
  • Uma tertúlia em formato de podcast sobre Home Assistant, casas inteligentes, tecnologia e outras cenas.

  • Alexandra Marshall Live features exclusive international guests, bringing world affairs to your home.

    Full show program is available from 6AM AEST, Tuesday.

  • I min podd bjuder jag in dig till personliga samtal som berör, berikar och inspirerar. Vi möter experter, forskare och spännande kvinnor som lever sina liv med passion, mod och engagemang. Vi pratar hälsa och livsstil - och vad som är viktigt i just deras liv. Hör unika berättelser som kommer direkt från hjärtat.  
    Hjärtligt välkommen, Alexandra Charles
    Producent Annette Lefterow

    Support till showen

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Es hora de DESPERTAR la CONSCIENCIA ¿estás preparado? durante mucho tiempo ha parecido que estamos sumergidos en un sueño profundo, pero con todo lo que estamos viviendo el Universo nos dice que es momento de Despertar, de comenzar a tomar las riendas de una vida más consciente, de empezar a actuar en consonancia con lo que queremos, soñamos, deseamos, es momento de ir tras nuestro propósito, es momento de perseguir nuestra mejor versión, es momento de conectar con la fuente " Jesús" y estando allí descubrir que somos capaces de cosas que ni siquiera imaginábamos.

  • Welcome to Functional Medicine with Alexandra Brewster. Alex is one of five Australian certified practitioners through The Institute of Functional Medicine and focuses on identifying the root cause of disease by taking into account an individual's genes, environment and lifestyle for treatment. She's the Principal Naturopath at Healing Hands Natural Health Centre in Ipswich Queensland along with her talents as a Western Herbalist and Nutritionist, she has also excelled previously as a midwife and registered nurse.

    At Alex's practice - health is a right not a privilege.

  • Alexandra Stross ist Tierärztin auf Abwegen und hat eine eigene Methode entwickelt, mit der der Ausstieg aus hartnäckigen chronischen Beschwerden gelingt. Mit ihren Bestsellern über punktgenaue Symptomdeutung, natürliche Entgiftungsmethoden und den konsequenten Ausstieg aus Angst und Drama bei Krankheiten erreicht sie ein breites Publikum. Ihr Podcast ist dein perfekter Begleiter auf deinem Heilungsweg, sofern du die Verantwortung für deine Gesundheit nicht mehr einfach an Arzt oder Apotheker abgeben willst und bereit bist, selbst für deine Heilung aktiv zu werden.
    Gerade wenn du schon viel vergeblich probiert hast, um gesund zu werden, und dir mehr wünschst als die üblichen 0-8-15 Tipps, bist du bei Alexandra Stross genau richtig.

  • Sports TV presenter, yoga teacher and meditation & mindfulness coach, Alexandra Legouix, sits down with elite athletes, world champions, health warriors and mental health experts and brings us a series of very raw, open, humbling and inspiring interviews on mindset, mental health, fitness, human recovery and human growth

  • Monarch Talk on manifestointiin pohjautuva podcast, joka auttaa sinua saavuttamaan unelmasi ja level up omilla ehdoillasi. Come as you are! Podcast tarjoaa myös ainutlaatuisen mahdollisuuden kurkistaa Suomen ensimmäisen naisten Private Members Clubin kulisseihin. Jaksojen teemoina ovat manifestointi, 50/50- ja providerparisuhteet, raha, soft life, deittailu, feminiininen energia ja itsensä kehittäminen. Kannustan sinua panostamaan itseesi ja unelmiesi elämään, sillä se on jo olemassa. Autan sinua manifestoimaan unelmasi todeksi. It's time to level up!

  • Conversas Infinitas é uma conversa semanal com a premiada espiritualista portuguesa com maior projeção mundial, Alexandra Solnado. Ela, com as suas “Conversas”, ajuda a olhar para os temas do dia a dia com uma perspectiva mais evolutiva, mais espiritual. Ensina a trazer a Luz para a vida diária através de um novo entendimento sobre as coisas. Conversas que nunca terminam, pois ajudam a iluminar a vida. Como diz o velho ditado: “A consciência é metade da cura.”

  • Suntem IUBIRE ❤️. Suntem iubiti. Iar iubirea vindeca orice.
    Podcasturile mele sunt despre spiritualitate, despre cum transcedem catre constiinte superioare, despre a intelege cu inima manifestarile din viata noastra si despre CUM putem crea Noul Pamant in iubire, compasiune, echilibru si Uniune.

    Sa ne BUCURAM de aceasta existenta PLENAR!

  • Ciao! ben trovato!
    In questo podcast ti racconto di Metamedicina e dintorni
    Qui condividi sia le chiavi della Metamedicina® - approccio fondato da Claudia Rainville, che accompagna alla scoperta del significato profondo di malesseri, disagi, malattie - sia tutto quello che nel mio lavoro sul campo nella relazione di aiuto ho messo insieme in termini di chiavi di risveglio e ampliamento di coscienza.
    Lo scopo di questo podcast è andare insieme a vedere sempre "oltre quello che sembra", ad ampliare la nostra visione della vita e di noi stessi.
    Troverai quindi puntate di pura Metamedicina e puntate di espansione a 360°.
    Ti invito a non credere a nulla di quello che sentirai ma piuttosto a sperimentare cosa ti risuona e cosa no, cosa è buono per te e cosa no.

    Se hai voglia di camminare un po' insieme, andiamo!

    Io sono 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐚 𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚 𝐝'𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨, 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘶𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦 𝘤𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘢 di Metamedicina, 𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘥𝘪 𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘪 di crescita personale, mentore, formatrice, creatrice di percorsi per il femminile, autrice del "Manuale della ciclicità: il piacere di essere donna ciclica" e della guida "Celebrare il menarca"

    La Metamedicina non intende sostituirsi ai percorsi indicati dalla medicina ufficiale né sostituire alcuna terapia psicologica. Può invece rivelarsi molto efficace come sostegno ed integrazione a un percorso evolutivo personale. I consulenti di Metamedicina non svolgono attività diagnostica, non prescrivono farmaci e non si sostituiscono alle figure ufficiali di riferimento; accompagnano la persona a prendere coscienza delle proprie dinamiche emozionali, fisiche e mentali attraverso le chiavi della Metamedicina per tornare in accordo con sè stessi.

  • En "All for Women", vas a encontrar consejos e historias de mujeres y hombres de muchas profesiones de varios países que nos van a acompañar y apoyar para inspirarte.

    Es un podcast creado para las mujeres y hombres que estamos interesados en dejar un mundo equitativo para las generaciones futuras.

    Para que todas las mujeres que lo escuchen sepan que sí se puede ser mujer, profesional, madre, esposa, y exitosa en todas estas áreas de la vida.

    Y para que todos los hombres nos apoyen en este camino de buscar la equidad de género en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad y así contribuir a

  • Professional tennis player and ESPN tennis analyst, Alexandra Stevenson - as she talks news and opinions in tennis, sports, and pop culture.

  • Prenez 2 amies, mamans, comédiennes. 
L’une illustratrice, Alexandra, l’autre, auteur, Cécile . 
Secouez, et vous obtenez des histoires drôles, douces, pour se rassurer, découvrir, rire, apprendre… et surtout passer un moment câlin. RDV sur notre page youtube pour regardez les épisodes !
    et sur notre site internet pour découvrir plein d'activités ludiques et éducatives.

  • Welcome to the Brave and Purposeful Leadership podcast with your host and leadership coach, Alexandra Young. Whether you are an emerging leader or a seasoned manager, you’ll find tactical and practical strategies and resources here, as well as fresh leadership insights that help you align your values and vision, and lead your people well.

  • Tervetuloa meidän feel-good podiin! Me jaetaan ajatuksia suoraan Chelseasta joka tiistai kaikesta maan ja taivaan välillä; elämästä Lontoossa, urasta, maailman menoista ja miksi ei myös deittailusta. Annamme itsestämme hyvän ja pahan, kauniin ja ruman. Ollaan aidosti ketä ollaan ja halutaan jakaa hyviä viboja.💓

  • Tervetuloa meidän feel-good podiin! Me jaetaan ajatuksia suoraan Chelseasta joka tiistai kaikesta maan ja taivaan välillä; elämästä Lontoossa, urasta, maailman menoista ja miksi ei myös deittailusta. Annamme itsestämme hyvän ja pahan, kauniin ja ruman. Ollaan aidosti ketä ollaan ja halutaan jakaa hyviä viboja.💓

  • Mon Programme Sophro : ce sont des conseils ainsi que des séances de Sophrologie pour que vous puissiez acquérir la maîtrise de vos émotions. La majorité de vos problématiques quotidiennes sont abordées : troubles du sommeil, périnatalité, troubles de la sexualité, stress, prévention du burn out, gestion des émotions, acceptation d'une pathologie, accompagnement d'un traitement médical, phobies, pulsions...  

    Télécharger et emporter le podcast partout avec vous sur : ( 

     Qui suis-je ? 
    Je m’appelle Alexandra Schlienger, certifiée RNCP et formatrice au sein de l’Institut de Formation à la Sophrologie.  
    Auparavant, j’étais professionnelle de santé et cette expérience m’a appris à persévérer dans la difficulté ainsi qu’à me remettre perpétuellement en question. Également grande sportive notamment en vélo de course et en équitation, je suis une experte de la préparation mentale et de la maîtrise des émotions.  
    J’ai créé également un site de Sophrologie en ligne avec des programmes de Sophrologie complet : Mon Programme Sophro ( 
    Pour exploiter mon rêve de transmettre mes recherches ainsi que mon expertise de la Sophrologie, j’ai créé également un podcast : Mon Programme Sophro (téléchargeable sur toutes les plateformes d’écoute).  
    Pour me suivre :  
    - Instagram : mon.programme.sophro 
    - Facebook : Mon Programme Sophro ( 
    - LinkedIn : Alexandra Schlienger ( 
    - Le podcast : Mon Programme Sophro ( 

    Enfin si les épisodes vous plaisent, n'hésitez pas à liker, à partager ainsi qu'à commenter 👇  

  • With warmth, heart and a respect for science, Dr. Alexandra and her guests explore questions that come up at all life stages.  Dr. Alexandra is a mother of four and an expert in family systems psychology and clinical psychopharmacology. Through interesting exchanges with her guests, Dr. Alexandra brings new learning, stories and good company to listeners.

  • Hot sex and deep, nuanced connection for smart, successful couples.

    In the context of a committed marriage, everything that isn’t sex functions as foreplay, because every interaction either brings you closer together or pushes you farther apart.

    Welcome to "The Intimate Marriage Podcast," the podcast where we explore the secrets to cultivating passionate and intimate relationships. I'm your host, Dr. Alexandra Stockwell, aka "The Intimacy Doctor," an experienced intimacy coach and marriage expert.

    In every committed marriage, intimacy and connection are the foundation for a fulfilling relationship. Join me as we delve into how small shifts, and being uncompromising in your daily interactions can lead to profound and nourishing physical/ emotional intimacy.

    During each episode, we'll explore topics such as sexual intimacy, emotional awareness, and building an intimate connection that feels comfortable and authentic for you and your partner. I'll share practical advice and strategies to help you unlock the full potential of your relationship.

    Intimacy coaching works wonders for smart and successful couples who are ready to embrace a deeper level of connection. By implementing these principles you'll learn how to create a relationship that is aligned, passionate, and fulfilling.

    But that's not all—I've also written a bestselling book called "Uncompromising Intimacy," and you can download the first chapter for free to get a taste of the insights and wisdom I share.


    Download the first chapter of my bestselling book, “Uncompromising Intimacy,” here:

    If you're ready to take your intimacy skills to the next level, I invite you to explore my Aligned & Hot Marriage program. It's designed specifically for couples who refuse to settle for anything less than extraordinary love and connection. Visit to learn more.

    Join my email list to stay connected—it’s where I shares my latest insights and offers opportunities for live Q & A:


    As "The Intimacy Doctor," I've helped countless couples transform their relationships and create a life filled with passion, purpose, and deep satisfaction. With over two decades of experience, I believe that true intimacy and success stem from being unapologetically yourself. Together, let's uncover the secrets to a juicy, nourishing, and intimate marriage.

    You may have seen me featured in reputable publications such as the Huffington Post, Rolling Stone, USAToday, Cosmopolitan, and Business Insider. Thriveglobal, mindbodygreen, FOX NEWS NYC, and Disruptors Magazine have also recognized me as one of "30 Inspiring Women to Watch in 2022."

    So, get ready to ignite the flames of desire and discover the path to an extraordinary intimate connection. Tune in to "Hot Sex and Deep Connection" with Dr. Alexandra Stockwell, and let's embark on this transformative journey together.


    An intimacy coach is a trained professional who specializes in helping individuals and couples cultivate deeper connections and enhance their intimate relationships. The role of an intimacy coach is to guide and support their clients in exploring various aspects of intimacy, including emotional, physical, and sexual intimacy.

    Intimacy coaches create a safe and non-judgmental space for their clients to express their needs, desires, and concerns related to intimacy. An intimacy coach helps clients develop self-awareness and emotional intelligence, enabling them to better understand their own desires and those of their partner. They provide guidance on effective communication techniques, conflict resolution, and exploring new ways to deepen emotional and physical intimacy.