
  • On our final episode before we take a break for the rest of summer, we invited Stephen Brown back onto the podcast to cap off Season 2! Stephen was our very first guest and it's fitting to have him back on to finish out what has been a great topic to end Season 2.

    When we began looking back at our own journey and how far the podcast has come, we wanted to finish this season out with someone who started the journey with us. Stephen gives us his insight on why it's important to take in the present and why even in our darkest days, the journey still taught us something and put us in the position we are today.

    Stephen gives great examples of his own life on how his journey has mattered so much and without that journey he would not have excelled the way he has in business and in his personal life. Please tune in and listen to Stephen wrap up Season 2 on why the journey matters!

    Thanks and enjoy!

  • On today's episode, we will give you some suggestions on how to focus on the present and enjoy the journey. Most of the time we get focused on the future all while trying to obtain certain goals and we lose sight of what's in front of us. So here's some ways in which you can try to enjoy the journey more:

    First, practice mindfulness. Take moments to pause, breathe, and fully immerse yourself in the present. Embrace the sights, sounds, and emotions that surround you.Second, cultivate gratitude. Take time to appreciate the small victories, the lessons learned from challenges, and the people who support you along the way. Gratitude helps us stay grounded and find joy in the journey, no matter the circumstances.Third, embrace uncertainty. Life is unpredictable, and the journey often takes unexpected turns. Instead of resisting change, embrace it as an opportunity for growth and new possibilities.And finally, set intentions, not just goals. Intentions guide our actions and mindset, focusing on how we want to show up in the world and the values we want to embody.

    Thanks and enjoy!

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  • This week we are embarking into a topic that really means a lot to us. As we approach our 100th episode, we began looking back at our own journey and what it has meant to us. For us, the journey has been fun, exciting, rewarding and gratifying. We have learned so much along the way, and because of that, we've grown as individuals.

    We wanted to talk about why the journey matters this week as we wrap up Season 2 of the podcast. Today's episode is all about why the journey matters to include savoring each step of the way because once it's all said and done, you can't go back. Sometimes we lose focus of the present when we are only concentrating on the future, such as completing our goals or trying to meet certain benchmarks. We tend to forget about what is going on right now and that is wrong. We need to open our eyes up and savor each moment along the way. It's those moments that really make us grow as individuals.

    The goal this week is to make you understand why it's important to take it all in and not just focus on the destination. The journey matters!

    Thanks and enjoy!

  • On today's episode, we interview a gentleman that lives and breathes finances. Welcome Larry Elovitz!

    Larry works for The Redwood Financial Group in Dublin, Ohio and has been apart of finances for over 20 years now! Please tune in to hear Larry discuss why it's important for you to get a hold only your finances. He provides you some tips and suggestions on how to better manage your finances to include making a budget, cutting spending where it's unnecessary, and how to create a winning mindset when it comes to your finances.

    Larry also provides some great information and general tips in the finance world. If you are someone who's been wondering how much to save or invest, please listen to Larry when he talks about the 50/30/20 rule or how much money you should have saved in case of emergencies.

    This is a great episode for everyone to listen too, especially if you are younger and curious about what to do with your money. Although Larry will not tell you who to invest in, he does go into detail about why making financially smart decisions when you're young is one of the best things you can do!

    You can find Larry at the following website for all of your financial questions:

    Thanks and enjoy!

  • On today's episode, we will give you some suggestions on how to handle the financial stress you have in your life a little better. The burden of finances and the anxiety it gives all of us sometimes is hard to handle, so here are some ways in which you can try and manage this stress a little better.

    Budgeting and financial planning: Create a budget to track income and expenses. Set clear financial goals and develop a plan to achieve them. By having a structured approach to managing money, individuals can gain a sense of control and reduce anxiety about their financial situation.Emergency fund: Establish an emergency fund that can cover three to six months' worth of living expenses. Having a financial safety net can provide peace of mind and protect against unexpected events or financial setbacks.Live within your means: Avoid excessive spending and focus on living within your means. Differentiate between needs and wants and prioritize essential expenses. Cultivate mindful spending habits by asking yourself if a purchase aligns with your financial goals and values.Reduce debt: Develop a strategy to pay off debts systematically. Prioritize high-interest debts and consider consolidating or refinancing loans to reduce interest rates. Reducing debt can alleviate financial burdens and free up resources for other priorities.Increase financial literacy: Educate yourself about personal finance and investment strategies. The more you understand about managing money, the better equipped you'll be to make informed decisions and feel more confident about your financial situation.Seek professional advice: Consult with financial advisors or experts who can provide guidance and help you make informed decisions. They can assist with creating a financial plan, managing investments, and addressing specific concerns you may have.Focus on gratitude and contentment: Practice gratitude for what you have rather than focusing solely on what you lack. Cultivating a sense of contentment and appreciating non-material aspects of life can reduce the constant desire for more money and alleviate worries associated with financial comparisons.Take care of your well-being: Prioritize self-care and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Stress and worry about money can take a toll on mental and physical health. Engage in activities that promote relaxation, such as exercise, meditation, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones.Build multiple income streams: Explore opportunities to diversify your income sources. This could include starting a side business, freelancing, investing, or developing skills that can lead to higher-paying job opportunities. Expanding your income streams can provide a sense of security and reduce reliance on a single source of income.Develop a positive mindset: Cultivate a positive attitude towards money and adopt a growth mindset. Instead of dwelling on financial worries, focus on proactive steps you can take to improve your situation. Believe in your ability to manage your finances and work towards a more secure and fulfilling financial future.

    Remember, achieving financial peace of mind is a process, and it may require patience, discipline, and adaptability. By taking proactive steps and adopting healthier financial habits, individuals can gradually reduce their worries about money and enhance their overall well-being.

    Thanks and enjoy!

  • Here we are venturing into a brand new topic this week and one in which we felt compelled to discuss, at least at the basic level. This week's topic is all about winning financially. However, before we go any further, we are not financial advisors so we will not be getting into how you should invest your money or specifically how much you should have or what you should spend your money on. We will talk about how to change your mindset when it comes to your finances and give you some ideas on what to think about when it comes to your finances.

    People tend to worry about money because money is necessary for the following reasons:

    Basic NeedsFinancial StabilityFuture PlanningSocial Status and Comparison

    Overall, the worries about money stem from the fundamental role it plays in providing security, meeting basic needs, planning for the future, and supporting a fulfilling life. Financial concerns are a natural part of human existence in a society where money is the primary medium of exchange and a determinant of one's access to resources and opportunities.

    Thanks and enjoy!

  • On our final episode of "Winners make the most mistakes," we interview coach Dave Moore from the University of West Georgia. Coach Moore has served as a coach for over 25 years and knows the inner workings of mistakes and how to overcome them.

    He has coached dozens of players that have been signed to professional contracts, including NBA players. However, all those players as well as their teammates, coaching staff, and organizational staff members weren't perfect. Mistakes happened. Lessons were learned. People then flourished.

    If you are someone who's been in fear of making mistakes, this episode is for you. Coach Moore does a great job explaining why mistakes happen but also what the benefit is from making a mistake. He goes into great detail on how to overcome mistakes but yet defines why people who initially try things are the true winners, even though they know mistakes will happen.

    Please tune in to this episode from a great coach to learn why it's ok to make mistakes. All winners make mistakes!

    Thanks and enjoy!

  • On today's episode we dive into some practical ways in which you can begin to understand how to deal with the idea of making mistakes. There are several ways in which you can begin to use mistakes as the stepping stone for getting better. We will cover a few areas, plus give you some examples of people who's made a lot of mistakes, but still pressed on in their lives.

    We want to jump into a couple of ways in which you can begin to understand that making mistakes is ok but also - there is a process if a mistake happens and what you should do.

    We believe one of the greatest mindsets a winner has is to own their mistakes. Don't play the blame game. Just own the fact that you screwed up and will learn from it.If you make a mistake, ask questions about it. Ask yourself why this happened or ask a coworker why this happened. The end result is to understand the dynamics of why that mistake occurred, learn from it and don’t do it again. You can't do this though if you don’t ask questions about the mistake. Even though mistakes are inevitable, begin to hate mistakes. If you hate mistakes so much, you have two options. One option is to never try anything and simply watch the world go by. The other option is to get so good at your craft that a mistake will rarely happen. I think the latter of the two is the better option. If you take this option, you’ll motivate yourself to be the best version of yourself, firing on all cylinders, therefore eliminating the possibility of making mistakes.

    Thanks and enjoy!

  • Welcome back to 10toWin the Podcast. This week we are traveling to an area that many of us need to understand better. If you are a person who's always worried about making mistakes, this week's topic is perfect for you. We are going to do a deep dive into why winners make the most mistakes and to understand why this is ok.

    Most people who are sitting on the sidelines are always worried about taking chances because they are fearful of what others may think of them. If you are always watching and never doing, you're never going to be on the winning mindset path.

    On today's episode we talk about why winners make the most mistakes. We discuss why this is ok and how making mistakes ends up proving to be the best thing for you.

    If you are someone who's interested in taking more chances but are worried that making mistakes is a bad thing, please tune into this week's topic. You'll surely understand why Coach John Wooden backed this statement.

    Thanks and enjoy!

  • In our final episode of this interview and our topic this week, you'll hear Ross Jackson talk about the philosophy behind being successful. He also gives some insight on parenting and the philosophy on why he has made certain decisions while being a parent.

    Ross finishes up this week with a bang! If you didn't get enough philosophy during the first two episodes of this series, our third episode will surely put it all together for you.

    Please tune in to part 3 of "The Philosophy of Life" with Ross Jackson.

    Thanks and enjoy!

  • If you tuned in on Monday, you learned our set up this week is totally different. We interview a gentleman named Ross Jackson, and it went so well we decided to take his entire interview and split it up into three different episodes. So today's episode is part 2 of our "Philosophy of Life" series.

    On today's episode you'll hear Ross talk about the following ideas:

    Life adviceWhat is the definition of success?What is the definition of excellence?What is the philosophy of the successful?

    As mentioned on Monday, if you have a passion for philosophy, look no further than this week's topic. Join us today for part 2 of Ross Jackson and the "Philosophy of Life."

    Thanks and enjoy!

  • Well, we are going rogue this week. We interviewed a gentleman named Ross Jackson this week and our interview was so good, we ended up spitting the interview up into three different episodes. Ross talks about all the content that we had created for the week, so why not do something different?

    On today's episode, you'll hear Ross talk about:

    The basics of what philosophy is?Should you have a life philosophy?

    Ross goes into great detail about the ideas of both of these. If you are someone who's interested in learning more about philosophy and what it means in your life, please tune into our series this week!

    Thanks and enjoy!

  • Welcome Adam Howard to the podcast! Today's interview explores a deep dive into why it's important to be yourself. Adam gives fundamental lessons on why you can't live in the shadows of other people and why you have to focus on what is important to you.

    So many of us are constantly wondering what others are thinking about us. Adam does a great job explaining why that is an unhealthy lifestyle to live. In addition, he gives some concrete examples on how to feel more comfortable in front of people and block out the noise you perceive as other people's judgements.

    If you are trying to feel more comfortable in your own skin and wondering how to fit in with social groups or where you stand in your own life, this episode is for you. Please check out Adam and his tremendous insight on how to be yourself!

    Thanks and enjoy!

    (Sorry, we had a few audio technicalities when recording this. It's still awesome!)

  • On today's episode, we will go over some ways in which you can begin to understand how to feel more comfortable with yourself and why that is important. Let's dive right into this:

    The world is tough and knowing that upfront is the first thing you have to accept. Anything worth anything in life is hard and will come with obstacles and judgements from others. Remember a lot of what people say may simply be jealousness of you and what you are accomplishing. Sometimes the only way people know how to stop you is to verbally bring you down. Here’s some ways in which you can forget about this and move forward in your journey.

    Knowing people will always have opinions of you. If you know this going into it, it won’t surprise you or bring you down when people try to attack you for what you’re trying to accomplish. Know that you aren't perfect: By the way, no one else is. So if you make a mistake, it’s no big deal. You get back up and proceed on. Don’t let the judgements of others bring you down if you make a mistake. It’s a guarantee these people will make mistakes too and need to recognize not to throw rocks when you live in a glass house. Don’t try and read people's minds. I know I've found myself doing this in the past which can quickly turn your mind into a negative fashion. Maybe you’re giving a speech or teaching a class and you begin to wonder what someone in the audience is saying. If you think it’s about you, it could throw you off your game and everything you were doing or saying could be negatively affected. Don’t try and read people’s minds. You don’t know what they are saying so don’t assume its negative about you. Find comfort on the inside and you’ll have comfort on the outside. As we grow as people and become more confident with ourselves, we will develop internal comfort and external comfort. When im comfortable with myself, it doesn’t matter what others may think of me. How do I get this comfort? Look at what you do everyday and know that you’re trying to crush it and be the best version of yourself. Once you know you’re putting in the effort, you will find more comfort with yourself especially as the results come in.

    Thanks and enjoy!

  • New topic this week. New insights.

    Topic this week is "Be Yourself"

    When you are navigating the game of life, you have to understand what you bring to the table and the positive traits that you have. So many of us are constantly worry about how others are viewing us that we ultimately stop doing things we believe are important to us just because we are worried what others may think of us.

    This week's topic is all about why it's important to understand being yourself is a good thing and how to go about your life focusing on "you" and not "them." The more you let people dictate what you do, the more you will never push the limits of what you can do.

    The most important idea to take from this week is you will never aspire to greatness if you are always worried what others may think of you. Don't live your life worrying about criticism, just understand it will always be there. You are who you are, and that is awesome.

    Thanks and enjoy!

  • Welcome Dr. Jon Zeser to this Friday session of "Creating a Vision." Who better to have on the podcast to talk about vision than an optometrist? Dr. Zeser does a great job taking you on a journey of why it's important to create a vision both in your business and within your personal life.

    Dr. Zeser gives clear examples of what has worked within his practice but admits if something isn't working that he will re-evaluate when needed. The key to creating a vision is getting everyone on the same page through communication, inspiration and a clear path to travel along when trying to fulfill the vision.

    Please tune in and learn from Dr. Zeser. If you have had a desire to understand vision and what it can do for both you and your business, this is the episode for you!

    Thanks and enjoy!

  • Today, we want to give you all some tips and how to create a vision for yourself, family or company.

    Here are some steps in which you can create a vision. Let's use an ice cream shop as our example throughout these steps:

    What do you want the outcome to be? An ice cream shop makes ice cream but the outcome is the consumers enjoying the ice cream. So let’s try this: Example: ABC Ice Cream is dedicated to providing high quality ice cream that always satisfies our customers. What separates you from everyone else? Talk about this in the vision statement. Example: ABC Ice Cream is dedicated to providing high quality ice cream, created from an old midwestern superior dairy farm recipe that always satisfies our customers. Give some specifics on who will benefit: In this case, we want to talk about who comes into the ice cream shop. Example: ABC Ice Cream is dedicated to providing high quality ice cream, created from an old midwestern superior dairy farm recipe that satisfies every customer. Add a human element: Add some language in the vision statement that allows your customers, employees, or whoever else the ability to picture how this will turn out in the end. Example: ABC Ice Cream is dedicated to providing high quality ice cream, created from an old midwestern superior dairy farm recipe, that creates a smile on every customer who comes in.

    You can see where we started and how we finished. We kept adding these important pieces to the vision statement and the final outcome is much better than when we started.

    Thanks and enjoy!

  • Great new series we start this week and it begins with part 1 today where we discuss at length why it's important to have a vision statement. Creating a vision, whether its personal, family oriented or in the workplace, gives you a path to travel along in order to fulfill certain goals. Think of it like this. We’ve all sat down and dreamed about what it would be like to have X or be able to do X or accomplish X. In those moments that may be a dream but ultimately this could also be a vision for you. We think vision is taking your dreams and putting them into reality. We think vision is painting a picture of what you want things to ultimately look like. We think vision is looking down the road and seeing things differently than they are now. Creating that vision gives you drive and motivation to complete the necessary tasks along the way.

    “The Vision is the What, Where, or Who you want the company to become. The Mission is the WHY the company exists, it is your purpose, passion, or cause.” So vision is more about how to create buy-in, inspiration and motivation. It gives us a direction on which way to go as we move forward.

    Having a vision statement helps aid in decision making. We talked earlier about creating a vision being personal, family oriented or job related. If you created a vision for yourself to live a healthier lifestyle over the next year, this gives you direction as to what decisions you need to make in order to fulfill this vision. Creating a vision also helps create and define a culture. When the vision is set by the boss, it really lays out how everyone should make their decisions; it fuels the workforce and helps everyone and the company reach its potential.

    Thanks and enjoy!

  • Are you a leader? Are you a good leader? Are you leading at a championship level? If you have a desire to increase your knowledge and understanding of how to lead, this is the episode for you!

    Please join Brian Agler, a two-time WNBA championship coach for multiple WNBA teams. He is also a Division III championship winning basketball player as well. If there is anyone who has the knowledge and understanding of how to increase your leadership, it's Brian.

    Listen in as Brian shares his personal stories surrounding his successes and failures. He gives in-depth details about what traits and characteristics he used during his championship seasons and how other people have made a huge impact in his life as well.

    You will surely grab some additional bullet points to add to your leadership tool box in this episode.

    Thanks and enjoy!

  • On today's episode we go over several ways in which you can begin to lead yourself, your family or your business to a championship level. We talk about the fire service and how the rank structure is. We also talk about the leadership pyramid and span of control. Jason goes over some examples in the fire service on how vision, communication and systems play a crucial role in the success of the business.

    Please tune in and find out more on how to begin to lead at a championship level.

    Thanks and enjoy!