alexander bard

  • Alexander Bard and Andrew Sweeny on creating The Grand Narrative

  • Bienvenue sur "Sueur et Costume", la chaîne qui vous accompagne dans la conciliation du sport, du travail et de l'équilibre personnel et social. 

    Découvrez notre podcast en compagnie de Romain Bardet, Clément Mignon, Alexandre Pasteur et bien d'autres. 

    Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter [email protected] ().
    Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.

  • Автор и ведущий подкаста Александр Арунов разбирает вопросы внешней и внутренней красоты, которые близки его аудитории в социальных сетях, с лучшими экспертами индустрии красоты, основателями косметических брендов, владельцами салонов красоты, специалистами в области медицины, косметологии, психологии.

    Подкаст "BEAUTY ЛЮДИ. Диалоги о красоте!" media - проект группы A7 community.

    По вопросам сотрудничества (взаимного пиара, спонсорства одного из выпусков, стать одним из экспертов выпуска) пишите:

    - почта [email protected]

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  • Tutored by Aristotle, compelled to ascend the throne at the age of 20 when his illustrious father was assassinated, driven by a passion for expanding the borders of his tiny kingdom, Alexander of Macedon was one of the most towering figures of ancient history. He is brought to vivid life in this gripping volume by the American children's writer Jacob Abbott.
    In his short but eventful life, the young Macedonian king went on to rule over one of the most powerful and largest empires in the ancient world, breaking the hegemony of the powerful Persian dynasty of Darius. Alexander's sudden death in Babylon is one of the enduring mysteries of history. With him ended the glorious empire he had created, which stretched from the Adriatic in Europe to the Indus River on the Indian subcontinent.
    Jacob Abbott's book meant for young readers portrays Alexander as a military genius, endowed with remarkable intelligence, physical beauty and courage. Some of the early incidents in his life as when he tames a wild and vicious horse are described in compelling terms. Alexander's youth, his father's insistence on making him a regent for Macedonia when he was just 16 and his experiences on military campaigns with his father in Boeotia, where he displayed remarkable qualities of coolness, courage and wisdom are strikingly portrayed. Philip's separation from his wife, Olympia, Alexander's mother is also described and Abbott traces some of Alexander's less endearing qualities to this imperious queen. His haughtiness, pride and short temper which sometimes led him to be stubborn, envy and resentment of his father's powerful conquests are described as well, giving us an objective and well rounded picture of the young hero.
    Alexander's glorious reign and his remarkable military campaigns, the historic crossing of the Hellespont, his defeat of Darius and the conquest of territories in Asia Minor, Tyre and Egypt are the stuff of legends. At twenty-six he was the greatest ruler the ancient world had ever seen, but he had already begun to descend into a life of debauchery. His army commanders began to rebel and then followed a bloody trail of murders and assassinations. Alexander's final days are also captured in the closing chapters of this riveting book.
    Jacob Abbott brings all his skills as a historian and children's writer to this retelling of the life of one of the most unforgettable figures in history that appeals to both young and older readers.

  • The Alexander Technique can help you with back pain and muscular problems. Join Nick Chapman, professional Alexander Technique Practitioner and his guests, and discover how to combat long-standing habits of bad posture, which affect health, performance and well-being.

  • Alexander Maberry's Museum of Strange Things presents Tales from the Tower (formerly known as Fireside Stories).

    A collection of ghost stories, urban myths, legends, and folktales from around the world curated by Elliot Randall Wood.

    Season 1 has ended and we're now working on bringing you Season 2, which is scheduled for release on May 4th 2021.

  • Discussing philosophy, human behaviour, psychology and the absurdity of life through long-form conversations, in-depth book summaries and self-reflective meanderings to affirm my learning's and pass them onto those who are curious.

  • In meinem Predigt-Podcast kannst du Predigten aus den Gottesdiensten nachhören. Viel Freude dabei.

  • Eén man. Eén verhaal. Eén held. Deze podcast zal het leven vertellen van Alexander de Grote, een levende legende voor zijn dood. Alle afleveringen zijn beschikbaar op

    Alexander III van Macedonië, afstammeling van Zeus, Hercules én Achilles zal duizenden kilometers door 3 continenten zwerven en daar een pad van vernieling en cultuur achterlaten. Geen veldslag, noch belegering zal hij verliezen.

    De leerling van Aristoteles was groter dan Julius Caesar en Napoleon. Twee legerleiders die met grote bewondering keken naar de blonde, kleine Griekse Macedoniër.

    Nog voor hij Jezus zijn leeftijd kan bereiken, blaast hij zijn laatste adem uit. Hij laat één van de rijkelijkst gevulde levens na die gekend zijn in onze westerse geschiedenis.

    Meer uitleg lijkt me niet nodig.

  • Эта группа создана для продвижения танцевальной музыки. Я стараюсь показать вам , как многогранен house и безграничен . У него много видов и подстилей . В создании миксов я опираюсь только на свой вкус и взгляд в построение микса.

  • Hello, welcome to my podcast about Alexander the Great, i am Michalis, together we are going to analyse the life of Alexander the Great. We have a ton to talk about, at the age of 30 Alexander had conquered 2/3 of the known world. He had the equally great Aristotle as a tutor, he was born in Pella, that is, was and forever be Greek. I hope to put out an episode every two or three weeks.If you have any questions or suggestions i would love to hear from you.

  • Hva skjer i kroppen når du er forelsket? Hvor kommer liv fra? Og hva var det Marie Curie var kjent for? I denne podkasten forklarer kjemiker Alexander Sandtorv små og store ting i verden - sammen med et panel med kloke hoder fra ungdomsskolen.

    Denne podkasten er laget av Henri produksjon for Aschehoug skole

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Hallo alle zusammen, in diesem Podcast geben ich und meine Gäste Euch Tips und Tricks an die Hand damit Ihr Euch erfolgreich bei Werbecastings, eCastings und Videocastings. Viel Spass damit und bei mehr Fragen sendet mir eine email an [email protected] und schaut gerne mal auf meine Webpages für Infos und Content der Euch interessiert. Viele Tips und Tricks gibt es täglich auf meinem Instagramaccount unter @alexrogerwolf. Folge mir gerne dort.
    Mehr zu mir noch unter:, und

    Zur Person: Alexander Roger Wolf ist Schauspieler, Coach und Filmemacher. Er wurde in Oakland / Kalifornien geboren und wuchs als Sohn deutscher Eltern zweisprachig in den USA und Deutschland auf. Nach dem erfolgreichen Abschluss von zwei Diplomen in Informatik und Medienberatung gründete er sein erstes eigenes Unternehmen in Deutschland und Spanien. Im Jahr 2006 verkaufte er sein Unternehmen und widmete sich ab dann dem Coaching, Schauspiel und Filme produzieren. Seitdem hat er in vielen nationalen und internationalen Produktionen mitgewirkt und ist ein sehr gut gebuchter Schauspieler im Bereich Werbung. Er unterrichtet seit Jahren in seinen Workshops „Wie präsentiere ich mich erfolgreich bei Werbecastings, eCastings und Videocastings“ (www.get-the-job. de) und produziert mit seiner eigenen Produktionsfirma Videos im Bereich Social Media und Branded Content und betreibt desweiteren ein eigenes Film- und Fotostudio in Berlin ( In seiner Freizeit ist er ein fitnessbegeisterter Sportler und Tennisspieler. Er lebt in Frankfurt und spricht Englisch, Deutsch und Spanisch.

  • In meinem Podcast bekommst du die direkteste Erfahrung zum Thema Persönlichkeitsentwicklung, Bewusstseinserweiterung und Selbstverwirklichung im deutschsprachigen Raum.

    Ungefiltert, roh, echt - mach dich bereit für eine verdammt abenteuerliche Reise in die tiefen Geheimnisse des Lebens.

    Du hast keinen Bock mehr auf den Status Quo? ❌ “Klassische Persönlichkeitsentwicklung” langweilt dich? 🥱
    Doch irgendwas in dir, was du nicht in Worte fassen kannst, strebt nach mehr? Dann freu dich, dass das Universum uns zusammengeführt hat ; ) Du wirst eine Menge Spaß an meinen Podcasts haben!

  • Solving the infinite jigsaw puzzle of music culture, one piece at a time. Developing into a podcast, unintentionally.

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Welcome to the Alexander Standard! Join us as we rank the heirs of Alexander the Great from Perdiccas to Cleopatra VII and decide if they meet the Alexander Standard!

  • The focus of this show, is to talk about pop culture, hip hop news, politics, plus any other trending topics at the moment. Plus interviews with people whom I find interesting, some from around the state of Oklahoma, and of course some family and friends who want to hop on and talk about a various of subjects! This is not your ordinary podcast, it doesn't have just one direction we will go, but that is what makes it special :)

  • Praktiske tips for å bli en bedre leder. Er du en leder eller toppleder i dag? Eller kanskje du aspirerer til å bli det? I denne podcasten intervjuer Alexander Haneng ledere og eksperter og gir deg praktiske tips til hvordan bli en bedre leder.