
  • Podcastmaker Marc Adriani zoekt een tunnel die door de Duitsers tijdens de Tweede Wereld Oorlog zou zijn aangelegd in Soesterberg. Het bestaan van de tunnel is nooit bewezen, maar al 80 jaar gaat het verhaal rond in het dorp. Via die eventuele tunnel konden Duitse bevelhebbers veilig en zonder dat iemand het zag van Vliegbasis Soesterberg naar het zogeheten Officiers Casino lopen. Deze plekken liggen ruim 900 meter uit elkaar. Het Officiers Casino werd door de Duitsers ook wel Soldatenheim genoemd en staat tot de dag van vandaag aan de Kampweg in Soesterberg. Het was een soort evenementen locatie voor de nazi-militairen.

    In deze zesdelige podcastserie van AD Amersfoortse Courant spreekt Marc Adriani historici, voormalig medewerkers van de Nederlandse Luchtmacht, deskundigen van het Militair Museum, maar ook archeologen, een graafmachine machinist en inwoners van Soesterberg die de oorlog bewust hebben meegemaakt. Allemaal met één doel, het vinden van de tunnel. 

  • Det er over 75 år siden, Danmark blev befriet 5. maj 1945, men interessen er bestemt ikke aftagende. Der udkommer stadigt flere bøger om Anden Verdenskrig, og de går som varmt brød. Interessen for de seks skæbnesvangre år vil simpelthen ikke dø. Siden 2015 har Jarl Cordua  givet sit bidrag til de mange interesserede lyttere, unge som gamle, mænd som kvinder med programrækken »Hitlers Æselører«. I hver udsendelse har Cordua en forfatter til en aktuel eller vigtig bog om Anden Verdenskrig i studiet, og sammen kaster de lys på alt  fra besættelsestidens Danmark, krigen på Østfronten, slagduellerne på verdenshavene, krigen i Stillehavsregionen, i Middelhavet og andre steder. Perspektiverne skifter fra program til program, men det handler altid om den mest blodige konflikt og hidtil største tragedie  i menneskehedens historie 

  • Podcasts que auna documentales sobre el partido nazi y su lider Adolf Hitler y las consecuencias que llevaron al mundo a vivir uno de los momentos más crueles de su historia.
    Todo mi trabajo está realizado de manera altruista y no busco ninguna compensación, solo la satisfacción de saber que ayudo a otras personas. Un gran abrazo a tod@s.

  • You may know something of the Adolf Hitler story. But there’s a decent chance you don’t know the half of it. This is a deep dive into the life of the German führer. The Hitler story all the way from cradle to grave.

    As featured on Real Dictators. Brought to you by award-winning podcasters, Noiser. Narrated by Paul McGann with contributions from expert historians.

    For ad-free listening, exclusive content and early access to new episodes, join Noiser+. Click the Noiser+ banner to get started with a 7-day free trial. Or, if you're on Spotify or Android, head to noiser.com/subscriptions.

    For advertising enquiries, email [email protected]

  • Peter Stormare (Fargo, Constantine) and Denis O'Hare (American Horror Story, True Blood, Michael Clayton) star in this dramatic thriller audio drama, which imagines (based on real history) a relationship between Adolf Hitler and his reluctant personal psychotherapist, which turns deadly, as the two men meet when Hitler is just an unknown corporal and are surprisingly bound together during Hitler's rise to power... and his downfall, when Dr. Dromyrk becomes determined to destroy him.... Hippocratic Oath be damned.

    Adapted to podcast by Desmond Fosbery. Based on the novel "The Dromyrk File" by Brandon Rolfe https://www.amazon.com/Dromyrk-File-Brandon-Rolfe/dp/1909204943

  • Een podcast over de beruchte dictator Adolf Hitler. Met verhalen over zijn leven, zijn verblijfsplekken, zijn politiek, zijn misdaden en zijn oorlogen. Met elke aflevering, min of meer vers uit de pers, een mislukte Hitlervergelijking.

  • Adolf Hitler, la figura más apasionante y tétrica de la historia.

  • Hitler and the Nazis are only the beginning of the evil that threatens our world, as a secret war rages in the shadows. Our heroes must take on the Nazi occult and the Mythos powers of the deep ones to save us all.

    Achtung! Cthulhu uses a specially written version of the 2d20 system which emphasizes fast-paced cinematic action. Created by Modiphius games.

  • Hitler wurde in Eichstätt ausgebuht? Das wussten Sie nicht? Dass hier die Illuminaten ein Zentrum ihres Schaffens hatten auch nicht? Gut, dass Sie jetzt den Weg zu uns gefunden haben. Wir werden Ihnen unterhaltsam und spannend in unserem Podcast die Geschichte Eichstätts neu erzählen und Dinge verraten, die sich vielleicht noch nicht wussten, aber unbedingt wissen sollten.

    Entstanden sind die neun Folgen im Bachelor-Seminar „Podcast und Storytelling“ unter Leitung von Michael Graßl und Dr. Jonas Schützeneder am Studiengang Journalistik der KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. Viel Spaß beim Hören!

  • The story of how in just 13 years, Hitler led a fringe sect with less than a hundred members and outlandish ideas to be the dominant force in German politics.

  • ஆப்பிரிக்கா யானை முதல் ADOLF HITLER வரை விகடன் வழங்கும்
    சொல்லப்படாத கதைகள்!

    #knowwhat #untoldstories

  • What was it like to hear about the JFK assassination? Or America’s triumph over Hitler? Or seeing Queen at Live-Aid? Our past is a collection of stories that bring us to now. Welcome to the Eyewitness History podcast, where we view history through the eyes of the people that watched the events that shaped our world.

    If you have a story from history that you would like to share, I would love to hear it! Please reach out to me using my Contact form at https://www.jeremystalnecker.com

  • There’s a reason the History Channel has produced hundreds of documentaries about Hitler but only a few about Dwight D. Eisenhower. Bad guys (and gals) are eternally fascinating. Behind the Bastards dives in past the Cliffs Notes of the worst humans in history and exposes the bizarre realities of their lives. Listeners will learn about the young adult novels that helped Hitler form his monstrous ideology, the founder of Blackwater’s insane quest to build his own Air Force, the bizarre lives of the sons and daughters of dictators and Saddam Hussein’s side career as a trashy romance novelist.

  • Munich, 1942. War rages across Europe. After nearly a decade of Nazi rule, Hitler is at the height of his power. Any form of opposition is unimaginably dangerous. Anyone who dares to oppose the regime risks imprisonment, deportation, and even death. To stand up and speak out would take incredible strength and courage. There were some willing to take that risk.

    Brought to you by SANSARA and the White Rose Project, Traces of the White Rose is a podcast series telling the story of the White Rose resistance: five students and a professor who stood up to Nazism and paid with their lives. Through newly-translated letters, diaries and resistance pamphlets, hosts Tom Herring and Dr Alexandra Lloyd trace the story of the White Rose resisters in their own words, alongside powerful and moving choral music by English and German composers from SANSARA’s acclaimed album 'Traces'.

    The series was made with support from the University of Oxford’s Public Engagement with Research Seed Fund, The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities, the Higher Education and Innovation Fund, and the Genesis Foundation Kickstart Fund.

    White Rose Project webpage: http://whiteroseproject.seh.ox.ac.uk/
    SANSARA choir homepage: https://www.sansarachoir.com/
    'Traces' album listening link: https://platoon.lnk.to/traces
    Full credits, references, transcript: https://www.sansarachoir.com/towr-podcast

  • Who would have thought, in a relatively short amount of time, that history would be repeating itself with the rise of another even larger Hitlerian Regime on the planet? What Klaus Schwab and his evil gang of Global Elites have planned for us is much grander and wider than what Hitler ever planned to do, with even deadlier results.

  • La battaglia di Stalingrado (agosto 1942 – febbraio 1943) è stata la più sanguinosa e cruenta della Seconda guerra mondiale. Il tentativo della Wehrmacht di Hitler di prendere la città sul Volga e arrivare al petrolio del Caucaso fallì di fronte alla resistenza dell'Armata Rossa di Stalin e si trasformò in una gigantesca trappola per i tedeschi. Un milione di morti tra soldati e civili. Stalingrado è stato il punto di svolta del conflitto, e noi attraversiamo quei giorni disperati con gli occhi – e la penna di Vasilij Grossman. Ucraino di lingua russa ed ebreo, poeta e scrittore, Grossman allora faceva il cronista, testimone dei fatti: è giornalismo che sconfina nella letteratura. Ottant'anni dopo la sua potenza descrittiva ci porta dentro Stalingrado come nessun film ha fatto. Questo è un podcast originale di RAI Radio1, di Arcangelo Ferri e Roberto Reale. Senza la collaborazione della casa editrice Adelphi, che ha pubblicato Stalingrado e Vita e Destino di Vasilij Grossman, non avrebbe potuto essere realizzato. Edoardo Camponeschi è la voce di Grossman. Siamo grati a Michael FK per la musica. La regia è di Leonardo Patané

  • Wir sind Mirco Melone und Alan Cassidy. Wir sind Freunde. Wir lieben Geschichte. Und deshalb gibt es diesen Podcast. Bei «Überall Geschichte!» sprechen wir alle zwei Wochen über ein historisches Thema. Wie wichtig war Hitlers missglückter erster Putsch für seinen späteren Aufstieg? Was steckt hinter der Entführung von Aldo Moro durch die Brigate Rosse? Was verdanken wir den modernen Warenhäusern? Bei uns werden die grossen und kleinen Geschichten und Fragestellungen zum Thema. Und neben dem Blick zurück geht es dabei immer auch um die Frage, wozu wir Geschichte brauchen und wie wir gegenwärtig mit ihr umgehen. Denn: Es gibt überall Geschichte!

  • "Debriefing Garbo" explica la història de Joan Pujol Garcia, Garbo (Barcelona, 1912-Caracas, 1988), lʼespia més important del segle XX i que va enganyar Hitler, a partir d'uns àudios originals del protagonista. Guiats pel relat que en fa lʼoficial de lʼMI5 com a controlador del cas, lʼagent Thomas Harris (Francesc Orella) i prenent com a base lʼexpedient desclassificat de lʼMI5 amb tota la missió de lʼagent doble català, l'oient reviu una vida de pel·lícula.

  • "Debriefing Garbo" explica la història de Joan Pujol Garcia, Garbo (Barcelona, 1912-Caracas, 1988), lʼespia més important del segle XX i que va enganyar Hitler, a partir d'uns àudios originals del protagonista. Guiats pel relat que en fa lʼoficial de lʼMI5 com a controlador del cas, lʼagent Thomas Harris (Francesc Orella) i prenent com a base lʼexpedient desclassificat de lʼMI5 amb tota la missió de lʼagent doble català, l'oient reviu una vida de pel·lícula.

  •  Ils ont 6 ans, 10 ans, 13 ans… ils s’appellent Ginette, Simon, Marcel, Rosa, Jeannette, Albert… ils sont juifs, car leurs parents sont juifs… ni un choix, ni une décision… juste un fait, qui aurait pu n’avoir de conséquence que celle de respecter (ou pas) les rites d’une tradition millénaire, si seulement… si seulement Hitler n’avait pas accédé au pouvoir et dirigé une armée Nazie meurtrière contre eux.  

    Ne pas dire qu’ils sont juifs. Jamais. Se taire, affronter la peur, la solitude, le danger…  
    Ces enfants ont grandi, ils ont 80, 90 ans et plus…ils font partie des « chanceux » enfants juifs survivants - en France, 11000 enfants ne sont pas revenus des centres de mise à mort - 
    Ces enfants sont la mémoire de la guerre. Ils sont les « Enfants de la Shoah » et ils replongent pour nous dans leurs souvenirs d’enfant, pour nous raconter avec courage, dignité et une émotion intacte, leur quotidien de "petit enfant juif en temps de guerre" .
    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.