DNT avlyser alle turer og aktiviteter fram til 1. mai 2020 på grunn av koronaviruset. I tillegg frarådes langturer i fjellet og besøk på DNT-hyttene. I denne episoden av Utestemmer forteller DNTs generalsekretær Dag Terje Solvang hvorfor foreningen har innført slike omfattende tiltak – og betydningen av nærfriluftslivet i tiden framover. Programleder: Eivind Eidslott
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Mikkel Soya Bølstad er forfatter, fotograf og foredragsholder. Han har blant annet skrevet bøkene «Mikroeventyr», «Villsmarkssykling» og «I skogens dype, stille ro». I denne episoden av DNTs podkast Utestemmer besøker vi ham der han føler seg mest hjemme – i skogen like bak huset i Kongsberg – for å snakke om noe vi alle er blitt mer og mer interessert i den siste tiden: nærfriluftslivet.
Programleder: Eivind Eidslott
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Many religions teach that in order to be truly spiritual, you must suppress sexuality and destroy your sexual urges. Tantra is one rare exception, that instead invites you to enter sexuality but with full awareness and consciousness.
Ohad Ezrahi is part of the lead faculty of ISTA, leading conscious sexuality trainings around the world. However, in his early days he was immersed into Orthodox Judaism and was even ordained as a Rabbi. This came from his deep yearnings to find more to life than just the surface level. Yet, the split between sex and spirituality always caused him pain.
In this episode, Ohad shares his incredible story, and his findings along the way.
Find out how he went from looking for ascension, to turning it around and bringing spirit and consciousness deeply into the physical and sexual realms.
I often say, let us journey from Sex to Spirit. But in this case, I definitely will say: Let us journey from Spirit to Sex!
See more videos of Ohad at www.livetantra.com onnhis channel: https://livetantra.com/authors/ohad-pele-ezrahi
And read his book Kedesha here.....
Access more of podcasts, meditations and courses at www.livetantra.com
For centuries mankind has been struggling with the differential between the spiritual desire for non-attachment and the human desire for building relationships.
Many have felt forced to choose...those who took the spiritual path renounced all worldly desires with celibacy, monkhood and other austere practices, giving up all the basic human desires (at least on the surface, as we now know many failed and just pushed their desires into shadowy behaviours).. Those who chose humanity may have chosen hedonism, bit many fell into attachment, addiction and cycles of emotionality.
Author John Amodeo has been exploring for several decades how to reconcile these two aspects. A trained therapist and marriage guidance counselor, he was also a Buddhist and spiritual seeker. Though these two worlds were mostly kept separate, John set out to find out how to find the meeting point....very much the core essence of Tantra.
The result is that he has found that relationship CAN be a valid part of our spiritual growth, if we apply the right tools and attitudes.
In this podcast episode, he explains what that looks like.
This includes:
* An explanation of the different needs of our spiritual aspect and our human aspect
* Exploring where these two meet
* How relationship can become our spiritual vehicle
* taking a look "attachment" and what that really means
* How to avoid spiritual bypassing, but also not get stuck in the human experience
To find out more about John and his work, please refer to:
Ma Ananda Sarita is one of the world's leading authorities on Tantra. She lived for 26 years in the Osho community, and 16 years in Osho's presence, receiving teachings and transmissions on the teachings and meditations of Tantra. We chat together about how sex can become a spiritual experience, and how a couple can transform an ordinary relationship into a tantric relationship. At the end of this podcast, Sarita shares step-by-step guidance for a couple's practice in spiritual sex.
In this audio:
* Find out what Osho taught to Sarita about Tantra
* Hear how to unite our hedonistic nature with our spiritual path.
* Learn how a couple can surrender their egos to Love.
* Discover how sex can actually accelerate our enlightenment and awakening.
* Find out how a couple need to integrate meditation into their relationship.
* Hear about "Love Appointments" and how a couple can schedule in their tantric experiences.
* Discover how to recognize good chemistry with a partner.
* Find out some of Sarita's secrets of Tantra!
* Hear a step-by-step practice that you and your partner can try out at home!
To see more videos of Sarita, go to https://livetantra.com/authors/ananda-sarita
NB: The music Sarita referred to is Deuter.
Det er førjulstid i stua. Siv Iren og Ingunn har satt seg ned for å debrife intervjuet med Vigdis Skarsaune Gausemel om ADL-Taxonomien. De fortsetter med å spre gode hverdagstips i spalten Støttepåtrekkern og byr på noen sangstrofer i Ufiltrert. Det blir garantert litt julestemning i dagens preikepodd!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
How to deal with conflict in your relationship? For many people, arguing takes the fun out of being in a relationship, and can even be the cause for the whole relationship to fail.
Marriage Meditator, Max Rivers, explains that although conflict can ruin relationships, it also can actually take your relationship deeper. You simply need to know how to transform it.
His explanation is that we argue on one level, but resolve on another. Trying to resolve an issue at the level at which is causes conflict is actually not going to work. Because we need to get underneath into the underlying issues.
Once a couple know how to navigate to the underlying layers, then the exact same issue can actually open both of your hearts to deeper levels of compassion and understanding. Together you can start to build trust instead of torment.
In this interview, Max shares the steps to take to make this shift.
* How arguments can be retreated over and over again because we are at the wrong level for resolving it.
* How to access that deeper level and communicate from there.
* Non Violent Communication taken a step farther, into understanding the mystery of forbidden needs.
* How we attract the very person who can trigger us, and why. How to let those triggers take us deeper into self-understanding.
* The secret of how never to be "wrong" in your relationship.
* How to build a relationship that fulfills both people.
NOTE: There are a couple of small audio delays due to failing internet, however the information is still clear.
For more information on Max Rivers and what he offers, please go to http://maxrivers.net/
Download my free guide to building a relationship agreement field together to use together wit this information, and start building the relatonship you want. https://www.shashisolluna.com/tantric-tools.html
Courtney Davis, creatrix of the Viva la Vagina online training, had an awakening through looking at her own vagina.
She had thought she was fully sexually empowered because she was able to "Fu*k like a man", i.e. she could have non-emotional sexual encounters without attachment to the other person. However, one day when she was invited to gaze at her "yoni" (tantric word for the vagina), all of that changed.
She realized that she had been modeling an externally-generated empowerment, a style she had learned from society, and actually been completely overriding the wisdom of her own body.
In this podcast, Courtney will share with you:
~ The difference between external sexual empowerment and internal sexual empowerment.
~ How yoni gazing can shift your sexuality.
~ How self-pleasure can become a path of self-knowledge and self-growth.
~ Why it is important for us to learn about our own sexuality before we seek out partners.
~ The difference between clitoral orgasms, and deeper more energetic orgasms.
~ How internal energy orgasms can lead to emotional release.
~ How your sexual empowerment can alter limiting beliefs in the rest of your life.
~ Why this shift in sexuality can take sex from the physical realm to a more spiritual and profound realm.
And I would like to add that this podcast episode is not only for women! It is also great for men to hear about how a woman can deepen her sexual experience, and learn more about the female sexual mysteries!
Find out more about Courtney at:
Kiya Shanti, filmmaker of "Sex to Spirit" and "Tantra Lovers" and author of soon-to-be-published novel "Tantra Island", is a leading inspiration for men who want to experience full body orgasm and the states of ecstasy that this leads to.
In the mainstream world, men are taught that the highlight of their sexual pleasure is to have an ejaculatory orgasm which can be over in seconds and often leaves a man feeling tired or depleted. In the Tantra world we are taught that we can move into full body orgasm.
Yet even in Tantra, the focus is often on the women's orgasm. It can be common in Tantra for men to take the role of space-holder (we call it "Shiva presence") whilst the woman goes into full body orgasm (that we call Shakti energy).
However, there is actually another level possible, which is for BOTH partners to be in full body orgasm. This happens when both partners have activate their inner masculine and inner feminine (and thus it is even beyond physical gender).
In this interview, Kiya explains:
~ What the difference between ejaculatory orgasm and full body orgasm is.
~ How to avoid "blue balls" or frustration whilst transitioning to full body orgasm.
~ Three amazing tools he used to develop full body orgasm capacity.
~ How the energy paths work in full body orgasm.
~ Ways to pull up sexual energy from the sex center to the heart and consciousness.
~ The use of breathwork to develop energy orgasm.
~ How emotions are connected to orgasmic states and to ecstasy.
~ How two partners can connect and enter energy orgasm together, and how this takes them to a higher state of consciousness.
So finally this information is out there! I recommend that all men who are desiring a more fulfilling sexual experience take a listen to this podcast and get inspired!
Find out more about Kiya's creativity on:
These days if you venture into the field of Tantra, you often find the trend of "polyamory" entwined with it. Polyamory means "many loves" and is a way to try to deal with the fact that we have many connections with different people, even if we are in a committed relationship with one person.
"Poly" can mean anything from having multiple lovers at a time, sharing energy and touch with many people but sex with one, or have a primary relationship in which there is an openness about attraction to others.
It has sometimes been used to deepen trust, honesty and connection in a relationship. But it has also been used to try to "have it all", and can become an excuse to take what you want, no matter whom that hurts.
As a group of Tantric professionals, we entered discussion about this. Is this actually a path for growth and expansion, or it is causing us unnecessary pain?
Join us on our red table discussion on the topic...
More videos and podcasts on www.livetantra.com
With (in order of appearance):
Shashi Solluna (host): shashisolluna.com
Kalindi Jordan: www.kalindijordan.com
Hajnalka Makk: www.hajnalkamakk.com
Maria Fazzingo: www.energyoflove-tantra.com
Today I chat with Kalindi Jordan, a teacher or Tantra, Tao and Sexual Healing based in the UK. Her work really specializes in the healing that is required before we can have the sexual experiences we desire...and even the sexual experiences we haven't yet even dreamed of!
Often we get so focused on trying to attain the expansive experience or pleasure we long for, that we don't realize that healing in our body and also our mind are actually essential steps before that can happen.
Past traumas can shut us down in various ways. But also our thought patterns can deeply affect our sexual capacity.
Kalindi has worked so deeply with women on these areas that she has developed a very profound understanding of how thoughts affect the body, and blocks are created.
In this podcast, we chat about her findings and how women and couples can move through blockages. As she also works with teens, we chat about how to work with the next generation.
Find out more about her work at https://www.kalindijordan.com/ -
This is an interview with the academic Stuart Sovatsky, with his astounding 50 years' experience studying Psychology, Counseling and Classical Tantra.
An unusual voice in the world of Tantra, Stuart is a great believer in building long-term committed relationships in which to practice Tantra.
He also looks at the importance of awareness of fertility at the core of Tantra...the seed of life. And how this awareness can bring a deep profound element to our eroticism. Beyond mere reproduction, can our fertility point us home to the Source of life?
Stuart also explains his theory of the "second puberty". The first one being in our teens when desire awakens, but the second one being more of a spiritual awakening when the kundalini energy is activated. This changes our sexuality from a genital-focused act to a full body experience, with the higher centers included. Beyond pleasure, we can taste bliss.
Access his books on amazon:
Access his academic works here: http://princeton.academia.edu/StuartSovatsky -
In this episode I explore the mechanics around using sex and sexual energy to generate spiritual experiences. Topics covered include: - What IS a spiritual experience anyway?
- How can our state of contraction or expansion affect our reality?
- Why do we seek expansive or spiritual experiences?
- What did Tantra and the Taoist Sexual Arts teach us about using sexual energy for spiritual growth?
- Can sex lead us to our higher self?
- How is orgasm related to generating expanded states of consciousness?
- How can we use sexual energy as rocket fuel for our spirituality?
- What are the energy pathways used and how can we open them?
- What practices are used to facilitate sexual-spiritual experiences?
- What precautions do we need to take doing these practices?
Author: Shashi Solluna References: for more videos see www.livetantra.com
Shashi interviews Minke de Vos, one of the world's experts in the Tao Tantric Arts (over 30 years' teaching experience).
Minke shares the secrets of how you can turn sex from a physical act into a spiritual experience, generating more love and energy. In this podcast: - Hear how Minke had her own spontaneous energy activation.
- Learn how the Taoists view sex as an exchange of energy and also a way to generate energy.
- Discover how ejaculatory choice (being able not to ejaculate or to wait longer before release) can affect love-making.
- Find out what yin and yang energies are and how we use them in love-making.
- Learn how we shift heavy sluggish feelings into light and energized sensations using sex.
- Hear about ways of circulating sexual energy through the body.
- Find out how a couple can exchange energy in different ways.
- Discover the mysteries of astral sex and energy body sex!!!!
- Plus Minke shares one of her own personal sexual experiences in which she merged with the Universe! Learn about the Taoist Sexual Secrets from one of the world's most experienced masters, Minke de Vos.
See more videos on www.livetantra.com
Minke teaches trainings for women on www.taotantricarts.com
Hvor miljøvennlig er det å ha en baby? På hvilke området kan vi bli litt grønnere? Og hva er egentlig greia med tøybleier?
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Hva er ADL? Og hva er taxonomi? Dette er noe ergoterapeuter over hele Norge strømmer til kurslokalene for å lære seg! Men hvorfor det? Ergotrip gir deg svarene sammen med ekpertgjesten Vigdis Skarsaune Gausemel! Hun er spesialergoterapeut i Trondheim kommune, og er en av de som står bak den norske oversettelsen av ADL-Taxonomien - som er blitt et ledende verktøy for å dokumentere ergoterapeutisk arbeid.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Hva gjør at vi blir stressa? Hvordan lærer vi å kjenne etter? Og kan vi unngå dårlig samvittighet når vi har fri?
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Detta är det första avsnittet av Demenspodden.
I detta premiäravsnitt pratar vi allmänt om demens. Vi får bland annat svar på grundläggande frågor om demens av Wilhelmina Hoffman, chef för Svenskt Demenscentrum och läkare. Men vi får även höra vad folk på stan tänker om ämnet.
Kontakt: [email protected]
Ni hittar oss även på:
Vår hemsida: http://www.demenscentrum.se/Huvudmeny/Demenspodden1/
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/demenspodden -
Hva er egentlig lykke? Hva er en lykkelig familie i Norge? Og hvilke konkrete steg kan vi ta for å klatre oppover på lykkestigen?
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Det er tid for preikepodd igjen. Siv Iren og Ingunn debrifer forrige fagspesial der Nils Erik Ness var gjest. De tar også opp de kjente spaltene sine der lytterne har kommet med tips.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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