Norges neste kvinnelige langdistanseløper Karoline Bjerkeli Grøvdal reagerte sterkt da det amerikanske stortalentet, Mary Cain, denne uken kom ut med sin sterke historie. Cain fortalte i New York Times og om et vektpress som endte med depresjon, selvskading, selvmordstanker og fem tretthetsbrudd.
I denne episoden snakker Grøvdal om vektproblematikken i løping, hvordan hun reagerte på Cain sin historie og hvordan slike ting kan unngås. Hun har gode råd til unge utøvere og støtteapparatet rundt utøverne.
Gjennom 12 år på øverste nivå i friidretten har Grøvdal gjort seg erfaringer på godt og vondt. Hun forteller om hvilke tanker hun gjorde seg tidlig i karrieren da det hele endte med at hun ble underernært i jakten på sportslig fremgang og endte opp med startnekt. Og hvordan hun nå tenker helt annerledes, løper fortere og jobber jevnlig med en ernæringsfysiolog.
Vekt er et vanskelig tema. Alle vet at det har betydning for prestasjonen i idretter som løping. Likevel oppleves det til tider som politisk ukorrekt å snakke om. Fakta er at en del får store problemer og deler av livet ødelagt som en følge av spiseforstyrrelser og annen problematikk knyttet til vekt. Historier som Mary Cain sin bør unngås. Dette vil gjerne en modig Grøvdal bidra til. Hun er verdt å lytte til.Support the show
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Kristian er fortsatt på treningsleir med Sondre Nordstad Moen i Sestriere. Trønderen med 2.05 på maraton er for tiden i spesifikk maratontrening før Valencia Marathon 1.desember. Vi får et unikt og detaljert innblikk i en uke av hans viktigste trening. Sondre forteller om da han løp 60.15 på halvmaraton for 10 dager siden og hva han har gjort på trening uka etter. Jann fyrer på med spørsmål for å få ut alle detaljer og Kristian som følger treningen på nært hold gir rikelig med tilleggsinformasjon. Vi får blant annet høre om en langtur på 45 km i høyden i høy fart og spør hva Sondre anbefaler for mosjonister.
Men episoden starter langt unna italiensk tynnluft. Jann løp forrige helg New York Marathon. Sammen med Eirik Gundersen, som ble beste nordmann i sin New York-debut, deler han sine inntrykk både før start og etter målgang. Verdens største maraton bød på nerver, løpeglede og smerte.Support the show
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Running fast or running slow? Why change your pace when should you do it.
Speed sessions vs tempo runs vs long runs vs recovery runs. It's all covered in this episode.
We've all heard about it and we sort of know what it is. We talk about how cadence can help you and how changing it could potentially improve your running
På søndag arrangeres verdens største maraton, New York Marathon. I Norge vil det fantastiske storbyløpet for alltid forbindes med Grete Waitz, som vant hele 9 ganger mellom 1978 og 1988. Jann tar derfor turen til Jack Waitz for å få noen historier fra den gang Grete herjet i New Yorks gater. Det gir et lite innblikk i et stort stykke norsk idrettshistorie. Grete ble stor i USA og Jack forteller blant annet hvordan det var å gjeste det hvite hus. Med på veien blir det også noen maratontips og litt høytlesning fra en av Gretes håndskrevne treningsdagbøker.
Kristian har akkurat løpt Valencia halvmaraton og har blitt med sin trener Sondre Nordstad Moen på høydetrening i Italia. Vi får første rapport fra tynnlufta. Hvordan er det å være på samling med en som akkurat løp halvmaraton på 60.15 og som trener for å kunne løpe under europarekorden på maraton om 5 uker?
Jann skal løpe New York Marathon. Det blir hans første seriøse maraton på 19 måneder. Gutta runder av med en kjapp prat om ambisjonene før startskuddet smeller denne helgen.Support the show
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Som ung fikk Thor-Erik Johnsrud tidlig kontakt med idretten gjennom en treningsglad familie. Men i slutten av tenårene tok han en annen retning. Det endte med ti år der fest, alkohol og narkotika spilte hovedrollen.
Veien ut av det mønsteret kan være vanskelig for mange. For Thor-Erik ble treningen en viktig faktor. Han begynte å løpe fra lyktestolpe til lyktestolpe før han meldte seg på et halvmaraton. Nylig satte han pers under Berlin Marathon med 3.04 og slo farens rekord. Neste mål er å løpe godt under 3 timer. Med på veien har han Sindre Buraas som mentor. Hva har han lært av sin løpskyndige trener?
Hør Thor-Erik fortelle sin historie i ukens episode.
Kristian er klar for 5 uker i høyden med sin trener Sondre Nordstad Moen. Men først venter Valencia halvmaraton på søndag. Det er ikke tvil om at satsingen til Kristian inntar et nytt nivå fremover. Da kan det være greit å tenke over hvorfor man løper. Thor-Erik sin historie gir anledning til å tenke på nettopp det. Så hvorfor løper du?
Overgangen til NRK tar litt lenger tid en beregnet. Derfor kjører vi på med en ny episode her så lenge.Support the show
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Do you stretch, do you use a foam roller or do you get regular massages? Which one is better or should you do all of them?
We discuss it all in the 5th episode.
Mange er i ferd med å avslutte årets sesong. Bør man ta en sesongpause etter siste løp? I så fall, hva bør man bruke den til? Og hvordan bør man tenke når man starter opp igjen med treningen?
Sindre Buraas øser av sin kunnskap gjennom mange år på toppnivå og kommer med flere interessante momenter.
Vi har den siste tiden fått en rekke spørsmål om hvordan man bør trene fra november og fremover. Kristian og Jann utfordrer Sindre grundig på dette. Det hele ender i en dyptgående diskusjon rundt grunntrening og muligheten for å forbedre seg i en konkurransefri periode. Sindre kaster ut en advarsel mot avhengighet av GPS-klokker og kommer med kloke råd for vintertreningen.Support the show
Kontakt Breaking Marathon Limits
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What came first? The runner or the track? Do we create our environment, or does our environment shape us?
These questions fall under the category of social cognitive determinants. I know, big words. In other words, how our thoughts affect our actions and surroundings, and vice-versa. Being aware of what we are thinking, feeling, and doing and how they interconnect is a great way to practice mindfulness, a specifically important exercise in an ever-demanding world.
Today we spoke with sport psychologist Carla Meijen to discuss ways to prepare for a race three months out, a few days out, the morning of the race and everything in between. We chatted about the popular topic of living in the moment, the real effects of positive self-talk, and a completely new approach to setting running goals. These topics are sure to inspire change that will improve your mental health and toughness.
Discover What Running Can Give to YouAs a new or a longtime runner, it is easy to see all the things you give to running. For many people like Carla, running came as an afterthought, a necessary evil to train for a sport she already enjoyed. Carla’s first love was basketball and choosing to run for running’s sake wasn’t an option for her.
This is a common theme for a variety of runners. Consider a new runner simply trying to find a way to lose weight, or a professional runner that needs to do well in order to maintain a decent living. The pain and pressure that come from running can be terrifying.
Of course, Carla eventually came around to the thought of enjoying a run. Like many, she had an opportunity to run without the pressures of getting in her hard, cardio workout. She found a love for running when she was able to run without a watch (although she does now and loves it). When running felt like a choice, rather than a necessity, it was easier to look at it differently.
We often overlook the many positive things that running gives us and decide to be narrow-minded by focusing on the pain. Take a moment to think of all the things running has or can give to you: A friendship, a routine, a reason to get out in nature, increased energy, strength and health, a goal, time alone with your thoughts, a way to be in touch with your body, a challenge, a reason to buy new sportswear, a community. The list can go on and on.
When you take ownership of your choices and realize you are deciding to work hard and struggle through difficult training sessions, it becomes easier to see what running gives you. Find those things and use them to your advantage when times get tough.
Developing a Personal MantraAnother great way to get through the hills, side aches, and disparaging thoughts is to create your own mantra. A few great options might be, “Run Strong,” “I Can Do This,” or “Light and Easy.” Some prefer to think of a person that they love or someone that inspires them.
Having a few mantras or thoughts prepared can be useful during different parts of the race as well. Plan on saying something at the start line that keeps you fresh and steady while saving your most motivating thoughts for the end of the race.
In addition to personal mantras there are unlimited visual aids you can practice to find a competitive edge. Sometimes just distracting yourself can be enough. Try singing your favorite song in your head or rebuilding/redecorating your house in your mind.
One of my favorites that Carla suggests in “The Lasso.” During a race imagine throwing a rope over the person in front of you and pulling yourself closer to them. You may be surprised at the amount of actually energy you receive from incorporating fun mental visuals.
You’re in Good CompanyThe wonderful thing about life on earth is that we are all doing this together. Don’t forget it!
Your thoughts and feelings are completely your own, unique to you. At the same time, there are so many feelings that all of us experience. For example, Carla tells us that 95 percent of people have some type of negative thought during a race—ranging from “Why did I do this?” to strategizing a worthy reason for dropping out.
The simple truth is, you are not alone. Newbies and elites both get butterflies. It’s deciding what to do with these feelings that creates our path. Know that you are in good company, that you have just as many problems and opportunities as the people around you, and then choose to do the thing that will make you happy.
Resources:Carla’s Twitter
Action for Happiness Instagram
Andy Lane’s Twitter
(book) Endurance Performance in Sport
Thank you to Coros and Bodyhealth for being the wonderful sponsors of this episode of The Running For Real Podcast.My new Coros Apex watch may be the new watch for me! Yes, that means I am not a Garmin runner anymore. I wore this watch in the Boston Marathon and I LOVED it! The new screens, options, the statistics, and the look alone just makes it look like a real watch and not a running one.
Please visit Here you can get yourself a free bonus watch band in using code tinamuir.
If you are struggling to recover quick enough from your training, my little secret is to use BodyHealth Perfect Amino to get you there. It contains all the essential amino acids, and is very easy for your body to use and begin the repair process.
Click the link and use code TINAMUIR10 for 10% off.
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Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews will really help me climb up the iTunes rankings and I promise, I read every single one.
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Thank you to Carla, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the show.
Run Fast as a Masters Runner
Running past your forties (a group typically referred to as “Masters Runners”) comes with unique challenges. Some rumored challenges are false, and some are very real. One of the more common illusions is that Masters Runners can’t run fast. You may hear that older runners should keep to marathons and other ultra-distances where they can run at a reasonable pace. “Because you are old, you can’t run fast, and because you aren’t fast, you can only do long runs.”
This is NOT true.
While there aren’t any 40 or 50-year-olds competing with Usain Bolt’s records, there are plenty that are running fast marathons, 10Ks, and 5Ks.
Pete Magill has set records for the fastest 5K and 10K for runners over 50 and runners over 55. He also has the record for being the oldest person to run a 5K in under 15 minutes. He didn’t get serious about running till his late thirties when he wanted to make some health changes, and he has been showing the world that 50-year-olds can run fast.
Now in his 56thyear, Pete has written several books about running. He has a positive mindset about what he is able to do today and says, ”I’d rather have my 56-year-old body than my 39-year-old body.” While Pete has officially debunked the myth that Masters Runners can’t run fast, he acknowledges the fact that recovery needs to be taken more seriously as you age. “You actually have to train correctly now,” says Pete “Masters Running is a no-mistake zone.”
The Right Amount of EffortIf you are getting back into running, or running into old age, it is imperative that you recover correctly. Magill says that recovery is not the goal, super compensation is the goal. Super compensation is the second part of recovery when your body has strengthened to complete an even more difficult training session. To reach super compensation, Pete recommends resting for one additional day after your body feels fully recovered.
The other aspect of proper recovery is to avoid training too hard. This can mean skipping your last set, or running 10 minutes less than you planned. Pete says that you can only make a little bit of improvement each day, so you shouldn’t over work for that little bit of improvement that is possible. Be consistent, take the time to recover, and don’t over train in your individual sessions.
A Sample 5k Workout for a Masters Runner (or for Anyone!)Pete says that if you train your body to run a fast 5k, then you have also trained your body to run a fast 10k and a fast marathon (with a few additional long runs). Training for a 5K requires you to train, slow, medium and fast twitch muscle fibers. Once you have built a strong body that uses all your muscle fibers, you are ready for any race. Following this workout, with recovery runs in between, will help prepare you for a fast 5k.
Monday: V02 Training. This is your fast twitch training. In these runs you want to run at a 5K or even a 3K effort. In your first week you should start by running 5-10 sets of one-minute runs with a 3-minute jogging recovery in between each run. Increase the time and the intervals until you are running 5 sets of 5-minute runs.
Thursday: Tempo Work. This is your intermediate muscle group. Do 1-2 sets of 10-20-minute runs at a 10K pace. Just like the V02 training, you should work up to the number of sets and the duration of the run.
Saturday: Long Run. Your slow twitch muscles. For 5K training, these long runs should be between 90 and 120 minutes. Like the other two workouts, work up to the amount of time you are running. Long runs can do wonders for your 5K. Some of the benefits include: generating a better stride, teaching your body how to burn fat, and creating a more efficient nervous system.
Be Patient and Run Fast!As you train for your 5K, be patient. It’s the only way to run fast. Give yourself three to six months to properly train for a 5K and once you start racing, don’t do more than one 5K every two weeks. Don’t be afraid to switch up your race distances as well. Run a 10K or a half-marathon, and if you can, try to find a speed race. Alternating distances can produce great 5K results. Now, go start running fast, because you can!
Resources:(Book) Build Your Running Body
(Book) Fast 5k
(Book) The Born Again Runner
Pete’s Website
Thank you to Aftershokz and Nunee for being a wonderful sponsor of The Running For Real Podcast. The award winning headphones which are best known for their open ear listening experience. I have to admit, I was a little skeptical at first, but they absolutely blew me away, they are fantastic and were built for runners! Being able to hear your music as well as your surroundings is great for our safety. Visit the Aftershokz website, and use code TINA for $50 off!Don’t let knee pain keep you from completing your long runs, or worse, sideline you altogether. NuNee is designed specifically to relieve that dreaded Runner’s Knee pain. Unlike a typical knee sleeve, NuNee relieves the pressure at the source of the pain. And as the research reveals, if you relieve the pressure you relieve the pain. Runners from coast-to-coast are getting instant relief with NuNee. NuNee can help you get back to running without knee pain.
Use code tinamuir at NuNeeShop.com thats nuneeshop.com for a 20% discount
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Thank you to Pete, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the show.
What does your resume and your potential have in common?
Answer: Both are an opportunity to rewrite your story.
Our lives are full of ups and downs. What we choose to focus on is the difference. Imagine if you wrote your resume based on embarrassing or unsuccessful moments. You wouldn’t highlight times you tripped while running, wore clothes inside out, or got fired for being late. Thankfully, you get to choose what you put on your resume.
Performance psychologist Jonathan Fader learned at a young age that believing we can’t improve is our biggest impediment. While a young boy in New York, Jonathan’s mother opened a resume writing business. She would welcome people into her home and listen to their life’s stories, often full of self-deprecating and disparaging words.
These were people who chose to focus on the negatives in their life, unable to find the things they had accomplished or learned on the way. Jonathan’s mother taught these people to look at themselves and situations differently, in a more positive light.
On the Running for Real podcast, we look to do the same thing for you. Through our podcast, community, and blogs we hope you find reasons to believe in yourself and to become more than you ever imagined. Today’s episode is no different. Read along or tune in to find ways to be your best self.
Be Your Own ExperimentJonathan (who usually goes by Fader) recommends that we watch and see what we can become before we think too much about it. Setting limits on what we can accomplish by talking ourselves out of even trying is a sure way to hold us back.
Believe that you can accomplish your goal and then ask yourself, “What would I do if this was simply an experiment?” Then put your experiment to the test. This can relieve the unnecessary pressures of potential failure. All you have to do is try, and then see what the outcomes are. Be curious instead of judgmental.
Your Brain: Your Body’s CEOFader compares our body to a company, at the lead, our brain. During your experiments to see what is possible for you to accomplish, you are sure to have competing voices, especially if your experiments are physical.
If your brain is your CEO, then your legs, core, and arms might be compared to sales, marketing or human resources. As the CEO, you are privy to information from each of the departments. You are also in control of what to do with that information.
To compare this analogy directly to running, imagine heavy legs sending signals to your brain, letting you know they are tired. Instead of reacting immediately you can say to yourself, “thank you for that information, I will let you know what we will do about it.” Then you can proceed to run faster or rest. You are in control.
Two Types of ListeningComparing our body to a company is a wonderful way to practice mindfulness. When we listen to what different parts of our body tell us, take it into consideration, and then choose what to do, we are acting responsibly and governing strategically.
Whether we are listening to our body, or to others, there are two ways to do it. We can either listen to understand or listen to respond. Choosing to listen to understand makes us better communicators and helps us to more fully live in the moment.
Think about a recent argument you were involved in. When your opponent was speaking, were you trying to understand what they were saying and where they were coming from, or were you simply trying to come up with your response to combat their story?
Listen to understand in all of your communications, including those with your body. You will foster a greater love for others, have more natural responses, and get to the root of the problem more quickly.
Focus on What You Can ControlDr. Fader tells us that there are three things we have control over, our attitude, our preparation, and our effort (APE). When faced with unwanted thoughts, feelings, or challenges, remember that you get to decide how to react. You have the ability to combat negativity through these three tools.
You have the opportunity to experiment on your future. Be curious about that future, and do those things that could make you great.
What tools will you use today to be the best version of yourself?
Resources:Fader’s Twitter
Fader’s Website
Fader’s Ted Talk
Guy Winch on Twitter
Ryan Holiday on Twitter
(Book) Life is Sport
Pre-Order (Book) Coaching Athletes to Be Their Best
Thank you to UCAN and Bodyhealth for being the wonderful sponsors of this episode of The Running For Real Podcast.UCAN is back on the Running4Real Podcast as an amazing sponsor! This product have been my go to nutritional product for marathon training and racing when I was getting all of my best times. It gives you a steady energy without the sugar, so there are no sugar crashes!
15% off with coupon code tinamuir at www.generationUCAN.com
If you are struggling to recover quick enough from your training, my little secret is to use BodyHealth Perfect Amino to get you there. It contains all the essential amino acids, and is very easy for your body to use and begin the repair process.
Click the link and use code TINAMUIR10 for 10% off.
Thanks for Listening! I hope you enjoyed today's episode.To share your thoughts:
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To help out the show:
Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews will really help me climb up the iTunes rankings and I promise, I read every single one.
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Thank you to Jonathan, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the show.
It has been a few years since my husband Steve was on the show, and a lot has changed since I last brought him on.
Rather than him and I just talk about our lives, we thought we would pass it over to you to ask your questions. We answered almost all of them, and I hope you enjoy getting to know Steve better.
Here are the questions we answered (not in the order we answered them).
Advice for tapering-Elzedomaityte
Any awkwardness/insight/challenges that come from having your spouse coach you?-Sara
Tell us about airport tina-alissmarie
What does it feel like to have a famous and awesome wife?-Erin
Do you structure cross training for injured athletes or is it up to them? Jen
How are you enjoying being a father and what are you excited about experiencing with bailey? - cfluffy
Do you lose benefit when you spilt your easy runs up into a morning and afternoon. (Easy runs are normally 6 to 7 miles).- Bridgett Hughes
Why are my 10K and half marathon race paces the same and how do I fix this?- Alex Myroon
How do you manage the balance between husband/wife relationship and running relationship? My boyfriend and I are both runners and have about the Same level and amount of experience, but sometimes it’s hard to see when we just need to support the other with running without butting in and giving advice and when a little bit of pushing with running is appropriate- Bridget Wiberg
What is it like to coach your wife? What do you do if she disagrees with the plan? How do you separate running life from family life? - Kenneth E. Johnson
Do you think runners can truly get accustomed to and excel in hot/humid weather, or are we doomed to have a rough experience every time Mother Nature brings summer fury? Asking as a Florida runner...any tips for this are appreciated, too! -Katy Pierce Cook
What differences do you find between coaching college athletes and elites(Tina) or recreational athletes? What challenges do you face and how do you overcome them?- Mike Capka
How do you balance/decide when a fatigued runner needs a day off or should run threw the fatigue? How do you decide when to scrap a workout or drop it down to an easy effort run?- Mike Capka
How do you find the right balance when building a training plan for someone you are coaching? Are there staples you always put in?- Virginie Serre
Have you considered training plans that are less than 40mpw?- Lucy Eichenwald
What do you think about doing speed works/repeats on a treadmill vs road. How do they compare? -Judy Sherman
How much running does Steve do? Does he have a future goal race in mind? Have you two ever raced each other? -Ashton Swinford
If you are training to improve your times, when is training for a marathon “good enough” and when should you postpone your goal race to the next season? This season I’ve been sidelined 2x for 2-3 weeks. The first time totally off those weeks, the second time reduced mileage by 25% and didn’t do workouts. Definitely only feel like I did 75-80% of what would be ideal training. For other races I think this is maybe OK but possibly not for marathon?- Emily Hass Ryan
Has becoming a father to beautiful bailey changed your coaching philosophy? Liz Ansley
Thoughts on managing expectations and knowing when your goals are unrealistic. -Karen Scobie
What are your three pieces of advice for a successful relationship?-Alon Metser
Any hacks to speed up your learning curve for the effort scale (it took me most of the first training segment to get comfortable with it, but I might just be a slow learner).
Why are there such relatively long runs in the taper? -David Skytte
After your personal experience racing Boston #NoWatchMe, do you or Steve have any new advice or insights about marathon race strategy that might help keep one feeling good throughout most of the race? -Ashton Swinford
Thank you to Bodyhealth and Athletic Greens for being the wonderful sponsors of this episode of The Running For Real Podcast.If you are struggling to recover quick enough from your training, my little secret is to use BodyHealth Perfect Amino to get you there. It contains all the essential amino acids, and is very easy for your body to use and begin the repair process.
Click the link and use code TINAMUIR10 for 10% off.
Athletic Greens is a simple and easy way to get 75 vitamins, minerals, and whole food source ingredients. Just to help my immune system be stronger and greater! It is so simple to do and it taste good as well.
Now you can get a free travel pack with 20 servings with your first purchase, Visit here to learn more!
Thanks for Listening! I hope you enjoyed today's episode.To share your thoughts:
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To help out the show:
Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews will really help me climb up the iTunes rankings and I promise, I read every single one.
Not sure how to leave a review or subscribe, you can find out here.
Thank you to Steve, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the show.
Losing or gaining weight is a unique struggle for every person. We all know certain people that can eat whatever they want, and not gain an ounce. Others go to the gym for two weeks, down a protein drink or two, and put on 20lbs of muscle. Metabolism seems to be king when it comes to weight management. When identical diets and workout plans give entirely different results to two individuals, controlling our physique feels impossible.
Enter Angelo Poli. Angelo is an expert in body transformations. He helps people obtain their physical performance goals and preferred physique. His method is to first analyze and diagnose how your body reacts to different amounts of food intake and physical output. From a database of collected body responses over the years, Angelo and his team then determine what food and exercise is right for you and your goals.
We interviewed Angelo on the Running for Real podcast today and made sure to ask the hard questions: Is body transformation the best goal to have? What if I don’t want to focus on the numbers on the scale? What if I like to eat socially? Doesn’t meal prepping take too much time?
The answers to these questions show a new way to think about metabolism and personal health planning. Listen along or read below to see how approaching your physical goals with a unique plan will give you the body you want.
Can You Really Change Your Metabolism?Now that we have determined that metabolism is unique for all and that it controls much of our weight gain or loss, what can we do about it? First, we should remember that what works for one person, won’t work for another. Avoid comparing yourself to those that put you in a bad mood. We don’t know exactly what they eat or how they exercise. Even if we did, we don’t know how their body reacts to those inputs and outputs differently than our body would.
To get the results you want, you need a plan unique for you. A great way to get started is to work with a professional like Angelo to get a complete analyze of where your body currently is. Then you can create a plan to strengthen your weaknesses.
Angelo compares this process of analysis and planning to doing a pushup. If you start doing pushups without the proper form, you will not get the gains you hope for, and may even injure yourself. If, however you work on the proper form first, even by doing exercises that will help you do pushups prior to doing them, your energy will be more efficiently spent. The same is true for any physical goal.
Wait, so can I change my metabolism or not?
Angelo’s short answer: Yes.
The Body’s Rules of AdaptabilityMetabolism is how the body reacts to input in the form of food and output in the form of physical movement. Everyone’s is a little different, or, a lot different. Technically, it is the whole range of biochemical processes happening in your body. But for our sake, it’s just how efficiently your body uses energy.
However, just because you have a certain metabolism, doesn’t necessarily mean you are stuck with it. Since our bodies are adapting machines, it tries to be the most efficient with what you are currently giving it. This is exactly why it can be difficult for many to lose weight. Your body gets used to what you have been doing to it over the years and actually becomes quite efficient at giving you what you need even if you aren’t giving it what it needs.
Just like we change our running workouts when our body plateaus, to get to certain weight or physique goals, we need to get our metabolism to change.
For example, let's look at someone looking to lose 100lbs. The first 60lbs might come easily. Week after week you see results. After some time, your body will stop. Its metabolism isn’t “fast” enough to get rid of the last 40lbs.
Angelo will often have people switch strategies at that point by gaining each pound back that you lose by eating more, building up your metabolism’s speed so to speak. Then after a few weeks or months, you back off on the amount you are eating again to drop another 20lbs and then switch strategies again.
Goals vs. ValuesAngelo says that in order to obtain lifelong goals, we need to create values. Values create a system of doing things, a long term, constant way of life.
One-time goals on the other hand, only last as long as specific steps to get to the goal last. If your goal is to run a marathon, you will run until you complete your race. If you value your health, and want to have a healthy lifestyle through running, you will never stop.
Whatever your physique or performance goals are, look for ways to incorporate personal values. You will find more meaning in your workouts and will be able to maintain a way of life that you truly desire.
Resources:Free MetPro Consultation
Angelo’s Website
Michael Dauphinee’s Website
Thank you to Bodyhealth, Athletic Greens, and Metpro for being the wonderful sponsors of this episode of The Running For Real Podcast.If you are struggling to recover quick enough from your training, my little secret is to use BodyHealth Perfect Amino to get you there. It contains all the essential amino acids, and is very easy for your body to use and begin the repair process.
Click the link and use code TINAMUIR10 for 10% off.
Athletic Greens is a simple and easy way to get 75 vitamins, minerals, and whole food source ingredients. Just to help my immune system be stronger and greater! It is so simple to do and it taste good as well.
Now you can get a free travel pack with 20 servings with your first purchase, visit here to learn more!
I am very pleased to have MetPro as a sponsor for the Running 4 Real podcast. Yes it is Angelo's company that I wasn't too excited about when they first reached out to me, but just one phone call conversation with them and they won me over! They are not wanting to guess what to do with your metabolism, the experts at MetPro are there for you to help you reach any of goals or the struggles you may be going through.
Click here to receive a FREE metabolic scan of your body as well as a 30 minute consultation with one of the MetPro experts.
Thanks for Listening! I hope you enjoyed today's episode.To share your thoughts:
Leave a note in the comment section below.
Join the Running for Real Facebook Group and share your thoughts on the episode (or future guests you would like to hear from)
Share this show on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.
To help out the show:
Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews will really help me climb up the iTunes rankings and I promise, I read every single one.
Not sure how to leave a review or subscribe, you can find out here.
Thank you to Angelo, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the show.
What can you accomplish in a week? How about a year? Do you find yourself setting goals that are too big? Or maybe burden yourself with too many tasks to complete in a week?
Maybe a better question is, “What can you accomplish today? Or better yet, right now. We tend to set ourselves up for failure when we set goals without any room for mistakes or failures.
We live in an impatient world where everyone demands immediate change. It is common to overestimate what we can do in a week and underestimate what we can do in a year or two.
Hayley Carruthers is a prime example of what you can accomplish in a “short” amount of time when you are consistent and persistent. In just three years she went from running her first 5K to being a top competitor in the London Marathon. All the while, she works as a full-time nurse, a demanding job to begin with.
What does it take to go from non-runner to elite in just a few years? Scroll down to find out!
When You Can’t Run, CrawlRecently Hayley has been all over the news. If you follow running at all, you’ve probably seen the picture. Just feet before she crossed the finish line at the London Marathon, Hayley’s legs gave out. Luckily, she didn’t sustain any major injuries, but she still had to find a way to crawl the several remaining feet of the race with cuts and bruises on her legs.
While she never wished her way to fame by falling to her knees, most everything that has happened since has been positive. Hayley is an advocate for the running community in the way she perseveres. Her story has made it to every major running magazine and website, always with an inspirational undertone.
Whether you are a weekend warrior, a Masters runner, a beginner, or an elite, running teaches you how to finish. For Hayley, she knew that she had come too far to give up in that moment. She crawled forward and swung her legs in front of her in an effort to get her chip past the line, still beating her previous best marathon time by three minutes.
Full Time Work, Full Time RunnerA wonderful example of determination, Hayley makes sure she gets in two training sessions each day. Her full-time job didn’t keep her from doing what she loves, and doing it well. Excuses are the enemy of both fun and fulfilling activities. Although some 5:00 a.m. morning runs are difficult, Hayley keeps the end goal in mind while remembering how far she has come. Both the past and the future can motivate you to achieve your goals.
When Hayley doesn’t feel like she can do a training session, her coach Dan encourages her to just show up. We never know how our body or mind will respond to work unless we begin. Even though we may not feel our best on any particular day, just showing up every single time will give us that edge in the long run.
Prioritize your goals. If you simply can’t afford to quit your job or give all your children away (also, not recommended), just pick what is important to you. If you want to run the local 5K, find some small thing that you can do without. Watch one less Netflix show or vacuum the house one less time per week. If it really is your priority, you’ll find a way to get it done.
Remember Why You StartedOff-the-radar to mainstream in a short amount of time can a lot of stress. Hayley and her coach have made it a priority to keep training low pressure from the beginning. When you jump into the spotlight it is easy to become overwhelmed by how well you are expected to perform based on sponsor requests or your ever-ticking biological clock.
When the stress of running or any activity seem to outweigh the benefits, take a step back and remember why you started. Make your training light by dancing to music before you begin or walking backwards up the hills. Whatever it is that makes you smile, try it out and remember those joyous times.
More About Hayley and DanLearn more about Hayley and her coach Dan Robinson by listening to this episode! What is it like to see yourself on the front page of magazines and newspapers in your home town and around the world? What is Hayley’s next running goal? How did Hayley find her running coach, Dan? What’s it like to find out you are running for your country and more!
Resources:Hayley on Instagram
Thoughts of Dog Twitter
Andy Lane’s Twitter
Thank you to Bodyhealth, Athletic Greens, and Metpro for being the wonderful sponsors of this episode of The Running For Real Podcast.If you are struggling to recover quick enough from your training, my little secret is to use BodyHealth Perfect Amino to get you there. It contains all the essential amino acids, and is very easy for your body to use and begin the repair process.
Click the link and use code TINAMUIR10 for 10% off.
Athletic Greens is a simple and easy way to get 75 vitamins, minerals, and whole food source ingredients. Just to help my immune system be stronger and greater! It is so simple to do and it taste good as well.
Now you can get a free travel pack with 20 servings with your first purchase, visit here to learn more!
I am very pleased to have MetPro as a sponsor for the Running 4 Real podcast. Yes when this company reached out to me I wasn't too excited about, but with just one phone call conversation with them and they won me over! They are not wanting to guess what to do with your metabolism, the experts at MetPro are there for you to help you reach any of goals or the struggles you may be going through.
Click here to receive a FREE metabolic scan of your body as well as a 30 minute consultation with one of the MetPro experts.
Thanks for Listening! I hope you enjoyed today's episode.To share your thoughts:
Leave a note in the comment section below.
Join the Running for Real Facebook Group and share your thoughts on the episode (or future guests you would like to hear from)
Share this show on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.
To help out the show:
Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews will really help me climb up the iTunes rankings and I promise, I read every single one.
Not sure how to leave a review or subscribe, you can find out here.
Thank you to Hayley and Dan, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the show.
Lørdag løper Eliud Kipchoge i Wien for å bli første menneske under to timer på maraton. Med seg på laget har han rundt 40 harer, inkludert tre brødre fra Sandnes med etternavn Ingebrigtsen.
Kipchoges 1.59-stunt er temaet i ukens episode. Kristian og Jann har fått med seg Sindre Buraas igjen. Sindre har vært ett år av sitt liv i Kenya og vet hva slags forhold Kipchoge trener under. Hva skal til for at han lykkes denne gangen? Hvordan trener han? Hva kan vi lære av verdens beste maratonløper?
Gutta diskuterer hvilke utfordringer Kipchoge står overfor. I tillegg får vi høre Kristian intervjue journalist Ed Caesar som var tilstede sist Kipchoge prøvde det samme. Vi får også raske gjenhør med hva Henrik Ingebrigtsen og Kipchoges treningskamerat Geoffrey Kamworor hadde å si i sakens anledning.
Til slutt spår Kristian, Sindre og Jann hver sin tid. Hvordan det går kan du se på NRK lørdag morgen.Support the show
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Jeg har lenge hatt lyst til å få min far til å forklare meg hva han driver med på jobb. Jeg har alltid hatt bittelitt peiling, men jeg har aldri fått han til å banke det inn i skallen på meg. Forrige helg var jeg hjemme i Tromsø en snartur, og da grep jeg sjansen og spurte om han kunne tenke seg å gjøre nettopp det, men samtidig recorde det for alle lytterne til Nå Er Det Alvor. Det utviklet seg selvfølgelig til å handle om mye mer enn hva han gjør i jobb-sammenheng. Det var rett og slett en veldig unik samtale mellom far og sønn. Det blir flere slike Nå Er Det Alvor-recordings! Håper du liker det. Del gjerne videre. Hold det ekte, folkens!
Relevante lenker:
Vaskulærbiologisk forskningsgruppe, Universitet i TromsøFirmaet D'LiverDagens Næringsliv-artikkel om sløsing av skattepenger i forskningStøtt Nå Er Det Alvor på PatreonMusikk:
Tobben & Ero - Lina (1973)Beegees - Stayin’ AliveLive-opptak av Bob Dylan 1975 - HurricaneTobben & Ero - Min CelleTobben & Ero på SpotifySupport the show
Det var blodig alvor da en av Norges desidert beste skøytesprintere gjennom tidene, Rikke Jeppsson, tok 31-bussen opp til leiligheten min på Disen i Oslo for å spise makroner, drikke kaffe og diskutere skøyter, kosthold, trening, toppidrettslivet og mye annet snacks, og mye mye mer. Denne jenta mener alvor!
Aktuelle lenker:
Rikke på Insta (@rikjep)Leonardo Di Caprio-maska (bilde)Den blå trikoten (nrk-artikkel)Alt om klappskøyte (wikipedia)Alt om fargen rød (wikipedia)Ådne Søndrål i gul og sort trikot under 5000m i VM Allround, Milwaukee, 2000 (youtube)Dolly Parton-remixen (Soundcloud)Hvordan kan du støtte podcasten?
1. Patreon 🏆
På NEDA's Patreon-side vil du for en kaffekopp i måneden få tilgang til både eksklusivt og tidlig tilgang til innhold. I tillegg hjelper du meg med å holde denne institusjonen i gang. Meld deg inn her: https://www.patreon.com/nedaproject
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Hvor mye er dette programmet verdt for deg? Ble du like mye underholdt som ved å gå på kino? Lytter du til NEDA mer enn du bruker Spotify eller Netflix? Fungerer denne podcasten som din personlige trener/motivator? Du bestemmer selv hvor mye den er verdt for deg.
Vipps til tlf 92841558 og merk det med #NEDA.
3. iTunes + ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Hjelp andre å oppdage podcasten ved å legge igjen en liten review og noen stjerner i iTunes. Da popper den høyere opp i listene. Takk!
Kontakt ☎️
https://naerdetalvor.no/[email protected]+47 928 41 558NEDA på instagram (@neda_project)NEDA på FacebookHans Kristian på instagram (@hanserino)Over og ut. Roger og Knut.
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Hør samtalen jeg hadde over Google Hangouts med legendariske Tim Shieff – en trail blazer når det kommer til å leve alternativt. Han er mest kjent for å være proff parkour/freerunner, men har lagt freerunning-skoene på hylla og lever nå av å være en såkalt "influencer". Han er en digital nomade som konstant er på reisefot og som har blitt en av vår tids ansikt på veganisme. Rett og slett en inspirerende kis.
(Intro og utro med Mads John Thomseth)
Aktuelle lenker:Mindful Warrior: https://ethcs.com/pages/mindful-warriorEthcs: https://ethcs.com/Tim på Insta: https://www.instagram.com/humantimothy/
Vlog-episoden fra Bergen og Stoltzenkleiven Opp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hug8x9C0S0kDavid Belle - Grunnlegger av parkour og freerunning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOK3wSmktzQGeorge Costanza bomullsuniformer NY Yankees: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-9ls-ugumsCowspiracy trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nV04zyfLyN4Emelie Forsberg’s tanker om hvorfor hun er veganer: http://www.emelieforsberg.com/vegan/TooGoodToGo overskuddsmat-app: http://toogoodtogo.no/Patreon-konto til Nå er det alvor: https://www.patreon.com/alvorpodcastNesepusting:Booster opptaket av nitrogenoksid, som er et kraftig immun-system-boostende molekyl som blir produsert i bihulene utelukkende når man puster gjennom nesen.Aktiverer Nervus vagus, aka innvollsnerven. Den følger de store blodårene på halsen, går gjennom brysthulen og til innvollsorganene. Den er hovedveien for gut-brain axis som linker tarmsystemet med hjernen, humør og kognitiv funksjon.Support the show
Sindre Buraas (28) er en av Norges raskeste langdistanseløpere gjennom tidene med blant annet solide 13:11,96 som personlig rekord på 5000m å vise til. Sjekk Wikipedia-siden hans for mer info.
For et par år siden la han piggskoene på hylla, og nå finner du han enten i verkstedet på Kunsthøyskolen i Oslo eller på Stirsdag - en ukentlig sosial terrengløpings-event i Lillomarka sammen med andre likesinnede.
Vi prater om alt og ingenting mens Sindre skjærer, freser, limer og spray-lakkerer Sky Blazers-logoen i 3D.
Sindre på insta: @sindre_buraas
Bilder fra seansen: https://imgur.com/a/mmxm4
Musikk vi nevner:
Jamie XX Essential MixDarkside (Nicolas Jaar & Dave Harrington) - "Paper Trails"Hvordan kan du støtte podcasten?
1. Patreon 🏆
På NEDA's Patreon-side vil du for en kaffekopp i måneden få tilgang til både eksklusivt og tidlig tilgang til innhold. I tillegg hjelper du meg med å holde denne institusjonen i gang. Meld deg inn her: https://www.patreon.com/nedaproject
2. Engangs-donasjon med Vipps
Hvor mye er dette programmet verdt for deg? Ble du like mye underholdt som ved å gå på kino? Lytter du til NEDA mer enn du bruker Spotify eller Netflix? Fungerer denne podcasten som din personlige trener/motivator? Du bestemmer selv hvor mye den er verdt for deg.
Vipps til tlf 92841558 og merk det med #NEDA.
3. iTunes + ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Hjelp andre å oppdage podcasten ved å legge igjen en liten review og noen stjerner i iTunes. Da popper den høyere opp i listene. Takk!
Kontakt ☎️
https://naerdetalvor.no/[email protected]+47 928 41 558NEDA på instagram (@neda_project)NEDA på FacebookHans Kristian på instagram (@hanserino)Over og ut. Roger og Knut.
Support the show
Det var virkelig alvor da jeg, Kristine og Christian tok oss til rette i en av søppelkassene bak en dagligvarebutikk på Bjerke i Oslo. "Dumpster diving" er virkelig i vinden disse dager, og jeg prøver med denne episoden å få endret litt på stigmaet bittelitt. Folk gjør det av forskjellige årsaker. Noen gjør det fordi de er litt "low on cash" en periode, mens andre gjør det pga miljøaspektet. Det er en skam å tenke på hvor mye spisbart som blir kastet hver eneste dag. Denne kvelden fant vi nok mat til å lage middag til 15 sultne hoder - bare i kontaineren til én butikk.
Ble du inspirert?
Har du lyst til å joine dumpstring-bevegelsen? I frykt for å tråkke folk som ikke bor i Oslo på tærne, så ber jeg deg bare om å søke på "Dumpstring" eller "dumpster diving" i facebook og bli med ei en gruppe for ditt lokalsamfunn. Finnes det ikke en der du bor? Start en da vel!Hvordan kan du støtte podcasten?
1. Patreon 🏆
På NEDA's Patreon-side vil du for en kaffekopp i måneden få tilgang til både eksklusivt og tidlig tilgang til innhold. I tillegg hjelper du meg med å holde denne institusjonen i gang. Meld deg inn her: https://www.patreon.com/nedaproject
2. Engangs-donasjon med Vipps
Hvor mye er dette programmet verdt for deg? Ble du like mye underholdt som ved å gå på kino? Lytter du til NEDA mer enn du bruker Spotify eller Netflix? Fungerer denne podcasten som din personlige trener/motivator? Du bestemmer selv hvor mye den er verdt for deg.
Vipps til tlf 92841558 og merk det med #NEDA.
3. iTunes + ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Hjelp andre å oppdage podcasten ved å legge igjen en liten review og noen stjerner i iTunes. Da popper den høyere opp i listene. Takk!
Kontakt ☎️
https://naerdetalvor.no/[email protected]+47 928 41 558NEDA på instagram (@neda_project)NEDA på FacebookHans Kristian på instagram (@hanserino)Over og ut. Roger og Knut.
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