Credits: ASMR Bestboy here is another one --- Send in a voice message:
Credits: ASMR Bestboy Someone requested this also when I first started listening to boyfriend asmr i listened to him so yeah he also has a series called "Risky Situations" I'm gonna post like 3 parts and let me know if you want me to post more. --- Send in a voice message:
Credits: Fuzzi Asmr I saw this last night and i knew i had to post this it's funny but also kinda... hot .... you know what i mean anyway enjoy. ALSO TYSM FOR 2 MILLION PLAYS I LOVE YOU GUYS SO FUCKING MUCH YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN SO SWEET OF WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway good night --- Send in a voice message:
Credits: Ryu someone requested his new video also i took down the lap dance video because people told me he's a pedo and he has r*ped someone and it really hurt me because i can relate and i really don't wanna talk about that but all i have to say is i understand if you feel bad i do too so to make you guys still love me and not report me or be mean i took it down. Btw i'm making a discord server just in case my podcast gets taken down i can talk to u guys in there and tell you when i'm making the new account its for everyone also you can request and talk to me privately if you want :) discord: 2busy.4you.#0111 --- Send in a voice message: