Episode Notes
Part 2 of one of the biggest chapters in all of CAPITAL
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Episode Notes
Sincere apologies for the delay Nathan decided to break his ipad beyond repair and learn the hard way why backups are important we are working to catch back up but in the meantime we have an intact copy if chapter 15 that we will be releasing over the next three weeks in one hour segments thanks for bearing with us!
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Episode Notes
Nathan and David get back to the text after a slight detour at the end of Chapter 12 with the build up to the explosion that is chapter 15
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Episode Notes
We get away from the text towards the end of this episode but the discussion felt too relevant to cut. If you're here for strictly the text there is an audio note when we drive the car off the road.
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Episode Notes
Going forward most episodes will be broken into two/three parts for hosting reasons. These will be labeled as such.
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Episode Notes
After a brief jaunt in chapter 9 David and Nathan get to the first actually interesting parts of Capital Chapter 10
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Episode Notes
Did you enjoy the length of the first episode? Too bad this is a long book!
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Meet your hosts: David and Nathan. One of them is the foremost expert on Karl Marx in rural Missouri. The other might have had a crush on Ronald Reagan throughout college. You get to figure out who's who.
Each week, these two will break down a handful of chapters from a foundational work of Marxism. Join them as they begin to dissect Karl Marx's Capital, the book that your uncle told you was worse than the necronomicon.
Check out our podcast host, Pinecast. Start your own podcast for free with no credit card required. If you decide to upgrade, use coupon code r-b8b8a7 for 40% off for 4 months, and support Marx Madness.