Wow - so much accomplished with 2 new books underway!
Come hear about our friends' new comic book: Tales from the Void!
All this and more in our latest episode of... 13 Sided Die!
Send comments, support and questions to: crystalball@13sideddie.com
// All music is copyright zenX13
Cheering sound.m4a by asvid123 (freesound.org)G39-16-Bugle Call.wav by craigsmith (freesound.org)Announcements by Oddworld (freesound.org)US Military Soldier Shouting "Whoo!" by qubodup (freesound.org)Spooky Ambiance #1 by KRISTIANKULTA (freesound.org)spooky zone.mp3 by HF2010 (freesound.org) -
That's right - Jim and I chat with our Loremaster about AardCON and our trip to the mountains!
For some fun we create a random encounter from old D&D Manuals!
All this and more in our latest episode of... 13 Sided Die!
NOTE: Sorry the audio on this episode is a little off.
Send comments, support and questions to: crystalball@13sideddie.com
// All music is copyright zenX13
11080 magic gong.wav by: Robinhood76 (freesound.org)Magic Spell 07, Remastered 02.wav by: MATRIXXX_ (freesound.org)Charge in A.wav by: GeraRamirez (freesound.org)Slow Monster Growl by: MeijstroAudio (freesound.org) -
Manglende episoder?
Yes!! We are live again at AardCON!
This year we have a panel of amazing friends to chat with:
Chris: Loremaster and ModeratorFriendly Mike: Wayward Brothers TattooNancy: Voice Actor w/ The Mercenary Co.Shane: Calgary DM Extraordinaire!Come listen to us chat about many RPG / Fantasy topics - this is a great episode!
Special thanks to our AV Master Dave C.!
All this and more in our latest episode of... 13 Sided Die!
Send comments, support and questions to: crystalball@13sideddie.com
// All music is copyright zenX13
Yes - it is us, we are back!
Come hear us talk about what's been going on lately, chat about the upcoming AardCON and then we try to answer our last guest (Friendly Mike's) question about D&D Modules.
Listen to us ramble on with no real agenda - did we just remake Episode Zero?
All this and more in our latest episode of... 13 Sided Die!
Send comments, support and questions to: crystalball@13sideddie.com
// All music is copyright zenX13
Assorted Sound Effects
Small crowd cheering and clapping at party 2.wav by: xtrsounder (freesound.org)Alright! We did it! Female Cheer for games by: SkyRaeVoicing (freesound.org) -
Come hear our amazing discussions with our special guest: Friendly-Mike!
Learn how we all met, listen to us geek out about old-school D&D, new world AI and what it means to the game and the world in general!
We talk all about art and give Jim credit for his amazing growth in this area!
Listen to me be a grumpy old man and vent then hear Mike talk me down off the ledge!
Then we pummel poor Mike with a round of rapid-fire questions.
All this and more in our latest episode of... 13 Sided Die!
Send comments, support and questions to: crystalball@13sideddie.com
// All music is copyright zenX13
Assorted Sound Effects
polite_applause_10.wav by: joedeshon (freesound.org)Fanfare 4.wav by: primordiality (freesound.org)Draw sword#1.wav by: fielastro (freesound.org)Race Robot - finish line by: Ionicsmusic (freesound.org)Lexie - Woo Hoo.ogg by: javapimp (freesound.org)Grumpy Old Man.wav by: husky70 (freesound.org)Guns & Explosions Album - Machine Gun 1.wav by: OGsoundFX (freesound.org) -
Join us for a trip down memory lane as we chat about original D&D Combat and Armor Classes!
We try to take away the complexity of the old ways and make it easy to understand!
Jim talks about his favourite board games and impresses Sean with his knowledge and also his first full segment!
Listen for when his stream cuts out! Was it Goblins?
All this and more in our latest episode of... 13 Sided Die!
Send comments, support and questions to: crystalball@13sideddie.com
// All music is copyright zenX13
Assorted Sound Effects
Small crowd cheering and clapping at party 2.wav by: xtrsounder (freesound.org)Ambient battle noise: swords and shouting by: pfranzen (freesound.org)Lexie - Woo Hoo.ogg by: javapimp (freesound.org)Dun dun dun.wav by: Simon_Lacelle (freesound.org) -
Come listen to us catch up and talk about EpicInktober and Jim's controversial lack of respect for Halloween before we dig in deep on our love of music in our D&D sessions!
Hear us talk about different genres, bands and tips to adding this great immersion element to your current set-up!
Then give an ear when we use the cool Rory's Story Cubes to create some impromptu mini story setups!
All this and more in our latest episode of... 13 Sided Die!
Send comments, support and questions to: crystalball@13sideddie.com
// All music is copyright zenX13
Assorted Sound Effects
Electric guitar Metal Riff by: davidkyoku (freesound.org)Wolfwhistle.wav by: Benboncan (freesound.org)Male_Scream_6.wav by: tonsil5 (freesound.org)Girl Screaming_01.wav by: tomattka (freesound.org)Dice C.m4a by: Phorgador (freesound.org) -
Our amazing guest: Courtney gave us the topic for this show and this is something we will ask all our future guests to do!
Come listen to Jim use the technical term: hokey pokey. See if you can hear when my phone beeps (sorry)!
Learn how we deal with creativity while keeping enjoyment in the hobby!
Listen to us hang out and chat with Sean swearing the most!
Also - join in on the controversial dice discussion we have!!
All this and more in our latest episode of... 13 Sided Die!
Send comments, support and questions to: crystalball@13sideddie.com
// All music is copyright zenX13
Assorted Sound Effects
Alright! We did it! Female Cheer for games by: SkyRaeVoicing (freesound.org)Hmms various 1.wav by: Hmms various 1.wav (freesound.org)Applause.wav by: Salsero_classic (freesound.org)Salsero_classic by: FunWithSound (freesound.org)Nokia Keypad Beep.wav by: edinc90 (freesound.org)Shock (Funny Version) by: Beetlemuse (freesound.org)Crowd shock.wav by: deleted_user_2104797 (freesound.org)male what.wav by: Reitanna (freesound.org) -
This is such an amazing interview with our talented friend Courtney!
Come hear her talk about her mini painting journey, share her tips, drop an F-bomb and then listen to us make our first guest cry!
In all seriousness, this is a heartfelt and real episode - we hope you enjoy it as much as Jim and I did.
All this and more in our latest episode of... 13 Sided Die!
Send comments, support and questions to: crystalball@13sideddie.com
// All music is copyright zenX13
Assorted Sound Effects
Crowd cheer by: day-garwood (freesound.org)What The Hell Is Going On? by: Aquillx (freesound.org)Crowd Wow Surprise People by: dersuperanton (freesound.org)im sorry, what? by: Alivvie (freesound.org)Sad Trombone.wav by: Benboncan (freesound.org) -
Come hear how the Robot Overlords are plotting to take us over!And regardless of that - we still love to use AI as a tool in D&D prep.
Hear Sean admit he is an android and listen to Jim drop the first F-bomb on the podcast!
All this and more in our latest episode of... 13 Sided Die!
Send comments, support and questions to: crystalball@13sideddie.com
// All music is copyright zenX13
Assorted Sound Effects
Crowd in panic by: IENBAfuture alarm 1. by: Tissman (freesound.org)Depth Charge - Asterisk (Warning).wav by: liquidhot (freesound.org)Gasp 5 with shock.wav by: jayfrosting (freesound.org)Applause 3.WAV by: Sandermotions (freesound.org) -
Wow - Jim and I are so excited for this new episode!
Not only do we level up but... we recorded the show live at the RPG gathering: AardCON!
Come listen to Chris our Loremaster keep us on track!
In the second part of this episode we get some of the band back together and reflect on how the event went!
And now - I am so excited to say these next words: "13 Sided Die was taped in front of a live audience..."
All this and more in our latest episode of... 13 Sided Die!
Send comments, support and questions to: crystalball@13sideddie.com
// All music is copyright zenX13
Assorted Sound Effects
woo.wav by theplax (freesound.org)
whip and crack sound by JayRom01 (freesound.org)
Applause.wav by Salsero_classic (freesound.org)
Come learn all our tips and tricks to manage High Level Characters as a DM and how to get the most out of them as a Player!
Point of note - we recorded this late at night and being a little tired and punchy you can hear when the main topic morphs into a Tolkien / Lord of the Rings show!
And I confuse Éowyn with Éomer - damn Riders of Rohan!
You can also listen to us profess that feeble minded chicken is our favourite protein!
All this and more in our latest episode of... 13 Sided Die!
Send comments, support and questions to: crystalball@13sideddie.com
// All music is copyright zenX13
Assorted Sound Effects
Applause 1.WAV by Sandermotions (freesound.org)
Woo 2.wav by jayfrosting (freesound.org)
Horse Whinny, Close, A.wav by InspectorJ (freesound.org)
Rooster, Crowing, A.wav by InspectorJ (freesound.org)
Come listen to us chat about our adventures at Calgary's biggest comic / cosplay celebration then stay for the main event as we discuss the new Dungeons and Dragons movie - WARNING... there will be spoilers!
Hear Jim vent on the lack of Beholders in the film and Sean goes off on a rant about buying history!
Jim finally calls us back in from the break and we almost forget to do a bad joke!
All this and more in this episode of... 13 Sided Die!
Send comments, support and questions to: crystalball@13sideddie.com
// All music is copyright zenX13
Assorted Sound Effects
Orchestral Victory Fanfare by Sheyvan (freesound.org)
ONCE HE WAS JUST A BOY by metrostock99 (freesound.org)
CartoonFlyingSoundsX4 by zimbot (freesound.org)
C-RAM - Warning sound (Loops) by gurkenjaeger13 (freesound.org)
Listen to Jim and I talk about the the strange Matt Mercer Effect and how it can destroy games!
We also chat about paid DMs - we have differing opinions on this one! And... we have another great Random Encounter - this time with with with an Undead Dragon!
You also get to hear when we expose Jim's nefarious plot to exploit his Instagram followers - busted!!!
All this and more in this episode of... 13 Sided Die!
Send comments, support and questions to: crystalball@13sideddie.com
// All music is copyright zenX13
Assorted Sound Effects
APPLAUSE.WAV by erkanozan (freesound.org)
What a load of rubbish.mp3 by Anzbot (freesound.org)
Shocked_Audience by unchaz (freesound.org)
Dragon Roar by qubodup (freesound.org)
Trumpet_Cry.wav by sweet_niche (freesound.org)
Following up from our last episode - Jim and I talk all about how to create your own homebrew campaign!
Then we move onto our homebrewed Deserted Island and finish fleshing it out - beware of the four armed Gorillas!
Listen for Jim to present our Fantasy Factoid - which is a rare occasion, and... we have a special announcement for our next show!
All this and more in this episode of... 13 Sided Die!
Send comments, support and questions to: crystalball@13sideddie.com/
/ All music is copyright zenX13
Assorted Sound Effects
Gorillaschrei.wav by J0ck0 (freesound.org)
gasps small crowd.wav by dreamstobecome (freesound.org)
Short Brass Fanfare 2.wav by MC5 (freesound.org)
As requested from an awesome listener: Jim and I have a discussion about Homebrew D&D gods and how to use them in your games!
Then we move over to the first of a two part segment where we create a Homebrew world right in front of you!
You can also listen for the part when evil internet monsters interfere with the podcast and we almost lose the recording!
All this and more on this episode of... 13 Sided Die!
Send comments, support and questions to: crystalball@13sideddie.com
// All music is copyright zenX13
Assorted Sound Effects
Choir 2.aif by DiArchangeli (freesound.org)
Defeated_Ogre.wav by TomRonaldmusic (freesound.org)
Dialup.mp3 by Jlew (freesound.org)
Tada Fanfare A by plasterbrain (freesound.org)
That's right friends - come join us as we discuss our favourite fantasy movies and chat about how you can incorporate those stories and characters into your own game!
We also talk frankly about the whole D&D OGL debacle and give our opinions on the topic!
Lastly - this episode is coming to you late, sorry, we are not sorry but I have had a bad cold.
Come count how many times I cough and sneeze!
All this and more in this episode of... 13 Sided Die!
Send comments, support and questions to: crystalball@13sideddie.com
// All music is copyright zenX13
A new year with Jim and I (with no formal training) tackling a difficult topic right out the gates!
We talk about how burnout happens, how to avoid it and what to do if you feel it.
Plus we also talk about dice!
We seem to swear more in this episode than any other - come count them to win a prize!
NOTE: There is no prize.
Send comments, support and questions to: crystalball@13sideddie.com
// All music is copyright zenX13
- Trumpet_Cry by sweet_niche (freesound.org)
- Wall Bump 1 by Osiruswaltz (freesound.org)
- Rolling Dice by jrayhartley (freesound.org)
Come listen to Jim and I as we look back at all the big events of 2022.
We also talk about some goals and new ideas for us to explore in the new year.
Plus you can hear when we realize that the episode kinda started without us saying go!
Send comments, support and questions to: crystalball@13sideddie.com
// All music is copyright zenX13
- Gasp by dr_skitz (freesound.org)
- Fireworks by kyles (freesound.org)
- Vis mere