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  • God has given us gifts to enrich our lives and the lives of those around us. It is through giving and receiving gifts that we can experience security, comfort, ease, and enjoyment in our relationships.

    In this series, you will learn how reframing our relationships and perspectives can lead to a profound shift in how we experience life. Foundational to our growth steps is to recognize and experience that our joy comes from the life of God within, and not from external sources, we can find happiness and contentment in every moment. With intention and regaining our power of choice, we can reframe our thinking, we can develop and grow in our journey towards a life of promise full of abundance.

  • EP175: When I feel like I’m failing…

    I know… it sounds so dramatic, but it’s easy to feel like we have failed as parents when we feel unappreciated or even attacked or blamed. This week, we faced some unexpected disappointments, and insecurity stepped in and initiated negative narratives that were (very) short of hopefulness. But it was a quick turnaround!

    Every setback in any relationship is an opportunity for growth and every contrast we encounter is a chance to come back even stronger. And most of all, more secure.

    The next time you feel contrast, in other words, something that is clearly NOT your preference, it’s the perfect time to give yourself a pass, and then find the golden nuggets of wisdom that will make you brighter, stronger, wiser, shinier, and more resilient than ever.

    The first thing to remember after experiencing a contrasting disappointment is to remember that you have a choice. You can attach your meaning to the situation. If you can embrace your security in God’s friendship and reassure yourself of the gift your personality is, you can tell yourself a story of redemption and restoration. In every and any situation. This is powerful news!

    When we feel judged, we tend to quickly judge that person back. When we react out of a broken heart, we will continue to project judgments on the people around us to feel better about ourselves. This is what keeps us stuck.

    We can develop the skill and compassion to carry one another’s feelings of pain, rather than correct them. There’s a season of understanding and validating that is extremely helpful, and is an effective way to show unconditional love.

    Research shows that the happiest and most satisfied people are those who see their loved ones in a positive light…many times even more positively than they see themselves! A highly thought of person is a well-loved person.

    You can learn to change your mind… and your relationships will change. Instead of a fixed mindset (This will never change!) we encourage you to develop a growth mindset! (I can adjust!). Problems feel huge at the moment, but when your mindset adjusts, your choice is engaged, and the “problem” loses its “hugeness” and power.

    Integrity and Intent coupled together create hope and trust. And when that integrity is strong, and foundationally sound, it’s the perfect place to let your imagination dream with new ideas and tap into wondrous possibilities!

    Great Ideas to Ponder:

    What do you think about yourself?How or what do you think about your spouse/family members?What is one of the purposes of your marriage/family relationships?What are your current thoughts and feelings toward your most significant relationships?Start today, plan that one thing you never thought you could, and do something about it.

    When we make bold dreams, and our hearts are willing and surrender to God’s ways and God's thoughts, we milk life for everything it’s got for us! So let’s apply this to our lives in a very practical way. Let’s squeeze the best out of every situation and refuse to waste our pain. And when we aren’t perfect, and life isn’t perfect, we give ourselves a HUGE PASS and say, I shall hunt for the treasure here and learn to love better every day.



    Music by Bohdan Kuzmin from Pixabay

  • Break Free from Unhealthy Ties

    When helping people in their relationships, we find people continually asking for a deeper connection, so that their love, support, and companionship are received and reciprocal. By breaking free from the shackles of unhealthy ties to agendas, comparisons, and vices, individuals can foster relationships that are grounded in authenticity, mutual respect, and personal growth. These healthier connections not only enhance emotional well-being but also serve as a foundation for a more fulfilling and harmonious life.

    Beneath the surface of seemingly healthy relationships, there can exist toxic elements that hinder personal growth and emotional well-being. Let’s identify these and break any unhealthy ties to agendas, comparisons, and vices that can taint our relationships, causing significant harm to ourselves and those around us. This is a great day for freedom!

    1. Timelines

    Do you get impatient presuming things aren’t moving fast enough? Impatience is an unhealthy tie that can corrode the fabric of even the strongest relationships! When we struggle with impatience, we often prioritize immediate gratification over the long-term well-being of the partnership. Impatient behaviors can manifest as being short-tempered, demanding quick results, or constantly pressuring one's partner. These actions create tension, erode trust, and hinder effective communication. Impatience can also lead to impulsive decision-making, causing significant rifts in the relationship as important issues are not given the time and attention they deserve. By fostering patience and understanding, individuals can create a nurturing environment where growth, compromise, and trust can flourish.

    Empowering Belief Suggestion: I can relax and be calm. When progress isn’t fast enough for me, I can trust God that He is working behind the scenes. God’s presence is my safe and calm retreat.

    2. Comparison

    In a society that glorifies perfection and success, we can fall into the trap of comparing ourselves and our families and kids to others.Comparisons can drive a wedge between us, and breed insecurities, resentment, and a constant feeling of inadequacy. When we compare our relationships to others, we fail to appreciate the unique qualities and dynamics within our partnerships. Instead, we should focus on cultivating gratitude and celebrating the strengths and growth in our relationships, fostering an atmosphere of love and support.

    Empowering Belief Suggestion: Even if it doesn’t feel fair I can trust in God’s justice. I choose to smile and accept and expect abundance and promotion for my life and family. I am not alone, I am in partnership with God and His friendship vindicates me.

    3. Hidden Agendas

    Hidden agendas can be sneaky, and we don’t even know we have them. Sub-consciously we are tied to unspoken expectations and agendas. These hidden motives can sabotage the authenticity of our connections and complicate our relationships with manipulation. All this, without even trying!

    It is crucial to be transparent and genuine in our intentions, communicating openly and honestly with our spouses, kids, and friends. The best way to be free of hidden agendas is to resist fear regarding others. The other important approach is to resist the temptation to think that others need to share the same values and convictions as you. This can be challenging when you’re in the same family!

    Empowering Belief Suggestion: Even though I have dreams, desires, and good ideas for my family and friends, I release them to have their own dreams and their journey. I trust Jesus to speak to their hearts, and I let go of my opinions.

    4. Vices

    Unhealthy relationships often involve the presence of vices such as addiction or substance abuse. These destructive habits can erode trust, communication, and overall well-being within a relationship. Vices can create a toxic environment that is detrimental to personal growth and the vitality of the relationship. Breaking free from these vices includes having empathy for yourself and others and creating goals and asking for help and support.

    Empowering Belief Suggestion: I am not a disappointment to God, myself, or others. When I crave comfort, I immediately move toward my friendship with God in my secret place. I let go of the addictions that give me false comfort.

    5. Distractions

    In a world filled with constant stimulation and demands on our attention, it is crucial to recognize the impact of these distractions and actively work to mitigate their influence. By prioritizing uninterrupted quality time, fostering open and attentive communication, and practicing mindful presence, we can navigate the distraction-filled landscape and build healthier and more fulfilling connections. Embracing intentional engagement with our loved ones allows us to forge deeper bonds and create a sense of belonging in an increasingly distracted world.

    Empowering Belief Suggestion: I am courageous and wise. I value the gift of each day and the time I’ve been given. I forgive myself, and I focus on what’s important.

    6. Limited Beliefs

    It’s so important to be aware of our inner dialogue! We can have unhealthy ties to our narrative, and remain unaware of the implications! The stories we tell ourselves create the trajectory of our lives. Telling yourself positive and life-giving faith-filled stories about your life, your future, the people around you, and your future is powerful and gives space for hope, possibilities, and answers to prayer.

    Empowering Belief Suggestion: I write the truth in my heart that’s in complete agreement with God’s promise for me and my future. I invest in heart beliefs that establish peace and wealth and Lordship with Jesus.

    7. Resentment

    Resentment breeds emotional distance, leading us to withdraw and withhold. Breaking the unhealthy ties of resentment is a powerful step toward newfound freedom! Lingering resentment prevents genuine closeness and impedes the cultivation of empathy and compassion. The emotional disconnection can manifest in a lack of affection and withdrawal. Overcoming resentment necessitates a willingness to empathize with one another's experiences, puts nerdy into practice, and fosters an atmosphere of emotional safety and support, and acceptance.

    Empowering Belief Suggestion: I sent away the offense of what that person said or did to me. This offense is not benefiting my life, and I don’t give it any more power. I turn and move towards the peace of God’s presence and I experience mercy for me, and I extend that mercy to others.

    Music by lemonmusicstudio from Pixabay.



  • What have you been waiting for?

    For my big break

    Empowering belief suggestion: I am not desperate for I know God as my source. I am not in lack for He has promised to provide all that I need, I choose and I live in peace for he keeps me as the apple of His eye and hides me under the shadow of His wing, Psalm 17:8.

    2. For a God moment

    Empowering belief suggestion: I have access to my friendship with God every moment. I am not a disappointment to God. My God-given imagination serves me and I find courage to walk in harmony with /god and His design for my life.

    3. For my spouse to stop________

    Empowering belief suggestion: My spouse (loved one) is not my limitation or problem or obstacle. I choose to focus on the strengths and gifts of my spouse.

    4. For my spouse to start ____________

    Empowering belief suggestion: I am at peace knowing he/she is not my source, I am complete and have everything I need in my relationship and friendship with God.

    5. For my child/parent to start _____________

    Empowering belief suggestion: I trust that God is pursuing him/her with His unfailing love, I easily let go of my agendas for others.

    6. For the perfect opportunity

    Empowering belief suggestion: I am surrounded by countless opportunities every day. I swim in the seas of possibilities. I easily hear Goed’s voice for inspiration, and direction and act on them.

    7. For financial security

    Empowering belief suggestion: I am secure and don’t worry about money. I trust God for wisdom and how to use my time and finances wisely. God is my provider.

    Full Article at https://www.lovemarriedlife.com/articles

    Audrey's Happy Club https://www.audreyclub.com/

    Music by lemonmusicstudio from Pixabay.

  • Episode #160

    Attention is a Big Deal!

    We naturally pay attention to what we are interested in. Take a look at your current life… the fact is, this is not the end of your story! If you still have breath, you are a story that’s being told! Happy moments and happy memories are a gift, but they can also be directions. If you’re interested in a life full of abundance, then let’s stoke the fire of momentum and invest in deciding your intention, attention, and vision for your every day.

    Intention, Attention, and Vision

    Here are ten intentions that you may want to set for yourself that would really help your relationships move forward together. When you build momentum in your relationships, you’ll be in an ongoing state of moving forward together, making memories, and sharing meaningful moments. Even when you face obstacles together, you're able to take them in stride as you work together to keep going. Momentum propels you towards fulfilling relationships. It all starts with intention.

    Show kindness: “I’m going to be warm towards you and value your perspective and your needs. I’m going to give you the strongest version of me, without reminding you of your weaknesses.”Love unconditionally: “Whether the current conditions are favorable or challenging, I’m going to be consistent and stable in my love for you.”Participate in open and vulnerable communication: “I remember that when I’m vulnerable, it establishes a deeper bond between us and makes us feel closer. When I share my personal journey with you, I am giving you a gift.”Share passion, affection, and intimacy: “I prioritize being affectionate…like trust, it’s something that grows and develops over time. I want you to feel wanted.”Support and appreciation: “Part of supporting you is being enthusiastic when you share your journey with me. Part of appreciating is using words, and being specific with what I’m grateful for! Compliment and admire: “I don’t settle for stagnation, assuming our relationship is fine because we’re not having conflict. Complimenting and admiring you keeps our relationship fresh and alive.Avoid criticism, complaints, and correcting: “Even when our preferences, values, and convictions are different, I’m not going to bring constant attention to them. Instead, I find a playful and creative way to reach your heart.Personal space without guilt: We are together (in our family, our friendship, our marriage) but we are also individuals, so I am secure enough to allow you space and self-expression.” Seasons of feeling stuck: “I don’t want to defend, argue, debate, or impose my convictions or my preferences, so I will re-evaluate my expectations, accept you, and be easy to get along with and carefree.” Don’t question the nature of our relationship: “I won’t judge your intentions or presume you’re against me, even when my feelings are hurt.” Often times I just working through “my own stuff”.

    When it comes to attention begin to notice what you pay attention to in your life. The things you feed your attention with will tend to grow (both positive and negative). What you withhold attention FROM, tends to wither and fall away. Nothing drives people up a wall faster than being ignored.

    We all love attention because it provides validation. Whatever has your attention has your power. See your attention as currency and spend it on what you value. You have a choice, be decisive and it’s in your power to select what you’re giving your attention to. It’s a big deal! It’s useful to inventory what we are feeding with our attention.

    Vision is the willingness to see. Take a look at your past and “see” the best. The times together that felt close and fun. There have been a lot of things that have gone really well in your life, but they might be living dormant. Stoke the fires of good times in the past. Remember what you first loved about each other! Talk about your favorite memories!

    The practical definition of faith is simply “Seeing the end from the beginning”. Whatever you’re praying for? See it and feel it now. Smile when you think of your future and your dreams coming true. Journey to find the momentum that will propel you forward.

    A healthy relationship should be easy, smooth, and carefree. That's not saying there will never be challenges or difficulties. That's part of having a passionate, long-term partnership. Don't settle for stagnation there is a surplus of enthusiasm (momentum) available for you! Enthusiasm breeds hope which leads to the dreams of your heart revisited and a future of freedom and joy realized.

    Music by lemonmusicstudio from Pixabay.

  • Infectious Joy!

    We all “high-function” in life and our relationships when we are full of joy and peace.

    The profound and simple strategy of Whatever we focus on gets bigger and bigger and stronger and stronger has the potential to change the story of your life.

    Anything you’re not wanting to experience “more of” simply stop looking at it and obsessing over it. Anything you ARE wanting to experience more of….redemptive qualities in your children and spouse, good news, beauty, and hope, look and focus on those things, and you’ll experience a turnaround!

    We truly are shaped by our thoughts

    Scripture makes it so clear, and offers a clear map to infectious joy:

    4 Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice! 5 Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon.

    6 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

    8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9 Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you (Philippians 4:4-9).

    Troubling Times

    What do we do when circumstances and appearances look grim? This is your day to change the story of my life, and encounter peace. If you continue to tell yourself the same story, It’s just a matter of time until there’s another injustice, and life will keep being too serious and there is no fun.

    Try some of these practical steps:

    1. Remind yourself: I can (and will) find joy in this journey. I will not blame anybody for my current circumstances or disappointments. I’m going to give up trying to change anybody. I refuse to measure other people’s progress.

    2. I chose to smile as I imagine the possibilities ahead, even if it isn’t what I first imagined it would be. I give, I consider others, and I sacrifice for others, and therefore discover the art of true giving. It’s more blessed and rewarding to give rather than receive!

    3. Listen with patience, listen like a sponge, and absorb those around you, and any troubles they have incurred. Learning to truly listen expresses love, acceptance, and compassion in a way that will turn circumstances around. Everyone loves to feel heard!

    What do I do to foster infectious joy?

    Celebrate even when there isn’t a big event! It's important to mark small, daily successes and things “going well”. Even if it’s about getting off work earlier than expected or starting an exercise regime. These are positive events that gain strength and significance when we make time to recognize them with excitement and affection. Celebrate good news together. Search for good news! You will find what you’re looking for. And “match” the excitement and celebration of others.

    Enjoy listening to God’s voice, and consider developing this skill. Hunches are the hounds of heaven! Every simple step makes a big difference in your relationships. Don’t underestimate what you can do today!

    Music by lemonmusicstudio from Pixabay.