• Ideje o zavesti, vesolju, drogah, naši kulturi, tehnologiji in prihodnosti človeštva ... AIDEA je potovanje k samouresničitvi in globljemu razumevanju medsebojne povezanosti vesolja.

    Vodi Klemen Selakovič.

  • Jure Godler in Anže Tomić opazujeta. Življenje.

  • Ciril, Jure, Saša in Seba. Verjamemo v svobodo odprte ceste in v večni navdih sveta zobnikov, ognja v valjih, električnega udara, moči jekla in karbona. To je misija v jedro vrtinca mobilnosti.

  • Podkast o aktualnem dogajanju v svetu tehnologije in tehnična podpora za slehernika.

  • A few years ago I was a broke, university dropout, at 18 I built an industry leading social media marketing company, and at 27 I resigned as CEO. At 28 I co-founded Flight Story – a marketing and communications company, and thirdweb - a software platform, making it easy to build web3 applications. I then launched private equity fund, Flight Fund, to accelerate the next generation of European unicorns. During this time I decided to launch 'The Diary Of A CEO' podcast with the simple mission of providing an unfiltered journey into the remarkable stories and untold dimensions of the world’s most influential people, experts and thinkers. Thank you for listening.
    My New Book: https://g2ul0.app.link/DOAC
    IG: https://www.instagram.com/steven
    LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenbartlett-123

  • Priduži se mi na poti odkrivanja skrivnosti do sreče.

  • Huberman Lab discusses neuroscience — how our brain and its connections with the organs of our body control our perceptions, our behaviors, and our health. We also discuss existing and emerging tools for measuring and changing how our nervous system works.
    Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist and tenured professor in the department of neurobiology, and by courtesy, psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford School of Medicine. He has made numerous significant contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills and cognitive functioning. 
    Huberman is a McKnight Foundation and Pew Foundation Fellow and was awarded the Cogan Award, given to the scientist making the most significant discoveries in the study of vision, in 2017. His lab’s most recent work focuses on the influence of vision and respiration on human performance and brain states such as fear and courage. He also works on neural regeneration and directs a clinical trial to promote visual restoration in diseases that cause blindness. Huberman is also actively involved in developing tools now in use by the elite military in the U.S. and Canada, athletes, and technology industries to optimize performance in high stress environments, enhance neural plasticity, mitigate stress and optimize sleep.  
    Work from the Huberman Laboratory at Stanford School of Medicine has been published in top journals including Nature, Science and Cell and has been featured in TIME, BBC, Scientific American, Discover and other top media outlets. 
    In 2021, Dr. Huberman launched the Huberman Lab podcast. The podcast is frequently ranked in the top 5 of all podcasts globally and is often ranked #1 in the categories of Science, Education, and Health & Fitness.

  • Najnovejše in natančne neodvisne novice iz Slovenije in sveta. Ekskluzivni partner CNN.

  • Pogovori in razmišljanja o duševnem zdravju in destigmatizaciji, o izzivih, stresu in tesnobi. Obenem pa o lepotah življenja, o zdravju in bolezni in o vseh krasnih življenjskih naukih, ki nam pomagajo rasti, se razvijati in živeti. Podcast vodi zdravnik David Zupančič.

  • Pravljice iz domače in svetovne literature za vsako noč. Ena najstarejših oddaj otroškega in mladinskega programa Radia Slovenija. Na videz obrobna oddaja opravlja veliko kulturno poslanstvo. Najmlajše poslušalce vodi v svet domišljije v izbrani govorici gledaliških igralcev in igralk.

  • Know-How osebnih financ. Podcast o upravljanju denarja. Finančne novosti. Borza. Nepremičnine. Trendi. Pogovore vodi Marja Milič, avtorica več kot tisoč člankov o osebnih financah, dolgoletna urednica finančni vsebin.

  • Dobrodošla v jutranji dozi motivacije, mini podkast seriji blagovne znamke deklica.si.
    Kaja Berlot te v tej mini podkast seriji vsako drugo jutro prebuja s hudomušnimi motivacijskimi mislimi, ki jih redno objavlja na svojem Instagram profilu @deklica_si, zato si vzemi minutko ali dve in prisluhni, kaj ti ima povedati danes.

  • Tomaž Celestina, Jolanda Lebar, Metka Pirc, Matej Hrastar, Jure Čepin in Miranda Bratkič v oddaji Ob osmih gostijo sogovornike, ki pomagajo razložiti dnevne novice. Zanima jih predvsem, zakaj se nekaj dogaja in kakšen je širši kontekst dnevnega dogajanja. Vsak dan od torka do petka. Ob osmih.

  • S pomočjo številk analiziramo vsakodnevne stvari - od športa do znanosti, od veselja do vesolja.

    Številke + kontekst = zgodbe

  • Seks. Tema, o kateri ima vsak nekaj odgovorov in veliko vprašanj. V svet (ne)znanega in (ne)odkritega se odpravljata posebna raziskovalca Eva in Luka. Vsako epizodo predstavljata intimne izkušnje ljudi, sprašujeta strokovnjake in nam tako približata vsakdanje izzive zadovoljujočega spolnega življenja. Podkast Evolucija užitka, ki izide vsak drugi petek v mesecu, izobražuje, spodbuja odkrite pogovore o spolnosti in jih normalizira.

  • Conversations about science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Lex is an AI researcher at MIT and beyond.

  • Veš unu, ka greš u kevdr s kolegi, pa se menš kr neki, k nasledno jutro use pozabs? Podcast o 2,5 dolenjca (1 prženjen), ki v kevdru ene od dolenjskih zidanic ob narezku in kozarčku rujnega rdečega debatirajo o raznovrstnih temah in dogodkih... sami ali v družbi imenitnih gostov...

  • Torkovo dopoldne je rezervirano za soočenje različnih pogledov na aktualne dogodke, ki iz tedna v teden spreminjajo svet, pa tega velikokrat sploh ne opazimo. Gostje Intelekte so ugledni strokovnjaki iz gospodarstva, znanosti, kulture, politike in drugih področij. Oddaja skuša širokemu občinstvu ponuditi kritično mnenje o ključnih dejavnikih globalnega in lokalnega okolja.

  • Informativna oddaja o športu, ki je podkrepljena s statistiko.

  • Metropolitan je mesto odličnih zgodb in njegov podkast ni nič drugačen! Za vas smo pripravili sproščene in zanimive pogovore #obskodelicikave, preko katerih boste spoznali raznolike življenjske sloge. Vse to v čisto novi seriji Metropolitan podkastov.

  • Mihilizem je pogovorni podkast, ki mu nikakor ne smete verjeti, saj je žlahtni nejeveri pravzaprav namenjen. S pametnimi ljudmi govori o tistih neumnostih sveta, ki se jim preudarni, servilni in zato popularni vzdrževalci obstoječe religije neskončne gospodarske rasti, ki krasijo naslovnice in ekrane, z razlogom izogibajo.

  • 100 milijard razlogov za radovednost. Tako bi lahko rekli, če bi šteli nevrone v naših možganih. Jutranja rubrika brska po svetu nevroznanosti, na poljuden način, s pomočjo domačih in tujih strokovnjakov, pojasnjuje fenomene, s katerimi se srečujemo vsak dan, sledi novostim v raziskovanju možganov, pojasnjuje delovanje in funkcije tega neverjetnega organa in skrbi tudi za možgansko jutranjo rekreacijo.

  • Radio Ga Ga – nova generacija vsak petek dopoldan razkriva aktualno družbeno-politično dogajanje pri nas in v svetu ter vam postreže s pestrim naborom unikatnih imitacij. S svojo duhovitostjo in ostrim pogledom prinaša zabavo, smeh in razmislek o dogodkih poslušalcem vseh generacij. Bodite del petkove zabave na Prvem.

  • The world’s most popular history podcast, with Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook.

    Join The Rest Is History Club (www.therestishistory.com) for ad-free listening to the full archive, weekly bonus episodes, live streamed shows and access to an exclusive chatroom community.

    Here are some of our favourite episodes to get you started:

    WATERGATE/NIXON apple.co/3JrVl5h

    ALEXANDER THE GREAT apple.co/3Q4FaNk


    PUTIN & RUSSIA apple.co/3zMtLfX

  • Pogovori s slovenskimi znanstvenicami in znanstveniki odpirajo vpogled v najnovejše dogajanje na različnih znanstvenih področjih – naj gre za naslavljanje podnebnih sprememb, za raziskave biomolekularnih procesov, razvoj tehnologije jutrišnjega dne ali analizo protislovnih družbenih procesov.

  • Umetnost možnega – podkast o politiki je nekoliko drugačen pogled na notranje politično dogajanje v Sloveniji. Tanja Starič (TV Slovenija) in Aleš Kocjan (Radio Slovenija), oba dolgoletna notranje politična novinarja, v vsaki epizodi gostita novinarja, ki spremlja slovensko strankarsko dogajanje od blizu. Vabita tudi tiste, ki v ozadju snujejo politične strategije in tiste, ki politike poznajo, jih spremljajo in se z njimi pogovarjajo brez kamer in mikrofonov. Teme podkasta piše politika sama – s spletkami, prestopi, preštevanji, prelomnimi sestanki in kongresi, zavezništvi in spori. Vsakih 14 dni vse to analiziramo, komentiramo, pojasnjujemo in se, seveda, ob tem včasih tudi zgražamo in še večkrat smejimo.

  • CHLANI. Prebrano »člani«, ne pa klani. Ampak člani česa? Ne, ne … Tukaj ne gre za članstvo v klubu ali organizaciji, niti v klanu. »Član« je slengovska beseda, ki jo predvsem mladi zelo pogosto uporabljajo na najlepšem delu Slovenije – na Obali. Torej, ker ste tukaj, naj vam izrečeva dobrodošlico: »Kje ste, člani!« Ogrodje novega slovenskega podcasta sestavljamo 2 mlada ustvarjalca. Zaradi bližine, ki smo jo med seboj ustvarili s pogostim druženjem in delom, podcastu zagotovimo avtentičnost in poskrbimo za sproščeno dinamiko. Na pocastih se nam pogosto pridružijo še zanimivi gosti, – znani in manj znani – ki popestrijo epizode s svojim unikatnim pogledom na življenje in atraktivno osebnostjo. Teme, ki jih obravnavamo, so lahko absurdne in nenavadne, vsekakor pa se dotaknemo tudi življenjskih tem.

  • Lepo pozdravljeni v podkastu Potovanja in delo v tujini. Moje ime je Maja Novak, zadnjih 18 let sem potovala in delala v tujini, med drugim kot interior manager na privatnih jahtah in živela v več kot 10 deželah sveta. Preko podkasta želim svoje izkušnje in nasvete deliti z vsemi vami, ki vas take tematike privlačijo. V družbi navdihujočih gostov se razvijajo pogovori o osebni rasti skozi potovanja, različnih možnostih dela v tujini za mlade, o digitalnem nomadstvu, retreatih in o skrbi zase. Welcome aboard! www.mayita.si

  • Ustvarjalci enega najbolj branih spletnih medijev pri nas pred mikrofonom gostimo zanimive sogovornike iz različnih področij in ustvarjamo pogovore, ki odmevajo.
    Nove epizode vsak torek.

  • Pogled v raziskovalne oddelke in laboratorije naravoslovnih, družboslovnih fakultet in inštitutov ter pogovori z raziskovalkami in raziskovalci.

  • V slabi uri skušamo razgrniti najrazličnejša polja vednosti, da bi izrisali sicer fragmentarno in protislovno, pa vendar, kolikor je le mogoče, celovito podobo planeta, na katerem živimo.
    Povezujemo glas astronomije z glasom arheologije, glas naravoslovja z glasovi umetnosti, ekonomije, zgodovine, religije ali politike.

  • Sladko, slano, mastno, pekoče, grenko in kislo. Vse to je naš svet - svet gostinstva.

    Sladko-kisli svet je prvi gostilniški podkast v Sloveniji. To je podkast, kjer bo Grega Repovž mesečno s strokovnjaki na področju gostinstva razbijal stereotipe, odkrival še neizrečeno resnico, delil dragocene lekcije, pomembna spoznanja ter obravnaval aktualne teme v svetu gostinstva. 

    Sladko-kisli svet se razlikuje v tem kako surov in pošten je z informacijami, ki jih ljudje običajno ne delijo in jih v mnogih intervjujih ne moremo zaslediti. Živimo in delamo v svetu gostinstva, ki je prav tako poln izzivov in kontrastov, kot je sladko-kisel okus.

  • VSE JE V REDU je podkast o duševnem zdravju, iskanju navdiha in notranjega miru, o premagovanju strahov in grajenju zaupanja vase in v življenje. Vodi ga Vida Igličar, grafična oblikovalka, ilustratorka in avtorica knjig, ki skozi izzive, ki ji jih življenje prinese na pot, aktivno in kreativno išče pot naprej. Razkriva svojo ranljivost in deli na lastni koži preizkušene rešitve in spoznanja. Podkast podira tabuje, pripomore k zmanjševanju stigme na področju duševnega zdravja, ponuja uvid, da v stiski nisi sam/a in da ne le da bo vse v redu, ampak da je vse v redu že zdaj, točno tako, kot je.

  • Kdo so ljudje, ki zaznamujejo družbo? Kakšen je človek za funkcijo, ki daje pečat sedanjosti? Kako premika meje prihodnosti? Oddaja Nedeljski gost na Valu 202. Funkciji nadene človeško podobo.

  • Timi Max Elšnik vodi igro v zvezni vrsti, zdaj pa tudi svoj Podcast!

  • Poljudna oddaja, v kateri vas popeljemo med vznemirljiva vprašanja in odkritja moderne znanosti, s katerimi se raziskovalci v tem trenutku spopadajo v svojih glavah in laboratorijih.

  • Ogrodje je sproščen, tehnično razvijalski podcast. Modrosti, zablode in izkušnje serijsko.

  • Z gosti se podajamo na različne plezalne in gorske pustolovščine. Podoživljamo in delimo pristne ter avtentične zgodbe alpinistov, športnih, balvanskih in lednih plezalcev, alpinističnih smučarjev, gornikov in vse ostalih, ki so tako ali drugače povezani z gorami, s plezanjem v vseh oblikah ter vsem, kar sodi zraven. Pogovore o gorniški modrosti vodi Miha Habjan.

  • Every Monday morning step into the office of iconic psychotherapist Esther Perel and listen in as real people in search of insight bare the raw, intimate, and profound details of their stories. From breakups and open relationships to workplace conflicts and fractures in the family, it’s a place to hear our own stories reflected in the lives of others. So…where should we begin? Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.

  • Oddaja za legitimno preživljanje prostega časa, kjer Boštjan Gorenc Pižama in Anže Tomić uživata v klasičnih filmskih mojstrovinah, ki jih nikoli prej nista imela časa ali volje pogledati.

  • Life lessons from the greatest thinkers on the planet with Chris Williamson. Including guests like David Goggins, Dr Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Jocko Willink, Dr Andrew Huberman, Dr Julie Smith, Steven Bartlett, Ryan Holiday, James Clear, Robert Greene, Balaji Srinivasan, Steven Pinker, Alex Hormozi, Douglas Murray, Chris Bumstead, James Smith, Dr David Sinclair, Mark Manson and more. Understanding the world is hard. This podcast will help.

  • The Mindset Mentor™ podcast is designed for anyone desiring motivation, direction, and focus in life. Host Rob Dial has amassed a passionate following of over 3 million social media followers, including business professionals, entrepreneurs, and small business owners with his expertise and passion for helping motivate people to become the best version of themselves.
    In this podcast, Rob blends neurology, neurobiology, psychology, early childhood development, cognitive behavioral therapy so that you can understand the way your brain and body work together, because when you understand yourself, it makes it much easier to make a plan to change and succeed. When you master your mindset, you master your life.
    Over the past 15 years, he has studied with some of the greatest thought leaders of our time like Tony Robbins, Ram Dass, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Jay Shetty, Andrew Huberman and many more.
    If you're ready to take your life to the next level, are searching for more purpose or you just need extra inspiration or motivation, tune in to The Mindset Mentor Podcast.
    Follow Rob on Instagram @RobDialJr https://www.instagram.com/robdialjr/

    Past guests include Tony Robbins, Matthew McConaughey, Jay Shetty, Andrew Huberman, Lewis Howes, Gregg Braden, and Dr Steven Gundry.

  • Lovim ravnotežje, najbolj poslušan slovenski podjetniški podcast, od leta 2019 vodi Nina Gaspari, podjetnica, kolumnistka in avtorica knjige Lovim svoje ravnotežje. Skozi sproščene in nefiltrirane pogovore z gostjami in gosti, ki presegajo ustaljene okvirje, boste doživeli smeh, solze in vse vmes. Vsak petek vas v podcast aplikaciji pričaka sveža epizoda, zato si s prijavo zagotovite, da jo boste hitro ujeli. Želite več? Spremljajte @ninagaspari in pokukajte v zakulisje ustvarjanja svojega najljubšega podcast kanala.

  • Follow along Alex Cooper and the Daddy Gang as they exploit the details of their lives, making you feel a hell of a lot better about yours. Relationships, sex, social scenes, embarrassing moments, and more are all addressed here on CALL HER DADDY. See you f****** Wednesday.

  • Vsakodnevna pogovorna radijska oddaja o aktualnih temah je zasnovana po načelu okrogle mize in edina tovrstna v slovenskem radiofonskem prostoru.

  • Imagine you were a fly on the wall at a dinner between the mafia, the CIA, and the KGB. That’s where this unprecedented story begins. A journey through the dark world of Russian intelligence where, for the first time, a professed “sex spy” tells her story. All of it.

    Host Neil Strauss (Rolling Stone, The New York Times) brings listeners into the dangerous world of sexpionage, where enemies of the State are not the only victims. So too are the spies themselves, brainwashed to believe that their bodies belong to Russia and meticulously trained to become “the perfect weapons.” Who is Aliia Roza? From the creators of the hit podcast series To Live and Die in LA, this is To Die For.

  • Kendall Rae is a true-crime content creator on YouTube who has used her platform to spread awareness for victims and their families. Now she is bringing episodes of her YouTube true-crime series to podcast format, to hopefully create even more awareness around the cases she covers. Kendall's approach to true-crime content is empathetic and always approached with victims in mind first. Join Kendall in her journey to spread awareness and bring justice to those who need it most!

  • Kaj nam o spreminjajočem se svetu povedo tisti, ki se z njim soočajo skozi posel? Kakšen je njihov uvid v razvoj Slovenije? Kako razmišljajo o gospodarskih, družbenih in tehnoloških trendih? Pogovori, ki odstirajo zanimive plati vodenja, razvoja podjetja, izzivov, predvsem pa razmišljanja in osebnosti menedžerjev.

  • On Mondays, Jon Stewart hosts The Daily Show, but on Thursdays he hosts The Weekly Show — A podcast featuring in- depth conversations with special guests that explores the biggest threats to our democracy. Also hear from producers and friends of the show who discuss the latest headlines, what’s on their minds, and more!

  • EU Confidential is a weekly European news and politics podcast published every Friday by POLITICO Europe. Each 30-minute episode features POLITICO’s analysis of the top stories driving EU politics, as well as notable guests shaping European policy and deep-dive stories from around the Continent. It’s hosted by Sarah Wheaton, POLITICO’s chief policy correspondent, who is joined by reporters from around Europe. Discover our show notes for EU Confidential here: https://www.politico.eu/eu-confidential-podcast/

  • I’m Jay Shetty host of On Purpose the worlds #1 Mental Health podcast and I’m so grateful you found us. I started this podcast 5 years ago to invite you into conversations and workshops that are designed to help make you happier, healthier and more healed. I believe that when you (yes you) feel seen, heard and understood you’re able to deal with relationship struggles, work challenges and life’s ups and downs with more ease and grace.

    I interview experts, celebrities, thought leaders and athletes so that we can grow our mindset, build better habits and uncover a side of them we’ve never seen before. New episodes every Monday and Friday. Your support means the world to me and I don’t take it for granted — click the follow button and leave a review to help us spread the love with On Purpose. I can’t wait for you to listen to your first or 500th episode!

  • Podkast Vala 202 z dodano vrednostjo. Poglobljeno in angažirano pripovedujemo zgodbe. Originalnih junakov, izjemnih dogodkov, drobnih in velikih zapletov. Zgodbe nekega časa, življenja in družbe.

  • BRSTOLOGIJA je podcast, ki ga vodi KAJA STRNIŠA. Namenjen je predvsem raziskovanju psihologije, duševnega zdravja in dobrega počutja.

    Hkrati pa občasno zakoraka tudi na druga področja delovanja človeka, narave, družbe in sveta na sploh.

  • Metin čaj je podkast o medijih, dobrih in slabih praksah, novih tehnologijah in trendih prihodnosti. Gostje v medijih delajo, z njimi živijo in o njih razmišljajo. Gostitelja sta Nataša Briški (Metina lista) in Aljaž Pengov Bitenc (Radio KAOS).

  • emma prefers to share her thoughts with a microphone rather than a physical human being, so thank god she has a podcast. recorded from the comfort of her bed...and some other fun places, emma talks at length about whatever is on her mind every week. anything really does go on this podcast. sometimes philosophy, sometimes a random story from 10 years ago, sometimes advice, sometimes fun interviews, and sometimes nothing at all. you never know what you are going to get, but that’s what keeps it interesting. new episodes every thursday and sunday, video available only on spotify.

  • Historian Dan Snow investigates the 'how' and 'why' of history's defining moments.

    From the Colosseum of Ancient Rome and the battlefields of Waterloo to the tomb of Tutankhamun, Dan journeys across the globe to share the greatest stories from the past that help us understand the present.

    New episodes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

    You can get in touch with us at [email protected]

    A podcast by History Hit, the world's best history channel and creators of award-winning podcasts The Ancients, Gone Medieval, and Betwixt the Sheets.

    Subscribe here to get early access, AD-FREE and bonus episodes.

  • Each episode of Brave Souls is an invitation to break free from conditioning, embrace your true authentic self, and live a life of purpose, vitality, and freedom. Whether you’re seeking to overcome personal challenges, enhance your well-being, or simply reconnect with your primal roots, this podcast provides the guidance and inspiration you need to get there.

    Awaken your true potential. Reclaim your primal power. Join the family on this journey to a more empowered and enlightened You. ❤️🐆💫

  • Ne boste verjeli, kje vse uspevajo Slovenci.

  • Osrednja jutranja informativna oddaja Druga jutranja kronika prinaša analizo najbolj aktualnega nočnega dogajanja, predvsem pa napoveduje teme, ki bodo zaznamovale dan. Je strnjena, verodostojna, zmeraj aktualna – in najbolj poslušana radijska oddaja v Sloveniji. Vsak dan ob 7.00 na Radiu Slovenija.

    Kot podkast so na voljo tudi oddaje Danes do 13h, Dogodki in odmevi, Po Sloveniji Radijski dnevnik in Zrcalo dneva. Naročite se lahko tudi na kratka poročila v podkastu Novice Radia Slovenija.

  • Presented by Orion Taraban, Psy.D. PsycHacks provides listeners with a brief, thought-provoking episode several days a week on a variety of psychological topics, inspired by my clinical practice. The intention is for the core idea contained within each episode to inspire listeners to see something about themselves or their world in a slightly different light.

  • Kolesarski podkast Vala 202 ustvarjamo športni novinarji, ki zlato dobo slovenskega kolesarstva spremljamo iz prve vrste, na terenu. Prisotni smo na vseh pomembnejših klasikah, spomenikih, tritedenskih dirkah, tudi na svetovnih prvenstvih in olimpijskih igrah. Zato vam lahko ponudimo preverjene informacije, relevantne analize, gostimo ključne kolesarske akterje. Zanimivo, zabavno, tudi poučno. V zlati dobi slovenskega kolesarstva je to športni podkast, ki ne razočara.

  • “Health has become overcomplicated. I aim to simplify it” In this podcast, we hear stories from leading health experts and exciting personalities who offer easy health life-hacks, expert advice and debunk common health myths giving you the tools to revolutionise how you eat, sleep, move and relax. Hosted by Dr Chatterjee - one of the most influential GPs in the country with nearly 20 years experience, star of BBC 1’s Doctor In the House, and author of 5 internationally best-selling books, including ‘The 4 Pillar Plan’ – Feel Better, Live More aims to inspire, empower and transform the way we feel. When we are healthier we are happier because when we feel better we live more.

    Support the podcast and enjoy Ad-Free episodes. Try FREE for 7 days on Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/feelbetterlivemore. For other podcast platforms go to https://fblm.supercast.com.


  • On the Easy German podcast, we discuss topics from Germany and around the world, explain words and expressions and answer your questions. Members get full transcripts, our exclusive vocabulary helper and bonus content for each episode. Learn more at easygerman.fm

  • Join intellectual phenomenon Dr. Jordan Peterson for enlightening discourse that will change the way you think. This podcast breaks down the dichotomy of life through interviews and lectures that explain how individuals and culture are shaped by values, music, religion, and beyond. It will give you a new perspective and a modern understanding of your creativity, competence, and personality.

  • Every company has a story.

    Learn the playbooks that built the world’s greatest companies — and how you can apply them as a founder, operator, or investor.

  • Hannah Fry follows the numbers on thrilling journeys of data and discovery. Along the way we meet the remarkable people who dug into the data and unearthed something extraordinary.

  • Področje medicine je obširno, razvoj pa izredno hiter. Težko je slediti vsem novostim, ki so zaradi zapletenih postopkov uvajanja včasih že rahlo zastarele. Pa naj bodo to nove diagnostične metode ali pa tiste, ki so zaradi izpopolnjenih naprav bolnikom prijaznejše. V oddaji govorimo tudi o postopkih zdravljenja in rehabilitacije in novih zdravilih. V oddajo Ultrazvok vabimo najvidnejše domače strokovnjake z različnih področij, kjer poskušamo našim poslušalcem strokovno, obenem pa razumljivo predstaviti problematiko področij, ki jih najbolj zanimajo. Oddajo pripravlja Iztok Konc.

  • Master the best of what other people have already figured out so you can use their lessons in your life to create an unstoppable advantage.

    Shane Parrish is an entrepreneur and sought-after speaker. His newsletter (https://fs.blog/podcast) offers timeless insights you can use to change your life.

    In The Knowledge Project, Shane interviews people at the top of their game. Every episode is packed with hard-earned lessons that you can use in your life. Tune in to create an unstoppable advantage.

    Sit down and learn from the best. Previous guests include Reid Hoffman, Esther Perel, Daniel Kahneman, Tobi Lutke, Marshall Goldsmith, Kunal Shah, Ander Huberman, David Sinclair, Ret. General Stanley McChrystal, Marc Andreessen, Patrick Collison, Robert Cialdini, Walter Isaacson, Chris Bosh, Kat Cole, Adam Grant, Angela Duckworth, Seth Godin, Matt Mullenweg, Lisa Feldman Barrett, Maria Konnikova, Bill Ackman, Annie Duke, Derek Sivers, Jim Collins, Naval Ravikant, and many others. They reveal hard-earned lessons on leadership, decision-making, hiring and firing, productivity, habits, and more.

    New episodes are released every second Tuesday.

    Learn more at https://fs.blog/podcast

  • Prisluhnite navdihujočim zgodbam aktivnih ljudi in odkrijte ideje, kako lahko tudi sami izboljšate svoje življenje.

  • "Purified" Podcasts are being cooked on a weekly basis by Nora En Pure. This product may contain some Enormous ingredients, but mainly organic and funky, chunky elements which may lead to the uncontrollable urge to dance and enjoy life.

  • The Wise Traditions podcast is for those who seek optimal health, based on ancient wisdom. We believe that vibrant health cannot be cultivated in a lab, engineered through modern technology or found through “improving” nature. On the contrary, “life in all its fullness is mother nature obeyed,” as Dr. Price put it. We thrive when we live as our ancestors did, and we can look to the past for clues on how to go about it.
    This show, sponsored by the Weston A. Price Foundation, is an invitation to follow ancient health ways and to embrace alternative healing modalities to live our best lives. Our host, Hilda Labrada Gore, known as Holistic Hilda, interviews experts on a wide variety of topics—ranging from nutrient-dense foods to improving mental health to homesteading to detoxing to healing emotional trauma to the power of sunshine and mitigating EMFs. Every episode offers the listener a new (ancient) way to heal, grow, and live a happy life, brimming with vitality.

  • O tem in onem, predvsem pa o NBA ligi in košarki. Trije športni komentatorji se dvakrat na mesec podajajo v globine najlepše moštvene igre na svetu. Pa še Dončić in Dragić jo igrata.

  • Slikovita prispodoba v naslovu dolgoletne petkove oddaje na Valu 202 pove na kratko vse o njeni vsebini. Med kronističnim registriranjem dogodkov avtorji po pomembnosti in svoji presoji izločijo in ožamejo bistvo.

  • Welcome to The Wellness Cafe Podcast. Your go to Hot Girl Walk podcast. Your host Trinity Tondeleir who you may know from TikTok, Instagram, or Youtube is serving all things wellness, lifestyle, girl-talk and everything in between. Come hangout every Wednesday!

    For sponsorship inquiries, please email [email protected]

  • NEW Season 3: The Apartheid Killer. All the victims were black and the youngest was just 12 years old. Some relatives are still searching for the graves. During a three-year bloodbath in the 1980s, at least 39 people were killed in the South African city of East London – by one person. After years of investigation, we’ve tracked him down. He killed so many, he lost count. It has been 30 years since the white supremacist apartheid regime crumbled. The unresolved trauma of this time has cast a long shadow across a nation. In piecing together this story, the new season of World of Secrets exposes the disturbed past and racial injustices of South Africa itself. This is a BBC World Service investigation.

    World of Secrets is the BBC podcast about the stories they don’t want told. Delve into a World of Secrets – major BBC global investigations and gripping storytelling. Holding the powerful to account and exposing scandals around the world.

    These are our previous seasons:Season 2: The Disciples. The cult of Nigerian prophet TB Joshua. A story of miracles, faith and manipulation, told by people from around the world, who gave up everything for one of the most powerful religious figures of the century. Lured by TB Joshua’s claimed healing powers, and the promise that one day they could be like him, they live as disciples in a guarded Lagos compound, cut off from family and friends.Season 1: The Abercrombie Guys. An investigation into claims of sexual exploitation made against the former CEO of fashion giant Abercrombie & Fitch. He and his British partner were accused by several men, recruited for sex events they hosted around the world.


  • Stay informed and inspired to delight people and grow your business with daily conversations with interesting people doing interesting things. Hosted by Josiah Mackenzie.

  • Na čisto resna radiovedna vprašanja, ki nam jih zastavljajo poslušalci, iščemo čisto resne odgovore – s strokovnjaki. Če imate kakšno vprašanje, na katero niste dobili odgovora, nam pišite na [email protected]

  • Let’s build healthier and more fulfilling romantic relationships. Jillian is on a mission to teach people how to completely transform their love life, and where you start is by addressing the relationship you have with yourself. 
    Whether you’re looking to strengthen the relationship you’re in, heal your heartbreak and choose better partners, develop a stronger sense of self, or move away from dysfunctional patterns into highly functioning ones this show is for you.
    Jillian Turecki is a certified relationship coach, teacher and writer who for 20 years has guided others on journeys toward fulfilling relationships.
    Follow the show on Instagram: @jillianonlove
    Email the show at [email protected]
    Subscribe to Jillian on Love+ on Apple Podcasts or Patreon
    Find Resources mentioned in the show at the Jillian on Love Recommendations
    Follow Jillian Turecki on
    Instagram: @jillianturecki
    Tik Tok: @jillian.turecki
    Twitter: @JillianTurecki
    Visit her website at www.jillianturecki.com
    Jillian On Love is brought to you by QCODE. 
    To advertise on the show, contact us!

  • Najpomembnejše teme tedna podrobneje analiziramo in preverjamo stališča strokovnjakov ter predstavnikov pristojnih organov. Kako njihove odločitve občutite na svoji koži?

  • Each week, join Patrick J. Adams and Sarah Rafferty as they recap episodes from the hit TV show “Suits” where they played Mike Ross and Donna Paulson respectively on the show. Sarah and Patrick share their personal experience being on the show, interview fellow cast members, answer listener questions, and share behind-the-scenes stories. Never seen Suits before? No problem - neither have Patrick and Sarah. Join them on their first watch to learn why Suits has become a phenomenon.

  • Sam Parr and Shaan Puri brainstorm new business ideas based on trends & opportunities they see in the market. Sometimes they bring on famous guests to brainstorm with them.

  • 📍Najbolj pokrito odkrit podcast v Sloveniji
    🎙️Voditeljica: Kaja Grozina
    🤫Pokrij se in odkrivaj z nami!
    🎬 Vsak teden nova epizoda in novi gostje 🗽

  • Podkast Delove športne redakcije, v katerem gostimo izstopajoče akterje iz sveta športa. V pogovorni oddaji v studiu gostimo športnike, trenerje, analitike in podrobne opazovalce iz športnih panog, ki so v središču pozornosti športne javnosti in prinašajo vpogled v zakulisje, njihovo doživljanje uspehov in cilje, ki so še pred njimi.

    Voditelj: Nejc Grilc

  • This is Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin. 
    I'm Dr. Andy Galpin, a professor of kinesiology at California State University, Fullerton.
    With this podcast, my goal is to help you better understand and maximize your own physical performance, leveraging my two decades of experience with top-tier performers, including Olympians and world champions across numerous sports. We'll discuss a range of advanced tools, technologies, and strategies, striking a balance between the forefront of scientific research and simple solutions.
    The way we'll do that is by covering what I call the "3 I's". For every topic, we'll explore how to 1) Investigate (i.e., measure), 2) Interpret (i.e., what's good, bad), and 3) Intervene (i.e., change). We'll do this from the lens of high performance, letting you enhance your abilities from good to great.                                  
    In the upcoming episodes of Season 1, we'll explore topics like the science of muscle development, how to build endurance, the role of sleep and recovery in high performance, and how to create training programs for strength, improving VO2 Max and cardiovascular health, growing muscle and much more.  
    I'll share actionable insights ("do's and don'ts") and I'll discuss the effectiveness of various supplements, training equipment, and technology in elevating mental and physical performance.
    While not all of us are elite athletes, myself included, there are many lessons and tools that we can glean from those performing at the highest levels. And remember, as legendary coach Bill Bowerman stated, "If you have a body, you are an athlete." If you're not already, I hope you'll consider starting to train and recover like an athlete. 

  • Podkast Vidno polje širi misijo TAM-TAM Inštituta in gleda čez ramo oblikovalkam in oblikovalcem plakatov. Z izbranimi gosti opazujemo in razpravljamo o njihovih delih, kreativnih postopkih in o vlogi plakata v družbi ter smo pozorni na vizualne podobe, ki na javnih površinah ulovijo naš pogled. Da se razširi naše vidno polje, podkast uziramo mesečno. Pogovore vodita Nejc Bahor - Biga in Peter Kuntarič - Kunta. Ustvarjeno v studiu Radia Študent. Po dobrem plakatu se dan pozna!

  • Poznati edukator i astronom Korado Korlević stalni je gost urednik kontaktne emisije u kojoj se svakog utorka obračunava sa zagonetkama.

  • Petek je dan za teden pozabit. Miha vam takrat servira poznopopoldansko malico. Val 202 to go! V epizodah mini serije Tvitni me nežno lahko prek Twitterja neposredno vplivate na samozavest in barvo lic javnih ter slavnih Slovenk in Slovencev, ki jih mariniramo v živo. Na sporedu v petek po peti. (17:05).

  • No Such Podcast pulls back the curtain on the National Security Agency. NSA’s very existence used to be classified, leading to its nickname, “No Such Agency.” Now, we’ve got stories to tell, and they just might surprise you! Hear from everyone at NSA, from senior leaders down to new hires, talk about what it’s really like to work at one of the most secretive agencies in the government.

  • Skozi izkušnje najvidnejših Slovencev, junakov slovenskega posla, ki ga cenimo doma in po svetu, iščemo odgovor na vprašanje »kaj je supermoč«. Od kod izvira, od kod jo črpamo, zakaj jo nekateri uporabljajo in zakaj drugi ne. Podcast s svojimi zgodbami najboljših in najbolj uspešnih »poživlja«, motivira, inspirira in dokazuje, da »se da!«. A pogoj za to je, da vsakdo najde svoj »svoj zakaj«.

    Podcast s pomočjo osebno-izpovednih zgodb, polnih prevratov, frustracij, srečnih naključij, hoje po robu, hazardiranja, odpovedovanja, in trdega učenja ter dela, poživlja. Poslušalci boste ob poslušanju »čistil« miselne kanale, dobil inspiracije, ideje, pogum. Vigor! Ta serija je poklon slovenskemu gospodarstvu in ljudem, ki so stebri naše prihodnosti.

    Podkast vodi Petra Kovič.

  • Publishing weekly since 2012, this show helps marketers navigate the ever changing marketing jungle with expert interviews from leading marketing pros. Join Social Media Examiner’s founder Michael Stelzner as he helps you discover new strategies and actionable tips to improve your marketing. Show notes at Socialmediaexaminer.com/podcast/

  • Čvek ob matchi je osvežen Malincin podkast, v katerem ob skodelici matche z zanimivimi gosti klepetam Malinca Nastja. Dotikamo se raznolikih tem, ki vključujejo vse od psihologije, potovanj, otrok in vzgoje pa do življenjskih zgodb ljudi, ki navdihujejo. Naj Čvek ob matchi navdihne tudi tebe …

  • Podkasti ekipe 24ur z najbolj vročimi gosti s sveta zabave, športa, novic in aktualnih zgodb

  • Learn from history's greatest entrepreneurs. Every week I read a biography of an entrepreneur and find ideas you can use in your work. This quote explains why: "There are thousands of years of history in which lots and lots of very smart people worked very hard and ran all types of experiments on how to create new businesses, invent new technology, new ways to manage etc. They ran these experiments throughout their entire lives. At some point, somebody put these lessons down in a book. For very little money and a few hours of time, you can learn from someone’s accumulated experience. There is so much more to learn from the past than we often realize. You could productively spend your time reading experiences of great people who have come before and you learn every time." —Marc Andreessen

  • Lewis Howes is a New York Times best-selling author, 2x All-American athlete, keynote speaker, and entrepreneur. The School of Greatness shares inspiring interviews from the most successful people on the planet—world-renowned leaders in business, entertainment, sports, science, health, and literature—to inspire YOU to unlock your inner greatness and live your best life.

  • Jezikovne posebnosti, primeri izstopajoče rabe jezika, sproščeno o razširjenih napakah.

  • Every weekday, TED Talks Daily brings you the latest talks in audio. Join host and journalist Elise Hu for thought-provoking ideas on every subject imaginable — from Artificial Intelligence to Zoology, and everything in between — given by the world's leading thinkers and creators. With TED Talks Daily, find some space in your day to change your perspectives, ignite your curiosity, and learn something new.

  • The day’s top stories from BBC News. Delivered twice a day on weekdays, daily at weekends.

  • Der Podcast der ZEIT WISSEN-Redaktion. Bringt Sie auf gute Gedanken. Alle zwei Wochen Sonntags.

    Zum ZEIT WISSEN-Magazin -> www.zeit.de/zw-aktuell

    Zum Wissen von ZEIT ONLINE -> www.zeit.de/wissen

    Falls Sie uns nicht nur hören, sondern auch lesen möchten, testen Sie jetzt das ZEIT WISSEN-Magazin im Vorteilsabo: https://abo.zeit.de/zeit-wissen-magazin-vorteilsabo

  • Pogovori s strokovnjaki na področju nosečnosti in zgodnjega materinstva

  • The stories you tell yourself on a daily basis determines the person you will become.The good, the bad, the negative, the positive, the uplifting, the draining – they’re all part of the equation. But YOU are the author of your life story – so, what story are you writing?

    Top Podcaster & Best-selling Author Lewis Howes brings you the The Daily Motivation Show, where you’ll hear from industry-leading experts, you’ll learn proven principles, and you’ll discover life-changing ideas that will help you get motivated and STAY motivated.

  • Expert insight on health, performance, longevity, critical thinking, and pursuing excellence. Dr. Peter Attia (Stanford/Hopkins/NIH-trained MD) talks with leaders in their fields.

  • You can change your life and Mel Robbins will show you how.

    Mel Robbins is one of the world’s most widely booked and followed podcast hosts and authors. She’s trusted by the world’s leading brands and medical professionals who use her research-backed tools and strategies in clinical and corporate settings. She’s amassed millions of followers online, with her videos going viral almost daily.

    143 Studios Inc., her female-led media company, produces provocative and award-winning content with unprecedented results: millions of books sold, billions of video views, seven #1 audiobooks, and original courses and programming for clients like Starbucks, JP Morgan Chase, LinkedIn, Spotify, Headspace, and Audible.

    Mel’s work has been translated into 41 languages, her podcast is syndicated in 194 countries, and her TEDx Talk is one of the most viewed of all time. A New York Times bestselling author and self-publishing phenom, Mel’s work includes The High 5 Habit and The 5 Second Rule. Most importantly, her science-backed tools and relatable advice have changed the lives of millions of people worldwide.

    Despite all this, Mel is one of the most down-to-earth and caring people you’ll ever meet. The person you see every day online is exactly the same in real life. Probably because she learned everything she teaches the hard way: by first screwing up her own life, and out of necessity, discovering the tools and research that transformed her life and got her to where she is today.

    In The Mel Robbins Podcast, Mel gets more personal than ever, welcoming you into her life and taking you behind the scenes in real time. Every episode is packed with deeply relatable topics, tactical advice, hilarious screwups, compelling conversations, and the tools and inspiration you need to create a better life.

    Tune in and buckle up – your life is about to change. New episodes of The Mel Robbins Podcast drop every Monday and Thursday.

    To learn more about Mel, go deeper into every episode, find the resources and research she mentions, or submit a topic or question, check out https://www.melrobbins.com.

  • There’s a reason the History Channel has produced hundreds of documentaries about Hitler but only a few about Dwight D. Eisenhower. Bad guys (and gals) are eternally fascinating. Behind the Bastards dives in past the Cliffs Notes of the worst humans in history and exposes the bizarre realities of their lives. Listeners will learn about the young adult novels that helped Hitler form his monstrous ideology, the founder of Blackwater’s insane quest to build his own Air Force, the bizarre lives of the sons and daughters of dictators and Saddam Hussein’s side career as a trashy romance novelist.

  • This is what the news should sound like. The biggest stories of our time, told by the best journalists in the world. Hosted by Michael Barbaro and Sabrina Tavernise. Twenty minutes a day, five days a week, ready by 6 a.m.

    Listen to this podcast in New York Times Audio, our new iOS app for news subscribers. Download now at nytimes.com/audioapp

  • En vesoljski podkast: najrazličnejše tematike povezane z vesoljem, vesoljskimi tehnologijami, vesoljsko tekmo, dogajanjem v orbiti in tudi dlje.

  • Že veš, kaj je tvoj edinstven prispevek k boljšemu svetu in kako ga udejanjiti?
    V podkastu Goreči grm razkrivamo močne zgodbe tistih, ki že živijo svoje poslanstvo, da lahko TI najdeš navdih, odkrivaš svoje goreče grme in pogumno stopiš na novo pot.

  • Izbor ljudskih pravljic in drugih zgodbic za lahko noč ali dolgočasno vožnjo z avtom.

  • In a pivotal year for the United States, democracy and global affairs, Britain's biggest podcast, The Rest Is Politics, launches stateside with Katty Kay and Anthony Scaramucci.

    The Rest Is Politics: US uncovers the secrets from inside the Biden and Trump inner circles, as well as taking a wider look at the intricacies of US society and how they shape the world's most important economy.

    New episodes released every Friday. The Rest Is Politics: UK, with Rory Stewart and Alastair Campbell, is released twice-weekly.

  • Our mission is to teach women about how their bodies change during the perimenopausal period (and onwards) so they can finally reach their health and fitness goals, live a life full of vitality and feel in CONTROL and at home in their bodies again!

    There is no excessive restrictions, no taking out your favorite foods, no doing crazy high intensity exercise or cutting out carbs!

    We cover hormones, exercise, nutrition and answer all of your questions!

  • Preko pogovorov s čudovitimi zenskami in z njiihovimi porodnimi zgodbami spreminjamo pomen nasveta "še vsaka je rodila" v nekaj čudovitega. V nekaj, kar bo lahko zares pomagalo mariskateri nosečnici pred in med samim porodom. Z gostjami se pogovarja Katarina Urbanc Munda - porodna navdušenka, medicinska sestra, doula in mama dveh otrok.

  • Vsako soboto med 9. in 11. uro se imamo HUDO dobro: skupaj z mladimi za mlade o mladih! Mikrofone prepustimo tudi osnovnošolcem z novinarskih delavnic in prisluhnemo rubrikam Hudo športni, Kulturomat in Huda muska.

    Najdeš nas tudi na Tik toku https://www.tiktok.com/@cist_hudo

  • The latest business and finance news from around the world, on the BBC.

  • O čem razmišljajo mladi? Kako živijo? Kako preživijo? Kdo jih nagovarja in kdo ignorira? S študenti in dijaki razpravljamo o življenju v rožnati dolini.

  • America through the looking glass - enter a world where nothing is as it seems.

    As America heads into a presidential election, Gabriel Gatehouse dives back into the labyrinthine rabbit warren of American conspiracy culture. Whilst liberals across the world worry about a possible return of Donald Trump, millions of Americans are convinced that their democracy has already been highjacked - by a sinister Deep State cabal. How did this happen? And who is behind it? That's the story that Gabriel Gatehouse is investigating in this series of The Coming Storm.

    The search for the origins of this story takes Gabriel inside a paranoid political group that tried to build its own Deep State during the Cold War, now back in fashion in the conservative backwaters of western mountain states. Gabriel meets the January 6 rioters running for office who see their detention as political imprisonment in gulags, and the militia men convinced the CIA and FBI are working against the American people. In the background lurk the tech utopian ideologues, using their vast wealth and power to fund conspiracy flavoured content as they work to create sovereign states free of all government control. And online, amateur finance bros foment distrust of government, central banks and giant financial institutions to millions of followers.

    What were once fringe ideas have burst into the mainstream. Conspiracy theories have become central planks of Trump's Republican Party, while Democrats run on dark warnings about the end of democracy. With both sides convinced the other is an existential threat, what are the prospects for the survival of the American political system?

  • EXTRA! EXTRA! CANCELLED is coming back better than ever with your favorite co-host besties Tana Mongeau and Brooke Schofield. After years of growing up under the constant scrutiny of public opinion, social media juggernaut, Tana Mongeau, is officially taking back the mic (again!). Acting as a natural evolution of her acclaimed “storytime” videos, this show offers an intimate look at Mongeau, her meteoric rise to superstardom, and the unavoidable moments of vulnerability that make this cyber-personality all the more human. CANCELLED will continue to seek to shed a new light, not only on its hosts, but on the enigmatic world of “the influencer,” featuring lively celeb tell-alls, current event commentary, and Tana and Brooke’s unfiltered take on the drama that relentlessly follows them both.

  • Welcome to The Red Thread, a podcast series where three friends (Charlie, Isaiah and Jackson) investigate the peculiar space just beyond reality. Cryptids, Conspiracies, Cults and more are on the investigation board and nothing is off limits. What will they discover? There's only one way to find out...

  • We are seeing an ever-increasing burden of chronic disease, primarily driven by our food and food system. This is perpetuated by agricultural, food, and health care policies that don’t support health. We need to rethink disease and reimagine a food system and a health care system the protects health, unburdens the economy from the weight of obesity and chronic disease, protects the environment, helps reverse climate change, and creates a nation of healthy children and citizens. This podcast is a place for deep conversations about the critical issues of our time in the space of health, wellness, food, and politics. New episodes are released every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. I hope you'll join me.
    Hosted on Megaphone.

  • Industry veterans, degenerate gamblers & besties Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Sacks & David Friedberg cover all things economic, tech, political, social & poker.

  • Pogovori o holističnem zdravju žensk od nosečnosti, poroda, materinstva, seksualnosti, travm, zdravljenja ... skozi lečo feminizma, kot ga razumem sama. O posledicah patriarhata in kapitalizma na ženskih telesih. Z vami bom Ana Dolinar Horvat.

  • Having trouble sleeping? Join Yoga and meditation teacher Kathryn Nicolai for bedtime stories where nothing much happens to help you relax and sleep peacefully. The stories are a soft landing spot for your mind. Rather than letting your brain race through the same thoughts you’ve been chasing all day, we are taking a detour to a calm and comfy place. We tell the story twice and go a bit slower the second time.

    You can find our book, "Nothing Much Happens," in over 20 languages. Request your local bookseller to shelve it: https://bit.ly/Nothing-Much-Happens

  • Sit down and enjoy a glass of wine with your host, Avery Woods, as she deep dives into all things life with her weekly guest.

  • Weekly, comedian best friends Tom Segura and Bert Kreischer get together in the bear cave at YMH Studios to do what bears do: make each other laugh.

  • Prvi dan v tednu se v jutru na Prvem družimo s Prvaki tedna. Razmišljujoči, uspešni in pogumni sogovorniki odstirajo nove poglede, poimenujejo stvari s pravimi besedami, analizirajo dogodke in domislijo ideje ob skodelici kave ali čaja v jutranjem pogovoru, s katerim utirimo nov teden.

  • A weekly tennis podcast hosted Stephen Boughton and J.P. Hovey that looks at the game from a different perspective.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Awaken, discover and connect to the deeper meaning of the world around you with Oprah's Super Soul. Hear Oprah’s personal selection of her interviews with thought-leaders, best-selling authors, spiritual luminaries, as well as health and wellness experts. All designed to light you up, guide you through life’s big questions and help bring you one step closer to your best self.

  • How To Fail with Elizabeth Day is a podcast that celebrates the things in life that haven’t gone right and what we might learn from them along the way. Every week, Elizabeth’s guest explores three failures, and what these failures have taught them about how to grow and succeed, better. We’d love to hear from you! Get in touch with Elizabeth to share your failures, problems or questions - anonymously or otherwise. She'll go through these each week with the help of her very special guests. And remember: a fail shared is a fail halved. https://forms.sonymusicfans.com/campaign/how-to-fail-uk-2023/ An Elizabeth Day and Sony Music Entertainment Original Production. Find more great podcasts from Sony Music Entertainment at sonymusic.com/podcasts and follow @sonypodcasts To bring your brand to life in this podcast, email [email protected]

  • Join us every week as we discuss all the latest and greatest news about the Apple Watch. We'll also have app reviews, interviews and tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your Apple Watch.

  • This podcast is for all the lovers of the Italian language who think grammar is necessary but not sufficient. By listening to Barbara's stories in Italian you'll dive into the Italian world in order to learn Italian in an authentic way.

  • Welcome to the Truth Hurts Show! Hosted by @Squints & @BrianGoldPhd, this show is all about taking about business, networking, life, the cold hard truths you need to hear!Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

  • Admit it: you’re obsessed with royal families – watching them, gossiping about them, wanting to be them. It’s the stuff of fantasy. But for real life royals, the crown jewels can be more like shiny handcuffs. There are expectations and rules – and if you break them, the consequences are big, and very public. And no, we’re not just talking about Harry and Meghan. There are royal families and wild royal tales from around the world and throughout history that you have never heard before. From Wondery comes the latest from Even the Rich co-hosts Brooke Siffrinn and Aricia Skidmore-Williams. Even the Royals takes us inside the cloistered world of royal families, past and present, where wealth and status often come at the expense of your freedom – and maybe even your life. In these stories, very human emotions, like jealousy, love, disgust, have the power to reshape the world.

    Listen to Even The Royals on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen early and ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting wondery.com/links/even-the-royals/ now.

  • Dr. Natalie Crawford is a fertility physician at Fora Fertility in Austin, Texas who knows that trying to understand your body and your hormones can be exhausting and overwhelming in the world of medical misinformation and contradicting opinions. She started this podcast to educate and empower, giving people access to the knowledge she's acquired on health and fertility from the comfort of their home, or where ever they choose to listen! She talks about a wide range of topics, including IVF, hormones, infertility, menstrual cycles, mental health, and, well, beyond! She also welcomes special guests to speak to related topics, or share their fertility journey. Tune in and become a part of the community of collaboration that amplifies others, As a Woman.

  • If you've read and loved Little Women, you'd probably enjoy finding out more about the doings of the sisters in the third book in the series, Little Men.

    Published in 1871, the book's full title was Little Men or Life at Plumfield with Jo's Boys. It followed the success of Little Women in 1868 and Good Wives in 1869, which portrayed the fortunes of the March family. Filled with remarkable, endearing and memorable characters, the books remain as fresh and enjoyable as they were when they first came out more than a century ago.

    Little Men is, like Alcott's other books in the series, based on some of the events in her own life. The “March Family Saga” as the books came to be known was semi-autobiographical in nature. The character of Jo March was based on Alcott herself and many of the episodes in the books are based on real happenings at the family home she shared with her parents and sisters in Concord, Massachusetts. Little Men continues the story of Jo March after she marries the love of her life, Professor Bhaer. She inherits the vast country estate of Plumfield from her crotchety old Aunt March and immediately decides to set up a school for boys. However, this is no conventional school. She takes in orphans, delinquents, disabled and abused children. She and her husband, along with other people, work their magic on the little minds and hearts, leading to many a happy ending.

    Jo's sisters Meg and Amy feature in this book too. The other sister Beth, who died earlier, is now only a beloved memory. Meg's and Amy's husbands, their families and friends all form part of this colorful tapestry. Though some of the writing may seem dated, and there are plenty of moral asides from the author and though children today prefer fantasy above reality, the book is indeed a warm and endearing family story that appeals to all ages.

    The overwhelming influence of human relationships and the struggle to survive in a harsh and unforgiving world are all brilliantly portrayed in this book. Jo March's journey from an impulsive and hot-headed tomboy into a loving and warm-hearted wife in whose hands the fate of her pupils lies is vividly portrayed. Inspired also by the death of her beloved brother-in-law, Little Men is a tribute to a person who was her friend, philosopher and guide.

    A great addition to your collection of the March Family Saga books!

  • Polly Milton, a 14-year-old country girl, visits her friend Fanny Shaw and her wealthy family in the city for the first time. Poor Polly is overwhelmed by the splendor at the Shaws’ and their urbanized, fashionable lifestyles, fancy clothes and some other habits she considers weird and, mostly, unlikable. However, Polly’s warmth, support and kindness eventually win her the hearts of all the family members. Six years later, Polly comes back to the city to become a music teacher.

  • Nov podkast vodilne slovenske športne televizije. AS Podkast odkriva vse razsežnosti športa in kreše raznolika mnenja. Naši voditelji, novinarji in zanimivi gostje k vam pošljejo nov pogovor o raznolikih športnih tematikah vsakih 14 dni.

  • Louisa May Alcott’s overwhelming success dated from the appearance of the first part of Little Women: or Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy, (1868) a semi-autobiographical account of her childhood years with her sisters in Concord, Massachusetts. Part two, or Part Second, also known as Good Wives, (1869) followed the March sisters into adulthood and their respective marriages.

  • e-ESO is the online platform of the European School of Oncology providing sponsor-free, open access quality education wherever you are in the world. www.e-Eso.net

  • Podkast o življenju, vesolju in sploh vsem … v katerem po nekem čudnem naključju obdelujemo šesto knjigo iz trilogije v petih delih, Štoparski vodnik po Galaksiji, ki jo je, ko smo bili (mi) še majhni, napisal Douglas Adams. Še veš kje imaš brisačo?

  • Host Rachel Feltman, alongside leading science and tech journalists, dives into the rich world of scientific discovery in this bite-size science variety show.

  • A deep dive into the world of exercise, pain and injury with a Movement Optimism spin as opposed to the kinesiopathological model. The traditional view of the human body has considered to be much more akin to car when we should have been viewing like a robust ecosystem.
    This is a masterclass on critical thinking and hopes to get you challenging your biases as well as ours.

  • Naša misija je da edukujemo i motivišemo preduzetnike, i one koji žele da to postanu.

  • Reinvent Yourself with Dr. Tara follows Dr. Tara Swart Bieber, an expert on neuroplasticity, as she spreads her message of self-care and transformation. Her idea is simple: no matter how old, how stubborn, or how set in their ways, everyone has the capacity to change. Based on real science, Dr. Tara will show the world what it means to look into the mirror and reinvent themselves.

  • Prisluhni zgodbam žensk in izzivom ter radostim, ki jih prinaša materinstvo.

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  • Edina jutranja rubrika, v kateri se lahko znajde vse. In v kateri povemo (skoraj) vse.

  • For The Girls with Becca Moore will be all things for the girls - (not the guys) - including story times and terrible advice.

  • Mostly Balanced is a dating podcast with approachable advice for every stage of dating and relationships. Join host Carleigh every Monday as she interviews licensed professionals, experts, and guests from all walks of life to talk about how to date more intentionally and build long-lasting, successful relationships. Spoiler: We don't believe in dating rules here—we believe in dating smartly and intentionally. For more dating advice, polls, and recommendations, find us on Instagram @mostlybalanced podcast. And to have your own questions answered email [email protected].

  • Dive deep into the ever-changing world of content and search engine marketing. Discover actionable strategies and learn ways to gain insights through data that will help you navigate the topsy-turvy world of SEO.

  • Welcome to your new safe space :) My name is Niki but you can call me Nik 💘 This podcast is where we will be talking about anything and everything while we experience life together ✨ I am so happy you are here.Find me on Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and YouTube: @niki_patton Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/niki-patton/support

  • Political and geopolitical analysis from the world's top experts, hosted by Dan Senor.

  • Are you struggling with the challenges of life as a woman with ADHD? Perhaps you need support with your mental and physical wellbeing, so you can feel calmer, happier and more balanced. Perhaps you’re newly diagnosed – or just ADHD curious – and don’t know where to turn for support. Or perhaps you’re wondering how neurodivergence impacts your hormones or relationships.

    If so, The ADHD Women’s Wellbeing Podcast is for you. This award-winning podcast is hosted by Kate Moryoussef – ADHD lifestyle and wellbeing coach, EFT practitioner, mum of four and late-in-life diagnosed with ADHD herself.

    Each week, thousands of women just like you tune in to hear Kate chat with top ADHD experts, thought leaders, professionals and authors. Their powerful insights will help you harness your health and enhance your life as a woman with ADHD.

    From tips on nutrition, sleep and motivation to guidance on regulating your nervous system, dealing with anxiety and living a calmer and more balanced life, you’ll find it all here.

    The ADHD Women’s Wellbeing Podcast will help you live alongside your ADHD with more awareness, self-compassion and acceptance. It’s time to put an end to self-criticism, judgement and blame – and get ready to live a kinder and more authentic life.

    “Mindblowing guests!” ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    “Brilliant and so life-affirming” ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    “So, so grateful for this!” ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    “Obsessed with this pod on ADHD!” ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Want access to exclusive content, bonus material and coaching episodes? Subscribe to The ADHD Women’s Wellbeing Podcast: The Toolkit and get powerful, life-changing resources for just £4.99 a month.

  • Hear the greatest life lessons of some of the most respected and renowned actors, musicians, public figures and athletes. Handpicked by Oprah, these luminaries reveal their lives with candor and insight — in their own words. Listen as Jay -Z, Justin Timberlake, Ellen Degeneres, Shaquille O’Neal, Reba McEntire, Dwayne Johnson and Jane Fonda, (just to name a few), share what they’ve learned about life and their own insights into their personal stories.

  • پادكست "صلح درون" با هدف بهبود حال درونى ما و ايجاد احساس بهترى نسبت به خودمان توليد مى شود

  • U svima nama, koliko god bili veliki ili mali, postoje priče. To nisu priče koje su se desile nekada davno u nekom udaljenom kraljevstvu, mogu biti i velike i male i sretne i tužne, to su priče prisutne svuda oko nas, dešavaju se i sada dok ovo čitate čekajući da budu objavljane, to su "Priče u nama". Naš cilj je da do tih priča dođemo, objavimo ih, otrgnemo od zaborava i sačuvamo za buduća pokoljenja. Zato se udobno smestite i zaplovite sa nama u novu podcast avanturu.

  • Tedenske analize medijskega in političnega diskurza

  • Louisa May Alcott enthusiasts would be delighted to read this short novel published in 1867, just a year before the grand debut of her most famous Little Women trilogy. This is one of three books she wrote under the pseudonym AM Barnard. She used this name to pen tales that were meant more for adult readers, though younger people will find them quite interesting too.

    The Abbot's Ghost or Maurice Treherne's Temptation is a romance, mystery, ghost-story and novel of manners all rolled into one. She subtitled it A Christmas Story and it certainly evokes memories of old-fashioned holiday seasons, before the advent of the Internet and TV, where one sat round a cozy fire and told eerie tales to while away the time.

    In the story, Maurice Treherne is falsely implicated in a case of forgery and fraud. He also loses the use of his legs while trying to save the life of his debonair man-about-town cousin, Jasper. Jasper's wealthy bachelor uncle had initially made Maurice and Jasper equal inheritors in his will but for some reason suddenly cut Maurice out of it, leaving Jasper the sole beneficiary. Both cousins are in love with the beautiful Octavia Snowden, another cousin, who is also named in the will. A femme fatale makes her appearance in the form of Edith Snowden, a woman unhappily married and looking for diversion. Maurice who has recently returned from a course of treatment in London to the family mansion is thrown into the midst of a mystery. An eerie abbot is frequently sighted wandering through the corridors of the ancient country house....

    Fans of the television miniseries Downton Abbey will find this story fits right in! Intrigues, romance, dangerous vamps, desperate villains and sardonic heroes – they're all there! Modern-day readers would find the book refreshingly nostalgic, harking back to a time when good triumphed over evil and all the loose ends get neatly tied up by the end of a novel.

    Lousia May Alcott's tender yet thrilling tale of love, deceit, honor, betrayal, scandal and mystery set in a more gentle age is reminiscent of the novels of other Victorian writers. In fact, it would be fair to say that The Abbot's Ghost is a happy mix of Jane Austen and Charles Dickens! Maurice Treherne is a memorable hero while the Ghost is as scary as they come!

    The Abbot's Ghost or Maurice Treherne's Temptation is a great addition to your bookshelf!

  • Louisa May Alcott, more famously known for her Little Women series, takes a familiar nursery rhyme and creates a whole novel out of it in one of her last books Jack and Jill: A Village Story. Though she continued to publish under the penname AM Barnard, this book probably marked the end of a particular writing phase in 1880.

    Jack and Jill is set in the fictional Harmony Village. On a December afternoon, the youngsters of the village are out enjoying the bracing cold and snow. The bright winter shines down as they have fun skating and sledding. A group of spectators sits on the fences, watching their more active friends zoom past on toboggans or skates. A shiny red sled comes hurtling past, carrying a tall, golden haired lad and a tiny, black haired girl. They are the inseparable friends, Jack Minot and Janey Pecq, nicknamed Jack and Jill by the villagers in keeping with the famous rhyme. Disaster strikes when Janey (Jill) compels Jack to coast down a perilous slope. The two are seriously injured and the rest of the story follows their convalescence and consequent growing into maturity and adulthood.

    Apart from the entertaining and educational story, Jack and Jill also tackles several important social issues of the day. Children's health, the transition from childhood to adolescence, the importance of emotional support during illness and the life-changing consequences of our impulsive actions are some of the themes that are explored in detail in this entertaining yet thought provoking novel.

    Filled with interesting characters and Alcott's typical spiritual underpinnings, the book also looks at that crucial stage of human development – Adolescence. This phase, with all its emotional and physical changes, the angst and joys, the rebellion and the learning are all wonderfully portrayed through many of the characters like Molly Boo and other friends of Jack and Janey.

    Many of Louisa May Alcott's stories and novels are based on autobiographical elements. Her father, Amos Bronson Alcott was a spiritual healer and teacher who compelled his family to adopt an unconventional and experimental lifestyle in a commune. The young Louisa was a rebel and chafed under the tough child rearing practices favored by her father. Some of these features can be seen in her fictional characters like Jo March. In this particular book, Jack and Jill too, where Janey Pecqt's mettlesome personality is finally “tamed.”

    As an early forerunner of the “tough love” philosophy of child rearing, Jack and Jill is indeed an interesting and entertaining read.

  • Welcome to the  "Love Classified”  where former secret Sexpionage agent, Aliia Roza,  shares seduction and sex techniques that helped her survive deadly missions, learned at the highly secretive Conspiracy Intelligence Academy which she dapted them for everyday women to empower themselves, boost self-confidence, and enhance their self-esteem. These techniques are designed to help women confidently navigate dates, communicate effectively, and assertively pursue their desires. By mastering the art of communication, women can achieve success in both their personal and professional lives, fostering healthy relationships and flourishing in business ventures.
    If you have any questions or you would like to share your love story please email to [email protected]
    Thank you for being here !

  • If you had to choose four key colours that have shaped your life, what would they be? Host Patrick O’Donnell understands how colour works in our homes but also how it works in our heads, our hearts, our identities. As a colour expert for Farrow & Ball he gets to roll his sleeves up and turn people’s colour dreams into realities. So join him for The Chromologist, as he immerses himself in the lives of creatives, designers and performers who share their stories through colour, guided by the Farrow & Ball colour chart. And uncover your own colour story.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Top Floor is a weekly podcast with tangible tips and excellent stories from the experts and characters who elevate hospitality. Host and elevator operator Susan Barry explores the idea that everything is marketing in the hotel business.

    Our interviews with creators, thought leaders and hospitality groundbreakers are designed to provide practical tactics that hoteliers, restaurateurs and travel mavens can use to promote their businesses. Along the way, we answer burning marketing questions submitted on the Emergency Call Button and share the funniest, craziest, just-plain-weirdest stories down at the Loading Dock.

    Need to press the Emergency Call Button? Or have a story to share at the Loading Dock? Reach us at 850.404.9630 to be featured in a future episode.

  • Dive into SEO with your hosts Mordy Oberstein (Head of SEO Branding at Wix) and Crystal Carter (Head of SEO Communications at Wix), all while having a bit of fun along the way. Each week we offer an in-depth and unconventional take on SEO—from hot topics to the latest industry developments. Get quick and dirty tips along with pearls of wisdom from a wide range of SEO guest experts. It’s a 360° twist of SEO learning for all.

  • I am Dr. Lynn and welcome to Vision Beyond Sight. Join me each week as I have powerful and inspiring conversations with my guests in the areas of health and wellness, vision care, brain health, education, sports, and psychology. They will share their inspirational stories of healing and life transformation through their treatments and vision expansion.

    For more than 45 years as a developmental optometrist, I’ve helped thousands of people transform their lives through vision training and visualization. Now, my passion has shifted from treating patients individually with traditional vision problems to empowering people to utilize their inner vision through visualization. My mission is to inspire and empower millions of people through their vision and visualization skills so that they may see and experience their world through the lens of clarity, courage, and confidence. And with my new way to look at your life through a new “lens”, you will be ready to meet yourself and receive visualizations for miracles to come.

    Your vision does not define you...you define your vision. A Vision Beyond Sight.

    About Dr. Lynn Hellerstein

    A pioneer in vision therapy and developmental optometry, for more than 30 years Dr. Lynn has helped thousands of children and adults improve their vision and transform their lives — at home, in the classroom, and most recently on the playing field. Her breakthrough methods unlock barriers to learning and “rewire” around brain injuries, and vision perception or processing deficits. But you don’t have to have a vision problem to benefit: her brain training strategies may be the missing magic if you’re an athlete trying to nail a tricky shot or stay cool in competition. If it’s a skill you can visualize, Dr. Lynn can help train your eyes — and mind’s eye — on success.

    Award-winning author

    Dr. Lynn has extensive professional publications to her credit, but witnessing the joy of her patients overcoming a learning barrier or meeting a sports goal put her on a mission: to deliver her methods into a form that could reach a wide audience of parents and educators, to help more kids and more athletes. Her award-winning series, SEE IT. SAY IT. DO IT!®, is the happy result.

  • Each episode we discuss industry trends, talk about new technologies, and speak to industry experts. All so that you, The Modern Hotelier, can succeed in a new age of hospitality.

  • A weekly podcast, Tuesday’s Thanks introduces the listeners to a wide variety of business professionals who discuss the importance of a person or persons that played a pivotal role in their career. Through fun and informative discussions the host, Brian Proctor, takes the guest through their career and provides them the opportunity to Thank that special person and have them reflect on how that person affected their path and what they learned from them.

  • Hello, hospitality stars! I'm Adele Gutman, a 40-year veteran of the hospitality industry and the creator of The Five-star Review System. Welcome to Get Great Guest Reviews!
    I created this show not only for hotel owners and hospitality leaders but for all explorers of Hospitality excellence. Those who are always ready to reach for the stars when it comes to inspiring five-star reviews, and inspiring happiness from guests, customers, members, residents, patients, and of course our own team members.

    Online reviews have changed the way people make buying decisions, and this is especially true when it comes to travel and experiences. To be financially successful, we need to fully utilize and empower the collective intelligence of every team member. We need to find ways our team can stay inspired and grow every day. And, we need to break down the silos between sales, marketing, revenue, and guest experience and operations. Only by working as one team, focused on an inspirational vision of the positive impact we can make in the lives of our guests, our team members, and in our communities. We can build the brand reputation and loyalty that creates fans and draws in new customers like a magnet.

    Each week, we will examine new mindsets, tools, tactics, and strategies to create a work culture we dream of, building loyalty and elevating the perceived value of our experiences.

    You don’t have to be a five-star hotel to deliver five-star experiences and inspire five-star reviews.

    Don’t let mixed reviews be an obstacle to profitability. There is no revenue optimization without reputation optimization.

    So, let’s reach for the stars! Please join me on a journey, of caring, collaboration, and continuous improvement, as we all learn how to master how to Get Great Guest Reviews.

    For more free resources, including complete show notes, please visit www.AdeleGutman.com/getgreatreviews

  • Sisters in Business,

    Sarah and Heather co-own several successful businesses and spend their days managing their salon with a team of girls girls, training at their academy and performing aesthetic treatments as well as producing their own lash product line which is sold globally! 

    They have created events for like minded girls within their industry, as well as being live speakers and judges at events across the country.

    Join them on their business journey and listen to them delve into all the nitty gritty of all things women in business, their busy lives, the lash and aesthetics world and everything in-between!

  • On the Hospitality Leaders Podcast, we bring you insightful conversations with leaders in the hotel, casino, attraction, food service, and event industries.

    We discuss the state of the industry today, and look at trends that show the direction the industry is heading in the future.

    Subscribe and be sure to check out our website for more resources at HospitalityLeadersPodcast.com

  • Aidan Mattis and Aidan Thornbury discuss the paranormal, folklore, history, and other nonsense in this weekly live show. Support us on Patreon at https://patreon.com/thelorelodge

  • Welcome to Defining Hospitality, the podcast focused on highlighting the most influential figures in the hospitality industry. In each episode we provide 1 on 1, in depth interviews with experts in the industry to learn what hospitality means to them. We feature expert advice on working in the industry, behind the scenes looks at some of your favorite brands, and in depth explorations of unique hospitality projects.

    Defining Hospitality is hosted by Founder and CEO of Agency 967, Dan Ryan. With over 30 years of experience in hospitality, Dan brings his expertise and passion to each episode as he delves into the latest trends and challenges facing the industry.

    Episodes are released every week on Wednesday mornings.

    To listen to episodes, visit https://www.defininghospitality.live/ or subscribe to Defining Hospitality wherever you get your podcasts.

  • Future Hospitality is a podcast dedicated to sharing the best ideas, insights, inspiration, and innovations from the brightest minds in the hospitality industry.

  • No Vacancy is home to the hospitality industry’s top podcasts. We speak to the CEOs, influencers and leaders to go behind the scenes of the hotel and travel business.

  • Živimo v času, ko na internetu vsak ve vse … razen Sašo Stare in Aleš Novak … onadva ne vesta nič! V tem podkastu, se bosta z gostom pogovarjala o tem, česar ne vedo. No, eden ve, dva pa ne vesta. A veste? Če nas poslušate, boste v družbi ravno vi tisti, ki vedno reče: “A res, tega ne veš?”

  • Novice in aktualne zgodbe z vsega sveta, ki jih pripravljajo naši dopisniki in sodelavci. 18. vzporednik je pogovor s poročevalci iz vseh večjih evropskih in nekaterih svetovnih prestolnic.

  • Podkast o aktualnih političnih vprašanjih, kjer Delovi novinarki sprašujeta kompetentne analitike in politične voditelje. Gre za pogovorno oddajo, kjer novinarki z gostom soočata različna mnenja, ugotovitve ali informacije in na podlagi tega gostov ter gledalcem in poslušalcem ponudimo kredibilne informacije na podlagi katerih si izoblikujejo mnenje.

    Voditeljici: Suzana Kos in Barbara Eržen

  • Helena Bonham Carter shines light on extraordinary stories from World War Two.

  • Short, weekly guided meditations to help you stress less and live more. Each week join Kelly Smith, founder of Yoga For You, for simple and grounded guided meditations that are 20 minutes or less and cover an array of topics that will help you with real life like anxiety, insomnia, self-esteem and manifestation.

  • LD;GD je podkast, ki nikogar ne podcenjuje in ničesar ne jemlje preveč resno. Še posebej ne politike. Vaši gostitelji smo Aljaž Pengov Bitenc (Radio Kaos), Nataša Briški (Metina lista), privatnik Antiša Korljan in Andraž Zorko (Valicon).

  • Poslovne krivulje valovijo med povpraševanjem in ponudbo. Od ideje do uspeha je morda ključna prav prava informacija. Zato Poslovne krivulje opozarjajo na priložnosti, nove trge, investicije in razpise.

  • Popotniški podkast Ta nori svet ustvarjata Andreja in Nina. V njem z gosti potujeta po različnih državah sveta - bližnjih, dalnjih, eksotičnih, nedostopnih ... Države doživljamo skozi oči gosta in podajamo nasvete za potovanje. Skušata ti svet predstaviti drugače, zanimivo - to si v teh nenavadnih časih zaslužiš.

  • Welcome to BEING HER with Margarita Nazarenko, where we talk about womanhood, self development and the journey to BECOMING the best version of HER.

  • Ne najpomembnejša, vsekakor pa zanimiva dejstva za zvedave poslušalce, ki morajo med petimi trditvami izbrati napačno.

  • V podkastih Kofirajda teče debata o kolesarstvu ob skodelici dobre kave. V podkastih Disko grupe pa vsak teden sveže kolesarske teme in zanimivosti.

  • Dobrodošli med gledalci in poslušalci prvega slovenskega tekaškega podcasta - Zagret za tek!

    Vaš gostitelj Marko Roblek skupaj z gosti poskušam biti informativen, zanimiv, zabaven in provokativen.

    Naročite se zdaj! Lahko po mili volji tudi všečkate in delite. Celo donirate!
    Hvaležen iz srca, drage tekačice in dragi tekači.

  • What happened this past weekend. And sometimes what happened on other days.

  • In this top-charting podcast series, entrepreneur Grace Beverley breaks away from the conventional business podcast rhetoric - immersing us in the extraordinary journeys of people from all walks of life who have achieved remarkable success in unique fields. From housing campaigners to investors and sex experts, no avenue is off limits. Each conversation brings new lessons and stories that will inspire you to consider what ‘success’ really means to you and how you can achieve it.

    Grace and her guests open up about the life lessons they wish they had known earlier, sharing insights from their entrepreneurial endeavours, offering advice on health and wellbeing, shedding light on pressing social issues, and being frank about the things that didn’t go quite right.

    Think of it as a school of life. You’ll come away from each episode with actionable advice to help you achieve balance, success, and fulfilment whether you’re working hard, or hardly working.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Poskušamo odgovoriti na vprašanje naše narodne, skupne identitete v najširšem pomenu besede. Dotikamo se naše preteklosti, prednikov, njihovih vrednot, čustvovanja, verovanja, mitov in legend, šeg in navad, ki so prerasle v običaje, pa tudi dela, obrti in tehniško-tehnološke kulture. Na vprašanje – kdo smo – pa odgovarjajo tudi sodobnice in sodobniki.