Sciences – Finlande – Nouveaux podcasts

  • Aistit, muisti ja muistot. Uni ja muut muuntuneet tajunnantilat. Tietoisuuden mysteeri, oudot kokemukset, yhteys toisiin ja maailmaan. Päänavauksia-podcastissa tiedetoimittaja Anna Tommola keskustelee aivoja kutkuttavista ja vähän nyrjäyttävistäkin aiheista filosofien, psykologien ja neurotieteilijöiden kanssa.

    Nyt ei olla vain oman olon, vaan olemassaolon äärellä.

    Podcastin tekemistä ovat tukeneet Väinö Tannerin Säätiö, Journalistisen kulttuurin edistämisäätiö ja Suomen tiedetoimittajain liitto.

    Tunnusmusiikki: Peculiar Encounters/ARTiria Productions.

  • The Opioid Matrix is a podcast for anyone looking for the latest information in the illegal drug supply chain — Beginning to end. Each episode will feature a discussion with industry experts about the current opioid crisis, including drug trafficking, drug manufacturing, drug identification, drug addiction, as well as the role of government, law enforcement, new health and social programs, and more.
    Welcome to The Opioid Matrix-A Journey into the Rabbit Hole.

  • Venha conhecer iniciativas para a conservação da biodiversidade da Amazônia!

    Este podcast é produzido pelo Núcleo de Gestão Integrada do Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade, autarquia federal vinculada ao Ministério do Meio Ambiente, responsável pela gestão de seis unidades de conservação federais no sudeste do Pará.


    Gostou de algum episódio? Quer compartilhar uma história conosco?
    Envie uma mensagem de áudio para nossa equipe!

  • Sami Keto, Enemmän kuin sapiens -kirjan kirjoittaja, luonnostelee maailmassa olemisen tapaa, joka kykenisi irtaututumaan ekologiseen kriisiin johtaneesta ihmiskeskeisyydestä. Vieraina ja keskustelukumppaneina on saman aiheen äärellä toimineita tutkijoita, taiteilijoita ja muita ihmiskeskeisyyden ylittäjiä.

  • Räikeän puolueellinen tiedettä popularisoiva makasiini-podcast, jossa puhutaan vähemmällekin huomiolle jääneistä historian (ja nykypäivän) tyypeistä ja ilmiöistä. Rennolla ja rönsyilevällä otteella, mutta faktapohjaiseen runkoon nojautuen. Kaikkien historian viisaiden, rohkeiden ja röyhkeiden naisten kunniaksi!

  • Untame podcast pureutuu ekokriisin juurisyihin ja aikamme syviin kysymyksiin. Ensimmäinen kausi, "Paradigmojen liikuttajat", keskittyy paradigmojen liikuttamiseen ja tarjoilee esimerkkejä omaehtoisesta toiminnasta kestävyysmurroksessa. Toinen kausi, "Ihmisen paikka", pohtii ihmisen roolia ympäristötiedon tuottajana. Vieraina on eri tieteenalojen asiantuntijoita. Untame podcast on Eevan ja Galinan käsikirjoittama ja juontama.

  • Tieto on jokapäiväisten päätöstemme keskiössä. Siksi on tärkeää, että käytettävissä on oikeaa tietoa silloin, kun sitä tarvitaan. Tätä voidaan kutsua tiedon huoltovarmuudeksi – yhteiskunnan kaikkien toimijoiden kyvyksi tuottaa, tukea ja hyödyntää oikeellista, oikea-aikaista ja saavutettavissa olevaa tietoa.

    Suomen Akatemian rahoittaman IRWIN-tutkimushankkeen podcast-minisarjassa tutkaillaan tiedon huoltovarmuutta informaatioresilienssin, kansalaisten sekä kansallisen turvallisuuden näkökulmista.

  • Learn anything you wanted to about international relations and national security--and plenty that you didn't! Hosts Joe and Pete break down the big questions out there on how things are and where to go from there with no political bias and no B.S. so that you can make your own informed choices on foreign policy affairs.

  • African Pharmaceutical Review Podcast provides news, insights, developments and interviews aimed at enriching our listeners with knowledge about the pharmaceutical sector.

  • Kestävyyspaneelin podcastissa ääneen pääsevät Suomen Kestävän kehityksen asiantuntijapaneelin jäsenet. Uusi sarja "Mikä kestää?" alkoi 31.1.2024.

  • Science and Scriptures discusses the overlap of our physical world of science and the spiritual world of the scriptures. With stories, histories, and interviews, we'll discuss how findings in science provide new understandings of the universe and of the Gospel. It is exciting to realize how these two worlds interface - whether you are talking about the Creation, the reasons for our mortal probation, rules of Earth life that God must enforce, or the role of COVID-19 and other dangers. Join us for discussions and interviews to better understand the larger questions of life! It’s a wonderfully complex world. Science and scriptures are provided to help us figure it all out.

  • A podcast where the life of the mind meets everyday life. Hosted by Samantha Laine Perfas, produced by Harvard University. Visit

  • These podcast episodes are an opportunity to have continued conversation about qualitative research, to continue to educate, inform, explore emerging methodologies, heighten existing skills, explore ethical conundrums, and generally understand qualitative research on a deeper level through conversation rather than lecture, workshop, or written work. It is in other words a way to utilize qualitative methodologies in exploring qualitative methodologies.

  • Vi är stolta över att presentera vår spännande podcast-serie, ”Tidslinjen Podcast”, där vi tar upp ett brett spektrum av ämnen som sträcker sig från det vardagliga till det ovanliga, från det vetenskapliga till det filosofiska och allt däremellan.
    Vår podcast täcker allt från vetenskap och teknik till konst och kultur, från filosofi och psykologi till historia och samhällsfrågor.

  • This podcast series shares insights on participatory water governance, from Bushbuckridge sub-district in rural Mpumalanga, South Africa. This work is part of the wider Verbal Autopsy with Participatory Action Research (VAPAR) embedded within the Agincourt Health Demographic Surveillance Site (HDSS) of the University of Witwatersrand in collaboration with Aberdeen University. The VAPAR programme aims to expand the knowledge base through creation of legitimate learning platforms for action health equity. Community stakeholders and local government service providers share the complexities of service delivery and how the lack of community participation in water governance affects marginalized rural communities.

    Despite legislative and policy commitments to the right of water, cooperative governance and public participation, there are limited opportunities for communities to participate in public service planning. This especially impacts negatively on marginalized rural communities, relying on public services for health and wellbeing.

    Applying participatory methods and tools, community stakeholders identified the lack of safe water to be a priority health concern. Repeated and prolonged periods without piped water; unreliable and unavailable infrastructure,; contaminated water sources; extensive waste, litter and dumping; inadequate service delivery; and poor water supply exacerbated by drought were reported in the local area. Several interconnected social, behavioural and health impacts were associated with this lack of safe water, including infectious diseases, compromised sanitation, hunger and malnutrition, social unrest and service delivery protests.

    Community engagement allow community stakeholders to take an active role in priority setting and collective action towards addressing community priorities. When spaces are created for dialogue and collective action, extending beyond passive involvement, trust is established between stakeholders and community power built; allowing for cooperative governance.

    This series is hosted by research fellow, Jennifer Hove, reflecting COP 26 and exploring the role of participatory action research in addressing water challenges in rural communities, as part of her doctoral research embedded within the multi-year VAPAR programme.

    More information on the VAPAR programme is available at

  • A podcast produced by the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College where we create and share conversations in economics and public policy that move beyond the conventional approaches.

  • – En podd om investeringar i life science   


    Lär känna människorna bakom bolagen. Var kommer engagemanget ifrån? Hur kommer deras insats göra en skillnad för världen? Vad har varit svårast? Kommer produkten ta sig hela vägen till marknad?  

    I en serie underhållande och uppriktiga samtal kommer vi närmare ledarna för Skandinaviens viktigaste life science-bolag.  


    Verkar det krångligt? Vi lovar att det blir enkelt.  

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • This podcast deals with relevant topics in healthcare for advanced practitioners with a fair amount of humor as well. Ben & Tom are both APRNs (Nurse Practitioner) and our podcast is trying to education and entertain NPs and PAs.

  • It is no longer a question of whether companies should reduce carbon emissions, even setting a goal to be carbon-neutral. The question is how to do it effectively and efficiently. Each week, join Frank Dalene, the creator of the ICEMAN, an indexing system based on a goal of achieving a carbon-neutral status, as he speaks with trailblazing leaders with goals of achieving carbon neutrality and using 100% renewable energy. If you’re looking to learn more about clean energy, reducing fossil fuels, and increasing profits this is the podcast for you, Decarbonize the World with Frank Dalene, a production of Advantage Media.

  • We explore the stories of everyday people who have had their lives changed by the blissful and therapeutic states of jhana meditation. The jhanas are profoundly altered states of meditation that are a growing trend among meditators and scientists. We believe pragmatic instruction and feedback can save you months or years of stagnant practice. We've heard from hundreds of regular people who meditate (from engineer to musician) that have had their lives transformed by these states. Now, you can hear their stories.