(LT) „Ant Agile Sofos“ tai pirmasis Lietuviškas Podcast įrašų ciklas nagrinėjantis Agile metodiką. Jo sumanytojai bei laidų vedėjai tai trys Agile Coach‘ais dirbantys ir ilgametę patirtį šioje srityje sukaupę Agile metodikos entuziastai.
Ant Agile Sofos komanda taip pat teikia konsultavimo ir mokymų paslaugas įvairiomis su asmeniniu, komandų ar organizacijų efektyvumu susijusiomis temomis. Padedame tiek pradedantiesiems, tiek ir labiau pažengusiems pagilinti savo žinias, efektyvinti darbo principus ir pasiekti geresnių rezultatų. Mūsų tikslas – jog Agile mąstymas atneštų kuo daugiau naudos kuo didesniam ratui įmonių Lietuvoje.
Kviečiame susisiekti su mumis, klausytis tinklalaidžių, užduoti klausimus ir dalintis savo komentarais Agile temose bei įkvėpti vis daugiau žmonių pabandyti šį veiklos organizavimo būdą.
(EN) "Ant Agile Sofos (On the Agile Couch)" is the first Agile themed lithuanian podcast diving deeper into agility and methodology of agile. Co-founders of this podcast are 3 Agile Coaches practitioners with extensive experience from this workfields.
On the Agile Couch team also provides agile trainings and consulting in various, personal, team or organizational efficiency related topics. We can help everyone - ones that are just starting their journey or more experienced individuals and companies. We strive to make your working environment more efficient and to reach better results by applying Agile principles. Our goal - to help agility adoption bring as much as possible benefits for organisations in Lithuania.
We do invite you to contact us, listen to our podcasts, raise questions and share your own experience or insights about agility adoption and inspire more and more people to try this mindset - AGILE. -
Industrial Talk is about celebrating the women and men of industry and manufacturing. We celebrate these innovative leaders and companies because they make our lives better and are changing the world for the better! These passionate leaders collaborate, innovate and educate with speed and purpose to positively impact people and communities around the world. Industrial Talk in collaboration with industry and manufacturing leaders address topics that include: Digital Transformation, Big Data, Industry 4.0, IoT, IIoT, AI, ML, Optimization, Edge, Cloud, Asset Reliability, Maintenance, 5G, Sales, Marketing and Branding and strategies for success. This is a podcast that is focused on Getting Stuff Done and learning from individuals and companies that have been there and have a track record of success. We celebrate a bright future in industry and manufacturing from with women and men dedicated to making our communities and world a better place.
„PIN kodas“ – paprasta ir smagi LRT RADIJO laida apie pinigus, ekonomiką ir verslą.
Laidos vedėjai kiekvieną savaitę šalies miestuose ir miesteliuose klaus žmonių – kas jiems labiausiai rūpi ir ko jie visiškai nesupranta. Nuo mokesčių reformos iki brangstančių batų. Nuo valstybės biudžeto iki išlaidų Kalėdoms. Čia neišgirsite sudėtingų terminų ir nesuprantamų atsakymų.
Laidos tikslas – parodyti, jog ekonominiai procesai ar asmeniniai finansai nėra neįkandami. Vedėjai įsitikinę, kad kai žinai kur pasidomėti, viskas tampa ypač elementaru. Todėl laidoje bus pristatytos ir trumpos rubrikos. „Įdomioji ekonomika“ žaismingai ir trumpai vedžios sudėtingiausių įvykių labirintais. O ,,Už kadro" pasiūlys atsukti ausį į reiškinius, apie kuriuos iš viso nesusimąstome. Pavyzdžiui, kur iš tiesų slypi prabangaus ir paprasto laikrodžių kainų skirtumas.
Penktadienio popietę niekam nesinori rimtų temų ir sudėtingų analizių, todėl riedėdami iš darbo, laukdami jo pabaigos ar jau namie gamindami vakarienę, įsijunkite LRT RADIJĄ. Čia lauks pusvalandis lengvų, bet labai naudingų pokalbių apie didelius ir mažus pinigus. Ekonomiką suprasti labai paprasta, jei žinai, ko klausytis. -
This podcast explores the relationship between data strategy and business strategy. A fireside chat between the host Samir Sharma and executives from across industries. We will wax lyrically about all things to do with Data Strategy and how it drives business growth. Join Samir Sharma and his guests to gain insights into how organisations drive their strategic growth objectives using data.
Hosted by Dr. John Meis, Wendy Briggs, and The Team Training Institute, The Double Your Production podcast is designed to help dental professionals better serve patients, run their practices more smoothly, and increase profits.
Learn more about in-office training, executive and team coaching, and virtual training programs at -
Lead Smarter Not Harder is a deep dive into leadership development hosted by Jason Davis. What makes this show different is that it doesn’t stop at highlighting a problem and leaving people wondering what to do. Each episode will include conversations about real problems that managers experience in the workplace, with discussions around easy-to-implement solutions to help individuals stand out as leaders.
In-depth interview podcast with leading corporate governance experts, including world-class founders, scholars, board members, executives, investors and more. The content is structured as a long-form conversation to explore not only the latest corporate governance trends, but also to get some personal insights from some of the best and brightest minds behind America's boardrooms.
Take your construction business management to the next level with this podcast! Learn more at: Welcome to disJointed! Our podcast’s mission is to shine a light on the many problems decision-makers face in construction and the built environment. In each episode, we'll break down some of the biggest challenges construction company executives face and share innovative ways of overcoming them to grow your business. This show is brought to you by Join, the decision-making platform for the built environment. Learn more at
On the Surfacing Podcast, digital governance expert Lisa Welchman and design leader Andy Vitale take a deep dive into the world of the digital maker community. Join them as they talk to the designers, technologists, and business leaders responsible for building the experiences that make up our world.
Weekly episodes dedicated to primitive habits for a digital world. Uncage yourself from the war on your attention, and rediscover the practical instincts to help you connect, inspire, and create meaning for others. Let's get back to the basics of great presentations.
Subscribe for insights on how you can win the war against the digital side effects plaguing your presentations. -
Startup Recruitment Failures is about challenges and failures faced when hiring people. Every startup founder has a story or two on how they were burned by a hire who went sour. Listening to these stories, you will not only find relief (in case you are going through similar situations), but also get insights on how to improve hiring practices and reduce your share of recruitment failures.
《台杉Chat Chat Chat》是由台杉青年創業學院所推出的Podcast,節目將聯手產業專家、新創、創投等意見領袖,為你帶來最新的創投觀點、創業故事、國際動態。
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
The Mobile Workforce Podcast is centered around conversations with experts who have been where you are and have made it to the other side. Each week, our trailblazing guests share their experiences to inspire change, challenge the status quo and share what it takes to travel the road to profitability while managing a remote workforce. If you are looking to improve your operational efficiency and champion processes that maximize profit, these conversations will lead you and your team to the cutting edge. Brought to you by Foundation Software
Join experienced leaders and coaches Dana Williams, Dr Gary Crotaz, and Wendy Willard in the Coacharium, where coaches go to grow. It's the pocket-sized leadership podcast for leaders who coach to gain skills and confidence. We break down big coaching questions into tips, tricks and answers you can put into action straight away as you develop your leadership. Tune in, get inspired and discover how Dana, Gary, and Wendy's leadership and coaching experience has helped thousands of leaders to transform and grow. Whether you're an experienced leader, a budding entrepreneur, have a coaching side-hustle or are trying to bring more coaching into your leadership style, you'll find an episode of the Coacharium that will bring you enlightenment and clarity.
Welcome to the Coacharium! -
Andriaus Gudaičio ir Dariaus Radkevičiaus diskusijos [email protected]
Verslo efektyvumo ekspertas Nerius Jasinavičius dalinasi praktiniais patarimais ir įžvalgomis verslo sistemų kūrimo, tobulininimo, pelningumo didinimo, vadybos klausimais. Kiekvieną penktadienį aptariamas vienas verslo tobulinimo aspektas ar problema ir pateikimas praktinis patarimas. Kai kada apžvelgiamos knygos verslo ir vadybos temomis.
#amatasverslas #nuoamatoprieverslo
Content People is a podcast that interviews people inside and out of the content marketing industry to uncover insights about creative leadership. Every episode features a different guest, providing a fresh perspective on how to succeed in the ever-changing landscape of content marketing.