
  • Undrar du vad tvåändsstickning är? Karin Kahnlund kan allt om denna uråldriga, speciella svenska stickteknik.

    Hon berättar också om Stickresan – en kurs hon har om sticktraditioner runtom i Sverige.

    Själv finns hon tillsammans med 200 färger av shetlandsgarn i sitt ett garnparadis i norra Stockholm. Häng med dit tillsammans med oss!

  • I avsnitt 50 pratas det om att steeka en tröja, små små mössor och vår halvårslånga paus. Dessutom så firar vi 50 avsnittsjubileum med en ny tävling!

    Som vanligt finns hela avsnittsguiden på

  • This week's episode is sponsored by:

    No matter what you need, the barmaids have you covered from head to toe. Face pudding to keep you smiling, Lolo lips keep them kissable, probiotic deodorant for keeping you fresh as a rose, oh for feet’s sake to keep your feet soft and sandal ready, and the Lolo body bar for everything in between. You can find all this - and more! at

    Every hobby needs organization, every project needs a place. Erin.Lane bags helps you turn your fiber pasttime into neat and organized endeavor. Our project bags, totes, and needle and notions organizers are everything you need to keep your fiber arts from fraying.

    Dreaming of Fall sweater weather? Infinite Twist has you covered with Dyer's Choice Sweater Quantities. Each yarn pack includes 1800 yards of hand-dyed 6-ply Merino in a one-of-a-kind color for $98, and shipping is free! Colors are not repeatable, and when they're gone, they're gone. Check out the colors currently available at

    Books plus knitting plus happy memories. That’s Little Skein in the Big Wool. We make kits, yarn and project bags that bring your favorite stories to life. Find *your* favorite story at


    On the Needles:(0:30)

    Jasmin mentions Stashfit, and kitting up projects. She talks about the Comfort Fade cardigan

    Jasmin is Very Optimistic about her ability to knit entire sweaters. Jasmin swatched, washed, and

    cast on her Aumangea Pullover.

    Gigi is knitting the Poza cowl by Ysolda, out of Floating from A Verb For Keeping Warm.

    Jasmin is working on her Viajante. She had a dream about wearing it.

    Let us know your arbitrary knitting rules.

    Gigi is working on another one of the gradients for the polygon blanket.

    Gigi knitted Vanilla is the New Black socks last year.This year she has Non-Euclidian heel socks on

    the needles, working on three different pairs, Cherry Pop Stripes, "Rainbow Stripes" and "Purple Haze".

    You can get all of the colors of Paton's Kroy from Craftsy (currently sold out, check back).

    Gigi is knitting house colors from MustStashYarn for Genevieve.

    Jasmin cast on and knit on a Sockhead Slouch Cowl out of a One Twisted Tree sock blank in

    “Sarcastic Unicorn” and knit on it during Sweeney Todd.

    Gigi also wants to set up Curls by Hunter Hammersen. Spent an afternoon winding yarn. 6 greys and six reds

    She has cast on another Rocky Coast cardigan

    Events: (25:13)

    - #ChooseYourOwnAdventureKAL is ongoing.

    - Stitches West, February 21-24 2019

    - Stitches West registration

    In Stitches:(27:13)

    - Jasmin: wool socks,looped loop cowl, Goin Gold Hat, ribbi cardi, Parkland Boxy, Frozen Hearts

    - Gigi : Quynn hat with ear flaps, Greyhaven hat, sockhead cowl,out of Knitcircus Yarn in a gradient,

    probably in Shades of Grey, Knitmore cowl, Lorelei cowl, wool socks,

    - Genevieve: Gryffindor scarf and hat

    -Andrew: Cashmere Andrew’s Watch Caps,

    - Rex: Oliver sweater

    Mother Knows Best:(33:22)

    We talk about different stash swap styles, and how to discuss hard topics in your crafting group.

    Updating our vanilla sock pattern to use a yarn from a company who shares our values.

    When Knitting Attacks:(41:24)

    Gigi: Rocky Coast. Frogged and restarted.

    Hexagon blanket. Spectacularly lost game of chicken



    Ten Architectural Knits by Nora Gaughan

    Gigi mentions the HOAX Fashion Formula

    And Sew On:(48:45)

    Gigi is trying to sew or do something sewing related every day. Building routines to make time for sewing.

    Mending: changing buttons. Jasmin mentions Thimble Its

    Gigi loves Iris pins.

    Sewing one seam per night on the Ribbi Cardi. Really hard, sleeve edges are challenging.

    Gigi is drafting another moulage/sloper using the instructions from Suzy Furrer’s Book

  • Natural Moth Repellants, Care of Woolens

    This show by sponsored by my Longaberger Home Business and Quince & Co.

    complete show notes at

    Rita Buchanan Spin Off June 1986

    Competition on Saturday in Milwaukee at Hart Park. Milwaukee Highland Games. June 2, 2012

    Lydia McCauley: Entrances

    It seems the words to this song were appropriate after the outpouring of support for Bronwyn.

    Traveling Moorland, is a unity song ("we all come from different places, but we are the same") with a Scottish Blessing:

    "safe and whole may you return home".

    Haste ye back!

  • I avsnitt nummer 2 snackas det upphovsrätt, stickning som låter, stickade julklappar, välgörenhetsstickning, fulgarn och mycket mer. Fram med stickningen, häll upp en kopp kaffe och häng med!

    Avsnittsguide - avsnitt #2

    I avsnittet pratar vi om:

    Upphovsrätt. Kamilla skriver själv om det på upphovsrätt på hennes blogg och dessutom i en debattartikel på Zickermans. Några kloka ord om recept vs. mönster och Clara har också klurat lite på detta.Sticka och skicka - en insamling till nyfödda bebisar i Zambia.Garnbutiker vi gillar, Ariadnes, Strikk och Lillan Skata.Hitta garnbutiker över hela världen på's rundstickorDet snackas stickböcker - Den nya boken Maskor och medeltid och Pickles senaste mönsterbok. Dessutom beundrar vi Tålamodspåsenskreationer.Veckans sug. Karin vill sticka en tubsjal och Elin har ögonen på Tant Koftas uppifrån och ner kofta. Och så funderar vi på om denstickade onepiecen kan vara nåt för oss att sätta stickorna i.
  • Välkommen till premiäravsnittet av Stickpodden. Karin och Elin snackar om Skappelgenseren, att sticka på beställning, kompispriser, filmstickning och mycket mer. Fram med stickningen, sätt dig ner och njut.


    I avsnittet pratar vi om:

    Stickning och film. Denna filmen rekommenderas det inte att sticka och titta på samtidigt pga skrämselmomentStickevent, bland annat Tor, Fiberfestivalen och Rowans stickbåtStickning på offentliga platserCamillas möhippa och garnbyteKöpa garn på semesternStickning på möten och föreläsningSticketikett på krogen Skappelgenseren och Pyttipanna-sjalenMönsterstickningen som Elin kämpat medStickade underkläder och pickles.noBeställningsstickning och kompispriserNorthern LightsRavelryMönsterstickning