This is the second of a two-part reflection reviewing some of the podcasts I did over the past year. Previously I did a recap on shows posted through July. This episode picks up in August (when I began to have the audio files host at the new location. As before I mention all the new shows (there were 19) and share a except from most of them. If you check the archive, however, you will notice many older shows were added to the new location and I will continue to do that during 2015. Feel free to leave a comment telling me about your favorite show or make a suggestion of a potential guest.
LISTEN TO 2014 Recap: Part One
LISTEN TO Preacher Lewis – 75 Years Later (William O’Flaherty)
LISTEN TO C.S. Lewis as Theologian (Dr. Don Williams)
LISTEN TO C.S. Lewis vs the New Atheists #1 – Series Overview
LISTEN TO C.S. Lewis vs the New Atheists #2 – Old-Time Atheism
LISTEN TO C.S. Lewis vs the New Atheists #3 – The Positively Blunt Sword of Scientism
LISTEN TO C.S. Lewis vs the New Atheists #4 – A Desire for Divinity?
LISTEN TO Not God’s Type 2014 (Dr. Holly Ordway)
LISTEN TO C.S. Lewis vs the New Atheists #5 – The Argument from Reason
LISTEN TO C.S. Lewis vs the New Atheists #6 – The Problem of Goodness
LISTEN TO C.S. Lewis vs the New Atheists # 7 – Jesus in the Dock
LISTEN TO C.S. Lewis vs the New Atheists # 8 – Conclusion: First Things First
LISTEN TO The Pilgrim’s Regress (Wade Annotated Edition)
LISTEN TO C.S. Lewis’ Top Ten, Volume One (Will Vaus)
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I had thirty-four new shows posted in 2014 (thirty six if you count this and next week's show!). The following is the first of a two part recap/reflection on the programs that were released in the last year. This segment spotlights shows done through July of this year before I changed the location of the hosting of All About Jack. At this time not all shows that was released at the old location has been re-released at the new site. Thus, a few excepts I share in this recap isn't available at this time, but will be in the next few weeks and links will be added later. Feel free to leave a comment telling me about your favorite show or make a suggestion of a potential guest.LISTEN TO “Is Theology Poetry?” with Dr. Holly Ordway (Essay Chat)LISTEN TO "The Seeing Eye" with Will Vaus (Essay Chat)LISTEN TO "Meditation on the Third Commandment" (with Allyson Wieland)LISTEN TO Lewis & Women #1 - Miniseries OverviewLISTEN TO Lewis & Women #2 - “Factual” WomenLISTENT TO Lewis & Women #3 - The Fictional WomenLISTEN TO Lewis & Women #4 – Top Three WomenLISTEN TO C.S. Lewis Symposium - YouTube Videos (Peter Byrom)LISTEN TO Sehnsucht: The C. S. Lewis Journal (Dr. Bruce Johnson)LISTEN TO What Lewis NEVER Wrote (with William O’Flaherty)
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All new shows now over at my new podcast feed:
AllAboutJack at PodBean
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The following podcast is done in honor of Dr. Christopher Mitchell who passed away unexpectedly on July 10, 2014. It's been often expressed by those mourning the loss of a loved one or close friend that they wished they had shared their reflective remarks to the person before they had died. While I don't if the following individuals sharing their thoughts about Chris didn't say them to him, they are nevertheless touching words about someone who impacted the lives of many people around the world. Some may not recognize Chris's name, that's likely because he was a humble person who preferred focusing on encouraging others than spending time trying to make a name for himself.
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Listen to Interview with Dr. Christopher Mitchell about The Wade Center
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See Dr. Mitchell's Lectures on Mere Christianity (FREE)
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As this podcast episode is being repeated (with a new introduction), news of the death of Dr. Christopher Mitchell is less than a week old. This interview features Chris from a chat William O'Flaherty had with him in 2012 while he was still the Director of the Marion E. Wade Center. In 2013 he moved to teach at Biola University. While this conversation focuses mostly on the Wade, Chris also shares some of his favorite books by and about Lewis.
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See Dr. Mitchell’s Lectures on Mere Christianity (FREE)
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As this podcast episode is releasing the latest issue of a publication called Sehnsucht is shipping soon. I spoke with Dr. Bruce Johnson a few months ago before unexpected delays meant the combined Volume 7/8 would not come out until this month. Bruce discusses the regular features found in each issue of Sehnsucht along with articles by Dr. David Downing and Dr. Don King that is in this latest issue. Also learn about the Arizona C.S. Lewis Society, the group that publishes Sehnsucht.
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On my Resource Spotlight section at EssentialCSLewis.com I recently highlighted three videos from the C.S. Lewis Symposium that were filmed last year and just uploaded to YouTube. I had the chance to speak with Peter Byrom from Christian Evidence about these videos. Peter did the editing of them and gives a short summary of each, along with other details related to the videos. These three videos features a lecture by Dr. Alister McGrath, Dr. Malcolm Guite and panel discussion lead by Dr. Michael Ward.
Watch the Three Symposium Videos (Playlist)
Watch Dr. Alister McGrath Video
Watch Dr. Malcolm Guite Video
Watch Panel Discussion Video
Visit Christian Evidence Website
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Many think of Mere Christianity just as single book that is great at helping you understand and defend the faith. However, not only was it originally released as three different books and four series of radio talks, but there are many other fascinating behind the scenes details that you can learn from C.S. Lewis & Mere Christianity: The Crisis That Created a Classic. This book by Paul McCusker is just being released. Previously I've had Paul on the show discussing a radio drama (C.S. Lewis at War) and The Screwtape Letters: Annotated Edition (see links before for those shows). Purchase C.S. Lewis & Mere ChristianityVisit Paul McCusker's WebsiteVisit Focus on the Family Radio Theatre WebsiteListen to Previous interview about C.S. Lewis at WarThe Screwtape Letters (AE) InterviewBrowse Previous All About Jack Podcast InterviewsAll About Jack MASTER LIST of shows
Do you wish you could hear C.S. Lewis speak in person? Of course, it's not possible, however if you catch Dr. Kevin Radaker perform "A Visit with C.S. Lewis" you might think you actually had! I chatted with Kevin when he presented his dramatic portrayal of Lewis at Taylor University. He also does a couple of other Lewis programs that he describes in the interview.
Visit Dr. Radaker's C.S. Lewis Site
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Find THIS episode directly here.Please visit: AllAboutJack.Podbean.comIn this show I'm sharing a 20 minute academic paper I presented at Taylor University that was part of the 9th Frances White Ewbank Colloquium on C.S. Lewis & Friends and given on Friday, May 30, 2014. The presentation I did was on quotations falsely attributed to Lewis. It was called "What Lewis NEVER Wrote." Finally, when recording this talk I neglected to consider the fact that when I was advancing the PowerPoint presentation my recording device was too close to the computer...so there you will unfortunately hear a lot of annoying clicks that I was unable to edit out of the audio.PDF of Handout on What Lewis NEVER WroteQuotes NOT By Lewis: A Preliminary ExaminationC.S. Lewis Said What? YES, He Really Did!Browse Previous All About Jack Podcast InterviewsAll About Jack MASTER LIST of shows
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The following is the ninth essay chat produced by William O'Flaherty. It is the second of a two-part discussion of "Fern-seed and Elephants," a shorter work by Lewis that is best found in Christian Reflections. My guest is Lewis enthusiast Reggie Gates. Reggie runs another podcast website called "All About C.S. Lewis." In this program the final point is explored along with favorite quotes and related works.
Listen to Part 1 of Fern-seed and Elephants Chat
Purchase Christian Reflections
Visit All About C.S. Lewis (Reggie's site)
Purchase Miracles (book by C.S. Lewis)
Purchase God in the Dock (has essays Miracles and The Grand Miracle.
Purchase Introduction to the First Three Gospels
Please visit: AllAboutJack.Podbean.com
This interview from William O’Flaherty is about The C.S. Lewis Phenomenon with the author of the book, Dr. Samuel Joeckel. He is associate professor of English and professor in the Supper Honors Program at Palm Beach Atlantic University in Florida. This book is subtitled “Christianity and the Public Sphere” and explores Lewis’s fiction and non-fiction where he presents the Christian faith and explores three facets of that phenomenon.
Purchase The C.S. Lewis Phenomenon
Visit Dr. Joeckel's Faculty Page
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Find THIS episode directly here.Please visit: AllAboutJack.Podbean.comThis is the forth and final show that explores how C.S. Lewis viewed women. Some think he either hated females, or at least feared them. Even those who know this isn't true have a hard time explaining why. Dr. Crystal Hurd, who has done a series of blog posts on the topic, is William O'Flaherty's special guest to explore this topic. Gina Dalfonzo, the editor of Breakpoint.org joins in as guest co-host. This last episode examines three women in Lewis's later life that he was closest to: Ruth Pitter, Dorothy Sayers and Joy Davidman.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Listen to Lewis & Women #3 - The Fictional WomenListen to Lewis & Women #2 - The "Factual" WomenListen to Lewis & Women #1 - Miniseries OverviewRead Dr. Hurd's Blog Series on C.S. Lewis and WomenRead Gina Dalfonzo's article on Joy DavidmanVisit Dr. Hurd's BlogVisit Legendarium ((Dr. Hurd contributes) Visit Breakpoint.org (Gina is editor)Visit Dickensblog Purchase Hunting the UnicornPurchase Socratic DigestListen to interview about Socratic DigestOTHER All About Jack Shows Dr. Hurd has been a Guest:The Singing Bowl (Dr. Hurd interviews Malcolm Guite)NarniaCast Special - Both Parts of The Silver Chair Movie DiscussionNarniaCast: Ep. 1 – The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeC.S. Lewis as Transformational Leader (20 minute talk by Dr. Crystal Hurd)Willing Slaves of the Welfare State with Dr. Crystal Hurd (Essay Chat)OTHER All About Jack Shows Mentioned:Douglas Gresham Interview (50th Anniversary Reflections)A Life Observed (with Dr. Devin Brown)C.S. Lewis: A Biography of Friendship (Colin Duriez)C.S. Lewis - A Life (Biography by Dr. Alister McGrath)Visit EssentialCSLewis.com
Find THIS episode directly here.Please visit: AllAboutJack.Podbean.comThis is the third of four shows that explores how C.S. Lewis viewed women. Some think he either hated females, or at least feared them. Even those who know this isn't true have a hard time explaining why. Dr. Crystal Hurd, who has done a series of blog posts on the topic, is William O'Flaherty's special guest to explore this topic. Gina Dalfonzo, the editor of Breakpoint.org joins in as guest co-host. This third podcast examines women that Lewis created in his stories. The focus is mostly on Narnia, but Crystal also addresses equality between the sexes..Listen to Lewis & Women #2 - "Factual" WomenListen to Lewis & Women #1 - Miniseries OverviewRead Dr. Hurd's Blog Series on C.S. Lewis and WomenVisit Dr. Hurd's BlogVisit Legendarium ((Dr. Hurd contributes) Visit Breakpoint.org (Gina is editor)Visit Dickensblog Purchase Socratic DigestListen to interview about Socratic DigestOTHER All About Jack Shows Dr. Hurd has been a Guest:The Singing Bowl (Dr. Hurd interviews Malcolm Guite)NarniaCast Special - Both Parts of The Silver Chair Movie DiscussionNarniaCast: Ep. 1 – The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeC.S. Lewis as Transformational Leader (20 minute talk by Dr. Crystal Hurd)Willing Slaves of the Welfare State with Dr. Crystal Hurd (Essay Chat)OTHER All About Jack Shows Mentioned:Douglas Gresham Interview (50th Anniversary Reflections)A Life Observed (with Dr. Devin Brown)C.S. Lewis: A Biography of Friendship (Colin Duriez)C.S. Lewis - A Life (Biography by Dr. Alister McGrath)Visit EssentialCSLewis.com
Please visit: AllAboutJack.Podbean.com
The following is a repeat of my single interview I did with Dr. Michael Ward two years about The Narnia Code. This chat also gives a good general introduction to Planet Narnia and the DVD also called The Narnia Code. He will be one of the special guest at the 2014 Taylor Colloquium (see link below for details).
Purchase The Narnia Code
Purchase Planet Narnia
Visit The Narnia Code Site
Visit Planet Narnia Site
Visit Michael Ward's Site
Visit BandCamp page for Lewis and Women
Listen to 2014 Taylor Colloquium Interview
Listen to Myth Became Fact Essay Chat with Dr. Ward
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“Myth Became Fact” was the seven essay chat I produced back in 2012. Although not directly related to Easter, it does touch on some aspects of it. I had the pleasure of catching up with Dr. Michael Ward, author of The Narnia Code and other books for this discussion. Note that we had some recording problems and the audio quality unfortunately didn’t come out as well as hoped. The essay is best found in God in the Dock.
Also for those of you hoping to find the third part of the Lewis and Women miniseries note that it will not be posted until April 28th, however it is available on a new page I created over a BandCamp (link below).
Purchase God in the Dock
Visit The Narnia Code Site
Visit BandCamp page for Lewis and Women
Listen to 2014 Taylor Colloquium Interview
Visit EssentialCSLewis.com
Find THIS episode directly here.Please visit: AllAboutJack.Podbean.comThis is the second of four shows that explores how C.S. Lewis viewed women. Some think he either hated females, or at least feared them. Even those who know this isn't true have a hard time explaining why. Dr. Crystal Hurd, who has done a series of blog posts on the topic, is William O'Flaherty's special guest to explore this topic. Gina Dalfonzo, the editor of Breakpoint.org joins in as guest co-host. This second podcast examines women that Lewis either knew or wrote to during his life ("factual" as opposed to the fictional females he created in his books).Listen to Lewis & Women #1 - Miniseries OverviewRead Dr. Hurd's Blog Series on C.S. Lewis and WomenVisit Dr. Hurd's BlogVisit Legendarium ((Dr. Hurd contributes) Visit Breakpoint.org (Gina is editor)Visit Dickensblog Purchase Socratic DigestListen to interview about Socratic DigestOTHER All About Jack Shows Dr. Hurd has been a Guest:The Singing Bowl (Dr. Hurd interviews Malcolm Guite)NarniaCast Special - Both Parts of The Silver Chair Movie DiscussionNarniaCast: Ep. 1 – The Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeC.S. Lewis as Transformational Leader (20 minute talk by Dr. Crystal Hurd)Willing Slaves of the Welfare State with Dr. Crystal Hurd (Essay Chat)OTHER All About Jack Shows Mentioned:Douglas Gresham Interview (50th Anniversary Reflections)A Life Observed (with Dr. Devin Brown)C.S. Lewis: A Biography of Friendship (Colin Duriez)C.S. Lewis - A Life (Biography by Dr. Alister McGrath)Visit EssentialCSLewis.com
Find THIS episode directly here.
Please visit: AllAboutJack.Podbean.com
This is the first of a four part miniseries exploring how C.S. Lewis viewed women. Did he secretly hate them or at least had a negative view of females in general? Dr. Crystal Hurd, who has done a series of blog posts on the topic, is my special guest. Another female, Gina Dalfonzo, the editor of Breakpoint.org joins in as guest co-host. Today's podcast presents a general overview by briefly exploring nearly all of the issues related to this subject.
Read Dr. Hurd's Blog Series on C.S. Lewis and Women
Visit Dr. Hurd's Blog
Visit Breakpoint.org (Gina is editor)
Visit Dickensblog
OTHER All About Jack Shows Dr. Hurd has been a Guest:
The Singing Bowl (Dr. Hurd interviews Malcolm Guite)
NarniaCast Special - Both Parts of The Silver Chair Movie Discussion
NarniaCast: Ep. 1 – The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
C.S. Lewis as Transformational Leader (20 minute talk by Dr. Crystal Hurd)
Willing Slaves of the Welfare State with Dr. Crystal Hurd (Essay Chat)
OTHER All About Jack Shows Mentioned:
Douglas Gresham Interview (50th Anniversary Reflections)
A Life Observed (with Dr. Devin Brown)
C.S. Lewis: A Biography of Friendship (Colin Duriez)
C.S. Lewis - A Life (Biography by Dr. Alister McGrath)
Visit EssentialCSLewis.com
Please visit: AllAboutJack.Podbean.com
Robert Verlarde is a former atheist who was strongly influenced by the works of C.S. Lewis and so it only seems fitting he has written a couple books to help introduce and enhance a person's ability to understand Lewis's writings. This interview features BOTH Conversations with C.S. Lewis (from 2008) and The Golden Rules of Narnia (latest edition from 2010).
Visit Robert Verlarde's Website (A Reasonable Imagination)
Buy Conversations with C.S. Lewis
Buy The Golden Rules of Narnia
Find THIS episode directly here.
Please visit: AllAboutJack.Podbean.com
"Meditation on the Third Commandment" was the sixth essay chat produced when I started them in 2012. I'm repeating it now because many of you weren't aware of my shows back then. My special guest for this chat was Allyson Wieland. Allyson is the creator of behind CSL Book Club, an online resource for discussion questions for a number of books by C.S. Lewis. This essay is found in God in the Dock.
Purchase God in the Dock
Listen to CSL Book Club INTER VIEW
Visit CSL Book Club
Listen to "Lilies That Fester" Essay Chat
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