
  • Welcome to Episode 207 of Autism Parenting Secrets.

    Joining us this week is Leah Wilson, an attorney with a background in complex litigation and advocacy.

    She is beyond passionate about children’s health and has researched and worked on child welfare issues for more than a decade.

    She closed her law practice in 2019 to start Stand For Health Freedom to promote parental rights and informed consent.

    In this episode, Leah shares insights on navigating the growing scope of genetic testing and the importance of being educated to make empowered choices.

    This discussion makes a case for knowledge over fear in protecting our children’s health.

    The secret this week is

    Draw YOUR OWN Conclusions

    You'll Discover:

    The Origin Story of Stand For Health Freedom (2:24)Some Incredibly Important Questions To Ask (13:22)The Power of The TIMELINE (16:03)Concerns With Newborn Screening (23:05)How You Can Be Part of the Solution (33:01)

    About Our Guest:

    Leah Wilson, an attorney with a background in complex litigation and advocacy, has been dedicated to children's health and welfare for over a decade. Her journey began with the troubling overmedication of foster children, leading her to become a foster parent and court-appointed advocate. Leah's experiences revealed the pervasive use of psychiatric drugs in foster care and the state's strict vaccination mandates for foster families.

    Recognizing the broader impact of one-size-fits-all medical mandates on child welfare, Leah founded Stand for Health Freedom (SHF) in 2019 to advocate for all children nationwide. She holds a law degree from Saint Louis University and a dual bachelor's degree in political science and Spanish from Indiana University.

    Leah also owns MaxLiving Indy, a prominent natural health center, and is a well-known educator and speaker on holistic health, religious rights, and environmental issues.


    References in The Episode:

    Weston A Price Foundation

    Additional Resources:

    Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at www.autismparentingsecrets.comBe sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.

  • Welcome to Episode 206 of Autism Parenting Secrets.

    This week, we’re focusing on the perspective of the sibling of a child with autism.

    Their lives are absolutely impacted, yet their needs are often ignored or unintentionally not prioritized.

    Joining us is David Kartzinel, son of Dr. Jerry Kartzinel, who was on the show last month (Episode 199) and brother to Josh, who is on the autism spectrum.

    Nurturing the relationship with your child who is NOT on the spectrum can feel like another ball in the air you must juggle - and it can add to the overwhelm a parent feels.

    But you CAN meet the needs of all your children and you can also tap the tremendous positive force of siblings in supporting your child on the spectrum.

    The secret this week is

    SIBLINGS Are the Greatest Therapists

    You'll Discover:

    What It’s Like Being The Sibling of a Child With Autism (3:20)The Role of Counseling and Self-Care for Siblings (8:46)The Impact of Autism on SIBLINGS (14:57)Techniques To Release Trauma (26:24)Specific Actions To Take With Your Child Who’s NOT On The Spectrum (32:34)Why It’s Never Too Late For Open Communication (45:15)How To Nurture Relationships In Challenging Times (52:25)

    About Our Guest:

    David Kartzinel is the office manager for Kartzinel Wellness Center with 15 years of experience and the Executive Director of Home Life Community. He has spearheaded various technological changes and specializes in maximizing the practice’s efficiency.

    David received his Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies from Union University in 2008. David grew up with autism as a part of his life since he was 13 years old when his youngest brother Joshua was diagnosed at age 2 with autism. He is passionate about helping siblings and parents understand the long-term effects of living with a special needs sibling, especially with regard to its impacts on the siblings, both negative and positive.

    Now an adult sibling with children of his own, he continues to work for his father helping families with children who have autism. David brings a unique perspective that blends a very honest, realistic take with a good-natured optimism that focuses on ensuring a family learns to understand each other and work to improve and move forward together, whatever challenges the family may face.

    [email protected]


    References in The Episode:

    The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel van der KolkParenting From The Inside Out by Dan SiegelAdam Lane Smith Life Coach

    Additional Resources:

    Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at www.autismparentingsecrets.comBe sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.

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    Klik her for at forny feed.

  • Welcome to Episode 205 of Autism Parenting Secrets.

    Our guest this week is Niall MacMillan, a father of three who understands the power of non-verbal communication.

    Last year, his youngest son Ellison was diagnosed with autism and Niall and his family have been on a learning journey since then.

    Niall has millions of followers on TikTok and Instagram where he portrays a character that doesn't speak and communicates through facial expressions.

    And that’s been one KEY way he has developed a strong bond with his son, who is non-verbal.

    The secret this week is

    Your FACE Can Inspire More SPEECH

    You'll Discover:

    One Dad’s Perspective On The World of Autism (4:54)The Birth of a Viral Social Media Sensation (12:24)How To Supercharge Your Words (18:41)How Timers Can Help With Transitions (21:09)The Freedom Of Not Caring About What Others Think (25:11)The Facial Expression That DOESN’T Work (28:40)How To Work Your Way Into Your Child’s World (31:15)Practical Tips for Using Facial Expression (35:40)Where To See Facial Expression In Action (41:58)

    About Our Guest:

    Niall Macmillan is a dad of three children and one of social media’s most popular content creators, with 8.5 million followers across TikTok and Instagram. Niall has become Gen Z’s answer to Mr Bean thanks to his ‘Awkward’ social media character. Niall lives in the UK with his wife and three children and works a 9-5 job as well as creating his hilarious social media content, which has seen him work with the likes of Amazon, Sony, Universal, and the BBC.

    Niall MacMillan on TikTok (@niallmacmillan)

    Niall MacMillan on Instagram (@niallmacmillan)

    References in The Episode:


    Additional Resources:

    Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at www.autismparentingsecrets.comBe sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.

  • Welcome to Episode 204 of Autism Parenting Secrets.

    Award-winning film and television producer Scott Steindorff joins us this week.

    Scott’s most recent film, Understanding Autism, was just released on PBS.

    In this documentary, Scott explores his own autism and seeks to reframe perceptions of neurodiversity by highlighting the talents and perspectives of autistic individuals across the spectrum.

    Scott is president of Stone Village Films and is known for his work as the executive producer of HBO’s Emmy-nominated "Station Eleven" and Golden Globe-winning "Empire Falls".

    This discussion delves into the importance of acceptance, understanding, and adapting to the unique needs of autistic children.

    Parents, schools, and communities can shift from trying to change these amazing kids to embracing their extraordinary ways.

    The secret this week is


    You'll Discover:

    The Magic of Autistic LOVE (5:54)Why KINDNESS Works (10:30)The Thing Parents Need To Do The Most (14:50)An Approach That Just Isn’t Going To Work (19:00)Why Tough Love Is NOT Love (25:07)What Parents (And Schools) Need To Learn (29:50)The Magic of Going WITH Your Child’s Special Interests (35:30)

    About Our Guest:

    Scott Steindorff is an award-winning film and television producer and president of Stone Village Films. Known for his work as the executive producer of HBO’s Emmy-nominated "Station Eleven" and Golden Globe-winning "Empire Falls," Scott also produced the inspirational documentary "Understanding Autism." In this film, he explores his own autism and seeks to reframe perceptions of neurodiversity by highlighting the talents and perspectives of autistic individuals across the spectrum.

    Scott has a robust portfolio in the entertainment industry, having brought to life notable projects such as "Las Vegas," "Chef," "The Lincoln Lawyer," and more. Additionally, he is a Professor of Practice at Arizona State University, where he teaches about the intersection of emotions and art. Scott also serves as a board member for the ARC and advocates for neurodiversity, speaking at various educational institutions about the importance of emotional intelligence and confronting substance abuse.


    References in The Episode:

    Understanding Autism Documentary

    Additional Resources:

    Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at www.autismparentingsecrets.comBe sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.

  • Welcome to Episode 203 of Autism Parenting Secrets.

    This week, we’re focusing on the transformative power of JOYFUL interactions with children on the autism spectrum.

    Our guest is Becky Damgaard, a senior Son-Rise Program teacher at the Autism Treatment Center of America.

    With over two decades of experience working with children on the autism spectrum, Becky shares invaluable insights about the underestimated power of play.

    In this discussion, we explore how simple, everyday interactions can significantly impact the lives of children with special needs.

    From the importance of face-making and physical play to the benefits of joining and paying attention to "green light" moments, Becky emphasizes how play isn’t just fun but a vital element in developing communication skills, cognitive abilities, and social connections.

    If you’re looking to deepen your connection with your child and understand how to be their greatest resource, this episode is a treasure trove of wisdom.

    Stay tuned as we dive into these playful secrets that promise not only to enhance engagement but also to enrich relationships.

    The secret this week is 

    PLAY Is The Way

    You'll Discover:

    Why PLAY Is The Gateway (5:13)The Backstory of The Autism Treatment Center of America (8:38)What Is IAS And Why You Want To Lengthen It (11:05)Ways To Forge A Deeper Connection With Your Child (18:48)How To Be ENTERTAINING (24:12)The Power Of The Three “E”s (31:27)Small Yet Powerful Shifts A Parent Can Make (36:41)A One-Of-A-Kind Weeklong Experience (39:41)

    About Our Guest:

    Becky Damgaard is a Senior Son-Rise Program Teacher at the Autism Treatment Center of America. Her passion for supporting children with special needs began in an elementary school classroom, where she witnessed the misunderstood challenges faced by children on the autism spectrum. Recognizing the need for a child-centered approach, she joined the Autism Treatment Center of AmericaÂź, relocating from the UK to pursue her calling. For the past two decades, Becky has dedicated herself to teaching The Son-Rise Program, working directly with over 700 individual children, and supporting thousands of families worldwide in individual and group settings. Her unwavering commitment and personalized approach have helped these children reach their true potential. Becky describes her work as her life's mission, and her efforts continue to inspire and bring hope to those she serves.


    References in The Episode:

    The Son-Rise Program Start-Up

    Additional Resources:

    Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at www.autismparentingsecrets.comBe sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.

  • Welcome to Episode 202 of Autism Parenting Secrets.

    This week, we focus on the incredibly important topic of water safety for kids on the autism spectrum, as they are 160 times more likely to drown than neurotypical kids.

    We’re joined by Dayna Harvey, a Water Safety Expert who educates and empowers parents with information, strategies, and hands-on tools to keep their children safer in and around water.

    She is also a swimming lesson teacher who teaches children the skills they need to save their lives.

    Her mission to eradicate drowning has intensified as drowning continues to be the #1 cause of accidental death in children under 5.

    The secret this week is

    Take WATER SAFETY Seriously

    You'll Discover:

    The Shocking Rate of Drowning for Kids on the Autism Spectrum (4:00)Why Swimming Lessons Aren’t Enough (6:56)The WATCHING Initiative (8:57)Why Supervision Isn’t Enough (11:47)The Biggest Distraction For Parents (14:49)Why EVERYBODY In Your Circle Needs To Be Vigilant (17:24)The Limitations of Life Jackets (21:59)Not Knowing Is Not OK (27:22)

    About Our Guest:

    Dayna Harvey is a Water Safety Expert (educating and empowering parents with information, strategies, and hands-on tools to keep their children safer in and around water), and she is a swimming lesson teacher (instructing children in the skills they need to save their lives). Dayna was first certified in 1988 and she has been impacting families ever since. The mission to eradicate drowning has intensified as drowning continues to be the #1 cause of accidental death in children under 5. Dayna and the Waiting Whale kids have created The WATCHING Initiative and The Waiting Whale - Water Safety Kit, important tools for parents to have in their homes as they teach their children "Where there is water, I will WAIT!"



    References in The Episode:

    Autism Swim“The Reason I Jump” Audiobook

    Additional Resources:

    Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at www.autismparentingsecrets.comBe sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.

  • Welcome to Episode 201 of Autism Parenting Secrets.

    Today we’re talking about the transformative power of food for you and especially your child.

    And we’re joined by someone who was a very early guide for us in helping us see the path forward.

    Julie Matthews is a Certified Nutrition Consultant and published researcher specializing in personalized nutrition for complex neurological conditions, particularly autism spectrum disorder and ADHD for over 20 years.

    She received her master’s degree in medical nutrition, with distinction, from Arizona State University.

    She’s the author of the award-winning book Nourishing Hope for Autism and co-author of two research studies demonstrating the efficacy of nutrition and therapeutic diet intervention for autism.

    Julie supports clinicians and families from around the world with her nutrition programs and professional training courses.

    And she’s here today to share why food matters more than you think.

    The secret this week is

    Science Supports DIET CHANGES

    You'll Discover:

    Items To Eliminate Now (6:47)The Problem With MSG (8:25)Gluten-Free Items To Be Wary Of (14:48)Why It’s Never Too Late To Start (20:24)Surprising Facts About Diet Changes (23:01)A Little Known Diet With Surprising Efficacy (25:11)The Power of Bioindividualization (39:03)

    About Our Guest:

    Julie Matthews, MS, is a Certified Nutrition Consultant and published researcher specializing in personalized nutrition for complex neurological conditions, particularly autism spectrum disorder and ADHD for over 20 years. She received her master’s degree in medical nutrition, with distinction, from Arizona State University. She is the author of the award-winning book Nourishing Hope for Autism and co-author of two research studies demonstrating the efficacy of nutrition and therapeutic diet intervention for autism. Julie supports clinicians and families from around the world with her nutrition programs and professional training courses.


    References in The Episode:

    Julie’s Step-by-Step Nutrition Program for ParentsJulie’s Free “What the Science Says” ReportRatings of the Effectiveness of 13 Therapeutic Diets for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Results of a National SurveyComprehensive Nutritional and Dietary Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder—A Randomized, Controlled 12-Month Trial

    Additional Resources:

    Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at www.autismparentingsecrets.comBe sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.

  • Welcome to Episode 200 of Autism Parenting Secrets.

    We’re honored to have Dr. Peter McCullough, a distinguished internist and cardiologist, joining us. Dr. McCullough shares his thought-provoking insights on the potential connections between childhood vaccinations, febrile seizures, and the development of autism spectrum disorders.

    In this episode, Dr. McCullough urges parents to critically evaluate the vaccination schedule and to be vigilant about the possible risks associated with vaccines. He points out the increasing number of vaccines being recommended, including during pregnancy, and calls for greater transparency about their safety.

    Dr. McCullough also touches on natural approaches to health and the importance of recognizing children's unique talents.

    Join us as we dive deep, question commonly held beliefs, and explore the empowering message that Dr. McCullough brings to the autism parenting community.

    This is an episode about seeking knowledge, fostering open dialogue, and making informed decisions for the well-being of our children.

    The secret this week is

    Take A COURAGEOUS Stand For Your Child

    You'll Discover:

    A Possible Reason for Childhood Seizures (4:54)How The Immune Systems Impacts The Brain (7:16)The Importance of Doing Your Own Research (10:34)Propaganda Terms You Need to Know (18:46)Who You Need To Be Wary Of (23:09)The Need For Courage And How To Deal With Criticism (26:34)

    About Our Guest:

    Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist holding degrees from Baylor University, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, University of Michigan, and Southern Methodist University. He manages common infectious diseases as well as the cardiovascular complications of both the viral infection and the injuries developing after the COVID-19 vaccine in Dallas, TX, USA. Dr. McCullough has broadly published on a range of topics in medicine with > 1000 publications and > 685 citations in the National Library of Medicine. His works include “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection,” the first widely utilized treatment regimen for ambulatory patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the American Journal of Medicine and subsequently updated in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. Subsequently, he published the first detoxification approach titled “Clinical Rationale for SARS-CoV-2 Base Spike Protein Detoxification in Post-COVID-19 and Vaccine Injury Syndromes” in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. He has dozens of peer-reviewed publications on the infection and has commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis in TheHill, America Out Loud, and on FOX NEWS Channel. Dr. McCullough testified multiple times in the US Senate, European Parliament, Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, Arizona Senate and House of Representatives, Colorado General Assembly, New Hampshire Senate, Pennsylvania Senate, and South Carolina Senate concerning many aspects of the pandemic response. Dr. McCullough has had years of dedicated academic and clinical efforts in combating the SARS-CoV-2 virus and, in doing so, has reviewed thousands of reports, participated in scientific congresses, group discussions, and press releases, and has been considered among the world's experts on COVID-19.

    Dr. Peter McCullough www.petermcculloughmd.com

    Chief Scientific Officer, The Wellness Company

    President, McCullough Foundation

    Author, Courage to Face COVID-19

    Radio Show


    References in The Episode:

    The World Council For Health

    Additional Resources:

    Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at www.autismparentingsecrets.comBe sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.

  • Welcome to Episode 199 of Autism Parenting Secrets.

    Dr. Jerry Kartzinel joins us and we delve into holistic approaches for supporting children with autism, exploring the significance of dietary changes like gluten and dairy-free diets, the importance of addressing gut health sleep issues, and minimalizing the impact on siblings.

    Dr. Kartzinel is an internationally known author, lecturer, and clinician who has helped so many children recover from chronic debilitating diseases.

    For over 30 years, he’s been helping children and families regain health by some of the most natural means possible.

    Dr. Kartzinel practiced traditional pediatric medicine until his fourth boy was diagnosed with Autism.

    He realized that the traditional approach to medicine was limited to treating a disease state with a medication but with little thought about why the disease state occurred in the first place.

    Dr. Kartzinel turned to nutritional and preventative medicine for answers, and he practices integrative medicine—using supplements, diet modification, and, if necessary, prescription medications to manage the various medical challenges his patients face.

    The secret this week is

    Autism IS Treatable

    You'll Discover:

    Ways To Address Gut Issues (5:49)The Importance of a 100% Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Diet (13:35)Why A Clinical Approach Is Required (19:48)Some Key Root Causes To Look Out For (26:38)Why Commitment and Consistency Is Essential (31:05)How To Get Back To Basics First (33:25)

    About Our Guest:

    Dr. Jerry Kartzinel, M.D., is an internationally known author, lecturer, and clinician who has been featured on TV and radio and has helped numerous children recover from chronic debilitating diseases. He is passionate about helping children and families regain health by some of the most natural means possible.

    Both national and local media have featured Dr. Kartzinel’s approach to health and nutrition, including Larry King Live!, 20/20, and The Today Show.

    Dr. Kartzinel received his Doctorate of Medicine at St. Louis University School of Medicine and completed his pediatric training at Keesler Air Force Base. Following Desert Storm, Dr. Kartzinel practiced traditional pediatric medicine until his fourth boy was diagnosed with Autism and all its related chronic diseases.

    Dr. Kartzinel realized that the traditional approach to medicine was limited to treating a disease state with medication but with little thought about why the disease state occurred in the first place. The problem lies with chronically reoccurring diseases or conditions of the human being that just will not improve with a traditional approach. Dr. Kartzinel turned to the field of nutritional and preventative medicine for answers. This new approach has demonstrated marked clinical improvements in his patients — way beyond what he had initially hoped for!



    Additional Resources:

    Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at www.autismparentingsecrets.comBe sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.

  • Welcome to Episode 198 of Autism Parenting Secrets.

    This week on Autism Parenting Secrets, we dive into something truly life-changing - the power of breathwork.

    We’re joined by Niraj Naik, the founder of SomaBreath, a global breathwork movement.

    We discuss the importance of breathwork in managing stress and improving overall health.

    Naik explains how breath control techniques can help parents deal with the stress of raising a child with autism and improve their relationships.

    He also introduces the concept of neurosomatic programming and the role of breath work in rewiring the unconscious mind.

    The episode concludes with a guided breathwork session and a discussion on the benefits of incorporating breathwork into daily life.

    The secret this week is

    Breathwork OBLITERATES Stress

    You'll Discover:

    How Breathwork Is Like A Pharmacy (9:24)Why You Want To Breathe Less, Not More (13:56)How Neurosomatic Programming Can Work For You (19:34)A Powerful Technique You Can Do Everyday (24:53)Slow Breathing Techniques For Your Child (39:36)

    About Our Guest:

    Niraj Naik is the founder of SOMA Breath, a global wellness and breathwork movement.

    Niraj began his journey as a community pharmacist, but a personal health battle with an autoimmune disease led him to dive into holistic health and breathwork, ultimately healing himself.

    This sparked his mission to help solve major world issues, from depression to chronic diseases, by addressing the cause and showing you how to be naturally high, happy, and healthy in the most enjoyable way!

    He established SOMA Breath, a pioneering global breathwork movement. With over 2000 certified instructors, SOMA Breath is changing lives around the globe, gaining a reputation as one of the most powerful transformational experiences.

    Big names in wellness, like Ben Greenfield, Marisa Peer, Vishen Lakhiani, and Dave Asprey, love and endorse Niraj's breathwork techniques.

    His breakthrough methods are so unique that neurologists at Cambridge University are studying them

    Not just stopping at breathwork, Niraj produced the music and audio tracks for the Wim Hof Method courses and app, loved by millions worldwide.

    In collaboration with Rituals, a top cosmetics brand, Niraj co-created an immersive meditation technology, a world-first Mind Spa that's changing the way we relax.

    Apart from SOMA Breath, Niraj, known as "The Renegade Pharmacist", is regularly featured in global media and on hundreds of podcasts.

    He’s on a mission to turn personal adversity into a global wellness revolution, one breath at a time.




    References in The Episode:

    Free Soma Breath Course21 Day Awakening Breath JourneyWim Hof MethodVishen Lakhiani - MindvalleyTherasageSauna Space (use discount code APS5)

    Additional Resources:

    Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at www.autismparentingsecrets.comBe sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.

  • Welcome to Episode 197 of Autism Parenting Secrets.

    Our guest is Vicki Kobliner, a registered dietitian/nutritionist and owner of Holcare Nutrition and the Healthy Baby Roadmap.

    Vicki is passionate about helping children and families live vibrant, healthy lives using functional nutrition to maximize health, reduce disease risk and help her clients heal from chronic illness.

    Vicki works with infants through adults with chronic illnesses, autoimmune diseases, digestive disorders, eczema, allergies, Lyme, ADHD, PANS/PANDAS, and autism spectrum disorders.

    She provides fertility and prenatal nutrition counseling with a focus on reducing the risk of chronic illnesses in children.

    She is a contributing author to two books: A Compromised Generation: The Epidemic of Chronic Illness in America's Children and Essential Remedies for Women’s Health.

    She has lectured nationally and internationally about the role of nutrition in chronic disease and acts as faculty for the Autism Research Institute and the Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs.

    Vicki makes the case for preconception planning and prenatal nutrition in reducing the risk of chronic illnesses in children.

    We also discuss the importance of nutrition for children and share practical tips for improving their diet.

    Parents CAN make positive changes and take action to improve their children's nutrition.

    The secret this week is

    Stack The Deck For A HEALTHY Child

    You'll Discover:

    The Continuum To Improve Quality (7:32)Reasons To Rethink Snacks (9:35)Reasons To Go PLANT FORWARD (11:40)What’s MTHFR And What Can You Do About It (15:04)The Importance of the Microbiome (17:44)C-Section Do’s & Don'ts (19:43)Why Defending Against Toxins Is Critical (22:03)Something NOT To Lose Sight Of (28:43)Where Some Of The Most Important Clues Can Be Found (38:37)

    About Our Guest:

    Vicki Kobliner, MS RDN CD-N, is a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist and owner of Holcare Nutrition and the Healthy Baby Roadmap. Vicki is passionate about helping children and families live vibrant, healthy lives using functional nutrition to maximize health, reduce disease risk, and help her clients heal from chronic illness. Vicki works with infants through adults with chronic illnesses, autoimmune diseases, digestive disorders, eczema, allergies, Lyme, ADHD, PANS/PANDAS, and autism spectrum disorders. She provides fertility and prenatal nutrition counseling with a focus on reducing the risk of chronic illnesses in children. She is a contributing author to two books: A Compromised Generation: The Epidemic of Chronic Illness in America's Children and Essential Remedies for Women’s Health. She has lectured nationally and internationally about the role of nutrition in chronic disease and acts as faculty for the Autism Research Institute and the Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs.




    References in The Episode:

    Healthy Baby RoadmapFood Rules by Michael PollanEWG Dirty DozenEWG Clean 15EWG Skin Deep

    Additional Resources:

    Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at www.autismparentingsecrets.comBe sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.

  • Welcome to Episode 196 of Autism Parenting Secrets.

    Joining the show this week is Robert Scott Bell.

    He is a homeopathic practitioner, author, and host of the Robert Scott Bell Radio Show, where he discusses everyday health issues from the perspective of alternative and holistic health care.

    He is also a keynote speaker, lecturer, and educator who passionately advocates effective natural health and healing choices.

    And nearly 30 years ago, he reversed his own chronic conditions with natural approaches, including homeopathy.

    We focus on the importance of parents being the chief decision-maker for their child’s health and the need for a healthy skepticism towards external forces.

    The secret this week is

    YOU Are The Authority

    You'll Discover:

    Why You Want a Healthy Skepticism (4:21)What The Body Really Needs (10:16)How Homeopathy Works (12:48)Ways To Help Your Kids Thrive (19:20)Why You HAVE To Be The Authority (28:32)How To Step Into Your True Power (35:11)

    About Our Guest:

    In broadcast media since 1999, Robert Scott Bell, D.A. Hom. (American Academy of Clinical Homeopathy 1994) served on the board of the American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists (1999-2001), currently serving on the Board for Trinity School of Natural Health and United Precious Metals Association. Robert Scott Bell is a homeopathic practitioner, an author and an expert in silver and copper therapeutics.

    As a keynote speaker, lecturer, and educator, he shares his expertise and practical experience with a broad range of audiences, from Health Care and Wellness Professional forums to Natural Industry trade and consumer shows, addressing those who are seeking the depth of his knowledge, education and key insights from his years of holistic practice, supporting effective natural health and healing choices.

    Robert reversed numerous chronic diseases nearly 30 years ago via homeopathy, herbal medicine, organic whole foods, minerals, essential fats, and the transformational power of belief in the Holy Spirit. Robert is the father of two vaccine-free children, Elijah (23) and Ariana (18), with his wife Nancy.

    RSB co-authored Unlock the Power To Heal with Ty Bollinger. He hosts the popular Robert Scott Bell Radio Show six days a week, where he discusses everyday health issues from the perspective of alternative and holistic health care. He travels and lectures to bring the power to heal back where it belongs, with each and every one of you!


    References in The Episode:


    Additional Resources:

    Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at www.autismparentingsecrets.comBe sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.

  • Welcome to Episode 195 of Autism Parenting Secrets.

    Joining us this week is Dr. Ari Calhoun, owner of Wholesome Brain Medicine, a functional medicine practice focused on optimizing neurodevelopment and emotional regulation from the womb onwards.

    As an adjunct faculty member at the Medical Academy of Pediatrics, she’s a passionate speaker and educator on the importance of a biomedical approach to neurodevelopment disorders.

    She is particularly passionate about prevention through perinatal and early development optimization.

    She co-founded the Vaccine Empowerment Program, which helps support parents in making difficult vaccine decisions.

    Dr. Calhoun is also a founding supplement formulator and part of the clinical research team at Needed, where she helps to ensure nutritional support during pregnancy and postpartum to support both mom and baby, thereby optimizing neurodevelopment outcomes for our future generation.

    This episode sheds light on an important but little-understood concept called “immune activation”.

    Immune activation plays a significant role in brain development and can increase the risk of autism.

    The secret this week is

    Brain on Fire Starts In Utero

    You'll Discover:

    What is a Dysfunctional Immune System? (7:03)Why Synaptic Pruning Matters (9:44)The Importance of Immune Activation In Utero (13:49)Some Key Herbs and Nutrients That Modulate The Immune System (18:37)The Relationship Between Maternal Immune Activation and Autism (24:42)The Role Autoimmunity Plays (33:51)Ways To Address The Obstacles in The Way (40:31)

    About Our Guest:

    Dr. Ari Calhoun is the owner of Wholesome Brain Medicine, a functional medicine practice and consulting team focused on optimizing neurodevelopment and emotional regulation from the womb onwards.

    As an adjunct faculty member at the Medical Academy of Pediatrics, she is a passionate speaker and educator on the importance of a biomedical approach to neurodevelopment disorders.

    Within the world of neurodevelopment, she is particularly passionate about prevention through perinatal and early development optimization. While recognizing the intricate link between the immune system and neurodevelopment, she has co-founded the Vaccine Empowerment Program, which helps support parents in making difficult vaccine decisions.

    Dr. Calhoun is also a founding supplement formulator and part of the clinical research team at Needed, where she helps to ensure nutritional support during pregnancy and postpartum and goes beyond the essentials to comprehensively support both mom and baby, thereby optimizing neurodevelopment outcomes for our future generation.


    References in The Episode:

    Whole Brain MedicineThe Vaccine Empowerment Program

    Additional Resources:

    Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at www.autismparentingsecrets.comBe sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.

  • Welcome to Episode 194 of Autism Parenting Secrets.

    Our guest this week is Zen Honeycutt.

    Zen is the Founder and Director of Moms Across America, a non-profit National Coalition of Unstoppable Moms.

    She has three boys with allergies and autism symptoms, which greatly improved when they went GMO-Free and organic.

    This is Zen’s third appearance on our show, and the reason for that is simple.

    Toxic Food is NOT ok. It’s NEVER OK.

    And this episode explores one important way it’s hurting our kids.

    The secret this week is

    Fast Food FUELS Aggression & Anxiety

    You'll Discover:

    The Fast Food Chains With The Highest Levels of Glyphosate (6:13)How Glyphosate Wreaks Havoc On the Body (9:35)The Levels of Heavy Metals in Fast Food (10:36)The Levels of Veterinary Drugs and Hormones in Fast Food (16:18)The Levels of Pesticides in Fast Food (20:00)The Low Levels of Minerals and Vitamins in Fast Food (24:56)Fast Food Chains That Are Better Than Most (36:48)Some Surprising Takeaways (41:15)

    About Our Guest:

    Zen Honeycutt is the Founding Executive Director of non-profit Moms Across America, a National Coalition of Unstoppable Moms with the motto "Empowered Moms, Healthy Kids." Moms Across America’s leaders created over 1,000 community events in all 50 states to raise awareness about GMOs, toxins in the food supply, and other environmental issues that pose risks to the health of our families. The organization's mission is to educate and empower mothers and others with actions and solutions to create healthy communities, and it has had over 100 million impressions on social media and beyond.

    Zen’s inspiration came from her three boys, who had allergies, autoimmune, asthma, and autism symptoms, which greatly improved when they went GMO-free and organic.

    Zen is the author of UNSTOPPABLE, Transforming Sickness and Struggle into Triumph, Empowerment, and Celebration of Community.

    Zen has received numerous activism awards and has been featured in mainstream media news networks such as CNN, NBC, CBS, and ABC.

    Zen, formerly of Connecticut, New York City, and California, currently resides in North Carolina. She has three sons –Ben, Bodee, and Bronson, who grow food with her, along with twenty-six farm animals.


    References in The Episode:

    Autism Parenting Secrets - Episode 103: Organic + Non-GMO = Thriving FamilyAutism Parenting Secrets - Episode 130: School Lunches Aren’t Safe, Pack Your OwnWhat’s Making Our Children Sick by Dr. Michelle PerroFood and Behavior: A Natural Connection by Barbara Reed StittUnsafe at Any Meal: What the FDA Does Not Want You to Know About the Foods You Eat by Dr. Renee Joy DufaultGMO Science - The New MDs

    Additional Resources:

    Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at www.autismparentingsecrets.comBe sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.

  • Welcome to Episode 193 of Autism Parenting Secrets.

    Our guest this week is Dr. Billy DeMoss of DeMoss Chiropractic in Southern California.

    For over three decades, Dr. Billy has been living the principle and philosophy of chiropractic, sharing his innovative beliefs with his exponentially growing global following.

    This episode focuses on the game-changing benefits of chiropractic care for parents and children on the autism spectrum.

    Dr. DeMoss explains how chiropractic care can improve neurological function and help children thrive.

    The secret this week is

    Take A Stand For Your Child (With Chiropractic)

    You'll Discover:

    Misconceptions about Chiropractic Care (4:23)Neurological Benefits of Chiropractic Care (6:25)Complementary Modalities for Chiropractic Care (10:52)Why You Need to Play Better Defense Against Toxins (13:39)Why Water Matters More Than You Think (20:07)Why It All Comes Down To Reducing Inflammation (23:43)Preventive Steps You Can Take Today (33:20)

    About Our Guest:

    For over three decades, Billy DeMoss has been living the principal and philosophy of chiropractic, sharing his innovative beliefs with his exponentially growing global following. As a leader in his Southern California practice, DeMoss Chiropractic, Dr. Billy is transforming lives and educating his community on the art and science of chiropractic on a daily basis.

    Highly sought-after, Billy travels the country speaking on a plethora of topics from chiropractic to nutrition, delivering the message of health and wellness in only the way Dr. Billy could - with passion and purpose. His motto is, “Work hard, play harder”, and he does. He’s an avid surfer, snowboarder, and musician. He exemplifies living a loving, balanced, healthy, and full life and is dedicated to helping people around the world find the same for themselves. Grounded in his love of chiropractic and driven by his passion for rock and roll, Billy founded California Jam in 2008. With three action-packed days of renowned health and wellness speakers, live bands, health industry vendors, a VIP Gala dinner, and an amazing after-party, Cal Jam is now the biggest, most influential chiropractic event on the planet! But Cal Jam isn’t just about having a good time, it’s about changing the consciousness of the world and building an army for change and that is just what he is doing.


    References in The Episode:

    Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness by Dr. Thomas Cowan

    Additional Resources:

    Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at www.autismparentingsecrets.comBe sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.

  • Welcome to Episode 192 of Autism Parenting Secrets.

    Our guest this week is a legend in the world of health and wellness.

    Way back in 2005, Udo Erasmus was inducted into the Canadian Health Food Association Hall of Fame.

    Udo is the co-founder of Udo’s Choice line, which can be found in Whole Foods and other health food stores worldwide.

    Udo designed the machinery for making oils with health in mind and pioneered flax oil, now a billion-dollar industry.

    Udo is an acclaimed speaker and author of many books, including the best-selling Fats That Heal Fats That Kill, which has sold over a quarter of a million copies.

    He teaches at events hosted by Tony Robbins and Deepak Chopra, has keynoted an international brain health conference, and has traveled the globe to conduct thousands of live presentations, media interviews, and staff trainings impacting more than 25,000,000 lives with his message on oils, health, peace, nature, and human nature.

    Udo has an extensive education in biochemistry, genetics, biology, and nutrition, including a master’s degree in counseling psychology.

    The secret this week is

    Be FULLY Present

    You'll Discover:

    The Backstory of a Health & Wellness Legend (3:31)Why You’re A Solar Energy Gadget (11:19)The Hidden Message Behind Heartache (15:02)Your Homework You CAN’T Avoid (23:21)Why There’s Nothing Wrong With You (25:38)The Thing That’s EVERWHERE But Easy to Miss (28:57)How You Can REALLY Be There For Your Child (36:21)The Gift You Were Given (39:25)The Practice To Develop (44:45)

    About Our Guest:

    The legendary Udo Erasmus is the co-founder of Udo’s Choice line, which can be found in Whole Foods and other health food stores worldwide. Udo designed the machinery for making oils with health in mind and pioneered flax oil, a billion-dollar industry. However, Udo walked a difficult path to become the man he is today. Being a child of war, Udo’s life began with intense struggle. As an adult, he got pesticide poisoning in 1980, leaving doctors at a loss regarding treatment. Deciding to take his health into his own hands, Udo began researching, and his discoveries led him to a passion for finding the answers to life’s big questions which would hopefully one day bring him and the world peace.

    Today, Udo is an acclaimed speaker and author of many books, including the best-selling Fats That Heal Fats That Kill, which has sold over 250,000 copies. He teaches at events hosted by Tony Robbins and Deepak Chopra, has keynoted an international brain health conference, and has traveled to over 30 countries to conduct thousands of live presentations, media interviews, and staff trainings impacting more than 25,000,000 lives with his message on oils, health, peace, nature, and human nature. Udo has an extensive education in biochemistry, genetics, biology, and nutrition, including a master’s degree in counseling psychology.




    References in The Episode:

    Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill by Udo ErasmusGet a free digital copy of Udo's latest book, Your Body Needs An Oil Change along with a free video courseUdo's Choice supplements

    Additional Resources:

    Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at www.autismparentingsecrets.comBe sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.

  • Welcome to Episode 191 of Autism Parenting Secrets.

    Our guest this week is Dr. Nancy O’Hara, a board-certified Pediatrician dedicated to caring for children with neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric issues.

    Since 1999, she has dedicated her functional medicine practice to the integrative and holistic care of children with chronic illness and neuropsychiatric disorders such as PANDAS/PANS, BGE, OCD, Lyme, ASD, and ADHD.

    She is the author of Demystifying PANS/PANDAS: A Functional Medicine Desktop Reference on Basal Ganglia Encephalitis.

    The secret this week is

    PANS/PANDAS Requires A 3-Pronged Approach

    You'll Discover:

    What Exactly Is PANS/PANDAS (5:01)The Symptoms To Look Out For (8:02)The Area Of The Brain That’s Most Inflammed (11:25)Why Kids Get PANS/PANDAS (13:48)The 3-Pronged Approach to Treatment (16:35)How To Find The Right Practitioner (20:18)The Consequences of Untreated PANS and PANDAS (28:07)Some VERY Helpful Reminders (34:14)

    About Our Guest:

    Dr. Nancy O’Hara is a board-certified Pediatrician. Prior to her medical career, Dr. O’Hara taught children with autism. She graduated with the highest honors from Bryn Mawr College and as a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. She earned a Master’s degree in Public Health from the University of Pittsburgh. After residency, chief residency, and general pediatric fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh, Dr. O’Hara entered general private practice in 1993 and, in 1999, began her consultative, integrative practice solely for children with special needs. Since 1999, she has dedicated her functional medicine practice to the integrative and holistic care of children with chronic illness and neurodevelopmental disorders such as PANDAS/PANS/BGE, ADHD, ASD, COVID, Mold, and Lyme disease and co-infections. She is also a leader in the training of clinicians, both in the United States and abroad. Dr. O’Hara has written a comprehensive guidebook, “Demystifying PANS / PANDAS: A Functional Medicine Desktop Reference on Basal Ganglia Encephalitis”. She also has fully comprehensive and easy-to-access membership and mentorship programs at www.drohara.com.


    References in The Episode:

    Demystifying PANS/PANDAS by Dr. Nancy O’Harahttps://www.sidneymbakermd.com/https://aspire.care/MedMaps.org

    Additional Resources:

    Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at www.autismparentingsecrets.comBe sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.

  • Welcome to Episode 190 of Autism Parenting Secrets.

    This week’s conversation centers on mold and its impact on health.

    We’re joined by Brian Karr, a certified microbial investigator.

    We discuss the importance of indoor air quality and the connection between mold and chronic health conditions.

    Mold is a toxin that can harm anyone, but kids on the spectrum may be even more susceptible to harm.

    Brian explains how mold can affect the respiratory and digestive systems and emphasizes the significance of the air we breathe.

    He dispels myths about mold detection and highlights the need for thorough inspections to identify hidden mold.

    Brian also provides insights on finding a qualified mold inspector and the goals of mold inspection.

    The secret this week is

    Hidden Mold MUST Be Addressed

    You'll Discover:

    The Importance of Indoor Air Quality (5:21)How Mold Can Wreak Havoc (10:14)How To Detect Hidden Mold (15:11)Challenges with Mold Inspection and Certification (23:03)The Two Goals of Mold Inspection (28:29)The Benefits of Dust Testing (35:51)How to Find a Qualified Mold Inspector (41:44)Why It’s Crirical To KNOW If There's a Problem (49:09)

    About Our Guest:

    Brian Karr is a second-generation indoor environmental consultant who specializes in working with hypersensitive individuals with complex chronic medical conditions. He helps individuals and families understand if mold, mycotoxins, or other indoor pathogens exist in their homes that may be contributing to their health conditions and how to remedy those issues.

    Brian has become a mold & biotoxin expert to many medical practitioners across the country and has helped over 5,000 hypersensitive individuals worldwide to create healthier living environments that have allowed their doctors to help them get better.

    Brian is the Co-Founder of We Inspect, the host of #moldfinders: RADIO, and an expert at identifying indicators of mold growth. Including but not limited to strategic sampling, validating, and developing remedial strategies for mold growth and biotoxin production in all areas of a home or building, including walls, floors, ceilings, crawl spaces, basements, attics, and HVAC systems.


    The Dust Test

    Additional Resources:

    Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at www.autismparentingsecrets.comBe sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.

  • Welcome to Episode 189 of Autism Parenting Secrets.

    Our guest this week is Dr. James Neuenschwander (Dr. Neu), President of the Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs (MAPS).

    MAPS is a group of professionals who offer a Comprehensive Education & Fellowship to Medical Professionals for the care of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and related chronic complex conditions.

    They empower practitioners with a learning platform that centers on an integrative/functional approach to the care of children.

    MAPS helps practitioners understand the foundations of health: metabolism/mitochondrial function, immune function, the gut microbiome and function, neurology, nutrition/diet, and environmental toxicity.

    MAPS provides these practitioners with practical tools to address issues with these systems.

    MAPS is all about equipping the practitioner to better meet the needs of your unique child.

    The secret this week is

    Choose Willing AND ABLE Practitioners

    You'll Discover:

    The History of MAPS (4:15)What It Means To Be A MAPS Fellow (7:40)Why There Is No STANDARD Protocol (10:10)How To Gauge Whether Your Doctor Is A Fit (13:30)How To Help Your Doctor Expand Their Knowledge And Their Toolbox (18:00)A Big Mistake To Avoid (19:25)The Qualities To Look For In A Practitioner (23:25)A Pressing Need That Is NOT Being Met (32:45)A Big Word Of Caution (37:45)The Case For Gluten-Free and Why It’s NOT For Everyone (41:00)Why Autism Is A Moving Target (45:15)

    About Our Guest:

    James Neuenschwander, M.D., FMAPS, aka Dr. Neu, is a physician dually board certified in Emergency and Integrative medicine. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan with both a bachelor’s degree in cellular and molecular biology as well as a medical degree. For over 30 years, he has cared for chronically ill children and adults using the philosophy of “healing illness at its source.” Since 2007, he has incorporated the care of children on the autism spectrum to his practice. He continues to apply the latest science to the care of his patients. Dr. Neu is a member of multiple professional societies and is president of the Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs (MAPS), a group dedicated to integrative pediatrics, where he is responsible for the content of their conferences. He has spoken nationally and internationally on the topics of the bio-medical treatment of autism, the gut-brain-immune connection, identifying and managing mold and environmentally toxic patients, and the management of chronic immune activation syndromes like chronic Lyme, long COVID, and vaccine injuries. He also recognizes the importance of bodily autonomy and speaks out and testifies against mandated medical procedures.


    References in The Episode:

    MedMaps.orgPubmed.comBio Energy Medica CenterMAPS SPRING CONFERENCE - March 14th - 16th, 2024Autism Parenting Secrets Episode 143 - Ensure Your Doctor Meets Your Child’s Needs with Honey Rinicella, Executive Director of MAPS

    Additional Resources:

    Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at www.autismparentingsecrets.comBe sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.

  • Welcome to Episode 188 of Autism Parenting Secrets.

    We’re talking about stem cells this week.

    It’s an intervention you’ve likely heard about, but it’s one that isn’t widely understood.

    Our guest this week is Dr. Eric Weiss, and he sheds light on this topic.

    Dr. Weiss is a regional leader in advanced regenerative medicine, and he’s one of the only physicians in the country utilizing umbilical cord stem cells to provide relief for adults and kids alike.

    Umbilical cord blood contains powerful cells with chemical signals that optimize the healing capacity of the human body.

    They seek out inflamed cells that are old, damaged, or injured and use this therapy to restore them.

    Dr. Weiss uses regenerative therapy to treat autism, and his son, Marston, has seen tremendous healing of his condition.

    His latest book, Educating Marston, details his and his wife Christine’s journey in using stem cell therapy with their son.

    The secret this week is


    You'll Discover:

    The Backstory of Umbilical Cord Blood & Stem Cells (3:19)How Umbilical Cord Blood Is New For Autism (10:54)Key Ways To Reduce Brain Inflammation (15:24)How To Turn On NEURORESTORATION (19:40)Key Things To Consider (22:43)The Global Regulatory Landscape (28:09)Risks, Benefits And Insurance Coverage Considerations (31:21)

    About Our Guest

    Dr. Eric Weiss is the Co-Author of Educating Marston. Dr Weiss practices all aspects of plastic surgery including: breast reconstruction. He has recently incorporated Umbilical Cord Blood/Stem Cells into his practice after seeing the incredible healing properties in his son Marston. Born in Brunswick, Maine, he spent his early childhood in Florida. His father was a physician, and mother was a psychologist, both with busy practices. Dr. Weiss graduated Magna Cum Laude from Davidson College with special attainments in chemistry and attended Duke University Medical School.


    References in The Episode:

    Educating Marston, A Mother & Son’s Journey Though Autism, Christine Weiss and Dr. Eric Weisshttps://clinicaltrials.gov/

    Additional Resources:

    Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at www.autismparentingsecrets.comBe sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram

    If you enjoyed this episode, share it with your friends.