Ensino – Egito – Novos podcasts

  • Welcome to All About Hair, your ultimate destination for all things hairstyling! Hosted by seasoned industry veteran and former award-winning salon owner with 30 years of experience, Danise Keilitz, our podcast is your one-stop-shop for comprehensive hair education.

    Whether you're a newbie craving basic knowledge or a seasoned stylist seeking advanced techniques, we've got something for everyone. Our tutorials cater to diverse audiences, offering accessible and inspiring education.

    Drawing from decades of expertise, we unveil insider tips, industry secrets, and cutting-edge techniques to help you become a hairstyling pro. From classic cuts to trendy styles, we cover essential tools, hair care, color theory, and specialized techniques for different hair types.

    Our commitment to accessibility is evident in our user-friendly tutorials, designed for easy learning anytime, anywhere. Join our vibrant community of hair enthusiasts worldwide to share successes, seek advice, and connect with like-minded individuals.

    Subscribe to All About Hair today and embark on a journey to master the art of hairstyling with us! Let's celebrate the beauty of hair together.
  • As a health and fitness coach, you’ve got a passion for helping your clients live healthy, vibrant lives. Sharing your passion, Registered Dietitian and Business Mentor, Valerie Elhurr, offers her expertise so you can attract qualified leads for your online coaching business, convert those leads into premium coaching clients, make a bigger impact and become financially successful.

    Registered Dietitian and Business Mentor, Valerie Elhurr, is passionate about helping coaches create full time income doing what they love - coaching! She enjoys helping health and fitness coaches grow their businesses so they can serve more clients and make a bigger impact, while creating more happiness and wealth in their own lives.

  • The Art of Leadership with Dr. Niña Ellison focuses on the soft skills of leadership, their value and the power of their influence. As a leader, if you are interested in moving from success to significance then balancing both hard and soft skills is essential!

    Hard skills are demonstrated through technical expertise that results in clearly measured goals being reached. They are vital to the success of any initiative or program. On the other hand, soft skills emphasize the transformation of people. They highlight behavioral changes and making a difference in people’s lives.

    This podcast is for leaders who are seeking a fresh perspective into some of the hardest soft skills a leader will ever learn. You can connect with Niña at https://www.ninaellison.com

  • Are you ready to have the perfect interview? Whant to have the job of your dreams? With this secrets every company will want you!

  • The unlimited student is a podcast that features conversations between Arab , who share their stories of how they applied to success in school and their live , some tools to help and the curious question that came up to the student. The podcast is hosted by kirellos

  • POTENSI ANCAMAN TERHADAP KETAHANANNASIONAL DI ERA GLOBALBeberapa Ancaman Dalam dan Luar Negeri1. Ancaman dari dalam Negeria.Disintegrasi ban : Sentimen kesukuan atau pemberontakan akibat ketidakpuasan daerah terhadap kebijakan pemerintah pusat melalui gerakan gerakan separatis. Contoh: Berbagaipemberontakan PKI, RMS (Republik Maluku Selatan), PRRI Permesta dan juga gerakan sparatis di Timor- Timur yang pernah menyatakan dirinya berintegrasi dengan Indonesia, meskipun akhirnya kenyataan politik menyebabkan lepasnya kembali daerah tersebut. Ancaman sparatis dawasa ini ditunjukan dengan banyaknya wilayah atau propinsi di Indonesia yang menginginkan dirinya merdeka lepas dari Indonesia seperti Aceh, Riau, Irian Jaya, dan beberapa daerah lain begitu pula beberapa aksi provokasi yang mengganggu kestabilan kehidupan sampai terjadinya berbagai kerusuhan yang diwarnai nuansa etnis dan agama.b.Keresahan sosial akibat ketimpangan kebijakan ekonomi dan pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia yang pada gilirannya dapat menyebabkan huru-hara/ kerusuhan massac.Upaya penggantian ideologi PancaSila dengan ideologi lain yang ekstrim atau yang tidak sesuai dengan jiwa dan semangat perjuangan bangsa Indonesia.d.Potensi konflik antar kelompok/golongan baik akibat perbedaan pendapat dalam masalah politik, maupun akibat masalah SARA. Contoh : Warga muslin dan Kristen saling berhadapan dalam kasus Ambon 9/11e.Makar atau penggulingan pemerintah yang sah dan konstitusionalf.Masalah kependudukan yang mempengaruhi ketahanan nasional :Jumlah penduduk; pertambahan jumlah penduduk dipengaruhi oleh mortalitas, fertilitas, dan migrasi. Segi negatif dari pertambahan penduduk adalah bila pertambahan ini tidak seimbang dengan tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi dan tidak diikuti dengan usaha peningkatan kualitas penduduk sehingga akan menimbulkan permasalahan sosial seperti pengangguran yang langsung maupun tidak langsung akan melemahkan ketahanan nasional. 2. Ancaman dari luar negeriGangguan dari luar adalah gangguan yang datangnya dari Negara lain. a.Adanya negara lain yang ingin menguasai pulau-pulau kecil yang masih berada di dalam wilayah NKRI namun dekat dengan wilayah negara lain. Contoh: kasus perebutan pulau sipadan dan ligitan dengan Negara Malaysiab.Potensi ancaman dari luar lainnya adalah dalam bentuk "penjarahan" sumber daya alam Indonesia melalui eksploitasi sumber daya alam yang tidak terkontrol yang pada gilirannya dapat merusak lingkungan atau pembagian hasil yang tidak seimbang baik yang dilakukan secara "legal" maupun yang dilakukan melalui kolusi dengan pejabat pemerintah terkait sehingga meyebabkan kerugian bagi negara. Contoh: Kasus Freeport diPapua, kasus PT Newmont di NTTGangguan dari luar tampaknya akan lebih berbentuk upaya menghancurkan moral dan budaya bangsa melalui disinformasi, propaganda, peredaran narkotika dan obat-obat terlarang, film-film porno atau berbagai kegiatan kebudayaan asing yang mempengaruhi bangsa Indonesia terutama generasi muda, yang pada gilirannya dapat merusak budaya bangsa.

  • תוכנית עסקי המזון של ישראל "חוכמת האוכל" תדריך אתכם איך להקים ולהפעיל את עסק האוכל שלכם ולהצליח
    תוכנית הרדיו החברתי הראשון

  • This podcast is dedicated for who wants to motivated all time , it help to find them their goals and niche in particular field by listening these story and quotes .its going to be very helpful for all kind of age group . While listening the story and quotes podcast, people imagine themselves as they play lead role in particular story they should learn lot of things from the story and implement in their real life ,and they should feel all the characters in story by their inner heart . If they do that while listening podcast ,I m sure it's going to very helpful in your life

  • فكر - الحكاية بشكل جديدمبادرة إعلامية منبثقة عن مركز رواسخ مختصة بالقضايا الفكرية ومعالجتها برؤية شبابية⁠رواسخ⁠ ⁠ فكر⁠تابعونا على الفيس بوك: ⁠https://www.facebook.com/rawasekh.kw⁠ ⁠https://www.facebook.com/FikrYouth/⁠تابعونا على تويتر:⁠https://twitter.com/rawasekh⁠ ⁠https://twitter.com/fikryouthkw⁠ تابعونا على الانستجرام: ⁠https://www.instagram.com/rawasekh.kw⁠ https://www.instagram.com/fikryouth Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/fikryouthkw/support

  • The Inner Guidebook; is a Podcast hosted by the first ever Saudi Arabia International Professional Boxer, Ziyad Almaayouf; The Inner Guidebook Podcast embarks on a transformative journey through the realm of deep emotions and self-discovery. In this Podcast, we'll explore the intricacies of our emotional landscape, providing guidance and insight to navigate the depths of our souls. This is your Inner Guidebook, your Guide to embrace vulnerability and unlock the power of your potential.

    Ziyad "Zizo" Almaayouf is a Professional Boxer from Saudi Arabia. Ziyad Almaayouf is the first international professional boxer from Saudi Arabia, a trailblazer to his people, and a history maker for Saudi Arabia and the Arab World in the sport of boxing. Trained by Hall of Fame fighter, two time world champion, now world renowned coach, Buddy Mcgirt. Since turning professional in 2022, Ziyad "Zizo" Almaayouf has fought on the biggest cards of the years since. This story is one for the history books.

  • شوية شباب خريجين مدارس المتفوقين في العلوم و التكنولوجيا (ستيم) , بيحكوا عن قصصهم خلال تجربة غير اعتيادية في واحدة من اغرب انظمة التعليم في مصر

  • دروس فضيلة الشيخ المربي العارف بالله عبد الله سراج الدين
    من اخوكم مجد مظفر تركماني
    تم جمع كل الدروس وتصفيتها من التشويش بسبب التسجيل القديم
    والغاية وجه الله
    وأرجوا من الله تعالى ان يكون هذا العمل متقبلا عن روح سيدنا محمد و والدي وأهلي
    وعن روح الشيخ (محمد حلاق ابوعصام)
    وجميع المسلمين آمين

  • Here is my word vomit. What I have been through but most of all what I have learned from it. With a focus on relationships - with myself, romantic, family and friends. How I let other people impact me and the love I have towards myself. I wanted to journal but if I can help others while helping myself, then there is two birds with one stone.

  • بودكاست بسمة هي وطن لكلّ إنسان طموح يسعى إلى توسيع منظوره الشخصي والمهني للحياة وريادة الأعمال ليرفع من جودة أداءه. كل حلقة هي عبارة عن ورشة عمل تحتوي على خطوات عمل تطبيقية متسلسلة تساعد المستمع على الارتقاء إلى المستوى الثاني بهويّته، عمله، وحياته ككلّ.

    فرح العريضي، مدرّبة الانتاجية المعتمدة، المتحدّثة على منصة TEDx، وقائدة نشر ثقافة التدوين في العالم العربي تضعك على طريق التقدم والحقيقة والتعاطف لتتمكن على إعادة كتابة الأجزاء  الغير شفّافة من حياتك بطريقة تعكس حقيقتك وهويّتك الأصليّة.

    ببسمة صادقة سنغيّر واقعنا معاً، ببسمة جميلة سنفرح بإنجازاتنا معاً، ببسمة لطيفة سنتبنى مهارات عديدة، وببسمة قويّة سنواجه كل ما ترميه الحياة علينا من مصاعب. 

    من اسمها، بودكاست بسمة تهدف إلى إبقاء البسمة على وجهك وتحصينك بالأدوات الضرورية خلال رحلتك للوصول لأفضل نسخة من نفسك مهنيّاً وشخصيّاً.

    تشارك معنا فرح العريضي في هذه البودكاست تجارب شخصية، أدوات أساسية، استراتيجيات تطبيقية، قصص، وكل ما يمكن أن يدعم رحلتك في هذه الحياة لتتمكن من التقدم باستمرار وإصرار.