Welcome to the Pair Program from hatchpad, the podcast that gives you a front-row seat to candid conversations with tech leaders from the startup world. Join host Tim Winkler alongside co-host Mike Gruen as they bring together two guests to dissect topics at the intersection of technology, startups, and career growth. Tim Winkler is a serial Entrepreneur and is the CEO of hatch I.T. a Software Recruiting Company focusing on newly emerging Startup companies. Mike Gruen is a Technologist & Engineering Leader with decades of experience in the field. He is currently the Director of Engineering at Cherre, the leader in real estate data and insight.Get Answers to your most pressing startup questions:💡 Do I need a college degree to work as a Software Engineer? 💡 Should we build or buy software?💡 How do startups get funded? 💡 How do I get into Product Management? All these questions and more will be answered for you by our experienced hosts and industry-leading guests. Make sure to catch each episode every other week and follow us on Social to stay up to date with hatchpad. 🐣 What is hatchpad? 🐣Hatchpad is the community for startup technologists.Our members include Software Engineers, Product Managers, Data Scientists, and Tech Executives; all connected through their passion for startups and desire to create innovative technology.Every week we chat with startup technologists to provide you behind-the-scenes insights on technical skills, career advice, and industry trends.This community is for you if you want to learn from and grow alongside a curated group of startup technical professionals. 🚀 Sign-Up for Weekly hatchpad Newsletter: 🤖 Check Out the hatchpad: Follow us on Social Media!!LinkedIn - - -
五顆星點下去,留言支持,是我們繼續推出優質節目的最強動力! 1111人力銀行為推廣科技產業,攜手科技島TechNice,新闢Apple Podcast渠道,希望能夠邀請學者教授,意見領袖以及科技企業,透過時事議題討論,或是經驗分享,讓大家更了解相關的尖端技術,以及產業最新資訊。 最夯的科技乾貨、數位3C、產業脈動、國際趨勢就在科技島TechNice 想聽什麼科技話題、報名來賓,合作邀約歡迎來信。 [email protected] Powered by Firstory Hosting--Hosting provided by SoundOn
分享經驗分享愛,我是愛講話的TechPM 阿曼達,科技業妹子,一路走過台商-假外商-外商。想一窺科技業的經驗、增長科普知識就不能錯過「追蹤」@techpm.amanda的🎙️Podcast跟粉絲團,都很歡迎大家「分享」給朋友(非商業用都可自行分享,不用詢問)。
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🌍 豬隊友一起飛
✨ 第三季主題:職涯新座標
💬 解鎖職場新技能 探索人生新座標
🏆 由【視角酷職涯研究室】企劃製作,職涯教練Daniel及Grace主持,結合心理學、社會學、管理學等理論概念與實務經驗,以深入淺出的語彙,提供職涯發展規劃的實戰策略;同時藉由生活日常的話題,帶領大家掌握最新的職涯趨勢,涵蓋科技風向、商業風格、產業風範、行銷風潮、文創風尚、地方風聲等面向。
🗣 每週一下午五點定期更新
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A podcast spotlighting Washington University alumni to help undergraduate students learn about various career paths and to help alumni network with each other.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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這是一個追尋永續職涯的男人的故事聯絡信箱: [email protected] provided by SoundOn
我是一位年過 40 的職場大叔 Alex,在經歷九次轉職的職涯選擇上,有諸多不同的體會與多樣的觀察。作為高敏大叔,熱衷建立有意義的人際鏈結,累積超過 100 小時的職涯諮詢經歷,無論是剛出社會的新鮮人、職涯三到五年的迷惘期、或是步入中年的家庭與職場的拉扯,我都扮演著傾聽與分享的角色,讓彼此有機會往前邁開關鍵的一步。
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Gamma 希望幫助你,解析科技,親身參與「真實的未來」!
我們希望可以提供「科技、投資領域中最高品質的知識」給更多的獨立投資人,Gamma 團隊有知名的避險基金經理,運用在投資與科技的 12 年專業經驗與知識,提供不一樣的見解與角度。
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📍FB社團: 斜槓先修班
📍IG : @follow.joanne
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Happiness is a choice. These are the happy ones at work. Industries and careers are changing faster than ever now. New names and roles pop up overnight. How much do you know about your potential, or yourself? YOU are in the best position to create your dream job. Regularly updating on Sunday evening, to prepare you for a productive week ahead.
#廣東話頻道 #cantonFM #那些我希望二十歲前知道的事情 #聲音導航 #90後的職場故事 #Futureofwork #Futureofjob #SundayJobcast #Careernavigation #Lighthouse
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而Pepper 胡椒,則是一個忙於廣告製作,卻還總是閒不下來,不斷想著創新創業創意創作創造點什麼的廣告調味料
胡椒不嗆 Pepper Woosah,想要的時候來一點,可讓愛刺激或重口味的人也來點「鬆」,
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