organize cupboards and drawers, wiping down surfaces and disinfecting the spaces where we prepare our nourishment. We move on to the bathrooms, those essential spaces of personal hygiene, where we scrub and disinfect, leaving every surface sparkling clean.
    In the bedrooms, we create a sanctuary of rest and relaxation. We wash bedding, rotate mattresses, and organize closets and drawers, letting go of clothing that no longer serves us. The living room, too, receives our attention as we dust furniture, vacuum upholstery, and wash curtains, creating a welcoming space for both solitude and social interaction.
    But spring cleaning is not just about the visible surfaces; it is also about the often-overlooked details. We deep clean windows and mirrors, letting in the bright spring light. We dust ceilings and clean light fixtures, banishing the cobwebs of winter. Carpets and upholstery are vacuumed and shampooed, while air vents and filters are cleaned and replaced, ensuring the air we breathe is fresh and pure.
    As we work our way through each room, we develop a rhythm, a sense of purpose and accomplishment. The physical act of cleaning becomes a form of meditation, a way to clear not just our living spaces but our minds as well. And as we step back to admire our handiwork, we feel a sense of pride and satisfaction, knowing that we have created a clean, organized, and welcoming environment.
    But spring cleaning is not a one-time event; it is an ongoing process, a commitment to maintaining a clean and healthy living space. By creating a regular cleaning schedule, decluttering often, and involving family members in the process, we can keep our homes in top condition all year round. And by embracing eco-friendly cleaning methods and products, we not only benefit our own health but the health of the planet as well.
    As we conclude our spring cleaning journey, we emerge refreshed and renewed, ready to embrace the possibilities of the new season. Our homes, like the natural world around us, have been given a fresh start, a chance to thrive and flourish. So let us celebrate our accomplishments, revel in the joy of a job well done, and look forward to the many wonderful moments that will unfold within our newly cleaned and organized living spaces.
    In the grand scheme of things, spring cleaning is more than just a task; it is a ritual of renewal, a way to align ourselves with the rhythms of nature. By decluttering our physical spaces, we also declutter our minds and hearts, making room for growth, inspiration, and new beginnings. So embrace the transformative power of spring cleaning, and watch as your living space and your very life blossom with the promise of a fresh start. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.

  • 無佛勝有佛是一個關於德國Ausbilduung第一手資訊分享的頻道,主持人NatashaXJasmin分別正在參加德國麵包師與物流師的培訓。我們將以第一線的觀點,分享我們在德國參加雙軌制的故事。

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  • Loud Budgeting: Shouting Your Way to Financial Freedom Forget counting pennies in silence. Forget the shame and secrecy surrounding money discussions. Enter the world of Loud Budgeting, a rebellious financial trend breaking social media and revolutionizing how we talk about and manage our money. What is Loud Budgeting? In essence, Loud Budgeting is the act of openly and unashamedly vocalizing your financial goals, spending decisions, and progress. It's about shedding the stigma of frugality and celebrating financial responsibility, both with yourself and with your loved ones. Instead of whispering "I can't afford that" or hiding your budget spreadsheet, Loud Budgeting encourages you to declare your priorities and boundaries with pride. The Spark and Momentum: While the exact originator is hazy, the term "Loud Budgeting" gained traction in 2023 via TikTok. Content creators like Lukas Battle and others started advocating for transparency, sharing their budgets, savings goals, and even rejections when faced with unnecessary spending opportunities. The message resonated, particularly with younger generations facing economic uncertainty and rising costs. The Power of the Loud Voice: So, what makes Loud Budgeting such a powerful tool? Here are some potential benefits:
    Accountability and Motivation: When your goals are out in the open, you're more likely to stick to them. Sharing your progress with friends and family creates a support system and celebrates milestones.Breaking the Shame: Normalizing open discussions about money challenges the narrative that financial struggles are something to be embarrassed about. It fosters a sense of community and shared goals.Setting Healthy Boundaries: Saying "no" to unnecessary spending without apology empowers you to prioritize your financial well-being. It challenges societal pressure to keep up with conspicuous consumption.Inspiring Others: Your journey can inspire others to take control of their finances and embrace responsible spending habits. Building financial literacy together creates a ripple effect of positive change.Beyond the Hype: It's important to remember that Loud Budgeting isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. Not everyone feels comfortable with complete financial transparency, and certain cultural contexts may make it less feasible. Here are some points to consider:
    Privacy Concerns: There's a fine line between open communication and oversharing sensitive financial details. Find a balance that feels comfortable for you.Potential Judgment: Not everyone will understand or support your financial choices. Be prepared for differing opinions and focus on your own goals.Potential Peer Pressure: Loud Budgeting can become a competition if used solely for bragging rights. Remember, it's about personal progress, not public approval.The Final Shout: Loud Budgeting is more than just a trendy hashtag. It's a shift in how we interact with money, fostering responsible habits, open communication, and a supportive community. Whether you shout your savings goals from the rooftops or whisper them to yourself, remember: the real power lies in taking control of your finances and building a brighter financial future, one conscious choice at a time. Ready to join the Loud Budgeting revolution? Start by:
    Identifying your financial goalsCreating a realistic budgetSharing your journey with trusted friends or familyCheering on others who are making smart financial choicesSo, let's raise our voices (or just quietly nod in agreement) and embrace the empowering world of Loud Budgeting! Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. Remember to like and share wherever you get your podcasts.

  • This podcast is a collaboration between the National Museum of Taiwan Literature and Dr. Lee Moore in the United States. It conveys relevant information about Taiwan's literature, history, culture and society.

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  • Through the remnants of 12 years of broadcasting their signal from the wasteland, Through the Aftermath is back with the quirkiest post-apocalyptic news that's usually centered around Fallout or some obscure B movie.

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    Madame Blavatsky is perhaps most well known as a scholar of Theosophy and co-founder of the Theosophical Society. Her studies of religion, mysticism and philosophy converges in this collection of weird fiction, stories that Blavatsky considered lighter fare compared to her usual writing. In this strange collection, you will find the story of a living ghost tormenting an ex-lover from hundreds of miles away, a revelation of a murder in a most unusual way, a tale from the far east of a seer who allows the visualization of events happening from afar, an unexplainable event from the icy wastes and a gruesome story of a violin imbued with the shrieks of the dead.

  • The Jewel of Seven Stars (also published under the name: The Jewel of the Seven Stars) is a horror novel by Bram Stoker first published in 1903. The story is about an archaeologist's plot to revive Queen Tera, an ancient Egyptian mummy.

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  • De historier vi ska berätta är otroliga men ändå sanna. Här finns sanna historier om spionage. Förräderier, mord, dubbelagenter, manipulationer, avkolonisering, CIA, KGB, DGSE, BND, MI6, MI5, FBI: detta är hela den samtida historien sedd genom dess mörka sida, underrättelsetjänsten och dess hänsynslösa universum. Vi berättar bakom kulisserna om hjältarna och de anonyma kämparna i detta skoningslösa krig om information, desinformation och makt som stormakterna för mot varandra. I denna kamp finns det inga vinnare eller allierade, utan en rad diskreta segrar och ännu mer hemliga misslyckanden. Operation Fortitude, Red Orchestra, Dusan Popov, alias Tricycle, Double Cross-systemet och många andra hemliga historier presenteras för dig.

    Spioner är den nya produktionen Studio Minuit.

  • A music industry podcast featuring interviews with noteworthy names in the business, breaking down their careers, accomplishments, and thoughts.

  • Nashville On The Rocks is a podcast/show that literally mixes ROCK-N-ROLL with cocktails and mocktails! Hosted by rock-n roller/bartender Lisa Karkos at her husband's D.A. Karkos's Underdog Studio in Nashville, TN, the show features deep-dive interviews with the talented faces that make up the ever-growing rock music scene in Nashville and beyond!

  • Welcome to "The Culture No Vulture" podcast, where culture runs in our veins, and authenticity is the name of the game. Join us as we dive deep into the heart of the culture with your hosts, Joe Fatal and Boss Life Lito.

    Joe Fatal, a true hip-hop pioneer who's journey took him on tour with iconic acts like Cypress Hill, Soul Assassins, and Main Source. Alongside Joe is his son, Boss Life Lito, a music executive, creative force, and artist in his own right. His journey began at Roc Nation before he ventured out to build his music label, amassing a staggering 5 billion streams in just 5 years.

    Tune in as they offer a fresh take on hip-hop, speaking from the heart and sharing their stories, experiences, and wisdom. "The Culture No Vulture" podcast is for the people of hip-hop, by the people of hip-hop. Join us on this journey, and together, we'll keep the culture alive, thriving, and vulture-free.

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  • Emilio Araya och Sanna Dollans podcast är båda förtjusande och engagerande som förkroppsligar ärlighet, autencitet och glädje. Med en delad kärlek till Beyonce och dans ger värdarna en levande energi till sina diskussioner.Följ med när Emilio och Sanna utforskar djupet av olika ämnen och säger det alla tänker men inte vågar ta upp. Allt med humor, ärlighet och hjärta.