How do you see money? Do you see it as dirty? Do you see it as your friend? In this episode, Nikki Hartley teaches us how to develop a positive relationship with money. Nikki is a Meditation Teacher, Yoga Teacher, Psychotherapist, and much, much more! She teaches at the University of Colorado. Follow her at and @mindbodymana.
Julie's Reiki Certification & Angel School Course
2 Days Only - Saturday, April 13 & Sunday, April 14
Students will:
Earn 2 certifications in one weekend.Become a certified Master Teacher in Reiki Energy Healing.Learn How to Communicate with Angels and Loved Ones (and bring through messages).Develop Your Spiritual Gifts.Learn Energy Healing.Receive Supervised Practice.Become a Jancius Angel Energy Advanced Practitioner which gives you the ability to work on clients (and accept payment from clients) after level 3.Learn more & register for the Course at:
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April 11, 2019 from 6 - 10 pm
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Show Notes
*Show notes recorded by Sonix.AI. I know it's not the best transcription, but being a mom too, I don't have time to go in and edit it! If anyone wants to volunteer for this job, let me know! : )
[00:00:00] Hello friends. It's Julie and I am so excited because I have a dream coming true right now, and I am so excited to share it with you. So for the last couple of years I've been daydreaming in my meditation.
[00:00:14] I've been going into it and seeing the words Angel school. It's something that spirit has really brought to me and it's really coming to fruition. So I want you to know about it. Through this angel school that I'm going to be starting in April. It's just one weekend one weekend only April 13th and 14th.
[00:00:38] Well through this angel school what you're going to learn to do is Reiki and how to bring through your spiritual gifts. So you will get certified in two separate things. If you come to my course you will get Reiki certification, you will be a Reiki master teacher and you will also get certified in my angel school in bringing through Angel messages learning how to communicate with your angels how to really develop your spiritual gifts you're going to learn how I do energy healing what my processes how I work with my clients how I hear from the other side and bring through those messages. Now if you're thinking, "Well that's awesome Julie, I'd really like to learn that but I don't think I want to be a Reiki teacher." That's OK. You don't have to go into this full time. You don't have to make this your profession. There are so many people out there who just want to learn how to connect with the other side or themselves. And if that's you that's awesome. That's beautiful. And really this class will help you shape your life in every different aspect of your life. So really groundbreaking really fine amazing work that we're doing here and I'm just so excited to share it with you.
[00:02:00] So in this class here's what you're gonna get. You're gonna become a Reiki master teacher. You're going to learn how to communicate with Angels how I bring through messages you're going to learn how to develop your spiritual gift because as you go through this course over these two days your gifts are gonna come out and we're gonna show you how to work with them. You're also going to learn energy healing through supervised practice on other people. So working on people really helps you to understand what you're hearing and when somebody talks back to you and says you know yes. Oh my gosh you're bringing through exactly what I needed to hear. It just is so validating and it helps you really develop your gifts and you're also going to learn all the insights into how I do what I do and that is Angel School. So if you'd like more details go online to my Web site.
[00:03:02] You can also email me for details at [email protected]. I'll send those to you. But again it is coming up soon.
[00:03:08] It's Saturday April 13th and Sunday April 14th, again that's Saturday April 13th and Sunday April 14th. So I am so excited I hope you guys are pumped too and I hope you guys go online or e-mail me to learn more
[00:03:34] Hello friends. I am so so excited about our guests today. Nikki Hartley and I have to say, even before we get started, Nikki is a complete saint.
[00:03:45] We have tried this podcast three different times and she has just worked with me on it, because it didn't work, the audio it didn't record it, and we just couldn't get a good recording. So she's back. She's still working with us. We've got great information for you today and you're just going to absolutely love her like I do. So as I just said I've gotten the opportunity to talk with Nikki four hours before I interviewed her. Nikki is an expert in many holistic fields. She's a registered hypnotherapist a psychotherapist a meditation teacher yoga teacher mindset coach. She's based in Boulder Colorado and she's even taught at the University of Colorado. She's also a mom to two young kiddos. Yeah. Nikki and I both share a passion for understanding how the brain works and how it can heal itself through various methods. So we're going to cover it all today. Nikki thank you so much for being here.
[00:04:50] Thank you Julie for inviting me. I'm so excited to be here.
[00:04:53] Yay. In the introduction what did I miss. Is there anything else that you want to share with people.
[00:04:59] No actually it sounds like you covered it all.
[00:05:02] Oh good. And you know some people like it at the beginning some people like to hear it at the end. But for people who are online right now and they want to check you out where can they find you.
[00:05:11] Oh my Web site is
[00:05:21] Perfect. So today we're really going to talk about let's start with the brain.
[00:05:27] The brain works how it's tied to our spiritual selves. Let's talk about neuroplasticity for those who don't know what neuroplasticity is. Can you explain it from ground zero.
[00:05:42] So neuroplasticity is when the brain requires itself.
[00:05:46] When we put in new thoughts or new beliefs or new habits the synopsis in the brain actually change and they started growing together in a different way letting go of the way our brain used to wire and think and behave.
[00:06:00] That's awesome. So really by changing our thoughts we can really change our lives. Right.
[00:06:06] Oh absolutely. When you change your thoughts you do change your life. And there's this there's so many wonderful tools to get to those changes people to see to find what resonates with them.
[00:06:19] So how did they start with that.
[00:06:21] So when I do mindset coaching I try to give various tools. One of them might be meditation. Meditation is a great tool to help people get into a different brain state. Brain waves activate differently when you're in meditation so that you can make those changes subconsciously if you want a faster track.
[00:06:41] You would use something like Kipnis therapy because you would change the brainwaves pretty quickly like immediately actually from theta to theta or Alpha and then you can use really easy things like journaling I know journaling super popular but it really does change the way that we have our external experiences because we're putting we're cementing or putting in concrete our thoughts.
[00:07:08] And then when we write it down it kind of makes it more concrete tangible like you have this more visceral reaction to what you experienced earlier.
[00:07:19] And then there are other ways that you can change brain by like changing habits like things that you do daily like if you wake up earlier and you do something differently in the morning like that can totally set the tone for how you're going to live your life and like do things the rest of the day if you start an exercise routine yoga routine meditation routine again. Let's see what else do I recommend.
[00:07:45] Because once you like once you're in it for that many days you're really concrete. How many days did you say it is.
[00:07:53] Oh I did it on but it usually takes 21 to 30 days to change your mindset or a habit or develop a habit because sometimes habits are good and you want to get a new habit. But yet 21 to 30 days typically and you have to do it diligently you can't do it once they like. It's been 21 days and I did that one thing.
[00:08:14] So let's go through some common examples that I see with my clients of mindset because a lot of these mindsets come in in our younger years right. There's different ones that we develop as kids you know sometimes if our parents don't have a good relationship we create this mindset of well I'm like them so I'm not going to have a good relationship too. Or if mom and dad maybe struggled with money. We saw that as younger kids and we come in. We say well I'm going to struggle with money to struggling with money is a part of life and some things that I find my clients tell themselves with in their mind. So how would you show people in those two instances to get out of that mindset.
[00:09:04] And that's a great question. So you basically need to go back to the brain state that you're in and the time period that that anchored in infants are typically in a Delta brain state.
[00:09:20] And so they're really connected to the subconscious and then kids between the ages of 2 to 7 are in an alpha brain state which is like they're aware but like they're really easily put into like a dreamlike state. So that's why kids have such an easy time playing pretend like you could tell your kid like pretend you're a tree and they'll pretend they're a tree and then like hours later they're like I'm still a tree.
[00:09:46] It's because they're in that alpha type brain state where there's a ton of creativity happening and then around 12 they slip into beta which is where there's a huge range and beta brainwaves from know normal awake state to like really high functioning beta where you're stressed out. Anyway as I say all that because in those alpha states between the ages of two to seven is when that pretend stage is happening and if they see negative external circumstances or they hear negative replies or they get negative feedback that kind of starts to anchor in their belief system and they play pretend I use air quotes that reality. So if they have a lot of hardship they have a lot of trauma they have a lot of difficulty they might be resilient because they're not going to really fully understand reality because they're in that create the Alpha Brain Wave like a different reality but it's still going to set the tone for how they're going to behave later. That's why kids everyone's like teenagers are so difficult while teenagers are mimicking and acting out now when they gain the autonomy to what they saw in their early life. And then when we become adults we still have the ability to do like change things and see things like shiny objects so we distract ourselves. So to change the beliefs about money you really have to create a new belief and a new habits and how money comes money can come from source or all that is or the universe whatever your higher believing belief system is from an infinite amount of ways like we try to control how we receive money right we go to work we get a paycheck and then if you run out of that paycheck you're like I'm out of money or there's not enough money or there's always all these bills coming.
[00:11:42] While that may be true but then you're closing yourself off from trusting that money can come from an infinite amount of ways more than we are aware or allow ourselves to believe.
[00:11:55] And so we really have to start opening our belief system to the idea that money doesn't have to come from a job. Money can come from any place and then we have to change our relationship with money.
[00:12:10] You have to start believing that you're worthy of money that your frequencies are going to attract money and if you're living in these lower vibe frequencies like a fear mentality fear based lack struggle then you're going to push money away like source is not going to bring in these things because it's you're putting out the energetic frequency if I'm scared of it or I'm not and I'm not worthy of it or I'm not good enough for money doesn't like me.
[00:12:41] So you have to create a different energy. I mean money is just energy.
[00:12:44] It's like we can spend money without actually holding it. You know we have debit cards and or we can have the tangible money like that we hold in our hands. However it's all just numbers and digital and like it's just an energy exchange right.
[00:13:00] It's just an energy exchange. So you have to change the relationship with money and become friends with money and you hang out differently.
[00:13:07] And like you might spend something. That's why people always say like you get more by giving. And it's so true because when you have more to give or you have this energy of like I have this in abundance then you seem to always have enough and more than enough because you're able to share.
[00:13:25] So really changing your belief system about money changing your ideas of how money works and then creating new habits of how you interact with money are going to 100 percent change the relationship. In the money that comes to you and there's plenty of different ways to do that again you have to find what resonates with you.
[00:13:48] Some examples off the top of my head. Some people like to use old checkbooks and write themselves like a paper check. And then like they deposit it again air quotes deposit it mentally in there.
[00:14:03] Like thinking they deposit it not in real life. Yeah I know what you're saying. I'm just making sure everybody else knew.
[00:14:09] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Or like some people even create a web of a spreadsheet like income spreadsheets online like in Google Docs or something and everyday you deposit fifty dollars and you're like got fifty dollars and so you're just open to getting the 50 dollars not controlling where it comes from. Some people leave money jars around the house and like if they get changed and the like drop it in one jar they have cash they'll drop it in another jar if they have a check they'll put it in another jar and then you just visually see this abundance of money all around you.
[00:14:42] I really like that one. I think I'm going to use that one.
[00:14:47] You really are like wow I have all this money I'm never in black I always have enough there's money all around me all the time because you can put the jars in different rooms and another one would be to spend money like you already have it. That one is a little tricky because if you're still on that real fear based mentality and you haven't really shifted into the trust of the universe bringing you money from infinite amount of ways then if you go out and put a bunch of expensive stuff on your credit cards if you're in that fear based mentality then you're just gonna be in debt.
[00:15:24] So I suggest if it's an old anchored belief and they've been dealing with money struggle for a long time. Start either with the checks that you write you know you hypothetically write yourself the spreadsheets or district collecting change and put it in the little jars the little money jars throughout your house.
[00:15:46] Yeah because we you know it's interesting. What. And you know I love the analytical part of me I love you know the woohoo and this is probably too analytical for the Lulu.
[00:15:58] But you know one of the examples that I've seen is you know without even any names or who anybody is. But I have somebody who came to see me who said you know here's the situation where about three months away from losing our house.
[00:16:16] So my husband says I know this money is coming I feel like it's coming but I don't want to sell the house I don't want to sell the house but the message that had been coming through to her the entire year that she had been coming to see me was sell the house sell the house and I said Have you sat down to look at the finances. And she said no I don't want to look at the finances. So I think you know I totally agree I totally believing and having that mentality. But at the same time we can't totally turn like this blind eye. She even threw back at me she said you know well I went to see somebody else and they told me that I'm going to win the lottery. So I'm just thinking I'm winning the lottery. And I said you can't. Now look at your finances you can't not. Has she said My husband wanted to sit down with me my husband wanted to sit down and she won't sit down and look at it. So what was spiritually shows me is we have to give 100 percent and then they give 100 percent right. If we're not given that hundred percent and we're not open to the truth of it all to me it just gets a little dicey.
[00:17:32] Oh true and it sounds like she was still being fearful around looking at money instead of being like all right friend let's negotiate. Let's see what you have to bring to the table and then how can we work together. It sounded like she's like Oh no I'm just going to avoid this and hope it goes away or solves itself. And you're right. So when we are really upfront and honest and like we look at a situation that might be uncomfortable or unpleasant regarding money because we do live in a society where we need money most of us do to like pay our mortgage or pay our car payments or the utilities food.
[00:18:10] When you actually look at like how that relationship's going if you're telling money like I don't deserve you all I know is there's not enough of you to go around and you make me upset and all you do is cause stress in my life.
[00:18:24] And that energy exchange is going to be really difficult. It wouldn't be the same as if you treated another human that way. Right. So if you were constantly like this is my friend this is my roommate we live together. But every time they're around they totally freak me out. I don't really like them here. I don't feel like I deserve a roommate because I'm totally messy and they probably don't even like living with me like then you're gonna have a really strange relationship.
[00:18:53] Everything in this world in this universe is an energy exchange every single thing. So change your relationship with money change how you interact with money change how you think about money change how you have a relationship with money the same you would do with a human or a pet or your garden. Have you seen those videos where people like talk to plants and like they're really mean to the plants and they're like you're ugly you're worthless and the plant dies. Yes same thing. It's an energy exchange like there's something really powerful with words obviously but that energy that's there behind it.
[00:19:30] So you did this with water and rice too and the rice that was in the water that was spoken mainly and negatively too grew mold done it. Whereas the other one didn't. It's it's amazing it's so fascinating.
[00:19:45] So if you're talking ugly or thinking ugly about money what do you think's going to happen. It's going to shrivel up and die and grow mold or it's going to stay away from you.
[00:19:57] So don't do that.
[00:19:59] Talk to money like your best friends. Like I love you so much. Let's hang out. Let's go have fun together.
[00:20:04] Yeah well I did. That is interesting because you know I'm still doing some work on this myself but I tend to see it as dirty.
[00:20:13] Yeah.
[00:20:13] And in the spiritual like the things that you and I do we feel and because of our backgrounds I think that there is a little bit of residual belief or guilt behind money and receiving money for helping others when our gifts are so natural we think like oh I should just help everybody freely from the kindness of my heart. And that would be great if we could pay our bills in kindness.
[00:20:42] Yeah. And you know and I do eat.
[00:20:44] That's so true because that happens quite often actually people call and ask for a free reading and you know I would love to be able to help as many as people as I can and where I can I do provide discounts to people if they really do need that help and they reach out to me. But I have to be able to contribute to the monthly income. Otherwise we're in a deficit every month.
[00:21:09] True. And when I went through my Reiki master training I was living in Hawaii and I had the most amazing reiki master as my teacher and she told me in Reiki is an energy exchange. It's a Japanese form of energy healing. However if what you need whatever you need.
[00:21:29] We always try to take care of ourselves and whatever you need for the other person to receive the highest benefit from you is what you should receive. And Dr. Tsui the man who is responsible for creating reiki and bringing it over here. He even wrote recognize that in his own teachings he was trying to help all these people by giving them reiki and healing their energy and improving their lives.
[00:21:57] And he realized when there wasn't a good energy exchange that they resorted back to who they were and they went back to living in a lower frequency or going back to committing crimes or living on the street because they didn't value his offerings. And so the good energy exchange whatever people decide to put on it if it's if you if you feel good about doing the job and they feel like they've invested in themselves that's a better energy exchange so that both people benefit. Otherwise if you do something for free and you're kind of like miffed about it like this isn't serving me I don't get anything out of this the attitude you're going to bring to the situation is I don't want to be here and then you cut yourself off from source.
[00:22:47] Right. Right. That's true. Let's talk about vibrations a little bit because you know one of the things that we talk about on this podcast and one of the things that Spirit shows me is where we're touching on this but I want to go deeper into it.
[00:23:01] So when we talk about human being the humanist is the body the beingness is the soul the body has one set of vibrations or frequencies to it and we can optimize those frequencies to be of its best health. But that's not what we're talking about today. I want to talk about the soul and the different set of frequencies vibrations that the soul has to it because what came out about in our conversation and I think really what I've been searching for since my dad passed away and I got into this is I can tap into this higher frequency through my crown chakra and I've taught so many people how to do this too.
[00:23:45] I really feel like it's a huge component of the work that I do.
[00:23:52] And aides called so many different things right. I mean they think that this is what Eckhart Tolle is talking about when he calls it a Power of Now. You know people are calling it so many different words and terms but you had mentioned alpha beta and theta states. And what I'm wondering as I'm bringing this knowledge to our listeners I want to talk more and more with people who are scientifically knowledgeable about this wondering if I should go to one of the scientists out there who are studying Alpha Beta Theta states.
[00:24:28] Is it a theta state. Is that with that frequency is.
[00:24:32] Absolutely.
[00:24:32] So when we I think I mentioned this a little earlier but the average person when they're awake is running on Beta Beta is our conscious state and there's a huge frequency range and Beta 2 where you can be like reading a book that's a relaxed beta state and then the next level would be like learning where you're engaged you're a little bit more aware and alert but you're taking processing information you're taking it in.
[00:25:02] Then there's high beta where it's survival fight or flight cortisol pumpin like you are stressed out like there's a bear chasing me.
[00:25:12] Now most people live somewhere between that learning and engaged beta state which is like the medium one to like even a high beta states where they are just like my job a stressful family stressful traffic is stressful paying my bills stressful stressful and they are just constantly getting all the brain to pump all these different hormones and all of these different neurotransmitters into the nervous system which is called the sympathetic nervous system where they are just going to be on high alert all the time.
[00:25:47] You're not going to take an information you're going to be very disconnected and it's the lowest frequency or vibe that we can meet that is the that that is the frequency that most human beings are operating at right now within their body that is more the body's frequency right.
[00:26:07] Correct. And you can test this like if you look at a EEG machine like there's been all these tests where it's just that frequency is being emitted.
[00:26:16] And so to change that to change the frequency to change how you to put your body out of the M.S. and into the passenger seat because you really want the mind to be in control then you have to go into meditation which is going to take you to an alpha state it's where you're relaxed you know you're not you're not as stressed you're more like in a nice daydream state theta is where your brain goes into awareness but your body is asleep. You have now taken the body completely out of the driver's seat and you're in your subconscious mind. However yes you're still aware and you're really able to get into the reprogramming of the brain you're able to let go of the old habits old beliefs negative thinking and theta theta can happen if you're really well practiced in meditation or I hypnotherapy where you bypass the alpha state right into theta the body's sleep the minds are aware and you can start reprogramming when you're an alpha brainwaves. We talked on this earlier with kids where they're able to play so you get out of that survival mode and beta and you get into that creative place. That's what the alpha is going to do.
[00:27:36] You're actually functioning in your daily life while you're living. And it's it's like a meditative state but it's so much more than that it's a blissed out.
[00:27:47] Yeah. So you're aware and you're mindful that's where all the Mindful talk comes in. It's like how can I. What is Mindfulness. What is Mindfulness. Mindfulness is getting you out of beta into alpha in you're just really present really super presence of everything happening in your life and you can say things like I'm angry but then you're gonna go why am I angry. Oh because I'm sitting in traffic and this person in front of me is driving really slow and I have to be at work in five minutes you can have that analytical conversation like you would in beta but you're just more present and then you're able to stop yourself and go I'm going to get there. It's not a big deal. It's like you're just more present and aware of what's happening in your day to day life where beta you're just like I need to get there I'm angry. This person needs to move out of my way like kids or you're just like I'm angry and you say it I'm angry and you don't really reflect on what's causing it and how you can help yourself and figure out what you need. But yes. So high frequencies would be theta. Delta is when you're just completely knocked out like it's when we're dreaming asleep so Delta is that past Alpha.
[00:28:56] Yeah. So they're the alpha. I mean I'm just gonna put it in order and so be like Alpha Beta Delta and there's gamma and then theta.
[00:29:07] But yeah so theta is the state where we're aware but we're connected to that subconscious level we're connected to our higher self.
[00:29:15] We can't even get into theta with prayer or feel like if people use mala beads and they're doing their mantras. So that's a great way to also get into theta because you're getting into something bigger than you you're.
[00:29:29] That's what I tell people too. I tell people you know the first place that I ever really felt this was at church and I was praying at church when I was younger.
[00:29:38] I think I was getting into theta state.
[00:29:42] Thank you. Yeah. Yeah some people too I want to ask you about this. Some people say that when you're in state a state they describe it as you feel like you're living in a different dimension.
[00:29:54] Sure. I mean we can all have different responses feelings thoughts sensations emotions that come up when we're in a state that shuts off our external senses. So if somebody is like oh I feel like I'm somewhere else. Well that's definitely what you're experiencing. Some people in meditation they're like I saw colors. What does that mean I'm like It doesn't mean anything. You just you saw go like but you're accessing something bigger than you because you're turning off the external senses. Like I said so it feels different. It's not ignore where we're really connecting to in our inner self. And however that is displayed. We're like oh wow that's new because it's so foreign.
[00:30:39] Yeah yeah that's awesome. So let's talk about this so we have the ego like mind. Thirty thousand rapid fire thoughts a day. Not really even focusing on one thing and we we live from that ego we're really tending to live from the past or the anxiety of the future. So how do you teach people how to remove that. How to really tap into their essence their intuition more and turn down the volume on those thirty thousand rapid fire thoughts today.
[00:31:13] Good question. So ego gets a really bad rap.
[00:31:18] I thought we should tell him first tell him first. Oh my gosh. It's 11:00 11:00 a.m. right now.
[00:31:23] I don't know if you see that ego.
[00:31:26] What is that thing that you have that saying about ego isn't like the 13 year I know it is that 13 year old at the party.
[00:31:33] Yeah. So it goes like your 13 year olds like a 13 year old at the party but you don't want to leave them in charge. You know they're functional they have their purpose. They can do some good stuff.
[00:31:44] But you know they might burn the house to help I love that because ever since you told me that I think that is my ego my 13 year old self so true but ego wants to help us survive.
[00:31:56] Like it keeps us at this survival mode but it also is very self serving like what's in it for me and it.
[00:32:05] But they're such good and that like there can be moments if you don't have ego then you're gonna be taken advantage of or that you would put yourself in harmful situations or that you wouldn't really think like well should I do this or not. Like so there's definitely a place for ego however ego should like the body should not be in the driver's seat ego should be a passenger to your mind or your higher self and ego has this great way of helping.
[00:32:41] Like I said to keep us safe and like help us do what's best for us. You just don't want to leave it in charge because then you can become very self-serving like I said and you can also only think about yourself and you don't think about others. So to transform the relationship and you have that good energy exchange with ego. You want to again practice something that gets you out of the beat of brainwave state and put you into alpha where you're more creative in your more present and you can go. This is. This is safe to do and and it will then align with your values. So that ego will keep you safe but you just kind of want to like dial it back and just be like All right. I see what you want me to do here however I need to do this. It's just a very quick internal judgment that we have and we have to do it through practice. Everything's through practice. We don't become good at something immediately because we decide we want to be dialing down.
[00:33:49] Ego is best done. Yeah. When.
[00:33:52] When you have a practice where you get out of yourself when you remove the me me me me me thoughts and you're able to see the bigger picture and how we connect with everything around us then ego kind of takes a back seat.
[00:34:07] It's like OK you're in charge not me. Listen. I like that.
[00:34:13] So in order for us to come into this more in our society we're going to have to start to talk about it more to talk about our intuition and what I find is that we don't openly share with one another even like our close family and friends when we get these strong whispers in our heart when we're hearing our intuition. Why is the intuition tabu. Why don't we talk about it more.
[00:34:41] I believe it's because we're still kind of dealing with the repercussions of when people did talk about these things they were shunned or they were told they were bad you know like the Salem witch trials or how paganism wasn't a part of a religion and like we all had this very fear based idea about people who could explain things that we usually can't.
[00:35:11] However it's really funny and I know you probably get this all the time but if you talk to people one on one typically if they know like you have this gift or that you're able to talk to spirit all of a sudden everyone has their own example of something that's happened to them in their life.
[00:35:33] That is a form of intuition or spirit communication. We all have a sixth sense. We all have intuitive abilities. We just don't practice them or we feel like oh I can't tell people that I have them because people think I'm crazy or bad or charlatan or that it's embarrassing you know depending on your background and the type of community that you grew up in. So we do we really need to change the conversation that we have around it and understand this isn't an 8 thing that all of us possess inside of us every single one of us even animals are so intuitive. And when we come to that realization and have that acceptance and realize it's not bad just lean into it and cultivate whatever and however you receive messages so that it can best serve you in how you live your day to day life. I tell people all the time. Like the difference in how you receive messages. The easiest way to figure it out is yes or no. And so when you ask a question and you can ask spirit or God or you know the universe or all that is whatever you believe in like Is this good for me. And if there's something in your heart or your head where you get a resounding yes. And like everything in your body gets goose bumps and you're so pumped.
[00:36:57] That is your your soul or you're into it intuitions or higher selves. Way of saying this is a good thing to do. This is joyous.
[00:37:07] This is happy when you get those feelings where it feels like the pit of your stomach is dropping and the like you freeze up in like you feel like I can't move or I'm gonna be sick or oh my gosh I need to like hide my head in the sand or run away. That's your intuitions way of saying no don't do this. This is bad. Like stop where you are. Those are intuitive messages. Those are two physiological responses that we can get from our own intuition our own higher self our own soul. And then as you practice and become more familiar with your own abilities you'll realize that you get messages in different ways. So some of us have the gifts like you do where we can talk to angels and spirits and some of us just have knowing and some of us have visions we all have different gifts.
[00:37:56] We actually do. One hundred percent. You know what. Going back to what you said earlier the ladies who you're working with who see the color. I love that gift because I don't have it I can't see color at all. So I always wonder what would that look like. So I have them describe it.
[00:38:17] And yeah I know everybody does definitely have a spiritual gift it just.
[00:38:23] They're also different. Absolutely. And I think that's what really draws us into different types of congregations where we want to find the familiarity and we want to have a sense of community with people who do have similar experiences. That's where those bonds happen of like where that resounding like me too happens and then you have a different emotional response to your life and you have different experiences because you're able to share those commonalities. And I think that's what works so well and very different sectors of like spiritual practice. I think it can be a really great thing to find somebody that helps you cultivate your own spirituality or your own intuition or your own gifts.
[00:39:05] Yeah which is why it's great that there are so many different people out there like us that you can work with locally because it's nice to follow people like on a bigger national level. But it's also nice to have somebody local that you can actually get face to face with and really learn from one on one for sure.
[00:39:26] Absolutely. Some of my best training has come in communities and not necessarily in like a higher education setting. And it's because you're able to express your vulnerability ask questions and really be seen witnessed or heard by people who are not going to judge you and allow it allows for some tremendous spiritual growth when you are one on one and are able to have that bond that relationship that that great energy exchange. Yeah yeah yeah.
[00:39:58] You know I know we talked about this a little bit when we were talking about money but one of the cool things that had come out of our last talk was quantum theory because when we were talking about quantum theory we were talking about the realm of possibility.
[00:40:14] So I wondering if you could explain what quantum theory is to our listeners because I just think it's so fascinating the science behind it and then how it works in a different example other than money.
[00:40:30] Ok. All right. Let me see if I can do this.
[00:40:33] So quantum theory or the realm of possibility is when you have a thought and as soon as you have that thought it is now in the realm of possibility like you pictured it in your mind's eye or you have felt an energetic response to it or an emotional response to it and now it is actually a possibility if you sit down and contemplate on that thought that goal that dream that aspiration that you have created you now have action steps that you can take to attain that goal that dream in that realm of possibility and so that quantum theory uses that idea to help us manifest. So if you anything that you can perceive you can achieve and I think that's what's the really great part of using thought to help us when we cultivate our thoughts and we use it to help us manifest or to bring something into form then that's a really powerful tool. And so to think of something like That's not money that you want to manifest. Using quantum theory or realm of possibility would be so OK I can give a personal example of that. When my husband and I were still living in Hawaii we he knew that he was going to go to school somewhere but we didn't know where and he asked me really generously like if you could choose where we live where would you want to go and I was like Boulder.
[00:42:18] So the odds of us getting to actually move to Boulder rely on the fact of he has to get accepted to this program. He has to pass this program. Then he has to get accepted to the University of Colorado. Then we have to like there was all these big hurdles in the way of actually of us actually getting to Boulder. However what I did it as I was like nope we're moving to Boulder. That's it that we are going to live in Boulder. And I started probably six months before my husband went to this school so I didn't know he got accepted to this school and I'm not UC but like ah see you. But he got accepted into this program where he was going to go somewhere. We still didn't know where but I was like nope I've decided we're going to Boulder. So I started looking at houses in Boulder. I started researching the kind of clothes I would need to wear in Boulder. I started looking at jobs in Boulder. I started looking at office spaces in Boulder. I started thinking about the type of house and the type of neighborhood I wanted to live in in Boulder. My whole perception was already we're moving to Boulder.
[00:43:29] Like there's no other. That's just it. Like I was so adamant so determined so hard core believed it was happening. So my husband the whole time was just like you're putting all your ducks in one basket or whatever that expression as you're putting all your eggs in one basket. You don't know like you need to look at other places. And I was like Hush now. We're moving to Boulder. And so I I was looking on the internet looking at different houses found the house that we live in now. I'm like that's the house I want. And he was like We're not even moving for like six more months. That house will probably not even be available. I'm like No that's our house. And I started looking at it and was like oh this would our couch will go here how I want this kind of couch made a Pinterest board. I made a Pinterest board for this house. I didn't even know we were going to move into. I love it. I was fully believing this isn't this is it. So I think using that realm of possibility that thought I had.
[00:44:34] We're moving here and then living as if it already exists. That's the key to change using quantum theory live as if it already exists. Then that is how I manifested this house. That's how we ended up in Boulder. Like I just. And that's the way quantum theory works is that when you start believing in a new reality that thought that you had that realm of possibility and you live it and believe it to be true your external experiences have no other option than to match that perceived reality. So that's how manifestation works. That is how law of attraction works when you use a thought and you use action steps and start believing it already is real. That is your reality. Everything in your life shifts so that it does become your perceived reality.
[00:45:32] Yeah this came to me in a crazy way. I'm going to tell this story on a different podcast coming up soon but I was on a bus going to go on a business trip.
[00:45:42] I was in the airport I was in this huge cafe area in the airport out at O'Hare and there was no seating anywhere. This guy came and he sat right down and out. Well he asked Can I sit down next to you and I was like yeah you know come on over.
[00:46:01] I started talking to him. He was an inspirational speaker taught me all of this at a really young age.
[00:46:10] Oh cool. I know I know. So we talk a lot about this on the podcast so thank you so much for explaining though the science behind it and actually putting a name on it with quantum theory because I think it just helps to have the background info and oh there's I was going to ask you that ties into this. Oh you know I was gonna tell you.
[00:46:33] It's connecting to energy because I am connecting to people's loved ones and the other side. A lot of times they'll tell me I need the person that you're working with Julie.
[00:46:46] I need them to understand how to connect with me themselves and what they teach me and what they show me to tell you is you have to see them as if they're there right in front of you.
[00:47:00] You have to see what they look like what it would be like to look into their eyes. Give them a hug.
[00:47:06] Touch their hand and as you are connecting with your loved one who is in heaven on the other side through this visualization what you're doing is calling to their energy bringing their energy closer to you.
[00:47:22] And I really believe that because as you were talking to me what I was seeing from them is that it's the exact same thing with quantum theory. It's just with things that we want to manifest in our lives.
[00:47:34] Right. And not only is it that energy exchange then you also have the emotional response. That's why a lot of people say like even though your loved ones are gone they're still around you or you can keep their memory alive whenever we think about our loved ones even if they're not around or not just the loved ones like if you think about a new place that you want to live and a job that you want to have the money that you want to create.
[00:48:00] It's that energy exchange again like you just said. Like if you have a loving kind happy joyous response to it then you're going to get more of that. Like it's no more. It's a higher frequency emotional reality or perception like you will be closer to that loved one who is on the other side when you can picture like a moment that you had together how they looked when you saw them the hugs that they gave you and funny things that they said you're having that emotional response and that's a beautiful energy.
[00:48:37] Same with no money or a job or a place to live or good health you know like when you love your body your body responds so differently. For me I know that like I struggled for a little bit with was like doing that last ten pound weight loss after I had my second kid and I wasn't treating my body very nice like I was you know doing yoga. I was doing the bare minimum. I'll be honest. But when I really started like loving my body eating well you know I completely cut out booze doing yoga every day meditating every day my body responded and said Oh you do love me and that the weight released a lot easier and I had been busting my booty at the gym for a year and I was so mad. I was like Why am I not losing weight. This is ridiculous. I hyperventilated twice today
[00:49:32] Because my body is like but you're not ready to lose it because you're still treating me like crap. And so I just had to really change that relationship that energy exchange I was having with my body to like for it to go OK I'll respond positively now I'll give you the results you want. Also I had to believe that it was going to happen by making these changes. So I feel like we've been talking a lot and it's been awesome about good energy exchange.
[00:49:59] No I love it. You know we talked a lot about a lot of different things today but I think a lot of our listeners are at different points.
[00:50:06] You know some are beginners summer intermediate summer advanced and I'm just wondering you're kind of like I am you've read a lot. You've looked at a lot of different things. People are just getting started in this. Are there some books that you could recommend that they picked up.
[00:50:20] Oh man so many you know I really I do like Esther and Jerry Hicks I feel like that's the really good starter into the woo woo or not necessarily remote but understanding how Spirit works.
[00:50:40] I think Esther has this ability to tap in to connect that communication with Spirit. That was my toe in. And also like the alchemist. Did you ever read that book.
[00:50:55] You know a long time ago. Yeah.
[00:50:59] I think it's a great book that you can either take. It's just a really great explanation of the journey and how things unfold and manifest for higher self when we truly believe and. Yeah. Esther and Jerry Hicks are great.
[00:51:16] It's the toad don't know very much about them I'll have to check them out so they are the ones that did Law of Attraction. They coins the whole law of attraction. The secret. I feel like that's one What the Bleep Do We Know. That's also it's also a documentary and not just a book. But those are good like. Way to dip your toe in.
[00:51:35] Did you see the new documentary. This is the one I love so much right now it's on Netflix it's called Heal.
[00:51:42] No but you're the third person to tell me to watch you.
[00:51:44] Oh get out of here. Yeah it's fantastic. H e l. And if you've got Netflix it's right on there. But it is a great great documentary.
[00:51:55] Oh I'll. I'll definitely check it out. Yeah. There's a lot of different books that people can use to dip their toe in and be like. Does this resonate with me. Yes. Awesome. Take what you need leave the rest.
[00:52:06] Totally. That's awesome. So Nikki you know the other one that you really recommended and I highly recommend him to is Joe dispenser.
[00:52:16] I love Joe. I love him so much. I love his work. He yeah he resonates with me. I think just so much.
[00:52:24] Oh yeah. He's really brilliant. And I really just like his vibe his personality I like how he's scientifically explains the woo. Something that definitely and might obviously resonate with myself where it just makes it more under my little analytical mind. I just really like the way he explains how things work and how we can make that connection. Totally. Yeah. And Dr. John Cabot Zen another great guy. Turn him in. OK. I'll check it out. Yeah. So wherever you go there you are.
[00:52:59] He wrote that book about meditation really great box them as well and for people who want to find you online again where can they go. So Facebook the Graham I know kids are calling these days
[00:53:14] Is all mind body mana and then my web sites Mind Body
[00:53:18] Oh I see them. Thank you so much. Inherently for being on the show. I just really appreciate your time.
[00:53:25] Thank you so much for inviting me Julie. It's always so fun to talk to you.
[00:53:28] Oh thank you. Have a great day everyone. Friends I almost miss the best part Nicky Hartley meditation guru meditation teacher.
[00:53:40] She did her own meditation for us to try. It's about 40 minutes long so I know it's a little bit longer than we normally do but I'd love for you to sit down and try her meditation. We're going to put it up right here on the podcast. Again it's a completely separate episode so that you don't have to go through and tinker around and try and find the exact time to do the meditation. It is strictly the meditation and yet I'm so excited about it. Try meditation out. Tell us how you like it. Join the conversation over on Instagram. Follow me on Instagram at Angel podcast and I'd love for you to ask questions over there. We'll just have a lot of fun and your questions that you ask on Instagram. They might just be answered on this podcast.
[00:54:31] Thanks so much everybody. Have a great day and really open your heart to all of those unexpected blessings. That spirit is trying to bring into your life right now
[00:54:54] Disclaimer this podcast provides general information and discussion about energy healing spiritual topics and related subjects the conversations and other content provided in this podcast and in any linked materials are not intended and should not be construed as medical psychological and or professional advice. If the listener or any other person has a medical concern he or she should consult with an appropriately licensed physician or other health care professional. Never make any medical or health related decision based in whole or even in part on anything contained in the angels in awakening podcast or in any of our linked materials. You should not rely on any information contained in this podcast and related materials and making medical health related or other decisions. You should consult a licensed physician or appropriately credentialed health care worker in your community in all matters relating to your health. If you think you may have a medical emergency call your doctor or nine one one immediately. Again Angel messages energy healing and the information you receive here does not constitute legal psychological medical business relationship or financial advice. Do not take any of the advice given and any angels in awakening podcasts or sessions in lieu of medical psychological legal financial or general professional advice. Please note angels in awakening is a podcast produced by Chicago energy healing a company with locations in Wheaton and Naperville Illinois.
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Copyright: Chicago Energy Healing
Hear a taped Angel Message Reading, where Julie gives one listener messages from their Angels and loved ones on the Other Side. Julie also talks about animals, specifically our sweet beloved pets. Julie discusses how animals raise the vibration of not only us, but our homes. She'll also show you where she sees your pets on the Other Side. Do they really cross a rainbow bridge? Are they in Heaven? Julie says the answer to that is yes, but it doesn’t look like what most people think it does — it’s even more beautiful and she'll explain that. Then, wrap up the episode with a soothing meditation that will help you have an excellent start to your week! Links mentioned in the podcast are below:
Book an Angel Message Reading or Life Coaching!
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Ask a question on social media and Julie may answer it on the podcast!
Be on The Show
Want to record a session for the podcast or tell a story about your loved ones / Angels coming through from the Other Side? Email me at [email protected]
Meet Julie in Person!
Blonde Boutique in Glen Ellyn
April 11, 2019 from 6 - 10 pm
Julie will be giving mini-Angel Message Readings that night!
Blonde Boutique Website
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Prayer Jar
Add your name (or the name of a family member/friend) to Julie's prayer jar, and she will pray for you/them every morning. All you have to do is subscribe on Julie's
Show Notes
*Show notes recorded by Sonix.AI.
[00:00:00] Hello Beautiful Souls! Welcome back to the Angels and Awakening podcast. Today I'm sharing the first angel message reading that I ever recorded for this podcast. And after that we're going to talk about our pets are sweet beloved animals. And I'll share with you how our animals raised the vibration of not only us but our homes as well. We'll talk about where our pets go. On the other side do they cross the rainbow bridge. Are our animals really in heaven. The answer to that is yes. But it doesn't look like what most people think it does. It's even more beautiful. And I'll explain that in this episode.
[00:00:43] Also if you're in Chicago land and want to come out and meet me mark your calendar for April 11th. I'll be at the Blonde Boutique in Glen Ellyn that night giving mini Angel readings. If you've never been to the Blonde Boutique in Glen Ellyn you have to check it out. They have the best clothes and jewelry. They're also a great store to go to if you're looking for any gift ideas. You can check them out at where you can also shop online.
[00:01:21] You're listening to angels and awakening where we believe daily life can be lived from a constant state of love joy peace bliss ease and grace.
[00:01:32] Why are people always searching for a better way to live. Because there is one life doesn't have to be stress filled and anxiety ridden. You can make lasting changes that lead to a life you love. My name's Julie Jancius. I have the gift of connecting with angels and bringing through their healing. Positive messages to my clients every day. Join us on the Angels and Awakening podcast each week as we explore our big spiritual questions. Interview experts and bring through Angel messages. I am so excited you're here
[00:02:09] Friends. We have an incredible episode today and I'm so excited to share that with you. But first I have to tell you how much you, yes you, listening right now how much you mean to me. The podcast has only been up for about a month now and you've all been writing and telling me how you're sharing the podcast with your friends and family and I want you to know, that I know, the success of this podcast is one hundred percent you. You listening, you sharing your ideas with me, you spreading the word to people who you're closest to so thank you. I want you to know that I value you as a partner and I really do think of you as part of my team. I just want to thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for going above and beyond for me. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Thank you so much to everyone who's left a positive review as well. If you didn't see it on Instagram the winner of this month's drawing was Ashley Lite. Ashley won a free 30 minute Angel message reading because she wrote a positive review on iTunes. Remember every time you post a positive review on iTunes and email me a screenshot or a copy of the positive review you posted and I'll put your name into a drawing to win a free Angel message session with me.
[00:03:36] If you don't have an iPhone you can still be entered into the drawing. If you post a glowing positive review on Facebook or on my business page on Google again that would be my business Facebook page or on Google when you look up my business name Chicago energy healing. And if you post that positive review I will still enter your name in to a drawing to win that free Angel message session. Just don't forget to email me a copy so that I can add your name into the jar and you know what. Every month I'm going to pick a new winner and I'm going to keep your name in the jar until you win. So there's many opportunities and thank you so so much for everything that you're doing to support the podcast. I really from the from the bottom of my heart I really can't even tell you how much I appreciate it.
[00:04:31] OK. Without further ado here it is the angel message session I recorded the one you're going to hear today was the very first one that I recorded in this session you'll hear me talking about praying before the session.
[00:04:44] That's something that I actually do every day. I pray for the clients who are coming in for a session that day I pray for God to allow the person coming in to hear the messages that they need most from the people they need to hear most from. I also ask God to ensure that every client who comes to see me gets the maximum benefit possible from that session and when I pray for each individual client in the morning what I do is I take notes on who's on your spiritual team and what your angels have to say and they'll just start showing me what needs to be talked about in the session and where the person needs healing energy the most. OK so I don't want to give anything else away by talking about the session so I'll just jump right into it. And then after the sessions over stay on because you'll hear me chat more with you. We're going to discuss a couple parts about the session but even more than that we're going to talk about animals your pets how they help us in this lifetime and in heaven. OK so here it is my first recorded mini session with a woman named Elle.
[00:06:16] So l today when I was really praying on your energy there were a lot of different things that came up but I want to touch base first with the people that were coming through and the messages that they were bringing.
[00:06:29] There was a younger female more of a grandmother energy also came through my my dog passed away recently too was my everything and then I'm also really close to my boy love who passed away. I talked to her a lot.
[00:06:51] To the that's that motherly grandmotherly energy that was coming through and the young female. It doesn't really matter the dog's age.
[00:07:00] It's more the energy of the spirit because she did come through almost with this daughterly energy and was she sick because she shows me her energy fading towards the end?
[00:07:13] Yeah.
[00:07:14] So this is something that you helped nurse her through a bit.
[00:07:17] Yeah yeah.
[00:07:18] She wants to thank you for all of the love that you gave her. She shows me does she have a really fun collar?
[00:07:27] Yeah, I have a friendship color so me and her both wear the same one. It's like very vibrant.
[00:07:37] Was it pink?
[00:07:37] Yeah. Yes. Yeah.
[00:07:42] So she and you have this and you still wear this in memory of her is that right. Yeah. I'll send you a copy of this paper where I wrote everything down. But she had me right recent passing, was sick but she shows me from her passing she's tying it to this sadness in your heart chakra and when I got to the heart chakra I wrote deep down you have a knowingness of why but she said You're resisting it not letting go not moving on.
[00:08:12] She had me right stuck, needs to move on, she just shows me she was your daughter, she was your baby and that she needs you her mom to be happy again she needs you to not have so much of this hurt.
[00:08:30] She helped me through a lot of transitions in my life and I feel stuck in that I have to start from scratch with everything again and I don't know how to do that without her so I do feel very stuck.
[00:08:51] Yeah yeah yeah. The entire back page of what she had me write down. They had me write new pass Great inspiration full of excitement create something amazing They had me go through your energy relating to your mind and they showed me that you're working through really this confusion within this situation, that's on the other side of the paper, let me see what they said about that confusion: you're typically really intuitive but you're completely confused perplex about this, and it and it does connect with that heart ache. they showed me that this new path is you turning a negative into a positive, and they're really working with you to help you succeed but a lot of that is about getting over this blockage that you have and really believing in yourself yeah.
[00:09:46] So I struggled with drug addiction and I thought the biggest thing and I've also struggled with an eating disorder and so I feel like I get in the way of myself a lot and I just experience a good amount of negativity but I also I've always said that I feel like it's meant so that I can help others like I feel like I'm. That's been my purpose. That's my purpose on this planet. But it is like fighting the self-confidence and like finding like believing in myself a lot of things that I'm scared to do I feel like to get to that point. And when it comes to my intuition I would consider myself very intuitive. And ever since Lola's passed it's been harder for me to go to those places like it's harder for me to meditate. There's like resistance for sure.
[00:10:36] Yeah. So exactly what she had said about in your heart chakra this knowingness of why but resisting it not letting go not moving on.
[00:10:48] You do have very deep purpose here and there really actually excited for you for all that's to come.
[00:10:55] So there's some big there's this big energy of shifting to this entirely new chapter.
[00:11:02] I moved to Virginia from California a month and a half ago.
[00:11:07] Oh OK. And what is this new work that you're doing out in Virginia.
[00:11:12] I work in a health food store with a bunch of really sick people that I I just believe a lot of the things I feel like it's the place here where like my spirit aligns the most. And it makes me happy.
[00:11:25] Yeah it's awesome.
[00:11:27] The other thing that really came through is work on yourself and just really loving yourself more. They showed me that you have this a deal of how things should be but that you feel like you don't measure up and they really need you to release that because on the other side our souls were not better than one another. We're all pieces of the same hole. The metaphor that Spirit gives me for
[00:11:59] Our relationship to God and how we're made in the image and likeness of God universe is that think of all the water here on Earth. All of the oceans the lakes the rivers and imagine all of that water together. That is the metaphor that they give us for the universe. Now take all of that water and split it apart into individual droplets all of it is just individual droplets. Those droplets would go on for infinity. Right. And each one of those droplets is a soul. It's part it's us as a collective.
[00:12:38] All of our souls together and creates this energy this force universe God Source on the other side.
[00:12:45] I hope that helps you a little bit because what they want for you is to release this a deal that you're less than that you're not good enough that that you're not meeting the ideal within your own mind of how you should be.
[00:13:00] How things should be. Because really if you allow them to they will hold you through it. And I know that that's hard because you haven't felt it as much but what they're showing me is if you just release this fear and really this fear of just messing it up they will be able to hold you so much more. Does that make sense.
[00:13:24] Yeah absolutely.
[00:13:26] Because they also had me right. Slow down.
[00:13:29] Tap into your self healing forgiveness remove energy so she can move forward so that as you've moved into a new state a new place a new job.
[00:13:43] Have you really taken time to stop and think about what you want what you want things to look like moving forward.
[00:13:53] That's the thing it's like I don't know what I want. That's the problem I like. I know I want to help others. I know I want to take all of this and do something with it. You know where I can incorporate all of this stuff but Joy I don't know where I want to lay I'd like set up really or how well God even looks like. Yeah yeah.
[00:14:21] So there's two ways that you could go at this.
[00:14:24] You have this knowledge of addiction but you also have more of this passion just for health and wellness and what they're showing me is you going into something more of the addiction route you're kind of fearful of always being in that energy versus going into something more health related that doesn't have that addiction piece to it. More like massage therapy psychotherapy different types of wellness therapies that you could get certified in and really use to help others without having the terms of addiction and the therapy of addiction constantly surrounding you.
[00:15:13] Yeah. You nailed it. You know so get well with L has been my dream I guess. And it's more of like life coach you like wellness. I'm really interested in all of like chakras in meditation and more like eastern philosophy and I want to get my yoga certification and I'm into like astrology and all of these things where I wish I could like call all of this knowledge which I'm still learning a lot about. But I'm like I want to get good oh so that I can pull all of this knowledge and use it to help people you know. But it's scary to put myself out there on that level. Yeah.
[00:15:58] So. So I really want to break this down a little bit more because what they're showing me is that's where the confusion part is coming into you know astrology and these different things. They're so different Reiki versus astrology. And there are some similar threads but really what they're showing me is that you have to do your research you have to actively search out guidance from different experts.
[00:16:21] So call up different people who have that career who are in that career locally by you see if you could take them out for coffee or tea and talk to them about what their career is like and really maybe even take a year to figure out OK you know it's not astrology it's Reiki or it's not Reiki it's astrology or whatever it might be. I want you to first make a list of all the different career options that are out there life coaching everything and then go through and research each one of them. So maybe make a list of your top 10 and go through and research each one of them. Call up people talk to people really do your homework there and then narrow it down to the top three to five and then narrow it down to the top three the top two then the top one and it might even be where you know I I do angel readings but I do have my Reiki master teacher certification I also have my geos master teacher which she says is just another form of energy healing. So it might end up being two different ones that you end up getting into but at least you vender narrowed it down to some specifics right.
[00:17:41] So that's really where they're showing me that that confusion peace comes in that we talked about earlier that they had me write down. They need you to break through that confusion but they keep repeating how excited they are they're saying that you're really going to create something amazing you're really going to turn those negatives into positives through your work and it's definitely in this realm of healing because Archangel Rafael is helping you through this. He also had me write he's given you another female angel who's a healer to help you with your career.
[00:18:19] So that's on the front page it says Archangel Rafael arrow to a female angel arrow to your career were you really good at training her with tricks as well.
[00:18:32] Oh yeah. I trained her I to agree age. Actually I a lot of suit when she was like eleven.
[00:18:41] Well but she was really well just so well-behaved like she was still love you know.
[00:18:50] Yeah.
[00:18:52] You know we have our animals with us on the other side in the realm that I call home base and that's where she is waiting for you in this place called home base on the other side.
[00:19:07] Everybody has a house over there. Everybody's family lives on the same street. From our sole family and your grandmother shows me her with your dog right now taking care of her and and that she's safe and sound over there. Well I'm so thankful that you decided to come on this show today and you're your team your spiritual team on the other side did a phenomenal job of bringing their messages and they were pretty spot on about what you're going through and they're just so excited for you about everything to come they're going to continue working with you to make sure that you're on the right path. You know they're always working with you 24/7 so you don't have to fear that they're not gonna be around they're always there.
[00:19:56] This is incredible.
[00:19:59] Thank you so so so much. I tell you how much this means to me so thank you.
[00:20:05] Oh good. Thank you so much. Al I really appreciate your time today.
[00:20:10] Thank you so much. It was wonderful. Thank you OK.
[00:20:15] Julie I'm back to chat with you some more. I hope you enjoyed listening to this mini session for the remainder of the podcast. We're going to talk about animals our pets. But first I want to let you know one part of this session that you just listened to was edited out in order to really respect the privacy of our guest. Also I want you to know that when struggles with addiction come up in a session I always refer the person to work with an addiction specialist a professional an addiction continuously because I am not trained in this area. Spirit says that while we do have a team on the other side we also need a team of people here on earth to help us. And it's really our responsibility we have to take on the ownership of building up this team for ourselves. Now I am always happy to be a part of your team here. But if there's something that you need to see a professional for I'm always going to refer you to that professional to ask you to include them as part of your team here on Earth as well. OK. Now let's talk about this episode animals specifically pets are always coming through in my sessions.
[00:21:29] Sometimes it's our pets that we actually need to connect with most in a reading. So they do they come through with love and messages for you. Sometimes their pets even come through as our children because our bond with them was that deep during our time here together. So I got to talk to Theresa Caputo about this back in the fall and I don't want to give you the wrong impression. I don't know her at all. I only got to talk with her for about five minutes backstage after one of her shows. But during that time she told me a story about how one time she was on stage in front of thousands of people. She was reading a woman and she said Your daughter's coming through. And the woman looked at her she said completely frustrated and confused. And the woman kept telling her I don't have a daughter but I don't have a daughter. And Theresa said all I can tell you is what Spirit is showing me. And they're showing me the soul of a daughter on the other side. And she says you have her bracelet. And Theresa said the look on the woman's face when she said that was just pure shock. She goes. Oh
[00:22:41] I do. But it's not my daughter. It's my dog.
[00:22:45] She just passed away.
[00:22:47] That was the same thing that happened to me in my reading with al the energy of the soul who wanted to come through. She came through more as a daughter than anything else. And that's because in this life here she truly did hold the energy of a daughter for Al. Does that make sense. She was really like a daughter to her here.
[00:23:10] Now if you own a pet now or if you've ever owned a pet before you know that animals hold a high vibrational frequency and they not only shift our energy the energy of our being but they also shift the energy within our homes. I personally noticed this when we've got our first dog fluff. Three years ago the energy vibration of the household definitely shifted upwards. He brought a much higher vibration into the house. The same thing happened with Lulu when we got her last year. The energy shifted again even higher. But you know spirits telling me to give a warning here because they show me they show me somebody running out and buying 10 dogs or using this as an excuse to keep buying or animals that they really don't have the time or energy to take care of.
[00:24:04] And you know as I'm saying this spirit just said Yeah. There's such thing as too much of a good thing right. So it's not like you want to get 10 dogs in your home just to keep raising the vibration. That doesn't help it's not a magic pill or an excuse not to do your work on yourself. Does that make sense. But if you're talking about owning a pet or a few that you have the time to devote your love and energy to. That's awesome. That's fantastic. And that's definitely what we're talking about today.
[00:24:37] There have been so many studies done you know study after study continues to show that owning a pet lessens the symptoms of depression and anxiety. These studies show that our pets help us their owners to maintain a more positive optimistic perspective on life.
[00:24:57] And really what we're faced with what we're going through at any one particular time. Now part of this is energetic and we're going to get to that but this is also really chemical reactions that are going on within your body because when you spend time petting and cuddling your pets they found that it increases your levels of oxytocin oxytocin was nicknamed the love hormone because it calms your nervous system and relaxes you while also increasing your trust.
[00:25:28] Isn't that interesting Well what's also interesting is that oxytocin is not the only hormone that is impacted inside your body. When we cuddle with our pets and spend time with our pets it also lowers our cortisol levels which really is the stress hormone right. So they didn't experiment at the University of New York where they gave people a stressful assignment.
[00:25:56] Now some of the people that they tested had a pet with them and some did not and what they found was that people experienced lower levels of stress when they had a pet with them. Isn't that incredible.
[00:26:11] Spirit says our pets are like tuning forks in our homes. Animals tune the energy of our homes ourselves to a higher vibration a higher frequency.
[00:26:23] And it's not something we even really stop to think about. But the heart chakra opens more deeply and we feel more when we're around our cute furry little animals. They really do reach a place inside of us and nurture us in a way that is beyond measure in this lifetime.
[00:26:43] Many of my clients can attest to this at my house so I do do phone readings. I do Skype readings they do a lot of that but I have an office space on the main level of my home where I see clients for sessions throughout the week and often when a client starts crying or even before they start crying. My dog Lulu she'll run down and she'll want to get to that person Lulu herself will often start whining or crying until I let her come down and really hop on the lap of the person who's in tears. And again she also kind of does this sometimes before the person even begins crying. So there is something within the animals where they can sense the emotions that we're having. They can get to it faster sometimes than we can really on a conscious level.
[00:27:37] I like to think of our animals our pets as gifts from heaven gifts from our angels because it does seem to be that what they're doing here is helping us shift our energy that that is really part of their purpose here and at a fundamental at the most basic level of what they are their vibrational level they are functioning in a way that helps us shift our energy and this is how they're doing it they're doing it through our bodies chemically they can see our emotions they can sense and feel our emotions mainly before we can and they're there to to be our little loves.
[00:28:23] The other common question that my clients have about pets is where do they go when they pass away.
[00:28:31] Do our pets cross the rainbow bridge. Are they in animal heaven. Well like I talked about in the session with all our animals are with us on the other side. In my sessions when I work with pets in heaven they don't show me a rainbow bridge.
[00:28:47] They show me them transitioning over to the other side the same way that we do as human beings except they do skip the whole life review process. But the way we transition over is that our energy slowly trickles out of our body out of this realm over to the other side. I spirit just said the only visual they have is an hourglass. You remember an hourglass has a big bubble on the top and a big bubble on the other bottom side but it's connected by this little teeny tiny tunnel in between the middle of both bubbles and there's sand inside. So when you flip it over the sea and slowly goes from one side of the bubble to the other through the tunnel to the other side and that's the same way that our energy works and it passes from this lifetime to heaven on the other side it slowly goes from one side to the other. So I don't see a rainbow bridge. That's not to say that there isn't one. I just I really don't see it. And I also don't see an animal heaven wishes just a basic place where all of these animals are. When animals come through in a session they're at your home on the other side so you've probably heard me say this but there's a place on the other side where each of us has a home. I call it home base and that is where your animals are. They're there waiting for you and you really don't have to worry about who's taking care of them or how they're being taken care of because you gotta remember your soul is omnipresent just like God is omnipresent. So a part of your soul they sometimes you'll hear it called the higher self. It is on the other side.
[00:30:37] It is a lot of times at that place called home base and you're there on the other side taking care of your pets on the other side everybody is all together friends I know you have more questions about animals energy and how all of this works.
[00:30:56] So let's do this. Why don't you hop on over to Instagram and go to my page which is at Angel podcast and ask your questions over there. Ask all of your questions about pets. If you have a different question we'll get to that. You can do that too. And I'll do a second future episodes on pets based on all the questions that I get from you there on Instagram. Also don't forget to follow me over there so that you can stay up to date on all of our latest news. But before you go let's do this and want to do a quick visualization. Spirit is saying that everybody listening today really needs this. I do have to say if you're driving please turn this off now but if you're not working if you're not driving and you can really concentrate. I want you to do this for me.
[00:31:47] I want you to center yourself maybe just take a second stop. You can sit down in a chair you can be standing wherever you are and I just want you to take a deep breath and go as deep deep and as you can and exhale as deep as you can
[00:32:19] Now. Bring your attention to your heart to the energy inside your heart the energy surrounding your heart and really your heart chakra keep breathing but I want you to ask yourself what am I feeling
[00:32:50] Now if you're feeling happy joyful highs some I want you to stay here and I want you to go deeper into what brings you that happiness and that joy. And I want you to give thanks and show gratitude to God a universe source energy for bringing all of that to you. And just stay here in gratitude and thanks for all of those blessings that have been given to you while I talk to everyone else. For those of you who are feeling sadness anxiety overwhelm fear loneliness. I want you to ask yourself why am I feeling this way. Take two deep breaths and allow the answer to really come to you. I'll start talking again in one minute after you take this time to explore your feelings.
[00:33:45] Now keep breathing.
[00:34:06] Now I want you to keep breathing and I want you to ask yourself another question which is what do I need. Because what do you need. Do you need to take action. Do you need to say something or do something. Or is this one of those times where it's not your battle and there's nothing that needs to be done. You just need to feel the feelings and allow them to flow through you. Take another two breaths while you focus on that question what do I need and I'll be back in another minute to direct you on the next step.
[00:34:43] After this now hopefully you were able to tap in.
[00:35:02] And did you see how a little voice inside of you came to tell you the answer. It's not like you're hearing someone else's voice on the other side. You're listening for a thought for a picture that comes to your mind maybe a mini daydream that comes to your mind and you know that that little voice was God universe source energy.
[00:35:24] If it was only 100 percent positive. So what direction are you supposed to go. What action are you supposed to take. Are you willing to muster the strength and faith inside yourself to get you where you need to be. Because you can. I want you to know that I believe in you. Your angels your loved ones. God believes in you. We believe that you can take the positive steps and actions to get yourself where you need to be.
[00:36:00] And we're all standing here as your cheerleaders rooting you on because you can do this. You got this.
[00:36:09] And if no one else has told you yet today we need you to know how worthy you are your spiritual team needs you to know that you're enough. You are worthy. For no other reason than you are a piece of God at your core. You are made from the same material as God. You are cut from the same cloth. You are one with everything and you're connected to it all. And my dear dear friend I have to tell you there isn't anything that you can't do here.
[00:36:45] So no in your heart you've got this. OK.
[00:36:50] Now repeat after me I am worthy. I am enough I am a smart I am talented I am capable I can do this I can see myself in the future as if I've already done it and I can see that it went the way that I wanted it to go.
[00:37:32] Ok. Dear friends thank you so much for participating in that with me. Have a wonderful start to your week. E mail me if you have any questions. I love you. I'm here for you. Also tune back in this Friday because we've got a great episode of Angel stories.
[00:37:51] Yes. We have real life stories about angels and loved ones coming through and showing their presence validating so much in people's lives. It's definitely an episode that will make the hairs on your arms stand up so you don't want to miss it.
[00:38:09] And don't forget if you have a story that you want to share with us about your angels or your loved ones coming through we would all love to feature it on this pad cast. You can write it and I can read it for you. Or if you're willing we'd love to have you come on the show and really speak it yourself tell the stories yourself too so we would love for you to write in about those stories let us know and we will connect with you on that. OK. Join us over on Instagram. We're continuing the conversation over there and I am signing off now wishing you peace bliss and many many blessings
[00:38:59] Disclaimer this podcast provides general information and discussion about energy healing spiritual topics and related subjects the conversations and other content provided in this podcast and in any linked materials are not intended and should not be construed as medical psychological and or professional advice. If the listener or any other person has a medical concern he or she should consult with an appropriately licensed physician or other health care professional. Never make any medical or health related decision based in whole or even in part on anything contained in the angels in awakening podcast or in any of our linked materials. You should not rely on any information contained in this podcast and related materials and making medical health related or other decisions. You should consult a licensed physician or appropriately credentialed health care worker in your community in all matters relating to your health. If you think you may have a medical emergency call your doctor or nine one one immediately. Again Angel messages energy healing and the information you receive here does not constitute legal psychological medical business relationship or financial advice. Do not take any of the advice given and any angels in awakening podcasts or sessions in lieu of medical psychological legal financial or general professional advice. Please note angels in awakening is a podcast produced by Chicago energy healing a company with locations in Wheaton, Illinois and Naperville, Illinois.
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Copyright: Chicago Energy Healing
Author Kay Eck joins us to answer some BIG spiritual questions like: Why are we here? What is the purpose of life? Why do we have to experience suffering here on Earth? Why are people experiencing stress, anxiety and depression more now than ever before? And how do we slow down, and dive deeper into ourselves? Kay Eck is the Author of Divorce a Love Story, which could really be titled, Life a Love Story because it is more about your relationship with yourself than anything else -- and she'll be on the show again on March 19th talking about her book and conscious couples!
Connect with Julie & Continue the Conversation on Instagram!
Connect with Kay Eck!
Buy the Book on Amazon!
Show Notes
*Show notes recorded by Sonix.AI computer.
[00:00:00] Hello beautiful souls before we begin I just want to share a few freebies with you first. If you subscribe on my Web site your name and contact info will be put in a jar that I pray on every morning. The Angels also have me pick a few people from that jar every week to text personalized Angel messages too that could be you. All you have to do is subscribe on my Web site. Also you can win a free session with me if you write a positive review of this podcast on iTunes after you post a glowing positive review on iTunes. Just e-mail me with your name contact info and review and you'll be entered into a monthly drawing to win a free session. For details on all of this visit my Web site: You're listening to angels and awakening where we believe daily life can be lived from a constant state of love, joy, peace, bliss, ease and grace Why are people always searching for a better way to live because there is one life doesn't have to be stress filled and anxiety ridden you can make lasting changes that lead to a life you love. My name's Julie Jancius I have the gift of connecting with angels and bringing through their healing positive messages to my clients every day. Join us on the angels and awakening podcast each week as we explore big spiritual questions. Interview experts and bring through Angel messages. I am so excited you're here!
[00:01:38] Hello everybody. Welcome back to five minute Fridays. We're here with Kay Eck.
[00:01:44] She is the author of Divorce a Love Story which is a magnificent book. If you haven't read it yet you definitely should. We are going to have her on in a couple more weeks talking about the book, talking about conscious uncoupling, talking about having more consciousness in relationships. But Kay is with us here today for our five minute Friday to just answer some big spiritual questions. So welcome Kay.
[00:02:14] Thank you. Julie it's great to be here.
[00:02:17] Oh good. Can you talk just a little bit about yourself and your book.
[00:02:21] Yes. So I have just written a memoir called Divorce a love story the power of self-love to heal every last thing. And this has definitely been a journey for me. It is my memoir of my process of consciously uncoupling from my husband of 30 years. And so it kind of takes you through my process and how I was able to heal from that and to create a loving path forward for my family. So yeah I've been busy promoting that and getting the word out because I'm hoping that it's it's it's really something that I feel we really need right now is to bring a lot of healing around the area of relationships.
[00:03:12] I'm so excited for our listeners to get to hear the episode because I know how they write how much they're just going to love it because it's not just about people going through uncoupling our conversation there was really about just relationships in general where women as mass consciousness where we are at in our relationships and where we're at with a marriage and how we see marriage changing really over the next 10 15 20 years. So that was a really fun conversation. But today we're going to kind of get to the heart of you and and your ideas and some big spiritual questions. Great. Yeah.
[00:03:57] The first one is have you ever connected with an angel or loved one on the other side or had kind of a supernatural experience and can you tell us about that.
[00:04:08] Oh well where do I begin. Well so I have throughout my life experienced sort of so I guess you could call them supernatural phenomenon and I feel like I have a couple of different areas that are kind of common themes.
[00:04:34] So one of them is that I often get medical information about people and it's not like earth shattering and it isn't something that I have spent any time developing so right now it's kind of more of a novelty but when I'm in someone's company that I know well and they express some concern about something going on I'll get some information about what's going on. So for instance I'll get information that they need to check their lungs or that they don't have this. They actually have that or that something it's not serious and it's going to resolve itself. So I'll get that and then I have often had the experience of people who've passed coming into my field and asking to deliver messages to their loved ones. That's not a super common experience but if I have a close friend typically I will hear from their loved one and passing that on is this my is it is a gift and I've I've I've had many experiences of connection with other dimensions primarily through my higher self. And yeah so that's a that's like how I live my life. So it's hard to talk about it in a
[00:06:04] Way that is episodic. Yeah yeah no that's perfect that's perfect. You
[00:06:11] Know I think what we're trying to do here with the podcast is we all have an intuition right. Which Spirit shows me is really our souls thought system.
[00:06:21] On the other side and what I see so much of is that talking about our intuition talking about these intuitive hits that we get is really Tabu right now in most parts of our society that we just don't talk about out how we're hearing from the other side. So kind of shedding some light on that and helping people to see that it's not just me it's not just you. Everyone has this. Everyone can learn how to develop this more is definitely one of the things that we want to do here.
[00:06:56] And it's just a matter of listening isn't it and not ignoring the small still voice as I call it which is your higher self or your soul. And you know in some respects we're very tuned in to the fact that we have a soul but we we have a disconnect. We think it's something outside of ourselves that we can't have a conscious relationship with on an everyday basis. And so it's it's there it's just a matter of accepting and listening.
[00:07:28] Yeah. OK. Next question. What is the purpose of life.
[00:07:36] Well my current thinking on this subject is that we are aspects of God experiencing everything. So I am an aspect of God or wanting to experience life as K EK And what I've really come to understand is the reason that there's no that I that there's no judgment about good bad right wrong is because it's all a divine experience and it's you can really relate it to the relationship between a parent and child in that having children is an experience that we're really a lot of us feel called to have. And yet we create something that is of us but is also autonomous. And this is exactly how our relationship with the divine is. We get to kind of choose these paths but this is all from God's perspective that we're living.
[00:08:42] Yeah. Yeah. That I couldn't have said that better. That is perfect. So then when people come in and they say well then why on earth do we have to experience pain.
[00:08:56] Why do we have to experience suffering. That's such a good question of course we're all wondering that. Well I guess I would say that our human minds are the ones that want to put labels on these experiences that if you go into a dark room you don't necessarily say that that's a bad room.
[00:09:23] You just say that it's a dark room. If you go into a light room you don't say it's a good room you just say it's a light room. And so when we can open up ourselves to explore and and understand that there there's no judgment of these experiences that our higher selves just wanted to experience every aspect of being human. And what that means then we can understand that. But there's also you know this concept that we don't grow unless we meet some resistance and the darkness can definitely be thought of as some resistance and we can decide how we want to interact with that whether we want to be enveloped by it or to transform it or to supersede it or to ignore it or you know we have all these choices that we our souls can grow from. So I mean it's hard to understand also that souls are autonomous and that they've asked for these experiences they know they knew what they were getting into when they decided to incarnate as a human. And so it's not really for us to judge whether those are good or bad experiences. They're just human experiences.
[00:10:44] That's perfect.
[00:10:47] Why are people experiencing stress anxiety and depression at such an increased rate than ever before.
[00:10:59] My perception of that and this is an issue very close to my heart is that we are experiencing an increase in polarity or in duality.
[00:11:16] So as our vibration lifts as a collective we become more aware of the lower densities for a period of time. So it's almost like you have like let's say you have a piece of play dough and you're pulling a top portion of the Plato up you can see that there's it's there's creating some tension between the lower caution and the upper portion. And that's kind of what we're experiencing now where we're especially amongst younger people they're coming in at a higher vibration. So the the three dimensional density of life on Earth is so much more intense for them. They really feel it. I also feel that what we are experiencing the anxiety and the depression is a clarion call to look at those feelings and to explore the roots of them so that we can set them free. So I tend to think of those things as coming up and out of the field as opposed to coming into us or being a part of us. And so I know from my own experience with anxiety and depression it was asking me to look at something look deeper sit with the fear why are you so afraid and what what. I came to was the realization that I felt alone on this planet. I didn't feel my connection with my source. I felt like I had been abandoned. I felt like I was unworthy of God's love. Of that I had no power. And so I once I uncovered those issues then I could say well is that true or is that not true. Is that my truth or is that not my truth. And so this is the process of discovery that that for me the anxiety and depression was was a gift to help me uncover
[00:13:24] And I know in your next book you're talking about really getting to a place of inner freedom. And you know I gotta tell you as we've been talking I can see there being a workbook with this. Have you thought about that.
[00:13:40] Wow that's interesting. I'm right at the beginning of this project and so there I am I'm seeing all kinds of possibilities. So I'm going to put that one up there.
[00:13:52] Yeah. Yeah. And I can see you talking in front of just a massive amount of people and they have you know a lot of them are women. They have the workbook right in front of them and they're they're going through.
[00:14:09] And you're kind of teaching and they're going through. Yeah I I think that I have really felt the calling to teach and have been doing that for a long time.
[00:14:25] Just on a smaller scale and I have also felt that I have also felt a larger and larger platforms and I think that one of the reasons why that is happening for me now is because I feel very rooted and grounded in my sovereignty. And I understand how self-love plays into that. So I can I can feel a great deal of compassion for people who are still working their way toward that. So thank you so much for that I appreciate it.
[00:14:59] All right. We're going to ask a couple more questions. What is the greatest quality humans possess.
[00:15:08] I personally have such a huge love and compassion for humanity as a whole. It is such a singular experience. We are as individuals really entrenched in the experience of being human that we don't have the perspective of how incredible it is to be human right now. And we're like these huge fields of light and love and energy that have this very special form of the human body with all the power of our source or all the creative power of our source we can literally create something out of nothing.
[00:16:01] We do it all the time without even realizing it. So we're sort of have this way of mimicking the creative expression of God in a very particular way. And I just think that's incredible.
[00:16:17] It's incredible to watch. If you think about the unlimited ways in which God expresses itself it's it's just unbelievable mind boggling and overwhelming.
[00:16:32] Mm hmm yes. Brings up a lot of emotion. So two of the most biggest forces of energy that we have in our experience here is creation and being creating and just really being in our life.
[00:16:53] And I know there are some people in the spiritual community whose message is really to live in the beingness live in the high vibration 24/7. But when we're in the creation process we're in the doing. I do feel like we come down in the vibration a little bit and I'm just wondering how you balance that. How do you stay in flow when life gets really busy. I of course I have a little bit of distance on this since my children are now in their twenties but
[00:17:31] The the busy lives are our creations. I really don't have to be that way. So that's something that we've created. But to answer the question about being in flow I think that the being in flow is a creative process. And I have always had this really close connection with my creative aspect. So I've I've always. When I was a kid I would create little sayings and little stories and games and plays and all that kind of stuff that kids do and that that ability to tap into the creative Essence has never left me. So to me the creative process is about opening up your connection to what wants to be expressed through you. So your higher self or your soul is an aspect of your Creator that wants to be expressed specifically as you. And if you could just imagine that those are like gates that you open and allow the flow to come through. And it requires stepping out of the mind and just setting the mind aside and and letting it come through the heart because when we think about high levels of expression whether it be visual arts or music or dance or performance writing all of these things we don't think of that as coming from the mind. We think of it as coming from a higher place and that higher place is the heart I see.
[00:19:11] I love that. Kay for anybody who wants to connect with you online on your website and social media where can they go. So right now the best places to reach me are on Facebook either at my personal page Kay Eck. Or on the page for my book Divorce a love story and also on Instagram @KaysAwake.
[00:19:41] And I know I got my copy of the book Divorce a love story on Amazon and it just I was able to start reading it on Kindle while I was waiting for the hard copy to be delivered to my house.
[00:19:55] Where else can people buy the book.
[00:19:57] I saw the book is available on Amazon but it's also available at Barnes and Noble dot com.
[00:20:03] Fantastic and I definitely recommend it it's a must read to anybody out there. It's not just about divorce you said once it could really be called life a love story. And that's very true it's for everyone. So Kate thank you so much for being on the show today. We are just so excited and everybody stay tuned for Kay's upcoming interview a longer in-depth interview about the book about life about kids about everything.
[00:20:31] So thank you Kay.
[00:20:34] Thank you so much. Truly it was really fun.
[00:20:48] My dear friends you don't know what an incredible huge huge huge blessing it is to this podcast when you write a glowing positive review for us. It truly helps us get the best experts on the show. I know this might sound a little complex but if you send me an email after you post a glowing positive review here I will put your name into a monthly drawing to win a free 30 minute Angel message session with me and it may just be broadcast on this show at a later date. Your name will be kept in the drawing every month until you win when you email me. Don't forget to include your name contact information and positive review. I hope you win.
[00:21:31] Tune in for a new episode next week where I'll share tools and guidance that can help you fall in love with your life and start living it from a place of peace bliss and ease.
[00:21:42] Thank you so much for listening to the angels and awakening podcast. Until next time knowing your heart just how deeply you're loved on the other side and open up your heart to all of the random unexpected blessings that your angels and your spirit team are trying to bring into your life right now.
[00:22:06] Disclaimer this podcast provides general information and discussion about energy healing spiritual topics and related subjects the conversations and other content provided in this podcast and in any linked materials are not intended and should not be construed as medical psychological and or professional advice. If the listener or any other person has a medical concern he or she should consult with an appropriately licensed physician or other health care professional. Never make any medical or health related decision based in whole or even in part on anything contained in the angels in awakening podcast or in any of our linked materials. You should not rely on any information contained in this podcast and related materials and making medical health related or other decisions. You should consult a licensed physician or appropriately credentialed health care worker in your community in all matters relating to your health. If you think you may have a medical emergency call your doctor or nine one one immediately. Again Angel messages energy healing and the information you receive here does not constitute legal psychological medical business relationship or financial advice. Do not take any of the advice given and any angels in awakening podcasts or sessions in lieu of medical psychological legal financial or general professional advice. Please note angels in awakening is a podcast produced by Chicago energy healing a company with locations in Wheaton and Naperville Illinois.
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Copyright: Chicago Energy Healing
Host of the Subconscious Mind Master Podcast and Author of the book Fear Busters, Thomas Miller, talks about how he transformed his life in his later 40's and shares the never-before-seen tools he's creating to help people become more conscious in their own lives -- it's top secret, he hasn't even shared these tools with his own tribe yet, but he's sharing them here today! We also talk about the thoughts we develop in childhood and how those thoughts shape us as adults -- and while we cannot change our childhood, it is our responsibility to fix our subconscious mental patterns as adults. A fascinating person. A fascinating hour of conversation!
NOTE: Theres 2 minutes of audio that sound funny, but that completely corrects after those 2 minutes. Sorry about that! But thanks for sticking with us!
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Show Notes
*Show notes recorded by Sonix.AI.
[00:00:00] Hello beautiful souls! Before we begin I just want to share a few freebies with you. If you subscribe on my Web site, your name and contact info will be put in a jar that I pray on every morning. The Angels also have me pick a few people from that jar every week to text personalized Angel messages too. That could be you! All you have to do is subscribe on my Web site.
[00:00:20] Also you can win a free session with me if you write a positive review of this podcast on iTunes. After you post a glowing positive review on iTunes, just e-mail me with your name, contact info, and review and you'll be entered into a monthly drawing to win a free session. For details on all of this visit my Web site. W w w that Gen.
[00:00:41] You're listening to angels and awakening where we believe daily life can be lived from a constant state of love joy peace, bliss, ease and grace. Why are people always searching for a better way to live? Because there is one life doesn't have to be stress filled and anxiety ridden. You can make lasting changes that lead to a life you love. My name's Julie Jancius. I have the gift of connecting with angels and bringing through their healing positive messages to my clients every day. Join us on the angels and awakening podcast each week as we explore our big spiritual questions. Interview experts and bring through Angel messages. I am so excited you're here.
[00:01:38] So today we're here with Thomas Miller. He's the host of the subconscious mind mastery podcast. A podcast he's been hosting for over six years. His podcast covers the powers of manifestation, the laws of the universe, and how the conscious and subconscious minds work together. His listeners say that he provides an accessible road map to learning how to change your life for the better. How to turn your life into what you want it to be. Thomas has talked to all the great authors researchers scientists everyone who is at the forefront of brain research and what I love about your story Thomas is that you say you started to make this shift in your life that you really came into these big changes these big leaps in your later 40s. Can you tell us more about who you are and what you do?
[00:02:33] Hi Julie thank you. What a great introduction and loving your new podcast. Thank you for having me on.
[00:02:40] Oh thank you for being our guest. We just appreciate it so much.
[00:02:43] Well my story goes back quite a while quite a few years ago I had major changes though in my late 40s. So yeah I was a late bloomer of becoming conscious if you will.
[00:02:58] Hey it doesn't matter when it happens just that it happens right.
[00:03:01] Boy is that the truth. But you know, now my heart is for folks your age to get this because then you have all these decades in front of you to really compound this incredible growth that you can have in your life and the impact that you can have on the world is phenomenal. So yeah I played my part did my role and I'm living out my journey but. But yes I have such a heart for young people so I'm really thrilled to again to be participating here with you. But my story goes back to Tulsa Oklahoma where I was born and Tulsa is a fundamental town.
[00:03:44] I mean it's a great, talk about a great place to grow up wonderful community but it just had a fundamental underpinning in it culturally. So my parents were wonderful, very loving. We were a Christian family and that has a belief system and kind of especially in that it was it was accentuated because of where we were and the teachings that were common in around our community. So life was very rigid.
[00:04:18] I mean this is the way you were and this is what you believed in if you stepped out of that then there was disfavor with mom and dad and there was disfavor with the community so you can kind of see how even though everybody responds differently it was not the kind of place that you would step out of line if you thought I mean right. Because if you did I mean it was you know there was judgment quickly would would prevail so my brother and I because of respect for our parents are wonderful mom and dad who are both in spirit now we'd never either of us rebelled we didn't become the rebellious teenagers and climb out the windows at night and you know and go do all the stuff that a lot of kids do. We were obedient. So I went to college having never done a lot of the things that typical teenagers might have done.
[00:05:12] And that belief system created a box I guess that I lived in I thought that was the right thing to do. I mean that's how I was taught. I was brought up in Christian schools and all this and I just thought that that was the way that we were supposed to be. And I never knew that there was this whole big else wise way of seeing things or doing things. And what broke all that down was after four decades I had been through two divorces and see in that model you didn't get divorced once much less twice. So I had to sit down and figure out what happened. And that was my reaction to my second divorce was spent a year kind of just shaking my fist toward heaven. That was a bad year. That was kind of an off year but then I sat down and I said I've really got to figure out what happened because I don't want to do this again. So the first thing I did is I erased that entire belief system. I was like that didn't serve me. So I got to start there because at least I'm coming from that perspective. So I need to change my perspective on everything about life.
[00:06:25] So just like you would erase a chalkboard I erased my belief system because that belief system was really your programming since childhood right.
[00:06:35] Totally totally programmed and that's why I called the podcast subconscious mind mastery because I discovered after about a year of picking my life apart completely that a lot of the beliefs that I constructed as a child played themselves out without me having to lift a finger to do anything so I could see things that I was afraid of.
[00:07:01] That I built in fears as a child.
[00:07:04] All of a sudden I'd look when I was in my mid thirties and boy it had happened just as I had constructed it so let's break down like an example because I think you know so often in a spiritual community you know we talk big and broad back.
[00:07:20] How give me an example of this. And maybe one of the. The thoughts are the subconscious constructs that you had and how you rewired it.
[00:07:32] I found this really cool thing just not long ago and I did a recent podcast on it called Destiny cards. Have you ever heard of Destiny cards. No I haven't heard of that. Oh you ought to google it. It this is really fun and cool. So I found these destiny cards and it's basically it paints a beautiful picture of our how we came in and what our journey is through a deck of regular playing cards and there's a whole lot more to it than that. But my destiny Card said that I would have challenges in two areas relationships and finances or relating to money. OK so one of the constructs that I built in this actually really got reinforced after that my first divorce the biggest reaction that I had to my first divorce was that I was going to lose the money that I had built up in my 20s and 30s.
[00:08:34] It's not a funny reaction I think it's a typical reaction.
[00:08:38] I had two young kids and I was more concerned about the money. And that's hard to admit but that's the way it was.
[00:08:46] And see a lot of people would make themselves wrong about that. Like what. You weren't more concerned for your children than you were your bank account. But then when you come back and you you know these things that are built into the structure of the universe to show us the path and show us the way like this little Destiny card thing that comes along and says Dude you were wired to have these problems oh so I was just going through C and this is where the consciousness had I been aware of that I could have chosen. We all have choice right at the end of the day we all have choice. Absolutely.
[00:09:27] Then I could have chosen to do that to react to that differently. Problem was I was blind. I didn't know. I simply didn't know. So I went with what was there and what was there created this fear around I'm going to lose all this money well then when I started to pick my life apart I spent a year doing this with a journal literally almost every night reconstructing what had happened.
[00:09:58] So I would go back to particular events in my childhood and I was able to go back and find areas where I interpreted lack of money.
[00:10:09] So that's what happened in my in my family.
[00:10:12] We never quote unquote had enough although we had plenty in our lives.
[00:10:18] So you went back and you really found those moments from your childhood where these constructs of your mind started so that you could then piece it back together in a different way. Re Re pattern those thoughts within your mind.
[00:10:35] So what was normal to me as a child. That's absolutely right.
[00:10:40] Just as you said that was the process.
[00:10:43] What was normal to me as a child was. Inflation is going to rob all of our savings because prices are just going to keep going up and up and up.
[00:10:52] And that was true back in the 1970s. My mom lived in a world where she would go to the grocery store and a loaf of bread would be 50 cents more next week than it was this week. But it stopped you know it changed and the economy changed in the 1980s and it was different. And then prices were going down. So it's like but everything was just this crisis and emergency and the fear and we weren't going to have enough and if you died without accepting Jesus as your savior you were going to go to hell and just fear everywhere. In my background.
[00:11:27] So I applied that fear to money and sure enough that fear fulfilled itself.
[00:11:35] So I found myself after the second divorce having to start to rebuild everything financially and emotionally and spiritually and all of it yeah.
[00:11:45] I love those times though when they say spirit breaks us to make us.
[00:11:50] I had a similar thing happened in my life where it was like everything just came crashing down all at one time and it took away the self identity that I had put into my career that I had Clinton to my relationship and it it made me take a step back and realize I'm not worthy because I have this title I'm not worthy because I'm finally making the money that I wanted to be making at work. I'm not worthy because of this or that I'm worthy just because I am.
[00:12:26] That's a hard one to get sometimes isn't it. Yeah.
[00:12:29] Especially when we think we've messed it all up you know. Right yeah. So yeah I mean it's like and I've I've used a couple of other tools that just have helped me with perspective these destiny cards just happened to come across my path recently and I'm finding it to be very exciting and fun but it's an astrology is another thing that I've used to just paint the picture of what these realities are. You know I'm wired differently than you are. Go figure that Julie really.
[00:13:01] So my journey and the challenges that I'm going to face in my life and the struggles that I have to go through are going to be different than what yours having to go through and you might find ease and flow with money.
[00:13:17] Know I was looking up one of those cards in fact for a very close friend of mine and that's exactly what his card was. And that's what's happened in his life. You know it's like so that I'm that I came here to struggle in that area now that I know that.
[00:13:36] And like use a pun here put the cards all out on the table and let that be okay. Now what am I doing.
[00:13:46] I mean if this was just a kind of a fresh reminder that now what I'm doing is I'm studying everything I can about about finances and money and I'm just kind of going back to the basics and rebuilding that because I had done well in my 20s and 30s and then I let all this fear come in and kind of tear the whole thing down. So I'm just rebuilding that area and having fun doing it.
[00:14:13] Oh I love that. I love that.
[00:14:16] So Thomas you've been studying subconscious mind mastery for longer than it's been popular right.
[00:14:22] You've talked to the authors the the people who are at the forefront of studying consciousness and positive thinking. What do you know for sure from all your research on how our brains work how the whole system here on earth works to get us where we want to go to really bring the desires of our hearts to fruition.
[00:14:44] That's a great question.
[00:14:46] Well so a couple of things one of my favorite sayings is when the student is ready the teacher appears and that happens so much through that process and a teacher appeared for me in 2013.
[00:15:04] His name is Fred Dodson.
[00:15:06] He's written 25 books and he and I connected through me soliciting him to record his books for audio books. He had not done any audio books at the time so Fred and I have done now 24 of his 25 books.
[00:15:25] He has been a mentor to me in my growth in this new way of being that I can't even begin to describe and not only just from a mentor as in reading his material or taking courses or going to seminars or whatever. I'm sitting in front of this microphone for hours reading his material as him so I'm figuring out how I can inflect his voice how would Fred say this. So for the last about five or six years I've literally in a sense become like a second image of Fred Dodson right because I'm trying to really honestly communicate the way that he would. So I listen to his videos the way he talks the way he and flex and try in my own skin to inflect that. And I think that's had a tremendous rub off.
[00:16:20] So Fred has been really I have to attribute where I really got most of this information is from his work. So if somebody wanted to look into that they are certainly welcome to his name is Fred Dodson. And with that I would prove again because you're not going to pull one off on me again right. I'm not going to just believe something because you say so. So I put it all to the test and what I found is that his material and all of this material really on that we are co creators I have found it true over and over again to the point where I'm still like wow this thing really just manifest. I'm getting ready to get on an airplane this afternoon to go up to Colorado to work on consummating a business deal that I created over the last three years and it's happening and I am going to make money off of this transaction exactly as I created it over three years ago.
[00:17:22] So it does work. I mean it's exciting and it's still happening right now.
[00:17:28] I love that that's so perfect. So in your research where do you find to be the most fascinating part. What do you find to be the most fascinating part of my mastery or maybe from this author that you shared what is the most fascinating part of his message that he shares you.
[00:17:49] Well you're asking some great questions. I love a journalist's background. OK well me too then will I. All right then I'll I'll get to Shay here we'll get going on.
[00:18:02] I love it. All right. That's a great question. The most exciting thing to me has been the discovery that this is a soul based journey we get so caught up in the trappings around us. We live in a physical world. You live in Chicago I live in Dallas I go back and forth to Colorado. We have families. I heard a dog in the background. You know we have kids. We do our thing right. Yeah.
[00:18:35] And that becomes the structure of our reality. So everything we connect to are the physical things around us when you zoom up ten thousand feet like a drone you know now we have the drones I don't know if you've ever flown one but they are so cool because you can just hover up above the trees and then all of a sudden you can rotate that camera all around the view and look at it completely different than we do down in the trees.
[00:19:03] And when you view our life from a soul perspective and I know that's a lot of your work and you are gifted in that area to connect with that beyond the physical. That's a wonderful gift to have and I you know I think we all can to a degree but I know there are people that are more gifted with that my girlfriend Mirjana is like you you know she will hear messages from the other side. I don't have that I you know I mean maybe it's developable but I don't have it today more intuitive maybe but not in the way that you guys do.
[00:19:46] Fred did a book Fred wrote a book called lives of the soul and it actually picks up a death and it goes through until our next incarnation.
[00:19:55] What happens in between Michael Newton also does a lot of this type of this work that we are a soul and eternal soul on a journey that we are growing that this isn't our first rodeo and that we come in with in essence a blueprint it's like a roadmap we have choice within the road but we are on a road and boy did that answer so many questions that that I couldn't figure out in the old paradigm. So the most exciting thing for me was discovering from our higher level that this is a much bigger journey than it is manifesting a new car or new house or gee I'd really like to move to Chicago.
[00:20:51] How do I pull that one off.
[00:20:53] You know it's. Does that make sense.
[00:20:55] Totally 100 percent well and that's what we're really coming into right is I don't want to say stepping away from religion but it's because I grew up going to Catholic school and I could remember as a little girl the first thing that I wanted to be was a nun. But there wasn't a you couldn't have a family and be a nun. And I knew at a very young age that I wanted a family.
[00:21:19] So we have these constructs within our minds so young and coming and stepping out of those and realizing like you just said so beautifully so eloquently is that we are souls we are souls first and foremost and we can choose with our free will to live more from our souls energy to live more from our intuition which is I believe our souls thought system on the other side here and now. So this is such fun work to be able to share the broad community.
[00:21:59] Well and I know you'll be addressing this as your podcast episodes unfold but that you can connect with those souls and hear a message other than how we came up.
[00:22:13] Hey I'm trapped in Purgatory. Get me out of here or Woops I didn't say the right word and the prayer and I'm in hell because of it.
[00:22:22] You know it's like we laugh at that but you know I mean it's serious business that I like. I believe that for 40 years. What if I didn't get it right. You know a fear of hell. And one of the boy one of the transformative conversations I had is with a really good friend of mine Daniel Dana Carvey lives here in the Dallas area and we were on a patio not far from here having drinks one night and he said you know what if there were no sin.
[00:22:55] Think about that. Think about if sin just didn't exist because as he was saying at the end of the day who really is the judge well the Bible is the judge.
[00:23:08] Well wait a minute. There are 80 denominations because we can't agree on how to interpret the Bible. So let's back up who again is the judge whether you just send or not right. So what if you just took cent off the table and just said we're all on a journey now.
[00:23:27] If I if I kill another human being I'm going to certainly pay for that.
[00:23:34] That's a crime in our criminal justice system and this gets weird.
[00:23:39] I'm telling you this gets weird don't judge me on this but when you zoom up to that 10000 foot perspective then the mindset of today that everything is supposed to be nice and cushy and soft and easy and smooth goes away and I like the book by Neale Donald Walsh.
[00:24:05] Little Soul in the sun. Are you familiar with that little book now to cancel it out.
[00:24:11] Yeah it's a kid's book.
[00:24:13] Beautifully illustrated and the story is the two little souls on the other side who are getting ready to incarnate. And one of the little souls says that their mission is to work on forgiveness
[00:24:27] But the Little Soul is concerned because it doesn't know how it's going to be able to forgive unless somebody is mean to the soul that the soul has to forgive them so it's little partner soul says well I'll incarnate with you and I'll be mean to you. I'll do something to hurt you so that you can forgive me. How about that and the first hurdle. Yeah that first little soul says why would you do that for me would you really go down there and hurt me so that I could forgive you and the second soul says I would do it because I love you that much.
[00:25:12] I got to tell you so I don't know if you know much about my story but the way that I came into this gift was exactly that real my dad I.
[00:25:26] I love him to death and I go through my first podcast I talk about all the wonderful wonderful beautiful parts of him you know his really his one flaw was women and I caught him cheating on my mom for the first time when I was pretty young in elementary school and I didn't know how or what to do with that information or how to handle that information.
[00:25:50] And then I caught him again in middle school and in middle school again you know you're in a Catch 22 you love your mom you love your dad what do you do. And I ended up feeling in my heart that I was just going to punish him by pushing him away by not talking to him by distancing myself. So I did that all throughout my teenage years my twenties and we always tried to come back together but he'd have one girlfriend and I'd hear about how he had other girlfriends on the side and I was like I can't I can't be apart you know like at some point you got to get it together.
[00:26:29] And when he passed I started hearing from him a month before his family reached out to let me know he was gone and yeah. And I ended up having a visitation dream from him. Maybe six seven months later where he was on the other side and they actually showed me my house on the other side. They were at this big party it was like a welcome home. Julie's back and I could see my dad out of the corner of my eye walking around as I was talking to other friends and family that I didn't know I knew but I knew I knew him in the dream and my dad finally came up to me after what felt like a couple hours and he said well we should talk shouldn't we. And we went outside and there was a big lake outside and the scenery changed to a place we used to go out on a lake as a kid when I was when I was a child and he left me for the first time without us giving his side of the story just vent to him about him for hours on end and he just poured tears out of his eyes like I had never seen before and he said Julie if I could go back and take that all back I would but I can't. And even more than that dream when I woke up I was bawling hysterically when I woke up and that never happens.
[00:28:05] And I knew in my heart that he had been here not as a bad guy not as this flawed soul but he had been here to stir up some stuff so that we all could learn our lessons because he's got four kids we all that different stuff from him we all learned different stuff from him.
[00:28:32] He's got other stepchildren who learned from him as well and that is so right on.
[00:28:39] Here's the part that I can't connect the dots on. OK. As a person who has a community of people listening to them Where is the boundary so that people don't say well they're no bad on the other side I'm just going to go murder these bad people. Oh no. Whatever it might be you know. I don't I don't have that down yet.
[00:29:07] Karma is a bitch.
[00:29:10] Yeah.
[00:29:14] You will pay.
[00:29:17] So you know when you study this like you're talking about and this so fits Fred's lives of the soul and Michael Newton's work of what 7000 I think hypnosis sessions that he did to get this same message when you see recurring patterns.
[00:29:34] So it's like so many people who connect with the other side talk about this being the way that that things are. Again let's zoom up to the 10000 foot perspective of this is a soul growth process. So if you say well yeah there are no rules or judgments or anything on the other side. Well first of all there's gonna be hell to pay on this side. I don't know about you but I would not do well living in a 10 by 10 box for the rest of my life. This doesn't sound appealing to me at all. Not for 10 minutes much less for decades so you know there's there's that built in.
[00:30:14] Is this what I would really want to go do but if even if that didn't move you and you still had that that vile impulse Oh I got to show you something to let me show this.
[00:30:30] This works really well. I got a clue for the folks watching on video. Well we'll show you something here. This is something I've been working on. Nobody knows this. So I'm like.
[00:30:41] You're like the first I have I haven't even done this for my own podcast audience but we're going to let you know so because I mean you asked your journalistic skills are quite sharp so if we think about this from a soul growth perspective and we connect with what all is available when we do grow our soul it becomes such an incredible motivator to me to want to reach those higher levels of consciousness because there is so much magic up there there is so much wonder that we can't even imagine at those higher levels of consciousness that we don't get when we let our humanity get the best of us.
[00:31:32] You know.
[00:31:33] So what I was saying earlier and what you brought up like your dad's role in a sense was to stir stuff up for people so that they could grow.
[00:31:45] And we don't get that in our in our society today in our. I was going to say liberal or progressed you know our forward thinking society doesn't like those challenges doesn't make them that our society doesn't. It's not OK to be one who would stir up for others so that they could forgive. That doesn't resonate today. Right. We're not at that level of consciousness that you can know we like to make stories.
[00:32:14] We like to say oh well he must be really stupid because he lost his job or she must be this because this happened you know we want to apply a story to everything. He's a bad guy because he cheated. You know this story.
[00:32:30] It's all a story. Yeah I went through my transitional period I went through a program that a friend of mine said hey go just go to this it'll change your whole perspective on things that was called the Landmark Forum. And I did that weekend.
[00:32:43] I've done it once and it did.
[00:32:47] And one of the things that you take away from that program is how much we are enveloped in our stories. We make a story up out of everything.
[00:32:57] That's exactly right.
[00:32:59] So here's something that we're working on. This was a work in progress from one of the books that I did with Fred. And this is totally with his blessing. And we were corresponding on it yesterday. And he's like you've got to take this and run with it because this is this is good stuff so what the book was called low levels of energy. OK. So levels of energy by Fred Dodson and then the kind of the companion book that came before that about a decade prior was called power versus force by Dr. David our Hawkins and Dr. Hawkins used this as the basis of one of the largest clinical psychology practices in the country out of Long Island. He passed away in 2012 but left us with this incredible work that basically takes consciousness and puts it on a scale so both authors used the same scale Fred's treatment of the material is completely different Dr Hawkins is more scientific Fred is more practical applicable.
[00:34:01] But basically if you take all of our human emotions all of our human existence and put it on a scale from zero to 1000 let's say the numbers don't mean anything it just is the relativity if you go out and kill somebody that's probably a 20.
[00:34:17] It's down around the area of psychosis depression 50 fear one hundred anger 160 narcissism pride arrogance one ninety.
[00:34:28] Those are all low levels of consciousness so we've come up with this little system that's representing represented by these rings. So I've got four colors of rings. So if you take that all those low levels of consciousness and we'll just this is kind of a maroon color brown color and if you see that but that. So let's say that all of those are here right and then like daily life you know we we get the kids ready we take them to school we go to work we come back we help them with their homework we put them to bed we watch an hour of TV we go to we go to sleep that's that's just like we're just getting by.
[00:35:11] Right.
[00:35:11] Life works not bad not setting any records not you know creating anything not changing the paradigm of the culture but you know not bad we're getting by for those who can't see physically in the video he's got two rings and maroon ring and then he just added with that last statement a red herring on top of it. All right. So then we're going to put on top of that a golden colored ring. All right. So that's now we start to step outside of ourself and we start to put others first. Selfless service if you will we're moving up the scale the scale is is represented by these three ring stacked on top of each other that are different colors but we're moving up or getting higher. So we're growing and when you start to really step out of yourself when you put others first when you are full of joy when you're just happy when you're fun to be around when you give to others we Marjan and I were at a hotel up in Arkansas the other day and walking out there was this guy who was sweeping the floor in front of the door and one of those carpet pad things you know and he was just sweeping that and just getting and he'd go back the other way and somebody walk down the hall Oh thank you for staying at our hotel.
[00:36:30] This was at a Marriott. It was in his hotel I promise you he had known the darn thing right. But he was so proud. Oh thank you for being our guest we can't wait to see you back again. Have a nice day.
[00:36:42] That was that's this kind of that's that's the gold right. You know he's working twelve dollar an hour job up in Arkansas sweeping the floors and hauling the trash out and he's just serving other people. Beautiful. And then when so the final ring is is turquoise colored.
[00:37:01] Those are the pure levels of of unconditional love pure joy peace creativity.
[00:37:12] Think of Malala today is really representing this little girl that was shot in the head by the Taliban and lived. And her story is magnificent. Mother Teresa would have been in that we think of Gandhi you know so just those those areas where we really transcend our humanity because we're in such a different higher level different zone.
[00:37:38] So when you put all those together and you look at those colors that's the scale of consciousness.
[00:37:47] So when you're making that decision now remember we all have choice. This is the thing is at the end of the day nobody's making us do anything more than the visual. When you see those you know look say for the camera but if you're just listening on audio so you've got a maroon ring at the bottom a red ring a gold ring and a turquoise colored ring if you live out of that maroon colored ring you're going to get bad results.
[00:38:16] You're going to get bad results today and you're gonna get bad results on the other side you're going to have to come back and do it again. You want to do a do over.
[00:38:26] Now do you want to take two or three or five because you are stuck in that stubbornness or if you zoom up and you go wow you know and even if we again here for the folks that are not on camera let's just take the golden ring and the turquoise ring if you could live in that level of being loving giving serving helping.
[00:38:58] Not only are you in the paradox the cool paradox is that you feel better when you give out of yourself when you give it away.
[00:39:07] You get and that's built into the system.
[00:39:10] So it's like when we make that shift and then through our free will choice we say I am going to choose to serve somebody and we start to stack that up over decades of our life.
[00:39:29] Wow.
[00:39:31] I mean what you get back from that. So if you live that through five or six decades one of the cool things about being older there are very few. But one of the cool ones is you get the perspective. Wow you don't have as a younger person. You don't see what happened over those four four or five decades. But when you've lived through those four or five decades and you see compounding at work you realize you can compound interest and grow your bank account but you can also compound your karma if you will or you can compound your your energetic part of you and live that out over five or six decades and you have such a wealth of treasure at the end of that line that it's absolutely beautiful. And then you go on to much higher levels.
[00:40:25] There's so much more Julie there's so much more than we see now we could talk about this for so long I could talk about you I'd talk with you for hours.
[00:40:34] Oh there's so much that we don't see in our little boxes in our confined world that is below the tree level. And just when we get up there to these other realms there's so much and and that's my motivation. That's why I choose to do it what I do. Where's the boundary you ask. I don't think there is one. I mean if you break a law you're going to pay for it in our culture. There are some cultures where you can go do that and get away with it. Walk out scot free. Right. And you know so it's like comically you're not going to walk out scot free energetically you're not going to walk out scot free anywhere.
[00:41:13] Yeah.
[00:41:13] And that's what I tell my clients to because when I'm working and all of my sessions you know so many people and even mediums or psychics that I've heard on TV they'll say well on the other side there is no emotion and you don't hear or see people come through with emotion.
[00:41:28] And to me that's not true. One of the things that happens a lot is if somebody passed through suicide they will come through and I will be bawling hysterically in a session because that's the energy that they have on the other side. They're bawling hysterically. They're bringing that emotion through. And what they show me is that you know people who pass that way and there is no bad place on the other side. There's nothing like that. But we do have to go through a life review. On the other side. And that isn't sitting in a movie theater watching our lives on this big screen what it is is actually being in a simulation where we go through where we intentionally hurt somebody else and stepping into the body stepping into the mind of the heart of the other person and feeling our actions and how it hurt that other person which is actually where I think Catholics get the idea of purgatory because it is kind of this middle ground between us that happened but it doesn't take that long for most people to kind of go through. But we do get a much greater understanding it does help us clearer energy before we go through on the other side.
[00:42:49] Have you communicated with people who have either been in the midst of that process or just completed it like and can come back. Well that that you are communicating with like they had just been through that review or they were in that review I'd love to know what they say while they're in the process of that review of the review.
[00:43:10] It says if they take on and they become that other person because they physically have to step fully into that person and forget themselves to be that person in order to feel the way that their own actions in this lifetime hurt that person.
[00:43:31] So see if we're going to do that anyway. Yeah. Why not just do it today. Why not do it right. Right. Right. And I'm holding up the golden ring.
[00:43:42] Why not just choose to go ahead and do it today.
[00:43:45] I took Madonna's Madonna and I are partners but but not married and I took her son to school today just to be golden ring. Just. It's something I normally don't do but. And he's you know teenager whatnot. But I just said Hey it's raining. Would you like a ride you know. Yeah. It's stuff like that.
[00:44:07] It's that connecting with just to be there with somebody else to do something that's not serving you.
[00:44:15] Right. Oh I love that because you know it's so often people will say well what if I don't feel this through meditation or what if I don't feel that they think that they're not good they get to that place that golden ring. Right. But that's not what it's about. It's just about starting where you're at. And everybody has something that they can do from a self selfless point of view.
[00:44:39] So start there. Start with gratitude because everyone can do this every single soul that is here on Earth right now can do this.
[00:44:47] This working on this. We're putting a seminar together on this. Just started writing a book on it. Fred's involved consulted early with this.
[00:44:57] And yeah but the book's going to have your title isn't it. It is your name. Yeah. Is this the first one. I second the second.
[00:45:06] Ok. What was the name of your first book. Filibusters. OK. OK. Because there's more to come. That was coming through when I was praying this morning. They were saying talk about his book.
[00:45:16] Wow. Yeah. Yeah. You're not done here. Tom you've got a lot of stuff coming ahead.
[00:45:23] Yes you're good. You and I are going to talk. All right. All right Kyra. We're going to talk to you if you talk. No.
[00:45:36] That's awesome. And that I told you that I that we communicated about this yesterday. That was the communication was him handing the baton saying no you need to do this full out this one.
[00:45:48] Wow. Wow. Well they are so proud of you. Yeah. And I got to tell you too your mom and your dad are stepping forward and who is the younger boy that's on the other side.
[00:46:04] Not.
[00:46:08] Not from mom and dad. But there was a miscarriage.
[00:46:11] Yeah. Yeah.
[00:46:12] And that's. And and that soul has shown up several times by the way.
[00:46:16] Ok. As male. No. OK. First time I've heard male OK. Because they're bringing him forward and your mom. I don't know if there was a special bond between you and mom or you were kind of like.
[00:46:32] Because she comes through with tears in her eyes just saying how proud she is of you and just how how much you've grown.
[00:46:43] And she just she's making me feel it in my heart. Yeah well yeah and dad too.
[00:46:54] But she comes through with kind of some tears in her eyes so interesting because mom was the source of a lot of my challenge. She was my little soul that came here to rub me.
[00:47:09] Yes. Gave me lots of opportunities that I missed a lot of them.
[00:47:17] She says she did a good job.
[00:47:19] It seems that great job she played her role well thanks Mom. You were perfect. Yeah. Dad my Dad was an angel. I mean if you were to see him you'd see wings on his back. He was just an amazing amazing soul. And my mom was the source of my challenges. And you know this is so funny my brother and I are less than two years apart and he perceived that environment. He he knew of the challenges. He was very aware of the challenges not to say that it didn't affect him too but he responded to her differently.
[00:47:52] See I responded out of my paradigm what I brought in. He responded out of his paradigm. So here we were not ten feet apart. Growing up and and yet had these two different perspectives and outcomes and how it affected our souls differently and everybody has that story right. Everybody has that story but that's where we are so unique and so different. And yeah that mom would say that I I was in the room after she passed and now or when she passed and knowing what I know now of studying this material and being very comfortable with her soul transitioning was able to talk to her my brother and I in fact and his wife. We were the three together with her and were letting her know that it was OK and we would be OK and we would take the mantle and run with it from here and that she could let go and didn't need to hang on and I mean it was just hours before she left after that but but they left the room and knowing that her soul was probably still there. Knowing that I was in the room by myself and I sat down with her and had a conversation that I know she heard me and it was the conversation that I could never have with her here and it was kind of a clearing and it was a letting her soul know that it was OK I get it I get what happened here and be free.
[00:49:18] Godspeed and I love you.
[00:49:20] Yeah forgiveness really treat your heart right but you're released. We're good we're good here. Yeah yeah yeah. Beautiful that's beautiful beautiful beautiful. You know on Instagram the other day one of I just somebody popped down and they asked a question and I think it would be a good question. I've got my own kind of idea and how I'd respond but I just want to see what you think about this.
[00:49:46] So she said you know we have our subconscious. We have people like medium psychics intuitive Angel readers. How do you know that it to you hearing from the other side you hearing from angels or maybe like your girlfriend. How does she say that she knows them and just not our subconscious. These experiences that we had that we're just recalling.
[00:50:15] Got it. Got it. That's a great question and so many people also ask how do I know that it's intuition and not just my monkey mind. Right. You can bring it down to the earthly plane like even if we're not connecting with somebody on the other side. How do I know that this isn't just my Chatterbox up there going nuts that I really am hearing from divine source internally as intuition. I think it kind of comes from the same same type of answer to this for me.
[00:50:42] Now I know for Mirjana It would be that she would say very distinct feeling that she gets when these communications are coming it's like like no other. She has had it all of her life. So this is not anything new or unique for her so she knows that voice. Yep. So just on that. What is that. How is it for you.
[00:51:09] You know I've had several different experiences throughout my life. I didn't just hear my dad but in my early twenties. I had an experience that I've talked about with my listeners before where I heard I was actually out with this woman that I just randomly met on a business trip in Seattle. I met her on the street and spent the entire day with her. And at the middle of like talking after seven hours she just automatically went in to speaking in tongue.
[00:51:42] Wow. And she I remember thinking what language is this because this is not a language that I've heard on Earth before.
[00:51:52] This is not South Chicago I'm listening to hear it no no.
[00:51:57] And then I remember this analogy and it almost did feel like like a fog that you could see.
[00:52:06] And I remember hearing now this was at a very hard point in my life where my heart was just more heavy than it had ever been before. And I remember hearing it's okay you're gonna be okay. I'm here with you I love you I'm taking care of you everything's gonna be OK.
[00:52:28] And it just kept repeating and I remember knowing that that was an angelic that there were angels there that that was the Holy Spirit and that energy is something that when then I started hearing from my dad later on started working with different Reiki masters different spiritual teachers learning how to develop my spiritual get more. You're right. It's the energy of it. I know when I'm connected to it I know when I'm connected to the other side. And since I was the little girl one of my earliest memories is my dad telling me listen to your heart listen to your heart there's a little Julie there's a little whisper inside your heart and it's gonna talk to you and you have to listen to that whisper no matter what your mind says. And so I remember doing that since I was a little girl while always listening to that little whisper.
[00:53:26] And so I've trained myself since that time to understand what's my mind what's my heart.
[00:53:32] And that the thoughts the messages that come through from the other side they don't come through our ego mind. They come through the heart gut intuition.
[00:53:43] That's cool.
[00:53:44] That's beautiful yeah yeah.
[00:53:47] I had a very interesting experience to kind of flex my intuitive muscles. I was in Colorado for the last three years and there was a hiking trail that went up the side of a mountain literally right across the street from where I was staying and I went up there having done five or six or seven years of this work but still didn't have that touch with that voice and actually it started the first funny story on this is I went up there is a flat lander and started skiing and skiing kind of snuck up on me and I just love snow skiing. Now I think it's phenomenal. I just love it. But I you know I had I didn't have a system I would typically go every now and then would go skiing and hadn't been on a ski trip for quite a while and now I'm living in a ski town.
[00:54:44] So I was going up the chair one Sunday and this was really clear so I think this kind of is the same type of thing I was going to take a picture with my phone. So I had it in a pocket inside my jacket. So I reached to unzip the jacket pulled it down about a foot and I heard as I reached my hand and I heard this really clear don't and I was like Oh come on I'll hold on tight you know I'll I'll grip it I'll be careful.
[00:55:16] So I I pulled my glove I pulled my glove off by sticking it under my left arm. So here's my. And
[00:55:23] I reached in with my right hand got my phone took my picture slid it back in the jacket zipped it up so see it's all good and then I went to put my glove back on it now and oh so that was like oh wow I need to know more about this I need to learn more of how this works.
[00:55:47] So on the hiking trail I started to get in touch with that voice and it was always usually met with arguing from the monkey mind from the ego self.
[00:55:58] Yeah. So what I would do is pick a point on the hiking trail of like that tree up there.
[00:56:05] Okay. Let's just walk up to that tree where ego self mind would you be willing to just be quiet long enough we'll go up there and see what comes through I wouldn't take five steps. Run run run run run run run run run. Right here come back and I'd stop and I'd say wait a minute we had an agreement. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah yeah. Okay. All right. That tree just that tree. Okay. And then that tree turned into you know around that corner up there and then that turned into farther down the trail and then that turned into literally I could step on that hiking trail and the ego mind would go quiet and couldn't wait to hear from that still small voice. Yeah. And we'd go on for a long time and then sometimes it would want to question you know it's like Okay throw me a question water put about this or that should I write a book. Well you know and then and then.
[00:56:59] But then that voice would kick in and and I think it comes with an assurance and a piece and a flow you know just a you know that that's what's as you said well deep inside that little small voice problem is we always want to counter it with our monkey mind who is the alpha dog on the block. It's the one that wants to be in control. Yes. So we. Right. Right right right.
[00:57:27] And what I did again a visual here how can we create the audio part of this.
[00:57:34] So like if you like put your put your hand up like cup your hand up and like like you're gonna swat a fly that's below you on the desk OK you've got your hand you're ready. The fly is going to swing by. Boom you're gonna whack it right.
[00:57:50] So that's our ego mind and down here now be the little fly on the desk you know now down here is that little still small voice and it just whispers and it's really soft.
[00:58:06] And you know another point on that Julie is we have to be in quiet environments I think to hear it more and our world today. Sir dad on our world today is so full of noises everywhere. There's a television on and every waiting room and restaurant and airport and everywhere you go. And we can't be quiet.
[00:58:28] So once you get quiet you'll hear that voice more but what happens then is the hand that you've got cocked up here and ready to go whack it hits the.
[00:58:38] It knocks it back down and into its place. Because I'm the boss.
[00:58:44] So what I did is I just shifted roles now to where the little still small voice is the hand up above not ready to squash anything but where I brought that monkey mind into submission to where.
[00:59:01] Now when that still small voice speaks the role of the monkey mind is all okay.
[00:59:09] How do I do that.
[00:59:11] So when the little voice says write a book about the four rings then it's not argue we're not arguing there's no point counterpoint.
[00:59:20] We're not contradicting it. It's okay. Well I better watch program am I going to write it in word or Scrivener or you know it's well what's the first chapter going to be. How's the structure going to be the outline and you know that's where the arms start taking the baby steps that lead to the bigger steps that lead to the whole thing.
[00:59:38] You take start taking the actions and then along the way you stop and you listen well maybe that's not the right direction for this chapter. Oh what is. Oh okay. Got it. Off we go.
[00:59:49] Yeah.
[00:59:51] Yeah. It's a wonderful way to live.
[00:59:53] It is a wonderful way to live and see beautiful.
[00:59:58] You know you are asking to again I mean you have to make the shift up to these higher planes of being back to our little rings you have to get up to the golden turquoise ring because when you live from that perspective then you're just waiting for the next piece of instruction. Oh Fred had a great analogy story in a couple of his books and it's a really easy simple story but it's just like think about our life as a river.
[01:00:26] There's a point where we get in and there's a point when we get out and we're in a boat and we're given an oar.
[01:00:32] There's our choice and we float down the river and as he says so many times we want to paddle upstream.
[01:00:43] Or we want to drag the boat over to the bank and get out because there's a better River over on the other side. Right.
[01:00:49] If we could just get over there that's the river and I realized when I was narrating that story I just had to stop because it was like man that's how I lived my whole life. Yeah.
[01:01:02] Was paddling upstream all the time or cross currents are always fighting the flow. But when we just used the ore to gently bump us along the way and we just get out in the middle of the river and start flowing down the river. Oh there's a rock up there. Okay let's just move to the left a little bit.
[01:01:21] Got it.
[01:01:23] There's a nice flat spot of the river. Let's go over there and have a nice picnic lunch and just take a break.
[01:01:30] Got some rapids coming OK. We're gonna have some fun here right.
[01:01:33] Well let's go shoot the rapids.
[01:01:36] Life picks up it slows down. We have challenges in the way. Maybe there's an alligator in the river. We have to go around him. You don't have to go right toward him. Paddle over there and ask him how he's doing. You don't have to go forth with him right. Just paddle around. So it's a it's a beautiful analogy of how we just get into the flow and when you get into the flow. Life will take you where you're supposed to be just like the river will take you down to the to the place where you're going to get out.
[01:02:09] Life will get you there and it will all be good and well and fine I was just texting my mom because she keeps sending these texts and I keep hearing these things in the background. She she'll go through and she'll send ten at one time say her mom or my mom. Be sure you're talking to the right Mom. Yes totally. Oh my goodness. Thomas this was just the best. Thank you so much for taking the time to be with us. And I always asked my guests who do you think I should interview next on this podcast or who do you know who I should interview.
[01:02:50] Fred Dodson. OK my mentor. Absolutely fantastic. Oh.
[01:02:56] Eyes up and you know what time Thomas for people who want to connect with you online learn more about you. Where can they find you. You on your Web site and social media.
[01:03:06] Well thank you for that. So on Facebook we have a little podcast listeners group it's called subconscious mind mastery podcast listeners on Facebook and you can ask to join that group and we put up episode information and some behind the scenes cool stuff and that kind of thing. So there's that. And then just hop over to the podcast at subconscious mind mastery on iTunes and Spotify and Stitcher and all those good places where you can listen and my email is Thomas at subconscious mind mastering
[01:03:39] Perfect. Well thank you again so much for being a guest on our show today.
[01:03:43] We are very appreciative that you would do this for us.
[01:03:46] Jill you are amazing and I love what you're doing. Thank you
[01:04:02] My dear friends. You don't know what an incredible huge huge huge blessing it is to this podcast when you write a glowing positive review for us. It truly helps us get the best experts on the show. I know this might sound a little complex but if you send me an email after you post a glowing positive review here I will put your name into a monthly drawing to win a free 30 minute Angel message session with me and it may just be broadcast on this show at a later date. Your name will be kept in the drawing every month until you win when you email me. Don't forget to include your name contact information and positive review. I hope you win
[01:04:45] Tune in for a new episode next week where I'll share tools and guidance that can help you fall in love with your life and start living it from a place of peace bliss and ease.
[01:04:56] Thank you so much for listening to the angels and awakening podcast. Until next time know in your heart just how deeply you're loved on the other side and open up your heart to all of the random unexpected blessings that your angels and your spirit team are trying to bring into your life right now.
[01:05:19] Disclaimer this podcast provides general information and discussion about energy healing spiritual topics and related subjects the conversations and other content provided in this podcast and in any linked materials are not intended and should not be construed as medical psychological and or professional advice. If the listener or any other person has a medical concern he or she should consult with an appropriately licensed physician or other health care professional. Never make any medical or health related decision based in whole or even in part on anything contained in the angels in awakening podcast or in any of our linked materials. You should not rely on any information contained in this podcast and related materials and making medical health related or other decisions. You should consult a licensed physician or appropriately credentialed health care worker in your community in all matters relating to your health. If you think you may have a medical emergency call your doctor or nine one one immediately. Again Angel messages energy healing and the information you receive here does not constitute legal psychological medical business relationship or financial advice. Do not take any of the advice given and any angels in awakening podcasts or sessions in lieu of medical psychological legal financial or general professional advice. Please note angels in awakening is a podcast produced by Chicago energy healing a company with locations in Wheaton, Illinois and Naperville, Illinois.
God, Universe, Source, Spirit, Guardian Angel, Angel, Angel Message, Angel Messages, Angel Reader, Angel Readers, Angel Whisper, Angels, Anxiety, Archangel, Archangels, Arch Angel, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Ask Angels, Attraction, Law of Attraction, The Secret, Oprah, Super Soul Sunday, Soul Sunday, Aura, Aura Field, Author, Awakening, Being, Bliss, Bible, Bible Verse, Bliss and Grit, Buddhism, Catholic, Chakra, Chalene, the Chalene Show, Realitv, Change Your Life, Chicago, Naperville, Wheaton, Chicagoland, Christian, Christianity, Church, Pastor, Preacher, Priest, Co Create, cocreate, Consciousness, Spirit Guide, counselor, therapist, Dax Shepard, Death, Depression, Died, Grief, Divine, Doctor, Dream, Angel Therapy, Gabrielle Bernstein, Ego, Empath, Energy, Energy Healing, Enlightened, Zen, Enlightenment, Enneagram, Fabulous, Faith Hunter, Family, Feelings, Goal Digger, Jenna Kutcher, Ancient wisdom, Brandon Beachum, girl boss, badass, life coach, sivana, good, gratitude, great, school of greatness, greatness, the school of greatness, lewis howes, the Charlene show, rise podcast, Rachel Hollis, Tony Robbins, the Tony Robbins Podcast, guardian angels, guides, happy, happier, happiness, Hay House, summit, hayhouse, healed, healing, health, heart, heart math, heaven, help, high vibration, higher self, highest self, holy, I AM, illness, inner peace, inspiration, intention, intuitive, jewish, joy, Julia Treat, Julie Jancius, learn, lesson, light worker, Louise Hay, Love, Marriage, Magical, Manifest, Manifesting, Marie Kondo, Master Class, Meditate, Meditation, Medium, Mediumship, the Long Island Medium, the Hollywood Medium, Message, Metaphysics, ACIM, A Course In Miracles, Method, Mindful, Mindfulness, Miracles, Mom, Motherhood, Naturopath, New Age, Passed Away, Past Lives, Peace, Positive, Power, Pray, Prayer, Prosperity, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychology, Purpose, Quantum Physics, Life Purpose, Ray of Light, Reiki, Relax, Religion, Robcast, Sadness, Depression, Sahara Rose, School, Science, Shaman Durek, Shift, Sleep, Soul, Source, Spirit, Spirit Team, Spiritual, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Gifts, Spirituality, Stress, Synchronicity, Tara Williams, Tarot, Teacher, Thinking, Thoughts, Transcended State, Transcendence, Universe, Vibration, Vortex, Wellness, Worry, Worship, Yoga, Zen, Afterlife.
Copyright: Chicago Energy Healing
This meditation will help you get into your souls energy, into your souls vibration. We start out by feeling the energy within our bodies and then begin to feel energy above our heads. This energy above your head is your souls true vibration, as much as we can feel it here on Earth. This is also called a state of high vibration, a blissed out state, theta state. It is a state of healing and health.
Use this meditation daily in the morning to set your energy, and come back to it at anytime throughout your day when you need to shift your energy, re-align with your higher-self, or simply when you need to bring some calm into your day.
Connect with Julie
Julie Riddle of Riddle Road Photography
Anne Goodrich Graphic Designs
David Burr Podcast Editor
[00:00:05] Hello friends. Welcome to the Angels and Awakening podcast. I'm your host Julie Jancius. We're keeping the podcast really short today. It's just the meditation I was telling you about in Episodes 1 and 2. I'm doing this on purpose so that you can come back at any time. Listen to this podcast and get into a blissed out state or simply shift your energy
[00:00:30] If you can try to do this meditation every day so that you can go deeper and deeper into it.
[00:00:36] And so you can feel more and more this is your homework from Spirit.
[00:00:42] One more thing you'll need to be seated and in a place where you can close your eyes and be free from all distractions and responsibilities. It's best to have quiet if you can. Do not play this meditation or use this meditation in the car or while operating machinery or completing responsibilities where you need to focus. OK if you're in a place and time where you're free from all distractions. Please start by taking a seat. It could be in a chair on the couch or on the side of your bed. You want both of your feet on the floor and it's OK if you're wearing shoes. You'll also want to sit up tall and upright with good posture and with the gaze of your eyes looking directly ahead in front of you. As we do this meditation. I want you to continue to breathe deeply in and out. Now close your eyes and start by taking too deep inhales and too deep exhales.
[00:02:06] Now I want you to imagine that out of the bottom of your feet the soles of your feet are these large roots that go down from your body into the earth. These roots go down far and wide
[00:02:21] As if you were a tree and those roots are anchoring you to the ground. Feel those roots as they go down through the soil. Past the rocks and the earth. Down to a deep reservoir of water. Those roots begin to tangle with beautiful earth energy. Feel as those tingles come up those roots and start to tingle at the tip of your toes. I want you to allow those tingles to crawl up your feet. Around your ankles. Up over your calves and shins. Feel those tingles at your knees. Take a moment and let them crawl up your thighs your hamstrings. All the way up to the sides of your hips. Now bring that yummy tingly energy to the base of your spine and the base of your stomach. Allow those tingles to crawl up the spine and the stomach until they reach your heart. Feel those tingles as they surround the outside of your heart and as they fill the inside of your heart. And as they do your body comes into a gentle state of ease.
[00:04:12] Take a moment and tune into your body. Notice as your head melts into your shoulders. And how your shoulders soften and relax
[00:04:29] Feel the energy in your arms and in your hands as they melt into your lap.
[00:04:38] Feel your legs and your feet as they relax into the floor.
[00:04:47] Your body is now in a complete state of ease. Return your attention to your heart. Feeling the tingles that both surround and fill your heart. Let these tingles climb up into your shoulders
[00:05:13] Into your neck. Then let them fill your entire head. Front. To back. Side to side. Top. To bottom
[00:05:30] From here. You can feel this yummy tingly energy from head to toe.
[00:05:41] This is the set point to vibration within your body. We can take this one step further by feeling the tingles in our heads letting them crawl up through our hair follicles. And feeling that tingly energy two inches or even higher off the tops of our heads.
[00:06:08] Now this energy above your head might feel different. It might feel like it's lifting you upward.
[00:06:15] It might feel spacious or expansive. That's all normal. I want you to stay in this state for a few moments. You're going to hear silence as here in this state. Then I'll come back to end this meditation. But what I want you to do right now is keep your attention on this tingly vibration above your head for as long as you can.
[00:06:40] If your mind wanders and you catch it just to redirect your attention to the tingles above your head. OK do this now
[00:07:50] One more time. Bring your attention back to the tingly energy that sits two inches or higher above the top of your head.
[00:07:59] What did you feel the last few moments. Did you feel like the energy was lifting you upward. Did you feel the vast amount of space and expansiveness and this energy. Did you feel love joy peace bliss and ease take a moment to recount to yourself what you felt
[00:08:30] Now friends. Take a deep breath with me. This meditation is the type of homework you want to do the more you do this meditation the more you will hold this vibration until you get to the point where one day you don't need the meditation anymore. You'll know when that time comes because you'll be able to say or think I want to feel the tingles above my head and then you will and then you can go about your day doing your work while you live in that vibration
[00:09:17] Until till then continue to use this meditation every morning and come back to it whenever you need to shift your energy throughout your day one more time. Deep breath in deep breath out
[00:09:35] If you haven't been told yet today you are so beautiful you are a radiant soul with great purpose here and you are so loved.
[00:09:47] Your angels love you your spirit team loves you and I love you. Thank you for spending some time with me. Go on to have a magnificent rest of your day as your spirit team send you peace bless. And many many blessings.
God, Universe, Source, Spirit, Guardian Angel, Angel, Angel Message, Angel Messages, Angel Reader, Angel Readers, Angel Whisper, Angels, Anxiety, Archangel, Archangels, Arch Angel, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Ask Angels, Attraction, Law of Attraction, The Secret, Oprah, Super Soul Sunday, Soul Sunday, Aura, Aura Field, Author, Awakening, Being, Bliss, Bible, Bible Verse, Bliss and Grit, Buddhism, Catholic, Chakra, Chalene, Change Your Life, Chicago, Naperville, Wheaton, Chicagoland, Christian, Christianity, Church, Pastor, Preacher, Priest, Co Create, cocreate, Consciousness, Spirit Guide, counselor, therapist, Dax Shepard, Death, Depression, Died, Grief, Divine, Doctor, Dream, Angel Therapy, Gabrielle Bernstein, Ego, Empath, Energy, Energy Healing, Enlightened, Zen, Enlightenment, Enneagram, Fabulous, Faith Hunter, Family, Feelings, Goal Digger, Jenna Kutcher, Ancient wisdom, Brandon Beachum, girl boss, badass, life coach, sivana, good, gratitude, great, school of greatness, greatness, the school of greatness, lewis howes, the Charlene show, rise podcast, Rachel Hollis, Tony Robbins, the Tony Robbins Podcast, guardian angels, guides, happy, happier, happiness, Hay House, summit, hayhouse, healed, healing, health, heart, heart math, heaven, help, high vibration, higher self, highest self, holy, I AM, illness, inner peace, inspiration, intention, intuitive, jewish, joy, Julia Treat, Julie Jancius, learn, lesson, light worker, Louise Hay, Love, Marriage, Magical, Manifest, Manifesting, Marie Kondo, Master Class, Meditate, Meditation, Medium, Mediumship, the Long Island Medium, the Hollywood Medium, Message, Metaphysics, ACIM, A Course In Miracles, Method, Mindful, Mindfulness, Miracles, Mom, Motherhood, Naturopath, New Age, Passed Away, Past Lives, Peace, Positive, Power, Pray, Prayer, Prosperity, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychology, Purpose, Quantum Physics, Life Purpose, Ray of Light, Reiki, Relax, Religion, Robcast, Sadness, Depression, Sahara Rose, School, Science, Shaman Durek, Shift, Sleep, Soul, Source, Spirit, Spirit Team, Spiritual, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Gifts, Spirituality, Stress, Synchronicity, Tara Williams, Tarot, Teacher, Thinking, Thoughts, Transcended State, Transcendence, Universe, Vibration, Vortex, Wellness, Worry, Worship, Yoga, Zen, Afterlife.