• Í þátt­un­um fylg­ir Jó­hann­es Kr. Kristjánsson kyn­ferð­is­brota­deild lög­regl­unn­ar á höf­uð­borg­ar­svæð­inu eft­ir í um tveggja mán­aða skeið. Þáttaröðin fer í loft­ið á Heim­ild­inni þann 22. apríl og verða þætt­irn­ir fjór­ir og birt­ir viku­lega.

  • Í þættinum eru atburðir og málefni líðandi stundar skoðaðir í ljósi sögunnar. Umsjón: Vera Illugadóttir.

  • Á toppnum síðan 2018. Í beinni frá Húsi fótboltans á Íslandi.

  • Vinirnir og grínistarnir Tinna, Ingó og Tryggvi ræða um allt á milli himins og jarðar á misalvarlegum nótum.

  • Hér er rætt hispurslaust um stjórnmál, efnahagsmál, menningu og annað tengt þjóðmálum.

  • Best-selling author Mark Manson brings his irreverent, hard-hitting style right to your ear holes with life advice that doesn't suck.

    Featuring a mix of guest appearances, burning reader questions, and solo shows with just Mark and a microphone, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast explores all the uncomfortable questions that, if you're brave enough to ask yourself, might just change your life.

    Whether it's your relationship, career, health, wealth, or happiness, Mark tackles it all with refreshing honesty and a dash of foul-mouthed humor.

  • Í hlaðvarpinu Með lífið í lúkunum fæ ég til mín einstaklinga úr ýmsum áttum sem hafa þekkingu á fjölbreyttum sviðum heilsu og einnig fólk sem hefur á einn eða annan hátt jákvæð áhrif á samferðafólk sitt.

    Markmiðið er að skapa rými fyrir einlægt og opið spjall til þess að kynnast sem fjölbreyttustum leiðum til þess að huga að heilsunni. t.d. varðandi geðheilsu, líkamlega heilsu, mataræði, svefn, raddheilsu, tannheilsu, fjárhagslega heilsu, sköpunargleði, kynheilbrigði og margt fleira.

  • Nautnaseggirnir Eva & Solla fjalla um mat og matargerð í sem víðustum skilningi. Þetta hlaðvarp er fyrir sælkerann, meðaljónin og sjoppuna.

  • Í klefanum þá skoðum við hvernig við náum árangri og komumst nær markmiðunum okkar. 

    Í Klefanum þá talar allt íþróttafólk sama tungumálið! 


  • Þrjár tvíburamæður með munnræpu.
    Deilum reynslu okkar á tvíburum ásamt því að fá til okkar frábæra viðmælendur sem allir eiga það sameiginlegt að tengjast fjölburum á einn eða annan hátt.

  • Birta Líf og Sunneva Einarsdóttir fara yfir allskonar skemmtileg málefni sem tengjast hinum vestræna heimi.

  • Fyrrum fréttakonurnar Þórhildur Þorkels og Nadine Yaghi rifja upp áhugaverð fréttamál og fjalla um þau á mannlegum nótum.

  • When ex-Bunny girl Jayne Gaskin spots the desert island of her dreams for sale online, she decides to risk it all. Trading in their English village home, Jayne and her family relocate to their own private paradise, just off the coast of Nicaragua. And a reality TV crew follows them to film a new show, No Going Back. But soon they all discover that paradise has its secrets. The locals claim the island belongs to them, and it’s been sold illegally. Jayne’s not leaving without a fight. A fight that will soon turn deadly.

    Hosted by Alice Levine.

    Listen to The Price of Paradise on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes early and ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts. Start your free trial by visiting https://wondery.com/links/the-price-of-paradise/

  • True crime podcast þar sem við munum fara yfir hin ýmsu glæpamál, morð, mannshvörf og margt fleira

  • Kjarnyrt umræða um málefni liðandi stundar þar sem rjóminn er fleyttur af troginu og málin skoðuð út frá öðrum vinklum en almennt þekkist í hlaðvarpsþáttum hérlendis.

Þó að knattspyrnutengd málefni séu leiðandi efnistök, hika þáttastjórnendur ekki við að færa umræðuna í þá áttir sem þeim hentar hverju sinni.

 Þáttastjórnendur eru Vilhjálmur Freyr Hallsson, skipatækjamaður og Andri Geir Gunnarsson, eilífðarstúdent og heimspekinemi.

  • Have a strong-willed child who doesn't respond to consequences, argues like an attorney, and refuses to do things your way? Good! You're in the right place. Celebrate Calm Founder Kirk Martin has given over 1,000,000 parents and teachers around the world practical, life-changing strategies to stop power struggles, yelling, and defiance NOW. Based on work with 1,500 challenging kids (many with AD/HD, OCD, ODD, ASD, etc.) in his home, and years spent in classrooms, Kirk's approach is refreshingly practical, honest, and laugh-out-loud funny! Questions? Visit us at www.CelebrateCalm.com or email us directly at [email protected]

  • Spursmál er nýr og beinskeyttur umræðuþáttur sem hefur göngu sína í beinu streymi á mbl.is á morgun 1. desember.

    Þar verða stóru mál samfélagsins krufin með afdráttarlausum hætti undir stjórn Stefáns Einars Stefáns­sonar sem fær til sín valinkunna gesti í settið alla föstudaga kl. 14.

    Fylgstu með lifandi, fjölbreyttri og kraftmikilli umræðu í Spursmálum
    á mbl.is.

  • Vinkonurnar Sólrún Diego, Gurrý Jóns og Lína Birgitta eða „þrjár með öllu“ eins og þær eru kallaðar spjalla hér um allt og ekkert. Stundum eru þær alvarlegar en það er oftast stutt í trúðinn enda reyna þær að taka lífinu ekki of alvarlega!

  • Helgaspjallið er podcast útgáfa af lið á Trendnet.is

  • Hlaðvarpið sem hefur svalað forvitni íslendinga um sannsöguleg sakamál síðan 2019.

    • www.illverk.is
    • #illverkpodcast
    [email protected]

  • Spjöllum saman um morð, mannshvörf, raðmorðingja og dularfull dauðsföll sem eru bæði leyst eða óleyst mál! Nýr þáttur kemur út alla miðvikudaga. Þú finnur okkur á facebook og instagram: Morðskúrinn.

  • Viðtalsþáttur á Vísi þar sem kafað er í mál í brennidepli.

  • Birkir Karl Sigurðsson & Leifur Þorsteinsson ásamt gestum.
    Fyrirspurnir: [email protected]

  • Morðcastið er podcast þar sem fjallað er um íslensk og erlend sakamál á léttum nótum.
    Þátturinn kemur út á hverjum fimmtudegi.

    Til að hafa samband:
    [email protected]

  • Podcast með Sölva er þáttur sem lætur sér ekkert óviðkomandi. Fylgstu með áhugaverðu fólki úr öllum áttum setjast í stólinn hjá Sölva Tryggva.

  • Ljósmæðurnar Stefanía Ósk og Sunna María ræða um ljósmæðratengd málefni líðandi stundar í Legvarpinu.

  • Huberman Lab discusses neuroscience — how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health. We also discuss existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works.
    Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. He has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning. 
    Huberman is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation Fellow and was awarded the Cogan Award, given to the scientist making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision, in 2017. His lab’s most recent work focuses on the influence of vision and respiration on human performance and brain states such as fear and courage. He also works on neural regeneration and directs a clinical trial to promote visual restoration in diseases that cause blindness. Huberman is also actively involved in developing tools now in use by the elite military in the U.S. and Canada, athletes, and technology industries to optimize performance in high stress environments, enhance neural plasticity, mitigate stress and optimize sleep.  
    Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford School of Medicine has been published in top journals including Nature, Science and Cell and has been featured in TIME, BBC, Scientific American, Discover and other top media outlets. 
    In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 5 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.

  • Létt spjall um hlaup og hlaupasenuna á Íslandi og víðar sem tilvalið er að hlusta á í rólegum hlaupatúr!

  • A few years ago I was a broke, university dropout, at 18 I built an industry leading social media marketing company, and at 27 I resigned as CEO. At 28 I co-founded Flight Story – a marketing and communications company, and thirdweb - a software platform, making it easy to build web3 applications. I then launched private equity fund, Flight Fund, to accelerate the next generation of European unicorns. During this time I decided to launch 'The Diary Of A CEO' podcast with the simple mission of providing an unfiltered journey into the remarkable stories and untold dimensions of the world’s most influential people, experts and thinkers. Thank you for listening.
    My New Book: https://g2ul0.app.link/DOAC
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/steven
    LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenbartlett-123

  • short_text=None long_text='Daglegur fréttaskýringaþáttur sem varpar nýju ljósi á það sem efst er á baugi og stundum það sem verðskuldar meiri athygli. \n\nUmsjón: Sunna Valgerðardóttir og Þóra Tómasdóttir' language='is' valid_from=datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 16, 12, 42)

  • Vikulega fer Lovísa Lára yfir mál sem fjalla um dimmu hliðar á mannskepnunni. Þættirnir koma út hvern miðvikudag.

  • Blaðamennska á breyttum tímum. Fréttir, ritgerðir og málefnalegar persónuárásir.Fréttir vikunnar er vikulegur hlaðvarps- og sjónvarpsþáttur. Fáðu aðgang að greinum alla vikuna og meira efni á www.ritstjori.is.

  • Umsjónarmaður spjallar um hvaðeina milli himins og jarðar, oft af sögulegu tagi, les forvitnilega texta úr ýmsum áttum, bæði íslenska og erlenda, og reynir af öllum mætti að hafa ofan af fyrir hlustendum þá klukkustund sem þátturinn stendur. Umsjón: Illugi Jökulsson.

  • For 20 years, the Modern Love column has given New York Times readers a glimpse into the complicated love lives of real people. Since its start, the column has evolved into a TV show, three books and a podcast.

    Each week, host Anna Martin brings you stories and conversations about love in all its glorious permutations, dumb pitfalls and life-changing moments. New episodes every Wednesday.

    Listen to this podcast in New York Times Audio, our new iOS app for news subscribers. Download now at nytimes.com/audioapp

  • History! The most exciting and important things that have ever happened on the planet. Powerful kings, warrior queens, nomads, empires and expeditions. Historian Dan Snow and his expert guests bring all these stories to life and more in a daily dose of history. Join Dan as he digs into the past to make sense of the headlines and get up close to the biggest discoveries being made around the world today, as they happen.

    If you want to get in touch with the podcast, you can email us at [email protected], we'd love to hear from you!

  • Fréttaskýringaþáttur sem fjallar á ítarlegan og lifandi hátt um heimsmálin, um allt það sem ekki gerist á Íslandi.
    Umsjón: Birta Björnsdóttir og Bjarni Pétur Jónsson.

  • Óvissuferð sem þú vilt ekki að missa af !
    [email protected]

  • Fyrir alla þá sem hafa gaman af hörmungum Íslandssögunnar, hvort sem það eru stórslys, morðmál, draugasögur, galdrar eða þjóðtrú.

  • Hekla og Sara fara yfir hin ýmsu morð og önnur sakamál sem gerast víða í heiminum.

  • Rotten but still a little sweet! Rotten Mango is a true crime + all things spooky podcast. We love doing deep dives into the darkest crimes and we tend to not leave out any details - which can get a little rotten at times. If you want deep dives in the psychology of killers, no holding back storytelling of crimes, and stories of lesser known criminals from around the world this is the place for you. Welcome to Rotten Mango but don’t worry it all comes with a seasoning of comedy/sweetness.

  • Tveir mömmustrákar með mikil gestalæti segja sögur í leit að ást, samþykki og viðurkenningu.

  • Fréttir og fréttaskýringar í útvarpi þar sem kafað er dýpra í málin, þau sett í stærra samhengi og skýringa leitað.

  • Lewis Howes is a New York Times best-selling author, 2x All-American athlete, keynote speaker, and entrepreneur. The School of Greatness shares inspiring interviews from the most successful people on the planet—world-renowned leaders in business, entertainment, sports, science, health, and literature—to inspire YOU to unlock your inner greatness and live your best life.

  • Sterk saman er spjallþáttur þar sem fólk með reynslu kemur og segir söguna sína auk þess sem við fáum sérfræðinga og fagfólk í settið til okkar.

  • Expert insight on health, performance, longevity, critical thinking, and pursuing excellence. Dr. Peter Attia (Stanford/Hopkins/NIH-trained MD) talks with leaders in their fields.

  • Mennska er hlaðvarp sem fjallar um fegurð fjölbreytileikans og það sem sameinar okkur. Ég fæ magnað fólk til mín sem er að gera heiminn að betri stað og við ræðum breyskleika manneskjunnar, mismunandi leiðir til sjálfsþroska og rannsökum mennskuna með berskjöldun að leiðarljósi.

    Tónlist: Axel Ingi Árnason

    Grafísk hönnun: Emilía Ragnarsdóttir hjá Forlaginu.


    Instagram: bjarni.snaebjornsson

  • Tvíhöfði er í beinni á X-977 annan hvern föstudaga. Hægt er að nálgast fleiri þætti inná tal.is/tvihofdi.

  • Já OK eru skemmtilegir hlaðvarpsþættir með Vilhelm Neto og Fjölni Gíslasyni þar sem þeir skoða alla skrýtnu hlutina sem einu sinni voru aðal málið á Íslandi en hafa síðan horfið. Það man enginn lengur eftir kaffibæti og beta spólum, er það nokkuð?

  • Í Undralandi Ólafssona er allt morandi í kanínuholum. Aron og Arnar reyna að tipla á tánum í kringum þær en eiga það til annað slagið að falla ofan í þær með tilheyrandi pælingum og vitleysu. Í Undralandi eru þó ekki einungis kanínuholur heldur líka fullt af glensi og meðþví!

  • Samstöðin er fréttamiðill og vettvangur fyrir róttæka samfélagsumræðu og raddir þeirra sem ekki fá rúm í umfjöllun meginstraumsmiðla. Þættir Samstöðvarinnar eru allt í senn fréttir, fundir, sjónvarps-, útvarps- og hlaðvarpsþættir og innlegg í gagnvirka umræðu á samfélagsmiðlum.

    Samstöðin er opin fyrir allt fólk sem vill styðja við baráttuna fyrir réttlæti, jöfnuði og samkennd.

  • This podcast won’t solve all your problems, but it WILL go through them with you. Radhi Devlukia brings you a new weekly show called A Really Good Cry, a space where we can embrace the real, the messy and the beautiful parts of life that can be difficult to digest alone, together. Tune in for a good ole’ laugh, maybe shed a tear or two, and join a community where you can have a really good cry!

    There's no small talk here, we are diving straight in and it’s gonna get real. Whether it’s raw, unfiltered conversations, debate and discussions of different perspectives and life experiences or going on an emotional rollercoaster. A Really Good Cry is there for you to learn, connect, and find comfort together - that allows us to see the world and ourselves with a new perspective.

    Some episodes will also feature surprise guests, including celebrities, scientists, experts and more. New episodes drop every Tuesday. Tag @areallygoodcry on Instagram with your best crying face for a chance to be featured on our social media channels. Like, comment and follow @areallygoodcry on Instagram if you want the chance to be featured on episodes. You can also subscribe to get exclusive and bonus content. Radhi will give listeners the opportunity to be part of the show by responding to dms, comments, questions and more.

  • Soul Boom is a series of intimate conversations hosted by Rainn Wilson exploring meaningful and inspiring topics that tickle the mind, heart and soul. Never too precious, yet unafraid to touch on the profound, Soul Boom digs into the core of the human experience: creativity, spirituality and psychology. Bringing to the conversation some of the most brilliant and heart-felt artists, thinkers and doers, Soul Boom guides the listener toward transformation on both a personal and societal level. Also, laughs. 

  • 'Jaw dropping', 'gripping', 'bingeable,' 'thrilling' - dramatic true stories and investigations that reveal how the world really works.

  • On this season of How to Keep Time, co-hosts Becca Rashid and Ian Bogost explore our relationship with time and how to reclaim it. Why is it so important to be productive? Why can it feel like there’s never enough time in a day? Why are so many of us conditioned to believe that being more productive makes us better people?
    Produced by Becca Rashid. Co-hosted by Becca Rashid and Ian Bogost. Editing by Jocelyn Frank. Fact-check by Ena Alvarado. Engineering by Rob Smerciak. The executive producer of Audio is Claudine Ebeid; the managing editor of Audio is Andrea Valdez.
    Write to us at [email protected].

  • Glaðvarpið Beint í bílinn er einnig fáanlegt í áskrift fyrir þá sem vilja fá fleiri þætti inn á beintibilinn.is
    Við erum líka með umræðuhóp á facebook. https://www.facebook.com/groups/beintibilinn

  • Join Jennifer Welch and Angie “Pumps” Sullivan and their special guests on “I’ve Had It” and let this comedic, feel-good podcast expose you to all the things you didn’t know you’ve HAD IT with!

  • Sannar Íslenskar Draugasögur er nýtt hlaðvarp undir merki Draugasögur Podcast og er framleitt af Ghost Network® þar sem farið er yfir aðsendar draugasögur sem okkur hafa borist í gegnum tíðina og rýnt aðeins í þær.
    Þáttastjórnendur eru Katrín Bjarkadóttir og Stefán John Stefánsson.
    Skrifaðu Sannar Íslenskar Draugasögur Áskrift í leitina á Spotify og fáðu strax aðgang að 14 þáttum til viðbótar!

  • Every Monday morning step into the office of iconic psychotherapist Esther Perel and listen in as real people in search of insight bare the raw, intimate, and profound details of their stories. From breakups and open relationships to workplace conflicts and fractures in the family, it’s a place to hear our own stories reflected in the lives of others. So…where should we begin? Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.

  • Comedian and jackass star Steve-O has hilarious and honest conversations with celebrities in his mobile podcast studio.

  • Pant vera blár! er íslenska borðspilapodcastið. Stjórnendur þáttarins eru Davíð Baldursson, Kristleifur Guðjónsson, Styrmir Hafliðason og Þorvaldur Guðjónsson ræða spil og spilatengd málefni ásamt því að segja öðru hverju brandara sem falla misvel í kramið hjá öðrum meðstjórnendum.

  • Fílalag er hlaðvarp um tónlist. Á hverjum föstudegi senda þeir Snorri Helgason og Bergur Ebbi frá sér nýjan þátt þar sem dægurlag er tekið fyrir og fílað í ræmur.

    Í fíluninni felst að greina menningarleg fyrirbæri sem eru kynnt í laginu, tískustrauma í hljómi og tíðaranda í framsetningu. Farið er um víðan völl og fjallar þátturinn um poppmenningu í stærra samhengi.

    Um málið er ekkert meira að segja. Fílið þetta bara og fokk svo off.

  • Litli mallakúturinn eru hlaðvarpsþættir í umsjón Gunnars Ásgeirssonar þar sem rætt er við fólk sem hefur gengist undir aðgerðir á maga vegna offitu (Hjáveita, ermi eða magaband)
    Vilt þú segja þína sögu í þættinum? Endilega hafðu samband á netfangið [email protected]

  • Coffee Break English is a podcast which will help you learn English in regular 15-minute episodes, perfect for your coffee break! Find out more about Coffee Break English at https://coffeebreaklanguages.com/coffeebreakenglish/ .

    Coffee Break English can help you improve your English with short lessons - the perfect time to enjoy a cup of coffee while learning. The course is presented in slow English which is easy to understand. Don’t worry if you don’t understand every word, it’s more important to get the general meaning. Season one is at A2 level. This course is for you if you learnt some English at school or if you want to review the basics. Coffee Break English can help you improve your accuracy and understanding of English, to prepare you for many situations like using English at work, visiting an English-speaking country, taking exams, or talking with English-speaking friends. In each episode of the audio lessons, one of our colleagues from an English-speaking country tells us about an aspect of life or culture in their country. In season one, we hear from our friends in the UK, the USA, Canada, and Australia, helping you understand lots of different accents and varieties of English. 

    Mark and Josie guide you through the text, explaining the language and helping you understand it better. Each text focuses on a specific language point, including tenses, prepositions, phrasal verbs, and much more. 

    In addition to the main audio lesson, the course contains lesson notes, which explain the language in the lesson in more detail and provide a transcript of the text; practice exercises; a video version of the lesson; bonus audio episodes; and vocabulary lists in many different languages. Find out more at https://coffeebreakacademy.com.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • You Must Remember This is a storytelling podcast exploring the secret and/or forgotten histories of Hollywood’s first century. It’s the brainchild and passion project of Karina Longworth (founder of Cinematical.com, former film critic for LA Weekly), who writes, narrates, records and edits each episode. It is a heavily-researched work of creative nonfiction: navigating through conflicting reports, mythology, and institutionalized spin, Karina tries to sort out what really happened behind the films, stars and scandals of the 20th century.

  • Gullkastið er hlaðvarpsþáttur Kop.is sem hóf göngu sína í maí árið 2011.

  • Vikulegur þáttur um stjörnuspeki þar sem við komum til með að endurvekja áhuga fólks á sjálfsþekkingu. Hver ertu? Hverjir eru þínir styrkleikar og veikleikar, og hvernig getur þú unnið með þá. Þátturinn er frumfluttur á Bylgjunni klukkan 21:00 á sunnudagskvöldum og kemur svo inn á streymisveitur á mánudögum klukkan 15:00

  • UltraForm er hlaðvarp sem snýr fyrst og fremst að heilsu og hollu líferni. UltraForm er einnig líkamsræktarstöð í Grafarholti í eigu þáttastjórnanda Sigurjóns Ernis og fjölskyldu.

    Markmið með þáttunum er að auka skilning og þekkingu hlustenda að hinum ýmsu heilsutengdu málefnum og reyna í sameiningu að komast að því hvað Ultraform er í raun og veru er.

  • Spjall um allt og ekkert sem fylgir því að vera kona með ADHD

  • After 25 years at the Late Night desk, Conan realized that the only people at his holiday party are the men and women who work for him. Over the years and despite thousands of interviews, Conan has never made a real and lasting friendship with any of his celebrity guests. So, he started a podcast to do just that. Deeper, unboundedly playful, and free from FCC regulations, Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend is a weekly opportunity for Conan to hang out with the people he enjoys most and perhaps find some real friendship along the way.

  • Umsjón: Hrafnhildur Halldórsdóttir, Andri Freyr Viðarsson, Hulda G. Geirsdóttir, Guðrún Dís Emilsdóttir, Sigurður Þorri Gunnarsson og Gígja Hólmgeirsdóttir

  • Hlustaðu á podcastþættina vinsælu af Fótbolta.net. Fjölbreyttir þættir um allar hliðar fótboltans.

  • Follow along Alex Cooper and the Daddy Gang as they exploit the details of their lives, making you feel a hell of a lot better about yours. Relationships, sex, social scenes, embarrassing moments, and more are all addressed here on CALL HER DADDY. See you f****** Wednesday.

  • This is what the news should sound like. The biggest stories of our time, told by the best journalists in the world. Hosted by Michael Barbaro and Sabrina Tavernise. Twenty minutes a day, five days a week, ready by 6 a.m.

    Listen to this podcast in New York Times Audio, our new iOS app for news subscribers. Download now at nytimes.com/audioapp

  • Get a rare glimpse into the minds and methods of sadistic murderers. From notorious names like Jeffrey Dahmer and John Wayne Gacy to lesser-known killers like “Death House Landlady” Dorothea Puente, what turns a regular person into a predator? Serial Killers is a Spotify Original. New episodes Mondays.

  • Athafnafólk er hlaðvarpsþáttur þar sem talað er við frumkvöðla og stjórnendur sem hafa náð eftirtektarverðum árangri í viðskiptalífinu. Umsjón með þáttunum hefur Sesselja Vilhjálmsdóttir.

  • Deep Cover is a show about people who lead double lives. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jake Halpern reveals webs of deception and dark underworlds, through interviews with federal agents and convicted criminals.

    Season four, The Nameless Man, tells the epic tale of two federal agents who investigate a rumor about a murder that supposedly took place 15 years prior. It is also the story of a family searching for answers about why their brother was killed. These two storylines collide in a courtroom in Philadelphia, where murder, memory, and morality go on trial.

    Season three, Never Seen Again, tells the story of two women living on opposite sides of the country, who went missing in the summer of 1999. Seven years later, their stories collided when a small town detective got a tip and became convinced that if he could solve one mystery, he'd solve the other.

    Season two, Mob Land, is about a high-rolling lawyer who joins forces with the feds to try to bring down one of the most powerful criminal syndicates in the country.

    Season one, The Drug Wars, tells the story of an FBI agent who goes undercover with a biker gang, and follows a trail of clues that eventually leads to the US invasion of a foreign country.

    Deep Cover drops on Mondays. To hear all of season four early and ad-free, subscribe to Pushkin+ in Apple Podcasts or at pushkin.fm/plus.

    iHeartMedia is the exclusive podcast partner of Pushkin Industries.

  • Beinskeytt umræða um íslenskan körfubolta.

    Halldór Örn - Gunni Stef - Rúnar Ingi

  • Unforgettable true crime mysteries, exclusive newsmaker interviews, hard-hitting investigative reports and in-depth coverage of high profile stories. Now listen twice weekly, with The 20/20 True Crime Vault each Wednesday.

  • The Ramsey Show believes you can build wealth and take control of your life—no matter what stupid mistakes you've made with money. Join as Dave Ramsey and his team of experts answer your questions on the top problems holding you back. Listen now or ask your question live by calling 888.825.5225 weekdays from 2–5 p.m. ET. Learn more at www.ramseysolutions.com

  • Djúpið er á dagskrá X-ins 977 alla föstudaga á milli kl. 14 og 16. Stjórnendur eru Sigurjón Kjartansson og Aðalbjörn Tryggvason.

  • Djúpgreining á þáttaseríunni Næturvaktin sem tröllreið öllu árið 2007. 
    Fylgið okkur á Instagram og X - VAKTINN
    [email protected]

  • Bad Bad Thing Season 2: The Blackstone Sisters

    TV show producer Jill Blackstone is accused of killing her disabled sister Wendy, and some of their rescue dogs, by leaving them in a garage with a barbecue grill. Jill blames the deaths on accidental monoxide poisoning But police believe she staged the scene. Who will you believe?

    Reported and hosted by Emmy award winning journalist, Barbara Schroeder.

  • Í ljósi krakkasögunnar eru þættir sem fjalla um krakka sem hafa skráð nöfn sín á spjöld sögunnar.
    Umsjón: Ingibjörg Fríða Helgadóttir.

  • Þungavigtin er fyrst og fremst þáttur um knattspyrnu og öllu henni tengdri. Hvort sem er innanlands eða utan. Liðsmenn þáttarins þarf vart að kynna fyrir þjóðinni. Skútunni stýrir Rikki G íþróttafréttamaður ásamt Mikael Nikulássyni og Kristjáni Óla Sigurðsyni betur þekktir undir nöfnunum Mike og Höfðinginn. Þættirnir koma út á föstudögum inn á allar helstu veitur þar sem góðir gestir líta við. Fyrir þá allra hörðustu kemur Þungavigtin saman á hverjum mánudegi á tal.is/vigtin og verða þeir þættir aðeins aðgengilegir áskrifendum. Þar koma Mike, Höfðinginn og Rikki G saman og ræða fótbolta á mannamáli. Auk þess fær Höfðinginn reglulega gesti í Einn á Einn með Höfðingjanum. Þættirnir verða ýmist í hljóð og eða myndbandsformi.

  • Wellness is a trillion-dollar industry full of scams and snake oil salesmen but comedians and best friends Kate Berlant and Jacqueline Novak just can’t get enough. Join them as they try products and practices, consult healers and experts, and ask the ultimate question: is it truly wellness they’re after or just the thrill of the chase?

  • Fjallað er fordómalaust um menningu samtímans í öllum sínum fjölbreytileika, samfélagsmiðla, dægurmenningu, allt sem mótar líf okkar hér og nú og speglar frá degi til dags.

  • Indíana Rós kynfræðingur ræðir kynlíf, kynheilbrigði og allt sem tengist því á einn eða annan hátt!

  • Award-winning podcast from the QI offices in which the writers of the hit BBC show discuss the best things they've found out this week.

    Hosted by Dan Schreiber (@schreiberland) with James Harkin (@jamesharkin), Andrew Hunter Murray (@andrewhunterm), and Anna Ptaszynski (#GetAnnaOnTwitter)

  • In 2016, survivalist and world traveler Justin Alexander goes missing in the Parvati Valley while on a spiritual trek into the Himalayan Mountains. While the circumstances of his disappearance point to murder, a chilling message he left behind throws everything into question: “I should return mid-September or so. If I’m not back by then, don’t look for me.” Four years later, host and true crime newcomer Liam Luxon is introduced to Justin's story and embarks on an investigation into the mysterious case. "Status-Untraced" is a 10-episode journey that explores the secrets the Valley holds, the stones left unturned, and what really happened to Justin Alexander.

  • The comedy podcast that takes history seriously. Greg Jenner brings together the best names in comedy and history to learn and laugh about the past.

  • Every company has a story.

    Learn the playbooks that built the world’s greatest companies — and how you can apply them as a founder, operator, or investor.

  • 2023 NZ PODCAST AWARDS - PODCAST OF THE YEAR (GOLD) The shady, controversial and sometimes downright villainous characters of New Zealand history, presented by William Ray.

  • The Official Jinx Podcast takes listeners behind the scenes of the HBO documentary series directed by Andrew Jarecki that became a real-life murder investigation. The show revisits all six episodes of Part One and will serve as a companion piece to The Jinx: Part Two as it airs on Max, beginning April 21. Hosted by Jarecki’s Jinx filmmaking partner, Executive Producer Zac Stuart-Pontier, the show guides listeners through never-before-aired conversations with Robert Durst and other key players in the series, with many new surprises and revelations along the way. 

  • Í tilefni 110 ára afmælis Morgunblaðsins leggjum við land undir fót og ræðum við 110 Íslendinga
    hringinn um landið. Ferðin stendur yfir í heilt ár og í henni verður jafnt og þétt dregin upp spennandi mynd af lífinu í landinu frá sjónarhóli heimamanna á hverjum stað, með sögum af fólki, því sem helst er að frétta og hvar tækifærin liggja til þess að efla samfélagið til framtíðar. Ferðin stendur yfir í heilt ár og mun jafnt og þétt draga upp spennandi mynd af því sem helst er að frétta og hvar tækifærin liggja.

  • A weekly podcast tracing the history of the Roman Empire, beginning with Aeneas's arrival in Italy and ending with the exile of Romulus Augustulus, last Emperor of the Western Roman Empire. Now complete!

  • Welcome to the UK Carnivore experience, your go-to source for all things carnivore. On this podcast, we'll be discussing real success stories from real people who have transformed their health and wellness through the carnivore diet.

    Our guests include a diverse range of experts such as heart surgeons, doctors, dieticians, and mental health experts who will share their knowledge and experiences on the benefits of the carnivore diet. 

    But it's not just about the experts, we'll also be talking to ordinary people who have seen firsthand the positive impact the carnivore diet has had on their lives. From the science behind the diet to practical tips and advice, we'll be covering it all. Whether you're just starting on your carnivore journey or are a seasoned pro, there's something for everyone on this podcast.We'll be discussing the latest research and studies, debunking common misconceptions and answering all of your burning questions about the carnivore diet. 

    So join us on this journey as we explore the world of carnivore and discover how it can help you achieve optimal health and wellness.

  • Spegilmyndin er mannlífsþáttur um kvenheilsu, heilbrigðan lífsstíl, mataræði, hreyfingu, tískustrauma, líkamsvirðingu og fegrunar- og lýtaaðgerðir. Höfundur og þáttastjórnandi er Marín Manda Magnúsdóttir, menningarmiðlari og nútímafræðingur en framleiðandi sjónvarpsþáttanna er Orca Films.

    Hlaðvarp Spegilmyndarinnar lítur dagsins ljós samhliða sjónvarpsseríu 2 af Spegilmyndinni sem sýnd verður á Stöð 2 og Stöð 2+ í mars og apríl 2023. Í hlaðvarpinu ræðir Marín Manda við viðmælendur sína um það helsta í heilsu og fegrunariðnaðnum á Íslandi líkt og hún gerir í sjónvarpsþáttunum. Hún skyggnist inn í ýmis áhugaverð málefni sem eru áberandi í umræðunni en viðmælendur eru af ýmsum toga. Ber þar að nefna húðlækna, næringarfræðinga, sálfræðinga, heilsuráðgjafa, snyrtifræðinga, þjálfara, kvensjúkdómalækna, lýtalækna og aðra sérfræðingar sem tengjast viðfangsefninu hverju sinni.

  • Helsta markmið þáttanna er að hvetja fólk til að byrja að hreyfa sig og rúlla sér á hjóli. Þáttastjórnendur eru Búi Aðalsteinsson og með mér verður Arna Sigríður Albertsdóttir. Ég er að taka mín fyrstu skref í hjólreiðum og reyni að læra af fólki sem veit meira um allskonar tengt hjólreiðum.

    Samhliða umfjöllun um hjólaæfingar er á dagskrá að fjalla almennt um hjólreiðar, hluti eins skipulagsmál og öryggi hjólreiðafólks.
    Þættirnir eru gefnir út á tveggja vikna fresti.

    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: @hjolavarpid

  • join annabelle lee and louis hanson as they unpack the wild, never-been-told, real-life secrets of their listeners

  • The stories you tell yourself on a daily basis determines the person you will become.The good, the bad, the negative, the positive, the uplifting, the draining – they’re all part of the equation. But YOU are the author of your life story – so, what story are you writing?

    Top Podcaster & Best-selling Author Lewis Howes brings you the The Daily Motivation Show, where you’ll hear from industry-leading experts, you’ll learn proven principles, and you’ll discover life-changing ideas that will help you get motivated and STAY motivated.

  • Fréttir og fréttaskýringar í útvarpi þar sem kafað er dýpra í málin, þau sett í stærra samhengi og skýringa leitað.

  • A hobby podcast created by the Team28, responsible for the miniature hobby focused digital magazine 28. As avid hobbyists, we are always building and painting models, reading books, and watching cinema, all of which feed back into our creative cycles. With this podcast, we hope to talk about things we are currently excited about that we think might be relevant to 28.

  • Tuesdays are always better when you start your day with the "Hot Girl Energy" podcast. Every episode is to remind you that you have the energy to become the best version of yourself and to live the healthy & balanced lifestyle you have always strived for. Your go-to podcast for hot girl tips, advice, girl chats, healthy habits and so much more. Hosted by your favourite wellness & lifestyle influencer, Kaylie Stewart.

  • Grísirnir þrír er grínpodcast þar sem spunaleikararnir og vinirnir Gummi Fel, Geinar og Pálmi ræða allt milli himins og jarðar. Óskrifaðar reglur, eftirhermur, spurningakeppnir og framtíðin eru meðal efnis. Þeir eru allir með bakgrunn í spuna með Improv Ísland auk þess að vera meðlimir í sketsahópnum Kanarí.

  • ☝️ Follow for daily episodes of Sam & John reading the funniest stories from reddit! @ okopshow on TikTok

  • The Fighter & The Kid is a weekly podcast hosted by comedian and former professional UFC fighter Brendan Schaub. Each week, Brendan is joined in the studio with a guest co host. TFATK is uncut and unedited, and sometimes it's just ridiculous.

  • Host Arielle Lorre knows you have questions about all things wellness, and she’s answering them for you. From how to achieve optimal health, well-being and fulfillment, to the best beauty hacks and even cosmetic procedures — she covers it all through meaningful conversations with experts and inspirational guests. Arielle's distinct voice and unique candor make you feel like you're getting the inside scoop on all the latest from your best friend, and her multifaceted interests make this show a must for anyone who wants to live their best life — and look good doing it.

  • “Nordic Crimes” dives deep into chilling true crime stories from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland, spanning from the turbulent 1970s to modern day. Each season uncovers five compelling cases, revealing the pursuit of justice in the enigmatic Nordic lands. Discover the dark side of these serene societies - a must for fans of true crime and Nordic noir.

    Become a member at https://plus.acast.com/s/nordic-crimes.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Ever wanted to know how music affects your brain, what quantum mechanics really is, or how black holes work? Do you wonder why you get emotional each time you see a certain movie, or how on earth video games are designed? Then you’ve come to the right place. Each week, Sean Carroll will host conversations with some of the most interesting thinkers in the world. From neuroscientists and engineers to authors and television producers, Sean and his guests talk about the biggest ideas in science, philosophy, culture and much more.

  • Leading functional medicine expert and best-selling author Dr. Will Cole has consulted thousands of people around the world on their health journey. Now is the time for your wellness journey. A manifesto for a new breed of health seekers, The Art Of Being Well is a fresh infusion of grace and lightness into wellness. Here we will explore exciting ways for you to nurture your body, spirit, mind and relationships. From this place of using self-care as a form of self-respect, you can discover your own metamorphosis.

  • Þáttur um golf. Allir léttir.Þáttastjórnendur eru Logi Bergmann & Jón Júlíus Karlsson

  • Wish you could do a better job keeping up with peer-reviewed journals? Why not listen to a podcast where behavior analysts discuss a variety of fascinating topics and the research related to them? Now you can spend your extra time thinking of ways to save the world with ABA.

  • In this top-charting podcast series, entrepreneur Grace Beverley breaks away from the conventional business podcast rhetoric - immersing us in the extraordinary journeys of people from all walks of life who have achieved remarkable success in unique fields. From housing campaigners to investors and sex experts, no avenue is off limits. Each conversation brings new lessons and stories that will inspire you to consider what ‘success’ really means to you and how you can achieve it.

    Grace and her guests open up about the life lessons they wish they had known earlier, sharing insights from their entrepreneurial endeavours, offering advice on health and wellbeing, shedding light on pressing social issues, and being frank about the things that didn’t go quite right.

    Think of it as a school of life. You’ll come away from each episode with actionable advice to help you achieve balance, success, and fulfilment whether you’re working hard, or hardly working.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hosts Devin and Gab chat about Taylor Swift's songs in alphabetical order. From "22" to "You're On Your Own Kid." New episodes every Tuesday! Come hang out! 

  • The Manchester United podcast from the Manchester Evening News featuring Samuel Luckhurst, Tyrone Marshall and Steven Railston.

  • Tune into our award-winning podcast, Lingokids: Stories for Kids. Discover rich storytelling combined with traditional learning and modern skills for kids.

    For ad-free listening, exclusive content, and early access to new shows and episodes, join Lingokids Plus on Apple Podcasts. With your Lingokids Plus membership, you'll get an unlimited, all-access pass to the Lingokids app and podcasts—only available on Apple Podcasts.

    Questions? Contact us at [email protected]. Follow @lingokids on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. www.lingokids.com 💙

  • The Naked Scientists flagship science show brings you a lighthearted look at the latest scientific breakthroughs, interviews with the world's top scientists, answers to your science questions and science experiments to try at home.

  • Börn, brjóstagjöf og allt þar á milli.

    Fræðsla og spjall tveggja ljósmóðurfræðinema um brjóstagjöf á mannamáli.

    [email protected]
    instagram: brjóstkastið
    Intro: Páll Axel Sigurðsson

  • The most important stories about money, business and power. Hosted by Kate Linebaugh and Ryan Knutson, with Jessica Mendoza. The Journal is a co-production of Spotify and The Wall Street Journal.

    Get show merch here: https://wsjshop.com/collections/clothing

  • Murder, kidnap, fraud and more from some of the world's coldest nations.

    From Podimo, Cold Blood: Nordic True Crime is a weekly series based on a hit Danish podcast, exploring startling true crimes from Scandinavia - crimes that made headlines and gripped the region.

    Hear about Jytte and Mette, who were held captive for years by the leader of a biker gang. The story of the Black Widow, who killed two men and almost got away with it. Or the kidnapping of 5-year-old Oliver, a story that held Denmark in its grip for months on end.

    Research and text by Martin Hylander. Produced by Roboto for Podimo.

    New episodes are published every Thursday. Listen wherever you get your podcasts, or for early access and to listen ad-free, subscribe to Podimo UK on Apple Podcasts.

    Looking for more true crime podcasts? Check out the podcast The Darkness Vaults from Podimo. Available wherever you get your podcasts.

  • Welcome to the Training Ground Guru podcast, in association with Hudl. Each month we’ll be taking you behind the scenes in professional football, with unique insights from leading experts. Thanks for listening.

  • Your weekly rhetorical assault on the on the news cycle, the people who make it, and occasionally ourselves. Kmele Foster (Freethink), Michael Moynihan (Vice), and Matt Welch (Reason) talk and laugh and drink their way to at least quasi-sanity in a world gone mad, often with the aid of clean and articulate guests. Weekly Members Only subscription edition often comes with listener mail and professional-quality (if inappropriate) singing. Analysis. Commentary. Sedition.


  • The program reflects various realities of the world that may create a sense of belonging, relatability, and controversies. Raqi’s Secret files was inspired by the trend “confession” pages on Facebook. We’ve seen that there is a huge buzz created by these confessions — from its contributors all the way to its community. We’ve thought of carrying that trend from online to on-air, retaining the same level of anonymity, giving the story a voice. Listeners who desire to relieve a bit of their burden are encouraged to send their stories, making the program, Raqi’s Secret Files a safe haven to tell their secrets.

  • "'A podcast about the internet' that is actually an unfailingly original exploration of modern life and how to survive it." - The Guardian. Hosted by Alex Goldman and Emmanuel Dzotsi from Gimlet.

  • Become a smarter, better golfer — faster.

    Hosted by Golf Digest's Play and Game Improvement Editor Luke Kerr-Dineen, the GOLF IQ podcast is a twice-weekly game improvement podcast that will deliver golfers bite-sized doses of insight and analysis that will raise your golf IQ, and play better golf because of it.

  • Throughout its reign, the British Empire stole a lot of stuff. Today the Empire's loot sits in museums, galleries, private collections and burial sites with polite plaques. But its history is often messier than the plaques suggest.

    In each episode of this global smash hit podcast, Walkley award-winning journalist, author and genetic potluck, Marc Fennell, takes you on the wild, evocative, sometimes funny, often tragic adventure of how these stolen treasures got to where they live today. These objects will ultimately help us see the modern world — and ourselves — in a different light.

    This is a co-production between the ABC and CBC Canada.

  • Good Mourning shines a light on what loss is really like with honesty, hope and humour. Hosts Sally Douglas and Imogen Carn are two mates who are authentic, truthful, a little bit sweary, and on a mission to help others feel less alone.

    Sal and Im chat with inspiring guests about grief, mental health, resilience, and self-development – no topic is taboo. It's more than just a podcast; it's a supportive community where you'll find understanding and connection. Whether you're seeking honest advice, relatable stories, or transformative support for life's challenges, Good Mourning is your go-to resource. 


    Join the Good Mourning community for additional support. Connect with us on Instagram at @goodmourningpodcast or visit www.goodmourning.com.au.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Sometimes the most beautiful places hide the darkest secrets.

  • 13: A Taylor Swift Fan Podcast is a deep dive into everything Taylor Swift, her extensive discography, and all of her accomplishments. She is literally The Man of the music industry, after all.

    Join Nick Adams, Ana Castillejos, Amy Nichols and Lacey Gee every Tuesday as they break down a Taylor Swift song (TV only, of course, depending on which era we are currently in... What Era are we even in anyway?) and answer questions such as... Who was the inspiration behind that song? What connection ties this song to previous ones? Which bridge is our favorite to cross? How many Easter eggs have we yet to uncover? What does Taylor Swift put on her charcuterie boards? What does she smell like?

    And most importantly, what every Swiftie really wants to know…. What’s next?!

    But like a good Mastermind taught us, always be on the lookout! Be sure to subscribe to 13: A Taylor Swift Fan Podcast so you’ll be the first to know anytime we drop an emergency SwifTea episode. We can be a bit chaotic when the SwifTea is piping hot.

    Follow the show on Instagram & TikTok @the13podcast, and on X @the13TSpodcast.

    Email – [email protected]
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/the13podcast
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@the13podcast

    Ana - https://www.instagram.com/anaszabo13
    Lacey – https://www.instagram.com/laceygee13
    Amy – https://www.instagram.com/amysnichols
    Nick – https://www.instagram.com/nickadamsonair

    This podcast is in no way related to or endorsed by Taylor Swift, her companies, or record labels. All opinions are our own.

  • Specialty Stories is a podcast to help premed and medical students choose a career. What would you do if you started your career and realized that it wasn't what you expected? Specialty Stories will talk to physicians and residency program directors from every specialty to help you make the most informed decision possible. Check out our others shows at MededMedia.com

  • Welcome to “Let’s Talk Attachments”, a podcast all about ATTACHMENT THEORY! My name is Jessica Da Silva and I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist & Attachment Coach helping you transform the way you experience love by teaching you the ins and outs of your attachment style in a practical and relatable way.Website: https://jessicadasilvacoaching.com/Instagram: @thejessicadasilvaTiktok: @jessicadasilvacoachingEmail: [email protected]

  • Ben Belack and Zach Goldsmith ("Buying Beverly Hills") are top-ranked real estate agents, year after year, at The Agency in Beverly Hills. While their client lists include many celebrities, high-profile people, and billionaires, they do business differently. And, they’re here to share it all with you. This show is designed to motivate, explore, and entertain. Guests of the show will include titans of real estate and beyond. This is “To Live and Buy in Los Angeles”. Watch full episodes on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfyI1wS0ZC8FnDne7i95kb0l5hVh6_oHJ

  • Dive into the soul-nourishing stream of timeless wisdom for the spiritually awakened life. Discover insights and practices for Self-realization and complete well-being to meet the challenges and opportunities of our times.


  • A Taylor Swift fan (a Swiftie) and a non Swifty walk into a podcast. Listen along as Kait, a certified Swiftie, tries to convert Sam into a Taylor Swift fan. Each week they listen to a random song and chat about it. Will this be the week that changes Sam mind? Tune in to find out.

  • Rót Yggdrasils er umræðu og fræðsluþáttur um ýmis forn trúarbrögð og trúarsiði. Mátti og Nóri koma saman að þessum þætti og pæla sig í gegnum allt milli himins og jarðar með þungamiðju á á fornum síðum.

  • Nightmare Next Door is a true crime show that peels back the peaceful facade of small town America and exposes the dark secrets hidden behind its white-washed picket fences. Nightmare Next Door, the official Nightmare Next Door podcast from ID, dives into each real life murder mystery through first person accounts and unfolds the darkness amidst the colorful backdrop of the town and the characters that live there. 

    Stream full episodes of Nightmare Next Door on discovery+. Go to discoveryplus.com/nightmarenextdoor to start your 7-day free trial today. Terms apply.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Документальная аудиодрама от создателей У Холмов Есть Подкаст.

    Клуб 27 - самый закрытый и элитный клуб в истории. Чтобы попасть в него нужно стать звездой рок-н-ролла и… умереть в 27.

    Джимми Хендрикс, Дженис Джоплин, Джим Моррисон, Курт Кобейн и Эми Вайнхаус… вот только некоторые из имен участников.

    В каждом сезоне мы погружаемся в историю одного из членов Клуба 27 и разбираемся, что стоит за одним из самых таинственных феноменов в поп культуре.

  • New episodes available to watch & listen EVERY Thursday.

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on [email protected]

  • Join Cronometer’s Community Manager, Eliisa Tennant as she speaks to experts in the field of nutrition science. We’re here to help you gain a better understanding of the role nutrition plays in your overall health.

  • Документальный подкаст о громких исторических трагедиях, которые никто не смог предугадать.

    Авария в Чернобыле, развал СССР, теракт 11 сентября — всё это «Черные лебеди», которые изначально кажутся аномальными и неожиданными, но постфактум оказываются вполне логичными. В этом подкасте мы разбираемся, что привело человечество к подобным катастрофам, как это переживали люди и какие уроки можно из этого вынести.

    Один сезон — один «Черный лебедь». Подкаст сделан студией «Терменвокс» — [email protected]

  • Performer and social commentator Clifton Duncan engages in penetrating discussion with dynamic artist-philosophers, delving into major issues of our modern era at the tumultuous intersection of Art, Culture, and Society.

  • iTHINK transpune în practică teoria celor mai fierbinți concepte, prin intermediul experiențelor și trăirilor cele mai intense ale invitaților. Specialiști, profesioniști ori persoane publice remarcabile se vor regăsi printre invitații emisiunii. Formatul emisiunii se focusează în dezbatere, cu un singur invitat, doar pe o singură idee în fiecare ediție.
    Într-o avalanșă informațională ce ocupă spațiul public, care aproape ne paralizează simțurile, majoritatea comunicatorilor vor sa ne spună CE să gândim. iTHINK oferă o bază pentru a învăța CUM să gândim.

  • Listen to the conversations clients and their therapists should be having. At Zero Disturbance we empower clients & their therapists to work smarter, not harder through comprehensive learning on clinical reasoning and intensive therapy design. Get access to our FREE RESOURCE LIBRARY at www.zerodisturbance.com/free-resources

    With a Masters in Education from Vanderbilt, Kambria Evans has been creating trainings and teaching adult learners for over 20 years. As the Director of Education and Quality Improvement at Stanford Medical School, she created ease in complex systems, thereby giving medical trainees successful learning experiences. Now, as a dedicated mom, therapist, and EMDR Consultant, Kambria knows what it means to do things efficiently, effectively, and in a learner-centered way. When she isn't podcasting or creating online courses, you can find Kambria playing with her twins on a beach in California.

  • Лондон, 1888 год. В задыхающемся от смога города нашелся лишь один человек, который заставил весь мир узнать о тогда забытом бедном и опасном районе Уайтчепел.
    Он погрузил его в еще больший мрак и поселил в сердцах ужас.
    Заставил дрожать от страха и молить о пощаде.
    Изменил реальность.
    Но дело Джека Потрошителя так и не было раскрыто.
    Ответ на вопрос: кто же был убийцей знают пять человек. Кто они? Растерзанные маньяком проститутки? Расследовавшие это полицейские? Или те, кто слышат голоса в голове?
    Подкаст сделан студией «Терменвокс» — [email protected]

  • Written and directed by auteurs and performers of today’s horror genre, these lavishly produced half-hour tales range from the gently macabre to the genuinely gruesome. Hosted and curated by filmmakers Larry Fessenden (*Depraved, The Last Winter, Habit*) and Glenn McQuaid (*I Sell the Dead, V/H/S*), this award-winning series, inspired by the vintage radio shows of yester-year, blends the familiar with a decidedly modern sensibility.

  • Two grown women forget to act their age as they talk about the magic, madness, heaven and sin behind one Taylor Swift. Join hosts Shelby and Ashley each week for a probably nuanced, definitely biased "taysplanation" on what exactly the fans, the haters, and everyone in-between needs to know about America's most notorious pop princess.

    Be sure to subscribe via your favorite podcast platforms and follow your hosts on Facebook and Instagram @swiftishpodcast and Twitter @swiftishpod13 today!

  • I’m Jay Shetty host of On Purpose the worlds #1 Mental Health podcast and I’m so grateful you found us. I started this podcast 5 years ago to invite you into conversations and workshops that are designed to help make you happier, healthier and more healed. I believe that when you (yes you) feel seen, heard and understood you’re able to deal with relationship struggles, work challenges and life’s ups and downs with more ease and grace.

    I interview experts, celebrities, thought leaders and athletes so that we can grow our mindset, build better habits and uncover a side of them we’ve never seen before. New episodes every Monday and Friday. Your support means the world to me and I don’t take it for granted — click the follow button and leave a review to help us spread the love with On Purpose. I can’t wait for you to listen to your first or 500th episode!

  • Gestir úr öllum kimum þjóðfélagsins deila sögu sinni með hlustendum. Umsjón: Sigurlaug M. Jónasdóttir

  • If you can never get enough true crime... Congratulations, you’ve found your people.

  • Imagine you're accused of something horrific. You swear you didn't do it, but someone says they witnessed it: your own brother. Sophia Johnson was newly married with a baby on the way when she became the prime suspect in her mother-in-law's brutal murder. WBUR's Amory Sivertson reexamines a case unsolved, a family torn apart, and the woman who wasn't believed.

  • Menntavarp er hlaðvarp um menntamál, skólaþróun og nýsköpun. Umsjónarmaður er Ingvi Hrannar

  • After midnight on July 6th, 2012, three teenage girls walked into the thick Appalachian woods somewhere along the Mason-Dixon line. Hours later, under the glow of a nearly full moon, only two walked out.

    The very last time Dave and Mary Neese saw their only child Skylar was in a grainy black-and-white video. In it, she's sneaking out of her ground-floor bedroom in the middle of the night, her purse over her shoulder, her brown hair swinging as she hurries across the small parking lot to a waiting car.

    What happened to Skylar Neese has become gothic American lore: the odd girl out in a vicious teenage triangle. But in the ten years since that fateful night beneath the West Virginia stars, a fuller portrait of what happened has emerged. From award-winning journalists Justine Harman and Holly Millea comes a gripping 10-part series featuring Skylar's family, closest friends, and law enforcement who lived the case—and are still living it.

  • Our lives can be crazy, but you can take a break from it all with Wondery’s new series, Even the Rich, where co-hosts Brooke Siffrinn and Aricia Skidmore-Williams pull back the curtain and chat about someone else’s craziness for a change. They tell stories about some of the greatest family dynasties in history, from the Murdochs to the Royals to the Carters (Jay-Z and Beyoncé, that is). Because as Queen Elizabeth once said, “A good gossip is a wonderful tonic.”

    New episodes come out Tuesdays for free. Binge new full seasons early and ad-free on Wondery+ or on Amazon Music with a Prime membership or Amazon Music Unlimited subscription

  • HBO and The Ringer's Bill Simmons hosts the most downloaded sports podcast of all time, with a rotating crew of celebrities, athletes, and media staples, as well as mainstays like Cousin Sal, Joe House, and a slew of other friends and family members who always happen to be suspiciously available.

  • Join domestic historian Ruth Goodman as she guides you through the surprising, often epic, stories behind everyday objects in your home. Double-glazed windows? We owe those to a French king’s odd fascination with oranges. The minty fresh toothpaste by your sink? Well, if you lived in Ancient Greece, you’d be washing your teeth with ground-up bones and oyster shells. And wallpaper? It seems innocent enough, but in the Victorian era it was downright deadly.

    Discover the extraordinary history of the ordinary items all around you, every Tuesday, wherever you get your podcasts.

    For ad-free listening, exclusive content and early access to new episodes, join Noiser+. Click the Noiser+ banner to get started with a 7-day free trial. Or if you’re on Spotify or Android, head to noiser.com/subscriptions

    For advertising enquiries, email [email protected]

    Hosted by Ruth Goodman. Production: Emmie Rose Price-Goodfellow, Tom Pink, Addison Nugent, Nicole Edmunds, Lloyd Starr, George Colwey, Miriam Baines, Katrina Hughes. Compositions by Tom Pink, Dorry Macaulay, Oliver Baines.

  • RedHanded the podcast jumps head first into all manner of macabre madness. We cover everything from big time serial killers (and those you may never have heard of), to hauntings, possessions, disturbing mysteries, bizarre whodunits and basically anything that tickles our creepy fancy. So, join us, plug in, sit back and prepare for scares.

  • Welcome to "Disrespectfully," hosted by Katie Maloney and Dayna Kathan. These two besties have been through their fair share of life experiences. The good, the bad, and the unhinged. In Disrespectfully, they build off those lessons to discuss being unapologetically yourself, getting it wrong, career, mental health, relationships, sex, and whatever else they feel like. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll probably crack a bottle of wine- join Katie and Dayna as they share new episodes Wednesday’s wherever you get your podcasts.

    Make sure to email us problems, questions, or anything you need advice on at [email protected] and we shall answer them on the pod!

  • The human body is a miracle. But when it’s not working, it can be the stuff of nightmares. On this new series from master storyteller MrBallen, we’re sharing medical horror stories and diagnostic mysteries that are surgically calibrated to make your blood run cold.

    From bizarre, unheard-of diseases and miraculous recoveries to strange medical mishaps and unexplainable deaths — you’ll never hear the phrase “heart-stopping” in the same way again. MrBallen’s Medical Mysteries is a first-of-its-kind collaboration between MrBallen and Wondery, the award-winning company behind Dr. Death.

    Follow MrBallen's Medical Mysteries on Amazon Music or wherever you get your podcasts. New episodes publish for free every Tuesday. Prime members can binge episodes 25 - 32 early and ad-free on Amazon Music. 

    Wondery+ subscribers can listen ad-free--join Wondery+ in the Wondery App or on Apple Podcasts.

  • William Hanson and Jordan North are unlikely best friends. William's a posh etiquette expert, and Jordan's an expert in all things common. In this hit comedy podcast, their worlds collide as they help you navigate the challenges of modern life, answering your 21st century questions and finding solutions to those everyday dilemmas.

    Join Sexted Extra and laugh along to William Hanson and Jordan North helping you navigate the challenges of modern life ad free at https://plus.acast.com/s/sextedmyboss.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Hackers, North Korea and billions of dollars. Lazarus returns – in fact, the criminals never went away. Season 2 begins at an ATM, possibly near you. With Jean Lee and Geoff White. Investigators claim a secretive, elite North Korean hacking ring, nicknamed the Lazarus Group, is responsible for the theft of billions of dollars around the globe. Pyongyang denies having anything to do with cybercrimes, saying the United States is making these allegations to try to tarnish its image. Season 1 told the stories of the Lazarus Group's alleged hacks on Sony Pictures Entertainment and Bangladesh Bank and the WannaCry ransomware attack.

  • Eins og nafnið gefur til kynna þá er efnið handa fullorðnu fólki. Hér er hægt að hlusta á hljóðbrot úr Hlaðvarpinu Fullorðins ásamt seðjandi hljóðsögum í æsandi þrívíðum hljóðheimi. Að hlusta á Fullorðins er góð skemmtun og tilvalin til að koma þér á vit ævintýra, efla ímyndunaraflið, stuðla að sálfræðilegri endurheimt, upplifa heita drauma og fá hugmyndir sem krydda upp á kynlífið.


    Ath. Allt efni er aðeins ætlað fyrir fólk eldra en 18 ára.

  • Ordinary people who do unthinkable things...The Minds of Madness is a True Crime Podcast that examines the most disturbing criminal minds and the impact violent crimes have on survivors of homicide.

  • Adapted from journalist Chris Hansen’s popular TO CATCH A PREDATOR series, each episode of the PREDATORS I'VE CAUGHT features Chris recalling the most notorious cases and providing a “Where are they now?” update. Email Chris directly with your comments, suggestions, and questions: [email protected] Research is courtesy of "To Catch A Predator Wiki." Visit the site for all things TCAP at www.ToCatchAPredator.Fandom.com (http://www.tocatchapredator.fandom.com/)
    A Hurrdat Media Production. Hurrdat Media is a digital media and commercial video production company based in Omaha, NE. Find more podcasts on the Hurrdat Media Network and learn more about our other services today on HurrdatMedia.com.

  • www.patreon.com/skodanabraedur

    Skoðanabræður: „Eina hlaðvarp sem ég get hlustað á.“ – „Ég verð gáfaðri af því að hlusta á þetta.“ – „Lét mig hætta að vilja drepa mig.“ – „Besta leiðin til að vita það sem skiptir máli.“ – „Ég verð anti-þunglynd við að heyra ykkur tala um lifnaðarhætti ykkar.“

    Fremsta hlaðvarp landsins síðan 2019, í boði blóðbræðranna Snorra og Bergþórs Mássonar. Þáttur á hverjum föstudagsmorgni í mynd og hljóði, en mun oftar fyrir þá sem ganga í Skoðanabræðralagið á www.patreon.com/skodanabraedur.

    Ber er hver að baki nema sér bróður eigi.

  • Myndugleikinn er hugarfóstur Önnu Margrétar og Hjördísar Evu, sem báðar deila brennandi ástríðu fyrir því að læra, ræða og miðla þekkingu og reynslu til kvenna sem styður þær í að lifa lífi sínu á eigin forsendum. Í þáttunum taka Anna og Hjördís fyrir mikilvæg og oft vanrækt málefni sem tengjast konum í nútíma samfélagi, með áherslu á sjálfshjálp og persónulegan vöxt. Umræðurnar snúast meðal annars um þær kröfur og væntingar sem eru gerðar til kvenna í ólíkum hlutverkum, hvort sem það er í starfi, heimili, í foreldrahlutverkinu eða sem sjálfstæðir einstaklingar.

    Þátturinn er ekki aðeins vettvangur fyrir gagnrýna umræðu um samfélagslegar staðalímyndir og þrýsting, heldur einnig hugsaður sem uppspretta innblásturs og leiðsagnar fyrir hlustendur sem vilja móta sín eigin hlutverk og skilgreiningar á eigin forsendum. Hugmyndin að baki Myndugleiknum er að hvetja konur til að skoða og endurmeta eigin stöðu og hlutverk í samfélaginu, án þess að láta utanaðkomandi þrýsting eða væntingar hafa of mikil áhrif. 

    Í hverjum þætti fá áheyrendur að kynnast nýjum sjónarhornum og reynslusögum sem varpa ljósi á hvernig sé hægt er að vera sönn við sjálfa sig í heimi sem er oft flókinn og kröfuharður. Sjálfshjálparmenning er oft full af hvatningu og “buzz words”, en í Myndugleikanum verður boðið upp á mikilvæg samtöl um hvað þessi “buzz words” þýða og hvernig er hægt að raungera þau í sínu eigin lífi. 

    Þau málefni sem tekin eru fyrir eru meðal annars meðvirkni á vinnustöðum, að setja sér og öðrum mörk, að hlusta á eigið innsæi og hvað í ósköpunum það þýðir að setja sjálfa sig í fyrsta sæti.

  • The stories they don’t want told. Delve into a World of Secrets – major BBC global investigations and gripping storytelling. Holding the powerful to account and exposing scandals around the globe.Season 2: The Disciples The cult of Nigerian prophet TB Joshua. A story of miracles, faith and manipulation, told by people from around the world, who gave up everything for one of the most powerful religious figures of the century. Lured by TB Joshua’s claimed healing powers, and the promise that one day they could be like him, they live as disciples in a guarded Lagos compound, cut off from family and friends.Season 1: The Abercrombie GuysAn investigation into claims of sexual exploitation made against the former CEO of fashion giant Abercrombie & Fitch. He and his British partner were accused by several men, recruited for sex events they hosted around the world.#WorldofSecrets

  • Einmitt eru samtöl á sunnudagsmorgnum þar sem Einar ræðir við áhugaverða einstaklinga úr öllum áttum um smelli og skelli á lífsins svelli.

  • Hlaðvarp um sakamál í umsjón blaðamanna DV.

  • Podcast show about healthy habits, physical & mental health, fashion trends and interesting people

  • You can change your life and Mel Robbins will show you how.

    Mel Robbins is one of the world’s most widely booked and followed podcast hosts and authors. She’s trusted by the world’s leading brands and medical professionals who use her research-backed tools and strategies in clinical and corporate settings. She’s amassed millions of followers online, with her videos going viral almost daily.

    143 Studios Inc., her female-led media company, produces provocative and award-winning content with unprecedented results: millions of books sold, billions of video views, seven #1 audiobooks, and original courses and programming for clients like Starbucks, JP Morgan Chase, LinkedIn, Spotify, Headspace, and Audible.

    Mel’s work has been translated into 41 languages, her podcast is syndicated in 194 countries, and her TEDx Talk is one of the most viewed of all time. A New York Times bestselling author and self-publishing phenom, Mel’s work includes The High 5 Habit and The 5 Second Rule. Most importantly, her science-backed tools and relatable advice have changed the lives of millions of people worldwide.

    Despite all this, Mel is one of the most down-to-earth and caring people you’ll ever meet. The person you see every day online is exactly the same in real life. Probably because she learned everything she teaches the hard way: by first screwing up her own life, and out of necessity, discovering the tools and research that transformed her life and got her to where she is today.

    In The Mel Robbins Podcast, Mel gets more personal than ever, welcoming you into her life and taking you behind the scenes in real time. Every episode is packed with deeply relatable topics, tactical advice, hilarious screwups, compelling conversations, and the tools and inspiration you need to create a better life.

    Tune in and buckle up – your life is about to change. New episodes of The Mel Robbins Podcast drop every Monday and Thursday.

    To learn more about Mel, go deeper into every episode, find the resources and research she mentions, or submit a topic or question, check out https://www.melrobbins.com.

  • Í Pyngjunni eru ársreikningar fyrirtækja skoðaðir og ræddir. Athugið að (eiginlega) öll gögn sem stuðst er við eru opinberar upplýsingar. Þáttastjórnendur eru Arnar Þór Ólafsson og Ingvi Þór Georgsson

  • A true crime podcast that ventures into the darkest crimes with a wife who loves it and a husband who hates it.

  • What Went Wrong covers Hollywood’s most notoriously disastrous movie productions, digging into the behind the scenes insanity of everything from massive flops to record breaking blockbusters. Each episode, hosts Lizzie Bassett and Chris Winterbauer dive into a new film to explore the mind blowing (and sometimes numbing) reasons why making a movie is nearly impossible (especially a good one). Produced by David Boman.


  • Today, Explained is Vox's daily news explainer podcast. Hosts Sean Rameswaram and Noel King will guide you through the most important stories of the day.

    Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.

  • Over 19 days in March of 2018, five package bombs were mysteriously placed or mailed to random locations in and around Austin, Texas — killing two people and seriously injuring another five.

    During these mysterious, terrifying attacks, hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world would descend on the city for the annual South by Southwest festival, prompting as many federal law enforcement to respond to these bombings as did during the Boston Marathon attacks. On the front lines of it all is the Austin Bomb Squad, who has never experienced anything quite like this in their department’s history.

    This is the thrilling, true story of the 19 days of terror that settled over one of the fastest growing cities in the world at one of its busiest times told by the law enforcement, victims, journalists, and residents who witnessed it.

    Witnessed: 19 Days is part of The Binge—a new podcast channel from Sony Music Entertainment. Subscribe now to unlock all shows on The Binge - All Episodes. All at Once... and you’ll be the first to access 19 Days as soon as it drops on April 1, 2024.

    A Campside Media, Pegalo Pictures & Sony Music Entertainment production.

    Find out more about The Binge and other podcasts from Sony Music Entertainment at sonymusic.com/podcasts.

  • It’s a lighthearted nightmare in here, weirdos! Morbid is a true crime, creepy history and all things spooky podcast hosted by an autopsy technician and a hairstylist. Join us for a heavy dose of research with a dash of comedy thrown in for flavor.

  • Fylgjan er hlaðvarp þar sem kynnumst nýjum sjónarhornum á þessum umbreytandi tímum í lífum okkar sem er barnaeignarferlið, en fyrst og fremst er þetta rými til að heyra sögur kvenna sem hafa þegar gengið þessa vegferð. 

    Hér deilum við, lærum og fræðumst um fæðingar, meðgöngur, móðurhlutverkið, kvennakúltúr, systralag og allt það sem við kemur kvenverunni. 


  • The Ringer NBA squad provides the insight, reporting, and analysis that you need in your life right here on The Ringer NBA Show. On Sundays and Wednesdays, check out 'Group Chat' with Justin Verrier, Wosny Lambre and Rob Mahoney. Tap in on Mondays and Thursdays for 'Real Ones' with Logan Murdock and Raja Bell.

  • Fjallað er um tónlistarsenuna á Íslandi á marga mismunandi vegu. Númi tekur viðtöl við ýmsa aðila innan hennar og skyggnist inn í tónlistarsköpun og líf viðmælenda sinna.

  • Þáttur um fólk, fyrir fólk sem hefur áhuga á fólki.