
  • Why does the West obsess over Trump but ignore China’s long game? How are Xi and Putin playing America’s chaos for their own ends? Is the Al-Sharaa social media firestorm a warning for Western democracies?

    Join Rory and Alastair as they answer all these questions and more.

    The Rest Is Politics is powered by Fuse Energy. Fuse are giving away FREE TRIP+ membership for all of 2025 to new sign ups 🎉 TRIP+ gets you ad-free listening, discounts, and early access to episodes and pre-sale tickets for live shows! To sign up and for terms and conditions, visit GetFuse.com/Politics ⚡

    The Rest Is Politics Plus: Become a member to receive early access to Question Time episodes to live show tickets, enjoy ad-free listening for both TRIP and Leading, receive our exclusive newsletter, benefit from discount book prices on titles mentioned on the pod, and join our members’ chatroom on Discord. Just head to therestispolitics.com to sign up, or start a free trial today on Apple Podcasts: apple.co/therestispolitics.

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    Instagram: @restispolitics
    Twitter: @restispolitics
    Email: [email protected]

    Assistant Producers: Evan Green, India Dunkley
    Video Editor: Joshua Smith
    Social Producer: Jess Kidson
    Producers: Nicole Maslen, Fiona Douglas
    Senior Producer: Dom Johnson
    Head of Content: Tom Whiter
    Exec Producers: Tony Pastor, Jack Davenport
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

  • Who was the Russian spy working under Oppenheimer to build the atomic bomb? Why was it so dangerous to be a communist in Nazi Germany? And how did a young science prodigy become one of the most notorious spies in history?

    Klaus Fuchs was born into a left-wing family at the beginning of the 20th century. Vehemently opposed to the fascist politics of his German homeland during the 1930s, Fuchs flees Hitler's repressive state and finds himself caught up in the horrors of World War Two. When a group of ambitious communists reach out to save him, his life is changed forever. This is the story of the communist spy who infiltrated the Manhattan Project.

    Listen as Gordon and David begin to tell the fascinating tale of Klaus Fuchs, the atomic spy.


    Order a signed edition of David's latest book, The Seventh Floor, via this link.


    Get our exclusive NordVPN deal here ➼ www.nordvpn.com/restisclassified

    It’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee!

    Email: [email protected]

    Twitter: @triclassified

    Assistant Producer: Becki Hills

    Producer: Callum Hill

    Senior Producer: Dom Johnson

    Exec Producer: Tony Pastor
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

  • SIEGE AT THE MUSEUM - Everything seemed to be within our control at one moment and then in this sudden altercation with Hector things began to spiral wildly out of control. Just how far this thing would go still baffles me. Sherlock and I decided to go over the case with the help of Hector's wife Shireen.

    Part 2 of 4

    This episode contains swearing, misogyny, depictions of violence and gun usage.

    Listener discretion is advised.

    To get in touch via email: [email protected]

    Follow me @DocJWatsonMD on twitter and BlueSky, or sherlockandcopod on TikTok, instagram and YouTube. 

    This podcast is property of Goalhanger Podcasts.

    Copyright 2025.


    Based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    Paul Waggott as Dr. John Watson
    Harry Attwell as Sherlock Holmes
    Marta da Silva as Mariana Ametxazurra
    Dominic Sandbrook as Hector McFarlane
    Ant McGinley as Gregson
    Lucy-Jane Quinlan as Shireen McFarlane
    Sharon D. Clarke as Lestrade

    Additional voices
    Adam Jarrell
    Joel Emery
    Darcey Ferguson
    Vanessa Emery
    Julia Green
    Felicia Prince

    Written by Joel Emery

    Directed by Adam Jarrell

    Editing and Sound Design by Holy Smokes Audio

    Produced by Neil Fearn and Jon Gill

    Executive Producer Tony Pastor
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

  • “From this place and from this day forth commences a new era in the world’s history, and you can all say you were present at its birth!”

    By September 1792, the Prussians, under the leadership of the formidable Duke of Brunswick, were closing in on revolutionary Paris. There, the streets roiled with the clanging of church bells, thousands of volunteers, patriotic songs and slogans, and of course; the dead bodies of all those killed during the September Massacres. It was against this feverish backdrop that on the 20th, the new National Convention - the most democratic of the assemblies yet, with unlimited powers to remake the nation - met at the famous Riding School. And though it was riven by internal rivalries under the contentious three headed triumvirate of Danton, Marat and Robespierre, remake the nation it did. Voting to abolish the monarchy once and for all, the Convention declared the institution of a new world and a new beginning for France, with all state documents from that day forth bearing the immortal words, ‘Year One’. But, with their Prussian enemies baying at the gates, would revolutionary France survive to see more than one year? A great military reckoning was approaching, which would decide the fate of the new Republic and perhaps, universal liberty. As the armies of France and Prussia met for what would prove to be one of the most ideologically significant battles of all time, political tensions were mounting in Paris…

    Join Dominic and Tom for this crucial, tremulous episode of the French Revolution. With Prussia closing in, bodies littering the streets, and the revolutionary leaders hungry for each other's blood, would the Revolution survive?

    EXCLUSIVE NordVPN Deal ➼ https://nordvpn.com/restishistory Try it risk-free now with a 30-day money-back guarantee!
    Producer: Theo Young-Smith
    Assistant Producer: Tabby Syrett + Aaliyah Akude
    Executive Producers: Jack Davenport + Tony Pastor
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

  • How did Michael Wolff manage to penetrate and expose Trump’s inner circle multiple times? Will the Murdoch empire survive the death of its Patriarch? Who’s really in charge in the White House? 

    Rory and Alastair are joined by journalist and author, Michael Wolff, to discuss all this and more. 

    TRIP Plus:

    Become a member of The Rest Is Politics Plus to support the podcast, receive our exclusive newsletter, enjoy ad-free listening to both TRIP and Leading, benefit from discount book prices on titles mentioned on the pod, join our Discord chatroom, and receive early access to live show tickets and Question Time episodes.

    Just head to therestispolitics.com to sign up, or start a free trial today on Apple Podcasts: apple.co/therestispolitics.

    [email protected]

    Video Editor: Josh Smith 
    Assistant Producer: Alice Horrell
    Social Producer: Jess Kidson
    Producer: Nicole Maslen
    Senior Producer: Dom Johnson
    Head of Content: Tom Whiter
    Exec Producers: Tony Pastor + Jack Davenport
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

  • À 18 ans, Kylian est devenu orphelin. Son père a tué sa mère et s'est donné la mort ensuite. Un terrible féminicide qui arrive après des années de disputes, de cris et de violences verbales qui ont marqué les nuits du jeune garçon. Kylian a aujourd’hui 23 ans et avec ses deux petites sœurs, ils essaient de réapprendre à vivre. 
    Comment avancer avec autant de colère et d’incompréhension ? Comment donner du sens à ce drame ? 
    Kylian prend la parole avec beaucoup de force au micro de Maître Marc Geiger.
    👉L'engagement de Kylian dans @lassociation_mel

    Maître Marc Geiger est avocat pénaliste au barreau de Carpentras. Vous pouvez le retrouver régulièrement aux côtés de Faustine Bollaert dans Ça commence aujourd’hui sur France 2. Sa bienveillance, son humanité en font une personnalité à part dans le monde judiciaire. 

    L'enfance, la justice : deux mondes qui ne devraient jamais se croiser. Pour cette nouvelle saison Marc Geiger rencontre 10 enfants devenus adultes, peut-être trop vite... Ils ont connu l'horreur du crime, le cauchemar du monde de la justice, et l'enfer de l'après.

    Retrouvez Marc Geiger sur Instagram : @marc.geiger.336

    Une production Réservoir Prod / Médiawan / France Télévision 

    Retrouvez également Marc Geiger dans Ça commence aujourd'hui en vidéo sur france·tv : https://www.france.tv/france-2/ca-commence-aujourd-hui/

  • Une page se tourne au Canada, celle des deux mandats de Justin Trudeau à la tête du pays. Celui qui s’était fait connaître comme le fils de Pierre Elliott Trudeau, lui aussi premier ministre (de 1968 à 1979 et de 1980 à 1984), avait finalement réussi à se tailler un prénom et à convaincre ses compatriotes, au point de devenir une icône, en 2015. Cette « Trudeaumania » semble bien lointaine. Depuis plusieurs mois, en effet, le chef du gouvernement essuie de vives critiques au sein de son parti et sa popularité dans l’opinion a chuté de manière spectaculaire.

    En réponse, Justin Trudeau a décidé de démissionner à compter de dimanche 9 mars, date à laquelle un vote interne à son parti désignera son successeur. La passation des pouvoirs survient dans un contexte géopolitique tendu : lundi 3 mars, le président des Etats-Unis, Donald Trump, a annoncé l’entrée en vigueur de tarifs douaniers de 25 % sur l’ensemble des produits venant du Canada et du Mexique, ouvrant la voie à une guerre commerciale avec ces deux pays.

    Alors, pourquoi Justin Trudeau cède-t-il sa place à un moment si critique pour son pays ? Que lui est-il reproché exactement ? Et quel bilan peut-on dresser de sa carrière politique et de ses deux mandats en tant que premier ministre ? Dans cet épisode du podcast « L’Heure du Monde », Alexandre Lepoutre, correspondant du Monde au Canada, retrace son parcours.

    Un épisode de Cyrielle Bedu, réalisé par Thomas Zeng. Présentation et suivi éditorial : Claire Leys. Dans cet épisode : extrait de l’intervention de Justin Trudeau, le 6 janvier 2025 ; du clip de Jagmeet Singh, publié le 4 septembre 2024 ; de l’annonce de la démission de Chrystia Freeland sur Radio-Canada Info, le 16 décembre 2024 ; d’une archive de Justin Trudeau, en 1995, sur CT News ; du discours de Justin Trudeau aux funérailles de Pierre Elliott Trudeau, le 30 septembre 2000 ; du combat de boxe entre Justin Trudeau et Patrick Brazeau, le 31 mars 2012 ; du discours victorieux de Justin Trudeau aux élections législatives, le 20 octobre 2015.

    Cet épisode a été publié le 7 mars 2025.

    Pour soutenir "L'Heure du Monde" et notre rédaction, abonnez-vous sur abopodcast.lemonde.fr

    Hébergé par Audion. Visitez https://www.audion.fm/fr/privacy-policy pour plus d’informations.

  • Is Labour so focused on the red wall and Reform that they risk losing people at the other end of the spectrum? What has happened with the documentary, ‘Gaza: How to Survive a War'? And could Rory and Alastair treated al-Sharaa more sternly? 

    Join Rory and Alastair as they answer all these questions and more.

    The Rest Is Politics is powered by Fuse Energy. Fuse are giving away FREE TRIP+ membership for all of 2025 to new sign ups 🎉 TRIP+ gets you ad-free listening, discounts, and early access to episodes and pre-sale tickets for live shows! To sign up and for terms and conditions, visit GetFuse.com/Politics ⚡

    The Rest Is Politics Plus: Become a member to receive early access to Question Time episodes to live show tickets, enjoy ad-free listening for both TRIP and Leading, receive our exclusive newsletter, benefit from discount book prices on titles mentioned on the pod, and join our members’ chatroom on Discord. Just head to therestispolitics.com to sign up, or start a free trial today on Apple Podcasts: apple.co/therestispolitics.

    Get our exclusive NordVPN deal here ➼ nordvpn.com/restispolitics It's risk-free with Nord's 30 day money back guarantee ✅

    Instagram: @restispolitics
    Twitter: @restispolitics
    Email: [email protected]

    Assistant Producers: India Dunkley, Evan Green
    Social Producer: Jess Kidson
    Producers: Nicole Maslen, Fiona Douglas
    Senior Producer: Dom Johnson
    Head of Content: Tom Whiter
    Head of Digital: Sam Oakley
    Exec Producers: Tony Pastor, Jack Davenport
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

  • In the summer and Autumn of 1792 - with the Prussians bearing down on Paris, the streets thronged with the stirring swell of the Marseillaise, but also the rotting bodies of those brutally killed during the September Massacres - the French Revolution bore a new symbol of optimism and hope: Liberty. Embodied by a female figure, later known as Marianne, and famously enshrined in Eugène Delacroix’s iconic painting, she was an important reminder that the revolution was about more than just violence, but also the dream of a brighter future, in which all the people of France would have a steak. Marianne was the new Republic personified, and manifested all those virtues most desired by the new order; freedom, equality and reason. But, did this new symbol have any resonance for the actual women of the revolution? Certainly, they had played a major role in bringing the King and Queen back to Paris from Versailles in 1789, helping patriots who stormed Tuileries in 1792, and were keen spectators to the febrile politics of the revolution. For this, women were enshrined as ‘mothers of the nation’, a vital mass of humanity thought to be inspired by an animating emotional power. And yet, unlike their male counterparts, few women save Marie Antoinette, at whom sexualised misogyny was constantly hurled, have stood the test of time. So who were the women at the very heart of the French Revolution? And what did they do to change the course of history?

    Join Tom and Dominic as they discuss the evolving ideology of the French Revolution - one of the most decisive moments of world history - and some of the women at the centre of it all from the very start.

    Watch 'A Thousand Blows’, a new original series, now streaming on Disney+ globally and on Hulu in the US

    EXCLUSIVE NordVPN Deal ➼ https://nordvpn.com/restishistory Try it risk-free now with a 30-day money-back guarantee!
    Producer: Theo Young-Smith
    Assistant Producer: Tabby Syrett + Aaliyah Akude
    Executive Producers: Jack Davenport + Tony Pastor
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

  • Dans cet épisode de TED en français, Diana Filippova partage avec Michel Levy Provençal son regard aigu et profondément humain sur les grandes transformations à l'œuvre dans notre société. À la croisée de ses identités française, russe et européenne, Diana puise dans son histoire personnelle et son parcours professionnel éclectique—de Sciences Po à Microsoft, en passant par ses engagements politiques et littéraires—pour décrypter les défis complexes qui nous attendent.

    En s'appuyant sur les prévisions de Keynes, elle éclaire la réalité de l'emploi à l'ère de l'automatisation et de l'intelligence artificielle. Elle alerte sur les dangers d'un modèle sociétal centré uniquement sur le travail et le plein emploi. Pour elle, il est essentiel d'opérer un changement radical de perspective socio-politique, en repensant collectivement notre relation au travail, à l'éducation et au sens même de la prospérité.

    Autre point central de cet entretien : le technopouvoir exercé par les géants numériques. À partir de son essai paru en 2019, elle décrit en détail comment les plateformes technologiques redéfinissent les enjeux politiques et sociaux, mettant en garde contre l'emprise croissante du secteur privé sur la gouvernance mondiale. Dans ce contexte, elle plaide pour une intégration obligatoire des questions technologiques dans le débat politique au plus haut niveau.

    Enfin, face à l'évolution géopolitique actuelle et au conflit russo-ukrainien, Diana apporte une réflexion intime sur l'identité multiple des personnes issues du métissage culturel et sur la fragilité démocratique en Europe. Forte de sa propre expérience d'exil, elle invite chacun à s'engager activement pour préserver nos valeurs démocratiques menacées par l'extrême droite et les populismes.

    Un entretien articulé entre récit personnel, analyse critique et vision prospective, ponctué également par la voix littéraire de Diana. En effet, c'est par la fiction qu'elle trouve une échappée constructive aux questionnements actuels et invite les auditeurs à considérer autrement leurs propres doutes face à l'incertitude du futur.

    Revoir le TEDx talk de Diana Filippova : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX4DUIuJhjs

    Plan du podcast :

    0:05 Introduction à Diana Filippova

    0:53 Vision du travail en 2030

    5:04 Réflexions sur l'automatisation et l'emploi

    9:43 Le technopouvoir et ses implications

    11:59 Identité et héritage culturel

    16:48 Impact de la guerre en Ukraine

    22:50 Projet France Positive

    32:06 La voie de la fiction

    37:05 Conclusion et remerciements

    Vous souhaitez vivre l'expérience TED ou TEDx de l'intérieur, participer à nos événements ou même organiser votre propre TED ou TEDx au sein de votre structure ? Rien de plus simple : contactez-nous.

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

  • Donald Trump has paused all intelligence sharing with Ukraine. What does this mean? What intelligence was being shared? How dependent are Ukraine on this? And what impact will this have on the war?

    Listen as Gordon Corera and David McCloskey discuss the latest developments in Ukraine.


    Order a signed edition of David's latest book, The Seventh Floor, via this link.


    Get our exclusive NordVPN deal here ➼ www.nordvpn.com/restisclassified

    It’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee!

    Email: [email protected]

    Twitter: @triclassified

    Assistant Producer: Becki Hills

    Producer: Callum Hill

    Senior Producer: Dom Johnson

    Exec Producer: Tony Pastor
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

  • When the CIA is forced to downsize, who gets cut? What happens to the intelligence left behind? And how does political control change the way spies operate?

    In the late 1970s, Jimmy Carter’s CIA director launched a brutal purge, firing hundreds of intelligence officers in what became known as the Halloween Massacre. Now, with Trump taking his own axe to Langley, David and Gordon ask: is history repeating itself? And what happens when America’s spies become the target?


    Order a signed edition of David's latest book, The Seventh Floor, via this link.


    Get our exclusive NordVPN deal here ➼ www.nordvpn.com/restisclassified

    It’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee!

    Email: [email protected]

    Twitter: @triclassified

    Assistant Producer: Becki Hills

    Producer: Callum Hill

    Senior Producer: Dom Johnson

    Exec Producer: Tony Pastor
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

  • How much damage has JD Vance done to US-UK relations? If not the UK, which country was he referring to as "some random country"? How can we stop playing Trump’s game?

    Join Rory and Alastair as they answer all these questions and more.

    The Rest Is Politics is powered by Fuse Energy. Fuse are giving away FREE TRIP+ membership for all of 2025 to new sign ups 🎉 TRIP+ gets you ad-free listening, discounts, and early access to episodes and pre-sale tickets for live shows! To sign up and for terms and conditions, visit GetFuse.com/Politics ⚡

    The Rest Is Politics Plus: Become a member to receive early access to Question Time episodes to live show tickets, enjoy ad-free listening for both TRIP and Leading, receive our exclusive newsletter, benefit from discount book prices on titles mentioned on the pod, and join our members’ chatroom on Discord. Just head to therestispolitics.com to sign up, or start a free trial today on Apple Podcasts: apple.co/therestispolitics.

    Get our exclusive NordVPN deal here ➼ nordvpn.com/restispolitics It's risk-free with Nord's 30 day money back guarantee ✅

    Instagram: @restispolitics
    Twitter: @restispolitics
    Email: [email protected]

    Assistant Producers: Evan Green
    Social Producer: Jess Kidson
    Producers: Nicole Maslen, Fiona Douglas
    Senior Producer: Dom Johnson
    Head of Content: Tom Whiter
    Exec Producers: Tony Pastor, Jack Davenport
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

  • How should the world move on from the Oval Office debacle? Should Trump's state visit go ahead? And, what are Alastair and Rory's predictions for upcoming elections in Canada and Australia?

    Join Rory and Alastair as they discuss all of this and more.

    The Rest Is Politics is powered by Fuse Energy. Fuse are giving away FREE TRIP+ membership for all of 2025 to new sign ups 🎉 TRIP+ gets you ad-free listening, discounts, and early access to episodes and pre-sale tickets for live shows! To sign up and for terms and conditions, visit GetFuse.com/Politics ⚡

    The Rest Is Politics Plus: Become a member to receive early access to Question Time episodes to live show tickets, enjoy ad-free listening for both TRIP and Leading, receive our exclusive newsletter, benefit from discount book prices on titles mentioned on the pod, and join our members’ chatroom on Discord. Just head to therestispolitics.com to sign up, or start a free trial today on Apple Podcasts: apple.co/therestispolitics.

    Get our exclusive NordVPN deal here ➼ nordvpn.com/restispolitics It's risk-free with Nord's 30 day money back guarantee ✅

    Instagram: @restispolitics
    Twitter: @RestIsPolitics
    Email: [email protected]

    Assistant Producers: India Dunkley, Evan Green 
    Video Editor: Josh Smith 
    Social Producer: Jess Kidson
    Producers: Nicole Maslen, Fiona Douglas
    Senior Producer: Dom Johnson
    Head of Content: Tom Whiter
    Exec Producers: Tony Pastor, Jack Davenport
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

  • THE KILLER IN THE KITCHEN - Hector McFarlane bounded through our door somewhat unexpectedly. He was agitated, unnerved and pulsing with fury. He wanted our help and we DID NOT want to give it... at first.

    Episode description: 

    Part 1 of 4

    This episode contains swearing, depictions of violence and references to animal abuse.

    Listener discretion is advised.

    For merchandise and transcripts go to: www.sherlockandco.co.uk

    For ad-free, early access to adventures in full go to www.patreon.com/sherlockandco

    To get in touch via email: [email protected]

    Follow me @DocJWatsonMD on twitter and BlueSky, or sherlockandcopod on TikTok, instagram and YouTube. 

    This podcast is property of Goalhanger Podcasts.

    Copyright 2025.


    Based on the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    Paul Waggott as Dr. John Watson
    Harry Attwell as Sherlock Holmes
    Marta da Silva as Mariana Ametxazurra
    Dominic Sandbrook as Hector McFarlane

    Additional voices
    Adam Jarrell

    Written by Joel Emery

    Directed by Adam Jarrell

    Editing and Sound Design by Holy Smokes Audio

    Produced by Neil Fearn and Jon Gill

    Executive Producer Tony Pastor
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

  • How do politicians control the CIA? What happens when politics affects the way it is run? And how often does the White House clash with Langley?

    Trump is trying to bring the CIA more directly under his control. He wants to reduce the size of it and re-order it's priorities. But he's not the first President to try to interfere at Langley. This week on The Rest Is Classified, David and Gordon look at Trump's CIA reforms but also take an eye to history to look at Jimmy Carter's CIA reforms that led to Halloween Massacre...


    Order a signed edition of David's latest book, The Seventh Floor, via this link.


    Get our exclusive NordVPN deal here ➼ www.nordvpn.com/restisclassified

    It’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee!

    Email: [email protected]

    Twitter: @triclassified

    Assistant Producer: Becki Hills

    Producer: Callum Hill

    Senior Producer: Dom Johnson

    Exec Producer: Tony Pastor
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

  • Did Anora deserve its Oscars clean sweep, why are audiences switching off - and why did Adrien Brody chuck chewing gum at his wife?

    Richard & Marina share their thoughts on Hollywood's biggest night, plus dig into Jeff Bezos' new regime at the Washington Post.


    Richard - Toxic Town (Netflix)

    Join The Rest Is Entertainment Club for ad free listening and access to bonus episodes: www.therestisentertainment.com

    Sign up to our newsletter: www.therestisentertainment.com

    Twitter: @‌restisents
    Instagram: @‌restisentertainment
    YouTube: @‌therestisentertainment
    Email: [email protected]

    Producers: Neil Fearn + Joey McCarthy
    Assistant Producer: Aaliyah Akude
    Video Producer: Jake Liascos
    Executive Producers: Tony Pastor + Jack Davenport

    The Rest Is Entertainment is proudly presented by Sky. Sky is home to award-winning shows such as The White Lotus, Gangs of London and The Last of Us. Visit Sky.com to find out more

    🌏 Get our exclusive NordVPN deal here ➼ https://nordvpn.com/trie It’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee! ✅
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  • ‘Still more traitors, still more treason…"

    It is 1792 and France has been at war since April; it is not going well. In Paris, the Tuileries Palace has been stormed, and the royal family imprisoned. Meanwhile, tensions are rising between the main political factions of the Revolution, the Girondins and the Montagnard, led by the icy Maximilien Robespierre. The streets of Paris teem with armed young men - the Federes and the Sans-Culottes - responsible for the brutal slaughtering of the Swiss Guard earlier that year. They have arrested and imprisoned thousands of people. It is into this progressively febrile atmosphere of paranoia and fear that terrible news arrives: the Prussians, hungry for vengeance, have taken the fortress of Verdin. Rumours swirl of treason and betrayal from deep within Paris itself, and a new, chilling idea is raised to wash the city of counter revolutionaries once and for all: cleanse the prisons. So it is that on the 2nd of September, a group of Prisoners being escorted from one prison to another is stopped, and methodically hacked to death. The survivors face an impromptu tribunal before receiving the same treatment. Over the next few days, all prisoners across Paris are likewise judged, and many similarly damned and mutilated. A tide of bloodshed is rising, which will soon flood the streets of Paris, taking thousands of lives with it. Who will survive the massacre?

    Join Dominic and Tom for the next series of the French Revolution, as they pick up this epic story - one of the most resounding and complex historical events of all time - with arguably the most horrific episode of the whole revolution: the September massacres…

    EXCLUSIVE NordVPN Deal ➼ https://nordvpn.com/restishistory Try it risk-free now with a 30-day money-back guarantee!
    Producer: Theo Young-Smith
    Assistant Producer: Tabby Syrett + Aaliyah Akude
    Executive Producers: Jack Davenport + Tony Pastor
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

  • Why do both former Bank of England governor, Mark Carney, and former Canadian deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland, think they’re best placed to lead Canada? How will either take on Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre if they win the Liberal party leadership elections on March 9th? What do they think about the ‘existential threat’ to Canada that is President Donald Trump? 

    TRIP Plus:

    Become a member of The Rest Is Politics Plus to support the podcast, receive our exclusive newsletter, enjoy ad-free listening to both TRIP and Leading, benefit from discount book prices on titles mentioned on the pod, join our Discord chatroom, and receive early access to live show tickets and Question Time episodes.

    Just head to therestispolitics.com to sign up, or start a free trial today on Apple Podcasts: apple.co/therestispolitics.

    [email protected]

    Video Editor: Josh Smith 
    Assistant Producer: Alice Horrell
    Social Producer: Jess Kidson
    Producer: Nicole Maslen
    Senior Producer: Dom Johnson
    Head of Content: Tom Whiter
    Exec Producers: Tony Pastor + Jack Davenport
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

  • In this special episode of The Last Best Hope, we bring you a recording of a live event at the Rothermere American Institute in Oxford on Thursday, November 7. Adam Smith and guests discussed why the election turned out the way it did.

    The panellists are:

    Jason Casellas  ABC News election decision desk. Jason Casellas is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Houston. He is an expert in Latino politics and has published widely on state and local politics.

    Clare Malone New Yorker staff writer. Clare Malone reports on politics, media, and journalism for the New Yorker. She previously covered both the 2016 and 2020 Presidential campaigns as a senior political writer for FiveThirtyEight.

    Mike Murphy Republican political strategist and media consultant. Mike Murphy has worked on the presidential campaigns of George H.W. Bush and John McCain. He also co-hosts the popular politics podcast Hacks on Tap with David Axelrod.

    Kimberley Johnson John G. Winant Visiting Professor of American Government. Kimberley Johnson is a Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis at New York University and an expert on racial and ethnic, and suburban and urban politics.

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