Join us as we interview Mell from the Strong Family Co all about their 7 Elements of the Strong Family Path. We zone into a couple of the 7 elements with Mell and can't wait for you to listen and hear all about them!
Joe & Mell have been married for 16 years and are raising 3 boys, ages 5, 11 and 13. Joe was a teacher turned entrepreneur who realized he was spending more time on his work than on his family life. Mell was a social worker turned stay at home mom. In 2020, they decided to move 2000 miles from home to a place better aligned with their family values in order to refocus on the most important organization in their lives: family!
It was an inspiring conversation and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.
Be sure to follow Mell and Joe on all of their social media
IG @officialstrongfamilyco
FB Strong Family Co
FB Strong Family Life
As always join Elisa and Pam in the FB group for Q&A's and support.
Until next time,
Restful Parenting:)
Join Elisa and Pam as they chat with Andréanne Charbonneau about supporting a friend, family, loved one through perinatal loss. It can be really hard to know what to say or how to help. We hope you are able to take the information Andréanne discusses with us and share with those in your circle. Please reach out to us or Andréanne with additional questions or for support.
To reach out or to follow Andréanne;
Email: [email protected]
Facebook page: Andréanne Charbonneau: SADP – PBSS https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088603777740
Website: Coming soon!
To touch base with Pam or Elisa
Pam and Elisa: [email protected]
As always, thank you for listening!
Manglende episoder?
Part 2 is here! In part 1 we chatted about the window of tolerance and when we are feeling triggered when parenting, now in part 2 we are chatting through what we can do to help ourselves come back into our window.
Self regulation can be tough for all of us, especially when parenting. Join us in this super informative episode to learn about all the windows and how to get back on track when you find yourself slipping.
As always, we'd love to see you in the FB group for our Q&A's and more tips and strategies for our day to day parenting!
The Polyvagal Theory (Window of Tolerance)
Pam and Elisa
Another exciting episode with our friend Jennifer Taun chatting in this Part 1 of 2 all about when we are feeling 'triggered' when parenting. When our children are having a rough go and we leave our 'window of tolerance' where do we go? How do we recognize it and how do we come back into our window.
Self regulation can be tough for all of us, especially when parenting. Join us in this super informative episode to learn about all the windows, where you identify and be sure to join us next week for some great tips to help us get back on track when we do go off.
As always, we'd love to see you in the FB group for our Q&A's and more tips and strategies for our day to day parenting!
The Polyvagal Theory (Window of Tolerance)
Thanks for joining us,
Elisa and Pam
Have you been thinking about working on your child's sleep but feel like it is too late? Are you feeling stuck and overwhelmed because you feel like working on sleep when your child is a little older than a baby will be impossible?
In this episode, we talk all about how it is never too late to work on sleep. We also give you some tips on some things that you can do to get started.
Podcast episodes we tagged in this podcast:
Talk time before bed:
Fears and Anxieties:
We would love to work with you! Reach out at [email protected] or www.restfulparenting.com to chat with us and if you have any questions! You can book a FREE 15 minute call here: https://restfulparenting.as.me/schedule.php
***Our Sleep and Parenting programs may be covered under your benefits if you have benefits for Social Worker and are in Ontario!!*** Reach out for a quote.
Is your child's grumpy mood getting to you?
We can easily feel triggered by their unhappiness and when we have extra on our mind or the pressure of really wanting things to go smoothly, that off mood can really do a number on us!
So what do we do?
Join Elisa and Pam in this quick episode for the strategies needed to help you get through an off track toddler/child and how to best manage your day around it while not letting it get you down!
As always, we'd love to see you in the FB group for our Q&A's and more tips and strategies for our day to day parenting!
Thanks for joining us,
Elisa and Pam -
Do you have a child who resists change when it comes to their sleep schedule? Traveling, going off track etc...
Or perhaps you have anxiety about throwing them off of their schedule because you have worked so hard on establishing healthy sleep and don't want to go back to the beginning!
One of the reasons why we work on sleep is so that we CAN enjoy some of life's fun moments. Going on a day trip. going to a cottage, going to birthday parties, playdates and more.
At the beginning of this off track sleep, your little one may not be flexible to the changes and it may not go well. Pam and I want to share how we can build that flexibility in our children.
Other helpful podcast episodes that can also help with this topic:
E26. Travelling and sleep https://anchor.fm/restfulparenting/episodes/E26--Travelling-and-sleep-e97pnh
E.87 Leaving the house with baby! https://anchor.fm/restfulparenting/episodes/
If you want to work on sleep and get the support to help your little learn independent sleep skills, we can help! Reach out to us at [email protected] and we can set up a FREE 15 minute consultation.
*Our programs may be covered under benefits through Social Worker -
Join Elisa and Pam with special guest Jennifer Taun RSW, MSW for this week's episode on parenting through our values vs through fears. What guides our parenting?Are we managing situations the way we want to be with our children? Are we parenting and reacting out of fear of what this behaviour may bring in the future?
Parenting out of fear can sometimes trigger us and create a situation where we over react. It happens.. but what can we do so it doesn't happen as often, how do come back from with our children? Most importantly, how do we parent in the present through our values and what we want to extend to our children vs through fear of the future and the what if's?
As always, we'd love to see you in the FB group for our Q&A's and more tips and strategies for our day to day parenting!
Thanks for joining us,
Elisa and Pam
Helping our children through anxious times, regardless if it's school, sleep, travel etc... that's causing their big feelings, this little strategy can be a great tool!
Join Pam and Elisa as they chat through what you can do to help your child calm themselves by finding their 'calm space' in their own head.
Be sure to join the FB group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/allthingssleepandparenting/
And follow us on all social media for more great tips!
Thanks for joining us!
Elisa and Pam
Join Elisa and Pam as they chat through some quick tips for cat napping during the day and how cat naps can affect their scheduled naps.
We offer FREE 15 minute phone calls so don't hesitate to reach out when you're ready to get sleep and/or parenting on track. Book your call through the link and if you don't see a time that works for you, be sure to email us at [email protected].
Free call: https://restfulparenting.as.me/?calendarID=2390316
Join us in our Facebook group for sleep and parenting tips, Q&A's and more!
Chat soon,
Pam and Elisa -
We are so excited to have Jenn Taun RSW back and joining us for this episode where we talk all about Anger and Parenting. Is anger always a bad thing? Have a listen and find out, you may be surprised!
Jenn has been an instrumental part of our team and we know you'll love what she has to say about this topic as much as we did. Parenting is hard and anger is a natural human emotion. Yes we may strive for being the most patient parent and always be open to listening and being present but sometimes, it just doesn't happen. What happens then when we lose our cool or flip our lids?
Have a listen and join our FB group to keep the conversation going! And be sure to stay tuned as we have some great upcoming topics with Jenn!
To find out more about Jenn and her services visit her website and of course if you need any sleep and parenting support, reach out to Elisa and Pam for your free 15 minute consultation and let's get started!
Thanks for listening!
Pam, Elisa and Jenn -
One of the questions that we receive often is about whether using a night light with your baby or child is okay when working on sleep. We talk all about it in the episode as well as offer some guidelines if you choose to use a nightlight! If your toddler or older child is having fears, we have a podcast for you here: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/AuPqVqJJXub
We also offer one on one support to help you give your little one the tools to work through their fears and overcome them!
Reach out to us at [email protected] to book a FREE 15 minute call with us!
Join us on this week's episode where we speak with France Tailleur, Conscious Parenting Coach and mom. In this episode, we discuss some strategies that you can use to get your children to listen without yelling! We will give you a hint, it all starts with us. Listen to the episode to find out some of the strategies that France talks about so that you can start making changes today!
France Tailleur is a mom & Certified Conscious Parenting Coach
She has an innate gift at finding unconventional & practical solutions to parenting challenges that arise.
She uses her 20 years of experience with children, combined with her unique training as a Certified Conscious Parenting coach, Human Design Facilitator & inner child healing.
She guides & challenges you to raise your parenting standards, challenges everything that takes away your freedom, to raise your standards for how your child experiences their childhood & how you reparent yourself, while you are parenting your child.
You will soon begin to understand yourself and your child at a really deep (core, authentic) level, live a life that blows your mind & create an environment that both you & your child can thrive in.
France is also a #1 Amazon Best selling author with her Journal Sparkle Time. Link here: Sparkle Time: The Connected Parent/Child Journal: Tailleur, France: 9781989716182: Books - Amazon.ca
She is also the host of the Motherhood Unshackled Podcast.
One of the biggest questions that we get when it comes to the transition into childcare is...Do I have to Sleep Coach before my baby begins?
This can cause a lot of extra stress and anxiety for parents if they do not want to do this. Having an open discussion with your childcare provider is the first step to find out what they suggest and what they will be doing in care to teach independent sleep. (Which methods they will use.) You can then decide if you would like to help your child learn this skill beforehand. In this podcast, we chat about your options and some of our experiences in the childcare field.
If you are ready for sleep coaching and don't want to tackle it on your own, we are here! We have a few different programs to help you teach this skill with confidence and consistency. You need to find a method that you are most comfortable and that is exactly what we help with!
**Restful Parenting has partnered with Jenn Taun of North Bay Counseling Services so we are pleased to bring a whole new level to our holistic approach. As an added bonus to this partnership, for those in Ontario, our services may now be covered under your benefits through social worker.**
Join our Facebook community for more free tips! Restful Parenting's all Things Sleep and Parenting | Facebook
Book your FREE 15 minute call here: https://restfulparenting.as.me/
Some other helpful podcast episodes:
Breaking the Feed to Sleep Association
Sleep Coaching Methods:
In this episode, Pam and Elisa chat through their biggest tips to help your little one adjust to childcare. This can be a very big and anxiety provoking transition for the whole family so knowing what steps you can take to make it easier is very helpful.
What is a good integration schedule? How do we do the drop offs to ensure that they are smooth? What can we do if our child cries during drop offs?These are some of the topics that we cover in this podcast.
Here are some other episodes that are helpful:
You do not need to fully wean to begin childcare but if you would like to wean, here is a podcast with a step by step:
**Restful Parenting has partnered with Jenn Taun of North Bay Counseling Services so we are pleased to bring a whole new level to our holistic approach. As an added bonus to this partnership, for those in Ontario, our services may now be covered under your benefits through social worker.**
Join our Facebook community for more free tips! Restful Parenting's all Things Sleep and Parenting | Facebook
Book your FREE 15 minute call here: https://restfulparenting.as.me/
Join Pam and Elisa on this week's episode of the All Things Sleep and Parenting Podcast where we have a special guest Dr. Lynyetta Willis. We had such a great conversation with Dr Willis about how we parent based on the way we were parented. The information Dr Lynyetta shares about inter-generational drama makes this an episode all parents should hear.
A little more about Dr. Willis
Dr. Lynyetta Willis, psychologist, family empowerment coach, speaker, and award-winning author - helps frustrated families break free from Stable Misery® and unhelpful parenting and partnership patterns, so they can create more harmony at home.
Over 20 years of journeying with countless clients led her to design the research-supported Elemental Living® Model and P.A.T.H.S. Relationship Framework. These powerful tools help parents and partners improve communication, minimize overreactions, and transform intergenerational trauma.
Dr. Willis’ Harmony in the Home Couples Program and Triggered to Transformed® Group Parenting Program have received rave reviews from couples and parents across the globe in South Africa, Israel, New Zealand, and Australia.
A sought after speaker, media contributor, and author, Dr. Willis’s multi-award winning book, My Forgotten Self: A Story about a Girl, a Powerful Encounter, and a Universal Message, received high acclaim from individuals such as Dr. Shefali Tsabary, author of The Conscious Parent and “Oprah’s Parenting Expert”; Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, author and spiritual leader of Agape International Truth Center; and Michal Berg, President and CEO of Spirituality for Kids International, Inc.
Dr. Willis lives in Georgia with her husband and their two children.
Here is where you can find her:
List of helpful resources:
Stable Misery Free Roadmap - www.healingstablemisery.com
Quiz! What’s Your Parenting Trigger Score - www.mytriggerscore.com
Social Media Links:
https://www.drlwillis.com (website)
Has your baby recently learned how to roll onto their stomach while they sleep? This can bring much anxiety to a lot of parents. Is it safe? Do I need to go back and roll them over again? These are some questions we answer in this podcast.
Along with this new developmental milestone may come a baby who is rolling onto their stomach and waking up crying because they get stuck. We also go over how you can help them through this phase, help them feel confident with rolling while not creating new expectations for them.
**Restful Parenting has partnered with Jenn Taun of North Bay Counseling Services so we are pleased to bring a whole new level to our holistic approach. As an added bonus to this partnership, for those in Ontario, our services may now be covered under your benefits through social worker.**
Join our Facebook community for more free tips! Restful Parenting's all Things Sleep and Parenting | Facebook
Book your FREE 15 minute call here: https://restfulparenting.as.me/
Tis the season for thunderstorms! I love watching them but our children don't always appreciate a good storm.
In this episode, we talk all about how to help your child through their fear of thunderstorms so that we can take some of that anxiety away from them when the clouds get dark.
Need extra guidance and support on anything sleep or parenting? Pam and I are here to help you with our one on one support.
Book a FREE 15 minute call with us today! https://restfulparenting.as.me/
**Our Sleep and Parenting Programs may be covered under benefits for Social Worker** Ask us more! [email protected]
Join us in our Facebook community Restful Parenting's all Things Sleep and Parenting | Facebook -
Join Restful Parenting this week for a very special episode with Parenting Coach Allana Robinson where we discuss the The Role Of Outdoor Play In Development And Why It Needs To Be Without Parents. With the weather warming up and summer being as beautiful as ever, this is a perfect time for parents to learn straight from a parenting expert about unsupervised outdoor play, why it is important and how you can incorporate this into your lives to improve your child's play!
About Allana:
Allana Robinson is Parenting Coach and CEO of Uncommon Sense Parenting, as well as a Registered Early Childhood Educator, Mom of two, and military wife. Allana supports parents of toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners in understanding WHY their children are misbehaving and how to fix it without yelling, shaming, or time-outs. Her mission is to empower parents as the expert on their own child and create an inclusive world full of calm, competent, confident kids.
If you would like to reach out to Allana (which we highly suggest you do!) Here is her information:
FB: facebook.com/groups/parentingposse
Insta: Instagram.com/parentingposse
Web: allanarobinson.com
Free class: allanarobinson.com/freeclass -
Join Elisa and Pam as they introduce a special guest and announce their biggest, most exciting news ever!
Keep scrolling if you can't wait to listen and needs details now:)
Restful Parenting has PARTNERED with Jennifer Taun MSW RSW of North Bay Counseling Services and we are beyond excited to announce that we are bringing our holistic approach to even more families to help with all things sleep and parenting!
This partnership means:
Sleep, Parenting or Sleep and Parenting Packages with support of 2 weeks, 3 or 6 months! In home (Ottawa and North Bay) and virtual support across Ontario Extra support if needed with Jennifer Taun MSW RSW and associates Team approach and shared knowledge to be able to offer the best fit for your family Packages now may be covered under work insurance - in Ontario under Social WorkerThis is huge and being able to help so many more families is thrilling!
Questions? Send us an email, we love chatting - [email protected]
More information about our special packages and programs here:
No better time than now to start on your journey of healthy sleep and confident parenting!
Ready to book your FREE 15 minute phone call? Click here to find a day and time that works for you:)
Until next time,
Pam and Elisa
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