
  • In today's episode, we dive deep into discovering and nurturing passion within various aspects of life. If you ever struggled to feel passionate about work or other areas, this episode is just for you.

    We'll explore a myriad of niches—from productivity and leadership in the workplace, to health, relationships, hobbies, and even money management—illustrating how passion can be found in the simplest and most unexpected places.

    Most important is the 5 keys to an impactful life: mindset, purpose, relationships, health, and wealth. Dig deep in those areas and find what truly excites you.

  • In this episode, I address the common misconception that your job equals your passion. It's crucial to understand that for many people, their job doesn't align with their passion, leading to a lack of fulfillment. Surprisingly, research shows that a significant 88% of individuals are not content with their current job roles. However, even if your job isn't your ultimate passion, there are ways to find elements within it that resonate with what you love.

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  • Today's episode is a bit different from our usual format. As I look ahead to the next year of our Mastermind program, it's crucial to focus on setting and achieving our life goals. To help you with this process, I've compiled a list of 21 insightful questions that will guide you in setting extraordinary, meaningful goals aligned with your values and vision. Grab a pen and paper, and get ready to do a deep dive.

    Let's set the right goals for the life you truly want to lead.

    Tune in, take notes, and let's get started on this transformative journey!

    21 Questions:

    What is it that you really, REALLY want? Dig deep… What is the SPECIFIC outcome you're looking for? What is the PAIN for you of NOT achieving your goal? Is this goal in line with your life vision/overall life-plan? (Don't know - what does your gut tell you?) Is this goal in line with your values? (Unsure? Ask yourself what’s REALLY important to you in life - will this goal help you achieve more of that?) Are the goals something YOU truly want, or are they something you think you SHOULD have or SHOULD be doing?(Tip: If it is a SHOULD, it may be someone else's dream…) When you think about your goal does it give you a sense of deep contentment or 'rightness', happiness and/or excitement? (If so, these are good signs that it’s a healthy goal.) If you could have the goal RIGHT NOW – would you take it? (If not, why not? What issues are there?) How does this goal fit into your life/lifestyle? (Time/effort/commitments/who else might be impacted?) Can YOU start & maintain this goal/outcome? (ie. Do you have complete control over achieving it?) How will making this change affect other aspects of your life? (ie. What else might you need to deal with?) What's good about your CURRENT SITUATION? (ie. What's the benefit of staying right where you are?) Then ask, how can I keep those good aspects while STILL making this change? WHAT might you have to give up/stop doing to achieve this goal? (Essentially, what’s the price of making this change – and are you willing to pay it?) If there was something important around achieving this goal (to help you succeed, or that could get in the way) that you haven't mentioned yet, what would it be? WHO will you have to BE to achieve this goal? Is your goal the right size to be working on? Too big? Break down into smaller goals. Too small? Fit into a larger goal. What would be the MINIMUM/Super-Easy level of goal to achieve? What would be your TARGET level of goal to achieve? What would be your EXTRAORDINARY level of goal to achieve?

    Resources - get moving:

    What RESOURCES do you already have to help you achieve your goal? Make a list! (eg. things, support from people, contacts, personal qualities, knowledge, skills, money, time etc). What RESOURCES do you NEED to help you achieve your goal? Make a list!
  • I've been reading quite a bit lately, and I'm currently engrossed in Dan Kennedy's book, *Magnetic Marketing*—a must-read for anyone looking to elevate their business and attract customers like never before.

    In this episode, I share 10 takeaways from the book that you can start implementing immediately to boost your business. From mastering direct response marketing and understanding your target market to creating irresistible offers and honing persuasive copywriting skills, we'll explore how to fine-tune your marketing strategies. Plus, learn the importance of testing and measuring, multi-channel marketing, lead generation and follow-up, and building strong customer relationships. So, if you're ready to learn how to set your business apart and adopt a mindset of abundance, stick around—this episode is packed with actionable insights that you won't want to miss!

  • My Favorite Digital Tools

    Today I bring you six essential online tools for entrepreneurs and individuals looking to enhance their online presence. From website CRM systems to design software and productivity apps, you'll find something to fill a need.

  • Purpose, Passion, Profit, retreat for men.

    In this episode, we dive into the concept of productivity through prioritizing your tasks and tackling the hardest things first.

    A study from Harvard Business School shows the significance of starting your day with the most challenging tasks to maximize long-term performance and profitability.

    Join us as we explore the "4th pillar of productivity" and gain insights on how to slay your dragons and eat that frog for a more productive workday. Stay tuned for valuable tips and strategies to boost your productivity and achieve your goals.

  • Today we’re diving into pillar number three of becoming a productive entrepreneur:

    Killing your distractions.

    We’ve previously discussed the importance of prioritizing systems over goals and the benefits of being an early riser. Today, we tackle a challenge we all face—distractions that hamper our productivity. From incessant notifications to social media black holes, distractions are productivity killers. But don’t worry; I’ve got five solid tips to help you stay focused and achieve more. In this episode, we’ll explore how planning the night before, cutting out social media, creating boundaries, establishing a productive workspace, and incorporating play into your day can dramatically boost your efficiency. Stay tuned to learn how to regain control of your time and accomplish what truly matters. Let’s get started!

  • In this episode titled "The Early Bird Gets the Worm." Ken explores the second pillar of productivity: being an early mover.

    Through historical wisdom, real-life examples of successful entrepreneurs, and scientific studies, we see how early mornings can set you on a path to greater productivity and success.

    From Apple's Tim Cook to Virgin Group's Richard Branson, many of the world's top leaders swear by their early start. This episode isn't just theoretical; you'll hear practical tips, from establishing sleep routines to finding compelling reasons to rise early, ensuring you can start making successful changes from the get-go.

    Tune in and discover how transforming your mornings could be the key to your next big breakthrough!

  • Today, we're diving deeper into our series on the 4 pillars of productivity, with the concept of "Systems Over Goals."

    You've likely heard about setting big, stretch, and S.M.A.R.T. goals as the ultimate path to success. But what if there's a more effective way?

    Inspired by popular books like "Atomic Habits" and "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big," we'll explore why focusing on systems can provide a more sustainable path to living a life of purpose.

    In this episode you'll learn why creating systems helps you make consistent progress and keeps you from feeling like you're spinning your wheels.

    Let's flip traditional goal-setting on its head and reveal start to integrate purposeful systems into the daily routine.

  • Today, we’re diving into the crucial topic of productivity—something every solo entrepreneur pursues, but often finds elusive. We all know the satisfaction that comes from ticking off items on our to-do lists, yet distractions catch us at every corner, ready to derail our best efforts.

    Over the next few episodes, we'll explore the four pillars of productivity that can help you take back your energy, focus, and efficiency. Today’s episode sets the stage by identifying common distractions and the universal struggle to feel truly productive.

  • Today we're diving back into what I believe are the five essential keys for living a life of impact and fulfillment.

    Nearly every single personal and business development book, podcast, or speaker talks about one or more of these keys: purpose, mindset, relationships, health, and wealth.

    These are the cornerstones for living a life that not only thrives but also makes a positive impact on those around you.

    Each key plays a part in building a life that aligns with your passions and brings profit in a meaningful way. Whether it's honing your purpose, cultivating a resilient mindset, nurturing valuable relationships, maintaining robust health, or leveraging wealth as a magnifier of who you are, you need to integrate these elements into your daily life.

    Check out our exclusive membership community, Purpose, Passion, Profit, designed to support men in their journey to live a life of purpose and fulfillment.

  • The art of storytelling can have remarkable impact on improving our conversational skills, relationships, and even sales performance.

    In today's episode I give a few insights on how to captivate attention and make interactions more meaningful.

    Listen in for practical strategies and actionable advice to help you become a more compelling storyteller and enhance all facets of your life. Get ready to transform your conversations and connect with others on a deeper level.

  • Today's topic is one that shapes the foundation of our personal and professional success: the systems behind our goals.

    Many times we set ambitious goals or resolutions, only to find ourselves falling short. Why is that?

    In the book "Atomic Habits," he shows how the results we strive for are less about the goals themselves and more about the consistent systems and habits we build. Whether you're aiming to lose weight, become a successful business owner, or master a new craft, it's not just about setting the goals—it's about becoming the kind of person who achieves them.

    It requires change from the inside out.

  • In this episode, we break down the importance of networking and connecting not just online, but also in real life to enhance your business's reach and success. Whether you're offering a service or selling a product, understanding where and how to connect with potential clients is key.

    I give practical tips from things like attending local sports events to leveraging relationships at your hardware store. So, grab your notepad and get ready for some innovative ways to expand your connections and, consequently, your business.

    Get ready to start connecting and make your entrepreneurial ventures even more successful!

  • Today's episode is a thought-provoking discussion on the elusive concept of work-life balance.

    The traditional notion is that balance means equal time for all aspects of life.

    I would argue instead for a more dynamic approach. 'The One Thing' suggests that achieving extraordinary results requires a significant, albeit temporary, imbalance—prioritizing professional goals over personal pursuits for extended periods.

    This is in contrast with the easier-to-manage, shorter commitments needed in our personal lives, which focus on quality rather than outcomes.

    Get ready to rethink how you distribute your time across your passions and responsibilities, as I explain why treating life like a seesaw, not a balance beam, might be the key to achieving big things.

  • Insights for today's episode come from both John Maxwell and Socrates.

    Life is much simpler if we align our actions with who God created us to be, and establish a set of core values to steer our decisions.

    I challenge you to identify your fundamental values (mine are "growth" and "impact") and to consistently measure your life against these benchmarks.

    Knowing your 'why' can profoundly influence your journey towards personal and professional fulfillment.

    If you follow the steps in this episode, you'll come away with a clearer map to guide your life.

  • Sometimes it can be a challenge balancing urgency and importance in our daily tasks.

    This can be simplified if you start using the Eisenhower Matrix as a framework.

    If you can start to leverage the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks effectively, focusing on what's important but not urgent, to enhance productivity and reduce stress, you'll begin to manage your time better and focus on what truly pushes your life and business forward.

    Join the WhatsApp group, and come along with me for the 75HARD challenge, and change your life and business.

  • Let's talk about a common struggle many of us face: burnout and a lack of motivation.

    The plain and simple truth is, discipline trumps motivation when it comes to overcoming the feeling of overwhelm.

    If you want some practical advice on staying motivated, including effective list-making strategies, the art of alternating tasks to maintain focus, and the significance of breaking down long-term goals into manageable tasks, then this episode is for you.

    You'll also be treated to some special insights from Amy Dingman of A Farmish Kind of Life, who offers her own unique method of productivity that marries well with our daily technological and non-technological tasks.

    In just 5 minutes, you'll learn how to maintain discipline in your routine, hack your productivity, and keep your "why" clear to motivate you every single day.

  • Join the NEXTLevel Men community on WhatsApp to join me in the 75HARD challenge and transform your life.

    More info about 75HARD from the creator, Andy Frisella:


    *This program was NOT created by me* I've taken it from Andy Frisella's website. The rules are stated below, direct from his site.


    Completing 75 HARD takes the execution of five simple tasks ... every day ... for 75 days ... with ZERO COMPROMISES & ZERO SUBSTITUTIONS.

    And if you mess up on ANY task, at any time during the 75 days of 75 HARD ... you start over at Day 1.

    It doesn't matter if you're on Day 2 or Day 74 ... if you fail to complete a task, you must restart 75 HARD completely.

    Here are the 5 critical tasks that you MUST complete on a daily basis...



    You must follow a diet geared toward YOUR GOALS ... and follow it for 75 days with zero deviations, zero excuses, zero alcohol, and absolutely NO CHEAT MEALS.

    Your diet can be whatever you want it to be (Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian, etc.) ... as long as it is aligned with your goals.

    This task is meant to cultivate extreme discipline that you can transfer to all areas of your life, but it only works if you follow it EXACTLY for 75 days, without deviation.

    While this is the most difficult rule of 75 HARD for most people, task #1 will help you gain control of every decision you make, in any situation you find yourself in.

    Plus, as a byproduct of actually following a structured diet for 75 days, you will be in the best physical shape of your life ... but that's far from the purpose of this program.


    You must complete two workouts each day during 75 HARD.

    Both of these workouts must be a minimum of 45 minutes long, and one of the two workouts MUST BE OUTSIDE.

    Regardless of the weather or circumstances you find yourself in, if you fail to complete at least one outdoor workout each day ... you must restart 75 HARD.

    The type of workout doesn't matter.

    You can run, lift weights, do a cross-training workout, go for a walk, or even do yoga. As long as you're getting up and getting your body moving with the intent to get better, it counts.

    Throughout 75 HARD, task #2 will teach you the ability to control what you can control, while not making excuses about what you can't control ... because the job has to get done no matter what.

    By learning this skill, you can increase your value in all areas of your life ... as you will be someone who "gets things done" ... rather than making excuses for why you can't.


    Drinking a gallon of water each and every day will teach you discipline, and that sometimes in life the simplest tasks are the hardest ... but you can't let them slip through the cracks.

    It doesn't matter how simple or easy a task is to complete ... you've got to find a way to get it done ... every time.

    In addition to the mental benefits that task #3 is designed for, drinking a gallon of water is just good for you.

    It's something you should be doing every day for the rest of your life ... whether you're completing 75 HARD or not ... as it is good for both your physical AND mental health.

    TASK #4: READ 10 PAGES

    Task #4 is designed to teach you a habit that will benefit you greatly from now, until the day you die.

    You must read something that is non-fiction, educational, and can be used to improve any area of your life.

    Whether it be about entrepreneurship, personal development,...

  • Takeaways from the 11 books we've studied and grown from over the past year in NEXTLevel Mastermind for men:

    The One Thing by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan: Focus on your most important task or goal, and prioritize it above all else. By identifying and concentrating on the "one thing" that will make the biggest impact, you can achieve extraordinary results.Business Made Simple by Donald Miller: Clarity is key to success in business. Clearly define your mission, vision, and strategy, and communicate them effectively to your team. When everyone understands the purpose and goals of the business, they can work together more efficiently and effectively.The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber: Work on your business, not just in it. To build a successful and sustainable business, you need to focus on developing systems, processes, and organizational structures that allow the business to run smoothly and independently of your day-to-day involvement.Profit First by Mike Michalowicz: Pay yourself first and prioritize profit in your business finances. By allocating profits before expenses, you ensure that your business remains financially healthy and sustainable in the long term.7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey: Begin with the end in mind. Having a clear vision of your goals and values helps guide your actions and decisions, leading to greater effectiveness and fulfillment in both personal and professional life.The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek: Adopt an infinite mindset in business and leadership. Instead of focusing solely on short-term wins or beating the competition, prioritize long-term goals and strive to create sustainable value for all stakeholders.How to Grow Your Small Business by Donald Miller: Invest in continuous learning and growth. To succeed in business, you need to constantly adapt, innovate, and improve. By staying curious, open-minded, and committed to learning, you can overcome challenges and seize opportunities for growth.Company of One by Paul Jarvis: Embrace the benefits of staying small and agile in business. Focus on building a sustainable business that prioritizes quality, autonomy, and personal fulfillment over rapid expansion and growth for its own sake.Who Not How by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy: Focus on finding the right people to help you achieve your goals, rather than trying to do everything yourself. By leveraging the skills, expertise, and resources of others, you can achieve far more than you could on your own.Save Your Asks by Chris Tuff: Prioritize and manage your requests effectively within alliances and networks. By being strategic and intentional about when and how you make requests, you can strengthen your relationships and achieve better outcomes.Atomic Habits by James Clear: Focus on small, incremental changes to build better habits and achieve your goals. By breaking down your goals into manageable actions and consistently practicing new habits, you can make significant progress over time.

    Join the Purpose, Passion, Profit group for men on FB.

    Email me at [email protected].