História – Indonésia – Novos podcasts
VOB (Voice of Biology) Podcast merupakan media ekspresi dan interaksi kreatif dari bidang Humas Himpunan Mahasiswa Biologi (HMB) UNDIP. VOB akan membahas berbagai topik menarik yang pastinya bisa menemani waktu luang VOBilia. Make sure to not miss out any episode and happy listening, everyone!
Find us on
Instagram: @hmb.undip
Twitter: @HMB_Undip -
Hi, gue echa. Podcast ini gue buat untuk salurin apapun yang gabisa gue salurin di kehidupan nyata. Terimakasih sudah mau mendengarkan🖤
Instagram : devvychaesya -
Selamat datang di Podcast Dunia Horror,kurasi cerita ini oleh Adit(Aditya_Ibni).Podcast yang menceritakan pengalaman mistis disekitar kita dan menceritakan cerita-cerita mistis kiriman kalian.Bagikan cerita Horror kalian ke [email protected] atau kirim ke instagram @podcastduniahorror
Sahur asmr pakai roti
Haayy Assalamualaikum ayeong temen-temen jadi mulai malem ini Pearl akan sering mengisi segala hal menarik. Mulai dari seputar keagamaan, motivasi, ilmu pengetahuan, sharing pengalaman, kisah hidup pearl, bahkan kisah-kisah menarik lainnya nanti. Jadi bisa langsung cek di Spotify atau via apl ini yaa vote sebanyak-banyaknya yaah terimakasih wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Welcome to True Ghost Stories, Your portal to the paranormal. where every week we investigate the supernatural. Delve into firsthand encounters with ghosts, UFOs, bigfoot, and all things paranormal. Join us on a journey into the unknown. if you would like to listen to previous episodes, you can find them on your favorite podcast directory , or on our website at the true ghost stories podcast dot com.
Hai nama saya Ahmad fawaz.
Saya membuat podcast ini untuk menceritakan tentang kehidupan saya sehari-hari dan membahas berbagai topik yang sedang viral.
Mudah podcast ini bisa bermanfaat & disukai oleh teman-teman semua 😇 -
Semua bisa diceritakan
Para quem não sabe o #PODCAST é gravado AO VIVO no YouTube , se você gosta do nosso conteúdo, vai adorar interagir com a gente! esperamos vocês no MalakasCast todas quartas as 19h ! S2
Se quiser ajudar nosso trabalho com uma graninha (10% sera convertido em doações); https://streamlabs.com/malakascast/tip
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Kisah kerajaan Kalinyamat
Podcast ini membahas mengenai proses masuk dan perkembangan penjajahan bangsa Inggris di Indonesia
tidak perlu menjelaskan sesuatu kalau pilihannya lebih baik diam, sekalipun posisinya benar.
Disini kita waktunya berbicara bersama...
Semua tentang kisah perjalan hidup bahkan cerita cerita akan kita bahas di sini...
Semua bebas berbicara.
Disini bersama @iksaaaan_m
Dengarkan pengalaman mencekam berkaitan dengan dunia tak kasat mata di #PodcastHorormu
aku adalah seorang yg ingin berbagi dengan para pendengar, sebuah kisah yang sangat memotivasi seseorang yang sedang down, aku juga aktif dimedia sosial Ig, ( @el.khobar ) & (yukbicaraarab)
Kita adalah 2 orang dengan pemikiran berbeda tapi ingin selalu bersama. Karena aku yakin kita bisa meski sedikit dengan paksa
Sebuah podcast untuk kalian yang ingin mencintai Islam melalui sejarah
In 2013, journalist Suzanne Rico gets the call. Her mother, Gabriele, is dying. As time ticks down, Gabriele reveals an unfinished memoir about her World War II childhood–and makes a daunting last request: “Finish what I started.” When Suzanne and her sister, Stephanie, dive into their mother’s turbulent past, they come face to face with the truth of their own ancestry for the first time, including mind blowing mysteries that swirl around inventor Robert Lusser–their grandfather–and his work for the Third Reich. As they struggle to bring closure to something as intimate as a memoir, they have no idea of the revelations in store, or the reckoning they will require.
Listen to episodes of THE MAN WHO CALCULATED DEATH exclusively and ad-free by joining Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial today by visiting www.wondery.com/links/the-man-who-calculated-death.
I thought about the importance of world peace and what is Bukola’s distance of every country in the world can help us achieve as humans and as one
This is London: A Very Local History, the podcast where we visit the different areas of London one by one, zooming in on each place’s unique history and present day character, offering a more detailed picture of this fascinating, curious and sometimes overwhelming metropolis.
Follow us on Instagram @averylocalhistory
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