
  • What is up everyone! I got a new episode for the "We Were In a Cult?" series here on the Clemenz With a "Z" podcast. I was able to chat with former member of the ICOC Amy about what got her in the church, her life in the church, and the how's and why's of why she left. We touched on many topics in this 2 and 1/2 hour conversation. We talked about her family life, the love for a god that she had and why she felt the need to join not just the ICOC but a church in general. She discussed the workload that was put on her in college by the church, what it was like when she became a campus leader and no matter what she did she always felt at the bottom of ladder. She also was able to discuss what led her to help and serve with the charity organization "Hope Worldwide" abroad in Cambodia. I am so grateful to have had the chance to listen to her story and to add it to the growing conversation we all are having.

    If you are a member, were a member, or know someone who was a member of the ICOC or the ICC and would like to share your story of your life in and out of the church and help us maybe get closer to answering the question "we were in a cult?", and maybe find some healing please contact me via email at [email protected] or you can DM via Instagram at the "Clemenz With a "Z" podcast" Instagram page.

    As always, thank you for your continued support and if you like what you hear please rate and review! If you don't remember, I'm just a channel, I ain't the source.

  • What is up everyone! Got a new DADTALK episode here for all of you. I had the pleasure of speaking with an old friend Todd about all things fatherhood. Todd is a rad dad of a little boy and what was especially great about this conversation for me is that Todd is a stay at home dad and I have been a stay at home dad for almost a year now. It was great to hear about how it is for him and for us to share all we go through in this space.

    If you are a dad and would like to share your story here on the podcast you can reach out to me via email at [email protected] or you can DM me at the Clemenz With a "Z" podcast Instagram page.

    As always, thank you for your continued support and if you like what you hear please rate and review! If you don't, just remember, I'm just a channel, I ain't the source.

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  • What is up everyone! Episode 100 here! Can you believe it? In this episode I talk about how I always seem to forget the day my dad died and its due to the fact that the gorilla Harambe died that day as well. Yes, you read that right.

    This has shown me though something important about how we process grief and has helped me move on and live my life a little bit lighter.

    As always, thank you for your continued support and thank you for 100 episodes! I could not do it without all of you. If you like what you hear please rate and review! If you don't remember, I'm just a channel, I ain't the source.

  • What is up everyone! In this episode of the Clemenz With a "Z" Podcast I was able to interview Jennifer Green. Jennifer Green is a licensed certified professional midwife and owner of Seven Cities Midwifery Care here in Virginia Beach. Jennifer is passionate about informed consent, medical freedom, and supporting mothers and families with their birth choices. On a personal note, she was one of the midwives there at my son's home birth.

    We had a wonderful discussion on home births, medical freedom, the power of having agency in births and the history of midwifery care. I was able to share more about my love for home births and our birth story as well. It was a wonderful and educational conversation that you all should check out.

    If you are here in the seven cities and are thinking about having a home birth or want more information about midwifery you can reach out to her at Seven Cities Midwifery Care at (757) 740-0197 or through the all social media channels.

    As always, thank you for your continued support and if you like what you hear please rate and review! If you don't remember, I'm just a channel, I ain't the source.

  • What is up everyone! Got a part 2 to Tania's story of her life in the church. I asked her back to discuss deeper what she meant by the idea of the "colonization of faith". I also wanted her to share further about her experience as a woman in the church and in leadership as well as being a person of color in the church when she moved to the U.S. I am grateful that she came back to shed more light on these things. This conversation about our lives in the church keeps growing and expanding! It's awesome.

    If you are a member, were a member, or know someone who was a member of the ICOC or the ICC and would like to share your story of your life in and out of the church and help us maybe get closer to answering the question "we were in a cult?", and maybe find some healing please contact me via email at [email protected] or you can DM via Instagram at the "Clemenz With a "Z" podcast" Instagram page.

    As always, thank you for your continued support and if you like what you hear please rate and review! If you don't remember, I'm just a channel, I ain't the source.

  • What is up everyone! Got a new episode up for the "We Were In a Cult?" series here on the Clemenz with a "Z" podcast. I was able to chat with former member of the ICOC Tania. Tania was a member of the Mexico City Church, a missionary that planted one of our churches in Cuba, and a leader in the Boston Church. In our conversation we discussed topics such as the colonization of faith, how much work was required of members, the toxic nature of missionaries, and how women were viewed in the church and leadership.

    If you are a member, were a member, or know someone who was a member of the ICOC or the ICC and would like to share your story of your life in and out of the church and help us maybe get closer to answering the question "we were in a cult?", and maybe find some healing please contact me via email at [email protected] or you can DM via Instagram at the "Clemenz With a "Z" podcast" Instagram page.

    As always, thank you for your continued support and if you like what you hear please rate and review! If you don't remember, I'm just a channel, I ain't the source.

  • What is up everyone! I have a new episode up for the DADTALK series here on the Clemenz With a "Z" podcast. I was able to converse with a dad TJ. TJ is a dad of 2 young boys. We had a great conversation about all things fatherhood, pressures of kids in sports, night terrors, and the struggle of wanting to be the perfect dad. The biggest take away though for me was to remember that you are doing the best you can. There is no perfect dad out there. If you focus too much on perfection you in turn stop yourself from being present with your kids and you add too much pressure on yourself.

    If you are a dad and would like to share your story here on the podcast you can reach out to me via email at [email protected] or you can DM me at the Clemenz With a "Z" podcast Instagram page.

    As always, thank you for your continued support and if you like what you hear please rate and review! If you don't, just remember, I'm just a channel, I ain't the source.

  • What is up everyone? Got a new episode here for the "We Were In a Cult?" series here on the Clemenz With a "Z" podcast. I was able to have a conversation with former member of the ICOC, Drew to discuss his life before the church, during, and after. The biggest take away of his story for me was how important it is for some to find a "stable" institution and the joy it brings them. That institution also has a damaging power once it is that institution drops them or turns it back on them.

    If you are a member, were a member, or know someone who was a member of the ICOC or the ICC and would like to share your story of your life in and out of the church and help us maybe get closer to answering the question "we were in a cult?", and maybe find some healing please contact me via email at [email protected] or you can DM via Instagram at the "Clemenz With a "Z" podcast" Instagram page.

    As always, thank you for your continued support and if you like what you hear please rate and review! If you don't remember, I'm just a channel, I ain't the source.

  • What's up everyone! New episode up in the "We Were In a Cult?" Series here on the Clemenz with a "Z" Podcast. In this episode I had the pleasure of talking to former member of the International Churches of Christ or "ICOC" Ljuba. We discussed how it was for her coming from Denmark to New York City right after high school to follow her dreams of dancing and being met by a member right away. We discussed what it was like for after joining, her life in church, the pressures and time commitments, dating, and her eventual need for leaving the church, what it was like leaving, and her life post church.

    If you are a member, were a member, or know someone who was a member of the ICOC and would like to share your story of your life in and out of the church and help us maybe get closer to answering the question "we were in a cult?", and maybe find some healing please contact me via email at [email protected] or you can DM via Instagram at the "Clemenz With a "Z" podcast" Instagram page.

    As always, thank you for your continued support and if you like what you hear please rate and review! If you don't remember, I'm just a channel, I ain't the source.

  • What is up everyone! This episode is my message for this week of May 5th. I look at the parable of the good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37. I talk about the intentionality of the authors of the bible in their use of metaphors and characters in these parables. I discuss how all of can get so caught up in our rituals and practices that it disconnects us from the people around us, much like the priest and the Levite in the parable. I also talk about how for all of us there are "Samaritans" in our lives that we think don't deserve our love support. I hope that this look at the good Samaritan can bring you peace and clarity like it did for me.


  • What's up everyone! In this episode I talk about the fear I have as a parent and a person in situations with my kid and in life that remind me of past hurt and trauma. I discuss how I have been finding my through it and a mantra that I have adopted this year. The mantra is "Just because it was doesn't mean it has to be." I hope this helps all of you as much as it has been helping me heal old crap and becoming a more present father.

    Be excellent to each other!


  • What is up everyone?! New episode alert for the series "We Were In a Cult?" here on the "Clemenz With a "Z" Podcast". I was able to chat with former member of the ICOC Liz about her life in and out of the church.

    We were able to talk about growing up as "kingdom kid" and all that came with that, seeking approval from the leaders, seeing the wrongs in the church, trying hard to ignore them, how that ignoring led to internalization, and living with all of that became too much to bear which led to her leaving the church in the 2010s. We also discussed what life is like for her out of the ICOC and how she has reconstructed her life.

    If you are a member, were a member, or know someone who was a member of the ICOC and would like to share your story of your life in and out of the church and help us maybe get closer to answering the question "we were in a cult?", and maybe find some healing please contact me via email at [email protected] or you can DM via Instagram at the "Clemenz With a "Z" podcast" Instagram page.

    As always, thank you for your continued support and if you like what you hear please rate and review! If you don't remember, I'm just a channel, I ain't the source.

  • What is up everyone! For this episode I use the text Luke 19:1-10, the story of Zaccheaus and Jesus. I discuss a couple of things here: How when we read the bible we bring into the story our ideas and views on the world and what we seem possible, the power of being seen and heard, and for us to not become the gatekeepers of who is in or out by letting our own prejudices get in the way.

    Be excellent to each other!

    Peace everyone!

    And remember, I am just a channel. I aint the source.

  • How many of us spend all our time and energy looking for the one answer to fix it all? I know I get caught up in that so much. I had this realization after reading Matthew 7:7-8 HCSB that its not about the answer but the search for the answer that changes us, impacts us, where we learn the most. Its not the answer in the parenting book that makes us a better parent but the caring enough to be the better parent and that quest to implement new ideas that does the most change in our lives.

    There is no one answer to life.

    If we stay focus more on the search for growth and be more present to our lives instead of focusing so much on whatever this "ideal" we have made up for ourselves, I believe we will find we are already there.

  • What is up everyone! New episode up for the "We Were In a Cult?" series here on the "Clemenz With a "Z" Podcast". I was able to speak with former member of the International Churches of Christ Diane about her story of being a member and leaving the church. Diane's story spans almost 45 years, 5 states/ministries, marriage/divorce, and she was the first person I was able to talk to about life in the Crossroads Church in the mid 70's. Her story shed more light on this wild thing we all were a part of and I even learned about a place called the "Upside Down Club"!

    If you are a member, were a member, or know someone who was a member of the ICOC and would like to share your story of your life in and out of the church and help us maybe get closer to answering the question "we were in a cult?", and maybe find some healing please contact me via email at [email protected] or you can DM via Instagram at the "Clemenz With a "Z" podcast" Instagram page.

    As always, thank you for your continued support and if you like what you hear please rate and review! If you don't remember, I'm just a channel, I ain't the source.

  • What's up everyone! New episode up in the "We Were In a Cult?" series here on the Clemenz With a "Z" Podcast. I was able to speak with former member Chelsea about her life growing up in the ICOC. We were able to speak about all things growing up in this church and what it was like leaving. We spoke a good bit about the one place for us that was a bright spot in this mess and that was the summer camp The Swamp and why this place was so great for all of us kingdom kids.

    We were also able to speak more about the teen ministry, feeling eyes on us all the time, the purity culture in the teens, and the way girls were treated here. The biggest take away for me was that it is important to only have a sandwich at lunch and not a sandwich, chips and a pickle.

    If you are a member, were a member, or know someone who was a member of the ICOC and would like to share your story of your life in and out of the church and help us maybe get closer to answering the question "we were in a cult?", and maybe find some healing please contact me via email at [email protected] or you can DM via Instagram at the "Clemenz With a "Z" podcast" Instagram page.

    As always, thank you for your continued support and if you like what you hear please rate and review! If you don't remember, I'm just a channel, I ain't the source.

  • What is up everyone! I got a bonus episode here for you all. Former member of the ICOC and previous guest Kesia reached out to me saying that she had more she would like to share specifically, the way we were indoctrinated with no sense of agency in our lives, public shaming of sin, pattern of narcissistic leaders, and how even after the letter went out not much changed in our church. I was glad we were able to bring more issues into the light.

    If you are a member, were a member, or know someone who was a member of the ICOC and would like to share your story of your life in and out of the church and help us maybe get closer to answering the question "we were in a cult?", and maybe find some healing please contact me via email at [email protected] or you can DM via Instagram at the "Clemenz With a "Z" podcast" Instagram page.

    As always, thank you for your continued support and if you like what you hear please rate and review! If you don't remember, I'm just a channel, I ain't the source.

  • What is up everyone! I got a new DADTALK and it’s a great one. I was able to sit down with my father in law, yes my father in law to have a great discussion on being a dad and becoming a grand dad. We were also able to do a deep dive conversation in the benefits of Meditation; its benefits, how he uses it in his daily life, and how it inspired him to want to be called "Ompa" instead of granddad. We even participated in a guided meditation in the beginning of the episode led by Dr. Sue Morter. I am glad that we were able to sit down in this space and talk. It was a wonderful conversation and I know you all will find it wonderful as well.

    If you are a dad and would like to share your story here on the podcast you can reach out to me via email at [email protected] or you can DM me at the Clemenz With a "Z" podcast Instagram page.

    As always, thank you for your continued support and if you like what you hear please rate and review! If you don't, just remember, I'm just a channel, I ain't the source.

  • What's up everyone! New episode up in the "We Were In a Cult?" series here on the Clemenz With a "Z" Podcast. I was able to speak with former member TJ about his life in the ICOC. We talked about being a member in college and getting baptized, his life in the church and the struggle it became, his desire to "Do things Right", being a minster in the church, and his eventual leaving the church. It was a great conversation and I could tell it was healing for both of us.

    If you are a member, were a member, or know someone who was a member of the ICOC and would like to share your story of your life in and out of the church and help us maybe get closer to answering the question "we were in a cult?", and maybe find some healing please contact me via email at [email protected] or you can DM via Instagram at the "Clemenz With a "Z" podcast" Instagram page.

    As always, thank you for your continued support and if you like what you hear please rate and review! If you don't remember, I'm just a channel, I ain't the source.

  • What is up everyone! I have a new episode for you in the "We Were In a Cult" series here on the Clemenz With a "Z" podcast. I was able to sit with former member of the ICOC and author of the book "A Jumble of Crumpled Papers" and podcaster Austin Noll to talk about his life in and out of the ICOC. We talked about growing up in the church and the troubles he faced regarding our church's purity culture as a young man and his subsequent struggle it has been since leaving the church. It was a great conversation!

    If you would like to learn more about his story, you can check out Austin's book: "A Jumble of Crumpled Papers" here: https://a.co/d/dhXGVI0

    You can check out Austin's Podcast "The Crumpled Papers Podcast" on all platforms or here on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7pc778qvzAxG0kB7vMSDyb?si=595697bc7ce44742

    If you are a member, were a member, or know someone who was a member of the ICOC and would like to share your story of your life in and out of the church and help us maybe get closer to answering the question "we were in a cult?", and maybe find some healing please contact me via email at [email protected] or you can DM via Instagram at the "Clemenz With a "Z" podcast" Instagram page.

    As always, thank you for your continued support and if you like what you hear please rate and review! If you don't remember, I'm just a channel, I ain't the source.