This week we turn our focus to Carmen Maria Machado's short story titled “The Husband Stitch”. Coming across her story it masks the classic tale of the green ribbon within a story that tells the life of a woman who reflects on her marriage, motherhood, and the struggles of maintaining her identity. It is a tale that builds a postmodern horror critique of the patriarchal expectation of women and the definition of “good husbands”. In a day and age where women are under the microscope this is a very fitting horror tale. So, let’s dive into that.
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This week I have compiled a variety of paranormal encounters that people have had in hotels. These accounts, though diverse in nature, share a common theme of unexplainable phenomena that have left lasting impressions on those who experienced them. Whether it’s a chilling encounter in a historic inn or a strange event in a modern hotel, these stories challenge the boundaries of reality and highlight the mysteries that may linger in even the most ordinary of places. So, let’s dive into that!
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Standing tall and silent beneath the shadow of the Colorado Rockies, with its grand architecture and deep secrets kept within her walls is the Stanley hotel in Estes Park Colorado.. A beacon for tourists seeking both luxury and the beauty of nature, it is also a place where the veil between the living and the dead seems impossibly thin. So, let’s dive into that!
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Once a grand symbol of elegance, the Queen Mary was a luxurious ocean liner that dazzled passengers with her opulence and grandeur. She carried the world’s elite across the Atlantic, her sleek lines cutting through the waves with effortless grace. As time passed, the Queen Mary retired to her final resting place in Long Beach, California, where she became a floating museum, hotel, and a paranormal lover's disneyland. This week we stay on the topic of haunted hotels as we set sail on the infamous RMS Queen Mary. So, let's dive into that!
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So where do we start? How do we begin to dissect the haunted happenings in a building that is known as the most haunted hotel in America. It’s said that the very building seems to exhale its past in the strange whispers that float on the still air in the night. For those brave enough to spend the night, the Hotel Congress promises more than just a stay. So, let’s dive into that!
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For the first episode to kick off the new year I wanted to start on the spookiest first steps. What is scarier than real personal stories of those who have experienced and lived to tell the tale of paranormal activity. This week we take a look through a Reddit thread that asked “people of Reddit, what was the scariest paranormal experiences you have ever had in your life?” Today I have 5 spooky stories set to give you full body chills. So, let’s dive into that!
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This week we once again we take a look back at the stories Audibly Haunted has brought to you before. Today we reexplore what goes bump in the night with the stories in Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. Months ago we dove into the meanings behind a few of the different scary short tales within the series. This week we slow the pace and read along to some of the stories mentioned in the previous episode along with some new ones. So sit back and try to relax, allow Audibly Haunted, allow your ghostly host Ani Khajadourian to read you the bone chilling stories from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark So, Lets Dive into that!
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And, make sure to give Midday Musings a listen!
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This week we once again we take a look back at the stories Audibly Haunted has brought to you before. Today we move into the magical realm as we enter the Tales of Beedle the Bard from The world of Harry Potter. Months ago we dove into the meanings behind the different fairy tales from the wizarding world. This week we slow the pace and read along to two of the stories within the book. One being the most horrific titled The Warlocks Hairy Heart and the most well known “The tale of the three brothers. So sit back and try to relax, allow Audibly Haunted, allow your ghostly host Ani Khajadourian to read you Tales from Beedle the Bard So, Lets Dive into that!
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Join me as we slow down the pace once more and cozy up to the fireplace. This week we take a look back at the stories Audibly Haunted has brought to you before. Today we revisit another of Edgar Allen Poes works The Mask of the Red Death. Months ago we dove into the meanings behind the different rooms and colors presented through the story, but today we shall experience it differently. This week we slow the pace and dive into the story itself. So sit back and try to relax, allow Audibly Haunted, allow your ghostly host Ani Khajadourian to read you Edgar Allen Poes The Mask of the read death. So, Lets Dive into that.
Podcast Spotlight: Invisible Hostories
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This week is no ordinary episode but rather a special one. This week’s episode finds us all at the cusp of the hectic and crazy holiday season so allow Audibly Haunted to be your refuge from the wildness of the season and allow your host to simply read you a story, The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe. So, Lets dive into that!
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Waverly Hills Sanitarium. The building gained a reputation for being the first of its kind to feature a long batwing type architecture that sprung up from the low southern swampland. From the outside she was a beauty standing like a beacon of hope for those battling the disease, but from the inside Waverly Hills sanitorium painted a very different picture unseen to the outside world. So, Let's dive into that.
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Linda Vista stood as a beacon of hope for 90 years before low funds, poor management and a rising death toll forced the hospitals doors shut. As the years went one more and more reports of paranormal activity began to surface from urban explores, as well as film and camera crew while using the building to film. The doctor may have left the building but the spirits are ready to see you within the walls of Linda Vista Hospital. So, let's dive into that!
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This week we delve into the chilling history of the infamous Los Feliz Murder House. Discover the dark secrets that linger within its walls and the eerie tales that have emerged over the years. Does the house have a mind of its own?
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This week we are truly changing things up! I want to bring you all into the campfire to sit around and listen in as Audibly Haunted and Rainyday Rabbit Holes turn down the lights and turn up the spooky. So, lets dive into that!
Make sure to check out Rainy Day Rabbit Holes where ever you get your podcasts!
Don't forget to follow both podcasts on Instagram at @audiblyhaunted and @rainydayrabbitholespodStop by, send an text and chat with your Audibly Haunted host!
The funeral industry is one that fascinates me and I know that I am not alone in that fascination. That is why this week I turn the mic over to my good friends over at Rainy Day Rabbit Holes. Join along as I feature one of their episodes that take you along for the twisted ride that is the life of Mr ER Butterworth the cattleman turned mortuary innovator. I hope you are ready to laugh so hard your cheeks begin to hurt and to have your mind blown with weird and wacky facts cause the girls of Rainy Day Rabbit holes are going to take your ears for a ride. So, lets dive into that.
Make sure to check our Rainy Day Rabbit Holes where ever you get your podcasts and make sure to give them a follow on Instagram @rainydayrabbitholespod.
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This week I have compiled a series of real life stories of people coming face to face, well with other people but people of the worst kind. To make it even worst these encounters all happen during seemingly harmless camping trips. So let’s dive into that!
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This week we take a look at 3 of the fairy tales found within the Brothers Grimm fairytale collection. Each of these tales have a few common themes with each other. What are they? Well, join me and let's find out. So, let's dive in to that!
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When it comes to "end of life" care so much has changed through out the centuries. The move from rural areas into cities took the burden off at home funerals away from grieving families and birthed the new world of the Funeral Home. From furniture makers becoming undertakers and evolving into funeral directors, coffins upgrading and becoming caskets, and even establishing places that cared and comforted the family The all American funeral home was born. This week we take a dive into the history of the American funeral home. So, let's dive into that!
Make sure to follow Audibly Haunted on Instagram @audiblyhaunted to stay up to date!Stop by, send an text and chat with your Audibly Haunted host!
I think we have all wondered, how can I be the one to evade death? The reality is no one can. These week we take a look at Edgar Allen Poe's short story "The Masque of the Red Death" a story that shows us that no matter how wealthy you may be or how well you hide, death will always find you. So, let's dive into that!
Remember to follow Audibly Haunted on Instagram at @audiblyhauntedStop by, send an text and chat with your Audibly Haunted host!
We all know them, we have all sung them. Nursery rhymes are a large part of everyones upbringing. But when placed under the microscope that bright shiny facade melts away revealing the dark history that inspired the rhymes. This week we take a closer look to 3 nursery rhymes we all know and bring light to their dark historical past. So, let's dive into that!
Remember, don't forget to follow Audibly Haunted on Instagram at @audiblyhaunted for news on upcoming episodes!Stop by, send an text and chat with your Audibly Haunted host!
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