
  • In this important healing process we will be systematically going through the 7 seven subtle bodies to improve the health and robustness of our system. We make our system more adaptive and accelerative towards changes and insults to the system.

    1) Physical Body-Starting with the physical body we optimize our immune system function and balancing all physiological and organ systems.

    2) Etheric Body-We move on to the etheric body to clear and energize all the subtle channels and chakras.

    3) Emotional Body-In the emotional body we clear any unwanted negative patterns and energize positive and healthy emotional ones.

    4) Mental Body-Moving to the mental body, we dissolve self-limiting mental constructs and empower ourselves with thoughts that move us towards our goals and spiritual aspirations.

    5) Causal Body-Following working on the mental field, we balance and harmonize our causal or karmic body for various causes and conditions influencing us now.

    6) Spiritual Body-Finally we work with our spiritual body to create immunity to destructive patterns that might be influencing us now during this time.

    7) Divine Body-Also we work to dissolve any blockages to our full awareness of our Divine Self or our Divine Body.

    This healing session is meant to systematically work on all seven subtle body levels to improve health, happiness, and well-being. It is also meant to uplevel all our systems on all levels to combat stress and the influences of our environment.

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  • This is a 50 minute Arcturian Healing Method session in which the Arcturian Color Therapy Frequencies are used to imbue our auras, chakras, and subtle bodies with the vibrational bands and consciousness of prosperity. As our auras are filled with these vibrations so too does our physical, energetic, emotional, and mental life reflect these properties. These will include the colors of Gold, Red, Violet, and Magenta to name a few.

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  • In this in-depth healing session, we address and bring through radiant health and well-being by balancing and coordinating the vibrancy of the six internal organs of our body: heart, liver, lungs, spleen, kidneys, and intestines (stomach, small intestines, and large intestines).

    We go through a thorough 50 minute healing session utilizing the Arcturian Triple Wash Process for each of the internal organs. This process utilizes advanced Arcturian Healing Method Frequencies to 1) cleanse and energize the organ with thousand of brilliant frequencies 2) clear the shadow channels and shadow body of the organ of stuck traumas and karmas and 3) imbue the energy field of the organ with the appropriate healing colors. We systematically go through all six organ systems with this method.

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  • Please join us for this initiation process where we come into conscious contact with the seven Higher Beings that are the Guardians of Each of Our Seven Planes of Nature. The Ancient Egyptians called the names of these Beings the Ren.

    These Beings are actually us or part of our subconscious and superconscious mind. By making them conscious to us, we are able to more clearly ask our subconscious and superconscious mind answers to very important questions in our lives. We are also able to pinpoint more accurately what part of our subconscious or superconscious mind has the appropriate answer. For example, if we are wondering whether to continue an intimate relationship with someone, the Higher Being of Our Emotional Body will have one type and level of answer compared to the Higher Being of our Spiritual Body.

    Below is a listing of the Higher Beings we will contact and connect to during the transmission.

    1) Higher Being/Guardian of Our Physical Body-this Guardian has the information that helps run all aspects of our physical body and world. Asking information from this Guardian helps us in manifestation and prosperity.

    2) Higher Being/Guardian of our Etheric Body-In ancient Egypt the etheric body was referred to as the KA. Here we talk to our particular KA guardian. We learn how to work with our prana and chi correctly and balance our elements.

    3) Higher Being/Guardian of Our Emotional and Mental Body-The Ancient Egyptians called this body the BA. We learn to communicate with the Guardian of Our BA and ascend in both wisdom and understanding of our emotional and mental nature. Making this Guardian connection conscious also helps us to be calm and serene amidst all of life's trials and spiritual initiations.

    4) Higher Being/Guardian of Our Causal Body-Here we begin to directly communicate and understand the karmic cause and effect of why we are having our various experiences. Communicating with this aspect of ourselves brings great self knowledge and knowing.

    5) Higher Being/Guardian of Our Spiritual Body-We talk with that aspect of ourselves that holds our divine blueprint in mind. This Guardian helps us to understand our greater purpose and mission and to link why we are meeting certain people and having certain experiences according to the Divine Plan.

    6) Higher Being/Guardian of Our Divine Body-The Ancient Egyptians called this Being our SAHU. When we connect consciously with the SAHU we become a saint. We learn to continuously stay in contact with God and our Divine Self. We access the highest form of Wisdom for ourselves and others.

    This 50 minute transmission is where the Divine, Our Guides and Teachers, and Initiates of the Ancient Egyptian Lineages, and Our Higher Self assist us to remember and reconnect with each of the Guardians of Our Seven Planes of Nature.

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  • Please enjoy this conversation with Gene Ang and Gudrun Bergmann on their recent spiritual tour to Iceland. They discuss the significance of the energy work and ley line activations that occurred during the trip around the whole of Iceland. It is a fascinating topic on the significance of sacred power spots in our lives now.

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  • In this unique 50 minute transmission session we connect to Our Higher Soul, the Akashic Records, Our Guides, the Arcturians, and the Archai (Spirits of Time) to download and make conscious information for our next three future incarnations. This is a new perspective on our soul mission and time when we can begin to make conscious what we will be doing on the planet in the next three successive lifetimes.

    This new mindset will hone our current lifetime and the present and instill a new and more vast perspective to our current work and mission. This information will also link back to past lives and their effect in the here and now as well as into the next three future incarnations. This more vast perspective will also allow conscious access to past subtle body structure and well as future skills that can be downloaded now.

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  • In this healing session we work with the Kabbalistic Code of Creation called the 1, 3, 7, 12 Coding Sequence. This is a sequence giving rise to the creation of our 4 bodies: the Ego (I Am Presence), the Astral Body, the Etheric Body, and the Physical Body.

    This is an Arcturian Healing Method Session meant to activate our 4 bodies utilizing this 1, 3, 7, & 12 coding sequence.

    The session includes the following frequencies:

    -Arcturian Dimensional Bridge (ADB) to Relax and Center

    -Arcturian Dimensional Bridge (ADB) to Cleanse and Energize

    -Arcturian Shadow Frequency to prepare the 4 Bodies

    -Arcturian Upper Echelon 11 to activate the I Am Presence (1 Code)

    -Arcturian Upper Echelon 10 to activate the Astral Body (3 Code)

    -Arcturian Upper Echelon 9 to activate the Etheric Body (7 Code)

    -Arcturian Upper Echelon 8 to activate the Physical Body (12 Code)

    -Arcturian Scalar Wave Frequency to Integrate

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  • Please enjoy this 50 minute healing conducted by the Divine, Our Guides and Teachers, and the Arcturians to help release unhealthy and unhelpful images of our body. We install into the chakras, channels, and consciousness healthy attitudes towards our physical body and appearance. This healing is helpful for all and in particular with people who have struggled with weight loss, body image issues, eating disorders, youthfulness issues, and social anxiety. We all struggle to not compare our physical bodies and appearance to others or self-imposed standards. This healing session helps to alleviate the anxiety created by identifying solely with the physical body.

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  • Please join us for this helpful healing session to take you to the next level of what is possible. Here the Arcturian Energies and Consciousness assist us in clearing those beliefs and patterns which are holding us back from accomplishing what is possible in our lives.
    We use the energies and frequencies to clear all seven subtle body levels of patterns which are holding us back.
    Physical-clear deeply embedded patterns in our muscles and ligaments which still hold the belief in lack or poverty consciousness.
    Etheric-clear those patterns also from the chakras and channels that don't allow us to take things to the next level.
    Emotional-clear self sabotage and self doubt from the emotional field.
    Mental-clear mental patterns that limit who we think we are and what we are capable of.
    Causal/karmic-clear karmic patterns where we may have held others back from their full potential.
    Spiritual-Be able to hear clearing the pattern and call of our soul and soul plan.
    Divine-Remember our True Self and the wholeness that already is.

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  • In this session, we work with the Arcturian Wealth Frequencies. In particular we work with the Arcturian Prosperity Stone Frequencies, the Arcturian Beauty Frequencies, and the Arcturian Peace of Mind Frequencies to imbue the aura with these energies.

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  • Please join us for the Rewiring the Heart Transmission which involves working and interacting with the advanced consciousness known as the Celestial Galactics. Here we allow their Light and Information upgrade the major pathways and energy centers in our LightBody by linking all things to the heart center. The heart center will be cleared and upgraded to hold more Light and also to empower the major pathways and energy centers to the hands, the legs, and the chakras in the head and above the head..

    This rewiring will also allow further Celestial Upgrades to occur during your sleep through the rewired portal at the back of your heart.

    The 11 step rewiring process is detailed below:

    1. Forming the sacred geometry of the tetrahedron at the heart. The main energy point and consciousness located in the heart center will be encapsulated in a star tetrahedron that spins at greater than light speeds.

    2. The center of the heart will be connected to the 12 energy spokes radiating from the heart center.

    3. The center of the heart will be connected to the center of the head. This increases head/heart communication and increases in intuition and clairvoyance.

    4. The center of the heart will then be further connected to the first chakra above the head to access the Akashic Record Field of the Soul.

    5. A fiery electric light will also suffuse the central channel connecting the heart center, the center of head, and the first chakra above the head. This increases the communication ability from head, heart, and soul.

    6. The heart center will be connected more strongly to the energy channels in the arms and to the points at the center of each palm. This allows for compassionate action with the hands and increases channeling ability through the hands.

    7. The heart center will be closely connected to the navel center.

    8. Through the navel center, the heart will be connected to the energy channels to the feet and in particular to the energy centers at the soles of the feet.

    9. The front heart center will be connected to the back heart center. This allows for more joy, ease, and grace to flow in your life.

    10. Finally, a Celestial Upgrade Portal at the Heart will be created through the back heart and allowed to distribute further codes and information throughout the energy body through the connections just made in the heart.

    11. Through the Celestial Upgrade Portal at the Heart, Celestial Shaktipats (Spiritual Transmissions) can be received from the Celestial Galactics during sleep.

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  • Please enjoy this interview of Amanda Hopkins and myself as she interviewed me on the Academy for the Soul Discover Series. The title of the interview was the Arcturian Mandala Principle.

    We covered some of the points below.

    1. How the mandala can transform our lives.

    2. How we can use the mandala principle to activate various sacred sites.

    3. How the mandala can be used to integrate disparate aspects of our personality and experiences.

    4. How the mandala can connect us to the Divine and Higher Beings assisting us in accessing our Higher Self.

    In addition we experienced a special transmission during the interview: The Mandala Squaring the Circle Activation. In this transmission we worked with the frequencies to assist in downloading the unique mandala pattern known as squaring the circle. This pattern assists us in manifesting the divine plan in our lives.

    If interested in the special offer mentioned in the interview please click here

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  • Enjoy this short discussion on the power of intention when we reactivate sacred sites around the planet. This talk and short meditation was given while in Raufarhöfn, Iceland-a northern most point of Iceland. The sacred site of the Arctic Henge is located here.

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  • Please enjoy this 35 minute meditation with the Gold Solar Logos Transmission Sphere. We bring the energy and consciousness of the Gold Sphere through all the major power energy centers in our body (head center, throat center, heart center, belly center, root center, and first chakra above the head). This will raise the vibration directly of each center as well as cleanse old karmas and patterns held in these chakras.

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  • Join us for this deep cleansing and energizing of our seven subtle bodies and consciousness and our full chakra system and channels as we open ourselves to taking advantage of the positive time windows occurring in the next cycle on the planet. Time windows are temporal openings in our fate path that allow for rapid advancement in our personal, spiritual, and planetary evolution process. These openings in time occur for a finite amount of time. They can return but in a cyclical manner. Also, by taking advantage of our personal time windows, we help to accelerate not only our own spiritual evolution but the evolution of the planet because of our interconnectedness with each other and the planet as a whole. We can induce such openings when we consciously purify our subtle bodies, channells, and chakras.

    We will be working with the Divine, Our Guides and Teachers, the Angels, the Archangels, the Spiritual Hierarchy, and the Arcturians to prepare and decide on the positive time windows in our lives. The positive time windows are also called positive fate path openings and can be seen as nodes of light on our fate path. One way to visualize our fate path is as nodes of light in an interconnected cube structure. Each of the nodes of light is a decision we make to commit to a certain timeline. This commitment and decision then has ripple effects to all the other nodes of light connected to the node of light where we made our decision. This is just one way to visualize how our commitment to the best or optimal timeline affects others.

    In this transmission we focus on purification. We purify our seven subtle vehicles-physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual, and divine. We also purify our channels and chakras. We clear any obstructions and thoughtforms that inhibit our movement forward in our fate path and in perceiving these time windows.

    To learn more about the complete program please explore the link below:


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  • Please enjoy this 50 minute healing session recorded in Iceland's capital of Reykjavik. We did this session from the capital to connect with the transformational energies and consciousness inherent in the land of Iceland.

    The healing session is meant to connect with these energies of alchemy to change quickly, rapidly, and in a balanced way any patterns in our physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, spiritual, and/or divine bodies that we have been hoping to change in this life. You may have specific goals or intentions in mind or you might want to access your higher superconscious wisdom to change something that your personality self is not currently aware of. Either way, we access the power of transformation of the place of Iceland to assist through resonance these changes.

    Iceland is still forming and this is evidenced by its powerful geological structures and many active volcanoes. Also, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge cuts right through the middle of Iceland where the North Atlantic and Eurasian tectonic plates meet. Portions of the ridge also are right near Reykjavik. We can access these tectonic shifts in the outer world and harness them for inner world changes. We are in resonance with this macrocosmic dynamic power to create microcosmic changes within ourselves.

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  • Please enjoy this interview on Arcturian Time Windows from the You Wealth Spring Tele-summit series. Time Windows are openings or temporal portals in our life when we have a chance or opportunity to take advantage of rapid spiritual and personal development. Usually this occurs with a single decisive decision that we make to commit to a certain pattern or timeline. This is important for people to notice these time window openings because they have a finite lifespan. They can return but in a cyclical manner. Also, by taking advantage of our personal time windows, we help to accelerate not only our own spiritual evolution but the evolution of the planet because of our interconnectedness with each other and the planet as a whole.

    Topic Covered Include:

    1. Learn what time windows are in our life.

    2. Understand why we need to to understand them and notice when we have one opening.

    3. Learn how to notice the signs a time window is opening for you.

    4. Learn the benefits to your personal and spiritual growth when you commit to a positive change engendered by a time window opening.

    5. Learn who your spiritual assistance (guides, helpers, teachers, the Arcturians) is in the inner world to help you with time windows.

    To find out more about the offer mentioned in the interview please click here

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  • Please enjoy the Arcturian May Full Moon Transmission to download the patterns to increase our healing abilities and power with the help of the Divine, Our Guides and Teachers, the Angels, the Archangels, the Spiritual Hierarchy, and the Arcturians.

    The transmission focuses on a number of subtle body areas. These include:

    1) Increasing the flow in the channels and chakras in the hands

    2) Increasing the flow in the channels and chakras in the feet

    3) Opening our heart center for increased compassion

    4) Developing our head center for increased clairvoyance

    5) Strengthening our belly center for increased staying power

    After the 45 minute transmission there is a 30 minute group Pillar of Light meditation to anchor the light onto the planet and to build our subtle bodies. We focus on stillness and silence to access the divine whisper.

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  • Please join us for these deep healing sessions where we work on manifesting three areas in our life that bring abundance, joy, and bliss to all aspects of our lives.

    In this 50 minute healing session we focus on Arcturian Healing For Relationships. Here we bring into our life our primary soul partner. If we already have our primary relationship, we work on strengthening these bonds and purifying all our subtle energy channels and chakras to be radiant on all levels. This session makes us magnetic on all levels by working on all the seven subtle bodies.

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  • Please join us for these deep healing sessions where we work on manifesting three areas in our life that bring abundance, joy, and bliss to all aspects of our lives.

    In this 50 minute healing session we work on Arcturian Healing For Wealth: Here we work with new Arcturian Energies and Frequencies to bring abundance and prosperity into our lives. We manifest the means to live a life of fulfillment, success, and wealth on all levels. This helps to move your wealth thermostat to a higher level and brings more generosity and abundance into your life.

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