
  • I began A Beautiful Symphony Podcast in December of last year recording 20 episodes and it has been so wonderful.

    That is 2 seasons rolled out simultaneously, and I am giving you one last episode before I take a Sanctuary Break.
    I'm reading a post I wrote on Jan 11, 2016 for A Beautiful Symphony: 4 Steps for Creating Sanctuary {HOME}.
    I'll be recording through the break and resume Season 3 of the podcast in September.

    Until then I hope you will give some thought to creating a little sanctuary in your life as well.

    The post Episode 20: Sanctuary {Final Episode for Now} appeared first on A Beautiful Symphony.

  • Today I want to introduce you to Catherine Ward, a precious friend I met in the middle of the night on a jet headed to China. I was actually walking Holly to the plane restroom to clean her up after a huge throw up session. I met eyes with the kindest face and she said, "Aren't you going the wrong way?" Since we already had two of our sweet Chinese children traveling with us.
    We were on our way to get Calla. Catherine and Blake were adopting their first child from China, sweet Theodore. God knew we would need each other in very real ways and we give Him all the glory for our continued friendship. Catherine and Blake make their home near Nashville, Tenn with their family of six beautiful children!
    We share our journey meeting, supporting, and loving each other through our trip in China then home. Catherine shares her thoughts of a first time adoption, cocooning her new son in the midst of big family life and homeschooling, and ways she makes her big family living successful.
    Tons of wisdom shared!!! You're going to love her as much as I do!!!

    Show Notes:
    Tying Strings: Catherine's Blog
    Madeonacornhill.com for eczema cream
    Beeyoutiful.com for multivitamins
    Adopted for Life
    John Piper: Adoption: The Heart of the Gospel

    The post Episode 19: Catherine Ward appeared first on A Beautiful Symphony.

  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • My beautiful friend Rebecca Radicchi whom you all met last week on Episode 17 is back this week reading her post written for No Hands But Ours on April 23, 2015 entitled Let Tomorrow Be Tomorrow.
    The surgeon walked out in his blue scrubs, mask still hanging around his neck, and found us awaiting word that the surgery was over. The stitching, repairing, and testing was complete, and he offered reassurance. But, as we tend to do, we pressed.

    What is the prognosis? How long is recovery? How much pain? Worst case scenario? When is the next surgery? Infection likely? Limitations for her?

    We must ask, advocate and prepare. But must we be consumed by tomorrow, even in this?

    Our news was mixed. Good news? No overnight stay as planned. Bad news? Her little body just doesn’t function as it should and the medical marathon continues. More tests, appointments, and surgeries.

    So I had a choice. Start spinning around the tomorrows, or celebrate today’s victory.
    This post really speaks to all of us even two years later.

    We all need to take life one day at a time. One moment at a time.

    Let Tomorrow Be Tomorrow!

    Show Notes:
    No Hands But Ours

    Rebecca on Instagram, Facebook, and her blog: The Sweet Life

    The post Episode 18: Rebecca~ Let Tomorrow Be Tomorrow appeared first on A Beautiful Symphony.

  • Welcome to Episode 17 with my beautiful friend Rebecca Radicchi.
    We met in Guangzhou at the famous Garden hotel and shared our famous guide Elvin. As most adoptive families know, there is an amazing bond that forms between complete strangers when in country adopting a new child. This was the case with Mark and Rebecca.

    We would always be connected by our experience in China and continue the friendship in spite of miles, more adoptions, and family hardships.

    Rebecca is wife to Mark and mom to four adorable children! (3 from China)

    She is an amazing writer for No Hands But Ours and her stories are so heart felt!

    I can’t wait for you to hear her story so please listen in.

    Show Notes:
    No Hands But Ours

    Empowered to Connect

    Rebecca on Instagram, Facebook, and her blog: The Sweet Life

    The post Episode 17: Rebecca Radicchi appeared first on A Beautiful Symphony.

  • Rom 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

    Fourteen years ago this week, we were 22 weeks with our first son and waiting hopefully for his birth.
    I still remember the day like it was yesterday when complications piled on me like bricks suffocating, and I couldn't believe something was happening to our baby.
    Why would God take me through 22 weeks of pregnancy just to take him away from us? What sense did that make?
    Those are the questions asked and focused on when suffering through a tragedy.
    Scott took me to the obstetrician and our fears were confirmed. We were losing our baby.
    They sent us to an OB specialist for a 4D ultrasound and amniocentesis, revealing trisomy 13 and a sure dying baby.
    We were encouraged to go home and tell our family then plan to come back to hospital that night to deliver our son.
    The agony of walking in the house and sharing the horrible reality that their little brother was sick and he would not live. How do children absorb such truth and be okay? How were Scott and I going to be okay?
    My mom came to be with the girls and scott and I drove to the hospital. I don't really remember that drive only walking in and thinking I would leave without a baby.
    We checked in and we're taken to a silent hall and sad faces on the door. If it couldn't be any sadder, that certainly did it. We were entering a dying room.
    Everyone was as amazing as they can be as you deliver a sick baby. He had a heartbeat before delivery and did not when he delivered. They took him away for a little while.
    A little later a nurse brought him wrapped sweetly in a tiny blanket lying in a little white basket. He was so peaceful. He was already in Jesus' arms, and THAT is the only reason I can tell this story and love on this earth without him.
    I can live because Jesus lives. He loved me enough to take my baby home with him. He gave me the will to live on with a broken heart. He surrounded me with countless praying, loving, giving people.
    He protected me with the immeasurable love of Scott. What a great burden he had on himself to love me through crushing grief as he felt it just the same. He let me hide for a time because facing people without a baby was unbearable. So vulnerable to people's pity.
    I tell this story for God's glory. He works everything for good of those who love Him. He turned my sadness into joy and never took my desire to be a mom away. He replaced the hole in my heart for Parker with a vision of hope in adoption.
    This week we grieved our son once more but 14 years later, we visited his grave with seven beautiful gifts of adoption... Parker's legacy. His death gave birth to a new journey for our family.

    Isaiah 43:18-19 “But forget all that— it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.”

    We stood wrapped around our son's earthy spot honoring his life with our children who came after him. They were the pathway God gave us through the wasteland. Parker's life was not wasted. He was a river carrying us to something new.
    We couldn't see it then through tears and broken hearts, but God dents take us through such tragedy for it not to matter or be used. Unless we choose to stay there. If we are willing He will take us to places we never even imagined.
    His plan is always better and His ways always greater.
    I wouldn't never have chosen this path in my flesh, but in Jesus, He gave me much more than my heart could hold. Exactly three years and 24 days after we held Parker, we held our Chinese daughter EllaKate in Chongqing, China and all the pain, sadness, and grief vanished. I held my whole heart again.

  • Today I am talking with Andrea Sisler. I came to know Andrea when we were beginning the journey for Evie and Payne.

    She was helpful in securing both of their files from the shared list, coaching me through the long wait, and rejoicing when we rounded the corner out of the international terminal @ Hartsfield Jackson home.

    We haven’t seen each other in a long time but keep in touch texting and through Instagram.

    Andrea is full of wisdom, has a very powerful story, and I’m excited to get to it.

    Thank you Andrea for sharing your time to tell your story!

    Show Notes:
    His High Places Retreat

    Eph 5:20: "Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,"

    Romans 12:12: "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer."

    Small World Adoption

    Phil 4:14: "I can do all things through him who strengthens me."

    Karin Purvis “Children from hard places”

    Email: sislersix6@aol.com

    Together We Have Hope Facebook

    Sislersix6 Instagram

    The post Episode 15: Andrea Sisler appeared first on A Beautiful Symphony.

  • So thankful to Jennifer Cameron for reading another one of her awesome posts first posted on No Hand But Ours.
    Today she is sharing her post Many in my Tribe, But Just One Chief...

    In his sermon a few weeks ago, my pastor preached from 1 Peter 4. He spoke in part about using our gifts to serve others, “Each one of us should use the gifts they have been given so that they can see and serve Him.” What, you may ask, does this have to do with adoption or NHBO’s “It takes a Village” theme, you might ask? A whole lot.

    I am in the middle of my 2nd adoption adventure. I am single (you can read a little bit of my story here). I work fulltime in the non-profit/ministry world, and am awaiting my second daughter from China.
    I'm SURE you will inspired to Trust the One Who loves our children even more than we do!
    Listen and come back to leave a comment for Jennifer.

    Jennifer Online
    Facebook: Jennifer Cameron

    Instagram: woaiolivia

    Blog: Journey to Olivia

    Into The Field

    The post Episode 14: Blogcast Many in my Tribe, But Just One Chief appeared first on A Beautiful Symphony.

  • Today I am welcoming Stephanie Moschel to the podcast.

    Would you believe we met online when she listened to Southern Joy Podcast and we began messaging on IG?

    I believe friends made online can be a lifesaver at times especially when both people are living similar situations and need support.

    Stephanie and I both have adopted from China and homeschool our children.

    We are both mothering medically fragile children while raising our older kids AND we both have grandchildren.

    YES! We know the miracle of GRANDLOVE!!!

    We both love Jesus and encourage each other as often as we can.

    I know you are going to hear something inspiring during her interview!

    Show Notes:
    One Sky

    1 Thessalonians 5:21: "but test everything; hold fast what is good."

    My Father's World

    2 Corinthians 10:5: "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ."

    How To Friend Stephanie:
    Blog: God Strengthen my Hands

    Instagram: Strengthenmyhands

    The post Episode 13: Stephanie Moschel appeared first on A Beautiful Symphony.

  • Today I am sharing a blogcast post read by Jennifer Cameron whom you heard on my last podcast Episode 11.

    Her blog post was first published on No Hands But Ours on January 31, 2014: Not Now Does Not Mean Not Ever.

    Jennifer offers encouragement to anyone wondering if they too feel called to bring home children to their family. Here are a few of her quotes:

    While it easy to think we do this (adoption) on our own, we don't at all... open your heart in new ways and see what God will do.
    God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called.
    Pray Big, Believe Big, Big Things Happen.

    Listen in and be inspired.

    May God break our hearts for what breaks His.

    Thank you Jennifer for reading to us today!

    The post Episode 12: Blogcast Post~ Not Now Does Not Mean Not Ever by Jennifer Cameron appeared first on A Beautiful Symphony.

  • Today I am chatting with Jennifer Cameron, a single adoptive mom of 2 little girls from China. Jennifer lives in the Buckeye state of Ohio.

    She is executive director of Into The Field which exists to serve the servants around the corner and around the world.

    This friend juggles motherhood, adoption issues, medical appointments galore, full time work and ministry, and still finds time to meet with me and share her adoption story.

    Please join me in welcoming Jennifer Cameron to the show.

    Show Notes:
    Into The Field

    No Hands But Ours

    Empowered to Connect

    Jennifer Online
    Facebook: Jennifer Cameron

    Instagram: woaiolivia

    Blog: Journey to Olivia

    The post Episode 11: Jennifer Cameron appeared first on A Beautiful Symphony.

  • I was asked to write a blog post for No Hands But Ours about Reluctant Spouses with Calla's God story intwined.

    I wanted to record for the podcast this week and sure hope it speaks to someone in the wait for their adoption journey.

    Reluctant Spouses: Waiting on God's Story to Be Written
    I struggle to use the word reluctant.

    When I look up reluctant I find synonyms like:

    unwilling, disinclined, unenthusiastic, resistant, resisting, opposed; hesitant.

    I might describe my husband, Scott as reluctant or hesitant but a better description is cautious: safe, careful, heedful, attentive, alert, watchful, vigilant, circumspect, prudent.
    He has our best in mind and keeping our lives on level ground especially when I approach him with another adoption. Honestly I am hardly qualified to say for sure if we’re supposed to adopt again but for some reason God always shows me our child first. I can’t keep from sharing when I feel God is leading us to another adoption. It is never an easy talk and usually causes tension between us especially if I keep on and on about it.

    Through the years I’ve come to know it is enough to open the conversation (one sided) and wait on God to work out the details.
    Adoption Always Begins in My Heart
    I’m in love with the child before we’ve even discussed whether we have the will for another journey. There is an inner struggle as I prepare for a year’s worth of waiting, the travel, and the months after of cocooning. It’s a lot to fathom but saying no and missing a child meant to be in our family is scarier to me. I don’t want to miss immeasurable blessings or keep a child from their forever. It’s definitely a heart thing for me.

    My heart thinks ‘What is one more?’ We already have clothes and a bed, a seat in our car, and there is always enough food. The ones at home have settled in, feel connected, loved, and wanted. They are a huge help in bringing home another sibling.

    [Going off the subject a minute: I believe it secures their place in the family even more as they think back to their coming home days. Even if they don’t remember, it gives them a window to look through imagining what it was like when they came home. The good, the bad, the always, and forever.]

    I know if God has put this desire in my heart, He will make the way and provide. Total faith in why and how. And in no way am I implying Scott doesn’t know and feel the same way. He just comes to it in a totally different way of thinking and on a completely different timeline.

    I know Scott is so focused on providing for the family he already loves. It’s laborious to think of adding another. Honestly he might even question if I know what I’m asking. Maybe I didn’t hear correctly from God. Again, I don’t blame him for how he questions and denies. In our experience, it is part of the process.
    Adoption Always Begins in His Mind
    He does not come to it with all the feels like me. He is thinking through logistics. He tries to figure out how it going to be possible. He has the greatest responsibility of providing financial stability for our family and bringing another child home, throws all the predictability out the window. It is more than clothes, food, transportation, and a bed. It’s a lot more!

    For us it can take months to agree on such a huge decision. I still remember God speaking clearly to my heart in February 2015 and two months later seeing Calla’s face for the first time. I knew! I inquired about her before even talking to Scott. I wanted to make sure her file was still available. It wasn’t long before I approached Scott about this precious one I felt was our daughter. It always feels like a big old elephant walked into the room: crowded, awkward, and uncomfortable. With Calla, I presented what I believed in my heart and waited 7 months for Scott to hear God telling him too.

    What began in my heart and his mind,

  • Today I am talking with Jen Johanson from the sunny state of California.

    We became friends through our blogs. Our friendship bloomed first through comments then emails and on to phone calls.

    Sometimes you just need to hear someone’s voice especially when discussing tough adoption questions. It is also so wonderful to have support when in the waiting game of adoption AND those first months home.

    We have been friends for a long time and I think my favorite thing about Jen is her praying heart. I will get a text out of the clear blue some days asking what she can pray for us. That is special and I certainly want to reciprocate for her family.

    I know you are going to love her as much!

    Show Notes:
    The Connecting Child

    The Whole Brained Child

    Empowered to Connect

    I live in a great family community in Clovis, CA with my husband, Brodie and 6 children....3 bio ages 16, 14, 12, 1 sweet treasure from China age 6, and 2 sweet treasures from Haiti ages 3 & 6. We were so beautifully wrecked 5 years ago when Jesus invited us on the journey of adoption & we thank Him continually for this gracious gift! We now homeschool all 6 of our children and love every minute we get to spend doing life together. I blog some of our memories at totellofhisgrace.blogspot.com and on Instagram at jenjohanson.

    The post Episode 9: Jen Johanson appeared first on A Beautiful Symphony.

  • Today I am sharing a very moving blog post, It’s Not Fair written by my friend Annie Hamlin at Cornbread and Chopsticks.

    We became friends over 4 years ago when our daughters were orphanage sisters in a cerebral palsy hospital in China. There is nothing sweeter than finding other families with children from the same orphanage and sharing the hardship of waiting, coming home, and facing all the unknowns in our children. We have planned to get our girls together but time, miles, and responsibilities of life have postponed the reunion.

    Please listen to Annie as she reads a moving post of helping her daughter Lucy with cerebral palsy embrace her life and all God has planned for her…
    It's Not Fair

    A huge thank you to Annie today for sharing part of her adoption story with us. I know it has given you something to think about when life’s Not Fairs come along.

    I’ve said it before, adoption is not fair. Our children did not choose to be abandoned or adopted and they are not promised a perfect life even when they come home to their forever but as Annie has shared, every child is worth all the work, tears, and disappointments that accompany the brokenness of adoption. We don’t have all the answers and we won’t always know how to make everything better but we do know God works ALL things to the good of those who love Him. I think we would all agree, even on our hardest worst day, we wouldn’t trade these immeasurable gifts for anything!!!!!

    You can follow Annie on FB @ Annie Hamlin, IG @anniehamfam, and her family blog Cornbread and Chopsticks.Annie also advocates from beautiful children waiting for families in China at Wonderful Waiting Kids.

    The post Episode 8: Annie Hamlin Blogcast appeared first on A Beautiful Symphony.

  • Today I am chatting with my friend Kim Bolton, a Korean adoptee and adoptive mom to her son from Korea. We met at church when she was leading a small group for Evie and Holly. I was immediately drawn to her because she was Asian and reminded me of how Ella might look when she is a young woman. I had no idea at the time she and her husband Travis were on their own adoptive journey. As our friendship grew, she shared her own adoption story while I told her our children's stories. She gave me insight into many successes and struggles as an adult adoptee. I mentored her as she waited for her precious son to come home. I know you are going to hear something you haven’t thought about before… I sure did! Join me in welcoming Kim Bolton to the podcast.

    I would like to apologize for my children in the background. I am often recording during their rest time so there are interruptions at times but isn't that real life? I hope you will still enjoy the show!!!

    I know you will want to follow Kim online so you can find her on Instagram as kbolto. She also blogs at Keembap.squarespace.com and has an Etsy shop artbynarae.etsy.com.

    The post Episode 7: Kim Bolton appeared first on A Beautiful Symphony.

  • I hope you were able to listen to Alison Storm’s adoption story on Episode 5 last weekend.

    Her family is adopting from Burundi and on announcement of their adoption journey, Alison was met with some difficult comments and opinions.

    She mentioned a blog post I wrote right around that time so today I wanted to read it to you.

    It is titled “It’s Your Mission {Not Their’s}".

    Rick Warren: Daily Hope

    Alison Storm

    The post Episode 6 Sharon Ankerich: It’s Your Mission {Not Their’s} appeared first on A Beautiful Symphony.

  • Today I am welcoming Alison Storm to the podcast. We met a little over a year ago when our family traveled to His Radio in Greenville SC to be interviewed on the Morning Show for Orphan Sunday. Alison is one of the morning show hosts there and we became kindred spirits the moment we met. Little did I know God had her on the journey of adoption and He would bind our friendship and families through this bond. We keep in touch as her family waits to bring home their waiting child in Burundi, Africa. I know you are going to love meeting her and hearing how God is leading them through His Story being woven through their family!

    Show Notes:
    His Radio

    John Waller

    Francis Chan~ You and Me Forever ‘Why not assume you should adopt kids unless you hear a voice telling you not to.”

    All God’s Children International


    Water of Life International

    Show Hope

    Dave Ramsey~ Total Money Makeover and Podcast

    Alison and Tim’s Burundi Adoption Fund: Go Fund Me


    Steven Curtis Chapman

    Scary Close by Don Miller

    It’s Your Mission (Not Their’s) Blog Post I wrote: We are never going to stand in front of Jesus

    I was born, raised and educated in Iowa, but now live in the beautiful community of Greenville, South Carolina with my husband Tim and son Sammy. An Iowa State University journalism graduate, I began my career as a television reporter, working in newsrooms around the country. In 2007 I stepped away from the camera to pursue freelance writing full-time. I write for various publications and serve as the features editor of Belle, a local women’s magazine. I also serve as publicist for my family’s Christian publishing company Ambassador International. In 2014 I joined the HIS Radio team as co-host for the HIS Morning Crew. You can listen to me every weekday from 6-9am.

    I love to travel, especially with my husband. We have been to Belize, Guatemala, and the UK, but our most powerful journey was to Liberia, West Africa where we helped drill wells in remote villages with Water of Life. I also recently traveled to India and was blessed to see Water of Life’s amazing accomplishments for the Kingdom of Christ.

    Yes, Storm is my real name. And yes, it would be great if I did the weather and in fact I used to– way back when at KTIV in Sioux City, Iowa. Feel free to connect with me. As you can see I’m pretty easy to reach.

    Alison and Tim’s Burundi Adoption Fund: Go Fund Me

    IG: Alistorm

    Website: Alisonstorm.com

    Belle Magzine: Features Editor
    James 4:17: If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.

    The post Episode 5: Alison Storm Adopting from Burundi appeared first on A Beautiful Symphony.

  • Welcome to Episode 4: A Blogcast: An Advocacy Post.
    Merry Christmas to Everyone and to Sweet Faith! May your family find you today!!!
    My friend Kim Franks whom you heard on Episode 3 called me last week to say she wanted to advocate for a sweet little girl living in her daughter Havah’s orphanage. This little girl has Down’s Syndrome which is deemed one of the worst needs a child can have in China and often thought to be unwanted. Kim and I want to change this for one child at a time. Who can better speak to this need more than a mom home loving her very own sweet with Down’s Syndrome?
    This child is Faith, a special focus child with Lifeline and know as Amy on Fuling Kids International. Please listen as Kim shares her heart about adopting her daughter with Down’s Syndrome and the heartbreak of knowing another child just like her still waits to be chosen. Please listen with an open heart and help us find this precious child’s family!

    Kim writes: Shouts of Joy
    This past February, I met the cutest most dainty little girl who also happens to have Down Syndrome just like my Havah Rose. She is also five, just like Havah. We were actually visiting the orphanage a couple of days after receiving Havah as our daughter. She was over in the corner by herself but when Havah walked in, you could tell she had missed her. They both interacted and this mama’s heart melted. To think these two had been together for several years and now Havah was leaving caused me great heartbreak for Faith, yet great rejoicing for Havah. Definitely missed emotions. Oh how I wish I could have just put her in my luggage and brought her home too. I have been waiting for the day when this sweet girl’s file would be ready so I could share her with all of you. I have prayed continually for her as it is so hard to leave the ones left behind. So…

    I am trilled to introduce you to Faith! She truly is the sweetest thing ever…AND… that smile of hers… it will melt your heart for sure. Faith was very shy when I met her; however, with little effort, you can get a smile out of her. And when she smiles… she will look you straight in the eyes and give you the most amazing light-up-the-room-kind-of-smile. Eye contact is huge and this little sweetie has that for sure! “Faith is the sweetest girl” was the response of another adoptive mom who met her in January. I totally agree. “Faith will laugh out happily when someone plays with her! She likes to draw and play with other children. This precious child has the sweetest disposition and is so good-natured; her motor skills are quite good and she’s working hard on feeding herself independently” was the response when I asked another friend about precious Faith. My friend has been on several mission trips to Faith’s orphanage and has spent a lot of time with her. It’s so hard to leave these children behind when you go to visit the orphanages… Faith was no exception. I can not wait for her family to find her and for the day when she is in their arms!

    As always, I am more than willing to chat with anyone about Down Syndrome. So many times God calls us out of our comfort zone. From experience, I know that His plans are different than my plans and so much better. Oh, how thankful I am that we did not miss our spunky little gem with that extra chromosome. Honestly, it is crazy to think of where I was this time a year ago. We were within two months of traveling to China to get Havah Rose. I found myself consumed with feelings of inadequacies and focused on the unknowns; however, I look back now and giggle. My fears were real then but now I must tell you, I can not even begin to imagine our life without our newest treasure. The joys far outweigh any of my fears now. And those unknowns… let God have that. It is said often among those of us who get to parent these Down Syndrome loves that we are the lucky few… AND… I couldn’t agree more!

  • Today I am introducing Kim Franks and her beautiful family!

    We met under the most conflicting circumstances. I felt wholeheartedly felt we were to adopt Will Perry's foster brother, Greyson from Shepherd's Field and were working on all the adoption paperwork when his file was released and matched with another family.

    Can you imagine becoming the closest of friends with the other mom?

    Here she is. Kim, one of my closest friends in the world and Grey's mom.

    Jesus is the reason for our friendship!

    I SURE hope you have followed as she posted to A Beautiful Symphony Podcast Instagram this week. Her photos and heart felt words were truth, salt, and light. Please go back and read each post if you haven't done so. Follow our IG page too!

    f you have ever thought about adoption in any capacity, Kim is surely your go to adoptive mom: non-special needs, older adoption, special needs adoption, Down's adoption. She has a wealth of wisdom to share! You can find her on Facebook Kim Hensley Franks and kimrfranks Instagram page. She also blogs occasionally at Shouts of Joy.
    Kim's last post for the week:

    I'm thankful to Sharon for allowing me to share our story this week. It has been such a blessing reflecting back through the years and seeing God's hand each and every time. Truly, it has brought joy to share a part of each child's story. As I close this entire week of sharing, I would love to give you a small glimpse into the hearts of my older two...Kailey and Brady. These two have walked this adoption journey with us from the beginning. They've cried with us, prayed hard with us, and became discouraged at times with us... AND... these two also saw the hand of an Almighty God with us!! Both of them love their siblings deeply. Both of them have an authentic concern and love for all orphans around the world. They have both served (and currently serving) on mission opportunities to care for the Fatherless. I can't wait to see what the Lord does with that passion within both of them. God changed all of us when He called us on this journey...me, Greg, Kailey and Brady. Praise Him that we did not miss this...and I pray we are always obedient to do whatever He says and to go wherever He sends... regardless of the cost. Matthew 25:35-36

    If you have ever thought about adoption in any capacity, Kim is surely your go to adoptive mom: non-special needs, older adoption, special needs adoption, Down's adoption. She has a wealth of wisdom to share! You can find her on Facebook Kim Hensley Franks and kimrfranks Instagram page. She also blogs occasionally at Shouts of Joy.

    The post Episode 3: Kim Franks appeared first on A Beautiful Symphony.

  • From the beginning of this podcast journey I knew I wanted to offer a bonus episode highlighting blog authors reading their own writing. If you are like me, it is hard to find time to read blog posts I’m really interested in. I have the perfect solution for our reading woes…
    Every other week I hope to feature a blogger reading his or her adoption post. If you have ideas for posts you would like featured just email me at shayankerich@gmail.com.

    I see this being an awesome way to listen while you work, drive, exercise, or just hangout.

    My friend Kelley Berry whom you heard on Episode 1 was willing to read one of her posts featured on No Hand But Ours: Kings and Queens. (You can click this link and read while you listen!)
    She writes, “Recently my heart was broken over the issue of disruptions in China. There are big discussions on how to reduce the number of them and even better, how to prevent them in the first place.”
    Welcome Kelley Berry reading “Kings and Queens”.

    Thank you for listening today and as always you can read the show notes at abeautifulsymphony.com. There you will be able to connect with Kelley online.

    All in all my ultimate goal in creating Blogcasts is to highlight The Beautiful Symphony our lives can inspire if we all choose some part of adoption to pursue: prayer, support, foster, adopt. Orphans need us and we have a calling in James 1:27… Take Care.

    Call to Action:
    This podcast will grow and benefit from you help:

    Leave a comment on this post.
    Follow A Beautiful Symphony Podcast on Instagram and Facebook.
    Leave a Review on iTunes so the podcast is visible for others to find.

    Thank you so much for your support!
    Have a Beautiful Day!!

    The post Episode 2: Blogcast with Kelley Berry appeared first on A Beautiful Symphony.

  • Today begins a new adventure here at A Beautiful Symphony with a podcast devoted to sharing my heart for families made through birth and adoption.My family is woven together through both, and I love sharing our journey. Everyone has a story, and we can all be inspired if we are willing to open our hearts and lives. Come along with me as we share love and inspire each other the life lived to the fullest. We can create a Beautiful Symphony in a world of chaos if we tune of ears and hearts toward each other.
    I love the quote by Toba Beta, "When we feel, a kind of lyric is sung in our heart. When we think, a kind of music is played in our mind. In harmony, both create a beautiful symphony of life."
    Today I am sharing a chat with Kelley Berry, founder of Touch the Sky Adoption Fundraisers and contributor at No Hands But Ours. We met online through mutual friends and in person at an agency training weekend. She is amazing and as you listen, you will discover funny and kind too! She has a beautiful family made through birth and adoption and offers much wisdom for anyone on the journey of adoption.

    She also gives hope to families trying to raise the funds for adoption fees through Touch the Sky, a breath of fresh air to a weary journey. Just this week she published a post at No Hands But Ours called We Could Have Missed This. Please click over and have a look on both sites. You will be inspired I am sure!

    Kelley has taken over our Instagram feed this week at A Beautiful Symphony Podcast so be sure to pop over and give her lots of love! I hope you enjoy our chat and always, your comments here on the blog, our Facebook page, and Instagram are so appreciated.

    It would also mean so much if you take time to leave a comment on iTunes so the podcast is more likely to be visible for others to find.

    Wishing you all A Beautiful Symphony kind of day!

    Show Notes:
    No Hands But Ours

    Touch the Sky

    Touch the Sky Facebook

    Touch the Sky Instagram

    Lifeline Adoption Services

    Heartsent Adoptions, Inc.

    Hi I'm Kelley and am raising my tribe of 5 kids along with my husband in Georgia. We are blessed with two children biologically and 3 through china adoption. I love the Lord, my favorite topic is adoption, I adore coffee and treasure the people God has brought into our journey to walk life with. I think I'm funny more then others do but that's ok. Also- I have no idea what I'm doing in this parenting thing but I find my Jesus gives me a lot of grace and well I will take it"

    The post Podcast Debut: Episode 1~ Kelley Berry appeared first on A Beautiful Symphony.