Ficção – Noruega – Novos podcasts
Snorksnakk er for deg som ikke får sove. Jeg, Mats-Jørund Fiskum, snakker uten manus i 40 minutter, og ingenting blir klippet vekk. Innholdet er usaklig fakta, usannsynlige historier, fritt for politikk og uten et snev av alvor. I et rolig stemmeleie gir jeg deg litt pjatt i bakgrunnen som er akkurat så interessant at du ikke har lyst til å skru av, men akkurat så uinteressant at du ikke egentlig hører etter. Det gjør ingenting hvis du ikke får med deg hva det handler om. Episodene er mer eller mindre frittstående.
Lytt til eller sov til, ditt valg. God natt!
Two T14 law students deal with lockdown by drinking a lot and reading lawyer-themed porn.
A man and his band of men steal from the rich and give to the poor.
یه پادکست کمدی برای اون لحظه هایی که گفتی: خب از این بدتر نمیشه
اینجا ما از گرفتاریها یا لحظات شرم آوری حرف می زنیم که خودمون تجربه اش کردیم.
برای حمایت از پادکست رادیو پیمان ، ما رو به دیکران معرفی کنین و اکر دوست دارین حمایت مالی کنین، هر ماه روی لینک زیر بزنین .
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to the wildest podcast around! We're all about board games, pop culture, and nerdy humor. Get ready for the latest news and gossip, plus plenty of adult language and risqué jokes. Our guests are the most outrageous personalities we can find, and we're not afraid to drop an F-bomb or two. We cover everything from Dungeons & Dragons to Game of Thrones, and we always keep it hilarious. We also answer listener questions and share our own ridiculous stories. Join us for a wild ride that's sure to make you laugh and cry!
Between Two Rounds Hosted by Type One Venture's Founding Partner, Tarek Waked, Each week, Tarek will sit down with up-and-coming and established leaders, Founders, Thought Leaders, and Investors to bring you closer to the minds transforming our world. The Next Frontier, Real Conversations.
Watch the Video Podcast on Youtube: @BetweenTwoRounds
Like and Follow along for more updates:, @typeoneventurespodcast and @tarekwaked
Tik Tok: @typeoneventurespodcast -
Jeg er Rune Nilson, og Nilsons Verden er min lekegrind. Denne podcasten er en ventil hvor jeg slipper ut ideer og konsepter som dukker opp på min vei gjennom tilværelsen. Her møter du både ekte og fiktive personer i skjønn forening, og du må selv avgjøre hvem du synes er hva. All lytting foregår på eget ansvar. God fornøyelse!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
A Delta Green actual-play podcast.
Delta Green is a Lovecraftian-horror, X-files-like tabletop role playing game. If that sentence made no sense to you, just think of it as Dungeons and Dragons, set in the real world, with a twist.
Black Flare releases biweekly on Tuesdays.
For more information, visit our website at
To support the show, access the discord, get ad-free episodes and bonus content, check out
Kimmy Genheimer
Arlo Siemsen
Tiger Theobald
Isaac Theobald
Handler (GM):
Arin Colalillo
Sound recording and editing, theme song composition, some NPC voices, executive producer:
Caleb Genheimer
Andy Gryc
Published by arrangement with the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is a trademark and copyright owned by the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. The contents of this podcast are © Black Flare Podcast, excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join our hosts as they dive into the weird, the unexpected, and the wonderfully strange. From bizarre facts and lesser-known history to quirky science and random oddities, Overnight Oddmeal explores the fascinating corners of the world that often go unnoticed. With humor and curiosity, we uncover the stories and phenomena that leave you thinking. Tune in to uncover mind-bending stories and the unexplained.
We'll scour the far ends of the internet for any story wether it be funny, dramatic, scary, and ETC.. You'll be in for a show.
Every Wednesday your Friendly Neighborhood Comic Book Club dives into the history of The Amazing Spider-Man, starting from his very first appearance! Join us as our designated web-head Parker guides Stephanie and Kat through the comics behind the cultural icon.
The Retcon Podcast is recorded in Los Angeles and edited by Parker Robins. Parker Robins can be found across social media @UncannyParker, Stephanie Johnson can be found @SiriusDanger, Kat Alysha can be found @Kat_Alysha, and the Retcon Podcast can be found @TheRetconPod. Feel free to thwip us an email at [email protected]
The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells is a science fiction novel about a Martian invasion of Earth. The story is set in England, where large, cylindrical spacecraft land, releasing hostile Martians equipped with advanced technology. Using heat rays and chemical weapons, the Martians decimate human forces and cause widespread panic. The protagonist, an unnamed narrator, witnesses the devastation and struggles to survive in the chaos.
The novel explores themes of survival, human frailty, and the potential for humanity's destruction at the hands of superior beings. Ultimately, the Martians are defeated, not by human efforts, but by Earth's bacteria, which they have no immunity against, highlighting the role of nature in the survival of life (Summary by Dream Audiobooks) -
1985 forsvant Nina Groeder sporløst fra den prestisjetunge eliteskolen Marcus Jacob Monrad. Politiet avskrev raskt saken som enten en frivillig forsvinning eller et tragisk selvmord. 39 år senere snubler Alex Miller, en ny student ved skolen, over gamle lydopptak som Nina gjorde rett før hun forsvant.
Sammen med klassekameraten Mikkel Løfsgaard bestemmer Alex seg for å grave dypere i mysteriet. De starter en true crime-podcast og avslører mørke hemmeligheter som har ligget skjult i nesten fire tiår. Var Nina Groeders forsvinning virkelig frivillig, eller er det noen som har gått altfor langt for å begrave sannheten? Og viktigst av alt: Hvor langt er de ansvarlige villige til å gå for å hindre Alex og Mikkel i å avdekke hva som har skjedd?
Urovekkende vendinger, skremmende avsløringer og en stadig voksende følelse av fare; kommer Alex og Mikkel til å finne ut hva som skjedde med Nina Groeder?
I hovedrollene:
Alex Miller: Maria Agwumaro
Mikkel Løfsgaard: Sjur Vatne Brean
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Poe Evermore is a gothic horror podcast from Bloody Disgusting. Each week, we blend Edgar Allen Poe's actual life with his stories, characters, and the supernatural. Tune in, if you dare...
New episodes every Thursday. -
Adventure awaits! Join a group of close friends as we dive into fantasy, horror, and all sorts of dumb jokes while playing Tabletop Roleplaying Games! Here you will find original stories using Dungeons & Dragons 5e, Pathfinder 2e, and Delta Green systems.
Listen Ad Free - Dive into the epic sea voyages and thrilling battles of Horatio Hornblower, a timeless naval hero. This podcast brings his adventures to life with gripping narratives and vivid soundscapes.
Set sail with "The Adventures of Horatio Hornblower," a classic radio series that brings C.S. Forester's beloved naval hero to life. Follow Horatio Hornblower's daring exploits and naval battles as he navigates the high seas. Perfect for fans of historical fiction and nautical adventures, each episode offers a thrilling blend of action, strategy, and heroism. Dive into these timeless tales of the British Navy and experience the golden age of radio drama.
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