Today Raymond discusses how small things can impact your health and leave you with lasting injuries. Ask yourself: what is the real thing here that I'm struggling with? Is it true that a little thing can disable the whole body? Or is it true that God set it up so that a big thing can go wrong in it?
Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of 10 best-selling books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love and the co-author of New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul and author of the Canadian best-seller, Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul.
Neo Namen suffered a heart attack in 2018 while he was doing a cardio workout at the age of 48. Mountain climbing has been a passion of Namen’s since he was 14-years-old. Prior to his heart attack, he had climbed dozens of mountains all over the world. Despite doctors telling him he would never be able to summit a mountain again, he worked with a team and support group to prepare to summit the tallest mountain on Earth: Mount Everest. Join Raymond today as Leo Namen recounts his poignant story of how a near-fatal moment inspired him to take on new challenges in life and scale greater heights.
Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of 10 best-selling books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love and the co-author of New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul and author of the Canadian best-seller, Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul.
Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of 10 best-selling books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love and the co-author of New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul and author of the Canadian best-seller, Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul.