
  • Tik Tok slide shows absolutely crush me and yet they're one of the few things that remind me of my humanity. I can't get enough.

    Talk about your humanity at (608) 856-4955

    Thanks for listening,

    At The Beep

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/at-the-beep/support
  • What's up,

    Been listening to a lot of love songs lately. Adrianne, Radiohead, Snail Mail, Black Country, New Road, etc etc etc. Maybe it's my life or just my mood as of lately. Whatever it is, it's kept me present. I started thinking about how I love those around me, how I've loved in the past, and maybe some ways I can improve my love.

    Tell me how you love at (608) 856-4955

    Thanks for listening,

    At The Beep

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/at-the-beep/support
  • Manglende episoder?

    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Hey everyone,

    Life's been going in circles lately. Actually, if I look at the grand scheme of everything the past handful of years, it's a round about. I hate that.

    Is your life feeling repetitive? Change it up and call me at (608) 856-4955

    Thanks for listening,

    At The Beep

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/at-the-beep/support
  • Hey listeners,

    Took a bit of a break to start the year on podcasts, but here is the first episode for 2024. This one's a bit longer than normal, might keep it that way, might not, idk.

    I had a dream the other night, a nightmare actually. Lingering insecurities of a teenager. In a nutshell it was a reminder that I had never felt like someone's first choice, specifically as a friend, in my high school years. Funnily enough, I saw a lot of that in this episode's random assortment of voicemails. Not being the first choice has had a lasting impact on my life (obviously). And, as I'm sure, has had an impact on so many others. It makes you doubt yourself, and in some ways hate yourself. It makes you feel like you are not good enough.

    Anyone who is reading this, I just want to say that you are good enough.

    Who's your first choice? Tell me about them at (608) 856-4955

    Thanks for listening,

    At The Beep

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/at-the-beep/support
  • Hey everyone!

    What a year it has been. I hope 2023 was everything you had hoped for. If not, I hope it is something you can look back and grow upon.

    This episode is me talking about the first year of this project's existence, a bit about myself and how the project has affected me, and some other bits. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy me yap if you have the time.

    I want to thank every single one of you who have called, listened, or watched. I could have never imagined how far this project would have gotten in just 365 days. All of your support really has gotten a hold of my heart. I love you all.

    Here's to another year. Hope 2024 is kind to you all.

    At the Beep.

    Tell me about your year. Call me at (608)-856-4955

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/at-the-beep/support
  • Hey everyone,

    Holidays are coming up, and it's time for Christmas cheer and all that corny shit. In light of the holidays, I hope this episode's random assortment puts a smile on your face. Have a good one.

    If you want to tell me about the good things in your life, call me at (608) 856-4955At The Beep

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/at-the-beep/support
  • Hello Everyone,

    Apologies for the hiatus, I have been super busy and focusing on other aspects of my life. Was able to squeeze this episode in.

    I recently took some reflection on my life and a lot of the things I've been through and the people that have affected me in various ways. Lots of ups and lots of downs, but in all I'm grateful for all the events that have happened. It has grown and shaped me to who I am today, and that is someone I can be proud of. This episode's assortment of voicemails tend to highlight aspects of growth. Whether it's the typical coming of age, loss of a loved one, or reflection upon oneself, this episode contains stories that touch on that growth that many of us face in life.

    How have you grown? Tell me about it at (608) 856-4955

    Thanks for listening. I hope everyone reading this has a wonderful thanksgiving if you celebrate.

    At The Beep

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/at-the-beep/support
  • Hi everyone,

    Bit of a heavier one this week, hope you've brought your tissues. This episode was a big reminder to me that the events and tolls aging will have on you. Going through life and hearing the stories of others it seems pretty clear that the human condition calls us to be doomed from the start. We are forced to be uncomfortable, go through difficult events and emotions, and it only gets worse with age. This is what it means to be human, at least that's the glass half empty side of things.

    What scars do you have? Tell me about them at (608) 856-4955

    Thanks for listening,

    At The Beep

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/at-the-beep/support
  • Hello callers and listeners,

    I think I've rolled into a schedule with these podcasts now and will be doing them bi-weekly. This works best with my busy schedule and also isn't too long of a wait time (i hope).

    This week's assortment of random calls seems to focus heavy on relationships. Not just the romantic kind, but family and friends as well. Most of the calls reminiscing or remember how much they loved the person, it all reflects on the fact that you usually don't realize what you have until it's gone. It was strange because there's a number of calls about grandparents in this podcast episode. Grandparents seem to be one of those things you take for granted. I know from watching friends, family, and these calls that grandparents get taken for granted too often.

    So, as a reminder, call your grandparents. I know I need to.

    Thanks for listening,

    At The Beep

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/at-the-beep/support
  • Hi listeners,

    Apologies for the hiatus. I went on a 10 day vacation with my girlfriend and I also lost my phone. So, been busy while I have been gone.

    This week's random assortment seemed to surround the idea of hurt. Whether the caller was hurt by someone, or they hurt someone themselves. Hurt is difficult. It's often the pain we go through that shapes us on this journey we go through called life. I always thought it was funny that there has always been two trains of thought about hurt. On one hand you have those that say, "hurt people, hurt people", while other people claim that those who have been hurt would never hurt others due to their experience. Life is funny because both seem to be true.

    Tell me about your hurt. Give me a call at 608-856-4955

    At the Beep

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/at-the-beep/support
  • Hi listeners,

    This week's random assortment of voicemails seriously leaned on the idea of love. Not only love, but who the callers love. Love is something everyone will have to endure at some point in their life and this phone line is definitely evidence of that. I have seen (and experienced myself) every stage of love there exists while listening to these voicemails since I created the project. Love is everywhere, whether it's new, old, passionate, hurtful, secure, slow, or not there all. It is a fact that everyone must face in their life. It is, what I feel like, our true purpose in this life.

    Don't forget to tell those around you that you love them.

    Tell me who you love. Give me a call at 608-856-4955

    At the Beep

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/at-the-beep/support
  • Hey everyone,

    After working this project tirelessly for the first 6 months of the year, I decided to take a mindful break for a few weeks. So, I apologize I haven't uploaded anything in the month of July until, well...now.

    I recently came across an interview with Stephen Colbert on the topic of humanity. He says that he is grateful for anything bad that has ever happened to him. Although he hadn't wished it had happened, he is grateful because it brings him closer to what it means to be human and to exist. The pain is just a reminder of the great gift it is to be alive, and for that he is thankful.

    I've thought about this every day since.

    Tell me about your humanity. Give me a call at 608-856-4955

    At the Beep

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/at-the-beep/support
  • Hey all,

    I don't have much to say this week. Life's been hectic lately and I've been anxious about a lot.

    I remember seeing a comment on a Tik Tok video a while back of someone complaining about how long the process of something would take, and someone replied, "The time will pass anyway."

    That's stuck with me ever since

    Love you all, thanks for listening. Give me a call 608-856-4955

    At the Beep

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/at-the-beep/support
  • Hello, Happy Father's Day to all of the men out there who are actively trying their best at being fathers,

    Apologies for missing last week's episode, I moved last weekend so I didn't work on this project at all. Still adjusting to the new place but managed to squeeze this episode into my schedule.

    Not much of a theme with this episode. With it being father's day I tried to orient the random assortment to reflect the day, but there just was not enough in the random pool to select from. I know Father's Day can be very hard for a lot of people out there. I have received so many calls either voicing hatred or their utmost love for their fathers. It's really crazy because I don't think I've heard anyone call and have a neutral opinion about their dad. I think that speaks a lot about the impact a dad has in a young and developing person's life.

    Making this episode, I realized the year is almost halfway through...which is a scary thought to even have. Time flies, I hope everyone reading is not wasting their year so far. This had me thinking about the year so far, so I'm curious on how everyone's year has been. If you would like to let me know, interact with the Q&A I created, I love reading the responses. Anyways, hope all the fathers out there had a good day today.

    If you feel like you're wasting your year, or feel like you want to celebrate your year, call 608-856-4955 and, as always, say anything.

    thank you for listening,

    At The Beep

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/at-the-beep/support
  • Hello, hope everyone is getting to enjoy these new warm weather days,

    This podcast has been a growth experience for myself. This week's random assortment includes more heavy calls than normal. A lot of times, these calls bring me back to places I thought I'd never exist in again. Times where I felt like these calls feel. Times where I felt like I was drowning. Times where I thought I'd never grow past or even stay alive to see it end. It amazes me how I pass people everyday, assuming that people will never know what it's like to be me. And although that statement is true, these calls are starting to make me believe that so many people are just like myself. Struggling through life at times, not sure why or what to do.

    If you ever feel like you're drowning call 608-856-4955 and, as always, say anything.

    thank you for listening,

    At The Beep

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/at-the-beep/support
  • Happy Memorial Day Weekend to those who recognize,

    It's been so interesting, out of the few thousand voicemails that I have listened to so far, what people choose to talk about. Most of it is venting or some kind of release of what they are holding onto, or some kind of joke, or some kind of confession among many things. But, it all comes to me in a ramble. Many people freeze, not having thought of what they should have aid before they called, as I listen to everyone's raw stream of consciousness. It's beautiful in a way. I truly get to hear the inner workings of people's mind. I get to hear people for who they are and what they are. Even if it's just rambling sometimes, or even the most of times, I think it's beautiful. I hope you enjoy this week's stream of consciousness.

    If you would like to ramble into my abyss machine call 608-856-4955 and, as always, say anything.

    thank you for listening,

    At The Beep

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/at-the-beep/support
  • Happy Sunday Everyone,

    I'll keep this week's description short and sweet. Having listened to thousands of voicemails so far, it's become so common for callers to use this phone line as a means to vent. Many of which admit they have no one to go to when they have something to share. I just want to ask, are you someone that people can rely on?

    If you want to explain how people have relied on you call 608-856-4955 and, as always, say anything.

    thank you for listening,

    At The Beep

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/at-the-beep/support
  • Hey everyone and happy Mother's Day,

    I apologize for another missed week for this podcast, life has been incredibly hectic. I had to travel two weekends in a row and was hired for some media jobs. But, I've managed to get this episode out. This week's random assortment of voicemails seems to surround the theme of the little things in life. Often people overlook the little things in life because they are too focused on their goals, past events, or let fears override their day. These grand ideas hang over our heads everyday all day, but it is often when we look back we realize it was always the little things that kept life enjoyable. Be present, and be here for those little things.

    There's a story of a fish and it goes:He swims up to an older fish and says, “I'm trying to find this thing they call the ocean.” “The ocean?” says the older fish, “that's what you're in right now.” “This?” says the younger fish, “This is water. What I want is the ocean.”

    If you want to talk about those little things call 608-856-4955 and, as always, say anything.

    thank you for listening,

    At The Beep

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/at-the-beep/support
  • Hey everyone,

    I apologize for missing last week's episode. I took the week off because I had At The Beep displayed at an art show for a 4 hour installation which I worked on all week. But, we are now back on track. This week's random assortment of voicemails reminded me of that sense of loneliness. The amount of longing and heartbreak in this week's assortment reminded of some of the lows I have had in life, that many of us have had in life. I hope that when you listen to this week's assortment it reminds you of the times you thought you had nothing left in you, and yet you're here. And if you're going through tough and lonely times at the moment, you can make it. I promise.

    If you feel alone, call 608-856-4955 and, as always, say anything.

    thank you for listening,

    At The Beep

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/at-the-beep/support
  • Hey everyone,

    This week's random assortment of voicemails seem to surround a theme of regret and hope. No in your typical sense of the words, but rather in the sense of being late to launch. Many people regret not doing more with their life and taking it by the horns to make it their own. Life is this magnificent journey we get to experience every day, and it's easy to look back on the many days we have lost to sadness, disappointment, or in-action. I hope you listen to this episode and remember to show up to your life, and think about making the most out of it.

    Life is a party, don't be late.

    If you need to say something, call 608-856-4955 and, as always, say anything.

    thank you for listening,

    At The Beep

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/at-the-beep/support