
  • Milk is one of the most misunderstood fluid these days. Milk remains an offering to the gods for an answer to our prayers, but when it comes to milk as an offering to our stomach, a certain hesitation takes over. Many fitness enthusiasts I meet automatically mark that they have an allergy to it on their assessment sheets when they are not even lactose intolerant, and they all come with the same mantra: milk is not meant for adults. Just like any other fluid, it is not meant for adults who are lactose intolerant or allergic to it, but that does not make it a forbidden drink for the rest of us.

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  • Stress is a silent killer that is now rooted deep into our systems, and what makes it dangerous is that we are almost always unaware of it. Sometimes it’s the stress to achieve, or it’s the stress to retain or the stress of coping with a loss. No matter where we are in life, there’s no room for complacency anymore. There’s an old saying, ‘Jaisa ann, vaisa mann’ (As is the food, so is the thought), pointing to the fact that every morsel we eat has an effect on our mental and emotional well-being.

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  • This desi drink is something I thought I would never need to defend until I started my practice in Delhi. The number of people who called it fattening was rather shocking. Once a lady almost cried after a 20-minute-long fact check comparing sugar-free frozen yoghurt to coconut water. There are 39 calories on an average in one coconut. It takes 7,700 calories to make one kilo of fat and even though that math is not always linear, coconut water is far from ‘fattening’.

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  • This one is a dieter’s delight, a morning ritual for instant weight loss. Those numbers can govern our mood, energy and self-worth. Now there goes an error in judgement; our body weight is a limited measure to evaluate fitness. But there’s still something to the kilos that makes us take desperate measures towards weight loss success. I often come across women who would otherwise prefer a salt-free dinner and ‘indulge’ in dal–rice, thanks to this morning star. The fear of eating salt goes out of the window when coriander seed water comes to the rescue. It makes me wonder, shouldn’t our quest for fitness bring more stability and strength to life—body and mind included? On the contrary, modern-day fitness trends comprising of changing food habits and photoshopped bodies have left us even more restless and insecure. The science behind healthy eating may be simple but we surely have become more complicated.

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  • Every time we hear the word ‘berry’, our mind automatically goes ‘healthy’, so it should come as no surprise that mulberry makes it to the superfood list. This sounds very foreign, but it is more commonly known as shahtoot in India. It is a desi super fruit that can give any exotic berry a run for its money. Listen to the Podcast 50 Desi Super Drinks with celebrity nutritionist Lovneet Batra and with one of our Top RJ's RJ Mandee on the RedFM India App

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  • Popping up everywhere, from fancy juice bars to your neighbourhood park, wheatgrass juice is an old player in the world of natural health. It comes from the freshly sprouted leaves of the wheat plant that are usually harvested in 7–10 days, after sprouting. It is traditionally sown in India as khetri during Navratri as an offering to the Mother Goddess on the last day, symbolizing devotion and prosperity for the upcoming harvesting season. The juice extracted from wheatgrass is known to be liquid sunshine as it contains high levels of chlorophyll, a plant pigment that can transform energy from sunlight into food. Being structurally similar to haemoglobin, a protein that is responsible for carrying oxygen in our body, wheatgrass juice is also known as the green blood that can help in boosting energy levels. It is also an excellent source of many different vitamins and minerals. Listen to the Podcast 50 Desi Super Drinks with celebrity nutritionist Lovneet Batra and with one of our Top RJ's RJ Mandee on the RedFM India App

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  • Bael juice is a summer solace that can rescue us from the scorching sun. The cooling effect of this hard-shelled fruit is not just restricted to heat relief for the body but is believed to bring calmness to the mind. It’s known as Shiva’s (the hot-tempered deity) favourite fruit, so much so that worshipping Lord Shiva is fruitless without the leaves of the bael tree. The trifoliate shape of the bael leaf signifies the three components or ‘gunas’, namely the sattva, rajas and tamas. And the centre portion of the leaf is concentrated with the perfect balance of the three. For my naturopathy teacher, it was auspicious, purifying and the secret to his vitality and strength at age 98. Bael juice was our mandatory potion—the final cleanse post the four-hour-long healing treatment to create a no-toxin zone. Listen to the Podcast 50 Desi Super Drinks with celebrity nutritionist Lovneet Batra and with one of our Top RJ's RJ Mandee on the RedFM India App

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  • Pharmacies have never looked so colourful and friendly before, thanks to a new rage for skin care and nutraceutical products. If you have been distracted by those tempting claims, you might have stumbled upon a whole array of functional extracts that go beyond the regular vitamin, mineral and protein mixes. Our problem is too many choices, which is a good problem when you know what you really want but it leaves you restless otherwise. Listen to the Podcast 50 Desi Super Drinks with celebrity nutritionist Lovneet Batra and with one of our Top RJ's RJ Mandee on the RedFM India App

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  • When we think weight loss, we think of restriction and cutting out the calories. Then begins the game of willpower; some people might also think of gaining weight as a lack of discipline or just a simple culmination of bad choices. But if you think about it, how free is our free will? Aren’t our choices a by-product of the options we have to choose from and in the case of food, our natural instinct to satisfy hunger governed by various chemical reactions happening inside our body? When it comes to fitness, isn’t willpower overrated? Talking of our internal environment, stabilizing our hunger hormones is the key to weight loss. In my definition, fattening foods are the ones that don’t just come with empty calories but also never satisfy our hunger. Think of a box of cookies or a packet of chips; it might have the same or fewer calories as compared to a paneer parantha, but the fact that wholesome foods stabilize hunger as opposed to junk foods that make you even more hungry is what makes chips and biscuits ‘fattening’. Buttermilk is an appetite stabilizer; try having a glass of buttermilk around your peak hunger hours and see the magic. You will feel energized and not driven towards high-salt-high-sugar foods. Listen to the Podcast 50 Desi Super Drinks with celebrity nutritionist Lovneet Batra and with one of our Top RJ's RJ Mandee on the RedFM India App

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  • Indian blackberry or jamun is a purplish mix of sweet and sour with a tinge of astringent-like taste and numerous health benefits. They say get busy living or get busy dying; well, we are busy for sure, but with a mix of both. We cannot let go of habits that are slowly killing us so we have the hope and longing to find antidotes for our vices. No wonder we are on a constant hunt for detox to clear up the toxicity born out of our habits, jobs or relationships. The simple solutions are no longer enough; we need seductive labels and the health industry is getting good at throwing those at us to make a quick buck. Eating your fruits and vegetables is boring advice; we need more alluring labels like the ORACle diet which is the same old saga that stands for oxygen absorption capacity (ORAC), wrapped in a fancy name. Here the oracle is delivering the prophecy of our kitchen gatekeepers: eat in season, in variety, throughout the day. So there is no reason to skip jamun during its short availability in monsoons. Listen to the Podcast 50 Desi Super Drinks with celebrity nutritionist Loveneet Batra and with one of our Top RJ's RJ Mandee on the RedFM India App

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  • A flat stomach, glowing skin and a detoxed system are a few benefits promised by juice cleanses. If we have the courage to survive through the days of not eating, it may help in breaking the constant mindless feeding cycle we find hard to get out of and give our body rest to heal if we do it right. But it is not a sustainable way to lose fat. You cannot starve your way out of fat; in fact, starving can make our bodies more efficient in storing fat when done over a long period of time. When you’re only relying on low-calorie juices, your body gradually starts eating its metabolically more active tissue, aka muscle, to fill up its amino acid requirements and to reduce calorie output to cope with decreased input. Listen to the Podcast 50 Desi Super Drinks with celebrity nutritionist Lovneet Batra and with one of our Top RJ's RJ Mandee on the RedFM India App

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  • A flat stomach, glowing skin and a detoxed system are a few benefits promised by juice cleanses. If we have the courage to survive through the days of not eating, it may help in breaking the constant mindless feeding cycle we find hard to get out of and give our body rest to heal if we do it right. But it is not a sustainable way to lose fat. You cannot starve your way out of fat; in fact, starving can make our bodies more efficient in storing fat when done over a long period of time. When you’re only relying on low-calorie juices, your body gradually starts eating its metabolically more active tissue, aka muscle, to fill up its amino acid requirements and to reduce calorie output to cope with decreased input. Listen to the Podcast 50 Desi Super Drinks with celebrity nutritionist Loveneet Batra and with one of our Top RJ's RJ Mandee on the RedFM India App

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  • One of the oldest grains in the world, barley might not be a staple but is titled the ‘king of crops’. It is cheap in cost but rich in nutrients. It has a chewy, satisfying texture and subtle nutty flavour, but is sadly highly underused. With its favourability to ferment easily, barley is one of the most sought-after ingredients used in alcoholic drinks from whisky to beer all around the globe. These sugars, which can be easily fermented, also make this super drink one of the best dairy-free probiotics when cultured. So the choice is ours to make—use the same properties for better or for worse. Listen to the Podcast 50 Desi Super Drinks with celebrity nutritionist Loveneet Batra and with one of our Top RJ's RJ Mandee on the RedFM India App

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  • Bovine colostrum typically has a light yellow colour and a subtle taste and smell that resembles buttermilk. The taste might not be the most favourable, but the benefits certainly are! It is extremely nutritious. As a child, I spent most of my summer vacations on a farm and I remember my grandmother accepting no excuse to skip the colostrum shot. She would re-confirm several times a day, and wouldn’t bother about us playing all day in the scorching heat of Punjab as long as one condition was met: boley (Punjabi for colostrum). It contains more nutrients than regular milk and is sold internationally in pill and powder form for hundreds of dollars where it comes with organic, grass-fed labels. It’s higher in protein, fat, carbs, magnesium, B-vitamins and vitamins A, C and E than cow’s milk. Listen to the Podcast 50 Desi Super Drinks with celebrity nutritionist Loveneet Batra and with one of our Top RJ's RJ Mandee on the RedFM India App

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  • Nutrition is a nascent science, sometimes breaking its own rules. This can be very confusing. A decade back, fat was tagged as our worst enemy, and now eating only fat is good apparently, for weight loss, and the list goes on and on. As a nutritionist, I find hypotheses tried and tested by our ancestors with their sense of involvement with nature bypass our algorithms in the laboratory. The same is true for paneer doda, found easily in your neighbourhood; it costs you nothing but has plenty to give. Paneer ke phool is extensively used in various medicines in Ayurveda. Its claim to fame lies in its hypoglycemic properties. It significantly lowers blood sugar levels. The effect is direct on the beta cells of the pancreas to secrete insulin in the right amount. It improves glucose utilization and carbohydrate metabolism that can eliminate complications relating to high blood glucose levels. Listen to the Podcast 50 Desi Super Drinks with celebrity nutritionist Loveneet Batra and with one of our Top RJ's RJ Mandee on the RedFM India App

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  • Most of us ran away when we were force-fed karela as a child, least bothered with its benefits. But now, with our grown-up problems, it would be a good idea to make friends with it. If you’re not a vegetable lover, I have news for you—it’s a fruit! A bitter one, but a fruit. In fact, both karela and petha belong to the same family. Since eating a bowl of karele ki sabzi might be an unrealistic goal to start with, the karela petha juice is easy on our taste buds and the two ingredients compliment each other’s nutrition profile. Listen to the Podcast 50 Desi Super Drinks with celebrity nutritionist Loveneet Batra and with one of our Top RJ's RJ Mandee on the RedFM India App

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  • Investing in your health is the new cool, which mostly comes along with people showing off. Raving about your dieticians and their over-the-top price tag for consultation or the latest health trend you have mastered has become the centre of any party conversation. One such story is that of a water ionizer that purifies and alkalizes water for a few lakhs. It sounds like a fair deal, something that even claims to help cure cancer, and must be worth a bundle. Like common sense, you cannot buy your way into health, no matter how much you’re willing to pay. In fact, most matters of well-being take a hit when an overload of information comes with zero experience. Listen to the Podcast 50 Desi Super Drinks with celebrity nutritionist Loveneet Batra and with one of our Top RJ's RJ Mandee on the RedFM India App

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  • We live in a world of constant change where nothing is made to last and everything is about the next big thing. In times like these, it is feeding a fear within most of us—the fear of turning irrelevant. Maybe it’s the same fear that has given life a superficial front that is cosmetic and fake. As the pressure increases, so does our bar on faking it, mostly hidden with a smile. Emojis are taking over words just like pills taking over food with an increasing lack of communication with life. We are simply busy running on autopilot and that too with the wrong fuel—supplements without food and ambition without compassion, which leaves us restless and insecure, no matter how good the numbers on your weighing scale or bank balance may look. Mindful action, that is learning to respond intelligently rather than to react promptly, is rated the new superpower we need for a meaningful existence. The environment inside our body is majorly governed by the food we eat that helps build on this virtue. Listen to the Podcast 50 Desi Super Drinks with celebrity nutritionist Loveneet Batra and with one of our Top RJ's RJ Mandee on the RedFM India App.

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  • The cold and cough warrior, amla ginger juice, is an age-old remedy to boost immunity. It can conquer a whole range of infections with its tangy taste (well, that and the potent agents at work including Vitamin C, saponins, polyphenols and flavonoids). It is famous for its Vitamin C content but what many people don’t know about this super mix is that it can kick your energy levels sky-high. Many people sleep through the night but only wake up feeling tired. But not any more! Amla ginger juice, when had on an empty stomach, refreshes and reboots your system. It is a powerhouse of health that increases white blood cell count, protecting against cold, flu, bronchitis and lung infections. This shot, when mixed with equal amounts of cane sugar, can be a lifesaver for smokers and hookah bingers (especially the ones smoking to kill appetite). It helps to clear up toxin build-up in the lungs. The essential amino acids and good levels of iron in combination with Vitamin C can recharge you to keep going, keep growing. It helps in building strength and fighting fatigue and can be used to increase RBC production and treat anaemia. Listen to 50 Desi Super Drinks with celebrity nutritionist Loveneet Batra and with one of our Top RJ's RJ Mandee on the RedFM India App

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  • This is a sweet and tarty mix that gets the ‘Indian date’, tamarind, together with the ‘Chinese date’, baer. Baer marks the beginning of spring in India with its arrival and is often offered during Maha Shivratri. This pocket-sized fruit has numerous benefits, from inducing sleep to ensuring a healthy gut, but when mixed with tamarind, it makes for a perfect dose of nutrition that provides hefty amounts of calcium, iron and magnesium.

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