
  • When was the last time you looked at your life just to find the miracles?

    You might not think it's a good use of your time, but in today's episode, I'm going to share with you why I think it's one of the best ways to spend your time.

    Because when you can find the miracles in your life, especially in your past, then you'll have little to no trouble handing your (or your children's) future over to God.

    And when you can trust God with the future of your family, then every single day becomes so much more beautiful and doable.

    Grab your earbuds and let me share my story about how St. Padre Pio helped me start my coaching practice, and other miracles, in today's episode: The Miracles of Your Life with St. Padre Pio!

  • If you are prone to resisting or avoiding something uncomfortable, like prioritizing yourself, asking for what you need, planning your time, or saying No to someone...

    ...then you're going to want to listen to this episode.

    I'm going to walk you through a deeper understanding of the impact of your emotions and how to start using them as currency to create the experience you want to be having of your homeschool life, instead of letting them keep you stuck.

    This is a powerful episode that you're not going to want to miss, so grab your earbuds and let's dive in!

    Click here to come with with me!

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  • Between putting out fires, constant interruptions, and legitimately more time needs than there are hours in the day it can feel like there's too much to do and not enough of you.

    I need to get better at time management! is one of the most common complaints I hear from homeschooling mamas, but they never know where to start...because everything feels so painful.

    Which is why I've taken the most common time management mistakes I see and boiled them down into the five most problematic areas of time management, so that you can figure out exactly where you need to start.

    Click here to join my email list and stay in touch!

    THIS WEEK I'll be teaching how to solve for the Top 10 Time Management Mistakes including the specific steps for Time Auditing, Planning, Calendaring, Evaluating, and managing your own negative thoughts and emotions about you, your life, and the time God has given you.

    Get all the details HERE and join us for both workshops this week!

  • If you have anxiety around how much you have to do and frustration over not having enough time to do it all in, then I have a short and sweet podcast episode just for you today!

    Because the thought, there’s not enough time, is one of the biggest MYTHS you are likely believing…

    …and it’s just not true.

    In fact, that thought is actually covering up a different, bigger concern that you don’t even know is in your brain.

    So, in today’s episode, I’m going to shed some much needed light into this dark area of anxiety and frustration that every homeschool mom I know struggles with, so you don't stay stuck there any longer.

    ​​​​​​​Grab your earbuds and join me for today’s short episode: #1 TIME MYTH That’s Keeping You Stuck.

    CLICK HERE to register for my brand new live masterclass This Friday, September 6, 2024, How to Steward Your Time Like a Saint.

    Registering for the class ensures that you get the zoom delivered to your inbox on the morning of the class, as well as the replay after the class is over, in case you can't make it in person!

  • Some of my worst homeschooling days have been the ones where I have lost my peace over every little thing.

    Like repeating myself for the nth time, being interrupted left and ride, and feeling like we were never going to finish an entire day's plan within one school day.

    On my worst days I have felt overwhelmed, angry, inadequate...and deeply believing that I was ruining my kids.

    And in today's episode of the Happy, Holy Mama Podcast, I share with you the one thing that shifted everything for me and my family...and how you can do it, too, today.

    Grab your earbuds and join me for: How to Turn a Rotten Homeschool Day into a Beautiful Memory.

    Work with me HERE.

    Watch Intro to Loving Your Homeschool Life HERE.

  • You might be a homeschooler who doesn’t like to look too far ahead into the future, because it feels overwhelming to plan more than a few weeks in advance.

    If that’s the case, then, unfortunately, you might also be someone who struggles at the end of the year if you don’t up where you had hoped to in May.

    That’s because when you don’t think about what you want the end result to look like, then:

    You won’t know how to get there and

    You won’t know when you’ve arrived.

    So spending time at the beginning of a new school year thinking about what you want the end of the year to look like is a highly valuable use of your time!

    Because when you know what you want it to look like at the end, then you’ll be able to break down the steps to get there, which will help you know what to do today.

    Which means you’ll waste less time, be less overwhelmed in the long run, and have a more productive school year!

    In today’s episode of the Happy, Holy Mama Podcast, I’ll walk you through why you want to define your goals, the steps to define your goals, and the mindset it takes to reach them.

    Grab your earbuds and join me for: Defining End of Year Goals for Today’s Success.

    Work With Me HERE!

  • If you've ever spent the Sunday morning drive to mass dreading other people seeing your hot mess family and fuming that you're running late, you have probably tried to fake-it-til-you-made-it as you arrived.

    Likely to find that it didn't last long, because it just doesn't feel genuine and takes a significant amount of energy, that you probably just didn't have left.

    In today's episode, I'm going to share with you the difference between the fake-it-til-you-make-it mindset and the Acting As If mindset and why Acting As If will be one of the fastest ways to start making internal change.

    Work with me here.

    Book a free Consult Call with me here.

  • Too many mamas get stuck in runaway train type thinking that sounds so true that you often don't question it.

    I also often see too many well meaning friends try to combat that thinking by disagreeing with it entirely, which doesn't always feel right to you, if those thoughts have a smidge of truth in them.

    Thoughts like:

    I can't do this.

    I am no good at this.

    I am ruining them.

    They would be better off in school.

    And others.

    These thoughts feel so rotten, because they sound so, so true.

    They FEEL so, so true.

    And it's honestly not useful to argue with them in order to change them.

    But I don't want you living under the weight of those thoughts any longer, either, because they're are what are keeping you disconnected, frustrated, and unhappy!

    That's why, in today's podcast episode, I share with you the ways I prefer to respond to those thoughts that is rooted in an even bigger, deeper truth.

    Borrow these new thoughts that I offer you whenever you get stuck in that Scarcity Mindset in the future and come back to listen to this episode as often as you need it!

    Get the details for how we can work together here: https://fiatlifecoaching.com/membership

    Subscribe to the Fiat Life Coaching email list here: https://fiatlifecoaching.com/subscribe

  • We all have a money story.

    For some of us it's a story of pain and deprivation and scarcity.

    For some of us it's different. Easier, lighter, and less fear around money.

    Regardless of what your history with money is, what you tell yourself about it now, is absolutely impacting your money decisions.

    And my guest on this week's podcast episode wants to tell you how to start changing your story, have more financial freedom, and teach your kids how to create their own story, starting in your homeschool.

    Grab your earbuds and join me and my very special guest, Amanda Teixeira from Wallet Win, as we discuss: Catholic Money Mindset.

    Find Amanda at https://walletwin.com/

  • How do you handle failure? Have you ever clarified what that looks like for yourself?

    I'm guessing probably not! Well, the problem with not knowing the specifics of HOW you do something is that then you don't know what to do DIFFERENTLY.

    That's exactly what I'm talking about in today's podcast episode!

    I'm going to walk you through a short exercise I led the Happy, Holy Mama Members through during Planning Week 2024 to unpack the feeling of "failure" and gave them a process for how they could handle it better.

    So, if you don't love the way you experience failures in your life and want to do it better, grab your earbuds and join me for: How to Handle Failure Better!

    Book a Free Consult Call here.

    Grab your free Happy, Holy Homeschool Blueprint here.

    Join the Happy, Holy Mama Membership and watch the replays of Planning Week here.

  • Pilar, mama of 3, joins me on the podcast this week to share her experience in going from being a full time OB/GYN to a full time stay at home mom and homeschooler!

    She bravely and lovingly shares her heart for our Lord, with the deep connection to our Lady, and how they've led her through this time of change and growth, especially in caring for her oldest child, who is neurodivergent.

    Whether you think your personality just isn't quite right for the work God is calling you to do, or you're trying but feel like you're ruining it, Pilar's story has something for everyone.

    Please grab your earbuds and join us as Pilar so generously shares her journey to Cultivate the Home, as the Lord is calling her, and you, to do.

    Join me and Pilar in Happy, Holy Mama!

    We are diving into Planning Week THIS WEEK!

    5 days of workshops and coaching on essential tools, concepts, and skills that will make your homeschool more enjoyable this year!

    PLUS lifetime support as you implement your plans from her through this finish line.

    Join Happy, Holy Mama HERE to jump into Planning Week (replays are available to start now even if you're 'late' to the party, we'll catch you up!)

  • If you have ever felt tension in your jaw, neck, shoulders, or tightness in your chest and shortness of breath, and ready to throw in the towel, then I'm willing to bet you know what it feels like to be burnt out.

    Or at least on the verge of burnout.

    In today's episode I dive into some of the reasons you are, or have been, burnt out, most of which boil down to you trying to do a job that doesn't belong to you.

    I'm going to give you a job description that the Lord gave me when I asked HIM what our job is as a Catholic homeschooler, and it might surprise you.

    Grab your earbuds to join me for today's podcast and then go sign up for my NEW masterclass this Wednesday called How to Prevent Burnout and Love Your Homeschool! Sign up HERE for the class!

  • Parenting teens is hard enough, but did you know your mindset is what makes it feel better or worse?

    Yep, it's not just about their hormones, big feelings, and outbursts...

    ...the way you show up with them is what will make or break your relationship with them.

    You have more power than you know, mama! Let me tell you all about it!

    Grab your earbuds and join me in today's powerful podcast, which is like a mini-masterclass in and of itself, to learn my five favorite mindset shifts to improve your relationship with your teenagers!

    Speaking of masterclasses, join me for my newest free masterclass: How to Prevent Burn Out and Love Your Homeschool! Click HERE to register for the new masterclass!

    Click here to join Happy, Holy Mama right now to get in before Planning Week, July 15-19th to plan your year with peace, confidence, and SUPPORT. And as a lifetime member, you'll have support throughout the entire year as your implement your plans now and all the way through the finish line!

  • When she first reached out to begin coaching, Michaela just wanted to stop yelling and get more organized.

    In this week's episode of the Happy, Holy Mama Podcast, Micheala and I walk through how coaching helped her reach those intial goals, and also how it helped her through some of the trials she's experienced over the last few years while she was working toward them.

    Like giving birth to her sixth child just a couple of months after her mother passed away, and how coaching supported her, and continues to support her, to the point to where she's now thriving!

    Michaela so beautifully shares what's been the most beneficial for her to learn and her favorite coaching tools that she practices still that help her maintain her progress, which she hopes will serve you, too!

    Finally, Michaela shares some of the more surprising results of this work that she's had through some of these intensely hard moments. Results that happen for my clients more often than not after we work together and that you might be interested to hear.

    Grab your earbuds and join us as Michaela and I discuss her inspirational journey: Embracing the Vocation of Motherhood.

    Get the details for the Happy, Holy Mama Membership by clicking this link!

  • There's always something that needs to be done, which can drive moms a bit batty, prevent you from taking a much needed rest, and drive you to overwork.

    The urge you feel to get up and tidy or finish a project when you should be resting is exactly what I'm diving into today on the Happy, Holy Mama Podcast.

    In this week's short and sweet episode I talk about some of the common thoughts fueling those urges and I'm giving you a few simple steps to try the next time you notice you're overworking.

    Listen to today's episode to learn how to have a better experience of the work you choose to do and feel more confident to say no to work to prioritize rest.

    Get your access to Catholic Homeschool Essentials by clicking this link to dive into invaluable life coaching tools to make what you start in this episode deeper to enjoy your homeschool summer break even more.

  • This week’s episode truly feels like going on a Catholic homeschooling retreat!

    My client Robin, Happy, Holy Mama of 4, joins me on the podcast this week and, oh my, what a wealth of wisdom and goodness she is!

    Robin shares her story that did not start out as a homeschool journey, but that once God called her family to homeschooling, it’s been a source of growth and learning, not just for her kids, but for her as well.

    She generously shares about her struggles with dyslexic children, fighting a scarcity mindset of not feeling adequate for the job of teaching her own children, and how God brings her back to the path He wants her on over and over again through our work together.

    Join us today and take a deep, relaxing breath as Robin describes the incredible joy and goodness that homeschooling can be, even through trials.

    Grab your earbuds and listen to this inspirational episode: Cultivating Joy and Freedom in Education!

    Join the Happy, Holy Mama Membership HERE to join us this Thursday, June 13, 2024 for our next monthly workshop where we'll be diving into how to not absorb your children's behavior!

  • Worried about your homeschooled kids losing their knowledge or skills during the summer?

    What you might be more worried about is what you might have to go through this fall, if your kids slide backwards in their knowledge and skills...

    ...both of which you worked very hard to help them earn this year!

    If you're looking at making some decisions about whether or not to do some school work over the summer, then I'd like to invite you to spend a little time with me in today's podcast episode where I'll walk you through a different way to think about it, so you're making that decision with clarity instead of worry.

    I'll also walk you through the steps to take to avoid the summer slip, if you decide to do some school, so you can keep making progress toward educational goals and still take a much needed summer break!

    Click here to get Catholic Homeschool Essentials

  • One of the most infuriating things moms go through is trying to problem solve without knowing what the actual problem is or what to work on.

    This is even more challenging and frustrating when there's an internal issue that you're unaware of and so it feels like nothing you do works.

    In today's podcast episode I talk a little about my own experience before I made some significant changes and how homeschooling, though it was an answer to God's call for our family, didn't magically solve my problems.

    I explain what I learned over years of trial and error that I now each my clients how to do faster with life coaching tools so that you can work on the areas you need to work on and implement solutions that are right for you...not just what worked for me.

    In today's episode I'll walk you through the top three areas to work on to drastically improve your homeschool experience and share with you the eight essentials I teach my clients to help them have the biggest transformations with the fastest results.

    Results like feeling calmer, connecting more, not absorbing other people's emotions, and stewarding the precious time God gives them, better.

    All of which help you have more awareness of what's going on and problem solve at a higher level, to serve God better, through your family.

    Grab your earbuds and listen to dive into: What to Work on to Drastically Improve Your Homeschool Experience.

    And because I believe so deeply that these eight essentials tools, concepts, and skills can help you, too, I put my best teachings into a brand new digital course to help you get started with the work I do, in this struggling economy.

    And to celebrate the launch of this new course, Catholic Homeschool Essentials is $100 OFF for this week only!

    Which means that until June 2, 2024 you can learn these essential life coaching tools for only $97!!

    Find all the details for Catholic Homeschool Essential HERE!

  • Want a chance to win a FREE ticket to this year's Catholic Homeschool Conference?!

    All you need to do is share the Happy, Holy Mama Podcast with your friends, family, on social media, wherever you feel good to do so!

    You can also leave a review on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or any of your favorite listening platforms.

    This does not have to be a glowing review, just an honest one, please! If you love it, though, please throw in as many stars you believe the podcast deserves as this helps others find and be served by the podcast a little easier!

    THEN, please shoot me an email to [email protected] to tell me all the ways you shared or where you left reviews and I will enter your name into the drawing for each of the ways you supported the podcast!

    This is entirely on the honor system and is just my way of saying THANK YOU for being an incredible listening community and get a chance to serve more Catholic homeschool mamas at this year's incredible event!

    I will draw the winner THIS FRIDAY, May 24, 2024 at 9pm PDT and I will email the winners shortly thereafter.

    Speaking of which, today's episode is such a treat! This week I welcome back Maureen Wittmann, one of the co-founders of Homeschool Connections, who also founded and continues to run the Catholic Homeschool Conference!

    As always, we had such a delightful conversation about being Catholic homeschoolers and how the work she does for both platforms got started and how they continue to meet the needs of thousands of Catholic homeschoolers every single year!

    If you're looking for excellent resources, make sure you check them out.

    If you'd like to guarantee you have a ticket to the conference and want a discount, please use the code HSC10OFF at checkout to receive $10 off your ticket price. And then you share your free ticket with a friend if you're a raffle winner!

  • Are you tired of policing your kid's work, checking on them over and over to make sure they've finished it?

    Are you tired of struggling with a kiddo who doesn't WANT to do the work you've assigned and seems to be entirely unmotivated?

    Or do you have a teen who doesn't seem to care about what they do or don't do and you're not even sure they'll graduate?

    If you answered yes to any of those questions, then today's podcast episode is for you!

    Today I'm going to walk you through four different scenarios of times when your child's goals will save YOU a tremendous amount of effort and heartache.

    And if your child doesn't have goals yet, I'll walk you through how to help them make their own (which is the secret sauce for those goals actually being acheived)!

    Grab your earbuds and let's talk about Helping Your Child or Teen Create Their Own Goals AND Reach Them!

    Check out all the details for the Happy, Holy Mama Membership on my beautiful new website here!

    Grab your Homeschool Blueprint here!