
  • Segment 1: Setting Boundaries with Compassion

    Leslie emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries for safety without resorting to shaming or demeaning language.Discussing the misconceptions around divorce and the true essence of God's stance on marriage, rooted in love and protection for women.

    Segment 2: The Journey of Forgiveness

    Examining the stages of forgiveness and repentance in rebuilding a fractured marriage.Understanding the woman's role in moving forward, including evaluating trust, releasing resentment, and embracing personal growth.

    Segment 3: Confronting Painful Realities

    Sharing poignant stories of tragedy and anger to illustrate the lasting impact of recklessness and the necessity of processing emotions.Encouraging listeners to rewrite their stories beyond victimhood, embracing resilience and new beginnings.


    Leslie emphasizes that, regardless of the outcome, finding peace and growth is possible.Julie reinforces the idea that even if the desired ending differs from reality, a happy conclusion can still be achieved through personal transformation.
  • In this episode, we dive deep into Marie's inspiring journey of breaking free from an emotionally destructive marriage, finding strength in faith, and building a new life of purpose and empowerment.

    Part 1: Recognizing Toxic Patterns

    In the first part of our show, Leslie and Marie confront harmful beliefs perpetuated by society and religion. They discuss the misconceptions surrounding marriage, divorce, and self-sacrifice, shedding light on the importance of discerning between true biblical teachings and damaging ideologies.

    Part 2: Embracing Healing and Growth

    Marie courageously shares her story of recognizing warning signs, seeking support, and setting boundaries to protect herself from further harm. Through the Conquer Group and trusted family members, she found the strength to navigate the challenges of divorce and embrace the healing process with resilience and faith.

    Key Points:

    Challenging Toxic Beliefs: Marie and Leslie challenge damaging beliefs that perpetuate toxic patterns in relationships. They emphasize the importance of discerning between true biblical teachings and harmful misconceptions that contribute to emotional and psychological harm.

    Recognizing Warning Signs: Marie recounts her journey of acknowledging the warning signs of abuse and the pivotal moment when she realized she couldn't ignore them any longer. She shares her experience of grappling with emotional manipulation and gradually coming to terms with the severity of her situation.

    Seeking Support: Through the Conquer Group and trusted family members, Marie found the courage to seek support and guidance. She emphasizes the importance of reaching out to trusted individuals who can offer perspective and encouragement during difficult times.

    Setting Boundaries: Marie reflects on the crucial role of setting boundaries in protecting oneself from further harm. She shares how prioritizing her well-being and asserting her needs, despite pushback from her ex-husband, helped her regain a sense of autonomy and self-respect.

    Embracing Healing: Despite the challenges of divorce and rebuilding her life as a single mother, Marie embraced the healing process with resilience and faith. She shares how leaning on her relationship with God and embracing her identity outside of marriage empowered her to envision a brighter future.

    Moving Forward with Purpose: Today, Marie is embarking on a new chapter of entrepreneurship, leveraging her experiences to support other women in similar situations. She encourages listeners to prioritize their own growth and well-being, knowing that they are deserving of love, respect, and fulfillment.

    RESOURCESJoin Leslie's free workshop April 9th. Register at www.leslievernick.com/freetraining
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  • Leslie interviews Rebecca Davis, author of the Untwisting Scriptures series. 1. The Genesis of "Untwisting Scriptures"

    Discover the origins of Rebecca's groundbreaking series, sparked by the urgent need to address misuses of scripture in handling sensitive issues like sexual abuse.Learn how Rebecca's journey evolved from social media advocacy to a comprehensive exploration of scriptural interpretations.

    2. Challenging Authority and Misinterpretation

    Rebecca's transition from missionary storytelling to theological discourse, as she courageously challenges flawed interpretations of scripture.Understand the significance of Rebecca's work in addressing gender disparities and offering fresh perspectives within theological discussions.

    3. Addressing Core Issues

    Delve into the critical themes tackled in Rebecca's books, including the misrepresentation of Christian rights and the often misunderstood concept of biblical bitterness.Gain valuable insights as Rebecca realigns these notions with the true character of God, providing a roadmap to understanding and spiritual freedom.

    4. Cultivating a New Vision of God

    Uncover Rebecca's mission to correct distorted images of God prevalent in abusive religious environments, revealing the loving, relational nature of the divine.Experience a transformative journey toward spiritual clarity as Rebecca illuminates the true essence of God's word.

    5. Reception and Impact

    Explore the overwhelming positive response to Rebecca's work, underscoring the profound need for her message in a world hungering for authentic spiritual guidance.Understand the formidable challenge Rebecca's engagement with scripture poses to critics, despite minimal direct confrontation.

    6. Untwisting Bitterness and Beyond

    Delve into the unjust accusations of bitterness often faced by victims in abusive situations, as Rebecca offers fresh perspectives on accountability and forgiveness within the church.Gain invaluable insights into navigating complex emotions and reclaiming spiritual agency.Resources: Rebecca Davis: www.rebeccadavisinfo.comUntwisting Scriptures Book series: https://heresthejoy.com/untwistingscriptures/ Leslie Vernick: www.leslievernick.com
  • Defining Self-Esteem and Self-Image

    Julie poses the question: What constitutes healthy self-esteem, especially from a biblical standpoint?Leslie explores the concept of self-esteem in relation to self-image.Discussion on the formation of self-image through interactions and perceptions, particularly in childhood.Highlighting the role of parental influence and societal standards in shaping self-esteem.

    Understanding Humility and Self-Acceptance

    Expanding on the notion of humility as a component of healthy self-esteem.Drawing parallels between humility and accepting one's limitations.Leslie emphasizes the importance of embracing truth about oneself and avoiding unrealistic expectations.Discussing the difference between self-improvement and self-condemnation.

    Biblical Perspective on Self-Worth

    Julie prompts discussion on what the Bible says about self-worth and identity.Leslie highlights biblical verses affirming inherent value and purpose in individuals.Emphasizing God's unconditional love and acceptance regardless of human flaws.Encouraging listeners to recognize their worth as God's beloved creations.

    Overcoming Negative Self-Talk

    Addressing the impact of negative self-talk and external criticisms on self-esteem.Sharing personal anecdotes and struggles with self-esteem.Strategies for combating negative self-talk, including renewing the mind with truth.Encouraging listeners to challenge and replace self-defeating thoughts with affirmations of truth.

    Balancing Self-Care and Self-Improvement

    Delving into the fine line between self-care and self-absorption.Discussing the potential pitfalls of excessive self-focus in pursuit of improvement.Advocating for a balanced approach that includes consideration of others' needs and interests.Highlighting the importance of nurturing healthy relationships and community support.
  • In this compelling episode, we delve into the courageous journey of Amanda as she navigates through tumultuous waters in her marriage, finding strength, and healing amidst chaos.

    Early Struggles and Expectations:

    Amanda reflects on the early struggles in her marriage, feeling the weight of societal and religious expectations placed upon her as a wife and Christian. The pressure to maintain a facade of perfection made it difficult for her to seek help.

    Impact on Family and Identity Crisis:

    She shares the realization of how her marital struggles affected her children, prompting her to prioritize their well-being over societal expectations. Amanda opens up about the identity crisis she experienced when her reactions contradicted her perceived identity.

    Overcoming Shame and Seeking Help:

    Despite feelings of shame and embarrassment, Amanda reached a turning point when she recognized the need to prioritize her mental health and seek support for herself and her children.

    Discovering Support and Resources:

    Amanda discusses her journey of finding support through programs like Conquer and Walking in Core Strength, which provided her with valuable tools and biblical guidance to navigate through her challenges.

    Facing Reality and Acceptance:

    Amanda bravely confronts the reality of her marital situation, acknowledging persistent behavior patterns. Despite the challenges, she maintains hope and resilience, prioritizing personal growth and the well-being of herself and her children.

    RESOURCES: Join Walking in Core Strength: www.leslievernick.com/strength

  • The Danger of Pornography:

    It's not just a biblical issue; studies in psychology and science show the harmful effects of pornography.Pornography can lead to sexual dysfunction, making individuals less responsive to a normal sexual relationship with their partner.Internet addiction, including pornography, is causing societal problems, making people less connected and more self-absorbed.

    The Objectification and Harm of Women:

    Leslie points out the mistreatment, objectification, and even trafficking of women in the pornography industry.She quotes Jesus, who condemned those who harm children, linking this to the harm caused by pornography, especially when children are involved.

    Is Pornography Adultery?:

    According to the Bible, adultery is not limited to physical acts; it also includes unfaithfulness and lustful thoughts.The reluctance of some churches to equate pornography with adultery may stem from the fear of increasing divorce rates in their congregations.

    Addressing Pornography Addiction:

    It's important to learn how to say no to oneself for a higher purpose.If one can't be honest about their addiction and seeks to hide it, the lying becomes a deeper issue than the addiction itself.


    If a partner is unavailable due to injury or illness, self-care may be appropriate. However, using masturbation to avoid intimacy can be harmful to the relationship.

    Women and Pornography:

    Pornography is not solely a male issue, as more women are exploring their own sexual desires.Leslie highlights the dangers of pornography, emphasizing that it can lead to unhealthy relationships and addiction.

    Talking to Children About Pornography:

    Leslie provides advice on how to approach the topic of children watching pornography or exploring their bodies.She emphasizes not shaming children but educating them about appropriate boundaries.

    Hope for Recovery:

    Leslie offers hope for those affected by pornography addiction, emphasizing the importance of forgiveness and redemption.She encourages a path toward honesty and away from deception and addiction.

    Support for Spouses:

    Leslie advises spouses not to become consumed with fixing their partner's problem but to address their own emotions and needs.It's essential to focus on personal safety, trust, and emotional well-being while being compassionate and supportive.
  • Understanding Abuse Dynamics:

    Andrew and Leslie delve into the multifaceted nature of abuse, encompassing emotional, psychological, and spiritual manipulation.They highlight the insidious tactics employed by abusers to exert control and maintain power over their victims, emphasizing the importance of recognizing red flags and setting boundaries.

    Breaking the Silence:

    Both hosts underscore the significance of breaking the silence surrounding abuse and fostering environments of safety and support for survivors to share their experiences.They encourage listeners to validate and honor their own narratives, while also extending empathy and understanding to those who may struggle to disclose their stories.

    Navigating Victimhood and Empowerment:

    Andrew and Leslie engage in a nuanced discussion on the concept of victim blaming, emphasizing the importance of holding perpetrators accountable while offering compassion and support to survivors.They explore the complexities of maturity and self-empowerment, challenging harmful narratives that perpetuate cycles of shame and self-blame.

    Spiritual Dynamics and Healing:

    In the context of Christian faith, Leslie addresses the challenges faced by women reconciling teachings of submission with experiences of abuse, highlighting the need for discernment and critical engagement with scripture.Andrew shares his personal journey of confronting his past actions and embracing a process of self-reflection and transformation, emphasizing the role of truth-telling, accountability, and therapeutic support in his healing journey.

    Practical Steps Toward Healing:

    Practical advice is offered for individuals experiencing abuse, including seeking support from trusted networks, consulting with professionals, and prioritizing safety and self-care.

    Both hosts emphasize the importance of recognizing triggers, practicing self-awareness, and advocating for healthy boundaries in relationships as crucial steps toward healing and empowerment.

    RESOURCES:Join Walking in Core StrengthAndrew Bauman's book, How Not to Be an #ssChristian Counseling Center for Sexual Health & Trauma Andrew Bauman's Website

  • Podcast Show Notes: Managing Emotions and Conflict Resolution

    In this comprehensive discussion on managing emotions and resolving conflicts, various tools and strategies are explored to navigate challenging conversations and maintain healthy relationships.

    Understanding Emotional Responses:

    The conversation begins by acknowledging the complexity of emotional responses, especially in high-conflict situations.Emotions like frustration and desperation often arise when individuals feel unheard or invalidated by the other party.

    Tools for Emotional Regulation:

    Practical tools are discussed for managing strong emotions during difficult conversations.Grounding oneself internally is emphasized, highlighting the importance of not overly relying on external factors for emotional stability.

    Preparation for Conflict:

    Prior preparation for conflict is recommended, including affirming internally that one's validation doesn't depend on the other party's approval.Setting boundaries around communication and emotional engagement is crucial for maintaining composure during heated discussions.

    Biblical Principles in Conflict Resolution:

    The discussion incorporates biblical teachings on conflict resolution, emphasizing the importance of gentle communication and avoiding harsh words.Anecdotes are shared to illustrate how calm and empathetic responses can defuse tense situations.

    Addressing Lingering Relationship Issues:

    The conversation shifts to addressing unresolved issues within relationships, such as past infidelity.The importance of acknowledging the impact of past actions and showing compassion for the affected party is emphasized.

    Individual Responsibility vs. Relationship Dynamics:

    While individuals are responsible for their own healing and emotional well-being, genuine efforts from both parties are necessary for resolving relationship issues.Seeking professional help for unresolved trauma or emotional distress is encouraged, alongside self-reflection for personal growth.


    This comprehensive discussion underscores the importance of self-awareness, boundary-setting, and compassionate communication in navigating challenging conversations and resolving conflicts within relationships.Practical strategies are integrated with biblical principles to provide a holistic approach to emotional regulation and conflict resolution.

    Resources:Sign up for Walking in Core Strength - www.leslievernick.com/strength

    Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE)

    JADE stands for Justify, Argue, Defend, Explain, a tool to recognize unproductive patterns in arguments.

    BIFF stands for Brief, Informative, Friendly, Firm, a method for managing communication in contentious situations.

  • Julie and Coach Diana answer all your questions about Walking in Core Strength... and offer valuable insights you can apply to your life today.

    Understanding Core Strength: Diana explains how Walking in Core Strength focuses on nurturing maturity and rediscovering one's identity rooted in Christ.Unveiling Destructive Patterns: Learn how the program helps women identify and challenge destructive beliefs and behaviors.Cultivating Empowerment: Discover the importance of setting healthy boundaries and taking responsibility for personal growth and well-being.Embracing Faith and Transformation: Hear about the supportive community and deep Christian fellowship that participants experience in the program.Taking the Next Step: Interested listeners can sign up for Walking in Core Strength at www.leslievernick.com/strength and embark on a journey of faith-based empowerment and transformation.

    Join Julie and Diana as they explore the life-changing potential of Walking in Core Strength and invite Christian women to step into a renewed sense of purpose and freedom.

    To learn more and sign up for the program, visit www.leslievernick.com/strength.

  • Topic: Reconciling After Separation

    In this episode, we discuss a question regarding reconciliation after a 34-year marriage marred by issues of pornography and verbal abuse. Despite the challenges, both individuals have made personal progress over the years and are now contemplating the possibility of reuniting.

    Key Points:

    Assessing Individual Growth:

    One crucial aspect is evaluating individual growth and whether both parties have made positive changes over the years.It's essential to consider if the person seeking reconciliation has demonstrated genuine efforts to address past issues, such as seeking therapy or counseling.

    Exploring Expectations:

    Questions about expectations for the future arise, including whether the desire to reconcile stems from genuine personal growth or external pressures.Both individuals should reflect on their personal desires and needs, independent of society's or family's expectations.

    Establishing Boundaries:

    Setting boundaries is crucial, especially regarding behaviors that contributed to the initial separation, such as pornography use or verbal abuse.Both parties must demonstrate respect for each other's boundaries and be willing to uphold them consistently.

    Testing Compatibility:

    Before considering moving back in together, it's advisable to test compatibility through short-term arrangements or trial periods.Spending extended time together, such as weekends or vacations, can provide insight into whether reconciliation is viable in the long run.

    Prioritizing Self-Care:

    Individuals should prioritize their own well-being and personal growth throughout the reconciliation process.This includes maintaining boundaries, seeking support from a community or therapist, and engaging in self-reflection.

    Conclusion: Deciding whether to reconcile after a significant separation involves careful introspection, communication, and a commitment to personal growth. It's essential for both parties to prioritize their well-being and assess compatibility before making any long-term decisions.


    Video: When to Separate and When to ReconcileFor men seeking resources on personal growth and relationship improvement, Chris Moles and Andrew Bauman offer valuable insights and support.Books such as "How Not to Be a Jerk in Your Marriage" by Andrew Bauman provide practical guidance for men navigating relationship challenges and personal growth.The book, Emotional Intelligence 2.0 can help individuals develop emotional intelligence and strengthen interpersonal relationships.If you are a man who wants to change: video.

    Disclaimer: Individual circumstances vary, and the decision to reconcile should be based on careful consideration of personal needs, boundaries, and compatibility.

  • In this poignant and candid episode of "Relationship Truth, Unfiltered," Leslie's guest, Mark Savage bares his soul as he shares his extraordinary journey from the depths of a devastating affair to the triumphant rebuilding of trust with his spouse, Jill. Mark takes us through the challenges of personal growth, honest conflict resolution, and celebrating individual strengths within their marriage. This episode serves as a powerful testament to Mark's inspiring story of redemption and resilience, offering a beacon of hope for those looking to break free from destructive relationship patterns and embark on the path to a brighter, trust-filled future.


    Introduce the episode with a brief overview of the topic and the guest, Mark Savage.Highlight the significance of rebuilding trust in a relationship and the journey towards becoming a trustworthy person.

    Mark Savage's Personal Journey

    Discuss Mark's personal journey of transformation and the challenges he faced.Emphasize the commitment and difficulty involved in making profound changes.

    Jill's Growth and "Inviting with Love"

    Explain how Jill, Mark's spouse, played a crucial role in their healing journey.Discuss Jill's commitment to personal growth and her approach of "inviting with love" to encourage Mark's return home.

    Rebuilding Trust and Accountability

    Explore the strategies and decisions Mark and Jill implemented to rebuild trust.Highlight their commitment to healthy conflict resolution and open communication.Mention their practice of reading books together to facilitate growth and understanding.Explain the shift in accountability, where Mark took more responsibility for his actions and decisions.

    Becoming Trustworthy and Embracing Strengths

    Discuss Mark's personal transformation, his self-acceptance, and newfound confidence.Highlight the importance of celebrating each other's strengths within a marriage.Emphasize the evolution from rebuilding trust to becoming trustworthy.

    Connecting with Mark and Jill

    Direct listeners to Mark and Jill's website, MarkandJill.org, for more information on their ministries, courses, and resources.Provide Mark's email address, [email protected], for direct contact and inquiries.

    Closing Prayer

    Share a heartfelt prayer for the podcast listeners, asking for hope, grace, and mercy in their journeys.Conclude with a message of hope, highlighting the possibility of breaking free from destructive relationship patterns.Resources

    Sign up for Leslie's free webinar Tuesday, February 13th. Just go to: www.leslievernick.com/OKwww.MarkandJill.org

    I Really Messed Up and No More Perfect Marriages books can be found at www.MarkandJill.org/books



    [email protected]

    Other Resources

    Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE)

  • In this podcast episode, Julie Sedenko talks to Traci, a member of Leslie Vernick's Conquer support group, about her experiences in a destructive marriage and her journey towards healing and self-discovery.

    Traci opens up about her traumatic childhood, raised by a single mother who struggled with addiction and neglect.She shares how her early life experiences, including abuse and gaslighting from her mother, influenced her perceptions of relationships.Traci talks about her first marriage, which ended amicably, and how she entered her second marriage with hope and optimism.She discusses the red flags she overlooked in her second marriage, such as her husband's emotional unavailability and inappropriate relationships with other women.Traci highlights the importance of seeking counseling and finding support when facing a destructive marriage.She reflects on her journey of self-discovery, growth, and faith in God, leading to her healing and peace.

    Traci's story is a testament to resilience and the power of faith and self-worth in overcoming challenging circumstances.

  • Welcome to this episode where we tackle the tough topic of sexual addiction. Julie Sedenko chats with relationship expert Leslie Vernick, and they dig deep into the emotions and challenges involved. If you or someone you know is dealing with a similar situation, stay tuned for some valuable insights and practical tips.

    Understanding Anger:

    Julie discusses the challenges faced by individuals dealing with a spouse's sexual addiction.Leslie emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and addressing anger as a valid emotion in this situation.

    Part 1: Dealing with Anger

    Leslie shares insights on how individuals can manage their anger constructively when facing a spouse's sexual addiction.The discussion covers the significance of not suppressing anger and finding healthy outlets for it.Suggestions include venting to a friend, counselor, or support group, as well as engaging in activities like writing, physical exercise, or even crying to release emotional tension.The importance of recognizing that anger is a signal that something is wrong and can provide the energy needed for positive change is emphasized.Retaliating against the spouse's actions is discouraged, and the focus is on constructive ways to handle anger.

    Part 2: Seeking Help and Making Choices

    The conversation emphasizes the need for support and the importance of setting boundaries to protect one's well-being.Encouragement is given to the spouse with the addiction to seek help and support.Leslie addresses the question of whether it's possible for someone to truly overcome sexual addiction and explains the need for ongoing support and accountability.The importance of making choices and reframing one's perspective is discussed.A shift from asking, "Why is this happening to me?" to "Why is this happening for me?" is encouraged.The conclusion emphasizes that individuals are capable of handling difficult situations and emotions and encourages seeking support and resources to cope with anger while navigating this challenging journey.


    Individuals can do hard things, and there are people willing to help them through it.


    Leslie's Quick Start Guide

    She Deserves Better by Sheila Gregoire

  • Advice for Women in Conservative Churches

    Find a trustworthy female within the church to confide in.Seek someone who embodies godliness and can provide a receptive ear.Avoid putting the burden of finding the perfect words or expression on victims.

    The Role of Humility in Pastors

    Pastors must have humility when dealing with abuse cases.Be aware of the woman's perspective if she is to speak to the elders. Ways to help her feel safe.

    Training and Awareness

    The growth of awareness and training in seminaries and conservative circles.Upcoming training opportunities and resources for pastors and church leaders.Importance of knowing local resources specializing in domestic abuse.

    Creating Safety Plans

    Encouragement for pastors to receive proper training and create safety plans.The impact of creating safety plans for victims and changing their perspective.Encouragement for pastors to embrace the labor of love in opposing evil and upholding good.


    Encouragement for pastors and church leaders to seek training and knowledge in addressing domestic abuse.The importance of creating a safe and supportive environment within conservative churches.

    Additional Resources:

    "When Home Hurts: A Guide for Responding Wisely to Domestic Abuse in Your Church," by Greg Wilson and Jeremy PierrePeaceworks Live 2024Quick Start Guide
  • Discovering the Betrayal

    Dee's life as a pastor's wife and the shock of discovering her husband's affair.The initial emotions of hurt, anger, and confusion.The difficulty of facing infidelity within the confines of the church community.

    Seeking Support and Clarity

    Dee's decision to reach out to her pastor for guidance and support.The disappointment of the pastor's response and the need to find alternative help.Her discovery of the Conquer program and how it provided clarity in a confusing situation.

    Taking Control of Her Life

    Dee's realization that she had the power to make choices for her future.The importance of separating herself from an unhealthy relationship.The role of Conquer and her faith in helping her regain control and self-worth.

    Forgiveness and Moving Forward

    Dee's journey towards forgiveness and understanding its different layers.The distinction between forgiveness and reconciliation.How staying close to God and finding a supportive church community helped her heal.


    Dee's message to those facing infidelity: Seek support, stay close to God, and remember your worth.Her story is a testament to resilience, faith, and the possibility of finding healing after betrayal.


    Leslie Vernick's Quick Start Guide: www.leslievernick.com/start

  • God's Love and Plans

    Encouragement from SurvivorsEmphasizing God's Love and Divine Plans

    Overcoming Challenges

    Staying the CourseTrusting God and Finding Hope

    Freedom and Self-Worth

    Embracing Freedom and Self-Worth in ChristThe Importance of Recognizing Your Value

    Seek Help and Build Relationships

    The Power of Seeking SupportBuilding a Support Network

    Focus on Children

    Prioritizing Children's Well-beingEmpowering Children in Challenging Situations

    Dealing with Betrayal Trauma

    Addressing Sexual Addiction and Betrayal TraumaEncouraging Help-Seeking and Resources

    Taking Time for Healing

    Practicing Self-CompassionAllowing Time for Healing and Growth

    Finding Hope

    Offering Empathy and UnderstandingThe Promise of Transformation and Renewal


    Empowering Women to Become Conquerors
  • Merry Christmas to our podcast listeners!

    In this episode Leslie and Julie share some Christmas memories and some practical advice, especially for those who find this to be a difficult holiday.

    The Gift of Presence: Leslie emphasizes the importance of preparation and the opportunity to create a more positive Christmas experience. She recommends starting the day with gratitude and setting intentions for how you want to feel.

    Leslie explains the significance of recognizing that God is in you and with you. She also explains how to use breath as a tool to calm the body and switch thoughts when negative emotions arise.

    Finding Hope in Christmas: Julie shares a personal experience of finding hope in Christmas after the loss of a loved one. She emphasizes the importance of intentionally focusing on what Christmas represents, even during difficult times.

    God's Presence Among Us: Leslie shares a powerful story from her experiences in the Philippines, where she encountered people living along railroad tracks in cardboard shacks. She draws a parallel between Jesus' humble birth in a manger and the way God lived among the lowly.

    Closing Thoughts: We hope you will make meaningful Christmas memories, even in challenging circumstances. We wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas.

  • Today's episode is a deep dive into the concept of purity culture. Many women have expressed feeling damaged by the pressure to remain pure or to marry someone with whom they had sex before marriage.

    Leslie and Julie discuss what purity culture is and its impact on individuals.

    Defining Purity Culture:

    Purity culture is rooted in the belief that sex outside of marriage is wrong, based on biblical teachings. It emphasizes the importance of keeping oneself sexually pure until marriage and the sanctity of the marital relationship. God designed marriage to be a safe and trusting environment for raising healthy children and enjoying sexual pleasure within the bounds of commitment.

    Purity Culture Practices:

    Purity culture often includes practices like purity rings, purity proms, and events where fathers give their daughters purity rings. Young girls pledge to abstain from any form of physical intimacy until marriage.

    The culture places the burden of maintaining sexual integrity mainly on women, with the notion that men struggle with self-control and must be protected from temptation through modest dress.

    Impact on Women's Self-esteem:

    Purity culture can lead to many negative consequences, such as deeply wounding women's self-esteem. Women who have had sexual experiences outside of marriage or have been victims of abuse may be made to feel like they are "damaged goods."

    The culture can perpetuate the idea that a woman's worth is tied to her sexual purity, leading to emotional distress and low self-esteem for those who "don't keep the standard."

    Marriage and "One Flesh" Teaching:

    Some individuals were taught that, if they had sex before marriage, they were already married in God's eyes, which led to unhappy marriages. Leslie and Julie express their disapproval of this teaching, emphasizing that one mistake doesn't justify making another.

    Marriage is a lifetime commitment, but marrying someone who is untrustworthy or unsafe is not the solution to past mistakes or abuses.

    Consequences of Purity Culture:

    Purity culture can create unrealistic expectations about sex within marriage.Some women have faced blame for their husbands' infidelity or pornography use if they don't meet certain sexual expectations.The culture can lead to a skewed sense of responsibility and guilt, especially in cases of sexual abuse or rape.

    Dressing Modestly and Respect:

    The conversation touches on the importance of dressing modestly and respecting oneself.

    While dressing modestly can help prevent unwanted attention, a person's behavior and choices are their own responsibility. No one invites rape through their clothing choices, and the focus should be on respecting oneself rather than preventing others from thinking inappropriate thoughts.

    Overcoming Guilt and Shame:

    Women who feel burdened by guilt and shame due to past mistakes are encouraged to make empowered choices moving forward. Making a mistake doesn't define one's worth or future; it's an opportunity for growth and learning.

    "Stupid tax" is the price we pay for our mistakes, and it's crucial to learn from those experiences.

    Balancing Teaching in the Home:

    Parents need to have open and honest discussions with their children about sex, relationships, boundaries, and self-respect. Teach children to value themselves and their bodies, emphasizing the importance of making conscious and respectful choices.

    Parents should help their children understand that they have control over their bodies and should exercise self-control.

    Church's Role in Teaching:

    The discussion touches on the role of the church in teaching abstinence and purity. Churches should model healthy relationships and provide education on respect, boundaries, and conflict resolution. Youth pastors can play a crucial role in educating teens about healthy relationships and values.

    Equality in Relationships:

    It's crucial that both males and females are taught that they are made in God's image and deserve respect and dignity.

    Toxic masculinity and toxic femininity within the church are issues that need to be addressed. The focus should be on fostering healthy relationships and values, not on controlling or objectifying individuals.

    Sins and Cherry-picking:

    The discussion explores the idea that some sins are prioritized over others within the church.

    All sins should be addressed, not just those related to sexual purity. Gluttony and abuse of power are examples of sins that are sometimes overlooked.

    It's important to remember that God's rules are for our well-being, not to restrict us.

    Boundaries and Freedom:

    God's rules are guidelines for our well-being, rather than limitations on our freedom. Understanding why these rules exist can help individuals embrace them with a positive perspective.


    Join Empowered to Change: www.leslievernick.com/change

  • Title: Empowered Podcast Episode 2 - Managing Anger and Guarding Your Heart During Difficult Times


    Welcome back to the Empowered Podcast.In this episode, we delve into the topics of managing anger and guarding your heart during challenging moments.Leslie and Elise share valuable insights and practical advice.

    Handling Anger in Parenting

    Leslie shares a personal story of her teenage son challenging her.Emphasizes not letting emotions hijack your values as a parent.Discusses the impact of emotions on self-esteem and personal story.

    Releasing Anger in a Healthy Way

    Elise provides tips on releasing anger from your body in a healthy way.Deep breathing and prayerfulness in the moment are essential.Physical activities like running or ice water submersion to calm the nervous system.Writing letters as a form of emotional release.

    Communicating with Children About Anger

    Discussing how to communicate with children about anger, especially in challenging situations like divorce.Emphasizing age-appropriate communication.Modeling healthy self-care and conflict resolution.Encouraging honesty without oversharing.

    Guarding Your Heart During Divorce

    Addressing a listener's question about guarding their heart during divorce, especially in shared church settings.Stressing the importance of protecting your heart and maintaining discretion.Not feeling guilty about setting emotional boundaries.


    Practical advice on managing anger, communicating with children, and guarding your heart during difficult times.Prioritizing self-care and emotional well-being.Join us in the next episode for more empowering insights.


    Join Empowered to Change: www.leslievernick.com/empowered

  • Recognizing the Signs of Abuse

    Carrie reflects on her experience of being in abusive relationships, particularly with her third husband, who exhibited gaslighting and narcissistic behaviors.She discusses the covert nature of her second husband's abuse and how he could present himself as kind and harmless to others.

    Seeking Safety and Coping Mechanisms

    Carrie opens up about her motivation to stay in her second marriage despite recognizing the abuse. She attributes this decision to her desire to provide financial stability for her son.She discusses how her husband would use extravagant gestures to keep her son connected and happy.

    Treated Like a Child

    Carrie talks about how her second husband treated her like a child, limiting her authority and decision-making power.She shares her frustration about her husband undermining her disciplinary actions with her children when he returned from business trips.

    Misdiagnosis and Spiritual Journey

    Carrie reveals that she had been misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder and put on medication for seven years.She shares how she turned to her faith and embarked on a spiritual journey, finding solace and guidance through scripture and prayer.

    Discovering Leslie Vernick and Emotional Healing

    Carrie discusses how she stumbled upon Leslie Vernick's teachings and how they resonated with her.She describes the impact of reading "The Emotionally Destructive Marriage" and attending Leslie's workshops on her healing journey.

    Escaping the Trap and Finding Strength

    Carrie vividly expresses the emotional toll of her toxic marriage, comparing it to feeling trapped and needing to chew off her own leg to escape.She shares how her life has changed since leaving her second husband and how she is rebuilding her life.

    Learning to Ask for What She Wants

    Carrie talks about the importance of learning to ask for what she wants and how it has improved her relationships.She mentions that people now have more respect for her since she has become more assertive and self-assured.

    Words of Encouragement

    Carrie offers words of encouragement to listeners who may be going through similar struggles, emphasizing that there is hope and they are not alone.She advises seeking support, doing the necessary work, and being willing to open up the past for healing.


    Carrie's story serves as a testament to the power of self-discovery, faith, and healing after facing multiple divorces and challenging life experiences.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Register for Leslie's free workshop on December 5, 2023: www.leslievernick.com/story Learn more about Leslie's other programs, Walking in Core Strength program, Moving Beyond People Pleasing, and Empowered to Change at www.leslievernick.com .: www.leslievernick.com