Join our Keck Graduate Institute (KGI) community as we share behind-the-scenes insights on the innovation and collaboration taking place on campus. On this podcast, we share conversations with students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other guests. Visit our website at and follow us on social media @KeckGrad.
歡迎來到《沒有 PI 的實驗室》Podcast!我們將帶您揭開科學世界的神秘面紗,一同踏上全新的科學之旅。🌟 我們是一群由德州台灣生物科技協會 (TTBA) 帶領的熱血臺灣學生、博士後研究員和在職專業人士,夢想著透過這個頻道,向全球的台灣人傳遞科學的種子,並將科學知識真實地融入日常生活,同時擴展我們的人脈網絡。 💡 在《沒有 PI 的實驗室》,我們將會以輕鬆且專業地方式,探索「職涯規劃」、「科普新知」和「醫療生活」三大主題。節目中將邀請各領域的專家學者,帶我們走入科學的最前線,學習如何將新知識融入日常生活,並探討醫學知識和醫療迷思。 🎧 我們相信透過這個全新的平台,更容易地聆聽前輩的經驗故事,以科學的角度來思考生活,共同為未來努力。一起加入我們!關注《沒有 PI 的實驗室》Podcast,讓我們一同啟程,踏上尋找知識的旅程吧!--Hosting provided by SoundOn
2403 Medtalk with MJ
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Aquadocs is the #1 podcast on aquatic medicine and a Top 50 Life Sciences podcast. Each week host Dr. Michelle Greenfield-Feig interviews veterinarians and animal health experts about their roles in the aquatics community. If you are looking for a fun easy way to learn more about marine mammals, aquaculture, fish/exotic private practice, science communication and policy, new research, and more, this is the resource for you! Episodes are available on your favorite podcast streaming services (Apple/Spotify/Google) and at
Edited by Zach Greenfield-Feig. -
Uniqueness! What we think. What we feel. What role we play and what calls you. Every action has a reaction. Life on the line. Support this podcast:
Rupa Sarkar, Editor-in-Chief, Diana Samuel, Deputy Editor, Lucy Dunbar, Senior Editor, and Gustavo Monnerat, Senior Editor at The Lancet Digital Health, in conversation with the journal’s authors, explore their latest research and its impact on people’s health, healthcare, and health policy.
A monthly audio companion to this open access journal, this podcast covers a broad range of topics, from using machine learning to predict mortality in prostate cancer and the need for feminist intersectionality in digital health, to how algorithms can predict a patient's race from medical data, and more.
Hugh Thomas, Deputy Editor at The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology, in conversation with the journal’s authors, explores their latest research and its impact on people’s health, healthcare, and health policy.
A monthly audio companion to the journal, this podcast covers a broad range of topics, from predicting clinical outcomes in NAFLD to immunosuppressant withdrawal in patients with Crohn’s disease, the primary antibiotic resistance of Helicobacter pylori to surgical versus non-surgical management of malignant bowel obstruction, and more.
三腳貓實驗室是由一群在美國打拼的科學家製作、發行的 podcast。我們希望在探索職涯發展、追求專業與生活上的平衡同時,也能保有對自己專業領域外的好奇心,以及對周遭人事物的關懷。歡迎留言和我們互動。讓我們一起探索、一起感動、一起流淚。然後,一起成為專業又有溫度的人。Contact Us◎ Facebook |◎ Email |◎ Instagram | provided by SoundOn
A video podcast by the American Society for Microbiology that highlights the latest in microbiology, life science and biotechnology news. ASM is composed of over 42,000 scientists and health professionals with the mission to advance the microbial sciences as a vehicle for understanding life processes and to apply and communicate this knowledge for the improvement of health and environmental and economic well-being worldwide. For information about ASM and MicrobeWorld, visit us online at
動物的新發現、小知識、大驚奇都在 聽說動物
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👉【IG】Podcast 天生良品:發現你的人設(@good … - Instagram › good.enough2021
中國信託 CTBC Bank
代碼 Code:822
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歡迎光臨荒野保護協會 PODCAST頻道起床囉!早安荒野一份早餐配一份故事 節目內容分享與環境有關的事物透過吃早餐的時間,一起來認識自然環境用聲音陪伴你的早餐時光🌱荒野保護協會臉書:🌱荒野保護協會官網:🌱荒野保護協會IG:🌱荒野保護協會YOUTUBE: provided by SoundOn
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嗨!大家好歡迎來到《嘿!你夠衛生嘛?》,你真的夠衛生嘛?來讓公衛生來回答你吧!這裡是一個致力推動、推廣公共衛生資訊的頻道,範圍很廣很廣,從你的基因一直到世界的每個角落,從你的內心世界一直到大數據的時代,希望能讓你了解公衛這門學問,包山包海也讓你包心。我們不只是打掃街道的衛生,事實上凡事只要影響到了你的健康、他人的健康、還是地球的健康,就都是我們會談到的議題。趕快邀請親朋好友來一起聽吧!大家都要健健康康的掌握自己的未來!歡迎大家來追蹤我們的IG,裡面有我們手繪的漂亮佐圖呦!IG:總連結: provided by SoundOn