The Spiritual Journalist is a twice-weekly live conversation for the deeply curious soul. Hosted and produced by former TV reporter, Olivia DeGennaro, these discussions aim at making topics like spirituality, manifestation, and mental health more approachable. We stream LIVE on Tuesdays and Thursdays on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter and we’d love you to join the dialogue!
High Frequency Females is a space in time for women who are trying to live a life of a higher vibration. A space where women can be unapologetic for being their true and authentic selves and speak their truth with conviction, free of judgement and pressure. I'll be talking to incredible women who are experts in their fields, such as psychologists, poets, personal trainers even reiki healers, psychics and yoga teachers. Women who can guide us on our life's journey. I'll also be having conversations with women who have lived real and emotional experiences. Experiences we need to humanise and bring light to. Areas and problems in society which aren’t always discussed publicly whether it's from shame or embarrassment. I want to create safe space for women to take their power back. We all have so much to learn, we need to learn to support each other and raise our vibrations as a collective, because we're all living this human experience. Living a life at a higher frequency is a place I want all women to live, and to have the strength to empower ourselves to start living the life we want and the life which we deserve. Welcome to the High Frequency Females Podcast. Xxxx
I’ve been a writer my whole life, and I have had many things to say but have stunted my voice. I’m learning to honor it now.
On this show I will walk through thought provoking content of awareness of self as well as our contributions to this world. My hope is that I spark thought for others to reflect on with me.
I will also guide you through meditations that help one connect to self. Reflecting on thoughts and the world cannot be effective if I am not also connected to my higher self with understanding of my own mind.
If you want to support my content, you can donate to $NikMullowney on cashapp. -
Queer-Muslimisches Leben? Gibt es sowas? Und dann auch noch in Deutschland? Die Antwort lautet: Ja! Wir wollen queere (Ex-)Muslim*innen sichtbar machen und mit ihnen ins Gespräch kommen. Ihr hört hier den Podcast der Anlaufstelle Islam Diversity. Am Mikrofon: Tugay. Und jede Folge ein neuer Gast. Ein Projekt der Ibn-Rushd-Goethe-Moschee. Stay tuned!