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    What makes Warhammer 40k good? The art, the grimdark, the variety of stories to be told, DA BIG MEN WITH BIG GUNS SHOOTING EVIL ALIENS? Maybe over the top violence, taken 100% seriously? Maybe the tabletop wargame? Miniature painting and collecting? A faction for everyone, the span of mediums - from books to movies to videogames, the depth of lore? THE COMMUNITY? EXPLORATION OF FAITH & BELIEF EVEN? Let's figure it out with our special guest Pat.

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    The galaxy is in peril. Entire worlds are falling. The Imperium needs you.

    Embody the superhuman skill and brutality of a Space Marine, the greatest of the Emperor’s warriors. Unleash deadly abilities and an arsenal of devastating weaponry to obliterate the relentless Tyranid hordes.

    Hold at bay the horrors of the galaxy in epic battles on far-flung planets. Uncover dark secrets and drive back the everlasting night to prove your ultimate loyalty to humanity.

    Heed the call of battle.

    For there is only war.

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    It is the 31st millennium. Under the benevolent leadership of the Immortal Emperor, the Imperium of Man has stretched out across the galaxy. It is a golden age of discovery and conquest. But now, on the eve of victory, the Emperor leaves the front lines, entrusting the great crusade to his favourite son, Horus. Promoted to Warmaster, can the idealistic Horus carry out the Emperor's grand plan, or will this promotion sow the seeds of heresy amongst his brothers? Horus Rising is the first chapter in the epic tale of the Horus Heresy, a galactic civil war that threatened to bring about the extinction of humanity.

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    Lost Chapters are Space Marine Chapters that have been destroyed. Some were annihilated in one sudden strike, while others were slowly diminished through attrition, being unable for whatever reason to recruit new marines fast enough to replace combat losses. Information about such chapters is often lost during the millennia and all-too scarce.

    They should not to be confused with Renegade Chapters or Chaos Space Marine forces, who have been declared Excommunicate Traitoris by the Inquisition and/or the High Lords of Terra. These forces technically still exist but have gone rogue, breaking their vows of loyalty towards the Imperium. Some of them simply fell to Chaos, others are idealistic rebels who rejected the all-too oppressive Imperial authority for some reason.

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    In this episode the nerds talk about various weird weapons in 40k universe, from hilarious Snazzguns to deadly daemon-sword Drach'nyen, mysterious Dawn Blade and memetic Holy Orb of Antioch.

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    A warp jump is a form of faster-than-light travel around the Galaxy by means of entering the Warp, a parallel psychic dimension, and re-emerging to a new location in real space light years away from the starting position.

    A warp jump consists of a ship entering the warp from real space by activating its warp drives to open a tear between realities, traveling the currents of the warp by means of its conventional drives for an appropriate time, and then using its warp drives to re-enter real space at a new position, having bypassed light years of galactic space. This process is known as a jump or hop, and the act of entering or leaving the warp is known as a drop, shift, or translation. In order to safely utilize the Warp for travel, one must first travel to a System's Mandeville Point. This is the closest distance that a ship can safely enter or exit Warp Space from its intended destination. If one does not travel to a Mandeville Point, they risk having their Warp jump's direction and navigational calculations interfered with by the gravity of planets and other celestial objects.

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    The Elves, also called the "Eldest Race," are one of the most ancient and powerful of all the intelligent mortal races of the Known World. They are tall, slender humanoids who are inherently magical and live for millennia.

    There are three main cultures or kindreds of Elves in the mortal world: the High Elves (Asur), Dark Elves (Druchii) and Wood Elves (Asrai).

    Compared to humans, Elves are tall, fair-skinned, and slender. Most artworks portray them with high cheekbones, slightly angular faces and slanted eyes. Some depictions show them with black eyes, while others show them with normal pupils/irises. High Elves are often shown with blonde hair, [3a] Wood Elves with brown and Dark Elves with black but these changes are minor and the three groups are for the most part physically indistinguishable. Elves are slender in build but strong. Assuming they do not die a violent death, Elves are capable of living for thousands of years. It is not considered impossible for an Elf to live to the age of 6,000, although this would be extremely unusual. Most often an Elf will not die of old age in the human fashion, rather he or she will simply grow weary of the world's troubles and lose their passion for life, eventually passing away.

    Elves are inherently magical, and their long lives give magically gifted elves more than enough time to train their skill at controlling many of the winds of magic. This is in contrast to human wizards, who can usually only hope to use one form of magic. Elves are resistant to disease and to physical mutations caused by Chaos, although notably they are still vulnerable to Nurgle's Rot. There is also some evidence that Chaos can affect their minds in more subtle ways. Elves experience emotions and thoughts more intensely than most other races. At best, this can result in them spending centuries training or honing a skill to perfection. At worst, they can become "lost" in their experiences, over-indulging and losing track of reality.

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    The Nachmund Rift War is an ongoing conflict being waged by the Imperium in the Nachmund Sub-Sector.

    Closely connected to the War of Beasts and War of Nightmares on Vigilus, while the Fortress World itself continues to remain largely in Imperial hands the greater Nachmund Gauntlet finds itself besieged by the Forces of Chaos.

    At Sangua Terra, the Imperials sought to organize a defensive network collectively known as the Sanctus Wall. This consisted of systems that had previously served as Indomitus Crusade supply hubs which were quickly fortified in their own right. However, the stalemate would soon be broken, must to the shock of both sides. Abaddon’s trusted lieutenant Haarken Worldclaimer arrived with a Black Legion army.

    Lord Admiral Prisca’s force soon arrived at the Grakiliod Narrow, a location that Haarken’s fleet could not bypass.

    Despite heavy losses, Prisca’s fleet maintained enough momentum to break through Worldclaimer’s formation and burst through it on the other side. As the ships broke through, they peeled off left and right, unleashing waves of attack craft as they attacked the rear of the Chaos fleet as it was changing position. After many hours of fighting, Haarken had reorganized his fleet in a jaw-like formation ready to close on the Imperials. With his final order, hundreds of ships bore down on the Imperial armada. The exhausted loyalist Space Marines onboard stood little chance and were overwhelmed. Despite a brave final stand, the Imperial fleet was eventually annihilated.

    Only a fraction of the Imperial fleet survived the battle to limp back to the Sanctus Wall. Prisca herself was thought dead, and her plan had achieved questionable results.

    The Imperial commanders at the Sanctus Wall were disturbed by reports of the scale of the incoming Chaos armada. Meanwhile, the Inquisition continued to battle cults and hidden agents of Chaos within the worlds of the Sanctus Wall itself. Indeed, Sangua Terra, linchpin of the Sanctus Wall, is currently under mass invasion by Daemons.

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    Vigilus is a world situated within the Nachmund Gauntlet and one of the few passages through the Great Rift. As such, the planet has become strategically vital for the Imperium and has become a target for a wide number of its enemies.

    The Nachmund Rift War is an ongoing conflict being waged by the Imperium in the Nachmund Sub-Sector.

    Closely connected to the War of Beasts and War of Nightmares on Vigilus, while the Fortress World itself continues to remain largely in Imperial hands the greater Nachmund Gauntlet finds itself besieged by the Forces of Chaos.

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    The Empire, formally known as the Empire of Man, and named the "Land of the Hammer and the Wolf" by the Norscans, is an electoral monarchy composed of semiautonomous feudal states called "Electoral Provinces" or "Grand Provinces." The Empire is the largest, most populous, most powerful and most important of the nations of Men in the Old World.

    The Empire was forged by the warrior-king and ascended deity Sigmar from the primitive tribes of Human barbarians who inhabited what became the lands of the Empire more than 2500 years ago. Although not as skilled in craftsmanship or engineering as the Dwarfs or in magic as the High Elves, the people of the Empire are not beholden by the limits of tradition to the same extent as the Elder Races and continue to progress culturally, technologically and magically.

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    The Blood Ravens are a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter of unknown genetic origin and Founding. The origins of the Blood Ravens are shrouded in mystery and are believed to be tied to a dark truth related to the Horus Heresy. This elusive Chapter has always been drawn to the pursuit of knowledge and the acquisition of ancient lore. It produces an unusually large number of Librarians among its ranks as a high proportion of neophytes develop psychic abilities soon after their implantation with the Blood Ravens' gene-seed organs.

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    The Second War for Armageddon was the second of three massive conflicts between the Imperium of Man and the Ork Warlord Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka that took place between 941.M41 through 943.M41. The war was fought on the Hive World of Armageddon in the Segmentum Solar, where Ghazghkull Thraka launched an Ork WAAAGH! consisting of five separate Ork tribes in an attempt to seize the planet for themselves.Elements of three Space Marine Chapters were involved in the defence of Armageddon, including: the Blood Angels, Salamanders and the Ultramarines, along with dozens of regiments of the Astra Militarum, particularly the Armageddon Steel Legion native to the world, as well as a large contingent of Inquisition forces from the Ordo Xenos composed of Squat mercenaries. A notable effect of this invasion resulted in Ghazghkull earning the wrath of Commissar Sebastian Yarrick, who dedicated his efforts after the Second War to hunting down Ghazghkull, with little success.

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    The Lizardmen, sometimes known as the "Cold Ones" or the "Children of the Gods" among themselves, are an ancient, savage, and highly intelligent race of cold-blooded, reptilian humanoids that are the first and oldest civilisation of the Known World. Long before the rise of Men, Elves or Dwarfs, the empire of the Lizardmen ruled supreme. Alien, enigmatic, and without mercy, the Lizardmen were there when it all began and will be there when the mortal world draws its last, dying breath, never tiring nor relenting until order is finally restored to this uncaring, chaotic world. Such is what they were made to do, for they are the ancient servants and first creations of the Old Ones, the one, true protectors and shapers of the Known World.

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    Belisarius Cawl is an Archmagos Dominus of the Adeptus Mechanicus who has been involved in one of the Imperium's greatest secrets for many centuries. He first appeared openly during the Thirteenth Black Crusade of the late 41st Millennium. Cawl is known as the Dominatus Dominus, the Master of Masters, one of the highest ranks available in the Mechanicum. Unlike many Tech-Priests within the Mechanicum he does not seek to copy or discover lost technology, but to innovate.

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    The Elysian Drop Troops are Imperial Guard Regiments known for their rapid deployment capabilities, often deploying by rappelling or grav-chutes from Valkyrie Airborne Troop Carriers at high altitudes. These drop regiments are able to strike deep into enemy territory, specialising in ambushing the enemy or capturing important objectives, and can operate for extended periods of time without resupply.

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    Jago Sevatarion, known also as Sevatar, "the Condemned," and the "Prince of Crows," was the first captain of the Night Lords Legion and commander of the Atramentar, the elite Terminators of the VIIIth Legion's formidable 1st Company during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy eras of the late 30th and early 31st Millennia.

    He was also an officer of the Kyroptera, the most trusted advisors and confidants of Primarch Konrad Curze within the Night Lords Legion. A native of Nostramo, Sevatar served as equerry to the Night Haunter and was one of the most lethal warriors in the Space Marine Legions of old.

    Sevatarion's name and skill were as well known as other luminaries of that era, including Ezekyle Abaddon of the Sons of Horus, Corswain of the Dark Angels, Chapter Master Raldoron of the Blood Angels or Lord Commander Eidolon of the Emperor's Children.

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    Marvin John Heemeyer (October 28, 1951 – June 4, 2004) was an American automobile muffler repair shop owner who demolished numerous buildings with a modified bulldozer in Granby, Colorado in 2004.

    Heemeyer had various grudges against Granby town officials, neighbors of his muffler shop, the local press, and various other citizens of Granby. Over about eighteen months, Heemeyer secretly armored a Komatsu D355A bulldozer with layers of steel and concrete.

    On Friday, June 4, 2004, Heemeyer used the bulldozer to demolish the Granby town hall, the house of a former mayor, and several other buildings. No one else was injured or killed, in part due to timely evacuation orders.

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    The Adepta Sororitas (also known as "the Sisterhood" or "Daughters of the Emperor") are an all-female subdivision of the religious organisation known as the Ecclesiarchy or Ministorum. The Sisterhood's Orders Militant serve as the Ecclesiarchy's fighting arm, mercilessly rooting out corruption and heresy within humanity and every organisation of the Adeptus Terra. The terms "Adepta Sororitas" and "Sisters of Battle" are commonly assumed to mean the same thing, but the latter title technically refers only to the Orders Militant - the military arm of the organisation which is the largest and the best-known part of the Sororitas.

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    The Ghoul Stars, also known as the Ghost Stars, is a mysterious region of space that is a part of the Halo Stars located beyond the furthest reaches of known space, northeast of the Segmentum Ultima beyond the Eastern Fringe.

    This vast tract of relatively unexplored Wilderness Space was once home to a number of Human-inhabited worlds. However, some ancient threat is believed to have been responsible for the destruction of these worlds, which accounts for the large number of Dead Worlds found within the region.

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    Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (MH370/MAS370) was an international passenger flight operated by Malaysia Airlines that disappeared from radar on 8 March 2014, while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia to its planned destination, Beijing Capital International Airport in China. The cause of its disappearance has not been determined.

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