The boys talk to Dr. Adam A.J. DeVille about psychoanalysis and why it's actually good.
Recommended Reading:
Adam A.J. DeVille, "The shrink and the spiritual director: Freud and the Jesuits" (America Magazine); https://www.americamagazine.org/faith/2019/12/13/shrink-and-spiritual-director-freud-and-jesuits
Adam A.J. DeVille, "Orthodoxy and Freud: Is a Conversation Possible?" (Orthodoxy in Dialogue); https://orthodoxyindialogue.com/2017/11/21/orthodoxy-and-freud-is-a-conversation-possible-by-a-a-j-deville/
Adam A.J. DeVille, "Learning to Hate the Church?," The Wheel 20 (2020): 17-20; https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54d0df1ee4b036ef1e44b144/t/5e7927cffb066b2d1e93a133/1584998353388/Wheel20_03_DeVille.pdf
Adam A.J. DeVille, Everything Hidden Shall Be Revealed: Ridding the Church of Abuses of Sex and Power (Angelico Press, 2019)
1. Richard Hell & the Voidoids, "Blank Generation"
2. Marcy Playground, "Sex and Candy"
A.S. Wilson (aswilson.bandcamp.com)
The boys talk to David Bentley Hart about Gnosticism and why it's actually good.
Recommended Reading:
David Bentley Hart, Theological Territories: A David Bentley Hart Digest (University of Notre Dame Press, 2020).
1. Richard Hell & the Voidoids, "Blank Generation"
2. Juss James, "Sweet Jesus"
A.S. Wilson (aswilson.bandcamp.com)
Manglende episoder?
The boys show that neochalcedonianism is good... even in modern theology.
Recommended reading:
1. Dennis Ferrara, "'Hypostatized in the Logos': Leontius of Byzantium, Leontius of Jerusalem, and the Unfinished Business of the Council of Chalcedon" (1997).
2. U.M. Lang, "Anhypostatos-Enhypostatos: Church Fathers, Protestant Orthodoxy, and Karl Barth" (1998).
3. Robert Jenson, "Jesus in the Trinity" (1999).
1. Richard Hell & the Voidoids, "Blank Generation"
2. New Riders of the Purple Sage, "Lonesome L.A. Cowboy"
A.S. Wilson (aswilson.bandcamp.com)
The boys show that neochalcedonianism is actually good.
Recommended reading:
1. Alois Grillmeier, “Der Neu-Chalkedonismus: Um die Berechtigung eines neuen Kapitels in der Dogmengeschichte” in Mit ihm und in ihm: christologische Forschungen und Perspektiven (Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 1975), 371-385
2. Johannes Zachhuber, “Christology after Chalcedon and the Transformation of the Philosophical Tradition: Reflections on a Neglected Topic” in The Ways of Byzantine Philosophy, ed. Mikonja Knežević (Alhambra: Sebastian Press, 2015), 89-110
1. Richard Hell & the Voidoids, "Blank Generation"
2. A.S. Wilson, "All at Once"
A.S. Wilson (https://aswilson.bandcamp.com)