Ciência política – Itália – Podcasts recomendados
È da secoli circondato da superstizioni e leggende nere. È stato il palazzo dei papi e dei re d’Italia. Oggi il Quirinale è il centro del potere italiano. Tutto ruota intorno alla presidenza della Repubblica: interessi politici ed economici, equilibri interni e assetti internazionali, trame occulte e campagne mediatiche. Per questo tutti i principali leader hanno coltivato l’ambizione di occuparlo. Per questo ogni sette anni le elezioni presidenziali si trasformano nel palcoscenico su cui consumare gli intrighi repubblicani. In Romanzo Quirinale, Marco Damilano racconta le stagioni più misteriose della storia d’Italia.
Sei puntate, una ogni giovedì.
Romanzo Quirinale è un podcast di Marco Damilano prodotto da Chora media
scritto con Tommaso De Lorenzis. Supervisione suono e musica di Luca Micheli. Post produzione e montaggio di Guido Bertolotti e Matteo Miavaldi. La cura editoriale è di Sabrina Tinelli con Alessia Rafanelli. Il producer è Matteo Perkins. I fonici di presa diretta sono Michele Boreggi, Roberto Colella e Alessandro Romano. Il fonico di studio è Jacopo Lattanzio
Si ringraziano Radio Radicale, le Teche Rai e l’Istituto Luce per i contributi di archivio -
Infurmaziun: Quest podcast da videos vegn stritgà la fin da fanadur 2021. Episodas existentas e futuras chattais vus sin noss portal Play RTR ( Cuntrasts mussa films documentars da 25 minutas cun in spectrum vast e varià. L'emissiun documentescha la cultura rumantscha e grischuna. Ella reflectescha e preschenta midadadas, svilups ed istorgias da noss mintgadi, da la societad, la politica, la cultura, il sport ed auter pli.
Cuntrasts zeigt rätoromanische Dokumentarfilme von 25 Minuten. -
Meteorologija, hidrologija, zrak in še kaj. Zanimivi vremenski dogodki doma in po svetu. Oddaje povezuje Matija Klančar.
Farms. Food. Future. looks at the big issues facing farmers in the developing world and what needs to be done to wipe out global hunger while dealing with the climate crisis. It’s brought to you by the UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and presented by Brian Thomson.
Through the podcast, IFAD raises awareness of the challenges smallholder farmers in developing countries are facing around food security. Farms. Food. Future. includes interviews with IFAD experts, partners and donors, celebrities, and farmers.
Farms. Food. Future. promotes the power of smallholder farmers as a force for change. It captures the exciting work IFAD is doing working on the front line of farming for development, dealing everyday with climate change, environmental sustainability, gender, youth, nutrition and indigenous peoples’ issues. -
Notizie spiegate e commentate, curiosità all'ora dell'aperitivo. Un happy hour a base di notizie e popcorn: questo è il podcast per chi pensa che le maratone elettorali siano il modo migliore di passare un week end
950 miles an hour. That’s fast. But it’s not nearly as fast as Ed Rush flew in his combat career as a decorated F-18 pilot which included over 50 combat missions and 2 tours to Iraq. While in the Marines, Ed served as the one of the country’s leading instructors on aerial dog fighting and recently worked as a key player in the development of the new F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
After 2 combat tours to Iraq, Ed left full-time active duty to speak, write, and share a message that will change the world. He’s a 5-Time #1 Best Selling Author and Amazon’s #1 Business Author. Ed’s clients range from small startups to multi-million dollar – multi-national organizations and include CEOs, founders, political leaders, sports teams, national universities, and Hollywood stars. -
Momenti salienti della storia e dell'attività della Corte nella narrazione dei Giudici.
Exploring financial matters for Italian residents. Everything changes when you move to Italy, so make sure you keep up to date with the latest information. Investment, taxes, financial planning opportunities; believe it or not you can achieve tax efficiency in the bel paese. In each episode, Andrew Lawford explores a different topic, interviewing experts who understand Italy from a foreigner's point of view. Also visit us at:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to “Spilling Chai” with Anushay & Friends. You may know Anushay Hossain as the Bangladeshi-American cable news commentator who debates toxic masculinity with Tucker Carlson on Fox News or maybe you’ve read her articles on CNN about toxic white supremacy.
While Anushay may be a pro at giving her opinion and analysis on the headlines, something you don’t get to hear her do is ask the questions and talk about something other than the news.
This podcast, “Spilling Chai” is about conversations. Anushay wants to feel inspired, and radio is such a great medium to have really in-depth conversations and to take the time to have them.
In this show, Anushay is going to be talking to brilliant writers, passionate activists, and amazing artists and she wants you to join us!
“Spilling Chai” is also a PSA on behalf of all Brown people that in most of Asia and the Middle East, chai is not a latte. Instead, it’s the best kind of tea and on this podcast, we are all about spilling it.
So pour your cup and pull up a seat! -
A podcast created by young people with lived experience of homelessness that is focused on discussing solutions to end homelessness in Venice, CA and beyond. This podcast is proudly produced by Lens Co in partnership with Safe Place for Youth and funded by the Los Angeles Department of Mental Health Innovations 2.
Dalla cultura all'attualità, passando per la scienza e la geopolitica: le Monografie di Voci dalla Farnesina approndiscono tematiche trasversali, mettendone in luce gli aspetti più rilevanti dalla prospettiva del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale.
SOFcast is the official podcast of U.S. Special Operations Command. Listen to members of America's elite special operations forces discuss leadership, overcoming challenges, and current issues for the force. Hear from special operations personnel like Navy SEALs, Army Green Berets, Army Rangers, Marine Raiders, Air Force Special Operators, pilots, medics, communicators, and more!
This podcast talks to the history of Central Africa and one of the most fascinating countries of the world - The Democratic Republic of the Congo. Join us as we travel from pre-history to modern times in a land whose impact on the world is often overlooked !
Catch up with any event you have missed.
The public event podcast series from UCL Political Science brings together the impressive range of policy makers, leading thinkers, practitioners, and academics who speak at our events.
Further information about upcoming events can be found via our website: -
CarahCast is Carahsoft’s new podcast channel dedicated to bringing our listeners the latest in Government IT case studies, technology trends, recent legislation news, and Government IT best practices.
Il Podcast di Assonime è una rubrica dedicata all'approfondimento dei temi seguiti dall’Associazione che riguardano l’evoluzione della regolamentazione italiana ed europea e del suo impatto sul sistema economico e sul funzionamento dei mercati.
I vari episodi spaziano dal campo fiscale e societario, al mercato dei capitali, alla disciplina della concorrenza, la trasformazione digitale e ad altri settori del diritto e dell'economia che giocano un ruolo fondamentale nella vita delle imprese italiane.
Advisor Elisabetta Luchetti,
a cura di Fabrizia Peirce,
realizzato da Rabbit Entertainment SRL -
Hello all! Welcome to the Pivot! The purpose of this podcast is to discuss in detail the geopolitical implications of the 21st century as we gravitate from a definite American unipolar international order to a nascent multi-faceted, multi-polar international system. This podcast looks to extensively address the question "how did we get to where we are now?" and the question, "where do we go from now?"
In order to do this, we must understand the powers of history, civilization development, technology, identity, and geography so that we can properly shed light on the true realities of our world. Through monologues, dialogues, interviews, and open-ended discussions, the Pivot seeks to provide a platform of intellectual engagement, assessments, awareness, and a learning environment! This podcast hopes to accomplish a new understanding of international relations, international security, and national security as we embrace and confront new challenges to the sustaining of our political institutions! This is intended to be a fun yet informative podcast hosted and organized by ambitious, knowledgeable, and determined individuals that wish to raise awareness and live lives of service to government, more specifically foreign policy, defense, and national security. -
No intuito de promover a Língua Portuguesa no exterior, o “Palavras do Brasil” se propõe a desbravar, a cada episódio, um vocábulo da língua brasileira. Este podcast é uma realização do Programa Leitorado Guimarães Rosa, do Ministério das Relações Exteriores e do Instituto Guimarães Rosa em Roma [], pela voz da Professora-Leitora Camila Almeida, da Università di Bologna []
- Arte: Carolina Fernandes []
- Música: Moisés Bezerra []
- Produção: Agência Timbres [] -
Mark and the Millennials provides diverse perspectives on current events and politics.
Focus su alcune sentenze della Corte costituzionale
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