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O ilginç mitolojik hikayelerde beraber kaybolalım, öğrenelim, ortamlarda havamızı atalım.
Instagram hesabımdan takip etmek için; instagram.com/mitolojikinciler/
Discord Sunucusuna ulaşmak için: podcastbpt.com/mitolojikinciler
Patreon üzerinden destek vermek için; podcastbpt.com/m.i.patreon -
O TARZ MI ekibiyle rol yapma oyunları, RPG diyelim. Kadro şov.Podcastia isimli homebrew ve komikli dünyada DnD 5 sistemi kullanıyoruz.Oyuncular: Can Bonomo, Can Temiz, İsmail Türküsev.GM: Can Sungur.Dikkat, bu programda mizah vardır!
The Week in Geek is a radio talk show broadcasting in the Metro New Orleans area from News Talk 99.5 WRNO FM on Sundays at 7pm CST. Thanks to the power of the internet our show has been heard around the world via the Spreaker radio app.
We cover all topics related to geekdom such as comic books, video games, movies, books, conventions, cosplay, and many more! We have been fortunate enough to bring our listeners interviews from actors in film, TV, and voice overs also authors, comic book artists, geek musicians, and fan groups.
The hosts of The Week in Geek are David Ducorbier and Brian Held, Jr. both members of the Gulf Coast Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fandom Community for many years. Our video game pick of the week correspondent is Skungy Scontrino, our Facebook Admin is author Ernest Russell, and our Chief Librarian for book reviews is D L Held. -
Bu hikayeler bilimsel olayları incelerken, içinizi biraz da ürpertebilir. Deneylerin ilginç hikayeleri bu podcast listesinde sizlerle..
Bizleri sosyal medyadan da takip etmeyi unutmayın.
Instagram: @podcatr
Twitter: podcattr
Web: www.podcat.com.tr -
Her hafta Party Chat'te oyun dünyası ve film-TV dünyasındaki haberler üstüne konuşuyoruz, arkadaş muhabbeti tadınla laflıyoruz :)
This podcast is related to all things Paragliding. The idea is to have a fun time sharing knowledge and information. I will be inviting my friends and fellow pilots with years of flying experience and other Pilots arround the world to share their ideas and thoughts.
We will discuss flying techniques, manouveres, weather, equipment, psychological aspects, safety related topics and discover more subjects as we move ahead.
Welcome on board ! -
Space Tomato is joined by a new guest every week to discuss Star Citizen development in regard to their expertise or perspective. Hear from industry professionals, game developers, Youtube content creators, and more as we explore the ins and outs of what makes Star Citizen work, how it got to where it is, and what people love (or hate) about it so much. Learn the latest about the latest features and developments in Star Citizen and other space games once a week every week, full of info, humor, wisdom, and a couple of rants.
d12Macera ekibinden; Pathfinder RPG, D&D ve muhtelif rol yapma oyunları hakkında keyifli dakikalar.
Sesli Doğa Tarihi Müzesi (Hazırlayan ve sunan: Benan Kapucu)
Welcome to Paragliding Chat! My name is Harro Brouwer and I'm a paraglider pilot from the Netherlands.
Fly like a bird. For many people it is a dream. Paragliding makes that dream a reality.
Since 2021 I have been making a podcast about paragliding... in Dutch. It's called Paragliding Vliegpraat. Quite difficult if you don't understand Dutch.
Now the good news: from 2022 I will also make Paragliding Chat. This one is in English! Chat will appear a bit more erratically than Vliegpraat.
If you like this podcast, I'd love to hear about it!
Please send an email to: [email protected]
Enjoy every flight and safe landings!
We all wish kids came with an instruction guide, but as a parent we wouldn't have time to even read it.
Merchants of Novigrad is a bi-weekly Gwent: The Witcher Card Game based podcast where we discuss Gwent with content creators, personalities and developers of the game.
Hosted by Weissenberg alongside our co-hosts : Hesser and Ville. -
"Bi Kahvelik Sohbet" Podcast Kanalına hoş geldiniz!
Bu kanalda mümkün olduğunca hayata, ilişkilere ve en önemlisi psikolojiye dair bir çok paylaşımlar olacaktır. -
Hayatı daha yaşanılabilir kılmak için düşünen, sorgulayan ve hayal eden podcast kanalı.
#psikoloji #felsefe #bilim #farkındalık
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eyesilcimen/
Websitesi: https://emineyesilcimen.com/
İletişim: [email protected] -
automotor&sport Dergisi Genel Yayın Yönetmeni, Dünya Gazetesi Otomotiv Editörü, Uluslararası Engine Of The Year Jürisi Volkan Demirkuşak ile gündeme dair. Otomobiller, saatler, deniz dünyasını konuşuyoruz
DİKKAT DİKKAT! Bu içerikleri lütfen karanlıkta ve yalnız bir şekilde dinlemeyiniz! Çünkü kalp atışlarınız bir hayli hızlanabilir ve soğuk terler dökebilirsiniz. Farklı insanların başından geçen gerçek paranormal hikayeler bu podcast listesinde.
Bizleri sosyal medyadan da takip etmeyi unutmayın...
Instagram: @podcatr
Twitter: @podcattr
Tiktok: @podcattr
Web: www.podcat.com.tr -
"DoKo Me & U" - der neue Otaku Podcast des DoKomi-Teams!
Wir sprechen über die Themen, die Euch bewegen! Cosplay, Conventions, die neusten Animes & Games, News aus unserer Szene und Japan, kurioses aus dem Internet... und natürlich Euch!
Alle zwei Wochen gibt es einen neuen Podcast. Erst live auf https://twitch.tv/DoKomiTV - danach zum Download.
Ihr möchtet daran teilnehmen? Seid aktiv im Chat bei der Liveaufnahme oder schreibt uns Themen, die ihr von uns diskutiert haben wollt. Interaktivität wird bei uns groß geschrieben. -
Merak ettiğimiz ve sevdiğimiz konular üzerine sohbet ediyoruz.
Reklam ve iletişim: [email protected]
https://instagram.com/kiymikpodcast?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM= -
Join hosts Deidra (she/her) and Sonya (she/her) at the place to take cartoons “too seriously”, where simplified mediums intersect with complex issues.
The Super Mosher Bros. Show is a weekly gaming podcast hosted by two brothers: Jake and Sam Mosher. Every week, they come together to talk about the biggest gaming news, look back on their gaming memories, and share the games they’ve been playing.
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