Leisure – Slovenya – Önerilen podcastler
The Ski Monster is an elevated ski and snowboard experience based in the heart of Boston. Our podcast, The Boston Ski Party, offers an unfiltered and honest view behind the scenes of the ski and snowboard industry. We talk with guests ranging from TSM team members to athletes to major movers and shakers that push this industry forward.
Μουσικές και αφιερώματα απ όλο τον κόσμο!
Το Εκτός τόπου και χρόνου είναι ένα μουσικό podcast από τις αρχές του 2020. Πρώτα στο Mixcloud και αργότερα και στο Αnchor και σε όλες τις πλατφόρμες Podcast. Φτάσαμε μέχρι το #63 τεύχος όπου το Anchor το αγόρασε η Spotify και μας τα ρίξανε. Τώρα πάλι ξανά εδώ μέσω του παλιού podcast καναλιού, Στο Μπαούλο....
e-mail : [email protected] -
Join Keith as he takes on the insane task of replaying every game he's played throughout his life. We're going back to the 80's, and coming around to modern PC games, all the while replacing nostalgia with...something better...or worse. It ain't a side quest for him, it's his Main Quest!
Weekly Sim Racing News from iRacing, ACC, Rennsport, RFactor2 and more! Recorded live from the Apex Racing TV studio in Corby, UK, watch the podcast on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ApexRacingTV
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Childhood best friends navigating adult life together one cosplay and cocktail at a time.
Why? Tesla Model Y is a podcast for Tesla Model Y owners, prospective buyers, and all those who consider themselves fanatics or curious about all things Tesla Model Y. Our podcast primarily reports on the weekly happenings within the r/TeslaModelY subreddit. *We are not affiliated with Reddit or Tesla in any way*
I will be discussing all things houseplants: Care tips, Series on various plants, Where to buy plants, Interviews with other plant lovers. Let's learn about plants
Šokcast je prvi slovenski podcast, ki ima naslov bolj šokanten od vsebine. Z glavnimi akterji najbolj branih člankov na spletni strani Slovenskenovice.si bomo govorili o ozadjih najbolj odmevnih vsebin in razčistili šokantne vsebine. Znani Slovenci bodo razkrili, kdaj so o sebi prebrali največ neresnic in katere so jih najbolj presenetile. Uspehi, ločitve, afere, poroke, razprodani koncerti, življenjske zmage, osebne preizkušnje …
S seboj bodo prinesli osebne predmete, brez katerih si ne znajo predstavljati življenja. Kdo so znani obrazi, ki se nam smehljajo z naslovnic, kakšna je njihova resnica in kako težko je živeti pod drobnogledom javnosti? Iskreni in zabavni podcasti, ki jih ne smete zamuditi!
Podkast vodi Petra Kalan. -
We break down various board games, dice games and more to see who it may be a good fit for. Oh, and of course to decide: is it a game that we'd pass on, play, or purchase!
Joins us for a family-friendly adventure RPG set in the wonderful world of Pokemon using the mechanics of Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition. Tag along as our lovable gang of mostly obese characters begin their Pokemon journey to become a legend.
Dobrodošli v "Pominamo se", svežem podkastu, ki bo z vami vsako prvo sredo v mesecu. Pridružite se nam v odkrivanju zanimivih zgodb in navdihujočih pogovorov z Brežičani, ki s svojo kreativnostjo, športnim duhom, umetniškim talentom in inovativnim ustvarjanjem pustijo neizbrisen pečat v lokalni skupnosti in širše.
A podcast for pool owners covering pool maintenance and water chemistry.
Zufrieden, energiegeladen, nice! – Für depressive, junge Gamer, Führungskräfte & die die es brauchen. Hier lernst du die Basics in Gesundheit, Liebe, Spaß, Finanzen und Business. Depressiv, fett & pleite wird ZEN: Zufrieden, energiegeladen, nice! Ich? Realschule, 2 Ausbildungen, Vertrieb, Führung, IT Großkundenbetreuung, Arbeitslosigkeit, Computer Science Studium gemixt mit Alkoholprobleme, depressive Selbstmordphase, Pleite und Übergewicht. All das liegt hinter mir. Vor mir meine Berufung so viele (junge) Menschen zu helfen wie ich kann bevor ich sterbe. Bock?
⚓Le Groupe Beneteau, c’est 140 ans d’aventures en mer, de bateaux iconiques, d’innovations, de récits sportifs, d’audace… Une saga familiale vendéenne devenue, au fil de l’eau, acteur mondial de l’industrie nautique. Au gré des époques, nous vous invitons à remonter le temps, à la découverte de l’Odyssée du Groupe Beneteau. Un podcast raconté par Michel Desjoyeaux.
A podcast for the agnostic gamer. Real gamers who just love playing games wherever they are. We cover all games on Xbox, Playstation, Switch, PC, and even mobile if applicable.
Hosted by Midnight, Hodge, and Sean Mason and posted every other monday. No console wars, just gaming and fun!
Gaiden se mudi okoli japonske popkulture, v sproščenem vzdušju, brez zadržkov in vprašljivimi mnenji. Dobrodošli v živalski vrt Gaiden! Štirje primati smo se pripravljeni spopasti z neusmiljenostjo vitezov oglate tipkovnice in vam ponuditi le najboljše iz podstrešja svojih umov.
We love to talk about our smutty books and want to share that with you!
Do you love having insider information when you travel - knowing the hidden gems and most authentic hotels? Do you love splurging on over the top experiences when they are absolutely worth it? When you go places do you enjoy staying active and exploring beyond the tourist areas? Do you believe amazing experiences are more valuable than buying another thing?
Then you are in the right place. Join me each week for a rich conversation with one of my favorite travel experts from around the world. We will chat about our favorite experiences, people and hotels that make a trip extra special. Experiences you can have in places like Singita tented camps in Africa, Cape Kidnappers in New Zealand and Pikaia Lodge in the Galapagos. We’ll share our favorite off the beaten path gems and insider tips to elevate your trip beyond a simple vanilla luxury vacation.
Adventures in Luxury Travel is hosted each week by Mimi Lichtenstein, the owner of Truvay Travel, a top luxury travel design company working with entrepreneurs and executives, who are also parents. Mimi is an expert in luxury travel, mom of three teens, and believer in the power of travel to connect people.
If you dislike vanilla vacations, don’t want to miss out on the best of the best in your destination, and love the VIP treatment, this is the podcast for you. For more information visit www.truvaytravel.com.
Photo credit: Nayara Tented Camp -
Podkast za vse in o vsem o hiši, kdaj tudi o hišni miši, o tistih, katerih dom je hiša in tudi za tiste, katerih hiša je tržna niša.
V Hiši gostimo tiste, ki hiše radi gradijo z idejami in tiste, ki jih gradijo z rokami. Raziskovali bomo, kaj vse se dogaja za štirimi stenami še preden se sploh postavijo in kaj, ko na stežaj odprejo vrata. -
Tune in for many discussions with friends and other guests as you’ll be hearing lots of other opinions , I hope you enjoy this wonderful experience enjoy! - Daha fazla göster