
  • 你對🇬🇧英國的第一聯想是什麼?雙層巴士?女王?還是紅色電話亭?本集我很榮幸訪問到英國紅色電話亭專家 Nigel Linge教授,他是The British Phonebox作者;當紅色電話亭在1990年代達到數量的巔峰:15萬,往後便逐漸消失在英國的路上,今天只剩下約2萬5千個,究竟紅色電話亭的未來在哪?它與英國的關係又會如何演變,立刻收聽!造訪紅色電話亭博物館:https://avoncroft.org.uk/avoncrofts-work/special-collections/搜尋Facebook / Instagram:Excuse英國腔!Of all the symbols of Britain, what is the first that comes to your mind? Double decker? Her Majesty The Queen? Or the widely instagram-ed red phonebox? In this episode, it’s my privilege to be joined by Professor Nigel Linge, an expert in the field of computer networking and telecommunications in the UK. What interests me most is not the aforementioned, but his being a member of the Association for Industrial Archaeology. His passion for the history of the British phonebox led him to write a book about it — The British Phonebox. If you count yourself as one fan of it, you might fancy listening on!-----------------------------------------------------------------< 🇬🇧好物嚴選🇬🇧 >點亮近代英國的經典吊燈 Coolicon,從黑白影像中它現身在倫敦BBC的錄音室裡、倫敦地鐵站內員工餐廳、工作室和辦公室內,它也為前首相邱吉爾照亮了不列顛空戰期間地下的邱吉爾作戰室,及扭轉二戰戰局的貝利橋之發明人 Donald Bailey的工作室;1965年 Coolicon的吊燈更出現在史恩康納萊主演的007電影- 霹靂彈。穿越時空到今天,Coolicon見證了90年來英國的變化,Coolicon手工地鐵燈是經嚴謹的15道製程,以珐瑯燒製色彩,高辨識度的燈罩設計在以前是用來鹵素燈燈泡散熱,如今大多以Led取代,低垂懸掛時,上方以環境光映亮天花板;下方以平行光提供溫馨照明,今天你可在倫敦交通博物館中看到當年在廢棄的地鐵站 Down Street找到1940年使用的Coolicon綠燈罩。好消息是台灣的聽眾有福了:Coolicon推出16個珐瑯燒製色彩燈罩外,提供全球唯一授權的地鐵系列燈罩:Underground Edition: 今天全世界的地鐵線路圖設計原來是受1933年倫敦地鐵的技術繪圖員 Harry Beck的版本啟發與影響,將1933年版地圖原汁原味呈現在燈罩內側,非常有收藏與玩味價值;Coolicon手工地鐵燈推出四款經典色調,與地鐵路線代表色相呼應,如Jet Black顏色讓人聯想黑線 Northern Line, Royal Blue想到Piccadily Line,以及象徵District Line的綠色和舊地圖紙質的米色,因為需細膩的手工製作,工廠每週只生產20個。如果你跟我一樣對於倫敦地鐵有著難言喻的情感,Coolicon手工地鐵燈相當值得掛在家中,了解更多,請搜尋總代理琉芯貿易或前往台北、桃園或台南門市。

  • 身為臺南人,小時候記得垃圾車都會廣播垃圾🗑️不落地,臺南真美麗,現在還是追著垃圾車跑,但垃圾量還真沒減少…本集Ander Zabala, 他是位在🇬🇧倫敦Hackney自治市政府機關的永續經理 (Sustainability Manager),邀請到他,不是因為他有個響叮噹的頭銜,而是他令人肅然起敬的生活風格:zero-waste lifestyle:零廢棄生活方式,一切開始於2018年他響應一個零廢棄週的活動,從此他開始每個月將不可回收的垃圾裝進果醬罐,秤重,究竟他是如何過幾乎沒有垃圾的生活,我們一起收聽!搜尋Facebook / Instagram:Excuse英國腔!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<< 🇬🇧🇬🇧好物嚴選🇬🇧🇬🇧 >>對你而言,英國吸引人的地方有什麼?對 Excuse英國腔!而言,復古兼具創新是英國設計迷人且有趣的地方:來自英國的音響工程公司 Ashdown在疫情期間推出了款將只在早期的高級音響或是專業錄音室中見到的音量指示器 (俗稱的VU表) 首次搬到兩側耳機外觀,在競爭激烈的耳機市場中獨樹一格,名為Meters 耳機,外觀有三色可選:黑、白跟棕色,兼具科技與復古情懷,個人偏好棕色,採透氣的蛋白質耳罩;科技面上,Meters具 ANC 主動降噪效能、觸控耳機VU表,可以輕鬆切換來電與音樂,控制大小聲及選曲,同時可接線或無線使用,搭載高通高端晶片與藍牙5.1,無線傳輸聽到高解析音樂也是沒有問題,對於挑惕的聽眾,連接手機的app,還可自調五段等化器跟調整VU表的亮度。如果要挑明顯的缺點,那大概是Meters那跳動的VU表指針會讓周圍人也忍不住想知道你在聽什麼吧。Meters by Ashdown 低音飽滿,中高音層次清晰,降噪表現令我驚豔;在台灣,您可搜尋總代理 古俬選品。🔗 https://www.apothecary1969.com/METERS-藍牙耳機

  • Eksik bölüm mü var?

    Akışı yenilemek için buraya tıklayın.

  • 如果是待在🇬🇧英國多年的聽眾,你可能早已知道或甚至認識誌瑋,對於尚未認識她的聽眾 — 她與先生共同經營倫敦第一家華人民宿 Lupton 拉普頓;她是英國藍牌導遊;也是最新在台灣上架的「老倫敦,從酒吧出發」一書的作者 。今天,我抱著聽故事的心情,滿心期待地想聽誌瑋這超過三十年、越陳越香的倫敦經,我們一起收聽!搜尋Facebook / Instagram:Excuse英國腔!<< 🇬🇧🇬🇧好物嚴選🇬🇧🇬🇧 >>想來點氣泡飲料的靈感嗎?來自英國 Northumberland的草本無酒精飲料Fentimans 是陪伴我在梅雨季中的居家冷飲!Fentimans 以草本植物釀造、活酵母天然發酵,獨門食譜和專業製程,延續著百年傳承下來的味覺旅程,從取自中國的薑根到保加利雅的玫瑰油,direct from botanical to bottle, 在嚴峻疫情下,待在家中的您或許可來點Fentimans 多層次口感的草本系列,只有親自品嚐才知道! 你可前往本集介紹下的連結挑選Fentimans 系列六種口味,輸入我的優惠碼 mindthegap,即享95折與免運,本優惠只到6/1,最後一週!👉🏻 https://www.sharktank.com.tw/collections/fentimans

  • 本集我訪問到🇬🇧 London in Fragments: A Mudlark’s Treasures 一書的作者 Ted Sandling,他是英國歷史悠久的佳士得拍賣會旗下的美術學院線上課程的總監,本集有趣的地方起至 Mudlark一字,你可以理解成海灘尋寶人:特別是位在倫敦泰唔士河潮汐退之後前灘。作者有深厚的藝術史背景、有園藝設計師及景觀歷史學家的經歷。London in Fragments便是他與讀者分享他歷年在泰唔士河前灘尋到的歷史文物:可以是穿越數世紀的陶瓷碎片、來自古時中國的花瓶碎片,亦可是百年前抽完即丟的煙斗,這些歷史碎片在他手上變成了重新認識倫敦的元素,它們是握在手中活生生卻被遺忘的歷史印記,不是博物館中隔著玻璃,濕度與溫度精準調控,並附上說明的物件,如果你想以不同視角解讀倫敦,我們聽下去!搜尋Facebook / Instagram:Excuse英國腔!In this episode, I'd like to virtually explore London in a novel way. Here he comes -- Ted Sandling, author of London in Fragments: A Mudlark's Treasures. A centuries-old activity of 'mudlarking' is re-explored today by walking on to the foreshore of River Thames for random relics: from broken pieces of vase from China to an RAF tunic button, from an 18th century broken piece of teapot to a 19-century tobacco pipe. These came on the palm of Sandling's hand: a connection with the forgotten past. A way of seeing history unlike staring at the artefacts through the window in a museum. This is London and this is mudlarking.----------------------------------------------------------<< 🇬🇧🇬🇧Excuse英國腔! 好物嚴選🇬🇧🇬🇧 >>對你而言,英國吸引人的地方有什麼?對 Excuse英國腔!而言,復古兼具創新是英國設計迷人且有趣的地方:來自英國的音響工程公司 Ashdown在疫情期間推出了款將只在早期的高級音響或是專業錄音室中見到的音量指示器 (俗稱的VU表) 首次搬到兩側耳機外觀,在競爭激烈的耳機市場中獨樹一格,名為Meters 耳機,外觀有三色可選:黑、白跟棕色,兼具科技與復古情懷,個人偏好棕色,採透氣的蛋白質耳罩;科技面上,Meters具 ANC 主動降噪效能、觸控耳機VU表,可以輕鬆切換來電與音樂,控制大小聲及選曲,同時可接線或無線使用,搭載高通高端晶片與藍牙5.1,無線傳輸聽到高解析音樂也是沒有問題,對於挑惕的聽眾,連接手機的app,還可自調五段等化器跟調整VU表的亮度。如果要挑明顯的缺點,那大概是Meters那跳動的VU表指針會讓周圍人也忍不住想知道你在聽什麼吧。Meters by Ashdown 低音飽滿,中高音層次清晰,降噪表現令我驚豔;在台灣,您可搜尋總代理 古俬選品。🔗 https://www.apothecary1969.com/METERS-藍牙耳機

  • 來自🇬🇧英國,在台灣捲起袖子把手弄髒,他是Jed Collinson👨‍🏫老師,不只是用英語教學生自然科學,他最近將精力投注在協助🇹🇼台灣老師們在雙語國家目標路上,轉型以英語教學各門學科,對於台灣教育他有話要有說!本集我相當感動, 在29.40 你可聽到他語重心長地以國語建議台灣的家長如何協助孩子溝通與表達自己,如果你認為外國的月亮較圓,本集你一定要收聽;如果你認為東西合璧方為上策,本集你已經該在收聽!

    搜尋Facebook / Instagram:Excuse英國腔!

    From the UK Jed Collinson is a teacher in Taiwan. Previously a High School science teacher, he has since refocussed his energies into training Taiwanese teachers on how to design and deliver courses in different disciplines through English. As many of you may have been well aware, Bilingual 2030 is not merely a manifesto by our incumbent government but a policy — here allow me to quote its vision verbatim ‘helping Taiwan’s workforce connect with the world” and “attracting international enterprises to Taiwan; enabling Taiwanese industries to connect to global markets and create high-quality jobs.’ As I am obviously neither working nor going to any school now, I am pleased to welcome my guest Jed Collinson, who is amidst the frontline of this educational reform over which many still scratch their heads, to share with us what he is doing and what challenges face us on the ground.

  • 當想要拍家庭或婚禮攝影時,你會考慮什麼?來自台灣旅居英國19年的Jenni是個風格顯明的攝影師,搜尋「英國生活幸福的瞬間’s 全球旅拍」,映入眼簾的是一張張富有情感與電影氣氛的素人照片,緣分起於在倫敦攝政街上那份悸動,憑藉著希望記錄下那感動瞬間的執著,Jenni自學人物攝影,在全球為客戶捕捉人生精彩片刻,在英國曾擔任英國皇室慈善晚宴攝影師、倫敦Lonchamp x Vogue晚會攝影、英國美妝奧斯卡頒獎典禮攝影等。


    《拾光安平》- 簡汝羚(Jenni)安平樹屋攝影特展:


    搜尋Facebook / Instagram:Excuse英國腔!


  • 本集專訪紐約的獨立城市歷史學家且是五本書的美國🇺🇸作者 Brian Ladd,他的最新著作 The Streets of Europe🇪🇺: The Sights, Sounds, and Smells that Shaped Its Great Cities 探索包含倫敦🇬🇧、維也納🇦🇹、柏林🇩🇪與巴黎🇫🇷在1700到1900間的街頭究竟是什麼情況:從街景到氣味,甚至是接到聲音,他以學者角度,彷彿將讀者帶上時光隧道,藉閱讀「體驗」兩三百年前的歐洲大城,他的研究嚴謹,筆風引人入勝,彷彿穿越,立刻收聽他與Excuse英國腔!的分享 (繁體中文版正翻譯中)。

    搜尋Facebook / Instagram:Excuse英國腔!

    In an era of smartphones, how much do we sense and feel when passing by all the surroundings? In this episode, based in 🇺🇸 New York, my guest Brian Ladd is an independent urban historian and author of five books. His latest one, The Streets of Europe: The Sights, Sounds, and Smells that Shaped Its Great Cities, is a manifestation of meticulous research in what the 🇬🇧 London streets were like between the 1700 and 1900. How do we know what the smell was on the streets then? What sounds could we hear if we were to be transported through the time machine? If you are curious as I am about how 🇪🇺 European cities have come to be the ones we know of today, listen on with me to have a taste of Ladd’s work of historic artistry.


    🍸探索來自🇬🇧英國 Fentimans 七種多層次草本無酒精飲料 (輸入優惠碼: mindthegap,享95折優惠+台灣免運!本優惠只到6/1)
    → https://www.sharktank.com.tw/collections/fentimans

    穿越百年的口味,來自英國 Northumberland的草本無酒精飲料Fentimans 在台灣家中就可品嚐!1905年,來自英格蘭西約克郡一個叫Cleckheaton的城鎮,一位叫 Thomas Fentiman的先生,駕著馬車在鎮上挨家挨戶的販賣自己獨門、以草本植物釀造的薑汁啤酒,時間輪轉1世紀後的今天,英國Fentimans 品牌以草本植物釀造、活酵母天然發酵,獨門食譜和專業製程,延續著百年傳承下來的味覺旅程,從取自中國的薑根到保加利雅的玫瑰油,direct from botanical to bottle, 在紛亂升溫的疫情裡,待在家中的您或許可來點Fentimans 多層次口感的草本系列,只有親自品嚐才知道! (我最喜歡蘋果黑莓口味)。

  • 本集,Excuse英國腔!與來賓 Suzanne Stokes,來自英格蘭的東密德蘭,有個郡叫Derbyshire,擁有風光明媚的鄉村景緻,在這裡,當她與先生 Andrew在孩子們約1歲時,觀察到他們的孩子們從喝奶逐漸轉換到吃副食品的過程遇到的困難,如餐具不符合孩子的身型、無法方便抓取、吸管不方便吸吮等;今天,他們的品牌TUM TUM有很豐富的產品線滿足世界各地年輕父母在遇到小朋友離乳時的需求,也包含🇹🇼台灣。收聽本集,我們聽Suzanne談自家品牌 TUM TUM,以及在🇬🇧英國從餵奶到以寶寶主導的離乳過程他的切身專業分享,內容豐富,立刻收聽!

    搜尋Facebook / Instagram:Excuse英國腔!

    (本集由🇬🇧英國品牌Mamas and Papas贊助播出)

    🔍了解更多TUM TUM系列
    → https://mamasandpapas.tw/range-529

    → https://pay.soundon.fm/podcasts/b15c2431-9188-4436-9bae-24081e4a3277

    In this episode, my guest, Suzanne Stokes, co-founder of TUM TUM, from Derbyshire, England -- a county with picturesque countryside scenery. Here, when her babies were 1 year old she and her husband encountered the difficulties when their babies weaned such as the unfit and not-easy-to-hold cutlery, straw which didn't come in handy, etc. Today, their brand TUM TUM has come with a wide range of products catering to new parents' universal needs when their babies wean (including Taiwan). Tune in to Stokes' sharing of her brand and of how it, if not all British, deals with baby-led weaning

  • 人手一機邊走邊滑的今天,導航是最好的朋友,但或許讓我們錯過了街道的細膩印象?來自🇬🇧英國的Tom Rook在🇹🇼台灣以紙筆記錄了台灣大小的街道與城市,以情感及史料,撒些想像力,將我們熟悉的街道、牌坊以親切的畫風就此展開,他的筆畫開啟了他常駐台灣的旅程,改變了他原將搬回英國的計畫,至4/30,你可前往位在台中的Lei Gallery觀賞他的作品,本集他與Excuse英國腔! 娓娓道來他的心路與他那真誠及美好的想像,立刻收聽!


    Born in Exmouth, England, Tom Rook might not come across as a familiar name, but his drawings of Taiwan’s many neighbourhoods and cities might manifestly illustrate your familiar neighbourhoods, if not serendipitously your home. Having stayed in Taiwan way longer than he had planned, he is calling Taiwan home now. In fact, the alleyways and every turn of the streets in his full-blown drawings have not only appealed to Taiwanese audience to re-think about their relationship with the surroundings but also foreign communities who share their love for Taiwan. If interested in seeing his works in real life, Rook’s first Taichung exhibition is open at Lei Gallery until 30 April 2022. Tune in at once to his interview with Excuse英國腔!

    台灣沙龍香氛品牌 百氛苑 (100 Phantom Perfumer Taipei),以嗅覺勾勒台灣印象,東方香調,全球擴香
    👉 https://www.100phantom.com

  • 人 ‧ 空間 ‧ 生活

    位在新北市林口區的威楓設計工作室的創辦人 室內設計師 劉玉琪 (威威) 擁有豐富多元的室內設計經驗,多風格的住宅設計經歷如復古英倫&懷舊、北歐、鄉村風甚至到家有寵物的暖調工業風等,在他與團隊的規劃執行下,為台灣業主完成對家的想像,本集,威威將與我們分享近期威楓設計為業主策劃執行的復古英倫&懷舊案例中,對於英式風格如何落地台灣,滿足業主的需求同時,兼顧復古英倫風格打造,且配合台灣本地的客觀資源條件。究竟什麼是復古英倫&懷舊的風格呢,立刻收聽!


    (本集由威楓設計工作室贊助播出 👉 https://www.the-w.com.tw)

  • Monocle是個鎖定全球觀點的獨立媒體,從國際事務、商務、文化到設計出發,由加拿大創辦人Tyler Brule帶領多國團隊,從倫敦出發,在世界多次建立網絡據點,Monocle的精神是紙本永不會被數位取代;2013年我有幸像個粉絲得到Tyler的簽名;將近十年後,我有幸訪問到Chiara Rimella,來自義大利,在倫敦Monocle總部任職文化編輯,也是The Monocle Book of Italy唯二編輯。

    本集他將與我們暢談他參與的作品 — 關於設計、商業、美食與時尚之旅:The Monocle Book of Italy是個視覺上的饗宴,深入潛出且多面地探索義大利 (避開陳腔濫調的介紹),從文化到設計,再到建築與交通,一個富含深度的國家等待被挖掘…


    Fast backwarding to autumn, 2013, in London, ‘Cheers, to the finest in print,’ signed Tyler Brule, Monocle’s Editor-in-Chief on the flyleaf of a Monocle issue I’d just bought. (For those listeners who have not heard of Monocle, it’s a media brand from London positioning itself as a global briefing covering international affairs, business, culture and design.)

    As a fan of Monocle for over a decade, I am especially thrilled today to be joined by Chiara Rimella, Culture Editor of Monocle and one of the two editors of The Monocle Book of Italy.

    In this episode, she will talk to us about this book she tirelessly co-worked on — a grand tour of design, business, food and fashion — The Monocle Book of Italy is a visual banquet of the nation. This hardback book is no ordinary travel guide of Italy that repeats the beaten track. Rather, it re-visits the many facets of the country multi-dimensionally, from culture to design, architecture to mobility, with a miscellany more for you to explore this country of profundity.

  • 她叫Demi,曾是英國唯一來自台灣的刺青師,他藉刺青技能遊歷歐洲駐店與參展,他認為刺青技藝須兼具技術、美感與創意,在異文化中,他體驗人生,更認識刺青技藝在文化與文化間的不同,在倫敦時,Demi自創品牌Demiadventure,以倫敦地鐵logo發想,化身他最愛的兔子形狀,紀念在倫敦的生活,今天,他在台中有工作室,我們立刻收聽他的分享。 


    了解英國音響品牌Mission的LX Connect:《台音好物》https://www.tatselect.com/ 台音貿易有限公司
    Call her Demi. She used to be the only tattoo artist from Taiwan in the UK. Through tattooing skillset, she travelled through Europe as a resident tattoo artist or attending exhibition. She believes this trade counts on technique, aesthetics and creativity. In diverse cultures, she experienced life and learnt how different tattoo styles or preferences were between cultures. In London, she founded her brand 'Demiadventure' -- based on the logo of London Underground, she added a rabbit to it to remember her time in London. Today, you can find her studio in Taichung. Let's tune in to her sharing at once.

  • 在英國、美國與其他地域待了近30年,擁有豐富的跨文化教導弱勢學生經驗,筱薇老師幾年前回到台灣,2017年在台灣北海岸石門區成立了非營利組織IPOWER,其盼以社區的力量翻轉偏鄉的教育:「每一個 I 都是一個 POWER,一個影響力。」




    With nearly 30 years spent in the UK, US, etc., Hsiao-wei has an abundance of cross-cultural experience in educating the underprivileged students. She moved back to Taiwan afterwards and founded the NGO, IPOWER, in 石門, located in the northern coastline of Taiwan. Her hope is to overturn how education can be like in the remote area by communal support.

    When she was about to leave New York, her students initiated a crowdfunding activity for her 'low-carbon' world travel as a farewell gift in which she took a cruise rather than a flight from New York to England. Tune in to learn how Hsiao-wei's journey of mission and empathy has taken her to where she is now.

  • 在倫敦的Ting是個全職媽媽,育二孩:哥哥8歲,妹妹5歲,在長年在「人妻。倫敦。習作簿」撰寫旅英生活點滴,有設計背景的他,也曾與英國皮革設計品牌合作聯名新款式。本集他與Excuse英國腔!分享在英國育兒所觀察到的文化,無私地分享英國是如何親子友善,從親子共同參與的藝文/音樂活動到帶小小孩外出用餐的貼心,再到大自然教育與適合嬰幼兒的感知課程跟相關產品推薦,如果你有生小孩的想法或是新手爸媽,本集不可錯過!

    (本集由英國品牌Mamas and Papas贊助播出)



  • 本集Excuse英國腔!插播來自烏克蘭前線的聲音,訪談時間在戰火蹂躪的3/6與3/7,我與三位烏克蘭的國民:第一位是住在首都基輔郊區的女性、第二位受動員位在基輔的預備役男性,以及第三位是在開戰前逃出烏克蘭的女性,與他們三位的訪談,我希望拼湊烏克蘭當前人民的想法與感受,以及他們親身遭遇到的軍事侵犯,希望他們平安。


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    You are to listen to three people’s accounts of the Russian invasion of Ukraine so far — one of whom is still living on the outskirts of the capital, Kyiv, preparing for any imminent threat; another is a reservist, living right in Kyiv, tryin to defend the capital; and the other left the country shortly before the outbreak but endeavours to contribute to the nation — you’ll learn what they have experienced and what they have to say. Please note the account of the former was recorded on 5 March, the latter two on 6 March. To protect three of them, the interviews were conducted anonymous.

  • 收聽1928、 2018與2020年封城期間的倫敦市中心Leicester Square (萊斯特廣場), Hyde Park Corner (海德堡公園), Whitechapel等街道的聲音!隨著倫敦在20世紀初湧入大量的勞工與移民,街頭噪音對身心理的影響逐漸成為大家討論的話題,但直到1928年,Daily Mail (每日郵報)記者Commander Daniel親自踏點五處倫敦街道,以當時巨大的錄音器材錄製街道噪音,藉以引起全民至政府正視與解決街頭噪音問題….時隔90年,2018年倫敦大學Goldsmtihs學院聲景聲態學教授John Levack Drever接棒繼續,並記錄2020年封城期間倫敦靜到只剩鴿子拍翅聲的珍貴紀錄,立刻收聽訪談!

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    了解英國音響品牌Mission的LX Connect:《台音好物》https://www.tatselect.com/

    Tune in to the street sounds recordings of 1928, 2018 and 2020, during lockdown in London: Leicester Square, Hyde Park Corner, Whitechapel, etc! As an influx of population moved to London in the beginning of the 20th century, discussions around the mental and physical impacts of street noises became popular in press and civil society. It wasn't until 1928 that Daily Mail journalist Commander Daniel recorded the street noises across 5 spots in London, using the then bulky recording equipment. His purpose was clear -- to bring the awareness squarely to both the public and government.

    Ninety years later, 2018 and 2020 during lockdown, John Levack Drever, Professor of Acoustic Ecology at Goldsmiths, University of London continued this field recording; you'll find in that of 2020, the sheer sound of the flapping of pigeons' wings said it all about the peculiar period of human history we were in. Tune in for this interview and invaluable recordings!

  • 馬克太太是誰?在文字的世界,她是犀利冷靜的觀察家;在服裝的領域,她是眼光獨到的時尚女 王;在網紅的業界,她是跨越界線的斜槓才女;在人生的戰場上,她是永不放棄的挑戰者。 從小就喜歡穿搭,尤其是用色大膽的服裝,因而成為大人眼裡的異類。小時候常 常幻想自己是作家,在循規蹈矩才是好孩子的那個年代,被老師認為不切實際。 明明說著一口破英文,卻嚮往國外的生活,靠自己的努力去澳門、日本以及愛爾 蘭打工度假,最後還嫁給馬克先生,定居英國。 雖然做事總是離經叛道、我行我素,但誰說不按牌理出牌的人無法走出自己的小天地呢?希望透過這本書讓大家明白:你的人生是掌握在自己的手裡,而不是活 在別人的嘴裡! 立刻Excuse英國腔!專訪!

    P.S. 參加贈書活動請先加入Facebook社團:



  • 那一天,她鼓起勇氣走進台中的百貨的女性內衣專櫃,Kim Asher (金睿凰)今年49歲,她的跨國境跨性別的故事充滿曲折離奇,曾經,她選擇催眠自己,進入傳統的婚姻,但追尋自我的聲音不曾斷歇,她知道,惟有讓自己變得堅強,為自己發聲,也為更多非二元性別認同的族群鼓勵。她的成長大多在英國,她的職涯大多在地球各大遠洋的船上,立刻收聽!

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    One day, despite hesitation she walked into a lingerie counter at a department store in Taichung. This episode is about an accidental social transition that has since given Kim Asher a rebirth. Being 49 years of age, her stories have been full of twists and turns. Once she chose to walk into a typical marriage with a woman but exited later. In her mind, her self pursuit has never ended because she knows only when she becomes strong can she have a say -- she even further encourages other LGBT fellow people to be themselves. She was chiefly raised in Britain though her later career has taken her all over the oceans: on boat. Tune in at once!

  • 你吃過正宗的義式冰淇淋(gelato)嗎? 它的口感不同於一般的冰淇淋。本集邀請到可能是倫敦最道地的義式冰淇淋店家Gelateria 3BIS London,位在市中心景點的分店:Borough Market跟Portobello Road:始於1987年義大利的Rimini,在倫敦品嚐義大利味道無時差!他們用工藝製作義式冰淇淋,提供豐富的口感層次與引進源自世界各地的新鮮食材,更對於美觀有極高的要求,除了義式冰淇淋,還有更多其他甜點。收聽本集,請準備用耳朵吃義式冰淇淋,該店代表Gianmarco Benedetti的介紹讓我訪談時唾腺發達,一度不能自己;請備好筆與紙,記下他推薦必點的招牌,冬天吃義式冰淇淋,不亦樂乎!

    Excuse英國腔!更與Gelateria 3BIS London合作,只要進店內提及因收聽Excuse英國腔!造訪,拍照上傳分享冰淇淋即可享全店8折優惠!

    步步四階段英國生活會話課:https://bit.ly/3GXK6Q7 (使用Excuse英國腔!的優惠碼: blimey,再享9折。)

    What comes to your mind in terms of the taste of Italy? How about a scoop of gelato in London as we gradually exit the winter? In this rare episode, we are at perhaps the most authentic gelateria in London, Gelateria 3BIS London, located at both Borough Market and on Portobello Road. This gem originated from Rimi, Italy in 1987. Lucky you to be in London as you can have a taste of Italy at the comfort in the UK. That remarkable workmanship goes into every gelato they hand over the counter to you. My guest is Gianmarco Benedetti, on behalf of 3BIS, he manages to have my mouth water throughout the interview. So brace yourself too! Plus, listen to the end for his top picks. No spoiler!

    ❤️Claim your 20% off for a taste of gelato with Excuse英國腔!🍦
    With Gelateria 3BIS London, all listeners of Excuse英國腔! can claim 20% off when visiting either gelateria of 3BIS London by telling the staff this podcast interview, taking a shot of your order and sharing it on either Facebook or Instagram!

  • 英國巴斯,一個在1987年被聯合國教科文組織列為世界文化遺產的城市,在此不僅可看到昔日羅馬帝國留下的遺跡外,如羅馬浴場,這裡還有個英國唯一天然溫泉浴場 Thermae Bath Spa。當然這城市的豐富內涵不僅如此,收聽本集了解造訪巴斯時必造訪的非觀光客景點以及這座結合現代與舊歷史的建築是如何將羅馬帝國時泡湯的體驗穿越兩千年原地重現!別忘了巴斯亦是已故英國小說家 珍·奧斯丁居住過並是為家鄉的地方。

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    A city having been proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage in 1987 -- in Bath not only do you see the ruins of Roman Baths, But UK’s only natural thermal spa right next to it, accessible to people who fancy the relaxing experience dating from the ancient Rome. And of course, it's not all the city can offer. Tune in to learn what you can do on your holidays in Bath from Alison and Andrew, whose insiders' tips shouldn't be only for locals. P.S. The City of Bath is the city that Jane Austen ever fondly resided in.