Utbildning – Nye podcaster

  • Examen de religión 5to Bach 2 Valeria Berganza

  • Welcome to Health Youniversity, the podcast dedicated to empowering women as they reclaim their health, through fertility, pregnancy, emotional relationships, perimenopause - all of it!

    I'm your host, Dr. Susan Fox, a women's health expert with over 20 years of experience in helping women and couples move from fertility challenges, to a healthy pregnancy, to navigating life as a new mother and family.

    The first series in our show will focus on fertility.  So if you or someone you love is struggling with her fertility challenges, you’ve found the right place.  Whether you're just thinking of starting a family or are actively trying, this podcast is here to provide you with the knowledge, tools, and support you need to turn those dreams into reality.

    As a mother, sister, and friend, I understand the deep longing and emotional complexity that a woman faces.  Her desire for a child, the changes that occur in her body, mind and spirit each cycle, and the courage it takes to be true to all aspects of ourselves as women. 

    My own journey into the world of Traditional Chinese Medicine began in my early 20’s, when I struggled with symptoms that left medical doctors perplexed. It wasn't until I received my first acupuncture treatment that I discovered the powerful links between my physical health and my emotional state at the time. This realization shifted my understanding of health and wellness forever.

    At Health Youniversity, we'll explore the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and integrate them with modern medicine to unravel the complexities that impact our reproductive wellness.

    Each episode of Health Youniversity will bring compassionate conversations, informative discussions, practical tips, and empowering interviews. I'll be joined by experts in the field to share their wisdom, giving you comprehensive solutions that you can apply directly.

    Knowledge is power. That's why education is at the core of Health Youniversity. Together, we'll empower you with the information and tools you need to support your fertility journey and enhance your overall health.

    Are you ready to embark on a transformative and empowering journey with Health Youniversity? Tune in to our podcast on iTunes and Spotify, and let's marry ancient wisdom with modern science -  turning your dreams of family into reality.

    Welcome to Health Youniversity, where your journey to fertility and holistic well-being begins. I'm Dr. Susan Fox, and I can't wait to guide you on this empowering path of self-discovery and wellness. Stay tuned for our newest podcast season, coming soon. 

    Take the fertility quiz: https://www.healthyouniversity.co/fertility-quiz

    Schedule a Fertile Health Assessment: https://www.healthyouniversity.co/programs

    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.susan.fox/


  • Energy from sources other than fossil and nuclear fuels is to a large extent free of the concerns about environmental effects and renewability that characterise those two sources. Each alternative source supplies energy continually, whether or not we use it. This unit considers one of these alternative sources, geothermal energy derived from the interior heat of the Earth, and the potential for this alternative to supplant fossil and nuclear fuel use to power social needs fast enough to avoid the likelihood of future global warming and other kinds of pollution. This study unit is just one of many that can be found on LearningSpace, part of OpenLearn, a collection of open educational resources from The Open University. Published in ePub 2.0.1 format, some feature such as audio, video and linked PDF are not supported by all ePub readers.

  • Beyond the Books is a podcast from the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures (LLC) at the University of Edinburgh. It gives you a behind-the-scenes look at research and the people who make it happen. Episodes are researched, curated, edited and presented by PhD students: Hannah Trifunovic (Series 3 - upcoming); Emma Aviet (Series 2) and Ellen Davis-Walker (Series 1). Listen in to hear a mix of PhD, early career and established researchers talk about their journey to and through academia and about their current and recent work.

  • 以活潑的風格搭配多元內容向民眾傳遞職業訓練相關知識。

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  • - Kuliah Farmasi
    - Skincare
    - Review Buku
    - Masak-masak

  • 你印象中的人權行動是什麼樣貌呢?在大街上拉著布條激動吶喊?或是鼓動民眾佔據政府辦公大樓?事實上,推動人權保障的人士花了更多時間,思考如何把他們看到的人權問題講得更清楚。在這個節目裡,我們將邀請到不同領域的人權專家,來與您一起「好好談人權」。

  • AI-FML人機共學社團課程學習目標:



    1. 學習人類知識與邏輯運算規則的設計模式
    2. 動手收集日常生活應用資料,
    3. 觀察動物及人類演化模式,
    4. 應用機器學習工具,
    5. 進行知識實作式學習,

    1. 音樂欣賞:OpenFML-MA
    2. 智慧口說:OpenFML-IS
    3. 智慧空調:OpenFML-IA
    4. 淹水預測:OpenFML-FF


    Powered by Firstory Hosting

  • 靈修大師(La vie des Maitres)是一本由貝爾德.托瑪斯.斯伯丁(Baird Thomas Spalding) 所書的著作。貝爾德出生在 一個與印度有生意往來的英國家庭,十四歲就去過印度。日後他參 加了對尼泊爾、西藏和喜馬拉雅山區的遠程考察。但直到那次考察 過去二十七年後,他才敢於將其記述出版發行。
    那是 1894 年 12 月 22 日,十一名美國科學家聚集在印度一個 叫波塔爾的小村莊里。他們都是天生的懷疑論者,不接受任何未經 驗證的「真理」。然而某些宗教異事激起了他們的好奇心,於是他 們決定親眼去看一看那些東方大師實現的奇跡是不是真的。
    從印度到尼泊爾,再到西藏與波斯,一些具有異能之人可以遠 程交流、懸浮旅行、治癒殘疾。
    這些漸漸入迷的科學家發現了未知的生命法則——每一位大 師都曾離開自己那會死的軀殼,借助上帝注入他之中的愛去找回那 個深層的、超越時間的、永恆的「我」。

    讀書人:OMNI催眠師 聶飛,目前是美國OMNI催眠培訓中心指定的催眠培訓師資。主要負責大中華地區的OMNI催眠師培訓工作。 有感於這本「靈修大師」中涵蓋非常多重要的生命法則以及不可思議的關於「真我」的知識與體驗,因此透過讀書的方式介紹給各位聽眾。

  • Host Zac Barclay is a former stand up comic, living in the Midwest, doing the daily grind. Through Those Who Do, Zac examines the the successes, struggles, interests, fears, skills, hobbies, and careers of people through conversations with those from all walks of life, exploring how different upbringing, lifestyles and environments shape how very different people manage the very same things. This podcast is co-produced by Tony Forsmark. Tony Forsmark is a working actor (Vice, Documentary Now!, American Horror Story, Parks and Recreation, Criminal Minds, Scorpion) living in Los Angeles originally from the Midwest. Zac and Tony are both fathers, husbands, and extremely interested in the human experience.

  • What’s holding you back from doing what you want? What has to happen in the mess so you get to the magic? This podcast celebrates the mess! Because the process of working through our doubts, and getting past the fear of “What If I Fail?” is how we get clear about what we want to do. When you get to that place where you know in your gut: "It has to be me!” That “This is what I want to do, and I’m the person to do it.” There is no doubt, and you take action! 
    We all want to get better at getting to that place. So, Tess Masters is talking with inspiring people about the tools they use to work through the mess, and make the things they want happen. Grab some of their strategies to go after your next “It Has To Be Me!”

  • Welcome to "The Double Scoop" podcast, where hosts Ashley Zibetti and Ashley Henson serve up real, vulnerable, and silly conversations that offer a fresh perspective on life. Join them as they share personal experiences, funny moments, and explore new outlooks. Each episode is filled with captivating stories, relatable content, and occasional guest appearances. Be inspired by their openness about triumphs and trials that guarantee a genuine connection which will leave you laughing and learning. Grab a scoop (or two), tune in, and embark in this adventure of vulnerability, humor, and growth.

  • Zum Thema Schule haben alle etwas zu sagen, schliesslich waren mal (fast) alle auf einer. Doch gibt es Themen im Bereich Schule und Bildung, über die man zu wenig redet, wie z.B. Strafen, mentale Gesundheit, herausforderndes Verhalten, Kleinklassen, Noten, Zeugnisse, etc. Was kommt zu kurz und wo lohnt sich der genauere Blick? Sonderschullehrer und Schulberater Sammy Frey und Podcaster Simon Berginz treffen sich bei Schuelfrey zum Gespräch. Dabei werden auch Themen von Lehrpersonen verhandelt, die sich hier zu bestimmten Themen per Mail oder Whatsapp einbringen wollen.

    Website: https://www.schuelfrey.ch/
    Whatsapp: 076 215 17 52

  • Interviews and discussions linked to the Duck of Minerva blog (https://duckofminerva.com)

  • Squaring The Circle Podcast is produced by Randall Carlson Media as a vehicle for Randall to explore and present unique, original and powerful content on a wide variety of subjects without limitation. If you're new to Randall's work, look him up on YouTube and watch any one of his eight appearances on the Joe Rogan podcast to get you started. For those of you familiar with Randall's work, you can expect this podcast to feature his extensive knowledge in all areas of his expertise, but that's not all.

    Randall will also play host to the finest minds of our time and tackle the most complex and controversial issues facing our world today. Join Randall and guests in "Squaring The Circle;" an endeavor to "reconcile the irreconcilable" using reason, rationale and critical thinking.

    To see full video episodes of the podcast, please join Squaring The Circle on rumble, or, you can get ADD FREE episodes on howtube with a subscription that also includes a consistent stream of bonus material every week.