Why does the "g" in marGherita sound different to the "g" in "quattro formaGGi"? In this episode, you'll learn how to say Italian food names correctly.
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Today's words
Origano = oregano
Gamberi = prawns
Funghi = mushrooms
Quattro stagioni = four seasons
Formaggio = cheese
Fagioli = beans
Menu del giorno = menu of the day
Gelato = ice-cream
Vegetariano = vegetarian
Sono vegetariano = I'm vegetarian -
To speak Italian, you'll need to combine what you already know - no matter how little - to say new things. In today's lesson, we'll show you how.
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Today's Italian words
Auguri = congratulations
Vorrei una birra = I'd like a beer
Pagare = to pay
Vorrei pagare = I'd like to pay
Vorrei mangiare = I'd like to eat
Vorrei mangiare qualcosa = I'd like to eat something
Voglio = I want
Voglio mangiare qualcosa = I want to eat something
Mangiamo = we eat
Mangiamo? = shall we eat?
Mangiamo qualcosa? = Shall we eat something?
OK = OK (remember to pronounce it with an Italian accent!)
Va bene = OK (literally: it goes well)
Parliamo = we speak
Parliamo? = shall we speak?
Parliamo italiano? = shall we speak Italian?
Un po' = a bit
Parliamo un po' di Italiano? = Shall we speak a bit of Italian?
Vorrei parlare italiano = I'd like to speak Italian
Vorrei parlare un po' di italiano = I'd like to speak a bit of Italian. -
Do you know how to ask polite questions in Italian? Whether it's a coffee, directions or a date, it's one of the most important skills to master in Italian.
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Today's Italian words
Un caffè = a coffee
Un biscotto = a biscuit
il giornale = the newspaper
Vorrei = I'd like
Vorrei un caffè = I'd like a coffee
Aspetta = wait
Posso avere un biscotto? = can I have a biscuit?
Posso avere = can I have?
Qualcos'altro = anything else?
Mi potresti portare = could you bring me (literally: me you could bring)
il menù = the menu
Mi potresti portare il menù = could you bring me the menu?
una birra = a beer
Mi portresti portare una birra? = could you bring me a beer?
il conto = the bill
Mi potresti portare il conto? = could you bring me the bill
Vorrei una birra = I'd like a beer
Vorrei un caffè = I'd like a coffee
Vorrei il conto = I'd like the bill -
How do you count to 100 in Italian, and how can you use these numbers to make your fiancé do the dishes?
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Today's words
1 = uno
2 = due
3 = tre
4 = quattro
5 = cinque
6 = sei
7 = sette
8 = otto
9 = nove
10 = dieci
11 = undici
12 = dodici
13 = tredici
14 = quattordici
15 = quindici
16 = sedici
17 = diciassette
18 = diciotto
19 = diciannove
20 = venti
21 = ventuno
22 = ventidue
23 = ventitre
24 = ventiquattro
25 = venticinque
26 = ventisei
27 = ventisette
28 = ventotto
29 = ventinove
30 = trenta
40 = quaranta
50 = cinquanta
60 = sessanta
70 = settanta
80 = ottanta
90 = novanta
100 = cento
How old are you? = Quanti anni hai? -
Do you know how to get from the airport to your hotel, using only Italian? In today's episode, you'll learn some handy travel phrases for the airport.
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Today's words
il bagno = the toilet
caldo = hot
freddo = cold
la valigia = the suitcase
ho perso la valigia = I've lost my suitcase (literally "the suitcase")
autobus = bus
il treno = the train
un biglietto = a ticket
stazione centrale = central station
prendo un taxi = I take a taxi
dove = where
indirizzo = address
quanto costa? = how much does it cost?
quanto costa un biglietto? = how much does a ticket cost? -
Can you pronounce fettuccine, gnocchi, and bruschetta? The letter C can be tricky in Italian! Learn how to pronounce Italian food names with C and CH.
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Today's words
Carne = meat
Gnocchi = a type of pasta made from flour and potatoes
Dolci = desserts
Spinaci = spinach
Cipolla = onion
Pancetta = bacon
Cena = dinner