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    Episode Summary: In this episode Heather delves into the thought process behind why we often hold onto broken or replaced items. She shares insights from working with clients and explores how emotional attachment, overwhelm, and "just in case" thinking can lead to clutter accumulation. From kettles that sort of work to socks with holes, Heather explains why it's okay to let go of items that no longer serve you and offers practical strategies for moving forward. Tune in to learn how to break the cycle of keeping unnecessary items and feel lighter in the process.

    Key Takeaways:

    The Broken Kettle Dilemma: Heather discusses a client’s hesitation to throw away a kettle that doesn’t work well anymore, despite buying a replacement. She breaks down the emotional reasons for keeping it and why letting go can feel overwhelming.Facing Overwhelm: If an item still works "kind of" but isn't functioning fully, consider taking the first small step to fix it, like ordering a repair kit. If it doesn’t work after that, it's okay to move on.The Sunk Cost Fallacy: Holding onto expensive broken items won’t get your money back. Heather encourages listeners to listen to Episode 20 for more about this psychological phenomenon.Backup Items: Keeping a broken item “just in case” is a common but flawed mindset. Heather asks, if the new item broke, what would you actually do? Usually, the answer is just buying another new one.The Sock Dilemma: Heather shares another client’s experience with holding onto a pair of favorite but holey socks. She explores the emotional side of keeping such items, especially when they provide sensory comfort, and offers practical steps to evaluate whether it’s worth repairing or letting go.

    Practical Tips:

    When you replace an item, try to let go of the old one as soon as you can.Take baby steps with overwhelming tasks—open the new item, unwrap it, and start the process.Use apps like Olio or platforms like Facebook Marketplace to give away broken items that someone else might be able to repair or use for parts.Reframe your thoughts about backup items by asking, “If I didn’t have this, what would I do?”Be honest with yourself about whether you’ll actually repair a damaged item. If you haven’t done it yet, it’s likely you won’t.

    Call to Action: If this episode resonated with you, take a look around your home. Is there something broken or replaced that you’ve been holding onto? Maybe now’s the time to let it go. Pop into the Facebook Community and share your thoughts.

    Subscribe & Review: Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode! If you found this helpful, please leave a review on your favourite podcast platform to help others discover Decluttering Untangled.

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    Episode Description:
    In today’s episode of Decluttering Untangled, I dive into the often-overlooked chaos of bedding and share my best tips for organising it to make your life easier. From storage hacks and cleaning advice to practical solutions for physically challenging bedding tasks, I’m covering it all. Learn how to keep your duvets, pillows, and sheets under control and stop feeling overwhelmed by the mess in your linen cupboard.

    Key Takeaways:

    Duvet Hack for the Short & Petite: Use food bag clips to secure duvet corners while you wrestle them into covers.Label Your Bedding: Mark your duvets with “S” (short) and “L” (long) to avoid confusion when making the bed.Best Storage Options: Consider Ikea DIMPA bags for easy, moisture-proof storage.Declutter Old Bedding: Donate old bedding to pet shelters, Baby Basics, textile recycling, or charities but be sure to check their requirements first.How Many Sets Do You Really Need? Aim for three sets per bed: one in use, one in the wash, and one spare.Kids’ Bed Accident Hack: Layer waterproof sheets with bedding for quick middle-of-the-night changes.Organise with Pillowcases: Store bedding sets inside one pillowcase to keep everything together.Storing Tips: Keep bedding close to the bed it’s for (like under-bed storage) and add a laundry sheet to keep them smelling fresh.

    Final Thought:
    Changing bedding regularly isn’t always realistic for everyone—especially if you’ve got physical limitations like me. Don’t stress yourself if you're not doing it as often as you'd like. The goal is to declutter and simplify to make life easier, not harder.

    Stay Connected:
    Be sure to subscribe to the podcast for more practical decluttering tips, and don’t forget to join our Facebook group to share your own stories and successes!

    Link to DIMPA BAGS (Amazon UK Affiliate link)
    Link to Baby Basics (UK)

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    Episode Summary: In today’s episode of Decluttering Untangled, I’m tackling the topic of hand-me-downs. You know, those clothes and baby gear you save to pass down from one child to another? On the surface, it seems like a great way to save money and be efficient, but is it really? I work with so many parents who are drowning in clothes and chaos because of the sheer volume of stuff they’re holding onto for someday.

    Spoiler alert: I’m not the biggest fan of hand-me-downs, and I explain why. From the clutter they create, to the mental energy it takes to manage them, I share my expert opinion on when hand-me-downs might be worth it and when it’s time to just let them go.

    I also give you some practical tips and guidelines if you do want to save items for future use, and how to do it in a way that doesn’t overtake your home or your sanity.

    Key Takeaways:

    Holding onto items can cause more stress than it’s worth, and most kids need less than we think.Hand-me-downs only work well if you have a tidy, organised system in place and can actually use the items in a reasonable timeframe.Storing clothes or baby equipment for long periods often leads to damage like mould or makes them outdated and unusable.If you do decide to save items, store them properly, label everything clearly, and set reminders to actually use them before they become irrelevant.It's often easier (and cheaper) to buy second-hand items later on than to save and store them for years.

    Practical Tips:

    Check the Gap: If there's more than a 2-year age or size gap between kids, don’t hold onto clothes unless they're truly sentimental.Organise Well: Use clear plastic boxes, label them by size, and store them in a damp-proof, temperature-stable location.Set Reminders: Schedule a reminder to revisit stored items so you don’t forget about them.School Uniforms: Consider uniform swaps through school associations instead of storing them for years.Let Go: If the storage feels overwhelming, ask yourself if saving the item is helping or hurting your peace of mind.

    Get in Touch: Let me know your thoughts on hand-me-downs! Do you find them helpful or more hassle than they’re worth? Send me a message or drop by the Facebook group.

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    In today’s episode, Heather dives into the challenges of living an eco-friendly life when you’re dealing with a cluttered home. Inspired by Zero Waste Week and Clients passion on the subject, Heather shares relatable insights into how difficult it can be to maintain sustainable habits when your living space feels overwhelming - with some practical steps to be greener.

    Here’s what we cover in this episode:

    The pressure of trying to be perfect in eco-friendly living, and why it's okay to prioritise your personal well-being.Why decluttering is the first step towards a greener life, making it easier to adopt sustainable habits.Simple tips to get started with eco-friendly practices, even if you’re currently battling clutter.Realistic steps like reusing shopping bags, shopping at refill stores, and decluttering responsibly by giving away items you don’t use.Why it’s important to go easy on yourself, embrace imperfection, and focus on what’s manageable for you.Ideas on how to avoid clothing waste, from buying secondhand to donating items you’ll never repair.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Olio – a great app for sharing surplus food and reducing waste.Zero Waste Facebook groups – perfect for giving away unused items.

    Whether you're struggling with clutter, feel overwhelmed by the pressure to live perfectly green, or are looking for small, manageable steps towards an eco-friendly lifestyle, this episode has something for you. Declutter your space first, then move forward to a more sustainable, less wasteful life.

    Listener Challenge:
    Heather invites you to take a look at any items you’ve been holding onto with the intention of fixing or reusing "someday." What’s your plan to deal with them? Will you repair them, donate them, or let them go? Share your thoughts with Heather on social media or send her a message via the text me on the podcast!

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    In this episode, Heather Tingle discusses back-to-school organisation strategies. She emphasises the importance of establishing routines and designated spaces for school items such as book bags, water bottles, and lunchboxes. Heather also suggests using hooks for book bags and school shoes, as well as creating a system for kids' artwork. She provides tips for labeling school uniforms, decluttering old clothes, and setting up a breakfast station and homework area. Heather encourages parents to be kind to themselves during the transition back to school and offers reassurance that they are not alone in feeling overwhelmed.


    Introduction and Overview

    Using Hooks for Organization

    Managing Kids' Artwork

    Labeling and Preventing Loss

    Streamlining Morning and Evening Routines

    Practicing Self-Care During the Transition

    Pens for Kids Charity

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    In this episode, Heather Tingle explores the theme of control and its impact on decluttering. She discusses how lack of control can make us feel overwhelmed and like an imposter in our own lives. Heather shares her personal experience of feeling out of control in a cluttered home and how decluttering helped her regain a sense of control. She emphasises that decluttering is not a linear process and that it takes time to change habits. Heather also cautions against trying to overly control and organise our homes, as it can become unsustainable. She concludes by encouraging listeners to set boundaries and take control of their own lives.


    Lack of control can make us feel overwhelmed and like an imposter in our own lives.Decluttering can help us regain a sense of control and make everyday life easier.Decluttering is not a linear path and takes time to change habits.Trying to overly control and organize our homes can be unsustainable.Setting boundaries can help us take control of our own lives.


    Introduction: Going Deeper into Decluttering

    Regaining Control Through Decluttering

    The Non-Linear Path of Decluttering

    The Pitfalls of Overly Controlling and Organising

    Setting Boundaries to Take Control

    Conclusion: You're Not Alone

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    In this episode, Heather Tingle discusses how to manage and organise children's artwork. She emphasises the importance of not throwing away children's artwork without their consent and instead suggests displaying it in a limited space.

    Heather recommends using display options like the fridge, cork board, or DaVinci frames. Once the display space is full, she advises involving the child in the decision-making process of what artwork to keep and what to let go of. Heather also suggests turning selected artwork into photo books or memory folders and warns against creating digital clutter by photographing everything. She concludes by highlighting the importance of valuing the process of creating artwork over the end result.


    Do not throw away children's artwork without their consent; it teaches them not to trust you with their prized possessions.Display children's artwork in a limited space, such as the fridge, cork board, or DaVinci frames.Involve the child in the decision-making process of what artwork to keep and what to let go of.Consider turning selected artwork into photo books or memory folders, but avoid creating digital clutter by photographing everything.Value the process of creating artwork over the end result.


    Introduction: Do Not Throw Away Children's Artwork

    DaVinci Frames: Organising Artwork in Minimal Space

    Involving Children in the Decision-Making Process

    Turning Artwork into Photo Books or Memory Folders

    Avoiding Digital Clutter and Repurposing Artwork

    Valuing the Process of Creating Artwork

    https://www.mylittledavinci.co.uk/ - My Little DaVinci Frames - use code TINGLE at checkout to get 10% off (affiliate link)

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    In this episode, Heather Tingle explores the difference between hoarding disorder and chronic disorganisation. She explains that while hoarding disorder involves difficulty parting with possessions and significant distress, chronic disorganisation is more closely linked with ADHD and involves struggles with decision-making and maintaining organisation. Heather emphasises the importance of decluttering and creating strategies to keep on top of the home for both hoarding disorder and chronic disorganisation. She provides tips for managing chronic disorganisation, such as identifying the biggest stressor and prioritising decluttering in that area. Heather encourages listeners to be kind to themselves and seek support if needed.


    Understanding the Difference: Hoarding Disorder vs. Chronic Disorganisation

    The Expectations and End Result in Working with Different Types

    Chronic Disorganisation and its Link to ADHD

    The Importance of Decluttering

    Managing Chronic Disorganisation: Tips and Strategies

    Be Kind to Yourself: You Are Not Alone

    Hoarding Disorder - Icebreaker form to take to a GP

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    In this episode, Heather Tingle shares tips on how to pack for holidays. She emphasises the importance of decluttering before packing and highlights the benefits of having a minimalist approach to packing. Heather suggests not overpacking and only taking essentials, as most things can be sorted out if forgotten. She recommends using packing cubes and shares a tip for organising children's outfits. Heather also provides advice on creating a packing list and suggests emailing a copy of important documents to yourself for security.


    Decluttering before packing can make the process easier and more enjoyable.Take a minimalist approach to packing and only bring essentials.Use packing cubes to stay organized and maximize space in your suitcase.Create a packing list to ensure you have everything you need.Email a copy of important documents to yourself for added security.


    Introduction and the Importance of Decluttering

    Taking a Minimalist Approach to Packing

    Using Packing Cubes and Organising Outfits

    Creating a Packing List for Easy Preparation

    Ensuring Security by Emailing Important Documents


    Packing cube link (Amazon affiliate link)

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    In this episode, Heather Tingle shares a tip to help listeners leave the house with everything they need. She introduces the concept of a 'Go Draw' or 'Go Tray', a designated space where essential items for leaving the house are kept. Heather explains that this can be especially helpful for individuals with ADHD or those who dislike carrying handbags or wallets. She emphasizes the importance of having a visual reminder and suggests using a shallow box or tray instead of a drawer. Heather also encourages listeners to develop a routine of putting items back in the Go Draw or Go Tray when they come home.


    Create a designated space, such as a Go Draw or Go Tray, for essential items needed when leaving the house.Having a visual reminder is important, so use a shallow box or tray instead of a drawer.Develop a routine of putting items back in the Go Draw or Go Tray when you come home.This system can be particularly helpful for individuals with ADHD or those who dislike carrying handbags or wallets.


    Introduction and Fan Mail

    Leaving the House with Everything You Need

    Introducing the Go Draw

    Choosing the Right Container for Your Essentials

    The Importance of a Visual Reminder

    Developing a Routine for Organised Departures

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    Welcome to another episode of Decluttering Untangled with Heather Tingle. In this episode, Heather explores a critical topic: why decluttering your home quickly is not only impractical but also inadvisable. She delves into the practical and mental reasons behind this.

    Why Quick Decluttering Doesn't Work:

    Emotional Fatigue: Decluttering can be emotionally exhausting. It's not just about the physical labor; it involves making constant decisions, which can be draining.Repetition Boredom: Repeating the same tasks can become tedious, particularly for those with ADHD. Breaks are essential to stay motivated and avoid burnout.Mental Breaks: Feeling like decluttering is dragging on is a sign that breaks are needed to recharge and return with fresh energy and enthusiasm.

    Planning is Key:

    Know Your Stopping Points: Planning decluttering sessions with clear stopping points is crucial. These could be after each room or section, or before significant events like holidays or recovery periods from illnesses.Celebrate Small Wins: Recognising and celebrating progress, no matter how small, is vital. This positive reinforcement helps maintain motivation.

    Long-Term Strategy:

    A Marathon, Not a Sprint: Decluttering is a long-term project. The skills and habits developed during this process will serve a lifetime.

    The Importance of Breaks:

    Assess and Adjust: After decluttering and reorganising, take time to assess what is working and what isn't. Adjust strategies as needed to ensure spaces stay organised.Celebrate Achievements: It’s important to celebrate every win, no matter how small. This helps in maintaining a positive outlook and motivation.

    Final Thoughts: Heather emphasises the importance of patience and persistence in decluttering. It's a process that takes time and should be approached methodically. Remember, it's about creating lasting habits and skills that will keep your space organised for life. Be kind to yourself, celebrate your progress, and keep untangling.

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    In this episode, Heather Tingle discusses the irony of putting items in a safe space only to forget where they are when needed. She explores different strategies for creating safe spaces for important items, such as setting up an odds box for random bits, using technology like Apple tags and tiles, and giving every item a home. Heather also talks about organising important documents and presents, and offers tips for keeping track of tickets and reminders. The key takeaway is to find simple and accessible storage solutions that work for you.


    Create an odds box for random bits that you don't know what they're for but might need in the future.Use technology like Apple tags and tiles to keep track of items that leave the house.Give every item a home and make sure to put it back in its designated place.Organise important documents in a folder or fireproof box and make sure everyone in the household knows where it is.Designate a special hidey hole for presents and keep them in a consistent space.Staple tickets or reminders into your diary or have them in a designated paperwork folder, and set reminders to retrieve them on the day you need them.


    The Irony of Safe Spaces

    Creating an Odds Box

    Using Technology for Organization

    Organizing Important Documents

    Designating a Hidey Hole for Presents

    Keeping Track of Tickets and Reminders

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    Episode Summary:

    In this episode of "Decluttering Untangled," Heather dives into a hidden challenge that many face during their decluttering journey: decision fatigue. Discover why decision-making can be as exhausting as a marathon, and learn practical strategies to keep your energy high and your mind clear. Heather shares personal insights and actionable tips to help you stay motivated and make effective decisions without feeling overwhelmed.

    Key Topics Covered:

    Understanding Decision FatigueWhy decision-making during decluttering is exhaustingRecognising the signs of decision fatigueStrategies to Combat Decision FatigueTaking short, refreshing breaksEngaging in activities that divert your mind from declutteringPracticing decision-making to build endurancePreparing for SuccessHow to minimise decisions before your decluttering sessionThe importance of having a clear plan and exit strategy for discardsCelebrating small wins to stay motivatedPractical Tips for DeclutteringHiring a professional or having a supportive friendPre-planning decisions to save mental energyTrusting your initial decisions and avoiding second-guessing

    Heather’s Tips for Overcoming Decision Fatigue:

    Take Breaks: Step away from your decluttering project to reset your mind. Have a drink, snack, or listen to a fun song.Minimise Early Decisions: Prepare the night before by deciding on your clothes, breakfast, and other small choices to save your decision-making power for decluttering.Stay Focused: Know what you’re going to declutter and where the discarded items will go. Review and celebrate your progress before decision fatigue sets in.Avoid Overthinking: Hire a professional or have a supportive friend to help guide your decision-making process.

    Listener Challenge:

    This week, I challenge you to identify one area in your home that’s been bothering you and apply the strategies discussed in this episode. Take breaks, pre-plan your decisions, and celebrate your small wins. Share your progress in our community group on Facebook, or text me!

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    This episode of Decluttering Untangled focuses on the issue of accumulating carrier bags. Heather Tingle discusses the common problem of having a surplus of bags and the impact it can have on our lives. She encourages listeners to consider how many bags they actually need and how they use them. Heather also provides tips on organising and storing bags, as well as suggestions for letting go of excess bags. The episode emphasises the importance of decluttering and offers support and encouragement to listeners.


    Evaluate how many carrier bags you actually need and useConsider alternative options for storing and organising bagsLet go of excess bags by donating to charity or recyclingBe kind to yourself and aim for a less cluttered home, not perfection


    The Problem of Accumulating Carrier Bags

    Assessing How Many Bags You Actually Need

    Tips for Organising and Storing Bags

    Letting Go of Excess Bags

    Aiming for a Less Cluttered Home

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    Welcome to another episode of Decluttering Untangled! In this episode, Heather Tingle tackles a common challenge faced by many: how to declutter when your home is already full to the brim. If you're feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in your space and don't have the space to declutter and group items together, then this episode is for you. Heather shares practical strategies and actionable tips to help you create pockets of space and begin your decluttering journey, even when it seems impossible.


    Declutter the items that are within reach and being used frequently to create little pockets of space.Use temporary storage solutions, such as plastic boxes, to temporarily house items while decluttering.Zoning in full areas by moving one item at a time to its designated place can help in the decluttering process.Avoid using storage companies unless you have a definite deadline to bring the items back home.Even in a full home, decluttering is still possible with patience and strategic organisation.

    Sound Bites

    "What do you do when you've got no room to get the stuff together?""Create little pockets of space so that they can be accessible in the places they should be.""Creating a walkway or an extra space is important to tackle a full home."


    Introduction: The Challenge of a Full Home

    Creating Little Pockets of Space

    Creating a Walkway or Extra Space

    Avoiding the Trap of Storage Companies

    Zoning in Full Areas

    Conclusion: Decluttering is Possible

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    Introduction: Heather Tingle welcomes listeners to another episode of "Decluttering Untangled," inspired by her recent experience with her daughter's birthday and the abundance of greeting cards that followed. She shares her past struggles with managing greeting cards and promises to guide listeners through the process of decluttering their own collections.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Understanding the Sentimental Value:Greeting cards fall under the sentimental category, often tackled later in the decluttering journey.Importance of having a memory box for sentimental items to keep them safe and organised.Mindset and Reasoning:View each card as an individual item, not a collective burden.Recognise the gift in the act of giving, not the card itself.Most people don't spend as much time choosing cards as we might think; they're meant to be enjoyed and then disposed of.Practical Tips for Decluttering Greeting Cards:Set a Display Time Limit: Decide how long to keep cards on display (e.g., two weeks, a month).Assess Each Card's Value: Consider who gave the card and the sentiment behind it. Only keep those that truly bring joy or hold significant meaning.Alternative Solutions: Repurpose cards into gift tags or collages, photograph them to create a digital photo book, or consider sending e-cards or heartfelt messages instead.

    Additional Tips:

    For those who enjoy sending physical cards, sign up for reminder services or set personal reminders to ensure timely delivery.Evaluate the emotional response each card evokes. If it brings negative feelings, it's okay to let it go.

    Conclusion: Heather encourages listeners to reflect on their greeting card collections, enjoy the memories they bring, and make mindful decisions about what to keep. She invites feedback and interaction from her community, offering support and connection.

    Call to Action: Listeners are encouraged to share their thoughts and experiences with decluttering greeting cards by texting Heather or leaving comments. Heather reminds everyone to be kind to themselves, recognise they are not alone, and keep untangling their lives.

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    Episode Description: In this episode of Decluttering Untangled, Heather Tingle addresses the emotional and practical aspects of decluttering book collections. Drawing from her experience as a qualified librarian and a decluttering expert, Heather provides valuable advice on managing book clutter without sacrificing your love for reading. Tune in to discover strategies for organising your books, making mindful decisions about what to keep, and how to let go of books without guilt.

    Episode Highlights:

    Personal Connection to Books:Heather’s background as a librarian and her love for books.The importance of not viewing your books as a singular collection but as individual items.Practical Steps for Decluttering Books:Gather all your books in one place to see the total volume.Sort books into categories (e.g., cooking, fiction, reference, children's books) to make comparison easier.Reality vs. Fantasy Self:Distinguishing between books you realistically use and those kept for an idealised version of yourself.Heather’s personal example of owning numerous cookbooks despite hating cooking.Space and Accessibility:Avoid double-shelving and stacking books horizontally to prevent a cluttered look.Ensure books are accessible and organised so you can easily find and enjoy them.Worthiness and Interest:Question if you are keeping books because they seem “worthy” (e.g., classic literature) rather than because you enjoy them.Focus on books that genuinely excite you and bring you joy.Utilising Alternatives:Consider using Audible or online libraries if reading physical books is challenging.The importance of accommodating your needs without guilt.Time and Prioritisation:Assess how much time you actually spend reading.Be realistic about your reading pace and prioritise books you are genuinely excited to read.Outdated Reference Material:Let go of outdated reference books, manuals, or travel guides that no longer serve a practical purpose.Keep travel guides only if they hold sentimental value as memory triggers.Evaluating Worth:Check the actual value of old or first-edition books on platforms like eBay or consult a local auction house.Remember, books are only worth something if you sell them, not if they sit gathering dust.Donating and Selling Books:Consider donating kids' books to schools, nurseries, or libraries.Sell books individually or in bundles on platforms like Facebook Marketplace or Amazon.Use apps like Ziffit for a quick and easy way to sell books.

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    Episode Description:
    In this episode of Decluttering Untangled, Heather Tingle dives into the topic of buying multiples of the same item. She shares personal anecdotes and insights on when it's beneficial and when it can lead to clutter. Heather discusses the psychological triggers behind buying more than needed and provides practical advice on making mindful purchasing decisions to maintain a decluttered home.

    Key Takeaways:

    Mindful Buying:

    Assess if buying multiples is truly necessary or just an impulse.
    Consider the storage space and the hassle of managing extra items.

    Quality Over Quantity:

    Ensure the quality of items before buying in bulk.
    Avoid buying multiples just because they are on sale if they won’t be used frequently.

    Personal Peace:

    The value of a decluttered space often outweighs the savings from buying in bulk.
    Maintain peace of mind by buying only what you need and can manage.

    Special Circumstances:

    If an item is essential and hard to come by, buying extra can be justified.
    Ensure you have a system in place to store and use these items efficiently.

    Listener Interaction:
    Heather encourages listeners to reflect on their own buying habits and share their experiences or strategies for mindful purchasing. She invites feedback on the episode and suggestions for future topics.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, rate, and review on your favorite podcast platform. Remember, you're not alone in your decluttering journey. Keep untangling and be kind to yourself!

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    In this episode, Heather Tingle discusses strategies for decluttering when dealing with social anxiety and anxiety in general. She shares her personal experiences and offers tips for navigating decluttering tasks that may trigger anxiety. Some strategies include finding alternative ways to donate items, using Google Maps and Street View to familiarise yourself with locations, building relationships with charity shop staff, and utilising online communication methods instead of phone calls. Heather emphasises the importance of accommodating your needs and not beating yourself up for needing extra support.


    Strategies for Decluttering with Social Anxiety

    Alternative Donation Methods to Alleviate Anxiety

    Using Online Resources to Navigate Decluttering Tasks

    Building Relationships with Charity Shop Staff

    Managing Phone Calls and Communication Anxiety

    Accommodating Your Needs in the Decluttering Process

    Join my free Declutter Community for real support, tips and advice from Heather and other Untanglers that are just like you!

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    In this episode of "Decluttering Untangled," host Heather Tingle explores the common tendency to save things for special occasions and the impact it has on our lives and homes. Drawing from personal experiences and observations, Heather shares insights into why it's essential to break free from this habit and embrace using the special every day.

    Key Points:

    The "Saving for Best" Syndrome: Heather reflects on her own past habit of saving the best parts of food for last, only to miss out on enjoying them due to feeling too full. She parallels this with the common practice of saving items for special occasions, such as fine crockery and heirlooms, which often end up gathering dust and going unused.

    The Burden of Perfectionism: Heather discusses the fear and perfectionism associated with preserving items for best, highlighting how this mindset can prevent us from experiencing joy in our everyday lives. She emphasises the importance of reframing these beliefs and recognising the fundamental purpose of the items we cherish.

    Practical Examples: Using personal anecdotes, Heather illustrates the consequences of saving items for best, such as perfume spoiling over time and cherished possessions becoming damaged or ruined. She encourages listeners to reconsider their approach to using and enjoying the things they value.

    Creating Meaningful Connections: Heather emphasises the significance of using cherished items regularly, rather than relegating them to storage. She shares memories of her grandparents and how witnessing their enjoyment of special possessions created lasting connections and meaningful experiences.

    Embracing Self-Worth: Heather challenges listeners to confront feelings of unworthiness associated with using luxury items, advocating for self-care and self-expression through everyday indulgences. She encourages wearing special attire, using fine crockery, and enjoying luxury items without waiting for a special occasion.

    The Freedom of Letting Go: Heather emphasises the liberation that comes from letting go of the need to preserve items for best, urging listeners to embrace the joy of using and appreciating their possessions every day. She shares personal anecdotes of broken items that brought less regret when they had been enjoyed regularly.

    In conclusion, Heather encourages listeners to break free from the "saving for best" mindset and embrace the luxury of everyday living. By reframing our relationship with cherished possessions and prioritising joy over perfectionism, we can create a more fulfilling and authentic life. Remember, be kind to yourself, you're not alone, and keep untangling.

    Join my free Declutter Community for real support, tips and advice from Heather and other Untanglers that are just like you!

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