
  • Perfection, once valued as a symbol of quality, is now suspect. It's not inspiring or inclusive. If you want an impactful career, let go of the perfectionism and embrace the cringe.

    Today is your starting line- no matter how you have succeeded or failed (learned), you get to next level each day.Cringe is your sign that you have upped your game, don't let it be what holds you back from your potential.To do great things, you have to take big actions and see risk as an adventure.Take the pressure off by advocating for what you care about, being sincere, and knowing you aren't meant for everyone. Being authentically yourself lets you connect more powerfully to those you are meant to serve.

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  • Feeling a little stuck in your quest to make a difference? Let's help you break your genius efforts out of projects and get them scaled up to where they can have an influence. How you ask? Listen in to learn about a little something something called an insight and how it can next level your career.

    You can't keep pointing to the past by talking about what you accomplished on a project. Show how you are learning from what you did and continuing to evolve the issue. There is no cap to greatness, there is always more to discover.Look at the adjacent possible and draw from other industries as a way to bring fresh perspective to the issue.Challenge commonly held assumptions or beliefs about "how things work."Your insight should link outcomes to design, be defensible and newsworthy.

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  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Work has changed. How we think about it has not. If you are feeling the friction of asynchronous schedules, pressure to respond to a 24 hour cycle of demands and the fallout of being stressed out, you need to listen to this episode.

    Stress is not a badge of honor- it's a cry for help that leads to poor performance in the short term and major physical and mental health issues over time.Modern fears trigger a stress response even though you might not be in physical danger. Catastrophizing puts you in survival mode where everything feels like a threat, robbing you of the creativity ad empathy most needed to deal with the situation at hand.Reestablish human connections and empathy for yourself and your team so that you feel safe being authentic and vulnerable.Understand how you want to prioritize the allocation of your resources of time, money and talent. If one feels out of balance, use the others to recalibrate.Setting clear boundaries is the most loving way you can interact with others.

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    Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

  • World changers don't have time to stay in their comfort zone. Steffi Reyes-Thomas shares how she embarked on a path of climate advocacy and holistic design that has pushed her past what she thought she would ever be able to do.

    Ask and educate- be willing to take a stand and call out the issues others may either not be aware of or not know that have the power to change.Find a community - the support as well as ways to collaborate, innovate and practice will 10x anything you will ever do on your own.Be willing to make yourself uncomfortable or you will never be motivated to take the big risks you need to to make the difference you feel called to make. Put yourself in a space to move past what you believe you can do.Space creates a precedent for living and we create space.Host a climate cafe and gain empathy for how others feel on the issue. look to unite not fight and foster empowerment and collaboration. Help people see that climate change isn't about big entities and government agencies, but about the actions they take every day.


    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steffi-reyes-thomas-well-ap-94777a6b/


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steffi.holistica/

    website: steffiholistica.com

    Hear Steffi's Architects as Healers: Buildings as Medicine session https://www.clubhouse.com/room/xkaYoevD?utm_medium=ch_room_pxr&utm_campaign=xLb1XSwHg1eT48aikSh2ag-1116620

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  • Sure it's cool to work on a big, cutting edge sustainable project. Tiffany Broyles Yost has been there and done that. Today, she shares how her interest in well being and quality of life translated to a career that makes a sustainability and resilience impact at the scale of the Everyproject.

    It doesn't have to be buzzworthy to make a difference. The incremental steps you take by helping clients see how sustainable measures can impact the other operational metrics they care about have a broad, cumulative effect on the environment.You don't need a lot of experience to have an impact. Follow your interests and say yes to doing what aligns with them.Be curious, meet and talk to people. By building your network, you attract opportunities. Leverage the experts in your firm or community as mentors or by offering to help them.Your biggest growth happens when you take the biggest risks. See everything as a learning experience.Never feel too overwhelmed to get started. Be confident in your core skill set, willingness to keep learning and desire to help others succeed in reaching sustainable goals.


    Email: [email protected]

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tbroyles/

    X: @BroylesYost

    website: https://www.gbbn.com/

    Hear Tiffany's Architects as Healers: Buildings as Medicine session https://www.clubhouse.com/room/M5eWDR24?utm_medium=ch_room_xr&utm_campaign=xLb1XSwHg1eT48aikSh2ag-953722

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    Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

  • Just because negative bias is a survival mechanism hardwired into your biology doesn't mean it's serving you. That's because the things you fear in modern life are a threat to your ego not your life. Listen in to learn how to train your brain to tell the difference so you can ditch lack based thinking and start thriving.

    A sign you're experiencing negative bias is a desire to fix something you fell isn't working "right." That focus on struggle and lack keeps you from seeing what is working right and celebrating the wins.Fear of being judged causes you to do and say what you think will make someone else happy. That is a self betrayal and it creates an inauthentic connection - a facade it takes energy to maintain while denying your own fulfillment and happiness.Fear of someone else failing causes you to micromanage their life. That deprives the person from learning about healthy failure and from their own growth.Fear of your own failure keeps you focused on maintaining what you have instead of getting what you want.Overcome negative bias by making the desired outcome (not your ego) the star of the show.

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  • If how you do anything is how you do everything, why think small? My guest Noam Platt talks about the value of the architect's skill set in solving problems at every scale. Learn why you need to do more than meet expectations and how a series of right actions can lead to making a big impact.

    Even the smallest details impact an experience. Question everything and look at ways to make it better.Design is a big mind problem- you don't have to figure everything out on your own Design with and for all of the communities your projects will serve.Let people from all parts of your life inform your career, forge alliances that can help you design better.It doesn't take super skills or a lot of time to make a big difference. It does take saying yes when you see a need.Your skills as an architect are too valuable to waste on projects that don't let you use them.


    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/noam-platt-acha-edac-92085344/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/makegoodnola/

    Make Good Website: https://makegood.design/https://www.immigrantarchitects.org/

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    Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

  • Forging new paths doesn't require special skills or experience to get started. Graciela Carrillo shares her inspiring story of becoming an advocate for women, minorities, immigrants and young professionals in the architecture community.

    You don't make an impact by yourself. Build a container for others who care about an issue to join you. Together you inspire each other.Decide what you're passionate about. Find the data and use the numbers to show where and how you can make a difference (as well as the results once you take action).You qualify yourself. Say yes to things that matter to you because you bring value not just through expertise, but through the network you can build, people you can inspire, and message you can spread. Just telling your story will inspire others.Act in an organic way according to your priorities and opportunities will arise. Be willing to look at multiple scales and formats for sharing a message.Seek out mentors to help you grow. As you grow, others can grow along with you.


    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gracielacarrillo/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gracecol/

    Immigrant Architects Coalition: https://www.immigrantarchitects.org/

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    Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

  • If you only take wellness seriously when you are on the brink of a mental or physical health breakdown, that's not self care- it's repair. How about you make living your best life a non-negotiable? Listen to learn how.

    Pay attention to what you say you'd like to do ...one day. Often those are the things you need to prioritize in the here and now. Putting your happiness in the future stifles your desires, blunts your intuition and keeps your needs unmet.Create our own conditions to thrive. Understand your needs and be clear about the importance of them being met.You deserve to thrive- which means you need to walk away from people and situations that aren't a good fit and find a community that will respect, celebrate and challenge you to grow.No one ever found success running themselves ragged to meet other people's expectations.We defer our happiness because we secretly fear that is will change us but our well being is tied to our personal growth.

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    Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

  • We celebrate 2024 International Women's Day by focusing on ways to inspire inclusion. Hear from Diana Nicklaus, founder of saam architecture, a revolutionary firm about what an inclusive practice environment involves

    Everyone needs to work in an environment that allows them to succeed. By removing the career speedbumps of rigid practice structures, every member of the firm can work in a way that allows them to show up as their most creative selves.Being empowered to thrive also means that you have to ask for the resources you need and to understand of a firm's culture is the right fit for you. Not everyone is a good match for every firm.Go in a direction that feels right even if it means you have to learn as you go.Inclusion is what happens when you give everyone the same set of tools. It's amazing what someone can do when given the opportunity.Feeling safe enough to clearly communicate your challenges is what ultimately let's you succeed.Build a network to expand your awareness of what's possible in your career and provide a sounding board for your questions, doubts and fears.


    Website: https://saam-arch.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diana-nicklaus-faia-03019411/

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    Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

  • You wouldn't keep throwing money into repairing an old car. So why waste so much of your time and talent into a career that's past it's pull date? Instead of arguing for your limitations and pulling out that practical list of all the reasons to play it safe, start living ingeniously.

    Identify the obstacles:What are you avoiding or procrastinating about doing?How are you compromising to make others happy?Where are you afraid to lose control?Who are you avoiding having a hard (but honest) talk with?Why are you not meeting your own expectations?Living ingeniously means facing adversity as a challenge to overcome instead of a signal you don't deserve to have an experience.Think about the possible, not the obstacle

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    Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

  • Instead of working so hard trying to maintain, what if you let go? My guest Whitney Alexandra shares secrets to navigating transitions, doing what you love and knowing your worth.

    Pay attention to the clues that you need to change. The more you accept change, the less traumatic it is. When it all burns down, what's left is what's worth keeping. What collapses is what wasn't working- even if you were attached to it.Focus on the good stuff. Celebrate incremental successes and see them as proof points that you are on the right track.Success in any area of your life uplifts every area of your life.We often fear change because we worry about how others will view it.Replace your inner critic with an inner champion. You can make money doing what you love and what feels easy and fun.Believe you are good enough to try. There is value in persistence and training yourself to feel good about receiving success. It takes time to go from knowing a truth to believing it.Integrity doesn't go away just because you know your worth. Find the ideal client who will value what you offer.


    Website: https://whitneyalexandra.co/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whitney.alexandra/

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    Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

  • Flexers who compete for dominance in a conversation are cringe. However, staying quiet hoping the blank slate you offer will make you likeable is a huge miss. Listen in to hear how to conquer your fear of the spotlight in order to meaningfully contribute to the discussion.

    Ask questions instead of making statements in order to keep the focus on the issues, not on your opinions.If you are a processor, get more comfortable speaking up by having talking points about the issues you care about. Being armed with facts and topics lets you see gaps in a discussion quickly without feeling put on the spot.Develop your talking points by giving yourself prompts about issues that you want to bring up. Seek to learn more and share what you're learning as much as possible so you have a point of view you feel comfortable expressing.Share your talking points by tying them into the context of the conversation and invite others to add on.

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  • How much do you love your life? If the answer isn't a hell yes, then you need to hear this talk with Dr. Tori Ellis. Learn how to be your own advocate and create your own unique path to success based on converging your interests.

    Being present is the only way to be attuned to how you're feeling and what you want. Time taken for self care pays huge dividends.Let having fun be your guide to whether you should prioritize or seek to offload and activity.Don't follow someone else's career template- create your own lane by finding a way to bring all the things you most love together (no matter how unrelated they seem at first). This frees up your energy as well.How you do anything is how you do everything. Keep forward momentum and focus on developing each interest. As you learn, you accelerate learning in other areas. This stuff is exponential!


    Website: https://thesoundofbusiness.org

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/always_drtorii/https://www.instagram.com/ohiovalleynoma/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tori-ellis-psyd-1a170a166/

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  • Presence has power- so does absence. This chat with the founders and officers of the Ohio Valley NOMA Chapter offers insights into what it's like to navigate a challenging career without a whole lot of role models that look like you. Hear the story of their career paths as well as what's so important to them about creating this chapter.

    Belonging and feeling safe to show up as your authentic self are critical career resources many black architects don't have. It takes effort to consciously create them, but it takes more effort (that could be better spent on creative work) to cope without them.Don't wait for resources to come to you- seek out or form your own network whether through a formal organization like NOMA or an informal one.Talking about taking action is meaningless unless you actually take action.Building a pipeline for minority kids to a career in architecture is important. But it doesn't end with getting them in an architecture program. Outreach to students from the profession is critical to keeping them engaged.Mentorship is crucial. Be willing to ask for it and give it.Look at the presence of minorities in a firm, including whether those individuals are in leadership roles.Don't let yourself get pigeonholed into a production role. Ask for opportunities to grow and lead.


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ohiovalleynoma/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ohio-valley-noma/ab

    Email: [email protected]

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    Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

  • You wouldn't recommend that a client duplicate costly services and processes when they could centralize and streamline. Soooooo...why are you putting all of your interests and roles in life into compartments? Let's reclaim your energy (and find some synergy) already.

    Compartmentalizing happens when you misplace priorities, abandon your dreams and are afraid of being vulnerable.Curating how you show up in different life situations is exhausting. It takes more effort than you think to only let a fraction of your whole self be present. Plus, there might have been value in the stuff you edited out.Harness the value of convergence by bringing all of your interests into everything you do- even if they don't seem to be related.Get started by choosing the five things that interest you the most and asking "what if" they could show up in every part of your life.

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    Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

  • This episode is for all of you so focused on getting to a destination that you didn't notice that at some point you stopped really wanting to go there. Much like an algorithm, new choices arise based on where you currently are. When you explore them, you're not diverging from the path to success, you're blazing a new one.

    Calling all control freaks- time to let go and start trusting that things will work (or that if they don't, they weren't meant to). Allow opportunities in, live spontaneously, and watch what magic happens when you let go.The possibilities popping up in your life algorithm are clues to what you really want to be doing. Start following them.Look at where you are thriving, not just completing tasks. What bores you has become irrelevant.Take small steps that challenge you every day.Revisit your goals on the regular to make sure achieving them still matters to you.

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    Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

  • Working really hard and being super invested in reaching your goals is NOT the path to your dream career. That's just some bad Kool Aid you've been drinking. This ethos, also known as Workism, is a fast track to burnout. If you really want to feel fulfilled, try these tips to add more joy to your life and watch your career (finally) take off with your quality of life intact.

    Eliminate tasks that don;t have a high ROI for your time investment. Remember that self care is also a high ROI investment.Care less. Leave your ego and its hyper-vigilance for anything that might threaten you behind. Assume positive intent and get more positive responses back.Reframe situations to see lessons learned or clarity gained instead of focusing on what you might lose.Stop defending your perspective and let everyone be right. Arguing wastes energy that could be spent on creative pursuits.Ask yourself what the most fun thing you could do- and give yourself permission to do it. This resources you and helps you maintain healthy boundaries.

    CHECK OUT LEADERSHIP FOR INTROVERTS HERE: http://architectingpodcast.com/index.php/leadership4introverts/

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    Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

  • We all got big energy! But if you outsource it to other people, their real (or imagined) reactions influence your choices and behavior. Sacrificing your agency and identity like this is exhausting. Listen in to learn how to reclaim clarity, purpose and fun and start shining your bright light.

    Practice the self care ritual of tapping into your preferences. Knowing what you want gives you clues on how to spend your day.Expect to be well received for being you and doing what you love. Assume people are happy with you unless someone tells you otherwise - it will transform your interactions.Meet resistance with curiosity instead of defensiveness.Every bright light has a gray cloud. Negative thoughts are a normal part of staying safe, but noticing them instead of accepting them as true lets you reclaim your power.

    CHECK OUT LEADERSHIP FOR INTROVERTS HERE: http://architectingpodcast.com/index.php/leadership4introverts/

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    Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019

  • Inspiration doesn't come from following some prescriptive career roadmap. If you're ready to energize your life and career this year, tune in for my guide to put joy seeking in the driver's seat and leave your burnout and overwhelm baggage by the side of the road.

    Embrace exponential success as your new normalStop doing things out of obligation or for validation. Making your highest excitement your priority allows you to make the greatest contribution to your loved ones and the community.Instead of focusing on setting goals and achieving outcomes, focus on how you want to feel instead. Choose a word for this year to represent that feeling. This will lead to the opportunities you really want.View success as achieving joy.Make your happiness non negotiable.

    CHECK OUT LEADERSHIP FOR INTROVERTS HERE: http://architectingpodcast.com/index.php/leadership4introverts/

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    Into/outro music Alive by Richard Wasson Copyright 2019